A STUDY GUIDE TO THE PENGUIN EDITION OF GREG MORTENSON AND DAVID OLIVER RELIN’S By Jeanne M. McGlinn PENGUIN GROUP (USa) 2 A STUDY GUIDE TO THE PENGUIN EDITION OF GREG MORTENSON AND DAVID OLIVER RELIN’S THREE CUPS OF TEA INTRODUCTION After a failed attempt to scale K-2 in 1993, Greg Mortenson finds his calling in the village of Korphe when he asks to visit the “village school.” In place of the standard classroom, he finds eighty-two children in the open air, without a teacher, kneeling on the ground to practice their multiplication tables. Mortenson recalls, “I felt like my heart was being torn out. There was a fierceness in their [the children’s] desire to learn, despite how mightily everything was stacked against them, that reminded me of [my sister] Christa. I knew I had to do something.” Mortenson makes a promise to the village chief to build a school for the children. Thus begins his campaign to finance schools for the children of this and other villages in Pakistan and later Afghanistan. Mortenson’s biography is a story of courage and perseverance in the face Image courtesy Central Asia Institute. of tremendous odds, the drive to fulfill a promise and the belief in the power of education to change lives. ABOUT THE AUTHOR 1. Students can access Mortenson’s official web site including Students can also find interviews with Mortenson at his biography, book signing schedule, and images of the http://vimeo.com/902639 and www.youtube.com where students and the schools he has helped to build for them: they will learn about the meaning of the title of the book, http://www.gregmortenson.com/ Mortenson’s current projects, and his belief in the impor- tance of education, especially for girls. After surveying As students look at the images of the schools (in the several of these articles and videos, ask students to list Image Gallery under the Media and Press link), ask them what they consider the top five events in Mortenson’s life about the challenges they think may have been involved or work. Ask students to compare their lists, having them in building these schools. What can they tell about the explain their choices. terrain that might make building difficult? What can they tell about the schools by looking at these images? Discuss: What appears to motivate Mortenson? What does he value? Why? Does he make a good case for what 2. Students can find a 2007 interview with Mortenson at he recommends as the route for the U.S. in its encounters http://www.threecupsoftea.com/wp-includes/ with the global community? documents/3CTQA.pdf 4. Students can learn about the Central Asia Institute which The interview covers the background of Mortenson’s Mortenson co-founded at this site: http://www.ikat.org/. decision to build a school in Pakistan, his first efforts to This agency promotes community-based projects mainly get financing, his kidnapping in 1996 by armed Pakistani in the Karakoram Mountains of Pakistan and the Pamir tribesmen, the fatweh issued against him, and the expan- and Hindu Kush Mountains of Afghanistan. Projects are sion of his work to Afghanistan. This interview provides initiated by the people, guided by a committee of elders, an overview of the biography. Ask students to read the and require a community to match funding with labor interview and create a timeline of events in Mortenson’s and local resources. Ask students to survey this website life. Post this timeline and add details to it as the students to learn about the projects of the CAI. Discuss the philos- read the biography. ophy of this agency that requires the cooperation of the people who are being served. What kinds of lessons 3. Students will find numerous interviews with Mortenson might American social agencies take from the model and articles about his life and work at his blog: used by the CAI? http://gregmortenson.blogspot.com/ 3 A STUDY GUIDE TO THE PENGUIN EDITION OF GREG MORTENSON AND DAVID OLIVER RELIN’S THREE CUPS OF TEA HISTORICAL OVERVIEW OF PAKISTAN AND ITS NEIGHBORS 1. Students will benefit from an overview of the geography, http://www.adventurephotographs.com/karakoram/ history, and rich culture of Pakistan. One reliable source karakoram_highway/index.asp which can serve as an introduction is the CIA World Factbook: A map is available at http://www.johnthemap.co.uk/ https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world- pages/kkh_page1.html factbook/geos/pk.html Students can read a description of the highway on p. 75-77 Here students can learn significant facts about the polit- of Three Cups of Tea. Discuss with students the obstacles ical history, geography, government, and people. the terrain presented to Mortenson’s aspiration of building 2. Google maps provides excellent maps of Pakistan and schools in the remote villages of northern Pakistan. Afghanistan. Students can select satellite and terrain 6. As the Korphe School nears completion in 1996, Mortenson views and can manipulate the map to view the country’s travels to Peshawar, “capital of Pakistan’s wild west” and borders and land features. During reading have students “gateway to the Khyber Pass” (p. 155). Students can view trace Mortenson’s journeys in Pakistan and Afghanistan. images of this highway at this web site: 3. Students can read about the history of the educational http://www.google.com/images?hl=en&q=khyber+pass& system in Pakistan at um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=univ&ei=Flv8S8bkGML88Aa http://education.stateuniversity.com/pages/1143/ 57fzXBQ&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ct=title&resn Pakistan-EDUCATIONAL-SYSTEM-OVERVIEW.html um=4&ved=0CDQQsAQwAw Of particular interest is the history of the establishment and read a description on p. 155 of Three Cups of Tea. In of madrassas in the country which were financed by 1996 the Khyber Pass had become the gateway for Paki- affluent Pakistani businessmen, the United Arab Emirates, stan’s students from the madrassas to travel into Afghani- Saudi Arabia, and Iran, and led to the establishment of stan to fight against its “corrupt” government. Osama Bin the Taliban. Also, ask students to focus on the status of Laden was one of the leaders. After students have viewed education for girls. images of the mountainous terrain, ask them to speculate about how its remoteness might support the chaos of war. 4. Although Pakistan is often in the news, students may have only a vague understanding of its political situation. Discuss: How would a traveler need to prepare to travel Ask students to read several current news stories about these roads? What would a traveler need? What would be Pakistan and make a list of what they learn about its rela- the benefits of hiring a knowledgeable guide? tionship with the U.S., India and Afghanistan, and its 7. Mortenson is intrigued by the Wazir tribe. Their history is relationship with militant Islam and the Taliban. After narrated on p. 158-161 of Three Cups of Tea. A brief history students have reviewed the news stories, discuss their of Waziristan can also be found at http://en.wikipedia.org/ sense of the issues and problems facing Pakistan. What wiki/Waziristan. After reading the history of this area, are the biggest threats to Pakistan’s security? What are ask students to summarize what they have learned. possible solutions to these problems? Discuss: What appears to be the situation for people in 5. Mortenson travels the Karakoram Highway to bring this area? What motivates the people? Consider why supplies to Korphe to build the school. Students can look Mortenson might wish to work with the Wazir. What at views of the highway and get a sense of the landscape would he hope to accomplish in this place? at the following site: BEFORE READING Vocabulary Study purdah (p. 160), fatwa (p. 184), sher (p. 185), Shariat (p. 185 and 307-308), fakhir (p. 186), zakat (p.192), Wahhabi (p. 242). The authors freely use Islamic words throughout the text, Students can check the definitions derived from context usually explaining the meaning of the word or providing using an online dictionary, such as http://www.thefreedic- context clues. Ask students to define the following words tionary.com. During reading, students should watch for new from context or information supplied by the authors for a Islamic words to add to the word wall. Students should also class Word Wall: note when they encounter a word they have already defined. 4 A STUDY GUIDE TO THE PENGUIN EDITION OF GREG MORTENSON AND DAVID OLIVER RELIN’S THREE CUPS OF TEA Discussion Activities made. Why did they select certain events? Why did they leave out certain events? What affected their choices? 1. When Mortenson first enters the village of Korphe he is What impression did they want to give about their lives? greeted by the chief and escorted to his hut where he is Did they begin to discern a pattern in the events of their invited to share a cup of tea. Read this section to the lives? Does this process of selection make a biography students: “There was no talk as tea was prepared…” (p. 25). less than true? In what ways is a biography the truth about Discuss: What principles of hospitality operate in this a person? How should a reader approach a biography? culture? What is significant about sharing a cup of tea with a guest? Compare this custom to what you have Thematic Topics observed in western culture. Is there anything similar that you have experienced? Students may explore the following topics while reading Mortenson’s biography: 2.
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