ZI FROM CROESUS TO CONSTANTINE JEROME LECTURES Ten th Series R RO T 0 T The Cities of Western Asia Minor and Their Arts in Greek and Ro1nan Tinzes GEORGE M. A. HANFMANN THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PRESS Ann Arbor In 1nemory of Axel Boethius and Gisela M. A. Richter Copyright© by the University of Michigan 1975 All rights reserved ISBN 0-472-08420-8 Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 73-80574 Published in the United States of America by The University of Michigan Press and simultaneously in Don Mills, Canada, by Longman Canada Limited Manufactured in the United States of America Preface The privilege to present the Thomas Spencer Jerome Lectures gives me a welcome opportunity to place in a wider framework researches which I have pursued for the past twenty-five years at Sardis and elsewhere in Asia Minor. These lectures were delivered in winter, 1971, at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor and in spring, 1972, at the American Academy in Rome. The infectious enthusiasm of Gerald F. Else, Secretary of the Jerome Committee and a friend of many years, and the kindness of John Griffiths Pedley and other colleagues made the stay in Ann Arbor a memorable experience. We are deeply indebted to the Jerome Lec­ tures Committee and to its Chairman, Dean Donald F. Stokes for their generous hospitality. The American Academy in Rome is a wonderful haven for scholars. It was a great pleasure to renew contacts with the devotees of Rome, young and, old, and to learn from the Roman colleagues of their new, exciting discoveries. To the Director of the Academy, Bartlett Hayes, to Inez Langobardi of the Academy Library, and to Janet Martin and Margaret Dubois I owe special debts of gratitude in connection with the lectures. The first draft and the final work were done at Harvard University, where Glen Bowersock and Ernst Kitzinger supplied much relevant information. On visits to Dumbarton Oaks I had the opportunity of receiving valuable advice from Cyril Mango. At the intermediate stage of the project during a sabbatical leave, I enjoyed the admirable facilities of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. I should like to thank Carl Kaysen, Director, and Homer A. Thompson of the School of Historical Studies for their help in all respects. It was providential for my Jerome Lectures subject to have as fellow members at the Institute T. R. S. viii Preface Broughton, C. P. Jones, R. P. Duncan-Jones, and A. G. Woodhead who patiently answered assorted queries. It was my ambition, very nearly fulfilled, to visit all major sites discussed in these lectures. I am keenly appreciative of the kindness of the excavation leaders and their staffs who took time out to show me their work and discuss their results. They, as well as colleagues in many countries, have obliged me by sending photo­ Contents graphs, slides, and information. For these favors I extend my thanks to: E. Akur­ gal, A. Alfoldi, E. Rosenbaum-Alfoldi, W. Alzinger, A. Bammer, M. Baran, C. A. Blessing, J. Boardman, J. Borchhardt, E. C::akir, P. Devambez, N. Dolunay, J. Fagerlie, F. Fasolo, N. Firatli, A. Giuliano, E. Gombosi, C.H. Greenewalt, Jr., H. ABBREVIATIONS Giirc;:ay, D. E. L. Haynes, K. Jeppesen, S. Karwiese, J. C. Kern, G. Kleiner, T. K. X Kempf, K. Kaval, L. J. Majewski, T. Marasovic, S. McNally, M. J. Mellink, R. Meric;:, H. Metzger, H. Mobius, R. Naumann, R. V. Nicholls, M. Onder, W. I. Sardis, Croesus, and the Persians 1 Peschlow, A. Ramage, N. H. Ramage, W. Reusch, K. Schefold, H. Stronach, H. Siirmelioglu, R. Temizer, H. Vetters, J. B. Ward-Perkins, D. H. Wright, F. K. Yegiil, M. Yenim, and G. Yiigriim. II. Hellenization Takes Command 22 Deborah E. S. Shastok assisted in preparing the first draft. My valued col­ laborator in recent years, Jane C. Waldbaum, had a major share in transforming III. Ad Claras Asiae Volemus Urbes: Roman the lectures into a form suitable for publication. I should like to thank Ilse Hanfmann and K. Patricia Erhart for help with the index. Governors and Urban Renewal 41 By my dedication I should like to pay tribute to the memory of two illustrious Jerome Lecturers who in their later years became close associates of the American IV. The Social Role of Sculpture in Roman Cities Academy in Rome-the two neighborly dwellers along the Mura of Western Asia Minor 57 Gianicolensi-Axel Boethius and Gisela M.A. Richter. Their inspiration has led me. to the two major themes of my lectures-urbanism and sculpture. Boethius's splendid Golden House of Nero has pioneered the modern approach to Roman V. Instinctu Divinitatis: The Tetrarchs, urbanism. His warm-hearted friendship is unforgettable for all who were Constantine, and Constantinople 75 privileged to share in it. Gisela Richter has organized for us the entire field of Greek sculpture. Her Ancient Italy represented an attempt to apply this knowledge BIBLIOGRAPHY 98 and much more to the problem of defining the development of arts in an originally unGreek region, a problem analogous to that posed in my lectures. She was the ILLUSTRATIONS 110 first American archaeologist I met upon my arrival in the United States in 1934, and she was still able to come to the first of the Jerome Lectures at the Academy in 1972. Her unwavering dedication to scholarly life, her love of classical art, and her INDEX 119 unfailing openness to young scholars were an inspiration for nearly a century of our studies. PLATES 129 George M.A. Hanfmann Abbreviations xi IstFo-Istanbuler Forschungen. IstMitt-Mitteilungen des deutschen archaologischen Instituts, Abteilung Istanbul. JASAH-Journal of the American Society of Architectural Historians. Jdl-Jahrbuch des deutschen archaologischen Instituts. /HS-Journal of Hellenic Studies. JOAI-Jahreshefte des osterreichischen archaologischen Instituts. Abbreviations JOBG-Jahrbuch der osterreichischen byzantinischen Gesellschaft. /RS-Journal of Roman Studies. PERIODICALS AND ST AND ARD WORKS Masterbronzes-Mitten, D. G., and S. F. Doeringer. Master Bronzes from the Classical World. MonAnt-Monumenti Antichi. Pa tria-(Pseudo-Codin us), Patria Konstan tinopoleos. 2 AA-Archaologischer Anzeiger. PIR -Prosopographia Imperii Romani. Acta A-Acta Archaeologica. RA-Revue archeologique. AJA-American Journal of Archeology. RE-Pauly-Wissowa, Real-Encyclopadie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft. AMiran-Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran. REG-Revue des etudes grecques. AnatSt-Anatolian Studies. Rev Phil-Revue de philologie, de litterature et d'histoire anciennes. AnatSt Ramsay-Buckler, W. H., and W. M. Calder, eds. Anatolian Studies Presented to Sir Willia111 RomMitt-Mitteilungen des deutschen archaologischen Instituts, Romische Abteilung. Mitchell Ramsay. Studies Hanfmann-Mitten, D. G., J. G. Pedley, and J. A. Scott, eds. Studies Presented to George M. Annist-Istanbul Arkeoloji Miizeleri Yilligi. A. Hanfmann. An tCI-L' Antiquite classique. AnzWien-Anzeiger der Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, Phil-Hist. Klasse. ArchEp/J-Archaiologike Ephemeris. Art Bull-Art Bulletin. Art Treasures-Smithsonian Institution. Art Treasures of Turkey. BOOKS AND ARTICLES ASAtene-Annuario della R. Scuola Archeologica di Atene. AthMitt-Mitteilungen des deutschen archaologischen Instituts, Athenische Abteilung. BASOR-Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research. Akurgal, Art-Akurgal, E. The Art of Greece: Its Origins in the Mediterranean and Near East. BCH-Bulletin de correspondance hellenique. Akurgal, Civilizations-Akurgal, E. Ancient Civilizations and Ruins of Turkey. BSA-British School at Athens, Annual. Akurgal, KunstAnat-Akurgal, E. Die Kunst Anatoliens van Homer bis Alexander. BZ-Byzantinische Zeitschrift. Alzinger, Stadt-Alzinger, W. Die Stadt des siebenten Weltwunders: die Wiederentdeckung van Ephesos. CAH-Cambridge Ancient History. Aziz, Guide-Aziz, A. Guide du Musee de Smyrne. CahArch-Cahiers archeologiques. Berve-Gruben-Berve, H., G. Gruben, and M. Hirmer. Greek Temples, Theaters and Shrines. CMH-Cambridge Medieval History. Bieber, ScHe/l-Bieber, M. The Sculpture of the Hellenistic Age. CF-Classical Philology. Bohlau and Schefold, Larisa 1-Bohlau, J., and K. Schefold. Larisa am Hermus I Die Bniiten. CRAI-Comptes rend us de l' Academie des inscriptions et belles lettres. Bowersock, Augustus-Bowersock, G. W. Augustus and the Greek World. CSEL-Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasicorum Latinorum. Bowersock, Sophists-Bowersock, G. W. Greek Sophists in the Roman Empire. Dergi-Tiirk Arkeoloji Dergisi. Brinkerhoff, Collection-Brinkerhoff, D. M. A Collection of Sculpture in Classical and Early Christian DOPapers-Dumbarton Oaks Papers. Antioch. ERA-Boethius, A., and J. B. Ward-Perkins. Etruscan and Roman Architecture. Buckler, Sardis VI.2-Buckler, W. H. Sardis VI.2 Lydian Inscriptions. G.C.S.-Kg. Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Kirchenvater-Commission. Griechische Buckler and Robinson, Sardis VII.1-Buckler, W. H., and D. M. Robinson. Sardis VII.1 Greek and christ/iche Schriftsteller der ersten drei Jahrhunderte. Latin Inscriptions. HSCP-Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. Cadoux, Smyrna-Cadoux, C. J. Ancient Smyrna: A History of the City from the Earliest Times to 324 IGRR-Inscriptiones Graecae ad Res Romanas Pertinents. A.D. ILN-Illustrated London News. Claude-Claude, D. Die byzmztinische Stadt im 6. Jahrhundert. X Abbreviations Abbreviations xiii xii Cook, Greeks-Cook, J. M. The Greeks in Ionia and the East. Magie, Ranum Rule-Magie, D. Roman Rule in Asia Minor to the End of the Third Century After Christ. Coupel and Demargne, Xnntlws 3-Coupel, P., and P. Demargne. Fouilles de Xanthos 3 Le monu111ent Mamboury (1951)-Mamboury, E. Istanbul Touristique. Mango, Art-Mango, C. The Art of the Byzantine Empire, Sources and Documents. des Nereides. L'architecture. Dorner-Dorner, F. K. Inschriften und Denkmiiler nus Bithynien. Mango, Brazen House-Mango, C. The Brazen House: A Study of the Vestibule of the Imperial Palace of Eichler, FoEph V:1-Eichler, F. Forschungen in Ephesos V:1 Die Bibliothek. Constantinople. Fasolo, L' architettura a Efeso-Fasolo, F. L' architettura roman a a Efeso in Bol/etino de/ cen tro di studi per la Marcade, Recuei/-Marcade, J.
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