LOCAL M:\\ SBRiLi S Leibovitz AIDS photos to show at Eastman AIDS Rodiester and Geoige Eastman Iiouse are coming together to present "A Gathering of Hope" at Eastman House fiom Nov. 22 throu^ Jan. 15. The exhibit will feature portraits by photographer Annie Leibovitz wWich were originally produced as a campaign for the San Francisco AIDS Foundation, as a tribute to people with HIV livong lives of hope, detcnnination, and courage. The campaign's theme, "Be Herc for thc Cure," was designed to uige people who arc HIV positive to take the nec­ ON THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL. Karett essary' steps to stay healthy. "People Btetrstem tneets the press otAlbany^s Cify I -iving with HJV: Portraits by Annie HaU afier beittp ettdorsed by AUtam i jc\ho\ity^' combines portraits of indi- Comptroller Ncmcy Burtott attd Mayor viduiiis with their [XTsonal pliilosophies JerryJenftm&. They were ioinedby other jof jiving witli IIFV, written in tlieir own locidojKciaBmdtedmgJ^ba handwriting. An opening reception for KetthStlohn, the first opetdy stxy this exclusive East Coast exhibition is AfHam-Arnericart elected omcmlirt the lx:ing planned in recognition of Worid nation. Photo by Teri Currte/ AIDS Day, Dec. 1. Conmumications Sertnces. In Rochester, World AIDS D^ will be mariccd ly a "Hcdd Back the N^t" candldi^t walk irom the Eastman House to the liberty Pde, at 8 p.m. Burstein ready to make history in Attorney Free transportarion will be available from the Liberty Pcdc to die Eastman General race; GOP niakes lesbianism an isj House. A reception will be held tfierc for the Leibovitz exhibit; $10 is the By Teri Cume shodd not be an admitted lesbian.'' He rican American section of soutfieastem sv^gested donation. Sexual orientation wasn't the issue at went on to say that Vacco was foolish Queens. As a Democrat in the Republi- Also featured in the Eastman House an Albany fundraising break&st held on not to make Burstein's lesbianism an is­ can-contrdled Senate, Burstein h^ied exhibttt win be pages fiom a scrapbook National Coming Out Day (Oct 11) fiDT sue. Durii^ his press conference, Vacco negotiate major legislation on domestic created by or in honor of a person living Karen Butstdn, the Democratic/Liberal maintained that Molinari was a good vidence, which has been a continuing witfi HTV or AIDS within our com­ nominee for State Attorney General. fiiend, but that he cannot contrd the ac­ concem of hers. She also led the ^^t munity. The local pages are being cre­ Unless, of course, you wanted it to be. tions ofhis si^porters. Interestingly, to preserve Medicaid fimding of abor­ ated in conjunction with AIDS Roch­ A oofifee-scented living room fikd witfi Vacco was stanc£r^ ti^ next to Mdi- tions for poor women. ester, which is hokling woricshops with a diadeiir^mix c£Iesbian,g^and stxa^it nari when he ttvmc fis comments. In 1978, she was £f3pointed a member an art therapist and a facilitator fiom people greeted Burstein, who arrived a While Vacco maintains tfiat Burstein's of the Scate Publk: Service Cotntntssion; Writers and Books in order to devdop bit kte, not at aD flustered by the rickety sexual orientation is not an issue, he in 1980 she was named chairperson of materials for this local portion ofthe Cessna airplane ride fiom New Yodc Qty openly diss^ljrees with her support of do­ thc Stace Consumer Protection Board; exhibit. or tfie subsequent delays fiom the aitjxirt mestic partnershp t^ts and the teoent ki 1983 she became pftsklent <^the New Following the cxhitMtion at Eastman '*Sorry, everyone," Burstein said as she extension of health insurance benefits Yoric State Civil Service Commission, House, a set ofthe posters from the shook ^ch arid every hand Cirdir^ the to domestic partners of state workers. and in 1987, tficn-N.Y.C Mayor Ed Annie Leibovitz exhibit will remain in break&st table, Burstein joktr^ asked Kodi named her the city's first and only the Rochester area. AIDS Rochester has the crowd of cariy morning risers, "Are Support for dvil tights Auditor General received a gtant from Eastman Kodak all of you waiting for me to say some­ Burstein equates the stn:^g^ for dvil In 1990, Mayor David Dinkins ap­ Conpany to purdiase the posters and diing?" r^ts in the 196Qs to the lesbian and ggy pointed Binsoein as a judge on die Btodc- accompanying audio and visual mate­ Qeariy, they were. rigjKts movement of today. lyn Family Court, where she served rials, Tiiese materials will be utilized by Burstein ^x)ke about thc most recent *There is a stigma attadied to beii^ AIDS Rodiester as a tool few their com­ statewide pdl by Quinn^jac CoDege in 'die wrof^ color,"' she sakL "Also, beti^ Burstein continued on p3 munity outreach and educational needs. Comiectkajt, whidi showed her witfi a g^ is stigmatized" Ahhou^ radal dif­ For more informarion on the display 15 percent lead over her opponent. Re­ ferences are more physically apparent, TABLH or or how to create a f>age for the scrap- publican Dennis Vacco. she noted,'*the soul-destioyir^ effects book, contact Larry Zeiber at 442-2220. Burstein also made it dear that her les­ (of stigma) are the same. But you can't (:(>NT}:NT< bianism should not be a campap cen­ take a person's sod away if tfiey fed Hallwalls hosts Ways in terpiece. * To most strai^t people, it's no good about themselves." b^ deal," she sakL'l^Qople shodd be ask- Burstein enjoys the sifjport of a broaci- Being Gay Festival ir^ me if 1 am a good lawyer. Ihey shodd based constituency. She has been en­ Buflalo's HaDwaUs Conten^xHaiy Arts be asking me about thdr own dvil ri^ts. dorsed by the Enptte State Pride Agenda Center wiH ^x)nsor their annual Ways in Of course, the &ct that I am a lesUan wiB as weH as many local leslnan and g^ po­ Beif^Gay Festival this month, featuring come xxp. It's a positive tfiing for the litical otg^nizatkx^ Burstein is confident E)>4QE TV, Lea DeLaria, E)orothy Allison, community." tfae statewide lesluan and g^y dvil t^^ Holly Hifjhes aixl many films, exhibits Within hours of her statement, how­ bin will pass. If dected, she pledges to and performances. ever, Burstein's sexual orientation was the persuade otherwise resistant members Betfi Trinwroo, producer of Dyke TV, issue. Befoce Bucstdn's arrival at Aban/s of the Republkan-oormoBed Seruie, the will sf>eak and screen segments ofthe City HaH for her noontime press confer­ tfouse in whkii she served in the eady 1970s, to re-dunk tfieir poatiDns cn the show at 7i30 pjti cn Nov. 4, at HaBwaBsy ence, Vacco held one on tfie steps of the Photo ley EHeii Maha%. See pp. 11,15 2495 Main St, Suite 425, Buffib. The Capitol. Reporters hungrily awaited issue. presentation will be free. Vacco*s response to a Columbus Day Acareerof advocacy Wiiter Dorothy Allison wiH sqppear on statement by Staten Island Borough Afier working as a Icg^ services lawyer, I^m FcsUvaL*^**— *jp. 11 Nov. M at7pjn.,oo-prcsentcdbyJust President Guy MolinarL Burstein was dorted to die State Senale BOOK w^yicwB ***»»», »>—.p* 12 Buffalo Literary Center. Admission NfckKtiafi, a Vacco simorter as weO as in 1972 She represented tfic wcaltfiy, P-AC fiifiidcaMef**—•••——^••••«p» 15 N.Y.C caiTfxi^ diair for Repubiksai inostty white Hve TowmcfLongislatvi HaUwaUs condnued onp. 3 gubernatorial candkiate Geotge Pataki, ak>i^ witfi a much poorer, mostiy Af­ had said, 'The next Attorney General 2 The Empty Cioset November 1994 November 1994 Tbe Empty Chset 3 EDITORIAL Protecting the children (from Jesse Helms and Co.) LOCAL & STATE NEWS By Susan Jordan ofa neo-fesdst pditical agenda are to be of sexual crimes against duldren (male commanding *T>on't have se3c" The im- Burstein continued from p. 1 Marquee at die Tralf, 100 Theater Place. Tickets are $13 in advance and $15 at Itis ironk: that Jesse Hdms is tryingto aDowed to readi the impressionahJe ears diiklren as weD as female.) When hetero­ pdication is that kids \^^ disobey the no- until last spring when she stepped down die door, and can be purchased at the remove counseUng for gay smdents, of youth. sexual males have solved their own sex commandment deserpe to contract to run for Attorney GeneraL PAC recommendations HIV/AIDS counsding, etc fixxn our Can any rational person realty imagne problems of child abuse, harassment, HIV. Marquee box oflb£ (852^522) or fiom nation's sdiools. Lonk: because the cry of that heterosexual kids, upon hearing the rape, battering staDdng and serial wcanan- Something similar is implied by the First woman in 20years TlckctmasCer, The following candidates have received the PACs full recom­ the hcxnophobic bigots has always been Big News that queers are human beings kiffiri^ rnaj^DC then th^ wiD have a rnoral R^t's stand against reprodiKtive choke. If dected, Burstein will be the first Hd^ Hi^« wfflperfomi *Ot Notes" mendation (unless otherwise noted). The potential candidates **pTotect the chikiren" (from the stq^pos- and not demons, wiD immcdktdy rush rig^t to point a finger at die minority Women and ^s who break the patri­ woman dected to statewide executive on Nov. 12 at 7 and 9:30 pjn. at die were rated either recommended or recommended with reser­ ecfly omnipresent queer child mdestots.) off to a gay bar or a bathhouse or a Les­ of gays who commit sexual crimes. archal rdes by having sex outside office in 20 yeats, and the fitst open Ics- Erie County Central Library-Lafayette vation.
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