
U~llessotherxrise noted, all Conference activities will take place at the Chicogo Hilton and Towers. All locatio~lsare clearly ~~larkcdthrougl~oot the program. Hotel 111aps appear on pages 8-11. A11 Affiliated Society business meetings and special sessions are listed cl~ro~lologicallyin the pages that follo~\~.All receptions are listed on pages 54-55. All CAA Conunittee business lneetiogs are listed on pages 60-62. .LS1-zs 1 sa6od uo s/uo~!~!JJD,~ol xapuj aqr U! s(uD~!~!~JD~uo!ssas b!iuap! 01 pasn s! apo3 uo!ssas aql ,Lop aql u! uo!ssas aql jo laplo at11 oi spuodsallo3 Jaqlunu ayl puo uo!ssas aqr jo Aop aql ot slajal laual aql .apo3 D pauB!sso uaaq soy uo!ssas lopads lo JDI&~J 93~3 '~\?3JO saall!rnnro3 Zo!puels dr~parasuods a.te [oqmis s!qi ql!ai parJ!iuap! sua!ssaS uqssa~aa$)!urwoa v\ga El .iualuo3 lo Jailow isalqns ys!nBu!is!p 01 SUO~!JO sLay alotu JO auo ~I!Mpa)lJotu uaaq anoq sBu!laalu pu~suo!ssar aql jo Auow 'fLjE$DPtY, MVEBNESDAY, 1:g~[1[~f~r{27 FEBRUARY 28 Tuesday evening Wednesday afternoon Art's Place 6:30-7:30 p.m. 12:30-200 p.m. W~ll~loidRoam C. third flwc i?rieil'io!ir9n (08, Association of Research Brimming \rill>ex,ents and activities of sllecial iuterest to CAlYs li~',i:i.vicvrr<:r onrl Institutes for Art History artist-members, Art's Place is a new fentnre of the ilnnual C:ct~16,lit4cat<:!j Business Meeting Conference. Part theater and part lounge, Art's Place will be a site Gmnd Bollroom. second flooi Privote Djnlng Room 7 lh~rdlloor for daylong, innoratire programming Illat i rill range from meetings and xcorksl~apsto multimedia preseatntions; it \rill provide a setting for stinmlation and intense co~lrersatio~land a llaven for relaxation. A monitor will be nrailahlo for viewing the 2001 online n~ernbers'exhibition. All attendees are cordially invited to drop in, be informed, and enjoy the events. Wednesday evening 5:30-7:00 p.m. 7:30-9:15 a.m. 4:30-6:00 p.m. Conv~cafion Fresh Start: Orientation Prcsent~tions G~OR~Bollroorn second floor wad Muitimediu by 2001 Annual Presentations Conference Regiorral \\'~lcome Pvograln chairs: Anne Tbc Honornblo Richnrrl Perk up )our senses uith Wilson and Buzz Spector Ai. Dnley, hlqor of Clneago, complimentary coffce, ten, allcl Alnggie Dale?, President, slid juice. A detailed schedole fatL11.11ysi!w.wenes~ Fo~~dati011 of tlze day's crents iviill IIC 615-890 p.m. made available. First set of Opening renlarks CAil.hosted celebration of Ellel, T. Bnird, ~nultimediapresentations. Art's Place with complimentary nibbles and cash bar. Sou~~d Prese~btatio~,of awards 9:30 a.m.-noon artists Eric 1.eonardson and Keynote address Fifth Annual Artists' Claude Villey will perform. I<erry James MnrshaII ltrle~views Alole n~ultinlediap~escntatioas. intervic~redby AIsry Katherine Wednesday evening Coffey; Eri Pnschke will he ZOO-9:00 p.m. interviewed by Janles Ibod. Get in the Know: The Art Institute 3D Rapid Pratolyping of Chicago 12:15-1:45 p.m. Denionstrution Kocepsion Final ~r~~zlti~nedia I11 5 Mlrhlgan Avenue Services to Artists' prescntations. Admlri,oo by tlcket only Conirnittee Speakout Alole multimedia presentations Art's Ploce is generously sponrored bvMarsho11 Fielfls and Pearl. Program to be announced 22 College Art A~rociolionConference in Chicogo PRQGdAP4 SESSIONS Thursday morning The History and leg or,^ Sensrrol Jorrr,tey: Raising 9:30 a.m.-noon of ~lfedietialArt in Girrlio the Mind to God ruirh Early illancirri's Considerazioni Q~rnttrocentoCointi Th l stllla pittura I~rmneasGngo, Elirnbcth Bailey, Thc: Molocauml cand Jollns Hopkins Utrirersity Ve'esleyan College Art Secondary *he of The Ideal of Early Christian The Humanist Scholar Wilnessing Sanctity nrrd the Construction irr Dialogue tvith lnle!notionol Bollioorn Souih, qf the Pust Kirstin Noreen, His Srtrroundings second floor Louisiana State Ihi~ersity Samh E. Lnrvrerxce, Coaper- CHAIR: Dora Apel, Howitt, National Design Alaseum W'a'aytxo Slvte Ut~irersily Tlre Caprichins and the Qsesl for the "True intagenof Renl us. Represented: A fi~o Christinn Boltn,tsN's Derni&res Fmncis: i\'o/es on rr illedievnl Look at the IIorrselrold Objects maCcs: Tire History of I'iolence Reviual Stuart P. Lingo, in 151h.Centrcry i\'etherlondish and rlie Iriolence of IIistory hliclligaa State Unirersit). Pninti,zgs of Donlestic Interiors Janis Bergman-Carton, Aunette LcZotte, Suutltcre Ll~tbodistUtiicersity "i\'o Spcciul Attribrctes or Tl'icI2itn Slate University Insignia": Rubens and the Seco,,dory IF'itness and the Probletrts oj Post-Trirlenriae "To Please all the Guests, Cultrcrnl Rhetoric of liarcnm: Hagiographic Iconography and Displeuse one": I,nuges lird JGshern Natnsha Goldmna, CynIBia Lnwrouee, andErrtertnining in the Skidmore College Tcnq~leUniversity F/'ie,,tish Dining Room Scnlpture nJier Stunde Clnttdin Goldstoin, Nlt11: The Post-Holocaust aTh3 Colutebia University I~nplicntionsof ~lfinin?al Studio Art Opeit Session Julia Bernard, Art irr Germany Iho GhiscagolPAidwest Th5 Kenstg~rrl~iebtlirl~eelnstitut, Ssrrlptuie P4nvernent Synuesthesin at the J.W! Goetlle,U~~iversitgI Joliel Room, third flooi Tuvti of she Cl-onrury Grand Bollrook, second llrar Holocnnst ~llenrorinls CHAIR: Austiu I. Collioa, Resisited: ll'ulterBenjor~rin's University of ih'ntre Damr CHAIRS:Stephanie D'Alessnudro, Lnsr Pnssuge, A ~IIonunierrlby Tlre Art llbstitute of Chicago; Mary O'Shnophnessy, \\bod Dnni Knrnoan 3IiahEle Cone, Jeremy Striek, Alaseuto of Street Gallery & Scalpture Center Srl~aulof tl~r\'isual Arts Co~ltern~orsryt\rt, Lor Angelel lr%y l%/orrld Anyorre in Their Steve Luking, On Kandinsky's Sj,,uesthetic DePartl University Right iIfindPhorogm/,lr 12 E-xperiencc IteioLold Heller, i\'azi C~~~~ent~tionCnnzps? University of Clrieago Jnn~esE'riedmaa, I'nle,rtinr de Soin~.Point$ Artist and Indeprttdent Sel~olvr ~lferaclroricTheater: AffilirtlcSociety Sor~io~r Th4 Spncsrhesin/An-estl*esin Th2 Borvresric Ai.t, L>ornestil: Cntlkeriue Bock-Weiss, H ,A, ,,,,,,,,i,,,, ,,,,in,, Ilae~aid Porceptiutt of thc Life: l.ivir?gwith Avf in Tl~eSrl~ool of tbe ~. ~~ Ghrisfiati Past durincg the Rctruissurtce Etrvaltrt?, r\rl Institste of Chirego GrrunEor Itofornrcaiiort 14QO-.I 600 krLe Mrch~gonRoom, e~ghlhllooi Continental Room C, lobby level Form, Substoace, Corresponde,,ce: CHAIRS:Esperau~a Cnmnm, CHAM: A. Victor Coonin, Inlersensory Conrposilion Jalms Hopkins University; Rl~orlesCollege is Digital Jfedio l'nttl Heits, Ann van Dijk, Lonrbs, Corul, Ikerh, nrtd Xortlnrestern University Uni7-ersity of Cirwinurti the Intintate Irrtersection Electrifying the ~llusses of Religion und illugic i,r Potsrlomer Plutz in Rennissurtce %rscnny David Ehrenprois, Jacqueline Mario ilfasacel~io, James hladisoo University \'as~nr College Gelatin: A i\'ere Synnesthesin? Samh Bancroft, Conrtauld Institute of Art Thuirdoy morning 23 Th6 Th8 ThlO Pc~cifirIslat~d Artisi~ Art History Open Session @~.aftsin tlic il,r?irl in a Global World Islen~iePart nnil Virtrtc~lWorld Luke Erie Room, eighth floor Lake Ontoiio Room, eighlh floor 8oulevard Roam C, second floor CHAIR:Carol S. Ivory, CHAIR:Louise Rlaekie, CHAIRS: Dlnrgo Rlonsiug, Skidmorr W8~hinglonSlate Unirerril). The Clor~land>luseum of Art College; Katheriuo Hauser, Skidmore College Eucrything Old Is i\'ere Aguin: The Darb Zubuyda and Austmlia,r Bark Pnintings the Deselopntent of the Iriditiidrcotion of Crafl Sttsnu Keuuetly Zoller, i\'eighborhood Mosque Lisa Norton, The Sel>oolof ladependent Scholar in the Islanric trb/orld tl~oArl Institateof Chicago Berunrd O'I<auo, Pnintingand Patroange in the In Prnise qf Hands: 'Tile A~ueriranUsivcrsily in Cairo Il'esterrr Pnci.fir: A Report from The Disrrnity of CruJi Fiji Hilnry L. Scothorn, Prosperous Beginnings: Saurlrn Alfoldy, Florida State University Herntanr~Goets and the Coneonlia University Questio,, of Bijo~ur's ~llovingbeyond i\'eio Zenlirtrd: Rejlesiue TertileSi~bject/ Blossoniing Deborah H~~ttou, A Model for Conten,porory Object J~uetBozzaut, Skidnrore College Pnct'fic Ar(?Knrou Stevenson, r\lanrl8rst~r>Ietropolitn~t Uai~ersit) University of Canterbury Ea El Th9 dluliing Space: Pacific Islander Thll Tc:c2chirsy Ntirsetrrn Ti~eory The Association of Bodies nnd Perfbmn~uncr arrciss the Art e1t1d Art Historians of American Arf \'nil~loaua Litia alakakn~~faki Hislory Curi.irulrrrn tC~~rretttRcrictnrch on tile Nitnueitolu, Independent Sel~olar Boulevold Roam A and 8, second floor Visrrol <:uIkl~rt>of i<nipivictrl CHAIR:Janet Alarstiuo, Scir:ncr?iii tho Anr?i,ii:as, Th7 Centre1 Va'usl>ingtonUniversity Criim thc RC:IICS~SSCIII~C! Pedagogy 4.0 Is in tl~vir~rgt~fhi? 19th Cerit~~ry Beta: Teracl!ing in the A Modest Proposalfor Conlinentol Room A, lobby level New Medic8 Studio Reuising the Art and Art Moiquette Room. lhird floor Hislory Curriculrr,a thror~glr CHA~RS:Amy DIeyers, /Ire i\'elv Afi~sclrntTheory Tile Hunlil~gtouLibrary, Art CHAIR: Draoko A. Knight, Daniel A. Siedoll, Slleldon Collections, encl Botanical Garclens; IJniverrity of Maine r\len,orisl Art Gallery and Sculpture Therese O'nIalley, Erponding rlre Botindnries: Gnrden, University of Nebraska National Gallery of kt Defining i\'elo Media Unisectily qf i\linnesola Anrericnn Idols: Religiorr Interdisciplinary C~rrriculrrn> i\lrrseology and the /I bsence and E!hnogrophy itr Craig Cnld~~ell, qf History Jeffrey Aht, Enlighte,znzent I'isrrol Ciilture University of Arirox>s Va).ae State Unirersity Alichnel 1'. Gnadio, Theory and Prnctica in i\'cro Stanford University ~\Iusennzs,Episterrtolog): Media Design Dinne Gromnln, and Art Education His dlaster's Obi: Technologies Georgia Institote of Tecllnology; I.inune AlcTnvish, of Projection,
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