Cambridge University Press 0521772249 - The Cambridge Companion to Reformation Theology Edited by David Bagchi and David C. Steinmetz Index More information Index acceptatio divina,10,11,12 God and creation,201–3 accidents,16 hermeneutical questions,199–201 Acta Synodi Tridentini cum Antidoto,244 Melchiorite Christology,206–7 Actes and Monuments (Foxe),185 Old and New Testaments,200–1 Adam and Eve,120 restoration of pristine Adamites,24 church,208–10 Adamson,Patrick,188 scripture and its Address to the Christian Nobility interpretation,199–201 (Luther),46 sola scriptura,199 adiaphora,66 Andreae,Jakob,72,78 Adversus Thomam Placentinum Andreas,Antonius,9 (Melanchthon),66 Ane Answer to ane Epistle by Renat Agricola,Johann,52–3,59,71 Benedict (Fergusson),190 Albert the Great,7–8 Annotations on the New Testament Albertism,7–8 (Erasmus),136 Alesius,Alexander,178,183 anthropology,203–5 Amann,Jacob,214 antinomianism,109 Amsdorf,Nikolaus von,71,76 Antonius of Florence,6 Anabaptists,194–219 apocryphal books,236–7,245 church ordinances,210 Apology (Melanchthon),64,68 ban,213–14 Apostles’ Creed,177,212 baptism,212 apostolic traditions,237–8,246 footwashing,214 Arbuthnot,Alexander,178 Lord’s supper,212–13 Arminius,Jacobus,136,139 eschatology,217 Arundel,Thomas,19 overview of,195–8 Ascherham,Gabriel,218 Hutterites,196 atonement,147 Melchiorites,196–8 attrition,10 Mennonites,198 Augsburg,Peace of,66 Munsterites,196–8¨ Augsburg Confession,64–5,68,101 Swiss Brethren,195–6 Augsburg Interim,71 political theology,214–16 Augustine of Hippo,41–2 and spiritualists,217–19 influence on Bucer,105 theology of,198–219 influence on Zwingli,81,83 anthropology,203–5 Augustinianism,13–14 Christology and soteriology,205–8 Ausbund (Anabaptist song book),214 Christ’s redeeming work,206–7 Avignon papacy,12 church ordinances,210 debate about true faith,205–6 Balnaves,Henry,184 ecclesiology,208–14 ban,213–14 277 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521772249 - The Cambridge Companion to Reformation Theology Edited by David Bagchi and David C. Steinmetz Index More information 278 Index baptism,47 sacraments in,243 in Anabaptist theology,212 in Scottish Reformation,180 and justification,241 private interpretation of,238–9,246–7 infant,52 in Protestant orthodox,143 Calvinist reform of,249 in Scottish Reformation,178–80 rejection of,195,210–11 in theology of Bucer,107 in theology of Bucer,111 in theology of Calvin,115,118 as unwritten apostolic tradition,237 in theology of Wycliffe,19 in Reformed tradition,131 in theology of Zwingli,81–4 as sign of God’s covenant of grace,88–9 and tradition,235–9 in theology of Bucer,111 and unwritten apostolic traditions,246 in theology of Calvin,124 Biel,Gabriel,11 in theology of Luther,52 bishops,91,242 in theology of Zwingli,88–9 ‘Bishops’ Book’, see Institution of a Barnes,Robert,162 Christian Man Baro,Peter,138 ‘black rubric’,171–2 Barth,Karl,190 Bohemia,Reformation in,22,23 Basel,Council of,26 Book of Common Order,176 Bassendyne Bible,178 Book of Common Prayer,156–7,158, Batenburg,Jan van,197 169–70 Belgic Confession,135,139 Book of Concord,68 Bender,Harold,207 Boquinus,Petrus,136 Bern Colloquium,208 Borromeo,Charles,235 Beza,Theodore,136,144 Borthwick,John,184 Bible,19 Bradford,John,167–8 in Anabaptist theology,199–200,201 Bradwardine,Thomas,13,165 authority of,45–6,82 Brenz,Johann,69 canon of,245 Bres,Guy´ de,139 in Catholic theology, Brief Summary of Christian Doctrine pre-Tridentine,225 (Bucer),107 commentators,251 Brotli,Johannes,195¨ at Council of Trent,235–9 Bruce,Robert,188 in disputations,82 Bucer,Martin,100–12 exegesis of,117–18 biblical commentaries,107–12 and faith,90 doctrine of double justice,240 future research,250–1 on early church and patristic in Hussite theology,24–5 testimony,108 interpretation and translation of,250–1 ecclesiology,110–11 interpretations of,83 Gospels and Romans Latin Vulgate translation of,236,245–6 commentaries,102–3,106 in Lutheran theology,68–9 justification,108 New Testament predestination,109–10 in Anabaptist theology,199,200–1 sacraments,111–12 and catholicity of church,91 scripture,107 Christ in,84 biographical sketch,100–3 relationship with Old Testament,117 controversies,101 sacraments in,243 education of,100,103–4 Old Testament and English Reformation theology,162 in Anabaptist theology,200–1 exile to England,103 Christ in,84 formation and transformation of interpretations of,83 mindset,103–5 relationship with New influence of Augustine on,105 Testament,117 influence of Luther on,104 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521772249 - The Cambridge Companion to Reformation Theology Edited by David Bagchi and David C. Steinmetz Index More information Index 279 life in Strasbourg,101 See also Institutes of the Christian on the Lord’s supper,65 Religion pan-European mission of,102 Calvinism, see Reformed tradition and Reformed tradition,131 Cameron,John,138 religious stance of,105–7 Canisius,Peter,223 religious transformation of,100–1 Canons of Dort,147 repudiation of Aquinas on Christian Capito,Wolfgang,131 love,104–5 Capreolus,John,6–7 theory of knowledge,105–6 Cardinal’s College,162 Bullinger,Heinrich,133 Carlstadt,Andreas Bodenstein von,51, on doctrine of covenant,145 210 and influence of Zwingli,99 Carswell,John,180–1 on predestination,144 Carthage,Council of,245 on real presence,76–7 Cartwright,Thomas,138 Burman,Franz,145 Catechism of the Genevan Church (Calvin),180–1 Cajetan,de Vio,44,46,224 Catharinus,Ambrosius,224 Calvary,227–8 Catholic Catechism (Nausea),223 Calvin,John,113–29 Catholic Church,123–9 on apostolic traditions,246 baptism,124 on Christ’s presence in Lord’s challenge from Protestants,247 supper,77 crises in,233–4 on church as mother and school, eucharist,125–8 122–3 general councils of,233 conflict with Catholic Church,123–9 penance,124–5 baptism,124 priesthood,128,242 eucharist,125–8 Catholic–Protestant Colloquy penance,124–5 (Regensburg),240 priesthood,128 Catholic Reformation,255 conversion of,114 Catholic theology,pre-Tridentine, death of,129 220–32 education of,113–14 future research in,230–2 future research,248–9 Catholic reform,231 on infant baptism,249 historical biography,232 influences of,113 intellectual influences,231 interpretation of Bible,115–18 origins and depth of Greek and Hebrew texts,116 Catholic/Protestant divide,231–2 literal-historical sense,116 issues,223–30 relationship between Old and New ecclesiology,223–5 Testaments,117 sacraments,225–8 scholastic mode of saints,images,and other aids, argumentation,116–17 229–30 on knowledge of God,119–26 salvation,grace,and free will,228–9 on Latin Vulgate translation of scripture and tradition,225 Bible,245–6 phases,221–3 as main inspiration for Scots polemical phase (1518–c. 1530), Confession,191 221–2 on methodus Pauli,119 political phase (c. 1530–41),222 on private interpretation of propaganda phase (1541–5),222–3 scripture,246–7 See also Trent,Council of and Reformed tradition,132–3 celestial philosophy,35–7 response Council of Trent,244 Chalcedonian Christology,146 theological method,118–19 chalice,23–4,226–7 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521772249 - The Cambridge Companion to Reformation Theology Edited by David Bagchi and David C. Steinmetz Index More information 280 Index Charles V,222 communion,24 attack on,235 Complutensian Polyglot Bible,250 suppression of Lutheran faith by,71 concomitance,doctrine of,226 Chemnitz,Martin,72,75,78,244 condign merits,10,12 Christ,10 Confescion of the Fayth of the atonement,147 Sweserl¯ades, The,176 body and blood of,60,65,78 Confessio Doctrinae Saxonicarum on dealing with open sinners,213–14 Ecclesiarum (Melanchthon),65 death of,84 Confession concerning Christ’s Supper divinity and humanity of,146 (Luther),53–4,64,77 dual nature of,78 Confutation of Augsburg Confession,64, incarnation of,127 222 kingdom of,110 Confutation of the Abbote of Crosralguels on kingdom of God,209–10 Masse (Hay),190 mediatorial work of,146–7 congruent merits,9,12 presence in sacraments,79,243–4 consecrated bread,243 redeeming work of,206–7 Consensus Tigurinus,77,135 relation to Holy Spirit,86–7 Consilium de emendanda ecclesiae,222 righteousness of,241 consistory,Genevan,128–9 in theology of Zwingli,84–5 Constance,Council of as true bishop,91 codification of eucharist doctrine in,17 Christ Church,162 condemnation of Hussites,23 Christian republic,110 and papal succession,233 Christocentricity,36 and Thomist ecclesiology,7 Christology,206–7 Constantine the Great,209 church Contarini,Gaspar,222,240 catholicity of,91 contrition,10 in English Reformation conversion,59 theology,169–72 Corpus Catholicorum,230 holiness of,91–2 Corpus Doctrinae Christianae local,91 (Melanchthon),65 ministry of,241–3 cosmic sympathy,doctrine of,8 as mother and school,122 councils of the church ordinances,210 Basel,26 ban,213–14 Carthage,245 baptism,212 Constance, see Constance,Council footwashing,214 of Lord’s supper,212–13 Fourth Lateran,17,228,243 restoration to pristine purity,208–10 Trent, see Trent,Council of and state,98 covenant,145–6 in theology of Zwingli,91–3 Coverdale,Miles,182 unity of,92 Craig,John,187 Church of England,170,173,242 Cranmer,Thomas,150–60 Church Orders (Melanchthon),65 as archbishop of Canterbury,153–4 circumcision,88 and Book of Common Prayer,156–7, Clichtove,Josse,224 158 Cocceius,Johannes,145 complex character of,150 Cochlaeus,Johannes,227 on doctrine of eucharist,153,154–5, Colet,John,20,30 157 Cologne Reformation Ordinances and Great Bible,154 (Bucer),107 interpretation of Pauline Commentary on Romans (Calvin),115 doctrine,151–2 communicatio idiomatum in concreto,146 liturgical contribution,155–6,159 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521772249 - The Cambridge Companion to Reformation Theology Edited by David Bagchi and David C.
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