CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 SERIES-23 WEST BENGAL DISTRIGT CENSUS HANDBOOK PART XIII .. VILLAGE & TOWNWISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT HUOLI DISTRICT s. N. GHOSH of .he Inditlll J'Cdmini.ltrllti,e S~rvlce DIUCTOR OF CENSUS OpEJt.AnOU WUTBENOAL Price' (Inland) Rs. 15.00 Paise (Foreign) £ 1.75 01' 5 $ 40 Cents. PUBLISHED BY niB CONTROLLER. GOVERNMENT PRINTING. WEST BBNGAL AND hINTED BY DIPTI PR.INTING & BINDING WORKS 13M. AriffRoad# Calcutta-700067 1987 CONTENTS Pales Forewercl (vii-viii) Preface (ix-x) AckDowlecJleIIIeJlts (lti) Map of tile Di.triet (xiii) I.portant Statistic (xv-xvi) AIUIJytical Note and AD81,.,. of Data 1-19 District Primary Census AIMtra« 20....:.35 (Police Statton·wise Total,.Rurall' Urban) Police StatioD-wile Primary Ce_s Abstract 1. Goghat Police StatioD (a) Alphabetical list of Villages 36-39 (b) Village-wise Primary Census Abstract 40-51 2. Arambag Police StatioD (a) Alphabetical list of Villages 52-53 (b) Village-wise Primary Census Abstract 54-65 (c) Town wise Primary Census Abstract (For Statutory town ward-wise) 3. KhaDakul Police StatioD (a) Alphabetical list of Villages 66-67 (b) Vdlage-wise Primary Census Abstract 68-77 4. PUJ'8ul'ab Police Station (a) Alphabetical list of Villages 78-79 (b) Village-wise Primary Census Abstract 80-83 S. DhaDiakbaJi Police StadOD (a) Alpbabeticallist of Villages 84-87 (b) Village-wise Primary Census Abstract 88-103 6. Paadoab Police StatloD (8) Alpbabeticallist of Villages 104-107 (b) Village.wise Primary Census Abstract 108-119 (c) Town-wjse Primary Consu8 Abstract (For Statutory town ward-wise) 7. Balaprh Pollee StatioD (R' Alphabetical list of VilIa8es 120-121 (b) VIIla,e-wise Primary Census Abstract 122-131 8. Magra ponce Statio. Ca) Alphabetical lilt of ViJ1a,el 132-133 (b) Village-wise Primary Census Abstract 134-139 (c) Towa-wise Primary Census Abstract (Por Statutory tOVln ward-wile) ( iv ) 9. Chlaturab Police StatioB <a) AlphabeticalHst of ViJlages 140- 141 (b) Village-wise Primary"Census Abstract 142-145 (c) Town-wise Primary Census Abstract (For Statotory town,ward.wise) 10. Polb. ponce Statloa .(a) Alphabetical list of Villages 146-147 (b) Village-wise Primary CCDSUS Abstract 148-155 11. Dadpu.r PoJJee Statioa <a) AlphabeticalHst of Villages 156-157 (b) Village-wise Primary Census Abstract 1'8-J65 12. Tankes"ar Police St.tIOD (a) AlphabeticaJ list of Villages 166-167 (b) ViUsgc-wise Primary Census Abstract 168-175 (e) Town-wisc Primary Census Abstract (For Statutory town ward-wise) 13. Hartp.1 Police StatioD (a> Alphabetical list of Villages 176-179 (b) Village-wise Primary Census Abstract 180-191 14. SfDgur Pollee StatloD (a) Alphabetical list of Villages 192-193 (b) Village-wise Primary Census Abstract 194-201 (c) Town-wise Primary Census Abstract (For Statutory town ward-wise) , 15. Bbadres"ar Police Statioa (a) A1phabeticallist of Villages 202 - 203 (b) Village-wise Primary Census Abstract 204-207 (c) Town-wise Primary Census Abstract (For Statutory town ward-wise) 16 Challderaagore Police StatioD (8) Town-wise Primary Census Abstract 208-209 (For Statutory town ward-wise) 17. JaBlipara Pollee Statiob <a) Alpbabeticallist of villages 210-211 (b) Village-wise Primary Census Abstract 212-221 18. Chao.lta.a Police Station (a> AlphabeticalUst of Villages 222-223 (b) Village-wise Primary Census Abstract 224-231 . (0) Town.wise Primary Ccn.ul Abstract (For Statutory town ward-wise) ( v ) 19. Sera.par Police StatioD (a) Alphabetical list of Villages 232-233 (b) Village-wise Primary Census Abstract 234-241 (c) Town-wise Primarv Census Abstract (For Statutory town ward-wise) 20. Uttarpara Poliee StatloD (a) Alphabetical list of Villages 242-243 (b) Village-wise Primary Census Abstract 244 . 249 (c) Town-wise Primary Census Abstract (For Statutory town ward-wise) Appeadix-Total Population, Scheduled Caste Population, Scheduled Tribe Popu]ation-Urban Block-wise 250-283 District Primary Census A bstratt of Scheduled Castes 284 -299 District Primary Census Abstract of Scheduled Tribes 300-315 List of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes-West BeDgal 316-317 Maps 1. Goghat Police Station 319 2. Arambag Police Station 321 3. Khanakul Police Station 323 4. Pursurah Police Station 325 S. DhaniakbaJi Police Station 327 6. Panduah Police Station 329 7. Balagarh Police Station 331 8. Magra Pol ice Station 333 9. Chinsurah Police Station 335 10. Polba Police Station 337 11. Dadpur Police Station 339 12. Tarakcswar Police Station 341 13. Haripal Police Station 343 14, Singur Police Station 345 IS. Bhadreswar & Chandernagore Police Station 347 16. Jangipara Police Station 349 17. Chanditala Police Station 351 18. Sera'mpur Police Station 353 19. Uttarpara PoUce Station 355 FOREWORD The District CensQs Handbook (DCH). compiled by the Census Organisation on bebalf of the State Governments, is one of the most valuable products of the Census. The DCH is constantly referred to by planners. administrators, academicians and researchers. It is Inter alia used for delimitation of constituencies, formulation of local level and regioDal plans and as an aid to District administration. The district census handbook is the only publication which provides Primary Census Abstract (peA) data upto village level for the rural areas aud ward­ wise for each city or town. It also provides data on infrastructure and amenities in villages and towns. etc. The district census handbook series was initiated during the 1951 Census. It contained important census tables and peA for each village and town of the district. During 1961 Census the scope of the DCH was enlarged and it contained a descriptive account of the district. administrati\e statistics, census tables and a village and town directory. including peA. 1he 1971 DCH series was plal'lned in tbree parts. Part-A related to vill~ge and town directory, Part·B to village and town PCA and Part-C comprised analytical report, administrative statistics, district census tables and certain analytical tables based on peA and amenity data in respect of vilJages. However, in some states it was confined to district census tables and in a few "fses altogether aiven up due to delay in compilation and printing, While designing the format of 1981 DCH series some now features along with the restructuring of the formats of village and town directory have been attempted. At the same time. comparability with the 1971 data has also been kept in view. All the amenities except power supply in the village have been brought together in the village directory with the instruction tbat in case an amenity is not available in the referrent village the distance in broad ranges from tbe nearest place where the amenity is available may be given. The restructuring of the format of the village directory and incorporating more exhaustive data on infrastructure aspect particularly in relation to amenities and land-use pattern is expected to furlhtr meet the need of micro level planning for rural areas. It is expected to help not only in ]( cal area planning but regulating the provision of goods and services al well so as to minimise the reliollal imbalances in the process of development. A few new items of information have also been introduced to meet some of the requirements of the Revised Minimum Needs Programme. Such new items of information as adult literacy centres, primary health subcentres, and community health workers in the village have been introduced in the village directory with this objective in mind. The new item on approach to the village is to have an idea about tbe villages in the district which are inaccessible. A new column. "total population and number of house-bolds" }las been introduced to examine the correlation of the amenities with the popuJation and number of households they serve. Addition of two more appendices Jistina the viIJages \lbere no amenities are available and according to the proportion of scheduled caste and scheduled tribe population to the total population bas also been made with tbis view in mind. The form:lts of the town directory have also !:teen modified to meet the requirements oftbe Minimum Needs Programme by providing information on a few new items. A new statement on oivic and other amenities in slums in Class-I and Class-II town (Statement IV-A) bas beeD introduced with this objective iD mind. It is expeoted that this will help the p]allners to chalk out proarammeson provision of civic am~nities for the improvemeo t of slums. The columns 00 ( viii ) Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes population in statement lV relating to civic and other amenities and adult literacy classes/centres under educational facilities in statement V are also added int~r alia with this view. A significant addition is class of town in all the seven statements of tbe town directory. The infrastructure of amenitIes in urban areas of the country can be best analysed by taking the class of towns into consideration. The addition of tbe columns of civic administration status and population in a few statements also serves this purpose. The format of the primary census abstract for the villages and towns bas been formulated in the light of cbanges in the economic and otber questions canvassed througb the individual slip of 1981 CensuS, In order to avoid delay in publication of 1981 DCH Eeries it hal been so designed tbat Part·A of the volume contains village and town directory and Part-B, the peA of villages and towns includinl the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes peA UplO Police StatioD/TowD levels. At the beginninl of the DCH a detailed analytical note supported by a number of inset tables based on peA and non cenSDS data in relation to the infrastructure has been introduced to enhance its value.
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