June 18, 1969 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 16467 EXTENSIO·NS OF REMARKS MILWAUKEE CHILDREN'S HOSPI­ corded in its 41 specialty clinics on an who have attended the Capitol Page TAL'S 75TH ANNIVERSARY outpatient basis. Those clinics are sup­ School. Today, I salute the incumbent ported by the United Community Serv­ Paul Thomas Tucker, of Weirton, W.Va. ices and are manned by members of the As Paul moves into the final week of HON. GLENN R. DAVIS hospital's medical staff who donate their his service of a year and a half-includ­ OF WISCONSIN time and professional know-how to aid ing the second semester of his junior IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the less fortunate who come to them year and all of his senior year at Capitol Wednesday, June 18, 1969 for help. Page School-it is appropriate that we During the illustrious history of the extend to him congratulations on his Mr. DAVIS of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker hospital there have been 13 civic-minded achievements and express gratitude for I take this opportunity today to bring women who gave freely of their time and his exemplary performance both as a to the attention of my colleagues in the energies to act as president of the board Senate page and as a student. House of Representatives and other of directors. The following, all represent­ Paul, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tucker, civic-minded citizens who will read this ing families long prominent in Mil­ graduated as valedictorian of his Capitol issue Of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD a waukee, Wis., and national service ac­ Page School class this year and earned significant date in the history of Mil­ tivities are to be commended for their a Harvard Universtiy scholarship. He waukee Children's Hospital. It was on dedication: Mrs. Frank Falk, Mrs. F. E. will enter Harvard in September follow­ June .1~, 1894, that the dream, courage, Finney, Miss Alice Bradley, Mrs. Charles ing a summer vacation with his family. and VlSlon of seven dedicated women be­ Catlin, Mrs. Emelie Nunnemacher, Mrs. I know I express the sentiments of Sen­ came a reality with the opening of the Jackson B. Kemper, Miss Paula Uihlein ators and staff and Paul's associates in hospital for the care of sick and needy Mrs. William C. Frye, Mrs. Michael J: the group of pages when I say that his children. Milwaukee Children's Hospital Cleary, Mrs. Alfred J. Kieckhefer, Mrs. efficient and willing services and his was then and remains today, 75 years Cyrus L. Philipp, Miss Catherine B. friendly and courteous manner will be later, the only independent, nonprofit, Cleary, and Mrs. Erwin C. Uihlein, who remembered. He has our best wishes in nontax supported volunteer hospital in presently holds that office. his future endeavors. Wisconsin maintained exclusively for The volunteer board of directors con­ Paul's valedictory address at the Capi­ children who are provided care regard­ tinues today as in the past to benefit tol Page School commencement, held in less of creed, color, national origin or the House Ways and Means Committee ability to pay. ' from men and women representative of the leaders in all walks of life in the auditorium on June 9, was well struc­ The original 10 bed hospital was community. The concept of community tw·ed and was a meaningful and chal­ fo~ded in a rented former residence by service on a volunteer basis that guided lenging presentation. It was delivered in Milwaukeeans Mrs. Carol Allis, Mrs. the founding group continues under the the forceful manner that has marked Clara Adler, Mrs. Frank Falk, Mrs. present administration of Edward J. this young man's history as a high school Eleanor Simpson, Mrs. Charles Catlin Logan, a man of long and distinguished oratorical contest winner on several oc­ Dr. Frances Sercombe, and Miss Alic~ experience in the hospital field. There casions in West Virginia. Bradley. The facility they began has are six auxiliaries with a total member­ Mr. President, I ask unanimous con­ grown during its 75-year histon· in suc­ ship of 350 women who work without sent to have the text of Paul Thomas cessive steps to keep pace with demand compensation in the hospital helping it ·Tucker's valedictory address at the 1969 for its services and to remain abreast of through many and varied activities. Capitol Page School commencement medical progress. Today, the hospital is Truly, Milwaukee Children's Hospital printed in the RECORD. a modern 200-bed teaching hospital that is representative of the type of commu­ There being no objection, the speech is the center of pediatric patient care and nity organizations that quietly, effi­ was ordered printed in the RECORD as professional education in Wisconsin. It .ciently, and effectively have played such follows: enjoys a reputation of having one of the a tremendous role in making our Na­ We stand at the foot of a hill. It is the finest orthopedic sections of any chil­ hill of brotherhood, the hill of human great­ dren's hospital in the world. The so­ tion great. ness, the hill of world unity. Every genera­ called Milwaukee brace, designed and It is a beacon, too, to those in foreign tion before us has tried to climb that hill and perfected by a member of its medical lands who seek new ways to improve each has done better than the one preceding staff has gained worldwide acceptance in their own Nation's health. And each it, but no generation has ever reached the the correction of deformities caused by volunteer, each professional coming to top. Tonight, as we receive our diplomas, we scoliosis. the Milwaukee Children's Hospital to begin the ascent of that long hill, and we learn and observe departs enriched by now ask ourselves if we shall be the first to Milwaukee Children's Hospital Is one reach the peak. Past generations are watch­ of just 21 such voluntary hospitals in our what he or she has seen. ing us; future generations are depending on great Nation that offers complete patient It is a pleasure to direct your attention us. One false step will send us crashing to care for children within a medical school to the contributions Milwaukee Chil­ the bottom. environment. It is affiliated with the dren's Hospital has made to a better way In recent years much has been said and Marquette Medical School, and is ap­ of life for all of us generally and our much has been written about my generation. children specifically. Many people, it seems, doubt my genera­ proved by the Joint Commission on Ac­ tion's ability to achieve success. They look creditation of Hospitals, approved by the to the future with dismay. I look to Amer­ American Medical Asosciation for intern­ ica's future as a time when my generation ship and residency training; approved SENATE PAGE PAUL THOMAS TUCK­ will learn to temper power with wisdom, by the American Dental Association for ideas with action, and hatred with justice. dental residency training, and approved ER DELIVERS MEANINGFUL VAL­ I look to America's future as a time of new EDICTORIAN ADDRESS AT 1969 . horizons, new ideals, and new perspectives. by t~e Wisconsin State Board of Nursing CAPITOL PAGE SCHOOL COM­ I feel certain that the majority of the for 1ts program of nursing of children. MENCEMENT members of my generation feel as I do when In addition, it conducts several para­ I say that I believe in freedom for all. I medical educat1onal programs. believe in peace on earth. I believe in com­ The hospital epitomizes volunteer serv­ HON. JENNINGS RANDOLPH passion for my fellow inan. I believe in my i<:e, ~udeo-Christian charity, individual OF WEST VIRGINIA generation. It is because of this belief in the capabilities of my generation that I now d1gruty, and community service without IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES reliance on taxes. submit that we can reach the top of that Wednesday, June 18, 1969 hill. The ascent will be a ditllcult one. The Mllwaukee Children's Hospital in the road is rough and littered with the remnants first 10 months of its history served only Mr. RANDOLPH. Mr. President, it has of generations that have faltered by the 23 patients. Last year, a total of 9,252 been my privilege to have sponsored a wayside. youngsters were treated as inpatients number of young West Virginians who Our success in reaching the peak will not and an additional 34,309 visits were re- have served as pages in the Senate and be a question of ability, for ability we have. 16468 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 18, 1969 It will not be a question of time, for we are the country poses the largest single prob­ Whereas the smuggling of narootl.c drugs young and time is on our side. It Will rather lem for the collectors of the customs and dangerous drugs into the United States be a question of devotion. Will we as a gen· and the Federal courts. poses the largest single problem for collectors eration be sufficiently devoted to the tasks of the customs and for the Federal courts in of achieving freedom and justice for au and I am including 1n the RECORD a copy the southwestern part of the United States; peace among mankind? The answer to this of the resolution by the city of Lawndale and question lies with us and it is a question and a copy of the blll we have intro­ Whereas the use of narcotic drugs and that cannot long remain unantwered.
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