ACI 210R-93 (Reapproved 2008) Erosion of Concrete in Hydraulic Structures Reported by ACI Committee 210 James R. Graham Chairman Patrick J. Creegan James E. McDonald Wallis S. Hamilton Glen E. Noble John G. Hendrickson, Jr. Ernest K. Schrader Richard A. Kaden Committee 210 recognizes with thanks the contributions of Jeanette M. Ballentine, J. Floyd Best, Gary R. Mass, William D. McEwen, Myron B. Petrowsky, Melton J. Stegall, and Stephen B. Tatro. Members of ACI Committee 210 voting on the revisions: Stephen B. Tatro Chairman Patrick J. Creegan Angel E. Herrera James E. McDonald James R. Graham Richard A. Kaden Ernest K. Schrader This report outlines the causes, control, maintenance, and repair of erosion Chapter 2-Erosion by cavitation, pg. 210R-2 in hydraulic structures. Such erosion occurs from three major causes: cavi- 2.1-Mechanism of cavitation ration, abrasion, and chemical attack. Design parameters, materials selec- tion and quality,environmental factors, and other issues affecting the per- 2.2-Cavitation index formance of concrete are discussed. 2.3-Cavitation damage Evidence exists to suggest that given the operating characteristics and conditions to which a hydraulic structure will be subjected, it can be de- Chapter 3-Erosion by abrasion, pg. 210R-5 signed to mitigate future erosion of the concrete. However,operational 3.1-General factors change or are not clearly known and hence erosion of concrete sur- faces occurs and repairs must follow. This report briefly treats the subject 3.2-Stilling basin damage of concrete erosion and repair and provides numerous references to de- 3.3-Navigation lock damage tailed treatment of the subject. 3.4-Tunnel lining damage Keywords: abrasion; abrasion resistance; aeration; cavitation; chemical attack concrete dams; concrete pipes; corrosion; corrosion resistance; deterioration; Chapter 4-Eros ion by chemical attack, pg. 210R-7 erosion; grinding (material removal): high-strength concretes; hydraulic struc- 4.1-Sources of chemical attack tures; maintenance; penstocks; pipe linings; pipes (tubes); pitting polymer 4.2-Erosion by mineral-free water concrete; renovating; repairs; spillways; tolerances (mechanics); wear. 4.3-Erosion by miscellaneous causes PART 2-CONTROL OF EROSION CONTENTS Chapter 5-Control of cavitation erosion, pg. 210R-8 5.1-Hydraulic design principles PART 1-CAUSES OF EROSION Chapter 1-Introduction, pg. 210R-2 5.2-Cavitation indexes for damage and construction tolerances 5. 3- Usi ng aeration to control damage ACI Committee Reports, Guides, Standard Practices, and ACI 210 R-93 supersedes ACI 210 R-87 and became effective September 1,1993. Commentaries are intended for guidance in designing, plan- Minor revisions have been made to the report. Year designations have been ning, executing, or inspecting construction and in preparing removed from recommended references to make the current edition the re- specifications. References to these documents shall not be ferenced version. made in the Project Documents. If items found in these Copyright Q 1987, American Concrete Institute. documents are desired to be a part of the Project Docu- All rights reserved including righs of reproduction and use in any form or by ments, they should be phrased in mandatory language and any means, including the making of copies by any photo process, or by any elect- tronic or mechanical device printed, written, or oral, or recording for sound or incorporated into the Project Documents. visual reproduction or for we in any knowledge or retrieval system or device, unless permission in writing is obtained from the copyright proprietors. 210R-1 210R-2 ACI COMMITTEE REPORT 5.4-Fatigue caused by vibration FLOW 5.5-Materials ,-Vopar cavities - /Vapor cavities 5.6-Materials testing 5.7-Construction practices Chapter 6-Control of abrasion erosion, pg. 210R-14 A OFFSET INTO FLOW 8. OFFSET AWAY FROM FLOW 6.1-Hydraulic considerations 6.2-Material evaluation - flapor cavities - 6.3-Materials ,Vopor cavities Chapter 7-Control of erosion by chemical attack, pg. 210R-15 7.1-Control of erosion by mineral-free water C ABRUPT CURVATURE D. ABRUPT SLOPE 7.2-Control of erosion from bacterial action AWAY FROM FLOW AWAY FROM FLOW 7.3-Control of erosion by miscellaneous chemical ~Er cavities causes - /apor cavities PART3-MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF EROSION Chapter 8-Periodic inspections and corrective action, pg. 210R-17 E. VOID OR TRANSVERSE F. ROUGHENED SURFACE 8.l-General G R 0 0 V E 8.2-Inspection program _Aapor cavities 8.3-Inspection procedures __i+Q+ 8.4-Reporting and evaluation I /- Damage Chapter 9-Repair methods and materials, pg. 210R-18 G PROTRUDING JOINT 9.1-Design considerations Fig. 2.1-Cavitation situations at surface irregularities 9.2-Methods and materials Part 2 discusses the options available to the designer Chapter 10-References, pg. 210R-21 and user to control concrete erosion in hydraulic struc- l0.l-Specified and/or recommended references tures. 10.2-Cited references Part 3 discusses the evaluation of erosion problems and provides information on repair techniques. Part 3 is Appendix-Notation, pg. 210R-24 not comprehensive, and is intended as a guide for the selection of a repair method and material. PART I-CAUSES OF EROSION CHAPTER 1-INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 2-EROSION BY CAVITATION Erosion is defined in this report as the progressive dis- integration of a solid by cavitation, abrasion, or chemical 2.1-Mechanism of cavitation action. This report is concerned with: 1) cavitation ero- Cavitation is the formation of bubbles or cavities in a sion resulting from the collapse of vapor bubbles formed liquid. In hydraulic structures, the liquid is water, and the by pressure changes within a high-velocity water flow; 2) cavities are filled with water vapor and air. The cavities abrasion erosion of concrete in hydraulic structures form where the local pressure drops to a value that will caused by water-transported silt, sand, gravel, ice, or cause the water to vaporize at the prevailing fluid tem- debris; and 3) disintegration of the concrete in hydraulic perature. Fig. 2.1 shows examples of concrete surface ir- structures by chemical attack. Other types of concrete regularities which can trigger formation of these cavities. deterioration are outside the scope of this report. The pressure drop caused by these irregularities is gen- Ordinarily, concrete in properly designed, constructed, erally abrupt and is caused by local high velocities and used, and maintained hydraulic structures will undergo curved streamlines. Cavities often begin to form near years of erosion-free service. However, for a variety of curves or offsets in a flow boundary or at the centers of reasons including inadequate design or construction, or vortices. operational and environmental changes, erosion does oc- When the geometry of flow boundaries causes stream- cur in hydraulic structures. This report deals with three lines to curve or converge, the pressure will drop in the major aspects of such concrete erosion: direction toward the center of curvature or in the direc- Part 1 discusses the three major causes of concrete tion along the converging streamlines. For example, Fig. erosion in hydraulic structures: cavitation, abrasion, and 2.2 shows a tunnel contraction in which a cloud of cavi- chemical attack. ties could start to form at Point c and then collapse at EROSION OF CONCRETE IN HYDRAULIC STRUCTURES 21OR-3 in Rouse (1978). If cavitation is just beginning and there is a bubble of vapor at Point c, the pressure in the fluid adjacent to the bubble is approximately the pressure within the bubble, which is the vapor pressure pv of the fluid at the fluid’s temperature. Therefore, the pressure drop along the streamline from 0 to 1 required to produce cavitation at the crown is Fig. 2.2-Tunnel contraction Point d. The velocity near Point c is much higher than the average velocity in the tunnel upstream, and the and the cavitation index at the condition of incipient streamlines near Point c are curved. Thus, for proper cavitation is values of flow rate and tunnel pressure at 0, the local pressure near Point c will drop to the vapor pressure of water and cavities will occur. Cavitation damage is pro- (2-2) duced when the vapor cavities collapse. The collapses that occur near Point d produce very high instantaneous pressures that impact on the boundary surfaces and cause It can be deduced from fluid mechanics considerations pitting, noise,and vibration. Pitting by cavitation is (Knapp, Daily, and Hammitt 1970) - and confirmed ex- readily distinguished from the worn appearance caused perimentally -that in a given system cavitation will by abrasion because cavitation pits cut around the harder begin at a specific Us,no matter which combination of coarse aggregate particles and-have irregular and rough pressure and velocity yields that uc. edges. If the system operates at a u above uc, the system does not cavitate. If u is below a=, the lower the value of a, 2.2-Cavitation index the more severe the cavitation action in a given system. The cavitation index is a dimensionless measure used Therefore, the designer should insure that the operating to characterize the susceptibility of a system to cavitate. u is safely above uc for the system’s critical location. Fig. 2.2 illustrates the concept of the cavitation index. In Actual values of uc for different systems differ mark- such a system, the critical location for cavitation is at edly, depending on the shape of flow passages, the shape Point c. of objects fixed in the flow, and the location where The static fluid pressure at Location 1 will be reference pressure and velocity are measured. For a smooth surface with slight changes of slope in the direction of flow, the value of uc may be below 0.2. For systems that produce strong vortices, uc may exceed where p, is the absolute static pressure at Point c; y is 10.
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