A CHECK LIST OF MEDICAL INCUNABULA IN THE SURGEON GENERAL’S LIBRARY, WASHINGTON, D. C., 1918 HE following check list of incunabula ministration have succeeded in increasing in the Surgeon Generals Library is the number of our incunabula. Tcompiled not only for only for the convence This list is published in the Annals of of the library, to enaEIeus”to state at a glance Medical History to give the material a what it possesses of early printed books, wider circulation among readers of medical flut also in the interest of the students of literature. I hope that other lists of the medical history. The list does not make a medical incunabula available in public and pretentious claim to bibliography. private libraries may be presented to the Dr. Arnold C. Klebs has in preparation public through this medium so that the a bibliography of all medical incunabula, files of the Annals will eventually contain including those in our library and those in a complete bibliography of the medical other American libraries, in which the en­ incunabula in this country. tries will be given in full. As I have already stated in my paper Champe Carter McCulloch “On Incunabula,” published in the Bulletin Librarian oj the Medical Library Association, N. S., LIST OF INCUNABULA Vol. V, No. 1 (July, 1915), the first attempt at listing'medical incunabula was made by 1. ABIOSUS, JOANNES. Trutina rerum the late J. Stockton Hough of Trenton, coelestium et terrestrium. [Venezia, New Jersey. Joannes Rubeus, a. 5 February, 1498.] It cannot be the aim of our library, just Quarto. as it cannot be the aim of any library, no Reichling, IV, p. 97. Hain 25. matter how large its endowment or ap­ 2. ABRAHAM BEN EZRA. De nativita- propriation, to own all the incunabula in tibus. Venezia, Erhard Ratdolt, 24 existence, especially when one takes into December, 1485. Quarto. Bound with: account the fact that there are about 28,000 Prognosticon, etc. Venezia, 1485. of these rare volumes, and that in some Hain-Copinger *21. Proctor 4407. Pel- instances only a few copies have been pre­ Iechet 16. Walters p. 2. Redgrave served and in some, only one. Prof. Karl 46. Sudhoff, of Leipzig, estimated the number of medical incunabula at about 2,000. We 3. ABULCASIS. Liber servitoris. Venezia, are inclined to place the number much lower, Nicolas Jensen, 1471. Quarto. but refrain from giving any approximate Bound with: Nicolaus. Antidotarium. figure. Pellechet 411. Proctor * 4075. Early printed books must be judged from 4. TGIDIUS CORBOLIENSIS. De two points of view; first, from the standpoint pulsibus. Commentator: Gentilis de of the intrinsic value of the book itself, and, Fulgineo. Editor: Avenantius Mu- second, from a bibliographical standpoint. tius de Camerino. Padova, Mat- This must be the guiding principle for a thaeus Cerdonis, January, 1484. special library like ours, when making a Quarto. collection of incunabula. If possible, every printer and every town should be repre­ Hain * 103. Pellechet 64. Proctor sented by a good specimen dealing with the 6815. subject in which the library in question is 5. ZEGIDIUS CORBOLIENSIS. Car­ most interested. men de urinis cum commentario. Car­ On this principle the incunabula for the men de pulsibus. Commentator: Gen­ library of the Surgeon General’s Office were tilis de Fulgineo. Editor: Avenan­ collected; notwithstanding the limited tius de Camerino. Venezia, Bernar- means I have tried to enlarge our collection dinus de Vitalibus, 16 February, 1494. of early printed books and during my ad­ Quarto. Hain * ioi. Pellechet 62. Proctor primam. Ferrara, Andreas Belfor- 5522. tis. 24 January, 1489. Folio. Imperfect. Hain 1552. Burger p. 340. Reichling 6. ALBERTUS MAGNUS. Liber aggre­ II, p. 118. gations de virtutibus herbarum. [Ant­ 15. ARCULANUS, JOANNES. Practica werp, Mathias van der Goes, c. i486.] seu expositio in IX Iibrum Rhazis ad Quarto. Almansorem. Venezia, Bernardinus Campbell’s Annales 80+Supp. II, *80 Stagninus, 12 November, 1493. Folio. Burger p. 418. Hain-Copinger * 13899. 7. ALBERTUS MAGNUS. De animali- 16. ARCULANUS, JOANNES. Exposi­ bus. Venezia, Joannes & Gregorius tio in Avicennae canonis quarti Fen de Gregoriis, 21 May, 1495. Folio. primam. Venezia, Bonetus Locatel- Hain * 547. Pellechet 341. Proctor lus, 27 October, 1496. Folio. Bound with Gian Matteo Ferrari da Grado, 4541. 1502. 8. ALBERTUS MAGNUS. Liber aggre­ Hain-Copinger * 1553. CoIIijn Up­ gations de virtutibus herbarum. sala 788. [Speier, Conrad Hist, or Eichstatt; 17. ARCULANUS, JOANNES. Practica Michael Reyser.] Quarto. seu expositio in IX Iibrum Rhazis ad Pellechet 343. Almansorem. Venezia, Bonetus Lo- 9. ALCANIS, LUIS. Regiment preser- CATELLUS for OCTAVIANUS SCOTUS, l8 vatiu e curatiu de la pestilencia. [Va- September, 1497. Folio. lencia, Nicolaus Spindeler, c. 1490.] Hain-Copinger * 13900. Burger p. 482. Quarto. 18. ARGELLATA, PETRUS DE. Chirur- Undescribed. gia. Venezia, Benedictus of Genova, 10. ALEXANDER OF APHRODISIAS. 9 August, 1480. Folio. Problemata. Latin translation by Proctor 4596. Pellechet 1161. Hain Georgius Valla. Aristoteles: 1635. Reichling IV, p. 120. Problemata. Plutarch : Problemata. 19. ARGELLATA, PETRUS DE. Chirur- Venezia, Antonius de Strata, 24 gia. Venezia, [Joannes & Gregorius November, 18 December, 1488—3 Jan­ Gregoriis], 12 September, 1499. Folio. uary, 1489. Folio. Bound with: Alsaharavius. Liber Hain-Copinger * 658. Pellechet 439. theoricae nec non practicae, 1319. Voullieme Berlin 3917. Proctor 4594. Hain 1639. Copinger III, 241. Proc­ 11. ALFONSUS BONI HOMINIS. Libel- tor 5703. Reichling IV, p. 121. Ius arabicus contra malos medicos. Edi­ 20. ARISTOTELES. Opera. [Latin.] [4 tor: Joannes Elisius Neapolitanus, parts.] Augsburg, Ambrosius Keller, 1500. Quarto. 13 September—21 October, 1479. Folio. Hain * 1658 [4]. Pellechet 1176. 12. ALMENAR, JOAN. De morbo gal- British Museum Catalogue II, 361 Iico. Venezia, 1302. Torrella, Cas­ [ I—III ]. Voullieme Berlin 195-197. par. De dolore cum tractatu de ulceri- Proctor 1747-1749. bus in pudendagra. Roma, Johann Besicken with Martin of Amster­ 21. ARISTOTELES. Problemata. Ad­ dam. 31 October, 1300. Quarto. dition: De vita et morte Aristotelis. Proctor 4000. Hain-Copinger 15559. [Coin, Heinrich Quentell. c. 1490- Voullieme Berlin. 3547. 1495.] Quarto. Woodcut. Hain *1721. Pellechet 1220. Proctor 13. ARCANA. Arcana Medicinae. [Ge­ 1410. Burger p. 552. British Mu­ neve: Louis Cruse, e. 1490.] Quarto. seum Catalogue I, p. 281. Pellechet 1105. 22. ARNOLDUS DE VILLANOVA. Trac- 14. ARCULANUS, JOANNES. Exposi- tatus de venenis. Addition: Valascus tio in Avicennae canonis quart! Fen de Taranta. De epidemia et peste. [Mantova, Johann Burster & Thomas 29. ARTICELLA. Seu thesaurus operum of Hermannstadt. I473-] Quarto. medicorum antiquorum. Editor: Hain-Copinger* 1805. Pellechet 1307. Gregorius a Vulpe. Venezia, Bone­ Proctor 6884. tus Locatellus for Octavianus Sco­ tus. [20 December, 1492.] Folio. 23. ARNOLDUS DE VILLANOVA. Prac­ Reichling App. IV, p. 124. Pellechet tica. [Pavia, Antonius Carcanus, c. 1379. Hain 1872. 1482.] Folio. Bound with: Antonio Guaineri. Opera medica. Pavia. 30. AUGUSTIS, QUIRICUS DE. Lumen Copinger II, 647. Collijn Stockholm apothecariorum. [ Lyon: Mathieu 103. Husz, a. 13 November, 1491.] Folio. Hain *2116. Pellechet 1595. Burger 24. ARNOLDUS DE VILLANOVA. Prac­ p. 442. tica medicina. Venezia, Baptista de Tortis, 21 February, 1494. Folio. 31. AVENZOAR. Libri Theizir Averroes Hain * 1801. Proctor 4646. Burger CoIIiget. Venezia, Joannes & Grego­ rius, 4 January, 1490. Folio. Hain* p. 614. 2186. Proctor 4513. Pellechet 1952. 25. ARNOLDUS DE VILLANOVA. Prac­ Hain-Copinger 7501. Pellechet 5003. tica. Venezia, Otinus de Luna, 21 Proctor 4508. October, 1497. Folio. Bound with: Rhazes. Opera varia. [Venezia,] 32. AVENZOAR. Libri Theizir Averroes Bonetus Locatellus, 1497. CoIIiget. Venezia, Bonetus Locatel­ lus for Octavianus Scotus, 31 May, Hain Copinger * 1802. Pellechet 1275. 1496. Folio. Proctor 5606. Burger p. 487. 3- Pellechet 1653. Hain-Copinger. 2187. 26. ARNOLDUS DE VILLANOVA. De 33. AVICENNA. Canonis medicinae libri virtutibus herbarum. Venezia. Simon V. Translated by Gerard of Cre­ [de Gabis] Bevilaqua. 14 December, mona. Libellus de viribus cordis. 1499. Quarto. Numerous woodcut il­ Translated by Arnold of Villanova. lustrations [colored]. Padova, [ Johann Herbort,] 19 August, Hain* 1807. Pellechet 1315. Proctor 27 August, 27 October, 6 November, 5415. 1479. Folio. 27. ARNOLDUS DE VILLANOVA. Op­ Hain-Copinger * 2202. Pellechet 1661. era. Letter: Thomas Murchius of Proctor 6800. Genoa. Venezia, Bonetus Locatel­ 34. AVICENNA. Canonis medicinae libri lus for the heirs Octavianus Scotus, V. Translated by Gerard of Cre­ 19 January, 1305. Folio. Bound mona. Libellus de viribus cordis. with this: Dinus de Garbo. Gentilis Translated by Arnold of Villanova. de Fulgineo, Gentilis de Florentia: Ex­ Cantica, with commentary of Averroes. positio partium quarti canonis Avi­ Translated by Armengaud [ Blasius ] cennae. Additions: Dinus de Garbo. of Monte Pessulana. Venezia, Tractatus de ponderibus et mensuris. Pierre Maufer with Nicolaus de Compilatio emplastrorum et unguent- CoNTENGO OF FERRARA. 1482-3. orum. Venezia, Johann Herzog for Folio. Andrea de Torresani, 4 December, Copinger III, p. 243. Hain 2203. 1499. Folio. Pellechet 1662. Hain * 6168. Pellechet 4252. Proctor 35. AVICENNA. Canon. Venezia, Pi­ 5203. erre Maufer cum sociis, io June, 28. ARTICELLA. Seu thesaurus operum i486. Quarto. medicorum antiquorum. Editor: Hain-Copinger * 2205. Proctor 4602. Franciscus Argilagnes.
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