The Voice of Zion • 279 N Medina St, St Suite 150, 150 Loretto, Loretto MN 55357 Volume XLIV Number 12 December 2017 The Peace Your King Comes Life’s Christmas of Christmas in Humility Patchwork Quilt Greetings Editorial, Page 2 The Sabbath Word 1, Page 3 Along Life’s Way, Page 5 Pages 8–12 PAGE 2 DECEMBER 2017 editorial The Peace of Christmas THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF JESUS’ BIRTH came with the angelic the preparation of the gospel of peace” (Eph. 6:15). The oral preaching of proclamation of “good tidings of great joy” for all people. Genuine peace forgiveness is the power of God to salvation for all that believe. It is and joy of Christmas starts in one’s own heart and his or her relationship intended for our use and offered freely for our needs. to God. It is the foundation of all interpersonal relationships. Peace is rare Peace is one of the many fruits of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22,23). “For God in the world but abundant in the kingdom of the Prince of Peace. is not the author of confusion, but of peace” (1 Cor. 14:33). Jesus’ peace is different, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto *RGOHDGVDQGJXLGHV+LVSHRSOHWKURXJKWKHRIÀFHRIWKH+RO\6SLULW you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you” (John 14:27), since it is an He does this through the congregation where servants are called into various inner peace of heart. The trials and cares of life may plummet and stress spiritual duties. We are urged to pray for them and to “be at peace among but the peace of God gives strength to endure. yourselves” (1 Thess. 5:13). )RUWKHEHOLHYHUSHDFHZLWK*RGLVÀUVWO\UHODWHGWRNHHSLQJIDLWKDQG Faith life is interwoven with congregation life. One will not be saved a good conscience (1 Tim. 1:19). Secondly, it is being content with God’s by believing in his or her own way but only according to the Scriptures as ZLOO$GHÀOHGFRQVFLHQFHUREVRQHRIWKHMR\RIVDOYDWLRQDQGHYHQWXDOO\WKH enlightened by the Holy Spirit. The Spirit teaches us how to live in peace. KRSHRIHWHUQDOOLIH,WFDQÀOORQH·VKHDUWZLWKELWWHUQHVVDQGKDUPRWKHUV We are urged to “follow after the things which make for peace and things too. Allow, “the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are wherewith one may edify another” (Rom. 14:19). First love, then joy and called in one body; and be ye thankful” (Col. 3:15). peace after which we may edify one another. We are a battling congregation. Only by the power of the Spirit and light (YHQWKHPRVWGLIÀFXOWDQGVHHPLQJO\LPSRVVLEOHPDWWHUVWRVROYHYDQ- of the Word can we war against Satan and his kingdom. It is a battle of Light LVKZKHQRQHÀUVWH[DPLQHVKLVRUKHURZQKHDUWDQGÀQGVWKHUHWKHJUHDW- against darkness. Keeping the “unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” est of all sinners, the one who most needs forgiveness. Trust that, “the (Eph. 4:3) includes discussing the way and the journey with others, sharing peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and one another’s joys and sorrows, and caring for differences with the gospel. minds through Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:7). As travelers on life’s way we can offend each other in word or deed. Fortunately, we have the throne of grace nearby for our feet are “shod with News & Notes from LLC ASong The angels once sang of the triumph • The 2017 LLC update has now been held in all the LLC of heaven on Christmas night. congregations. Your input and suggestions during the of My Heart They sowed into mother earth’s sorrow tour are valuable and will be used in future planning. DUDGLDQWVWDUÀOOHGQLJKW • There has been positive feedback from the LLC Pub- lications Week video which focused on “Music in the That glorious hymn is resounding Life of a believer and the Congregation.” One of the from each generation on. recently published CDs, “Rejoice This Happy Christmas PSALM 2:1–8 It causes the heart-frost to crumble, Morn!” would be a wonderful Christmas gift. my forefather’s as my own. • Subscription renewal notices have been sent out for 1 “Why do the heathen rage, You hear it, O children, each Christmas, the 2018 Voice of Zion and Shepherd’s Voice. Once how one day our way doth lead again, we thank you for your subscription, which and the people imagine a from trials to Christmas eternal helps to support the work. vain thing? and heavenly Christmas peace (SHZ 28). • Rod Nikula, LLC Christian Education Coordinator, has informed us of his plan to retire in June 2018. A 2 The kings of the earth set 2QEHKDOIRIWKH//&RIÀFHVWDII,ZLVKHDFKRI\RXDMR\- formal notice will be sent to congregations advertis- themselves, and the rulers ous and peaceful Christmas season. Scriptures relate that ing the position. If interested, please contact Eliza- many years ago the heavens opened and heavenly angels EHWK -XQWXQHQ RU (ULF -XUPX DW WKH //& RIÀFH IRU take counsel together, against announced the birth of the promised Savior, “Glory to additional information. the LORD, and against his God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward • SLC Renovation Update: Demolition in the basement is men” (Luke 2:14). The same joyous message of the gospel anointed, saying, comforts the weary traveler yet today. Jesus promised His QHDULQJFRPSOHWLRQ([FDYDWLRQKDVEHHQFRPSOHWHGIRU the addition of the walk-in cooler and freezer, with foun- own, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: 3 Let us break their bands dation work to begin soon; Main building septic system not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart installation has begun and will be completed soon. asunder, and cast away their be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14:27). May the message of God’s perfect gift to mankind be centermost as • In December, the Humanitarian Aid Committee sends cords from us. you gather with family and loved ones. an annual Christmas gift package to congregations in Ecuador, Togo, and Ghana. It is a needed and well- 4 He that sitteth in the heavens Updates on LLC Activities received gift for believers in far-away lands. Year-end shall laugh: the Lord shall have • 108 LLC ministers joined the annual ministers tele- contributions can be made through the Humanitarian them in derision. FRQIHUHQFHRULJLQDWLQJIURPWKH//&RIÀFH1RY Aid tab, on the LLC website. Walt Lampi summarized current areas of discussion, • It’s not too early to start making plans for 2018 LLC 5 Then shall he speak unto them both joys and concerns. While God’s children have VHUYLFHV :LQWHU 6HUYLFHV LQ 3KRHQL[ DUH VFKHGXOHG in his wrath, and vex them in felt the attacks of the enemy, God continues to protect for February 22–25. Summer Services dates in Sno- His kingdom and give strength to servants of the homish, Wash, are July 5–8. Information will be pub- his sore displeasure. Word to continue the work. lished in the Voice of Zion and on the LLC website as • Representatives from the Eastern Region congregation it becomes available. 6 Yet have I set my king upon boards met in Toronto, Nov. 4. Similarly, Midwestern my holy hill of Zion. Region boards met in Rockford, Minnesota on Nov. 0D\ ZH SDXVH WKLV KROLGD\ VHDVRQ WR UHÁHFW RQ WKH 18, where Jon Bloomquist introduced, “The Bible: many blessings that God has given each of us and spend 7 I will declare the decree: the Christian’s Faith’s Highest Authority and Guide,” as time with family and loved ones. At LLC, we are also LORD hath said unto me, basis for the spiritual discussion. The meetings also mindful of the generosity of believers who support the addressed terms for LLC Board members, camp board work of our central organization. I wish for each of you Thou art my Son; this day members, and region mission committee members. God’s abundant blessings in the coming New Year. have I begotten thee. • Watch for announcements coming soon regarding Eric Jurmu core staff openings for the 2018 camp season. Notices 8 Ask of me, and I shall give will be sent to congregations in the December-January thee the heathen for thine time frame. There will be openings for paid kitchen staff at HLC for the months July and August. A notice inheritance, and the advertising for HLC Camp Caretaker and HLC uttermost parts of the earth Kitchen Manager has also been sent to congregations. Interested parties can contact camp director Peter for thy possession.” Kuopus for additional information. Applications are to be submitted by December 31, 2017. DECEMBER 2017 PAGE 3 The Sabbath Word 1 A text for the 1st Sunday of the Month Your King Comes in Humility And when he had thus spoken, he went before, ascending up to Jerusalem. And it came to pass, when he was come Trust in God nigh to Bethphage and Bethany, at the mount called the mount of Olives, he sent two of his disciples, Saying, Go A child of God has faith and trust in what \HLQWRWKHYLOODJHRYHUDJDLQVW\RXLQWKHZKLFKDW\RXUHQWHULQJ\HVKDOOÀQGDFROWWLHGZKHUHRQ\HWQHYHUPDQ God has prepared. Good works and fruits sat: loose him, and bring him hither. And if any man ask you, Why do ye loose him? thus shall ye say unto him, follow, after living faith is received. These Because the Lord hath need of him. And they that were sent went their way, and found even as he had said unto works do not merit salvation, but are done them. And as they were loosing the colt, the owners thereof said unto them, Why loose ye the colt? And they said, with faith and joy.
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