BOLIVIA: Public Disclosure Authorized V. L. SECRETARIA NACIONAL DE MEDIO AMBIENTE MINISTERIO DE MINERIA Y METALURGIA Swedish Environmental Systems Public Disclosure Authorized 1~~~~~~1 SECTORAL ENVIRONMENTALASSESSMENT OF THE MNING AND INDUSTRIAL (LMANUFACTURING)SECTORS Public Disclosure Authorized lECHNICAL APPENDICES:Volume No. 2 June 1993 Public Disclosure Authorized | SECORAL ENVIRONMENTALASSESSEENT OF THE MININGAND INDUSTRIAL SECTORSIN BOLIVIA SwedishEnvironmental Systems June 1993 I ! TECHNICAL APPENDICES: Volume No. 2 IVA Laboratoryfacilities and capacitiesin Bolivia (RudolfReuther) IV.5 Estimateof costs of remediationof tailingsdams in Bolia (Anders Swartling) IV.6 Ihe working environmentin BoLivia;experiences and impressions(Bengt Knaborg) 1V.7 Mining versus agrculture in the Andacaba-LaLava area (Bo Lundberg) rV.8 The Milluni tailings dam as source of water for La Paz (Bo Lundberg) I IV.9 Environmentalconcerns in zheOruro area and Lake Poopo (Bo Lundberg) IV.10 The environmeatalsituation in Potosi (Bo Lundberg) IV.AI Environmentalsiuataion in Bolivi manufaring industry (Lars Landner) IV.12 Environmentalcode of practicefor mining ventures(Anders Swartling,Bo Lundberg) IV.13 Solid and hazardouswaste disposalin Bolivia (Rudolf Reuther) I APPENDIX IV.4 SC-CTORALENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF THE MINING AND INDUSTRIAL SECTORS IN BOLIVIA LABORATORY FACILITIES AND CAPACIES IN BOLIVIA 1)y Rudoir Reuther I I I jInlroductimun Duringthe courseof the "SectciralEnvironmental Assessment of the Miningand Industrial Sectors in Bolivia", it becamemore anid more evident, that such an efrortsliould also inclide a first surveyof the availablenational laboratorycapability, which is absolutelynecessary to give us a measure of the scopeand seriousnessof past and current pollutionphenomena identified. For this reason, more than a dozen analyticallaboratories were visited. They were selected according to the followingcriteria: o liabilitywith regard to environmentalregulations o involvementin current environmentalprograms o high standardization,qualification and equipment Particularattention was paid to the existing institutionalpreparedness and motivationto communicate with and participatein devel(kpmentprojects designed to increaseand improve the nalional networking capacity within environmentalmonitoring and control. In addition, the degree of willingnessto activelyassist the WB team in sampling and analysis was also taken as an 'on-tie-spot' criterion for a final evaluation. In the following, a summaryof major facts and findings is given for those laboratories,which were visited during the time of project implementation. Eaaviromnentallaboraturies visited and selected for furtiler evaluation On major objective with these informationgatherings was to identify,at an early stage, those institutions,which have the potentialto develop into future authorizedanalytical laboratories as well as to a central organizationas claimed by the 'ReglamentoSobre Lanzamientode Desechos IndustrialesSobre los Cuerpos de Agua' Such a national ReferenceLaboratory would have the responsibilityto coordlinatehoth regional and local monitoringactivities on a national scale and would equallyensure the qualityassurance of environmentalanalysis conductedin the country by authorized laboratories. The examplespresented here, should be re-evaluatedaccording to the preliminary classification suggested(1: not consideredfor the present, El: consideredwith reservation, 111:considered as appropriate). For further planning and action, it is essentialto build-uponalready existing facilitieswith a good personnelpotential to develop. However, it has lo he said, that a highly entugh to prevent a drain of well-trainedscientists and technicians. Of course, this first survey of the laboratorycapability related to environmentalmonitoring and impactassessment in Boliviais still rather incompleteand nothing more thar. a rough estimationof thile situation. It has to be complemented and further developed considering the rapidly growing deemandand requirementfor sound analyticalservices, both with regard to base line conditions, appliedresearch and ithecreation of effectiveenvironmental control instrUments. I Summaryof laboratories visited Instituto de Ecologia, Universidad Mayor de San Andres o CampusUniversitario, Cota Cota,Calle 27, Casilla10077, La Paz o visited:13.11.1992 and 12.02.1993 o met with:Dr. MargotFranklin (head of limnologicallaboratory, biologist), RobertoApaza (biologist),Dr. JUrgenCzerwenka (GTZ coordinator, biologist); EllenRades (Germanacademic exchange, microbiologist), Julio Pinto (biolo- gist),Dr. Justo Zapata(Institute of Chemistry,chemist) o biomonitoring:contamination and impactstudies using bio-indicators o heavymetal analysis in water,sediment and biota('Hilluni lakes' study) o centrallaboratory for biologist,with mainlyorganic chemical analysis, under construction (GIZ funding of 200.000 US$) o planned for 1993: gas chormatograph for organochlorines & organophosphates, for 1994: CHN-analyzer o preparationof 'LagoPoopo' project (FONAMA financing ca.10.000 US$/year): food chain contamination by mining activities; plankton, benthos, fish, macrophytes and sediment sampling and analyses o good biological sampling equipment, very limited for chemical analysis at present o project financing: mostly without salaries, lacking of one technician and one chemist for organicresidue analysis o classification a III: high motivationof leadingstaff, paired with a high degreeof qualification Instituto de saludOcupacional (INSO), Hinisteriode Salud o Zona de liospitales.,Avenida Saavedra, Miraflores, La Paz o visited:13.11.1992 o met with: Dr. Y. Nacif (director),Antonio Quisbert (technician) o chemical control and toxicological analysisof humanblood, hair and urine, drinking water and food (e.g. blood-Pb levels, Hg in hair) o main targets: battery,textile and miningindustry, sewage systems and water treatmentplants (in cooperationwith SANAPA) o 4 chemists(2 tecnicossuperiores, 2 adyudantes) o 1 IR PE M 1330, 1 GC PE, 1 Polarograph,precise fractionation system, balances,dithizone metal analysis o 25o samples/month (ligin urine and As in blood:ca. 10 US$/analysis) o classification - II: qualifiedstaff, but seeminglynot very well motivated, poor equipment maintenance Instituto de Ingenieria Sairtaria (I.I.S.), Universidad Mkayorde San Andres o University main bailding, Avenida Villazon 1955, Casilla 1755, La Paz o visited: 13.11.1992 o met with: Jose Diaz (engineer,head of laboratory)and some co-workers IP o beside university training & education, water and solid waste analysis, technical assistance in design and performance of water treatment plants, water supply and waste disposal facilities, including microbiological measurements o 8 engineers, I chemist, 1 microbiologist, 13 technicians o study on Rio Choqueapu with Japanese JICA and La Paz municipality o participation in a river water quality survey (CETESB)(with 'INSO') o water supply program with SAMAPAand ANESAPA('Asociacon Nacional de Empresas de Agua Potable y Aclantarillado') o main office in Bolivia for 'PROEC' (WHO, lexico): heavy metals o AAS PE 2380, spectrometry, turbidimetry, flocculation testing, incubators, oven.s, but T1o inistLxvmentatioll for microorganiic determinations o classification- Iri: leadingstaff seems well motivated, although available methodology not fully utilized (300 samples with 4-5000 determinations/year), maybe due to lacking international back-up Instituto de Investigacioncs Mincro-Hetalurgicas I...),inisterio de Mineriay Met.alurgica o Junin 1037, Casilla 600, Oruro IF o visited: 02.11.1992 o met with:Guido Solis (director,engineer) and C. Garron(engineer) o 3 chemical engineers, 1 mineralogist, 3 technicians, 5 assistants o specialized in sampling and inorganic chemistry of ores, soils and sediments, recently also involving aquatic systems; services for the inilling & metallurgical industry, including more and more environmental aspects o good housing and instrumental equipment: AAS FE 3100 and 706, UV/VIS- spectrometry, DTA, XRDand electron microscope (rather old models), obvious problems in gas supply and keeping the qualified staff 1 o 70% of financing comes from anylytical services, 2OZ givernmental funds and 10% by WB-SGABJ3International AB cooperation o Llassification = III: highly motivated leading staff, experience with 1 industrial (mining) processes and implications, methods of classical/ exploration geochemistry may be easily adapted and used within errniron- mental monitoring and analysis of solid inorganic pollutants (air dust, fly ash, waste residues, sediment/soil systems, biota, heavy metals) Programa de Aguas de Laboratorio Regional de Control de Calidad de Aguas, 3 Universidadtayor de San Simon o Facultad de Ciencias y Tecnologia, Casilla 992, Cochabamba o visited: 29.01.1993 o met with: Dr Virginia Rodriguez, Dr. Varea, Dr. Rosaria Montana (head of the laboratory),and HercedesAlvarez o created as an interinstitutional agreement between the university and 'CORDECO'(Corporacion Regional de Desarrollo de Cochabamba) to reduce the mortality of children due to bad drinking vater quality (infectious diseases, chemical contamination) by regular monitoring and waste water controlsurveys o since3 yearsphysico-chemcial and microbiologicalmonitoring of Laguna Alaley,Cochabamba city o monitoringof waterquality in 'Chapare' o standardizedequipment for testingchlorination of drinkingwater o installationof hypochlor4teautomatic dosage at waterwells in Cochabamba o referencelaboratory
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