BULK RATE Southwest Collection U. S. POSTAGE P.O. Box XR 4090 PAID Tech Station Lubbock, Texas Lubbock, Texas 79401 Permit # 337 * 4* • a. • * • • 4 • • * « « C • 4 * * * ► * Lubbock Odessa Midland Plainview Hereford:* Slaton Wilson Tahoka Woodrow Brownfield:* Wolfforth Levelland Littlefield Shallowater Anton Dimmittt Amsoijt10 Tulia Hale Center ** • Abernathy ldalou Rolls Lorenzo Crosbyton *. " Alpine Adrews Lamesa Big Spring * Soon In Many More Towns * VoL IV No. 17 Week of March 13 thru 19, 198t Lubbock, Texas Price 25e 2305 19th St. Lubbock Zip 79401 Ph. 806/763-3841 • * COMA Se Queja Sobre Situacion En Centro de Lubbock En la junta regular de COMA, la camara de corner.° mexico americana de Lubbock se expreso preocupacion por las condicones que actualmente existen en el Centro de Lubbock La asemblea general de COMA decidio mandar una carta oficial al jefe de policias, J.T. Alley, pars expresar sus precupaciones tocante el crimen y actuos ilegales que existen en el Centro de Lubbock Segun un reporte dado a la asemblea y mesa directive por Leandro Rivera, director etecutivo de COMA, la Giant Flea Market organizacion ha recibido bastantes quejas tocante la situacion. Luis Ramiro Don't forget to go by the Giant Flea Jimenez, propietario do un negocio en dicha area, expreso durante la juntaque that will be held right next to Gilberts habia prostitucion, yenta de licores, yenta de drogas y no sabre que was en la Auto Supply, 708 4th Street, Lubbock area "Y cuando mas nos quejamos a las autoridades, no parece que quieren this Saturday and Sunday. Lots of hacer nada." Segun Jimenez, el y otros negociantes entregaron una petition a fantastic buys will be at this Giant oficiales pero nunca se hizo nada. Flea Market. La carte firmada por el presidente de COMA, Ruben Garr ia, fue tambien manadada a otros oficiales incluyendo el fiscal del distrito Jelin Montford, los miembros del concilio de la ciudad y la oficina de relaciones publicas Que Pasa En otras actividades durante la junta se dio una presentation por la Sra. Rubio tocante el cancer y sus afectos. Planes para diter•ntes a 1ividades de la TV Show organizacion continuan con la rnas proxima siendo an bale de benefices el Que Pasa, a Chicano TV program sabado dia 14. El director de COMA lambien express que le es ■ ab.i pithendo a will feature Eliseo Solis with hosts todo negociante chicano be Lubbock quo mande su direct o, y information Esther Sepeda and Leo Quirino. Que tocante su negocio a la oficina de COMA en el P 0 Bin, 86,1 k, /9401 ya Pasa will air March 14 at 5 p m. on que se esta recopilando la information pars pi„, , ,••alua uu i.. a,recturiJ anual. Channel 11. Para cualquier information tocante COMA u sas al 762-5059. The SEH community fashion show featured models and excitement for all COMA Complains About who attended last week. Watch for more pictures in our next Chicano Accent available soon. Page Crime Situation Downtown Continued on COMA's First COMA, the Lubbock Mexican American Chamber of Commerce will send an official letter of complaint to Chief of Police J.T. Alley concerning crime in the Anniversary Breakfast .EI Salvador: The Jun s downtown area. The letter was authorized at the last general assembly meeting r held Tuesday. According to a report given by executive director Leandro Rivera You are cordially invited to at the meeting, the organization has received many complaints about the COMA's first Breakfast Anniversary situation including some complaints from members of COMA. Luis Ramiro and COMA's Sixth Birthday Against The People Jimenez, one of the businessmen in the area said that everything from Celebration. prostitution to drugs was being sold openly in thestreets. Hesaid that a petition As you may well know, COMA was by Sue Martinez months under Romero. Gutierrez, it kidnapped and killed when 200 had been turned in to authorities signed by various businesspersons but that chartered March 27, 1975. It's first The 4.8 million people of El was chaged, was unwillin to genmen, scme in military uniforms, nothing had been done. Jimenez said that his business as well as that of all breakfast meeting was conducted Salvador are among the poorest in all discipline his troops. In January sur,ounded a high school where the merchants in the area was being severely hurt. five years later on March 29, 1980. of Latin America. The average worker 1980, Mayorga, Ungo and virtually group was giving a statement to the The letter was signed by president Ruben Garcia and was sent to Alley, the Both events will be highlighted at this earns under $4 a day. Less than half the entire cabinet resigned in protest. international press. Afterwards, a Lubbock City Manager, Larry Cunningham, City Council members, and District month's breakfast scheduled for of the workforce is employed year New representatives, this time from bomb exploded at the cathedral Attorney John Montford. COMA will also be working with the Human Relations Saturday, March 21, 1981. round. The 2% of the population who the Christian Democratic Party, were where the bodies of the six were lying office who are also investigating complaints. The breakfast sponsored by own 60% of the land enjoy great found to till the civilian seats. But in state. incuring 80 mourners. In other COMA business, members hear a presentation by Irma Rubio from Colortyme TV Rentals will wealth, while most campesinos and after just two months, junta member The New York Times reported that the Lubbock Mexican American Cancer Committee on cancer and its affects. commence at 8:00 a.m. at Arturo's slum dwellers live without running Hector Dada and the rest of his the following day, members of the Other reports were presented on upcoming activities the most near being a Mexican Restaurant (formerly water or electricity. Agriculture is party's liberal wing walked out of the Reagan transition team callouly benefit dance for the Senorita Pageant to be held Saturday March 14 at the Carrasco's Spanish Inn) located at larely geared to a single export crop, government, chaging, "The Christian assured a group of Salvadoran Reese NCO club. Rivera also would like to remind all chicano businesses to 5105-A Aberdeen. coffee. With little domestic food Democratic Party should not business know as the Productive submit information about their business for utilization in the upcoming Guest speaker for the event will be production and imported goods sold participate in a regime which has Alliance that greater aid for publication of the COMA directory. cont. on page 3 at U.S. prices, malnutrition is unleashed the bloodiest repression combatting the left would be widespread. One out of every four ever experienced by the Salvadoran forthcoming under the Republican children dies before reaching the age people." Administration. of five and an average citizen's Unperturbed, Napolean Duarte Just why is it essential to the El Salvador: La Guerra De La lifespan is only 46 years. accepted Dada's position. "national interest" for the United Is it any wonder the people of El In March, after U.S. prdding, the States to fund the repressive forces in Salvador want to change their lives remnants of the junta announced a El Salvador? radically? major land reform effort, "Land to the In neighboring Nicaragua, the Junta Contra El Pueblo But the 60-some Salvadoran Tiller", along with the suspension of victory of the Frente Sandinista families who control the land, the all constitutional guarantees. ushered in a pluralistic government Por Sue Martinez clero, los sindicalistas y los cam- Cristiano no debiera participar en banks and the industries have pushed According to technicians of the where private businesses have been pesinos en una serie de muertes un regimen que ha destado Ia the nation into civil war by refusing to goverment's Institute for Agrarian respected, instituting a literacy Las 4,800,000 personas de El con torturas espantosas. Seem la represibn mss sangrienta que hay share power or privilege. And the Reform (ISTA) responsible for campaign that has been commenda- Salvador se hallan entre las mss Comision de Derechos Humanos sufrido jamas el pueblo Reagan-Haig foreign policy can be implementing the program, troops ble on all counts. Though foreign pobres de coda Ia America Latina. de la Arquidi6cesis de San Salvador, salvadoreno." expected wo back this minority rolled onto the largest haciendas policy analysts were predicting that El trabajador promedio gana menos el 80 por ciento del estimado de Sin inmutarse, Napoleon Duarte group's interests even more armed with lists of suspected the fall of the Somoza regime would de $4 diarios. Menos de mitad de 9,000 muertes que ocurrieron en aceptb la plaza de Dada. forcefully than did their predeces- dissidents. In May, 600ISTA workers result in a "bloodbath," quite the la fuerza de trabajo se halla emplea- 1980 podian atribuirse a miembros En Marzo, despues que los sors. went out on strike, protesting the opposite occured. da todo el ano. El 2 por ciento de de las fuerzas armadas. Estados Unidos los aguijonearon, No free elections have been held in repression of peasants by the El Salvador's meager export crops la poblacibn que posee el 60 por Los grupos de las guerrillas iz- los remanentes de la junta anun- El Salvado for the past 49 years -- not National Guard. can scarcely be deemed vital to the ciento de- las tierras disfruta de quierdistas han confinado principal- ciaron una gestion importante para since the Army stepped in to quash a The original "Land to the Tiller" American people.
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