REPUBLIC OF KENYA BARINGO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FIRST QUARTER 2019/2020 BUDGET IMPLEMENTATION STATUS REPORT MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT, INFRASTRUCTURE AND PUBLIC WORKS AS AT 30TH DECEMBER, 2019. Department Overview The Transport and Infrastructure Department consists of Roads; Public Works; Transport Sub departments. Department Vision A world class provider of cost-effective physical infrastructure facilities and services. Department Mission To provide efficient, affordable and reliable infrastructure for sustainable economic growth and development through construction, modernization, rehabilitation and effective management of all infrastructure facilities. Objectives of the Sector: • Accelerating on-going infrastructure development, focusing on quality, aesthetics and functionality of the infrastructure services; • Infrastructure development to support identified flagship projects to ensure contribution to the economic growth and social equity goals; • Improving efficiency and effectiveness of the infrastructure development process at all levels of planning, contracting, and construction; • Providing a utility Sector that is modern, customer- oriented and technologically-enabled to provide efficient, cost-effective, quality services to all citizens; • Enable universal access to IT enabled services to promote a knowledge based society; • Develop modern County ICT infrastructure for sustainable development; • To ensure affordable, reliable, quality, safe and sustainable access to energy for all while protecting and conserving the environment; • To develop and enforce regulations and standards to ensure safe, secure and efficient transport and infrastructure systems; • To develop and maintain sustainable transport and infrastructure to facilitate efficient movement of goods and people; • To mobilize resources and build capacity for technical and professional staff. County Response to Department Vision and Mission 1. Poor physical infrastructure has been identified as a major setback in development in the county and hence the overall strategy is to provide physical infrastructural facilities through rehabilitation, improvement and effective management and expansion of the existing facilities. The road network will be maintained and improved through gravelling, grading and upgrading to bitumen standard. Power and telephone services, will be expanded to cover all the Sub-Counties targeting market centres, institutions and main community projects. 2. During the current financial year 2019/2020 the department was allocated Kshs to fund its expenditure; Kshs and Kshs for recurrent and development expenditures respectively. 3. By the end of the first quarter, it had used Kshs 0.00 and Kshs 0.00 on recurrent and development respectively. 0% absorption of the total budget earmarked for the financial year 2018/19. This represents 4. The total expenditure for the first quarter was Kshs. 0.00 on development and Kshs. 0.00 on recurrent expenditure. 5. The department of infrastructure has completed a total of at least 2,800 km of road projects in the county, installed street lights in major centres and initiated twenty six footbridges with twenty of them complete. PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION IN THE FIRST QUARTER The progress implementation status as at the end of the first quarter is as follows: FINANCIAL YEAR 2017/2018 PROJECTS NO. PROJECT NAME LOCATION STATUS 1. Storm drainage in Mogotio Town Mogotio Ongoing 2. Storm drainage in Marigat Town Marigat Complete 3. Emsos - Tinosiek - Olkokwe Road Kisanana Ongoing 4. Sambaka - Matare Footbridge Mochongoi Complete 5. Katuit Road Loyamorok Complete 6. Chebao Bridge Kabarnet Complete 7. Kibunder Bridge Kabarnet Complete 8. Chepirmolok - Lemuyek Road Loyamorok Complete 9. Christ the King – Ngasiani Footbridge Mogotio Insufficient fund 10. Isanta Footbridge Emining Complete 11. Game - Mumol - Water Tank Road Kapropita Complete 12. Kapting - Kapkinoi - Kamurian Road Emining Complete 13. Kipchobet Road Emining Complete 14. Embogong - Miti Moja - Borokwo Road Emining Complete 15. Cheberen - Kapkures Footbridge Emining Complete 16. Sagasagik - Barturgei - Chesingei Road Mogotio Complete 17. Ebenezer Footbridge Mogotio Complete 18. Kapkaran - Kenet -Igonwo Road Mogotio Ongoing 19. Kapchepkut - Rosoga Road Mogotio Complete 20. Poror - Tumol Road Lembus Kwen Complete 21. Menjeiwa - Kamatagei -Kaisor Road Tenges Complete 22. Ochii - Lelgut -Mogorwo Road Tenges Complete 23. Kapchemengich - Tumek Road Tenges Complete Kiptagich -Kesetan Road (Kapkongos 24. Sacho Complete Section Slab) 25. Kaseret - Orikwo -Kapyomat Road Tenges Ongoing 26. Kisonei - Eitui Road Tenges Complete 27. Benen - Kaptek Road Ewalel Chapchap Complete 28. Seretunin- Manaach Road Ewalel Chapchap Complete Togomin - Kapngetuny - Sengchan Water 29. Ewalel Chapchap Complete Intake Road 30. Awane Road Ewalel Chapchap Ongoing 31. Kabasis -Katipsogon -Timboiwo Road Sacho Complete 32. Chepketit - Kasau - Ngatibgoin road Sacho Complete 33. Kapsoo - Turur Road Kapropita Ongoing 34. Kimungur - Kipsubei Road Kapropita Ongoing 35. Ratabei - Latei Road Kapropita Complete 36. Kirdam - Kimagok - Riwo Road Kapropita Complete 37. Turkwo - Kapcherebet Road Kapropita Complete 38. Kaptumo - Kobin - Kangot Road Slab Ewalel Chapchap Complete Kapkut - Katyo - Kaplobot -Kaplogong - 39. Kapropita Complete Ketipbereke Road 40. Kapcherebet - Lolkoita _Kasitet Road Kapropita Complete 41. Ngelel - Terekor Road Kabarnet Compete 42. Dam - ICT Centre Road Kabarnet Complete 43. Ngolong - Kamwen Road Kabarnet Complete 44. Kaptumo Primary School Field Levelling Ewalel Chapchap Complete 45. Rosobet Primary School Field Levelling Ewalel Chapchap Complete 46. Andama - Osiemon - Kwa Thuko Road Maji Mazuri Complete 47. Kapsoit - Hilltea Road Maji Mazuri Complete 48. Naitili Bridge Koibatek Complete 49. Fuel for Machinery in Kiplombe/Sabatia Koibatek Complete 50. Seguton - Daraja Mbili Road Lembus Complete 51. Timboroa - Highway - Mwachon Road Lembus Complete 52. Mwachon - Bikwen - Kapchepkaro Road Lembus Complete 53. Kapcholoi - FGCK Road Lembus Complete 54. Nerkwo - Emnyunguny Road Lembus Complete 55. Main Road - Kabilwo Road Lembus Kwen Complete 56. Kiprotich Junction - Kapkoi Sarme Road Lembus Kwen Complete 57. Kamoskoi PAG Road Lembus Kwen Complete 58. Singorwe - Kamasaba Road Lembus Kwen Complete 59. Fuel for Maintenance Lembus Kwen Complete Bondeni - Shabab - Shauri - Kisarget 60. Ravine Complete Road Complete 61. Nubian - Kokorwonin Road Ravine ODM - Kamelilo - Kinyikwet and 62. Ravine Complete Chelunget - Kamelilo - Baronge Road 63. KCC Road Ravine Complete 64. Fuel for Road Opening Ravine Complete Kamelilo - Sogonin Land Purchasing for 65. Ravine Awaiting valuation Road Opening 66. Kamelilo - Sogonin Road Ravine To commence 67. Kaptana-Cheptilatil-Kibias Road Lembus Perkerra Complete 68. Ayatya - Seron - Kaptigit Road Barwessa Complete 69. Ketkor - Kibulwonin Road Barwessa Complete 70. Bartaragon Road Slab Kabartonjo Ongoing 71. Lelabei Footbridge Barwessa Complete 72. Senebo - Mohon - Kapsagas Road Barwessa Complete Barwessa Centre Public Baraza Park - 73. Barwessa Complete Steel fixed seats and fencing 74. Chepturot Footbridge Barwessa Complete Kuikui H/C - Chepturot - Kaptigit – 75. Barwessa Complete Chepngoi 76. Katebere - Sinende - Sogom Road Kabartonjo Complete 77. Benonin - Seremwo Road Kabartonjo Complete 78. Kapkwang - Urel - Kapkiamo Road Kabartonjo Complete 79. Kaptumin - Root - Releng Road Kabartonjo Complete 80. Kotor - Newai -Poi Junction Kabartonjo Complete 81. Kasirio - Kirinykalia - Kaptum Road Kabartonjo Complete 82. Kiplabal - Kiboino Road Kabarnet Complete 83. Chesosur - Tiloi - Maregut Road Kabartonjo Complete Fuel for Ward dozer and Supply of 84. Saimo Kipsaraman Ongoing balloons for roads 85. Arusin - Akoroyan Road Saimo Soi Complete Kapsoi - Kapkirwok - Ngenyin Primary 86. Saimo Soi Complete Road 87. Moinoinin Youth Field Levelling Saimo Soi Mobilizing 88. Sitek - Chemoigut Road Bartabwa Complete 89. Sogon - Ngolbelion Road Marigat Complete Manambil - Catholic - Koitilion - Egerton 90. Marigat Complete Road 91. KVDA - Kampi Samaki Road Ilchamus Complete 92. Leswaa - Ilawiyaki Road Ilchamus Complete 93. Kabel - Koitilil - Mochongoi Road Mochongoi Complete 94. Segutek Footbridge Mochongoi Complete 95. Kapedomor - Akarapet - Rotu Road Tirioko Complete Sikhin - Natan - Topelen - Lomechan 96. Silale Mobilizing Cave Road 97. Napukut - Achoru - Mukeluk Road Silale Complete 98. Kipsaa Footbridge Tenges Complete Chepkiswach road (Emining Technical- 99. Mogotio Complete Kakimoe-Keben Loation 100. Lelian Loop Road Kapropita Complete SolianJunction-Kapcheserem/Kirobon- 101. Koibatek Complete Kaptuisang Road 102. Lulunga Junction-Kapnyayo Road Kisanana Complete 103. Lorrok Foot bridge construction Mukutani Complete Kiserian - Noosukuro Road Opening, and 104. Mukutani Complete Structures Development Ol- Arabel river (Mosuro) drift, 105. Rehabilitation, Crosssing and Structures Mukutani Complete Development 106. Ol arabel River - Kiserian Road Mukutani Complete 107. Kaptum - Kapkomon Kabartonjo Complete 108. Members Club-Cereals-Kapkut Road Kabarnet Retendered 109. Tuluongoi Tian Road Marigat Complete 110. Timboiywo - Kaptarakwa - Katipsogon Ewalel Chapchap Complete 111. Cheblambus-Lelbatai- Nduro Road Tenges Complete 112. Muserechi - Noiwet Road Mogotio Complete 113. Emining - Oterit – Molosirwe Road Emining Complete 114. C577 Junct - Kebulwe - Magoi Road Kisanana Complete 115. Olng'arua - Mutitu – Kamailel Road Mochongoi Complete 116. Kabirmet - Rorobai – Kibingor
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