s. N. GHOSH of .he Inditlll J'Cdmini.ltrllti,e S~rvlce DIUCTOR OF CENSUS OpEJt.AnOU WUTBENOAL Price' (Inland) Rs. 15.00 Paise (Foreign) £ 1.75 01' 5 $ 40 Cents.

PUBLISHED BY niB CONTROLLER. GOVERNMENT PRINTING. WEST BBNGAL AND hINTED BY DIPTI PR.INTING & BINDING WORKS 13M. AriffRoad# Calcutta-700067 1987 CONTENTS Pales Forewercl (vii-viii) Preface (ix-x) AckDowlecJleIIIeJlts (lti) Map of tile Di.triet (xiii) I.portant Statistic (xv-xvi) AIUIJytical Note and AD81,.,. of Data 1-19 District Primary Census AIMtra« 20....:.35 (Police Statton·wise Total,.Rurall' Urban) Police StatioD-wile Primary Ce_s Abstract 1. Police StatioD (a) Alphabetical list of Villages 36-39 (b) Village-wise Primary Census Abstract 40-51 2. Police StatioD (a) Alphabetical list of Villages 52-53 (b) Village-wise Primary Census Abstract 54-65 (c) Town wise Primary Census Abstract (For Statutory town ward-wise) 3. KhaDakul Police StatioD (a) Alphabetical list of Villages 66-67 (b) Vdlage-wise Primary Census Abstract 68-77 4. PUJ'8ul'ab Police Station (a) Alphabetical list of Villages 78-79 (b) Village-wise Primary Census Abstract 80-83 S. DhaDiakbaJi Police StadOD (a) Alpbabeticallist of Villages 84-87 (b) Village-wise Primary Census Abstract 88-103 6. Paadoab Police StatloD (8) Alpbabeticallist of Villages 104-107 (b) Village.wise Primary Census Abstract 108-119 (c) Town-wjse Primary Consu8 Abstract (For Statutory town ward-wise) 7. Balaprh Pollee StatioD (R' Alphabetical list of VilIa8es 120-121 (b) VIIla,e-wise Primary Census Abstract 122-131 8. Magra ponce Statio. Ca) Alphabetical lilt of ViJ1a,el 132-133 (b) Village-wise Primary Census Abstract 134-139 (c) Towa-wise Primary Census Abstract (Por Statutory tOVln ward-wile) ( iv )

9. Chlaturab Police StatioB Alphabetical list of Villages 176-179 (b) Village-wise Primary Census Abstract 180-191 14. SfDgur Pollee StatloD (a) Alphabetical list of Villages 192-193 (b) Village-wise Primary Census Abstract 194-201 (c) Town-wise Primary Census Abstract (For Statutory town ward-wise) , 15. Bbadres"ar Police Statioa (a) A1phabeticallist of Villages 202 - 203 (b) Village-wise Primary Census Abstract 204-207 (c) Town-wise Primary Census Abstract (For Statutory town ward-wise) 16 Challderaagore Police StatioD (8) Town-wise Primary Census Abstract 208-209 (For Statutory town ward-wise) 17. JaBlipara Pollee Statiob AlphabeticalUst of Villages 222-223 (b) Village-wise Primary Census Abstract 224-231 . (0) Town.wise Primary Ccn.ul Abstract (For Statutory town ward-wise) ( v )

19. Sera.par Police StatioD (a) Alphabetical list of Villages 232-233 (b) Village-wise Primary Census Abstract 234-241 (c) Town-wise Primarv Census Abstract (For Statutory town ward-wise) 20. Poliee StatloD (a) Alphabetical list of Villages 242-243 (b) Village-wise Primary Census Abstract 244 . 249 (c) Town-wise Primary Census Abstract (For Statutory town ward-wise)

Appeadix-Total Population, Scheduled Caste Population, Scheduled Tribe Popu]ation-Urban Block-wise 250-283

District Primary Census A bstratt of Scheduled Castes 284 -299 District Primary Census Abstract of Scheduled Tribes 300-315 List of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes-West BeDgal 316-317

Maps 1. Goghat Police Station 319 2. Arambag Police Station 321 3. Police Station 323 4. Police Station 325 S. DhaniakbaJi Police Station 327 6. Panduah Police Station 329 7. Police Station 331 8. Magra Pol ice Station 333 9. Chinsurah Police Station 335 10. Police Station 337 11. Dadpur Police Station 339 12. Tarakcswar Police Station 341 13. Police Station 343 14, Police Station 345 IS. Bhadreswar & Chandernagore Police Station 347 16. Police Station 349 17. Police Station 351 18. Sera'mpur Police Station 353 19. Uttarpara PoUce Station 355


The District CensQs Handbook (DCH). compiled by the Census Organisation on bebalf of the State Governments, is one of the most valuable products of the Census. The DCH is constantly referred to by planners. administrators, academicians and researchers. It is Inter alia used for delimitation of constituencies, formulation of local level and regioDal plans and as an aid to District administration. The district census handbook is the only publication which provides Primary Census Abstract (peA) data upto village level for the rural areas aud ward­ wise for each city or town. It also provides data on infrastructure and amenities in villages and towns. etc.

The district census handbook series was initiated during the 1951 Census. It contained important census tables and peA for each village and town of the district. During 1961 Census the scope of the DCH was enlarged and it contained a descriptive account of the district. administrati\e statistics, census tables and a village and town directory. including peA. 1he 1971 DCH series was plal'lned in tbree parts. Part-A related to vill~ge and town directory, Part·B to village and town PCA and Part-C comprised analytical report, administrative statistics, district census tables and certain analytical tables based on peA and amenity data in respect of vilJages. However, in some states it was confined to district census tables and in a few "fses altogether aiven up due to delay in compilation and printing,

While designing the format of 1981 DCH series some now features along with the restructuring of the formats of village and town directory have been attempted. At the same time. comparability with the 1971 data has also been kept in view. All the amenities except power supply in the village have been brought together in the village directory with the instruction tbat in case an amenity is not available in the referrent village the distance in broad ranges from tbe nearest place where the amenity is available may be given. The restructuring of the format of the village directory and incorporating more exhaustive data on infrastructure aspect particularly in relation to amenities and land-use pattern is expected to furlhtr meet the need of micro level planning for rural areas. It is expected to help not only in ]( cal area planning but regulating the provision of goods and services al well so as to minimise the reliollal imbalances in the process of development. A few new items of information have also been introduced to meet some of the requirements of the Revised Minimum Needs Programme. Such new items of information as adult literacy centres, primary health subcentres, and community health workers in the village have been introduced in the village directory with this objective in mind. The new item on approach to the village is to have an idea about tbe villages in the district which are inaccessible. A new column. "total population and number of house-bolds" }las been introduced to examine the correlation of the amenities with the popuJation and number of households they serve. Addition of two more appendices Jistina the viIJages \lbere no amenities are available and according to the proportion of scheduled caste and scheduled tribe population to the total population bas also been made with tbis view in mind. The form:lts of the town directory have also !:teen modified to meet the requirements oftbe Minimum Needs Programme by providing information on a few new items. A new statement on oivic and other amenities in slums in Class-I and Class-II town (Statement IV-A) bas beeD introduced with this objective iD mind. It is expeoted that this will help the p]allners to chalk out proarammeson provision of civic am~nities for the improvemeo t of slums. The columns 00 ( viii )

Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes population in statement lV relating to civic and other amenities and adult literacy classes/centres under educational facilities in statement V are also added int~r alia with this view. A significant addition is class of town in all the seven statements of tbe town directory. The infrastructure of amenitIes in urban areas of the country can be best analysed by taking the class of towns into consideration. The addition of tbe columns of civic administration status and population in a few statements also serves this purpose.

The format of the primary census abstract for the villages and towns bas been formulated in the light of cbanges in the economic and otber questions canvassed througb the individual slip of 1981 CensuS, In order to avoid delay in publication of 1981 DCH Eeries it hal been so designed tbat Part·A of the volume contains village and town directory and Part-B, the peA of villages and towns includinl the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes peA UplO Police StatioD/TowD levels. At the beginninl of the DCH a detailed analytical note supported by a number of inset tables based on peA and non cenSDS data in relation to the infrastructure has been introduced to enhance its value. The district and Police Station level maps depicting the boundaries and other important features have been inserted at appropriate places. to further enhance the value of tbe publication. ~" This publication is a joint venture of the State Government and the Census Organisation. The data bave been collected and compiled in the State under the direction of Shri S. N Ghosh I.A.S. tbe Director of Censul Operations. West Bengal on behalf of tbe State Government which has borne the cost of printing. The task of planning. designing and co·ordination of this publication was carried out by Shri N. O. Nag. Deputy Registrar General (Social Studies) of my office. Dr. B. K. Roy. Deputy Registrar General (Map) provided the technical suidance in the preparation of the map'. Data received from Census Directorate& have been scrutinised in the Social Studies Division at the headquarters under the Iuid.nce of Shri M. M. Dua. Senior Research Officer. I am thankful to all who have contributed in this project.

New Delhi P. PADMANABHA tbe 26th April. 1982 Registrar General. India PREFACE

The District Census Handbook oompiled by the Consus Directorate, West Bengal, on behalf of the G:Jvt. of West Bengal. containing Census Statistics besides other invaluable data of impor­ tance for use by the State Govt. district administration. research scholars and various other data­ uscrs owes its origin to 1951 Census. Thc preseot publication of 1981 Census is fourth in the series. The Census of 1981 was conducted in February, 1981 with sunrise of 1st March, 1981 as reference date under the stewardship of Shri S. N. Ghosh, Director of Census Operations, West Bengal. The credit for the success of the operation loes entirely to Shri Ghosh. However, before the report could be finalised, Shri Ghosh had to resume his duties under tbe Govt. of West Bengal in public interest. The present publication is the product of his dedicated Jabour. immaculate planning and sterling administrative capabilities. Without tbe active involvement and inspiring Jeadership of Shri Gbosh. the present publication would have been a atiU birth. The Census statistics in the form of Primary Census Abstract included in the publication relate to the district of Hugli. A brief analytical note with a number of inset tables based on Census data. included in this publication. will hopefulJy meet the requirements of the readers. As mentioned earlier. the 1981 Census operation in 'West BfngaJ was conducted b)l Shri S. N. Ghosh. as Director of Census Operations under the inspring captaincy of Shri P. PadmaDabha, former Registrar General and ex· officio Census Commissioner of India, wbose imaginative planning, enthusiastic support and electrif)iDg guidance Jed us to successful completion of an undoubtedly difficult operation. We silently recaU the contribution of Sri PadmaDabha.

Shri V. S. Verma, the present Registrar General. India bas been guiding UI loon after bis assumption of office in 1983 to oversee tbe timely completion of the project. Without his active support, deep understanding and mature 8uidance, the publication would not have progressed much. We are grateful to Shri Verma. We gratefully recall the help, guidance and advice received from Shri V. P. Pandey, Joint Registrar General. India in technical and administrative matters relating to this project.

Dr. N. G Nag Deputy Registrar General (Social Studies) and his coUeagues had provided U8 technical guidance and scholarly aasi.lances right from the start of the project. We acknowledge our debt to him and his colleagues. We are also indebted to Shri K. K. Chakraborty former Deputy Re,istrar General (C & T) Ind Shri N. Rama Rao. Assn. Re.istrar General, for their helpful suggeltions. Dr. B. K, Roy, Deputy Registrar Oeneral (Map) bad provided UI excellent support and guidance in carto,raphic:: matters. We are indebted to him. The data pre.ented in the volume were collected at grasl·root level by the District Maaistrate. HUlli (Principal Census Ofticer) and his innumerable co1J~a8ues including the Char,c Supcrin .. tendents, Census SuPervisors. Ccnsus enumerators. The data were processtd under the Deputy Director in-charge of the RClional Tabulation offi«:c by a hOlt or Coden. Checkers, TabuJators. Supcrvisofl etc. We acknowledse their countributionl to the preparation of this volume.

( xiii

WEST BENGAL N D I DISTRICT HUG LI S ~ 1) ... C"' ... .<.

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IUDQUllaTE~' DIIT~ICT I f'O~ICI .TATICII .•....•..•.. V"~AGt HAVING ~OO AND ~VE POPUL ATION WITH NAMe • NATIONAl. HlGllWI'Y ...... • NHI URIAH MCA WITH POPULATION size.· C~An I, U, Ill, tv. V , VI ", ITATE MI ....Y ...... , ..... " 1M Z ••••• 'TO :, ~'ANT IlItTA~~tD IIOAO ... , ...... ,...... '''' DEGm COLLtoE A'VO ItCttlllCA~ INSTITUTION " •.•• III III , I .:,lIAII.WAY ~IIIC liltfM 'TATlON, IlIOiID ~...... ,.... =-:lIH_c;aIl;-=--==-



Population Total f Persons 54.580,647 3.557.306 Males 28,560.901 1,863,782 Females 26,019.746 1,693,524 Rural Fersons 40.133.926 2,506.777 Males 20,617.489 1,290.615 Females 19.516,437 ].216.162 Urban Persons 14.446,721 1.050,529 Males 7,943.412 573,167 Females 6,503,309 477,362

Decennial Population Growth Total 23.17 23.86 Rate 1971·81 Rural 2036 18.70 Urban 31.73 38.18

Area (Sq. Kms.) 88,752.0 3,149.0

Density of Population (Per Sq. Kms.) 615 1.130

Sex Ratio (Number of Females .otal 911 909 Per 1000 Males) Rural 947 942 Urban 819 833

PersoDs 40.94 48.79 Literacy Rate Males 50.67 57.99 Females 30.25 38.6S

Percentage of Urban" Population 26.47 29.53 to Total Population:

Percentage to Total Population Persons 28.26 28.63 0) Main Workers Males 48.72 49.07 Females 5.81 6.13

Persons 1.91 1.12 (ii) Marginal Workers Males 1.58 1.16 Females 2.26 1.09 Persons 69.83 7025 (iii) Non-Workers MaJes 49.70 49.77 Female. 91.93 92.18 ( xvi )

Break-up of Main Workers: Percentage amona Main Workers (i) Cultivators Persons 29.76 24.00 Males 31.40 26.21 Females 14.67 4.58

(ii) Agricultural Labourers Persons 25.23 27.88 Males 23.69 23.68 Females 39.43 64.91

(iii) Household Industries Persons 3.52 3.58 Males 3.09 3.43 Females 7.50 4.81

(iv) Other Workers Persons 41.49 44.54 Males 41.82 46.68 Females 38.40 25.70

Percentage of Scheduled Castes Persons 21 99 2J .~8 Population to Total Population Males 21.82 21.12 Females 22.17 22.07

Percentage of Scheduled Tribes Persons 5.63 3.97 Population to Total Population Males 5.46 3.83 Females 5.81 4.11

Number of Occupied Residential Houses 9.591.50] 618.936

Number of VilJages Total 41,112 ).928 Inhabited 38.024 1,899 Uninhabited 30,88 29


It has been the tradition of the Indian Con,ul to promst the ceolus data under the two broad divisions termed urban and rural.

The definition of an urban unit at the 1981 Census is as follows: (a) All places with a Corporation. Municipality. Town Committee. Notified Area, Cantonment.

(b) All other pJaces which satisfied the following criteria:

i. A Population of 5,000 as the minimum,

ii, Density per square kilometre would be a minimum of 400, and

iii. At least 75% of the male working force should be engaged in non-agricultural punuits,

Apart from town/city the 1971 concept of urban agglomeration is also adopted for the 1981 Cen6us. An urbln agglomeration means a stretch of urban area covering more tban ODe municipality/town/urban outgrowth within a geographically contiguous urban continuum. An urban agglomeration shows how a particular area has had geographically continuous urbanisation.

Mention may be made in tbis connection of urban outgrowths. Tbe concept of urban outgrowlh has corne into force for the 'first time in 1981 Census. Tbe outgrowth, which must necessarily be contiguous to an urban area, is itself an urban area iO so far as it fulfills tbe last two criteria of being an urban unit, but it fa1ls sbort on tbe population front, i.e, it would have a population of ~ess than 5000 but more than 600.

All other areas which ate Dot co overed by tbe de6nition of urban 8S stated above wi)] be treated as Rural.

Ce...... Hou •• We defined the census bou,es in tbe following manner :_4IA census house is a building or part of a building having a separate main entrance from the road or common courtyard or staircase etc. used or recognised as a separate unit. It may be occupied or vacant. It may be used for a residential or non-residential purpose or both", Actually to make tbe concept understandable aod applicable in field we had to JDtroduce the concept of Singleoess of use. What, as per the above definition. would be a ceOSllS house otherwise might not be so if tbere is no singleness of use.

Hou ••hold We defined household as foHows: "The household is a group of persons who commonly Ii~ together and would take tbeir meals from a common kitchen unless the exigencies of work prevented any of them from doing so. There may be a household of persons related by blood or household of unrelated penona or having a mix of both".

Schedua.ct C•• t ••/Soh ..... '.d Tribe. ,/ We'have our own lilt of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes notified (or our state onJy. If the perlo}! belonging to a scheduled caste or Icbeduled tribe, returns his cute or tribe by a SYDonyUl or genetic name of a caste or a tribe. the information was noted if it found place in the notified list. All efforts were gino [ 3 ] to ascertain the correct Dame of the scheduled catte or tribe as foulld in tbtl notified tilt. For a housebold b~longiD8 to seheduled castes or scheduled tribes. religion of the head of househoJd was also examined. Scheduled caste population are found only aUJong Ihe population btJoDBi:l1B to Hjndu and Sjkb relisiolls but the scheduled tribe population may belong to any rcllgion.

Llterete. In the census terminology. a person who can both read and write with understanding in any lanluage is to be taken as ]iterate. A man who can merely read but cannot write is 'not a Hterate. It is not necessary that a person who is literate should have received allY formal education or should ha,e pas6ed any minimum education standard. All the children of tbe age of four years or less were treated as illiterate even if the cbild was altending a school or might have picked up reading and writing.

Careful attention was also given while collecting information on educational attainment of individuals. The highest education level attained by the person cnumeraud was recorded. This information is vital for manpower planning.

Main Worker. The definition of worker difference between 1971 and 1981 and the system of dividing the entire popUlation by application of tbe'concept of worker bas also undergone a very important cbange. Earlier in 1961 and then in 1971 the total population was divided into two categories mutua))y excluslVf of eacb otber, They were workers and non-workers respectively. But in 1981, this dichotomy has been replaced by a trichotomy with three categories mutually exclusive of each other. viz. main workers. marginal workers and non­ workers.

The 1961 Census definition of worker as follows: "The basis of work "i)J be satisfied in the case of seasonal work like cultivation. livestock, dairying. household industry elc, if the person has had some regular work of more than one hour a day thIOlIghout the greater part of the working season. In tbe case of regular employment in any trade, proCession. service. business or commerce the basis of work will be satisfied if tbe person was employed during any of the fifteen days preceding the day on which you (Enumerator) visited the Household". In 1971, the following definition war; applied: "A worker is a person whose main activity is participation in any economically productive work by bis physical or mental activity. Work involves not only aewa) work but effective supervision and direction of work. Tbe reference period is ol)e week prior to the date of enumera­ tion in the case of regular work in trade. profession. service or business. If a person had any such regular work on anyone of the days during this reference period and tbis bas been returned as his main activity the person will be categorised accordingly ••....•. There are certain t)pes of work which are not carried on throughout the year sucb as cultivation, livtl!ltock keeping. plantation work. some types of household industry etc. A person's main activity should be ascertained with reference to such work in last one year even jf he was not economicaHy active in the week prior to enumeration",

Further, those who did Dot do any work in the manner dercribed above, yet did seme work to come UDder the category of St"oondary worker. As per 1971 ddioition it wat to cover "cases like persons performjng household duties or students. who may not be COPIed in any other economically productive WOJk 1.1 all. as also those who, tbough basically are performing ilo¥Ftbold duties or students etc., for the purpose of their mlin activitYI still participated io some otber, ~onomic activit)' sach as belping the household in [ 4 ] several items of work. as in cultivation, or in household indultry, or in looking after the cattle. in attending to family business etc., but not to the cxteot as a full time work. Such participation will be considered as secondary work of those per.ons •• _.participation of work tbat goes to augment the incomo of the household will only be treated as economic activity"

(0 198L Census anyone who haa done any work at all during the last one year is a worker. The definition of work as participation in any ecoDomically productive activity either in physical or mental way remain more or less the same as in 1971. But this time the population has been classified into three main groups, each mutually exclusive of the otbers. Tbe main workers are those who have worked major part of tbe year preceding the enumeration. In otber words, the main worker is somebody who bas done economically produotive work for at least 183 days duriog the year preceding enumeration. All workers have beeD categorised in (our distinct parts viz. (i) Cultivators, (ii) Agricultural Labourers, (iii) Homeboid Industries and (iv) other Workers in 1981 Census. This is a major departure from the 1971 categories of workers. In 1971 Census the workers were divided in nine categorics.

Marginal Worker The marginal workers are those Who have worked any time at all in the year preceding enumeration but bave not worked for a major part of the year. In otber words, marginal workers are those who participated in economically productive work for less than 183 days during the year preceding Enumeration.

Non·Work.r. Non·w akers are those who have not done any economically productive work at all during the last one year. All DOD·workers have been divided Into seven categones in 1981 Census. They are (i) Students, (11) Hlusehold duties, (Ill) R!otiers/RctJred p~csons. (IV) Beggers etc., (v) Inmates of Institutions, (vi) Dependents and (vii) Others.

Scope of Primary Census Abstract The Primary Census Abstract is the basic table prepared from tbe total count of census. It has been presented at three levels viz. (I) District Primary C~DSUS Abstract, (2) Urban/Village Primary Census Abstract and (3) Primary CODSUS Abstract of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes - District level _howing tOWQS and police stations. Tbe District Primary Census Abstract presented here corresponds to that in 1971 and contains tbe following items :-Area of the police stations/towns in Kmll , number of occupied residential houses. number of households. total population and its division into sexes. scheduled castes population and its division into males and females. scheduled Tribes population and its division Into males and females, the sex divilion of tbe literates. total male main worker and total female main worker, total male cultivators and total female cultivators, similar sex division of agricultural labourers. houlehold industries. other workers, marginal workers and Don-workers. All tbele information have been covered in 39 columna.

Tbe urban/vitlage PCI\. has beeD outlilled with 28 cols. and have been depicted with occupied residential houses, number or household.. populatioD, scheduled caates population. scheduled tribes population. literates, main workers sbowing its four broad divisions, mar.inaJ workerl and Don-workers. AlJ these data have been Ihown witb sex divilion. The urbae/villale "CA represents data wardwill (or statutory towns and .. , a wilolo ror DOIl-ltatutory towna and mOI.lZILwite. [ 5 ]

The primary censul abstracts of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes represent Iseparately aU Informatioa like scheduled castes and achedalcd tribes population. literates. main-workers with broad cate.oriel. marginal workers and non-workers sbowinl males and females for all the items in 31 columns.

The 1981 Census catc,orised workers into four major categories The first and second categories i.e. cultivators and agricultural labourers correspond to categories followed in 1971. The third category represents workers corresponding to category v (a) of 1971. All other remaining workers ,fouped together in category IVof 1981. This category includes workers ensaged in categories Ill, IV, V (b l , VI, VII. VIII and IX of 1971.

Analysis of date It" is a Census tradition to analyse certain data on social and demographic information collected during census enumeration and from ancillary projects like Town Directory and Village Directory. The District census- Handbook 1951 and 1961 were decorated with such analysis which were most attractive to the sch )\ars. The District census Handbook 1981 follows the same manner as in 1951,1961. A large number of inllet tables has been prepared on Town Directory, Village Directory and Primary Census Abstract to make the analysis more scientific and acceptable.

Table 1 presents the rural and urban distribution of population in 20 police stations and the number of villages and towns in each police station of the district HugH. The district is inhabited by 3,557.306 persons of which 'J,50l'.777 reside in rural areas and 1,050,529 reside in urban areas. In other words the rural people of the district constitutes 70.47 percent whilc the urban people forms 29.53 percent only. Thc district is comprised of 1928 mouzas. of which 1899 afC inhabited i.e. 98.!O percent of the total mouzas. There are as many as 26 towns in the district of which 12 (including one municipal corporation) are statutory towns administered by the board of municipal commissioners and the remaining 14 towns afC non-municipal, census towns. Of the 12 statutory towns as stated above, 3 towns viz. Hugli-Chinsurah municipality, Cbandernagore municipal Corporation and municipality have the status of Class I towns. Again. out of these 26 towns. 19 towns (including 3 class I town~) are the constituent units of tho Calcutta. UibaD Agglomeration. [ , ] TABLE-J POPULATION, NUMBER OF'-

Population ,--____• ____• __.J... ______...... Total Name of ".-.---..... - __ ... ______A_._ .. __ ., ______-...., S1.No Police Station Persons Males Females 1 :2 .3 4 5 1 Goghat 195,108 99.302 95.806 2 Arambagh 222.C06 114.303 107,703 3 Khanaknl 285.321 144 835 140,486 4 Pursurah 121,725 62,685 59,040

5 DhaniakbaH 215,080 110,551 104.~29

6 Panduah 194,462 99~923 94,539 7 Balagarh 15t,381 77,999 73,382 8 Magra ]50,112 81,680 6B,432 9 Chinsurah 168,456 88.026 80,430 10 Polba 9l,731 47,576 44.16] II Dadpur 82.841 42,476 40,365 12 ]41,658 73.640 68,m3 13 Haripal 170,402 88,230 82,172 14 Singur 191,323 100,658 90,665 70,343 l' Bbadreswar 164.382 94,039 Hi Cbandernagore 101.925 53,558 48,367 17 Jangipara 145.399 74,779 10,620 18 Chanditala 258,'335 133.414 11S,42t 19 Serampllr ~l6,898 174,999 141.899 20 Uttarpara 188·i55 101,109 87.146

Tota' 3,557,336 1,863,781 1,693,5%4 [ 7 )


Population ,.,-______.-____.,J. ______.... ____...., llural Urban No. of ViDa8eS ,.-_____-'-_ .... __ ...... _ ,..- __.....J.. __----.. ~------.-~------...... No. of Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Total Inhabited Towns 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 195,108 99,302 95,806 - 211 204 - 187,801 96,209 91,592 34,205 18,094 16,111 158 152 1 285,321 144.835 140.486 -. 147 144 121.725 62,685 59.040 50 50 215,080 110.551 104.529 ... 214 214 177,199 90918 86.281 17,263 9.005 8,258 IS7 156 1 151,381 77.999 73.382 136 133 , 47.267 24,737 22.530 102.845 56,943 45,902 41 41 4 21,775 11.250 10,525 146,681 76.776 69,905 12 11 3 __. 91,737 47,576 44,161 96 94 - 82.841 42.476 40.365 ... 98 98 - 125.140 64,853 60,287 16,518 8.787 7,731 90 89 1 170,402 88,230 82,172 154 1S3 176,455 92,946 83.509 14,868 7.712 7.156 98 96 1 21,902 11,525 10.317 142.480 82,514 S9.966 16 16 3 ••• 101.925 53.558 48,367 1 14',399 74,779 70,620 129 128 ... 234.697 120.670 114,027 24138 12,744 11.394 99 98 3 38,020 19.797 18.223 278,878 155,202 123,676 16 16 3 17,527 9,277 8,2S0 170,728 91.832 78,896 6 6 5

2,506,777 1,290,615 1.216,162 1.0S0.S19 573,167 477,362 1,918 1,899 26 ( 8 ]

Table 2 presents decadal change jn the distribution of population, separately for total. rural and urban areas of the district. The table reveals that tbe district bas recorded a overall growtb of 23.86 percent during the decade 197 J-81 which is slightly higher than the state figure of 23.17 percent for the decade 1971-81. The rural growth of the district works out to 18.70 percent only while the rural growth of the state accounts for 20 36 percent. It is interesting to note that tbere is a considerable gro" tb In the urban sector of the district which is as high as 38.18 percent against the state's urban average of 3l.i3 percent. Among the police stations, the highest growth rate of 35.47 percent is observed in Chanderoagore P.S. The entire Chandernagore police station is urban. The police station Chandernagore is coterminus with the Chandernagore Municipal Corporation area. It is followed by Uttarpara police station with 30 54 percent growth of population during the decade. It is to be observed from the table that the rural popula­ tion in the four police stations viz Magra. Chinsurah. Bhadreswar and Uttarpara bas declined by 12.33,30.91,20.27 and 9,34 percent respective I) during the decade ]971·8). To account the~e It ma~ be pointed out here tbat in Magra police station for tbe first time during 1971-81.3 new towns and 4 out­ growths have emerged as a result of which 25825 persons belonging to these places have smce been classified as urban population. Similarly, 2 new towns and 2 out-growths have come into existence in Chinsurah P.S. resulting there-by transfer of 21488 rural population into urban population in 1981 census. In Blladreswar and Uttarpara police statio os one new town each emerged, besideti one out-growth also added to Uttarpara police station in 1981. These changes resulted again transfer of 7484 & 7489 from rural to urban in Bhadreswar and Uttarpara respectively which in turn caused depletion of rural .population in tbese police stations.

TABLE %-D!CADAL CHANGE IN DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATJON population Percentage d.ecadal ....-----'------~ variation (1911-81) ,.------_1971 1981 "..--.._, ____..A..- _____ -.._ r---.-...... -----~ ,..-____..A... ____...... SI. No. NameofP.S. Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 GOlbat 166,297 166.297 195,108 19',108 1,733 J,733 2 Arambagh 177.323 lSI,7.H 25,592 222,006 187,801 34,20' 2,520 2,377 3,366 3 Kbanakul 234.811 234,811 285,321 285,321 2.151 2,151 4 Pursurah 96,812 96,812 121,725 12] ,725 2,573 2,573 S 172.793 172,793 215,080 2105,080 2,447 2,447 6 Panduah 1~8,404 146,016 12,388 194,462 In.199 17,263 2~276 2,136 3,935 7 Balagarh 119,582 119.582 151,381 151,381 2,659 2,659 8 Magra 115,664 53,916 61,748 150,112 47,267 102,845 2.978 ~ 1,233 6,6'6 9 Chinsurah 136,756 31,515 105.241 168,456 21.775 146,681 2,318 ~3,()91 3,938 10 Polba 75,245 75,245 91,737 91,737 2.192 2,192 11 Dadpur 67,981 67,981 82,841 82,841 2,J86 2,186 12 Tarakeswar 112,628 100,669 11,959 141,658 125,140 16,518 2,578 2,431 3,812 13 Haripal 141,949 133,504 8,445 170,402 170,402 2,004 2,764 14 Singur 164,211 153,254 10.957 191,323 176,455 14.868 ],651 1,514 3,569 15 Bhadreswar 131,652 27.470 104,182 164,382 21,90% 142.480 2,486 -2,027 3.676 16 Chandernagore 7',238 7',238 101,925 101.925 3,547 3547 17 Jangipara 120,125 120.125 145,399 145,399 2,104 2,104 18 Chanditala 214,526 214.526 258,835 234,697 24,138 2065 940 19 Serampur 245.906 26,267 219,639 316,898 38,020 278,878 2,887 4,474 2,697 20 Uttarpara 144,213 19,332 124,881 188,255 17,527 170.728 3,0'4 ·934 3,671 Total 28,72,116 21,11,846 760,270 35,57,306 25,06,777 10,50,529 2,386 1,870 3,818 [ 9 ]

The distribution of villages by population raoat' hu been ,bown in table 3. There are 1&99 inhabited villages in the district of whicb I US villages COIlstituting S9.77 perceat of tbe total viJJa'gts fall in tbe population range of 500-1999. 18.59 "treeDt of the villages belong to tbe population range of 200·499. There are only 2 villages in the district which fall in population range of 10,000 plus.

TABLE 3-DISTRIBUTI0N OF VILLAGES BY POPULATION RANGES Ratlf: of No. of villages in each Percentage of villages Popu tion Ranae in each Range Z 3 - 200 81 4'27 200- 499 3S3 J8'59 500-1999 1135 59'77 2000-4999 283 14'90 5000-9999 4' 2'37 10000+ 2 010 Total 1899 100'00

Table 4 deals with the distribution of villages by density of population. The largest number of 1368 villages which in terms of percentage 72.04 percent of the total inhabited villages faJl in the density range of SOl plus per sq. km. The next cluster of villages. 300 in number, cODstituting 15.80 percent of the inhabited villages have the density range of 301·500 per sq. km. Tbe villages with the lowest density upto 10 persons per sq. km. is found in 2 villages only (0.10 percent),


Range of Density Total No. of villaaes Percentage of villages (Per Sq. Kms in each Density Range in each Density Rango

2 3 - 10 2 0'10 11- 20 l 010 21- SO 8 0'42 51-100 19 1'00 101-200 70 3-69 201-300 130 6'85 301-500 300 IS'80 501+ 1368 72'04 Not kuow ... Total 1899 100'00 [ 10 ]

Tbe table' illustrates the dispersal of scheduled caste populatioD to total population in tbe villages of tbo district. Of tbe 1899 inhabited villages in the district. schedaled clste populatioD live in 1801 villages or 94.84 perccnt villagell. The scbeduled catte population over 30 percent bas been found in 821 (4S.~8 percent) villages. 367 villages comprising 10.38 percent or the inhabited villages have the 8<:heduled caste popula­ tion varying between 21·30 percent. The lowest proportion of scbeduled caste population to total popula­ tion Le. S percent or less bas been found in 119 (6.61%) villages only.


Percenta~ Range of Schedule Casto No. of villages Percentage of villages Population to total Population in each Range in each Range 2 3 0- S 119 6'61 6-10 148 8'22 11-15 175 972 16-20 171 9'49 21-30 367 20'38 31 & above 821 45'58

TOTAL 1801 100'00

Table 6 illustrates the proportion of scheduled tribe population to total population in the villages. The district bas 1899 inhabited villages. of wbich lhe scheduled tribe popUlation live in 1221 villages Le. 64.30 percent of the inhabited village~. It is seen from the table that 42.26 of the village have scheduled tribe pop Illation to total population Itm ted to 5 percent onlv. Again, in 351 villages or in terms of percentage 28.75 scheduled tribe population varies from 6-IS percent only. More than 50-;0 scheduled tribe population is concentrated in only 20 villages i.e. 1.64 percent villages.


Percentage Range of Scheduled Tribe No of villages Percentage of villaaes population to total Population in each Range in each Range 2. 3 0- 5 516 42'26 6-15 351 28'75 16-25 196 16'05 26-35 89 7'29 36-50 49 4'01 51 & above 20 1'64 TOTAL Ill! 100 00 [ 11 ]

Table 7 brinas out the proportion of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes population to total population in each town of tbe district. In all the towns taken together, the percent.ge of scheduled caste popuJation to total population works out to 10.19 percent which is sJighlly lower than the state average of 10.31 percent in this respect. Among the towIUI, Arambagb has the highest proportion of 26.28 percent scheduled caste population to its total population. Keota with 2508 percent scheduled caste population fol)c\\s nut. On the other hand, Thermal Power Project Town with 2.S I percent of the scheduled c8stelpopulation happens to be the towns with lowest proportion of scheduled castes 1D the population.

The Scheduled tribe population in the urban sector of tbe district accounts for 0.60 percent against the state's urban figure of 080 percent. Townwise Pandua tops the list with 5'21 percent tribal population to total population in the town. It is followed by Arambag town with 3.18% scheduled tribe population.

TABLE 7-PROPORTION OF SCHEDULED CASTES/SCHEDULED TRIBE POPULATION IN TOWN Percentage Percentage of S.C. of S.T. Total Total Population Population Total S.C. S.T. to total to total Name of Town Population fopuiatlon PopulatIon Population Population 1 2 3 4 5 6 1. Arambagh 34,205 8,989 1,089 26'28 3'18 2. Bandel Thermal Power Project Town 678 17 2 SI 3. Baosberia 88,581 15,873 1.346 17'92 J 52 4. Bhadreiwar 58,858 6,163 17 10'47 0'03 5. Begampur 7,007 868 10 1239 014 6. 70,573 5,866 330 831 0'47 7. Cbampdani 76') 38 9,180 157 12'06 0'21 8. 101,925 12.454 338 12'22 0'33 9. Hugli-ChlDsurah 128.918 13,256 484 1028 038 10 Keota 9,997 2.307 226 25'08 2'26 11. Khalisbani 7,484 A71 2 6'29 0'03 12. 51.211 2,249 93 439 018 13. Kotrung 4,769 181 3'80 14 5,436 736 113 1354 l' 8,019 679 8'47 ... 16. Mirga)a 9,112 1,033 51 11'34 0'56 17. Makhla 17,600 3,213 496 1860 2'82 18 Naldanga 7.766 648 39 8'34 050 19. Nabagram Colony 17,5S0 299 26 1'70 0'15 20. Pandua 17,263 1.592 900 9'22 S'21 21. Raghunathpur 8,150 2.020 82 24'79 1'01 22. 81001 4,818 23 5'95 003 23. Singur 14868 2,240 138 15'07 0'93 24. Serampore 127.304 6,825 96 "36 0'08 25. Tarakeswar 16.5'8 l,b53 12 11'22 007 26. Uttarpara Kolrun! 79,598 2,934 269 369 0'34 TOTAL 1,050.'29 107,014 6,337 10'19 0'60 \ [ 12 J rhe literacy rate by population ranges of village. has be~n indicated in table 8. It transpire. Cram tho ~able that in rural sector of the district the rate of literacy works 01lt to 42.84 percent which is much higher .han the state's rural average of 3112 percent. Among the villagos in the di1ferent population ranges the ligbest literacy rate of 63 74 percent is observed in villages having population 10.000 and above. The owest rate of literacy i.c. 34.00 percent is noticed in 8L villages where the population raoges upto 200 )nly. Further it is evident from the table tllat tile percentage of literacy in the population is directly proportionate to the size of the villages. Higber is the rate of literacy larger one the sizes of the village with the exception of villages belonging to the population range 5000 - 9999.


Range of No. of village~ Population ll1 each r .mges literacy rate

1 2 3

- 200 81 34'00

200 - 499 353 38'S3

5(0 1999 1135 39'08

2000 -4999 283 47'41

5000 -9999 45 46'00

10000+ 2 63'74

TOTAL 1899 42'84

Table 9, illustrates the literacy rates in the towns of the district. The proportion of literates in the urban sector of the district Hugli is 62.98 percent compared "to the state's proportion of 62.l6 urban literates. Towawise, the nighest proportion or literacy is observed in Bandel Thermal Power Project Town followed by Nabagram Colony. The proportions are 84.96 percent and 82.12 percent respectively. On the otber hand. Arambagb with 46.96 percent literates ill the population at the bottom of the list in this reprd. [ 13 ] TABU ,-LITERACY RA.TES FOR TOWN Name of the Town Literacy Rate 1 2 1 Arambagb 46'96 2 Bandel Thermal Power Project Town 84'96 3 55'05 4 Bbadreswar 50'55 5 Begampur 62'72 6 Baidyabati 6772 7 48'11 8 Chandannagar 68'64 9 Hugli,Chinsurah 72'25 10 Keota 50'67 11 Khalishani 72'62 12 Konnagar 67'31 13 Kotrung 71'82 14 Madbusudanpur 5618 15 Monoharpur 56'70 16 Mirgala 64'60 17 Makbla 63'75 18 Naldanga 61'10 19 Nabagram Colony 82'12 20 Pandua 51'43 21 Raghunathpur 57'78 22 Rishea 54'98 23 Singur 5939 24 Serampore 67'17 25 Tarakeswar 54'00 26 Uttarpara Kotrung 76'54 Total 62'98 The percentage distribution. of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, literates, workers and non·workers in the police stations of the district of Hugli are given in table 10. The scheduled castes form 21.58 percent of the total population of the district. The proportion of scheduled tribe population to total in the district accounts for 3.97 percent only, The highest concentration of scheduled caste popUlation is found in Dadpur police station where the scheduled caste population to total population is recorded as 35.38 percent, Balagarh follows Dadpur with 34.39 percent in tbis respect. Regarding the concentration of tribal popula­ tion in police stations of the district, Pandua tops with 15.82 percent and the police station Dbaniakhali comes next with 12.64 percent tribal population to total population. It appears from the table that in the district Hugli 48 79 percent of the popUlation is literate. Whereas the state's rate of literacy as a whole is 4094 percent. In other words the district HugJi is better placed in respect of percentage of literates in the population. Police StatioDwise, Uttarpara has the higbest literates with 71.29 percent followed by Chandernagore with 68 64 percent literates in the population. The proportion of main workers in the district is a little higher than the state average in this respect. Whereas the district Hugli has recorded 28,63 percent of its population as main workers the state's parti­ cipation in this category is 28,26 percent only. But in the case of marginal workers the trend. to just the reverse, Wbereas marginal workers in tbe population at the state level is 1.91 percent this is only 1.10 percent in the Hugli district. Slightly more than two-third of the'population of the district are non-workers i,e. 70.25 percent. [ 14 ]



~------S.c. S.T. Total Total PopulatIon POPUlation Population r----literates___ to .J...TOlal ______Population ...... Name of Rural r------.J...------~ to TOlal to Total Police Station Urban Pef'lons Males Females Population Population Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

T 1.95.108 99,302 95.806 32.39 4.38 40.24 51 04 29.04 1 Goghat R 1.9'.108 99,302 95.806 32.39 4.38 40.24 51.04 2904 U

T 2,22,006 1,14.303 1,07.703 33.18 1.75 41.21 52.15 29.59

2 Arambag R ],~7,801 96.209 91.592 34.43 1.48' 40.16 51 27 28.49 U 34,'205 18,094 16,111 26.28 3.18 46.96 56.84 3386

T 2,85,321 ].44,835 ],40,486 25.62 0.27 3833 51.45 24.80

3 Kbanakul R 2,85.321 J.44,83S 1.40,486 25.62 0.27 38.33 ~l 45 24.80 U -. - T 1.21,725 62.685 59.040 19.13 1.24 43.98 ~6.90 30.25 4 Pursurah R ]'21,725 62.685 59,040 19.13 1.24 43.98 56.90 30.25 U ... - T 2,15,010 1,]0.551 1,04.529 28.8J 12.64 41.76 5).09 31.89 5 Dhaniakhali R 2,15,080 1,10.551 1,04.529 28.81 12.64 41.76 51 09 31.89 U

T 1.94.462 99,923 94,539 28.18 ]5.82 40.84 48.86 32.37 6 Panduah R 1.77,199 90,918 86,281 30.02 16.85 39.81 47.93 " 31.25

U 17,263 9,005 8,258 9.22 5.21 51.43 ~8,25 43.99'

T 1,51,381 17,999 73,382 3439 8.75 43.22 Sl.73 34.18 7, Balagarh R 1.51.381 77,999 73,382 34.39 8.7S 43.22 51.73 34.18 U

T 1,50,112 81.680 68,432 20.69 3.28 53 SO 61.49 4396 8. Magra R 47.267 24.737 22,530 26.26 7.1S 49.09 55.29 42.29 U 1,02,845 56,943 45,902 18.13 1.50 55.52 64.19 44.78- • [ 15 ] SCHEDULBO CASTE/TRIBE POPULATION IN THE DISTRICT

------~------.------~------~-----~Main Workers of Marginal Workers to Total Workers to Non-workers to Total Populatk'n Total Population Total Population Total Population ,.-___ ..A... ____ ~ r-----..A..----...... _----..J...---__ _----...l..---~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Penons Males Females Persons Males Females 11 12 13 I. IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

26.64 48.86 3.60 1.96 2.00 1.92 28.60 50.86 5.52 71.40 49.14 94.48 26.64 48.86 3.60 1.96 2.00 192 28.60 5086 S.52 71.40 49.14 94.48 - - - 26.53 4808 3.66 1.16 1.20 1.12 27.69 49.28 4.78 72.31 50.72 95.22 25.99 47.87 3.00 1.01 1.10 0.91 27.00 4897 3.91 73.00 5103 9609

29.50 49 IS 7.39 1.99 1.70 ~>31 31.49 50.88 9.71 68.51 49.12 90.29

25.22 48.13 1.61 1.33 1.32 1.34 26.55 49.45 2.95 73.45 50.55 97.0S

25.22 48.13 1.61 1.33 1.32 1.3~ 26.55 49.45 2.95 73.45 50.55 97.05

26.85 48.97 3.37 0.86 1-. IS 054 27.71 50.12 3.91 72.29 49.88 96.09 2685 4897 3.37 0.86 1.15 054 27.71 50.12 3.91 72.29 49.88 96.(,9 - ... - ... \ 34.23 51.40 1606 0.72 0.66 0.79 34.9~ 52.06 16.8$ 65.05 47.94 83.IS 34.23 51.40 16.06 0.72 0.66 0.79 34.95 52.06 16.85 6'.05 47.94 83.1S ... 33.64 .9.48 1689 1.54 1.14 1.96 3518 50.62 1885 64.82 49.38 81.15 34.20 49.76 17.81 1.67 1.23 2.13 35.87 50.99 19.94 64.13 49.01 80.06 27.85 46.68 7.31 0.16 0.22 0.11 28.01 46.90 7.42 71.99 53.10 ~2.58

29.82 49.17 9.26 1.42 1.67 1.14 31.24 50.84 10.40 68.76 49.16 89.60 29.82 49.17 9.26 1.42 1.67 1.14 31.24 50.84 10.40 68.76 49.16 89.60 ... ~ ... 27.76 46.64 5.22 1.52 1.75 1.24 2§1.28 48.39 6.46 70.72 51.61 9354 2&'59 46.64 8.78 2.36 2.11 2.63 30.95 48.75 11.41 69.05 51.25 88.59 27.37 46.64 3.47 1.14 1.60 0.57 28.51 48.24 4.04 7J.49 '1.76 9596 [ J6 ]


Per,entage of ,..---..... ------...... _----

Total Population S.C. ST. . TotaJ Population PopuJ.ation LIterates to 1 DIal PopuJatl(ln Name of Rural t------..L---- -~ to Ttl0 a t 0 r oml r- ---....l.------. Police Station Urban Persons Males Females Population POP\llation Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 JO

T 1.68.4~6 88,026 80,430 13'44 0'89 67'63 73'90 6077 9. Cbinsurah It 21.775 ] J ,250 JO.525 28'61 344 50'40 5841 41'84 U 1.46,681 76,776 69,905 11'19 031 70'19 76'17 63'62

T 91,737 47,576 44.161 2909 10 SO 42'67 SI'~4 33'11 10. Polh. R 91,737 47.576 44,161 2909 10 SO 42'67 51'54 33 11 U ...

T 82.841 42,476 40,365 35'38 11'17 37'36 46'29 27'96 11. Dadpur It 82.841 42.476 40,365 35'38 11'17 37'36 46'29 2796

U H. ... - '0' T 1.41,658 73,640 68,018 19"5 4'73 45'31 56'39 33'31 12. Tarakeswar R },2',140 64.853 60.287 206S .5'3' 44'16 55'50 31'96 U If.518 8.787 7.731 11'22 0'07 5400 62'95 43-82

T 1.70,402 88.230 82.172 25'31 6'12 40 33 49'67 303O

13. Haripat R 1,70.402 88.230 82.172 2~'31 612 40'33 4967 30-30 U

T 1,91,323 1.00.658 90 665 13'80 1'14 50'12 60.09 39'05 14. Singur R 1.76,455 92,946 83.St9 13-69 "16 49'34 59'44 38'10 U 14.868 7,712 7,156 1507 0'93 59'39 67'95 SO'17

T 1,64.382 94.039 70,343 11'54 032 52'59 59'" 43'01 JS. Bhadreswar R 21,902 1l.S2S 10,377 14'41 1'62 66'B2 68'50 6496 U 1.42.480 82,S14 59.966 11'10 0'12 SO'40 ,.'53 39'22

T 1.01,925 53.558 48,-367 12'22 0'33 68'64 74'39 62'27

16. Chandernagore R ... oa. , - .. ••• .... U 1.01,925 53,"8 48.367 12'22 0'33 68'f4 74'39 62'27 [ 17 }


Percentage of

------:::---_ ...... ,_.,._------.------.----~ Mam Workers to Mdrgmal Wor)cer& to Total Workers to Non-Workers to Total Population Total Population Total PopulatIOn Total Popul.ltJon ,_-- __..A.. ____ -.. r----__J...- ____ ,-_____-'- _____--., ,_----..L----"""'\ PersOlls Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Per'lons Males Femclles 11 12 1, 14 l!i 16 17 18 19 20 2J 22

2500 4405 4'16 0-46 0 66 0-23 25'46 44'71 4 39 74 54 55'29 9S'()1 26 25 4S 31 S'85 1'66 l44 084 2791 47'76 669 72'09 5224 9331 2422 4386 390 0-28 0-40 0'14 25' 10 44 26 4'04 74 90 55'74 9S 96

31 70 49'41 12'56 2-85 3 26 2'40 34'55 5273 14'96 65'45 4727 8504 31 70 49'47 12"6 285 3'26 240 34 55 52 73 14'96 65'45 47 27 8j 04

3274 5066 13'89 298 2'56 342 3572 53'22 17' 31 64-28 46'78 8269

32 74 50-66 13 89 2-98 2'56 3 42 35'72 53'22 17'31 64'28 46'78 82 69

30'49 50-99 8'30 048 0 SI O'~4 30-97 51-50 8 74 69'03 48'50 91 26

30'66 5]-17 861 0'46 054 036 31 12 51'71 8'97 68'88 48'29 9103 2921 4973 588 062 028 101 2983 5001 6 89 70 17 49 99 93 11

30 74 51'34 8'62 099 1 11 087 31'73 5245 9'49 6827 47'55 90-51 30'74 51'34 862 099 I'll 087 31-73 52'45 949 68'27 475S 90-S1 , .

28-25 51 63 2'30 1'16 I-51 0'78 2941 53 14 308 70'59 46'86 9692 28-32 51-81 217 122 1'59 081 29'54 53'40 2 98 7046 46'60 97 02 2749 49'S1 3'76 0'43 0'44 0 42 2792 49'95 4'18 72-08 50'05 9~ 82

29 96 5049 2'52 0-37 0'56 0'12 30'33 51 05 2'64 69'67 48 95 97'36 27'24 149'21 2'78 073 1-29 011 27'97 50'56 2'89 72 03 4944 9711 30-38 SO 66 2-47 032 046 013 30-70 51'12 2'60 69 30 48'88 97-40

26-60 46'44 4'62 o 60 0'76 0'43 1720 47'20 5 OS 72-80 52'SO 9495 , . 26'60 46-44 462 0'60 076 043 27'20 4720 [ 18 ]


Percentage of ------~ ------S.C. S.T. .... Total Total Population Population Population Literate to Total Population Name of Rural ,..------.;..------"""'\ to Total to Total ,.------'------"'\ Police Station Urban Persons Males Females Population Population Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 T 1.45,399 74,779 70,620 29.37 4.33 41.86 52.12 30 y8 17. Jangipara R 14~,399 74,779 70,620 29.37 4.33 41.86 52.12 30.98 U

T 2,S8,835 J.33,414 ) ,25,421 15.15 0.41 48.59 5748 39.13 18 Chandita1a R 2,34,697 1,20.670 J,14,027 15.60 0.42 47.27 50.74 31.25 U 24.138 12.744 11,394 1069 0.25 61.4) 64.56 57.93

T 3,16,898 1,74,999 1,41,899 9.41 0.32 62.35 68.73 5448 19 Serampur R 38.020 19,797 18,223 32.40 1.47 51.96 59.10 44.19 U 2,78,878 1.55,202 1.23.676 6.28 0.16 63.77 69.96 5600

T 1.88,255 1.01.109 87.146 8.18 0.70 71 29 76.64 65 O~ 20. Uttarpara R 17,527 9,277 8.250 36.87 2.53 5562 63.44 46.82 U 1,70,728 91,832 78.896 5.23 0.52 7289 77.97 66.99

T 35,57,306 18,63,782 16.93.524 21.58 3.97 48.79 57.99 3865 District :-HugJi R 25,06,777 12.90.615 12.16.162 26.35 5.37 4284 5292 32.14 U 10,50.529 5,73,167 4.77.362 10.19 0.60 62.98 69.42 55.25 [ 19 ]


Percentage of

-----.------~ Main Workers to Margmal Workers to Total Workers to Non-worker~ h) Tolal Popu).ttJon Total PopulatIOn Total PopulatJon Tot,d Population ~----~---~ ----~----~ -----~---~ ~----~----~ Persons Males Females Persons M.tles Females Persons Males females Persons Males I emak., 11 12 11 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 30.00 51.27 747 2.17 1.26 3.15 32.17 52.53 1062 67.83 47.47 89.3R 3000 51.27 7.47 2 17 I 26 3.15 32.17 52.53 10.62 67.83 47.47 89.38

25.80 48.25 1.91 0.96 1.03 0.90 26.76 49.28 2.81 73.24 50.72 97.19 2S 76 4833 un 1.00 105 0.95 26.76 49.38 2.82 73.24 5062 97.18 26.] 9 47.54 2.31 0.61 0.77 0.42 26.80 48.31 2.73 73.20 51.69 97.27

28.13 4858 2.92 0.55 0.71 0.34 28.68 49.29 3.26 71.32 50.71 96.74 2393 43.98 2.13 212 2.78 1.41 26.05 46.76 3.54 73.95 53.24 96.46 28.71 49 16 304 033 0.46 0.18 2904 49.62 3.22 7096 50.38 96.78

2827 48.7~ 4.52 036 037 0.34 28.63 49.11 4.86 71 37 5089 95.14 29.93 5026 7.07 081 1.14 0.43 30.74 51.40 7.50 69.26 48.60 92.50 28 )0 4858 4.25 0.31 030 0.33 28.41 48.88 458 71.59 51.12 95.42

2863 49.07 6.13 1.12 1.16 1.09 29.75 50.23 7.22 70.25 49.77 92.78 28.93 4955 7.06 1 39 140 1 38 30.32 50.95 8.44 69.68 49.05 9) 56 2790 4801 376 0.49 060 0.35 28.39 48.61 4.11 71.61 5) 39 9589 [ 20 ]


Total No, of No, of 81. State/District/police Rural Area in Occupied Houae- Total Population (includiDI 10s- No. StatioIl/U,A /Clty/Town Urban Km' Residential Houses holds titutional and Houseless Population) ,.,-----____ ...J.. _____ .... -_, Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11. HUIIi District T 3,149'0 618.936 615.351 3,557.306 1.863.781 1,693,524 R 2,994'8 414315 418,606 2,506,777 1,290,615 ] 216.162 U 154'2 204,621 206.746 .,050.529 573,167 477,362

.A.rambag T 1,074'4 132,412 133,905 824.160 421,125 403,O.U Subdivision R 1.055'4 126.220 127.578 789.995 40.1,031 396,924 U 190 6,J 92 6,327 34,205 18094 16,111

1. Gogbat T 376-) 30,948 31,039 195,108 99,302 95.806 R 376'3 30.948 31,039 195,108 99,302 95,806 U

2, Aramhag T 303'9 36,294 36,924 222,006 114,303 107,703 R 2849 30,102 30,~97 187,801 96,109 91,592 U 190 6,192 6,327 34.205 18,094 16,111 Arambag (M) U 19·04 6.192 6,327 34.205 18,094 16,111

3. Kbanakul T 293'7 46.463 46~704 285,321 144,835 140,486 R 2937 46,463 46,704 285,321 144,835 140,486 U

4. PUflurah T 100'S 18,707 19,238 121.725 62,685 59,040 R 100'S 18,707 19,238 121,725 62,685 59,040 U . - 1 •

Sadar SubdIvision T 1,154'9 188,289 190,473 1,054 •.069 548,231 505,838 R 1,1096 137,364 138,753 787,280 405,507 381,773 U 453 50.925 51.720 266,789 142,724 124,065

5, Dhaniakbali T 275'0 37,226 37.507. 215.080 110,551 104.529 R 2750 37,226 37,507 215.080 110,551 104,529 U

6. Panduah T 286'5 H,069 34,611 194,462 99,923 94,539 R 282'7 30,941 31.468 177,199 90,918 86,281 U 3-8 3,128 3,143..... 17.263 9,00; 8.258 Panduah (N.M.) U 375 3,128 3,143 17,263 9,005 8,258

7. Balagarh T 207-7 25,732 25,975 151,381 77,999 73,382 R 207'7 25,732 25,975 151,181 77.999 73.382 U. [ 21 ]


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes LitOllteil

,--_____ ...L ______~ _-----_..J------~ _------...L.------~ P M f P M F P M F 10 11 12 13 14 1. 16 17 18 767.502 393,660 373 K4:t 141,047 71,474 69,573 1,735,482 1.080.884 654.598 660.478 335,626 324.852 134,710 68,301. 66 408 1,073,851 683.008 390,843 107,024 58,034 48,990 6337 3.171 3,165 661.631 397.876 263,755

233,23.t 118.087 lJ5.14fi 14,680 7.563 7,117 332,878 220,479 112.399 224 244 J 13,552 110.692 13,591 7.028 6,563 316.811 210,195 106.622 8.98~ 4,535 4.454 1,089 535 554 16.061 10,284 5,777

63.192 32,044 31.148 8,537 4.358 4.119 78,505 50,681 27,824 63,192 32.044 31,148 8,537 4.358 4,179 78,505 50,681 27,824

73,657 36,9 L6 36,741 3,877 1,944 1,933 91.480 59,610 31.870 64 66~ 32,381 32,381 2,788 ),409 1,379 75,419 49.326 26,093 &,"189 4,535 4.45t 1,089 535 554 16,061 10,284 5,777 8,989 4.5H 4,454 1,089 535 554 16.061 10.284 ~,777

73.104 37.251 35.853 759 403 356 109,361 74,518 34.843 73,l04 37,251 35,853 759 403 3S6 109.361 74,S18 34,843 . ,

23.280 11,876 11,404 1,507 858 649 53,532 35,670 17.862 23,280 11.876 11,404 J,507 858 649 53,532 35.670 17,862 . . , .

278,498 143,054 135,444 96,499 48,692 47,807 498.990 305,1/0 193.880 241,849 123,7 J8 118.131 93,309 47.0/2 46,297 330.053 204,833 J25,220 36,649 19,336 17,313 3,190 1.680 1,'10 168.937 100,277 68,660

61,954 31.641 30,313 27,186 13.640 13.546 89,808 56,478 33,330 619S4 31,641 30,313 27,186 13,640 13,546 89,808 56,478 33,330

54,790 27,949 26,841 30,759 15.487 15,172 79,419 48,819 30,tOO 53,198 27,130 26,068 29,859 15,036 14.813 70,S41 43,574 26,967 1,592 819 773 900 4S1 449 8.878 5,245 3.633 1,S92 819 773 900 4'1 449 8.878 ~,245 3.633

S2,057 26.779 2','278 13,246 6,614 6,632 6SA32 40,349 25.083 52,051 26,779 25,278 13,246 6.614 6,632 65,432 40,349 25,083 . . . . . , . 'I [ 22 )

PRIMARY CENSUS MAIN WORKERS ~------SI State/Distrkt/P S.I Total Main W()rker~ Cultivators Agricultural Labourers No. U.A·/City/Town (l-IX) ( I ) (II)

r--- • __ ...L ____ ~~ r--- - ___ .A.._ ----~ r---.--J..----- ___ p M F P M F P M F 1 2 19 20 21 22 2, 24 25 26 27 11. Hugli District 1.018,423 914.591 103,832 244.451 239,694 4,757 283,936 216,538 67.398 725,321 639,"21 85,900 240,905 236.205 4,700 275,762 209,674 6",088 293,102 175,170 17.932 3.546 3,489 57 8,174 6.864 1,301

Arambal 215,522 203,877 11,645 97,119 96,259 860 65.156 59.270 5,886 St4bdl visio .. 205,4.13 194.919 10,454 95,735 94,886 849 61,147 56,819 5.328 10,089 8,898 1,191 1,384 1.373 11 3.009 2,451 558

1. Ooghat 51.971 48,516 3,455 23,526 23.106 420 18,742 16.887 1,855 51,97] 48,516 3,45~ 23.526 23.106 420 18,742 16,887 1,855

2. Arambag 58,896 54,955 3.941 19,998 19,852 1-46 21,444 19.090 2,354 48,807 46,057 2,750 18,614 18,479 13~ 18,435 16,639 J.796 10,089 8,898 ].191 1.384 1,373 11 3,009 2.4.51 558 Arambag (M) 10,089 8.898 1.191 1,384 1,373 11 3,009 2.451 558

3. Kbaoakul 71,970 69,711 2,259 36,919 36,739 180 17.240 16,6R4 556 71,970 69,711 2.259 36,919 36.739 180 17,240 Ib,684 ~56

4. Puuurah 32.685 30,695 1,990 16676 16,562 114 7.730 6,609 1.121 32.685 30,695 1,990 16.676 16,562 114 7.730 6.609 1,121

Sada, 324,166 266,546 57,620 68,380 65,771 2,609 131,276 85.237 46,039 SubdivisioN 254,807 202,111 52,696 67.668 65.090 2.578 129,096 83,527 45,569 69,359 64,435 4,924 711 681 3/ 1.180 1,710 470

5. DhaDlakhali 73,618 56.827 16,791 20.732 19,974 758 39.537 24.382 15,155 73,618 56.827 16,791 20.732 19.974 758 39,537 24,382 15,155

6. Panduah 65.415 49,446 15.969 14.639 ] 3.816 823 36.289 22.053 14,236 60,608 45.143 15.365 14.417 13.605 812 35,070 21,215 13,855 4,807 J,W3 604 222 211 11 ].219 838 381 Panduah (NM) 4807 4.203 604 222 211 11 1.219 838 381

7. Balagarh 4S,14S 38.353 6.792 11.976 12.640 336 19,188 13,752 5,436 45.145 38.353 6.792 1: .976 1t.640 336 )9.\88 13.7.52 5.436 , . .. . ' L 23 J


MAIN WORKERS ------Household Industry Manufacturing. Processing Other Workers Servicing and Repairs [V(a)] [Ill. IV. V(b) & VI to IX) Marginal Workers

,.---__ ~-L_ . ___ Non·Workers r----J...---·- ".------"-----"""'\ __ -.-__ .J... __ • ___ ~ P M F P M F P M f P' N F 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 ]8 39 36.412 3 •• 419 4.993 453,624 416.940 26.684 39,956 21.S67 18,389 2.498,927 927,624 1,571,303 2«).335 24.900 4.4J5 179.319 168.642 10677 3".8.21 lS.181 16.720 1,746.635 633,09J 1.113,542 7,077 6,519 558 274.305 258.198 16,007 5,135 3,466 1.669 75l,292 294,53J 457.761 7.641 6045 1.596 45,606 42.303 3,303 11236 5,988 5.248 597,402 211.260 386,142 7.4/5 5.873 1.542 40.136 37.401 2.735 10.554 5680 4,874 573.968 202.382 371,596 226 172 54 5,470 4,90~' 568 682 308 374 23.434 8.888 14.546 2.254 1,712 542 7.449 6,811 638 3.824 t.986 1,838 139,313 48.800 90,513 2.254 1, 712 542 7,449 6,811 638 3.824 1,986 1,838 139,313 48.800 90,513

1.9~3 1.674 269 15.511 14.339 1,172 2.574 1.368 1,106 160.536 57.980 102.556 1,717 1,502 215 10,041 9.437 604 1.892 1.060 832 137.102 49.092 88,010 226 172 54 5.470 4.902 568 682 30a 374 23,434 8,888 14,546 226 172 54 5.470 4,902 568 682 308 374 23.434 8.888 14,546

2.552 2.066 4~6 15,259 14.222 1.037 3.797 1.914 1,883 209.554 73.210 136,344 2.~S2 2.066 486 15.259 14.222 1.037 3.797 1,914 1.883 209.554 73,210 136,344

892 593 299 7.387 6.931 456 1.041 720 321 87.999 31.270 56.729 892 593 299 7.387 6.93l 456 1.041 720 321 87.999 31.270 56.729 . ,

7.152 6 no 882 117.358 109.268 8.090 14,819 7.826 6,993 715.084 273.859 441.225 5.59.5 4.923 672 52.447 48.571 3.877 13.2/2 6.58., 6.625 519.261 196.809 322.452 1.557 1.348 210 64.910 60.697 4.213 1,607 ],'V9 368 195.823 77.050 118.773 2.009 1.871 138 11.340 10.600 740 1.551 729 822 139.911 52.995 86.916 2.009 1.871 1~8 11.340 10,600 740 1,551 729 822 139.911 52.995 -86.916

1.071 889 182 13.416 12.688 728 2.989 1.138 l,8S1 126.058 49.339 76.719 892 755 137 10.229 9.668 561 2.960 1.118 1.842 113631 44.557 69.074 179 134 45 3.187 3,020 167 29 20 9 12.427 4782 7,645 179 134 4S 3.187 3.020 167 29 20 9 12.427 4.782 7.645 1.298 1.13S 163 11,683 10.826 857 2.tH 1.301 838 104.097 38,345 65.752 1.298 1.13S 163 11.683 10.826 857 2.139 1.301 838 104.097 38345 65.752 . . .. [ 24 1 PRIMARY CENSUS

Total No. of Occupied No. of SI. State/District/Police Rural Area in Residental House- Total Population (Including Ins- No. Station/U,A./City/Town Urban Kms. Housc:s holds titutional and Houseless 'Population)

r------....__------~P M F 2 ~ 5 6 7 8 9 8. Magra T 62'S'" 30 J3() 30,302 150,112 81.680 ()8,432 R 43'9 8 ~12 8,829 47,267 24,737 22.530 U 18'6 2J ,324 21.473 102,845 56,943 45.902 @ Ragbunatbpur (N M.) U 2'03 1.898 1,904 8,150 4,559 3, S91 @ Madhusudanpur (N.M.) U 1'57 1,202 1,203 5,436 3,010 2,426 @ Bandel Thermal U 1'07 199 199 678 375 303 Power project Town «(NM) @ Bansberia U 13'88 18,025 ]8.]67 88,581 48,999 39,582 (i) Bansberia (M) U 9'07 15,510 15.631 77.020 42,667 34,353 (ii) Sankhanagar (OG) U 0'73 832 837, 4,366 2,354 2012 (iii) Barakbejuria Cbak (00) U 0"66 314 314 1,294 723 571 (iv) Bansberia (OG) U 1'~5 1.196 1,202 4,954 2,733 2,221 (v) Khamarpara (OG) U 1'87 173 183 947 522 425

9. Cbinsurab T 37'5 30,461 31 218 168.456 88,026 80,430 R 14'6 3,988 4,114 2),775 11,2S0 10,525 U 22'9 26.473 27,104 146.681 76,776 69,905 @ Keota (N.M,) U 3'79 2,177 2,182 9.997 5,607 4,390 ® Naldanga (N.M.) U 1'84 1.502 1,539 7,766 4,258 \508

@ H ugli-Chinsurah U 17'28 22.794 23,383 128,918 (>6,911 02,007 (i) Hugli·Cbinsurah (M) U 1606 22.113 22,701 J25,193 64,986 60,207 (ii) Narayanpur (OG) U 053 391 391 2,137 1,082 1,055 (iii) KodaJia (OG) U 0'69 290 291 1,588 843 745

10. Polba T 153'4 15,998 16,149 91,737 47,576 44.161 R IS?'" 15,998 16,149 91,737 47,576 44.161 U ..

11. Oadpur T 1323 14,667 14,111 82,841 42,476 40.365 R 132'3 14,667 14,711 82,841 42,476 40,365 U Chondernagnre T 501.1 132,808 134,402 769.690 410,125 359,565 SubdMJion R 4640 78,952 79,968 493,899 257,554 236,345 V 37'1 53,856 54,434 2.75,791 152,571 J23.220

12. Tarakcawar T 119'9 23.3~6 23,788 141,658 73.640 63,018 R ) 16'0 20,196 20,551 125.140 64,853 60,287 U 3'9 3 16() 3,131 16,518 8,787 7.731 Tarakclwar (M) U 3'90 3,160 3,237 16.518 8,787 7,731 [ 2S ]


Scheduled Ca~tes Scheduled Tribes Literates ,..______.A..- _____ ~ r------...r...------~ ,...----...... ~ P M F P M F P --_,_------M f- lO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1M 31,056 16,342 14,714 4,922 2,527 2,395 80,308 50,228 30,080 12.410 6,382 ti,028 3,381 1,718 1,663 23,205 13,('78 9,527 18,646 9,960 8,686 1,541 809 732 57,103 36,550 20,5B 2,020 1,077 943 82 47 3S 4,709 3,049 1,660 736 374 362 113 58 SS 3,054 1.943 1,111 17 6 11 .. ~76 334 242

15.873 8,503 7,370 1,346 704 642 48,764 31,224 17,540 14,099 7,515 6,584 682 356 326 44,175 28,153 16,022 315 167 148 308 159 149 J,836 1,209 627 6S 36 29 14 10 4 768' 487 281 1,080 618 462 342 179 163 1,438 J,027 411 314 167 147 547 348 199

22,t:40 11,724 10,916 1,498 819 679 113,931 65,053 48,878 6,229 3,167 3,062 749 399 350 10.97~ 6,571 4,404 16,411 8.5'7 7,854 749 420 329 102,956 58,482 44,474 2.507 1,398 ),109 226 121 lOS 5,065 3,440 1.625 648 345 303 39 31 8 4,745 2,894 1,851

13,256 6,814 6,442 484 268 216 93,146 52.148 40.998 12.908 6.633 6,275 484 268 216 90,649 50,736 39,9 J3 254 132 122 ],572 878 694 94 49 45 .. 925 534 391

26,690 13,654 13,036 9,636 4,969 4,667 39,14 I 2~,S21 14,621 26,690 13,6~4 13,036 9,636 4,969 4,667 39,142 24,521 14,621 , . , .

29.31 J 14.965 14,346 9,252 4,636 4,616 30,950 19,662 11,288 29.311 14,965 14,346 9,252 4,636 4,616 30.9~O 19,662 11,288 ...... 128,642 66281 62.361 20,186 10,188 9,998 385,198 241,862 143,336 96,281 48.353 47,928 19.522 9.8JJ 9.691 225,678 142,953 82,725 32,361 ]7,928 14,433 664 357 307 159,520 98,909 60,611

27,689 14,126 13,563 6,702 3,386 3,316 64,182 4J,~25 22,657 . 25.836 13.180 12,656 6,690 3,3n 3,312 55,263 35,994 19,269 1,853 946 907 12 Ii 4 8,919 5,531 3,388 1,853 946 907 12 S 4 8,919 ',531 3,388


Household Industry. Manufacturing, Processina. Other Workers Marainal Workers Non-Workers Servicing and Repairs V(a) (IlJ, IV. V(b) & VI to IX) ,..._____ .J-.._ __ --"'\ ,..._____ -'--___ _._

,--___."A...,_- __~ ,...,-_.___ J_ __ ._~ P M F P M F P M F P M F 28 29 30 31 32 33 3<4 35 36 37 38 39 630 542 88 33.435 31.606 ),829 2.287 1.432 855 106.161 42,153 64.008 288 266 22 6.618 6.233 385 1.117 523 594 32.636 12.677 19,959 342 276 66 26.817 • 25,373 1.444 1.170 909 261 73,525 29.476 44.049 15 15 1.805 1.785 20 189 167 22 5.822 2.292 3.530 17 17 1.398 1.317 81 61 58 3 3,879 I,S57 2.322 235 2.30 5 443 145 298

310 244 66 23.379 22,04L J,338 920 684 236 63,381 25.482 37,899 263 212 51 20,700 19.565 1.135 670 507 163 55,142 22,154 32,988 26 16 10 1,049 903 146 183 122 61 3,073 1.280 1,793 354 348 6 7 7 904 342 S61 20 16 4 1.066 1.019 47 29 17 12 3.558 1.422 2,136 1 1 210 206 4 31 31 704 284 420 • 1.203 1.068 135 38.647 35,661 2.986 770 584 186 125.~69 48,669 76,900 167 131 36 3,741 3,357 384 362 274 88 15.698 5.877 9,821 1.036 937 99 34,906 32,304 2,602 408 310 98 109871 42.792 67.0i9 177 138 39 2.576 2.462 114 56 33 23 7,151 2,943 4.208 92 88 4 1.894 1.839 S5 64 48 16 5,643 2,212 3.431

767 711 56 30,436 28003 7.433 288 229 59 97.077 37,637 59.440 747 692 S5 29.595 27,224 2.371 286 227 59 94.247 36,544 57.703 20 19 1 477 436 41 2 2 ].63~ 622 1.013 .. 364 343 21 1,195 471 724

381 341 40 5.461 4.834 627 2.615 ],555 ]'060 60,040 22.487 37.553 381 341 40 5,461 4,834 627 2,615 1.555 1.060 60.040 22.487 37.553

560 424 136 3.J76 3.053 323 2.468 1,087 1,381 53.248 19.871 33,377 3,376 3.053 323 2.468 ],087 1,381 53.248 19.871 33.377 560.. 424 136 .. .. 6.664 5.959 705 112.727 106.899 5.828 5.826 3.808 2.018 537.882 199.147 338,735 4,904 4.302 602 37.775 36,039 1.736 4.588 2.965 1.623 342,631 122.280 220,351 1.760 1.657 103 74.952 70.860 4.092 1.138 843 395 195.251 76.867 118.384 1.104 980 124 11.283 10,601 682 673 375 298 97.789 35.713 62.076 971 850 121 7.328 6.943 385 571 351 220 86.198 31.320 54.878 133 130 3 3.955 3,658 29'1 102 24 78 11.591 4.393 7.198 133 130 3 3.955 . 3.658 197 102 24 78 11.591 4,393 7.198 [ 28 ]


Total No. of No, of SI. State/District/Police Rural Area in Occupied Resi· House Total Population ~including In!l- No, Station/U ,A./Ory/Town Urban K,M." dential Houses Holds tilutional and House ess Population) _------.J..-.----.~ p M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 13. Haripal T 184'4 2~,S97 28,670 170,402 88,230 82.172 R 184'4 28,S97 28,670 170,402 88.320 82,172 U

14, Singur T 1473 29,368 29,953 191,323 100,658 90,665 R 139'1 26,777 27,320 176.455 92,946 83,509 U 82 2,59l 2,633 14.868. 7.712 7,156

Singur (VA) V 8'18 2,591 2,633 14,868 7,712 7.t56 (i) Singur (NM) U 6'40 2,261 2.303 13,189 6,789 f ,400 (d) Kamarkundu (OG) U 1 78 330 330 1,1>79 923 756

15. Bhadreswar T 31'S 33,477 33,762 J 64,382 94,039 70,343 R 24'5 3,182 3,427 21,902 11,525 10,377 U 15'3 30,095 30,335 142,480 82,514 59966 '@ Khalishani (NM) U 2'35 1,346 1,364 7,484 3,S82 3,602 @ Bhadreswar (M) U 6'48 12,101 12,212 58,S 58 33,602 15.256 @ Cbampdani (M) U 647 16,648 16,759 76,138 45,030 lUOS

16 Chandernagore T 97 18,010 18,229 101,925 53,558 48,367 R U 9'66 IS.010 18,229 101,925 53,SS8 48,367 @ Chaodernagar (MC) U 9'66 IS,010 18,229 101,925 53,S58 48.367

Serampore T 4144 165,427 166,572 909,387 484,301 425.086 Subdivision R 361'6 71,779 72,307 43$.64) 224,523 2/' ,120 U 528 93,648 94,265 473,744 259.178 213,966

17, Jangipara T 164'0 23,258 23,562 145,399 74,779 70,62(} R 164'0 23.258 23,562 145,399 74,719. 70.620 U , ,

18. Chanditala T 163'4 43,286 43,584 258,835 133,414 125,421 R 155'2 38,857 39,076 234.697 120,670 114,027 U 82 4,429 4,508 24,138 12.744 11,394 Begampur U 2'12 1,198 1,199 7,007 3,6S1 3,356

Mdgala (UA) U 6'12 3,231 3,309 17,131 9,093 8,038 (a) Monaharpur (NM) U 2-14 1,522 1,562 8,019 4,221 3.7~8 (b) Mrigata (NM) U 3'98 1,709 1,747 9,111 4,872 4.240 [ 29 ]


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates ,...... ---... __.J-- _____~ p r------..A...------...." r--.-----..A..------~ M F P M F P M F 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 43,126 22,123 21,003 10,431 5.215 5,216 68,718 43,820 24,898 43,126 22,123 21,003 10,431 5,21S 5.216 68,718 43,820 24,898 . . .

26,402 12,514 13,828 2,185 1.112 1,073 95,891 60,484 35,407 24,162 11,416 12,746 2,047 1.046 1,001 87,061 55,244 31,817 2,140 1,158 1,082 138 66 72 8,830 5,240 3,590

2,240 1,158 1.082 138 66 72 8,830 5,240 3,590 1.880 945 935 88 43 45 7,903 4,656 3,247 360 213 147 50 23 27 927 584 343

18,971 10,767 8.104 530 295 23S 86,450 56.192 30,258 3,157 1;634 1,523 354 192 162 14,636 7,895 6,741 15.814 9,133 6,68L 176 103 73 71,814 48,297 23,S11 471 241 223 2 1 1 5,435 3,0.55 2,380 6, \63 3,257 2.906 17 12 5 29,752 19,686 10,066 9,1~O 5,628 3,~52 157 90 67 36,627 25,556 11,071

12,4.54 6.691 5.763 338 180 158 69,957 39,841 .. 30,116 12,454 6691 5,763 338 180 158 69,957 39,841 30.116 12,454 6,691 5,763 338 180 158 69,957 39,841 30,116

127.129 66,238 60,891 9,682 5,031 4,65! 518,416 313,433 204,983 98,1001 50,003 48,101 8,288 4431 3.857 201,303 125.027 76,276 29,025 16,235 12,790 J,394 600 79-1 317,113 188,406 128,707

42.699 21.746 20,953 6,293 3,308 2,985 60,858 38,977 21,881 42,699 21,746 20,953 6,293.. 3,308 2,985 60,858 38.977 21,881

39.204 19,832 19,372 1,054 643 411 125,771 76,692 49,079 36,624 18,478 18,146 993 604 389 110,943 68,464 42,479 2,580 1.354 1,226 61 39 22 14,828 8,228 6,600 868 448 420 10 10 4,395 2,617 1,778

1,712 906 806 51 29 22 10,433 ~,611 4,822 679 349 330 ...... 4,547 2,653 J,894 1,033 557 476 51 29 22 5,886 2,958 2,928 [ 30 ] PRIMARY CENSUS

Sl. State/Dlstrict(P.S./ Total Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural Labourers No. V.A.felty/Town (I-IX) (I) (II) ,.. ____ .J..____ """'I r-----..A.-----~ r-----.J..--~~ P M F P M F P M F 1 2 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 13. Haripal '2,397 45,297 7,082 17,040 16,655 385 22,770 16,819 '.951 52,379.. 4',297 7,082 17,040 16.655 385 22.770 16,819 ',9.51

14. Singur 54,051 51,970 2,081 18,238 18,041 197 14,017 13,203 814 49,964 48,152 J ,812 17,781 17,587 194 13,268 12,517 751 4,087 3,818 269 457 454 3 749 686 63

Singur (VA) 4,087 3.818 269 457 454 3 749 686 63 (i) Singur (NM) 3,567 3,323 244 398 395 3 678 632 46 (ii) Kamarkundu (00) 520 455 25 59 59 71 54 17

15. Bhadreswar 49,248 47,478 1,770 1.644 1,634 10 1,951 1,869 82 5,966 5,678 288 1,429 1,420 9 1,641 t ] ,581 60 43,282 41,800 1,482 215 214 1 310 288 22 @ Khalishani (NM) 1,969 1,826 143 )43 143 131 117 14 @ Bhadreswar (M) 17,291 16,696 595 30 29 1 109 102 7 @ Champdani (M) 24,022 23,278 744 42 42 70 69 1

16. Chandernagore 27.108 24,873 2,23S 3S 35 87 85 2

27,108 24,873 2,235 35 35 87 85 2 @ Chandernagar (MC) 27,108 24.873 2,235 35 35 87 85 2

St'rampore 252,853 2~6,YYH 15,755 26,452 25,988 464 33,413 29,395 4,018 Subdivision 118,401 J10,022 8,379 25,887 25,433 454 32,133 28,156 3,977 134,352 J26,976 7,376 565 555 J() 1.280 1,239 41

17. Jangipara 43,613 38,338 5,27$ 12,611 12,274 337 15,936 12,402 3.534 43,613 38,338 5.275 12.611 12,274 337 15,936 12,402 3,534

18. Chanditala 66,769 64,374 2,395 11,465 11,387 78 ]4,405 14,058 347 60,447 58.315 2,132 11,339 11,262 77 14,109 13,765 344 6,322 6,059 263 126 12' 296 293 3 Begampur (NM) 1,907 J ,831 76 6( 61 SI 51 ..

Mrigala (UA) 4,415 4,228 187 6S 64 1 245 242 3 (a) Monoharpur (NM) 2,032 1,937 9' 26 26 125 124 1 (b) Mdgala (NM) 2,383 2.291 92 39 38 1 120 118 2 [ 31 ]


Household Industry- Manufacturing Processing, Other Workers Servicing and Repairs V (a) (llJ, IV, V(b) & VI to IX) Mar.inal Wnrkers Non-Workers

,... ____ ...A..-... ___ .~ ,.------'-----""""I r------...L----;--""""I r-----.A..----'"'"'I P M F P M F P M F' P M F 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 2,071 1,865 206 10,498 9,958 540 1)696 983 713 116,327 41,950 74,317 2,071 1,85S 206 10,498 9,958 '40 1,696 983 713 116,327 41,950 74,377 .. . .

1,813 1,545 268 19,983 19,181 802 2,224 1,516 708 ) 35,048 <47,172 87,876 1,703 1,441 262 17.212 16.607 605 2, \60 1.482 678 124";331 43,312 81,019 110 104 6 2,771 2,574 197 64 34 30 10,717 3,860 6,857

110 104 6 2,771 2,574 137 64 34 30 10.717 3,860 6,857 96 90 6 2,395 2,206 189 64 34 30 9,558 3.432 6,126 14 14 376 368 8 . , .. 1,159 428 731

964 914 SO 44,689 43,061 1,628 617 527 90 114,517 46,034 68,483 159 146 13 2.737 2,'31 206 161 149 12 15,775 5,698 10.077 805 768 37 41,952 40,530 1,422 456 378 78 98,742 40,336' 58.406 39 36 3 1,656 1,530 126 32 23 9 5,483 2,033 3,450 289 273 16 16,863 16,292 571 139 119 20 41.428 16.787 24,641 477 459 ]I 23,433 2l,708 725 ass 236 49 SI,831 2),516 30,315

712 655 57 26,274 24,098 2,175 616 407 209 74,~01 28,278 45,923

712 655 57 26,274 24,098 2,176 616 407 209 74.201 28.278 45,923 712 655 57 26,27. 24,098 2.176 616 407 209 74,201 28,278 45.923

14.955 13,145 1,810 177,933 168,470 9,463 8,075 3,945 4,130 648,559 2-13,358 405,201 11,421 9,802 1,619 48,960 46,631 2,329 6,467 2,869 3,598 310,775 111,632 199,143 3,534 3,343 191 128,973 121,839 7,134 1,608 1,076 532 337,784 13/,726 206.058

4,B70 3,980 890 10,196 9.682 514 3,167 941 2,2~6 98,619 35,500 63,119 4,870 3,980 890 IO,l96 9,682 514 3.167 941 1,226 98,619 35,500 63.119

6,492 5,875 617 34,407 33,054 1,353 2,497 1.128 1,128 189,569 67,671 121,898 5,937 5,337 000 29,062 17,951 I, III 2,35l 1,271 1,080 171,899 61,084 110,815. 55' 538 17 5,345 5,103 242 146 P8 48 17.670 6,587 11,083 447 433 14 1,348 1,286 62 18 5 13 5,082 1,815 3,267

108 lOS 3 3,997 3,817 no 128 93 35 12,588 4,772 7,816 49 47 2 1,832 1,740 92 49 44 S 5,938 2,240 3.698 59 58 1 2,165 2,077 88 79 4' 30 6,650 2,'32 4,118 [ 32 ]


Total No. of No. of Sl. State/District/Police Rural Area in Occupied House- Total Population (including Ins- No. Station/U ,A /City/Town Urban Km' Residential Houses holds titutional and Houseless Population)

,...... ____ :--_...L ______~ Persons Males females 2 3 4 , 6 7 8 9

19. Serampore T 58'0 6],558 61 S~3 316,898 174,999 141,899 R 36'6 6,-452 6,456 38,020 19,797 18,223 U 21'4 55,106 55,427 278.878 ] 55,202 12\676 @ Baidyabati (M) U 9'06 ) 2.253 ]2.352 70,573 36,782 :n,791 @ Serampore (M) U S'88 25,593 25.723 127,304 70,585 56,719 @ Rishra (M) U 6.48 ]7,260 17,352 81,001 47,835 33,166

20, Uttarpara T 29'0 37,325 37,543 188,255 101,109 87,146 R 5'8 3.212 3,213 17,527 9,277 8,250 U 23'2 34,113 34,330 170,728 91,832 78,896 @ Nabagram Colony (NM) U 2'54 3,516 3516 17,550 9,334 8,216 @ Konnagar (M) U 4',n )0,630 10,674 51,211 27,764 ~3.447 ® Uttarpara Kotrung (M) U 7'25 ]5,542 ) 5,b59 79,598 41,726 37,~72 @ Makhla U 5'33 3,461 3,510 17,600 9,931 7.669 (I) Makhla (NM) U 2'71 2,806 2,855 14,880 8,347 6,533 (ii) Bhadrakali (OG) U 2'62 655 655 :?,720 1,584 1,136 @ Kotrung (NM) U 376 964 971 4,769 3,077 1,692

:Note -(1) The Towns Marked @ are the Constituent Units of Calcutt. U,A, (2) Towns \l,ith Single Asterisk • mark on the left sil'c were treated as towns for the first tune in 1971 Census, [ 33 ]


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Lit~rates

,...______...J..._~ ____ ~ ,------"------~ ,... ____ -...A...---_--~ P M F P M F P M F 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 29,828 16,247 13,581 1,008 551 457 197,589 120,278 77,311 12,319 6,411 5,908 559 318 241 19,754 11,701 8,053 17,509 9,836 7,673 449 233 216 177,835 108,577 69.258 5,866 3,07\) 2,796 330 172 158 47,794 27,463 20,331 6,825 3,770 3,055 96 48 48 85,504 52,231 33,273 4,818 2,996 1,822 23 13 10 44,537 2~,883 15,654

15,398 8,4J3 6,985 1,327 529 798 J34,198 71,486 56,712 6,462 3,368 3,094 443 201 242 9,748 5,885 3,863 8,936 5,045 3,891 &84 328 556 124,450 7J ,601 52,849 299 163 136 26 18 8 14,412 8,012 6,400 2.249 1,301 948 93 44 49 34,468 20,176 14.29::> 2,934 1,503 1,431 269 131 138 60,925 34,039 26,HS6 3,273 1,948 ) ,325 496 135 361 1 J ,220 6.953 4,267 3,132 1,872 1,260 496 135 361 9,198 5,662 3,536 141 76 65 2,022 1,291 731 181 130 5) 3,425 2,421 1,004 [ 34 ]

PRIMARY CENSUS MAIN WORKERS Total ~------~------~-----~ SI. State/District/P.S./ Rural lotal Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural Labourers No. U.A /City/Town Urban (l-lX) ( I ) ( II ) ,.-___.).. ____ '"'""1 ,-----..)...__--'"'""I ,....----..;.._----~ P M F P M. F P M F 2 3 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27

19. Serampore T 89,159 85,010 4,149 1,791 1,748 43 2,405 21304 101 R 9,096 8,707 389 ],483 1,448 35 1,650 1,575 75 U 80,063 76,303 3,760 308 300 8 755 729 26 @ Baidyabati (M) U 17,335 16,422 913 258 252 6 644 620 24 @ Serampore (M) U 37,095 34,972 2,123 26 25 1 99 98 @ Rishra (M) U 25,1133 24,909 724 24 23 I 12 11

20. Uttarpara T 53,212 49,276 3,936 585 579 6 667 631 36 R S,245 4,662 583 454 44,} 5 438 414 24 U 47,967 44,614 3,353 131 130 229 217 12 @ NabagramColoD}(NM) U 4,842 4,497 345 49 49 33 28 5 @ Koooagar U 13,859 13,071 788 1 I 10 10 @ Uttarpara Kotrung (M) U 21,387 19,762 1,625 29 29 61 61 @ Makhla U 6,069 5,489 580 45 45 124 118 6 (i) Makhla (NM) U 5,157 4,616 541 38 38 118 112 6 (Ii) Bhadrakalj (00) U 912 873 39 7 7 6 (> @ Kotrung (NM) U 1,810 1,795 ]5 7 6 1 1

Nllle" (1) Towns marked @ are the Constituent Units of Calcutta U. A. (2) Towns with single asterik • mark on the left side were treated as towns for the first time in 1971 Census. [ 35 ] ABSTRAcr r------J..-----MAiN WORKERS -----_ ...... Household Industry- Manufacturing, Processing, Other Workers Servicing and Reparing [V (all [U1, IV, V (b) & Vl to Dq Marginal Workers Non-Workers ,..-____ .J.. ___--. ,.-___ ..... _ • ..l..-___ ...... ~--.-__"__-----.._ P M F r-----J..----P M F...... P M F P M F 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 2,356 2,204 152 82,607 78,754 3,853 1,731 J ,255 476 226,008 88,734 137,274 312 286 26 5,651 5,398 253 807 S51 256 28,117 10,539 17,578 2,044 J,9J8 126 76.956 73,356 3,600 924 704 220 197,891 78,195 119,696 674 620 54 15.759 14,930 829 310 188 122 5:1,928 20,172 32,756 1,070 1,017 53 35,900 33,832 2,068 385 332 53 89,824 3S.2RI 54,543 3)0 281 19 25,297 24,S94 703 229 184 45 55,139 22.742 32,397

1,237 1,086 151 50,723 46,980 3,7H 680 3&0 300 134,363 51,453 82,910 302 199 103 4,051 3,600 451 142 106 36 12,140 4,509 7,631 935 887 48 46,672 43,380 3,292 538 274 264 122,223 46,944 75.279 55 53 2 4,705 4,367 338 26 22 4 12,682 4,~lS 7,867 133 lIS 18 13,715 12.94.) 770 14 ]3 1 37,338 ]4,6~O 22,MB 690 663 27 20,607 19,009 1,598 481 227 254 57,730 21,737 35,993 54 53 1 5,846 5,273 573 )5 10 5 11,516 4,432 7,084 36 36 4,965 4,430 535 15 10 5 9,708 3,721 5,987 18 17 1 881 843 38 .. 1,808 711 1,097 3 3 .. 1,799 1,786 13 2 2 2,957 1,280 '1,677 [ 36 )


Name of J. L. Name of J. L, village~ No ___Population .J..__ "",", villases No. Population r--_..J.._-...... 1971 1981 1971 1981 2 3 4 2 3 4 1 Adra 30 281 335 36 Betra 141 1,931 2,322 2 Agai 4 1,276 1,500 37 Bhabadighi 76 381 475 3 Amadpur 120 "522 633 3R Bhadur 31 1,511 1.835 4 Ambaula 17 226 301 39 165 544 794 5 Amdoba 198 727 833 40 Bhanjapara 64 156 232 6 Anandapur 199 1.706 1,98.7 41 Bburkunda 7 1.441 1,705 7 ADdua 138 406 478 42 Dljalkona 25 1,013 J,175 8 Anupnagar 161 703 925 43 Blrampur 62 283 414 9 Anu~' 44 2,020 2,397 44 Brahmangram 79 73 11 Q to Arazi 45 Buintya 94 405 472 Kirttibaspur 128 18 24 11 Arazi Surjyapur 59 194 256 46 Chakbari 98 555 (,5S 12 Aspur 13 704 895 47 Cbak Mamraj 1) 5 184 221 48 Chak Netara 68 84 )27 )3 Babuimari 125 * • 49 Chakran 14H 269 321 14 Baburampur 157 385 450 50 Chandpur 168 626 763 15 149 2'420 2,8l6 51 Chatra 70 857 960 16 BadIa 114 444 579 17 Babagal 173.,., 595 2,816 52 Dahia Kanda 117 930 1,156 18 Bajua ..)~ 2,063 2,194 53 Dakshin Arjun- 19 Bali 210 2461 2,705 garia 181 265 356 20 Balibela 66 932 1.Q70 54 Dakshin 21 Batir Chak 58 * * Balarampur 197 393 467 22 Balitakunda 27 9 55 Dakshin Sainte 179 283 391 23 Ballabhbati 104 640 756 56 Damodarpur 205 1,&03 2,185 24 Bamunia 121 313 358 57 Danahar 1~2 115 156 25 Bara Kumursa 112 100 122 58 Darinakunda 1&0 1,136 1,341 26 Barama 110 382 479 59 Dasghara 80 654 773 27 Barasola Beltala 152 • 335 60 Dalpur 174 711 894 28 Barul 54 III 174 61 Daulatbati 38 309 311 29 Beldiha 137 },192 1,430 62 Debkbaoda 169 ],392 1,703 30 Beleku9uma 196 1,444 1,643 63 Dewan Chak 193 176 209 31 Belepara 46 418 481 64 Dharmapur 155 149 160 32 Deli 65 166 238 65 Dhulepur 105 900 1,062 33 Bclun 1& 517 576 66 Dighara 107 1,166 1,507 34 Beogai 42 2,461 2,926 67 Dumurpara 190 131 173 35 Betbani 122 501 497 68 Durgapur 43 395 403 [ 37 ]


Name of J. L. Name of J. L, villages No, Population villages No, Population , __..l.. __...... ,-__...L __...... 1971 1981 1971 1981 2 3 4 2 3 4 69 Dwariapur 88 160 18& 100 Kalagacbhia 209 508 570 70 Dwaripara 143 234 299 101 Kamala 11 263 321 102 82 2,191 2.252 71 140 -:',793 4,291 103 Kamche 97 1:143 1,360· 104 109 72 Oanesbati 53 800 929 502 524 105 Kantagarya 167 73 Oar Mandaram 92 3,065 3,821 506 575 106 Kantali 77 74" Goalpara 195 824 960 394 460 107 Kapsit 75 Gobindapul' 57 1,619 1,881 45 186 219 J08 Karnapur 154 495 76 Gogbat 96 2,783 3,501 277 109 145 2,355 77 Gohalisanra 200 530 499 2.440 110 Kayrakhali 177 78 Oohalpota 186 273 365 445 309 )11 Khanati 72 79 Golpur 75 945 815 746 914 112 Kbatgram 24 80 Gopalbati 93 780 674 654 753 113 Khatul 81 Galal 2 387 458 3 1,517 1,775 114 Kbijurbandi 134 188 82 Gouripur 6 273 313 263 115 Khilgram 201 83 GuruliaBhatsala 163 959 1,213 310 345 116 Khorda Kanpur 116 731 922 84 Harihar 172 965 1,141 117 Kirttibaspur 129 237 279 85 Hariharpur 101 607 81)3 118 Kokand 144 632 726 86 Harisabha 84 821 1,058 119 Kota 194 1.800 2.0R9 87 Harishchandrapur 49 548 641 120 Kotai 21 585 669 88 Hazipur 170 1,594 1,974 121 Krishnaganj 150 1,197 1.395 122 Kuchedahari 156 145 205 89 Idalbati 36 974 1,117 123 Kulia 192 1.010 1,1 SO 90 Indira 83 324 332 124 Kultala 162 286 332 91 Jagatpur 211 540 732 125 KUDlarganj 20 826 893 92 Janakiballabhpur 95 • ., 126 Kumursa 99 2,274 2.807 93 Jharia 158 476 622 127 Kurchigaria 185 401 527 94 Iharikhanda 26 248 263 128 Kurmana 118 514 561 95 Jitarpur 9 29 38 129 Lakshmipur ]08 558 600 96 Jot Chandi 40 801 884 130 Laluka' 126 1,394 1,638 97 Jot Mababat 188 147 167 131 Lalkarpukur 133 550 639 98 Joykrisbnapur ]11 1,494 1.85'J 132 Madanmohanpur 78 591 702 99 Kajla 124 184 190 133 Madbubati 91 632 843 - [ 38 J


Name of J. L. Name of J. L. villages No. population villages Nc. Population ,-__J.. _--, ,-__ J.._----., 1971 1981 1971 19tH .t 2 ~ 4 2 3 134 Madina 52 LJU2 1045' 166 Purbba Chakla 15 208 :-1-1 135 135 1080 IJ)~ 167 Pyarinagar 60 226 264 136 Mandala 171 169 [&4 137 Mandalganti 28 g98 1,043 168 Radhaballabhpurl20& 997 1,223 138 Masidbera 16 285 318 169 Raghubati 35 1,057 1.207 139 Mathura 102 777 942 liO Raghunathpur 85 214 209 140 Maynadanga 183 150 219 171 Rajgram 55 690 793 141 Meherbanpur 132 113 136 172 Rangamati 127 20g 277 142 Methul 63 1.464 1,830 173 Ratanpur 50 1,264 1,359 143 Mirga 69 637 746 174 Rautara ]91 206 273 144 Mirzapur 206 344 474 175 Rayan So 501 588 145 Mohanpur 113 735 958 176 RaJ 22 71:'i 713 146 Muktarpur 203 67;' 7,)8 147 Mulluk 131 343 403 177 Salikona 10 884 866 178 Saljhar 41 1,244 1.451 14S Nabasan 74 1,06.; 1,21 !) 179 Samanta Kbanda I 1.756 2,020 149 Nakunda 187 2,~26 3.138 180 Sancha 48 589 558 150 Naldubi 123 366 372 181 Santa 51 758 864 151 Naraharbati 37 440 * 182 Santipur 160 1,732 2,164 152 N arasin ba ti 5 716 834 183 Santoshpur 33 761 712 184 Saora 189 2,389 2,809 185 153 Paba 184 984 1,297 89 1,021 I, I 76 186 Sekati 154 Palpukur 34 108 114 29 301 392 187 Selampur 153 2,163 2,132 155 Pandugram 136 1.274 1,5~1 188 Senai 156 Pascbim Amarpur 86 54R 735 39 784 833 lSQ 157 Paschim Chakla 14 385 342 Sikil Beldiha 151 • * 158 Pascbimpara 164 1,503 1,925 190 Sinrapur 166 611 1.004 159 Patulsara 67 1,082 1,367 191 Sitanagar 56 771 822 160 Penchera 204 458 490 192 Sirpur 81 1~911 2,126 161 Pirmallik 73 Il2 149 193 Subir Cbak 90 570 614 162 Puioa 12 427 528 194 Sulut 23 397 433 163 Pukhuria 87 659 821 195 Sundarpur 159 995 1,338 164 Pundabit 19 738 839 ]96 Sunia JI9 1,321 1,620 165 Purbba Amarpur 106 7]4 824 197 Surjyapur 61 160 224 [ 39 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES I. P. S. GfJlhat

Name of J. L. Name of J. L. vIllages No. Population vIllages No. Population ,--_...L __ """" r--_..A..._-"""" lY71 1981 1971 1991 2 3 4 2 ~ 4 198 Shamballabbpur 202 2,921 3,555 206 Tilari 142 883 1,054 199 Syambati 103 787 825 207 Tilati 147 352 388 200 Syambazar 139 3,430 3,9~4 208 Udayrajpur 207 941 1,046 146 IS7 197 201 Syampur 209 Uttar Arjungaria 176 ... • 202 Tarahat 130 ],789 2,166 210 Uttar Balarampur 71 1.164 ],500 203 Tarui 47 343 410 211 Uttar Sainte 178 758 935 204 Tebure 175 310 395 Tota) Rural !~~~97 _ _!!~.108 ~ 205 Teligram 100 552 640 Entirely Rural

.. UnlohiblteJ. [ 40 ]


Location CocioNo, Area of Mouza i.o, J.L. No. Name of Mouza (Village) in No. of Total Population of Mouza Vtllage)fTownl Hectares and Occupied No. of (including (V illaae)/ Ward (in absence of of Town/ Residential House. Institutional aDd Scheduled Ward No. name repeat Ward No.) Ward in KM· Houses holds Houseless Population) Scheduled Castes Tribes ,...._-...... __---- ,....._-'--__" ,._...l._--.. P M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 P.S. Goghat 1. Samanta Kbanda 20723 310 310 2,f120 1,042 978 385 338 35 28 2. Gotai 16854 87 87 458 226 232 133 143 3. Kbatul 21026 261 261 1,775 904 R71 263 2()1 4. Agai 281 14 228 229 1.500 753 747 .B3 344 16 21 5. Narasinghabati 16493 III III 834 433 401 216 204 5 3 6. Gouripur 72'91 48 48 3)3 166 147 117 104 7. Bhurkunda 33056 262 266 1,705 S69 836 310 318 53 39 8. Rayan 161'15 90 90 588 299 289 134 115 9. Jitarpur 6618 13 13 38 20 18 8 15 10. Salikona 119 3~ 135 13S 866 441 425 18~ 167 4 6 11. Kamala 10691 43 43 321 172 149 47 42 12. Punia 161'34 99 100 52g 265 263 68 76 JX 36 13. Aspur 25567 159 159 895 462 433 184 177 31 3~ 14. Paschim Chakla 7572 63 63 342 176 166 108 101 3 6 15. Purbba Chakla II364 42 42 241 102 139 40 47 13 22 f 16. Masidbera 5634 58 59 318 160 15& 102 96 17. Ambaula 73'70 61 61 301 153 148 24 28 20 20 18. Belun 142'85 97 97 576 298 278 82 68- 41 34 19. Pundahit 142'55 158 158 839 422 4J7 135 138 J59 ]51 20. Kumarganj 131'73 147 155 &93 468 425 67 57 43 33 21. Kotai 173'23 94 94 669 339 330 111 90 16 17 22. Ria 172 92 103 103 713 361 352 120 126 23. Salut 9590 72 72 433 221 212 129 122 24. Khatgram 168'45 J 14 114 753 388 365 151 137 39 36 25. Bijalkona 33322 192 192 1,157 605 552 ]56 138 156 136 26. Jharikhanda 13924 47 47 263 127 136 63 67 13 13 27. Balitakundu 63'09 Uninhabited 28. Mandalganti ]2467 162 163 1043 536 507 299 304 29. Sekati 124'15 70 70 392 186 206 63 66 30 33 30. Adra 123 II 62 62 335 161 174 83 83 3 5 31. Bhadur 58505 272 272 1.835 960 875 299 2&1 142 134 32. Bajua 397'43 286 286 2,194 1,162 1.032 377 309 51 39 33. Santosbpur 48'82 132 1.32 712 368 344 235 222 34. PaJpukur 81'48 14 14 114 55 59 .. .. 35. Raghubati 32433 187 )87 1207 643 564 224 201 62 66 [ 41 J



~------~ ------~Household Industry· Manufa.::· Total AgrIcultural turing Proce~sjng, Other Workers Main Workels Labourers sel Vicini and (JJJ, IV, V(b)& Margmal Literates (I-1X) Cultivators (I) (11) Repairing (V(aJ] VI to IX] Workers Non-Wolkers ,-_.A.._ ..... ,-_.A.._ ..... __.A._, __....l..- ..... ,---'-.-"""" ,-_...... - ..... ,...--'--~ _--A...-~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 1\1 20 21 22 13 24 25 26 27 2X 1 P. S. Goghat-C"tI,d. 516 327 530 13 2~2 3 194 5 7 2 77 3 512 965 82 40 128 2 36 &R 2 4 .. 9& 2.'~O 534 300 4b6 27 247 102 31 ]5 R6 9 26 437 ~18 382 222 361 45 145 2 148 32 4 3 64 8 ]7 17 375 6S5 253 129 201 1 174 23 1 4 232 400 68 30 Ho7 IX 61 8. 3 76 147 393 206 39X 9 204 120 4 21 53 4 22 5 449 822 159 106 1~4 56 91 17 135 :':81:1 10 1 16 (1 4 6 .. 4 18 221 143 233 II 1'.1 86 J2 52 6 20 188 4J4 92 43 ~2 1 '\6 19 7 90 14R 65 39 97 10 50 40 9 7 168 253 152 79 259 22 126 95 1S :B 20J 410 46 15 90 5 28 59 5 3 86 161 36 10 5R 14 20 34 13 4 44 125 50 21 85 3 16 66 3 3 74 155 51 29 71 5 45 24 5 2 S2 141 121 70 141 2(1 47 57 ~O 3 34 6 157 252 128 61 249 124 ~,i{ 170 110 4 k 17 6 173 293 204 118 271 51 12() 93 49 19 I 39 I 197 374 159 7~ 186 21 h6 91 15 3 4 6 5 15~ 304 249 142 163 3 88 43 :n 15 1"', 34':) 78 44 ]09 30 78 ]3 99 212 229 109 228 36 185 27 28 9 15 160 329 277 159 272 60 105 143 57 2 23 27 24 30(J 4(.!:! 53 37 62 4 27 31 2 .. 4 132 Uninhabited 19~ 56 285 6 199 63 23 6 251 501 67 59 96 25 32 55 22 2 2 7 6 5 84 176 70 5J 61 26 34 1 100 174 515 269 471 104 241 7 182 9'2 4 2 44 3 16 473 771 733 454 555 49 200 1 222 40 12 121 8 ] 1 596 983 170 230 2 89 59 151 .. 20 2 138 342 44 39 19 16 3 38 59 408 252 330 62 138 5 150 S3 3 1 39 3 313 502 [ 42 ]

URBAN/VILLAGE PRIMAllY lo.:atiull Code )'00. Area of Mouza No. of le . .I.L. No. Namc lIf MOUl.! (Village) Oe,;upu:j Total Population \)f Moula (Villagc)[Town/ in He\:tare~ RC~l· No. ('f (includmg (village)! \\ al d (in absence l,f and of To~r;/ d.:nt1d~ House. I nsl! tut ional <-Iud. Scheduled Ward Nc. 'lJIllC repeat Ward Nll.) Ward III Kil" I i'>use' hold. Hou~dess Po pulat'Oll} Scheduled Castes Tdbe~ ,.-____ .J-_____ ,-_ .J-_ ""'" r--...J..- ___ p M F M F M I 2 3 4 ~ (i 7 8 9 10 II 12 1 I). S. Go;hat-C""td. 36 Idalbati 260'19- 162 102 , ,117 579 :'3R. 239 251 70 (,3 1,7, Naraharbati 65'79 Uninhabited 38 Daulatbati 56 OJ ";'1{ 4'>; 311 164 14'7 17 56 39. Senai 188 70 147 147 833 401 432 122 138 49 45 40. Jot Cbandi 151' JO 159 159 884 459 425 2J7 221 .... '"1'1 161 41. Saljhar 253-:N 2-1-1 ' " 1.451 746 705 112 42. Dengai 698'60 465 4f)6 2,926 1.499 1.427 577 531 ~6 89 43. Durgapur 8291 63 63 403 213 190 108 95 44. Anur 361 '9H 400 400 2,391 1.225 1,172 412 409 45. Kapsit 55 15 :8 2~ 219 98 J 2[ 40 48 46. Belepara 6764 75 75 481 233 248 80 86 J6 14 47. Tarui 171'08 6d 6!S 410 2()4 206 56 63 13 18 48. Sancha 91'17 1)2 82 558 287 271 115 99 49. Harischandrapur 110'14 85 85 641 32! 311} 109 116 50. Ratanpur 332 69 lOr 201 1,359 676 683 168 167 48 44 51. Santa 155 13 142 142 864 439 425 165 141 61 61 52. Madina 146.64 17~ 173 1,045 519 526 297 328 53. Ganesbati 122'71 124- 124 929 488 4-t! 88 89 54. Barul 5292 31) 30 174 9} In 48 51 55. Rajgram 178'78 128 131 793 396 397 133 142 41 47 56. Sitaoagar 126'93 110 110 822 407 415 198 190 57. Gobindapur 511 40 _;\)6 306 1.881 960 92l 296 293 lJ4 125 58. Balir Chak 4039 Uninhabited 59. A razi Surjyapur 4983 33 33 256 142 114 142 lt4 60. Pyarinagar 64'86 44 44 264 121 143 98 115 61. Surjyapur 12075 38 38 224 109 115 2 4 18 26 62. Dirampur 7468 8Y 89 414 202 212 12 13 63. Metbul 340 20 278 278 1,830 932 898 389 366 95 89 64. Bhanjapara 8120 29 29 232 123 109 !3 48 64. Deli '9'59 35 35 238 120 118 28 29 19 20 66. Belibela 204'07 162 162 1070 562 50S 19S 181 J8 9 67. Patulsara 32208 216 216 1367 733 634 6' 46 9 11 68. Chak Netra 45'40 16 16 127 63 64 , . 69. Mirza 105')9 119 I J9 746 371 375 183 175 70. Chatea 185'73 154 154 960 483 477 198 169 30 33 71. e ttar DalaraOlpur 38583 229 229 1500 779 721 415 373 14 14 [ 4S ]


,-___ . ______MAIN WORKERS.A. ____ --______-,

HO\I~ehuld Indu\tl y. Manufa .. - To(.11 Agmultural tunng Pr('cc~slng Other Workel' MalO-W(lrk-::l, Cultivators Labourers ~efll"Jng and (III, IV, V(bl...... MMgm.l1 L·toerJtes (I IX) .(1) (II) Repairing [v(a)] VI to [X] Workels Non-Workcl\ ,-_..A..__ ,-_J.._-, ,...- __L_--, ,-_-L_--, ,---'---." ,-__L_'"""\ ,-_..J...._-, M F M F M .. M f M r M t M r 13 14 15 Hi 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 2~ I P. S. GOlhat -CoII,d. 291 138 306 44 147 22 5 I) 28 3 2 270 492 UOlnhabitt'd • 9,) 37 R9 31 48 10 7') 147 153 76 236 2.!S 132 5 85 23 19 16') 404 195 136 J98 12 6tY 8116 3 22 261 413 445 262 36b 8 21,) 1 68 6 25 43 18 11 362 686 7X5 456 773 73 328 17 343 41 7 2 95 13 4 16 711 1.33~ 118 44 lOS :'2 42 2 9 108 190 752 458 611 31 252 192 10 10 177 21 12 56 582 1,085 63 47 51 5 IS 20 3 16 2 1 2 40 114 141 ) 06 126 16 28 2 55 2 s 8 38 4 2 3 10; 229 III SC, 92 20 49 31 9 12 10 27 (5 85 180 2\0 128 144 3 6~ 39 42 3 2 141 26K 2i8 154 144 133 3 ~ 2 176 319 382 248 314 52 127 6 III 23 11 18 (IS 5 3 359 631 . 1 256 158 222 17 127 6 64 9 2 3 214 4')S 233 104 251 1 ] 88 124 6 31 11 12 4 25fi Sll 133 209 213 4 J 16 36 3 4 17 4 2"8 433 58 35 47 2 7 19 21 2 44 79 Ih~ 118 2{)~ 1 91 7S 41 I ISH 396 225 153 - 181 18 9U 72 15 19 2 3 223 397 56.3 319 509 115 ]84 ::19 103 14 92 10... 41') 804 UninhabIted 37 7 69 1 21} 1 40 73 J )3 51 Ib 68 4 4R 19 I I 2 12 3 41 136 48 24 68 24 31 31 )8 2 6 15 3 26 88 43 14 105 23 47 5 51 15 7'" 2 2 2 9S 187 48.7 282 545 5Y 291 J8 217 41 17 5 115 382 724 49 13 72 59 11 .. 2 1 51 108 6R 4! 54 31 . , 16 7 66 11 K 314 199 287 10 112 99 5 2 74 4 215 498 393 219 337 14 168 )08 4 61 9 13 2 383 618 22 7 30 3 30 2 1 .. J 32 6J 190 106 193 3 107 61 1 25 2 15 9 163 363 284 153 231 18 117 71 15 8 35 1 JO 4 242 455 4156 20b 417 4 223 14 i 3 53 1 .. 362 7J7 [ 44 ]


Locallon Code No Ar~a (\1' MOula No of I e.J L No. N.:Ime of Moun (villdge) III OccuPleJ Totdl PopulatlOJl of Mouzd (vllldge)!Town Hedctalcs and Resl l\Io of (including ('Illagel/ Word tn absence of of To .... n de"tt,t[ House- Instltutlondi dnd Scheduled \\ ard No name lepeat Ward No) Waf d III KI\~' Hou,e, hold~ Houseless PopuldtlOn) Scheduled Castes Tribes ,------'---- """ ,--_.J-~ ,--_.J-_ ...... P M f M r 1\1 F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 P. S. uoghat-Ccmtd 72. Kpanti J7644 139 139 914 472 442 175 178 1 4 73. Pirmallik: 6274 27 27 149 74 75 67 71 74. Nabasan 241·n 1<"5 195 1,218 620 59S 186 180 9 10 75. Golpur 24392 113 123 81S 413 402 137 132 55 46 76. Bbabadighat 115'37 70 70 475 2H • 222 247 220 · , 77. Kant.aJj 78'68 7~ 79 460 238 222 JOJ 90 78. Madanmohanpur 96'09 126 126 702 361 341 113 117 7 8 ·79. Brabamangram 81'73 21 21 119 58 61 13 11 7 9 80. Das Obara It8959 91 9' 773 399 374 104 100 31 29 81. Sripur 173' 15 347 347 2.126 1.081 1,045 t72 172 17 9 82, Kamarpukur 166'00 352 354 2,252 1,255 991 ISS 163 33 33 83. Indira 6466 S8 58 332 175 157 45 SO 84. Harisabha 11109 205 205 J ,OS8 544 514 262 244 85. Ragbunatbpur 50'14 31 31 209 110 99 16 14 3 2 86, Paschim Amarpur 165'18 109 109 735 391 344 123 113 '2 50 87 Pukburia 132'77 126 126 121 416 405 211 195 8S. Dwariapur 10032 26 26 188 95 93 64 54 89, Satberia 188'86 169 169 1,176 587 589 304 299 QO. Subir Cha!.. 13058 92 92 614 314 300 27 30 14 19 91. Madbubati 16751 160 161 843 43') 407 204 185 16 18 92. Oar Mandran 4582S sn 592 3.821 1.953 1,868 526 510 26 29 93. GopaJbati 110'57 ' 15 11 S 674 362 312 81 69 ·. 94. Buintya 120'01 71 71 472 227 245 67 67 ·. 95. J anaiballabhpur 53'96 Uninhabited 96. Ooghat 52248 582 582 3.501 1.831 1,670 598 574 152 133 97. Kamcbe 413'38 247 247 1.360 654 706 139 145 3S 39 98. Chakbart 13088 106 106 658 348 310 40 25 114 103 99. Kumursa 712'02 444 444 2.807 1,433 },374 277 233 148 152 100. Teligram 81 71 109 109 640 324 316 133 123 11 19 101. Hariharpur S588 127 127 803 398 405 112 117 84 78 102. Mathura 17686 151 151 942 486 456 190 196 103. Shyambati 79'38 113 113 825 423 402 54 44 104 Ballabbbati 153'33 117 117 756 415 341 145 123 57 56 lOS. Dhulepur 165'58 158 159 1.062 537 525 192 206 .. 106. Purbba Amarpur 19804 -115 115 824 409 415 152 161 107. Dighara 2905S 227 227 1.507 783 724 221 208 70 57 ( 45 J



~------~------~HouS(lhold Industry.Manufac· Total Agnl,.ultural turmg Proces~tng Otter Worker~ Molin Wod,ers Cultivator, Labourers servI(..tng and (Ill. IV,V(b) & Margmal Literate. (I-IX) (I) (II) Rep,UflOg [Veal] VI to [X] Worker~ Non-Workers ,-._J..._""""\ ,-._J.._-, ,-._A_-, .-_J.._~ ,-.-J....----a ,-._J...._~ ,-.--'--'"""'\ M I- M F M F M F M F M f M F n 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 P, S GoghJt-Contd 337 183 225 2 J08 71 2 24 22 247 440 12 1 36 31 12 18 31 1 5 .. 38 44 352 182 272 5 130 1 103 1 2 37 2 24 132 324 461 193 109 204 3 75 108 3 21 1 S 208 394 142 27 119 6 115 6 3 1 134 216 119 66 120 I 63 46 11 118 221 164 89 165 5 61 80 3 22 2 196 336 6 2 25 6 23 6 1 1 3 4 ~ ,. 210 139 220 18 159 47 18 14 179 356 726 480 552 72 58 8 132 S 41 16 321 43 18 27 511 946 915 402 49S 14 113 89 30 203 13 to 19 750 964 123 68 76 2 40 28 8 2 .. 20 99 135 261 181 307 to 76 169 2 9 6 53 237 503 84 56 40 2S 7 8 70 99 253 134 174 23 88 2 51 20 7 28 1 2 215 321 212 139 204 5 80 2 89 2 2 33 1 212 400 22 46 2 32 2 7 7 49 91 48 • 254 140 248 23 120 89 2 39 20 36 6 303 560 13S 72 165 131 31 3 149 300 159 99 259 38 27 160 II 72 27 177 369 716 328 1.043 23 425 521 5 13 9 84 1 21 15 889 1.830 226 116 177 10 }07 44 1 4 1 22 8 185 302 129 108 117 1 66 38 13 1 110 244 Uninhabited 991 • 586 805 liS 179 11 30~ 58 52 16 265 30 70 37 956 ),518 313 181 331 30 213 7 106 16 6 12 1 322 675 131 49 172 44 83 10 73 34 3 13 9 167 266 625 359 689 131 257 14 307 100 11 15 11. 2 103 146 641 1.097 147 98 159 24 71 64 10 4 13 20 1 165 292 200 138 1~7 56 50 1 100 SO 3 47 2 200 349 236 117 284 4 56 155 1 , ' 72 4 1 202 451 292 152 202 t 120 38 44 2 221 400 144 69 237 52 63 92 27 82 22 178 289 265 136 259 1 109 127 1 23 12 266 S24 257 167 170 89 61 20 3 236 415 326 208 344 29 162 3 135 21 2 45 5 6 433 695 [ 46 ]


Location Code No. Area of Mou/a ) e J.L.No, Name of MOUZd (village) In No.ot TOldl Populatlt)11 of Mouzd (vIJlage)/Town Heactares dnd OccuPied No of (Inliudmg (vlllage)1 Ward In (ab~ence of of Town Re~ldentlo11 hou~e- InstltUtlon,ll.md ~(.hedliled House~ koJd~ Houscless Porulo1l1on ) ~l.hcdllied ( ,Isle, lllbc~ Ward No name repeat Ward No ) Wdrd m KM' ,..-_A __ ,-___ .A.. ___---, ,-__ .A.._---, P M r M I-' M F 2 4 5 (, 7 8 9 10 11 12 I P. S. Goghat- rOllttt. 108. LakshmipUT 13077 Yl 91 6(J\) 320 280 48 40 50 4S 109. Kanaipur 88'57 101 101 524 252 272 72 87 19 15 110. Barama b6'07 91 91 479 234 245 35 33 .. Ill. Joykrishnapur "29'30 245 245 ] ,853 942 911 263 26L) 18 29 112. Bara Kumursa 5722 26 26 122 56 66 22 22 15 16 113. Mobanpur 291-80 154 154 958 468 490 168 183 3 7 114. Badha 99-33 73 74 579 2R9 290 58 61 4 7 11S. Cbak Mamrej 5428 34 35 221 102 119 51 72 116. Khorda Kanpur 252'07 153 155 922 4n3 459 198 209 117. Dahla Kanda 298'61 204 204 1.156 569 587 58 57 104 109 118. Kurmana 19797 115 115 561 2lj& 273 107 III 21 16 119. Sunld 29767 234 2>4 1.620 ~O6 814 305 3C3 105 103 120. Amadpur 19258 98 98 633 331 302 110 98 30 It> 121. Bamuma ) 3943 49 52 358 184 174 73 65 10 10 122, BetbaDl '9'20 71 71 497 233 259 93 91 123. Naldubi 10261 64 64 372 193 179 J 13 108 3 S 124. KaJla 43'43 26 26 190 96 94 3 I 24 125. BabuimafJ 5766 UnlDhablted 126. Laluka 40372 268 268 I,b33 821 SI2 426 403 24 25 127. Rangamatl 50'57 58 58 277 135 142 95 105 128. Arazikuttibaspur 5491 4 4 24 16 S 2 J 14 7 129. Klfttlbaspur 4244 39 39 279 143 136 57 56 130. Tarahat 70398 345 345 2,166 1,124 ) .042 49b 44-l 73 84 131. Mulluk 181 3.5 52 52 403 216 IS7 14 15 90 80 132. Meberbanpur 6567 22 72 136 70 66 4 4 133. Laskarpukur 22902 88 95 639 350 289 81 77 58 42 134. Kbljurbandl 132 13 27 39 263 139 124 55 54 135. Mamudpur 17695 20R 218 1,312 (,57 655 297 344 26 27 136_ PandugTam 28545 238 238 J,521 765 756 249 249 33 25 137. Beldlha 23230 229 232 1,430 706 724 74 76 159 145 138. Andu 122'10 90 90 478 236 242 108 101 ]39. Syam Bazar 224 10 680 686 3,979 2,021 1,958 394 379 74 81 140. Fulul 777 38 682 687 4,2,} 1 2,181 2,110 704 651 58 48 141. BetTa 40029 332 332 2.322 1,120 1,202 544 '69 25 28 ]42. TJlari 236'34 142 143 ),054 535 519 132 117 15 10 143. Dwanpara 9791 48 50 2lJ9 140 159 14(1 159 .. [ 47 J

PRIMARY CENSUS MAIN WORKERS ,-___ - ______..J... ______~ Household Industry Manufac- Total Agncultural turing ProcessIng Other Workers M.lin"WlJrker~ Cultivat(1t~ Labourers ~ervlcillg and (IIIt.IV V(b)& Margmal I iter .. tcs (I-IX) to (II) RepaiIillg (V(a)] VI to [XI Workers Non·Workers ,-_..A.._ ..... ,,-_J.._~ ,-_...J-_ ...... ,...._.J.._~ ,---'---., r--.A.-~ ,,---"--...... ,....---"--~ M F M I M F M F M F M F M J- M F IJ 14 15 16 17 18 I') 20 21 22 23 24 '"_) 26 I P. S. Goghat-Cont". 200 118 122 21 42 47 20 II., 22 28 10 170 249 171 119 129 23 40 69 ~O 18 9 49 114 200 78 42 117 9 52 61 2 9 2 5 I 112 2~5 502 239 435 32 228 9 145 16 3 61 4 29 16 478 863 15 8 30 II 12 4 6 2 10 5 2 26 55, 179 110 222 17 84 114 9 5 19 7 246 473 148 63 138 13 69 56 8 13 3 150 277 26 II 62 I 33 28 1 1 40 118 IQI 94 220 18 74 115 II 3 28 5 14 36 229 405 2711 123 272 57 195 21 70 36 7 22 29 275 SOl 97 32 158 158 .. 130 273 259 141 396 36 223 14 148 21 23 30 3 380 775 181 101 135 6 64- I 43 4 28 5 196 291 132 76 83 4 36 2 44 2 ... 3 Wi 170 149 123 91 48 26 2 15 13 134 259 82 19 126 2 84 40 2 .. 67 177 65 51 44 20 17 7 5 47 93 Uniohabited 259 113 452 18 25l 4 184 10 2 4 15 2 367 794 43 12 77 32 30 15 58 142 6 3 4 2 2 2 ~ 5 52 24 76 3 52 18 6 3 14 4 53 129 4:0 192 586 45 299 11 254 32 3 30 2 I 537 997 96 55 104 1 75 21 8 112 186 52 35 37 3 31 2 • 5 1 1 33 63 182 103 204 32 114 86 31 4 1 146 257 S3 32 60 I 57 2 1 S 74 123 258 142 327 22 J 55 150 17 8 5 14 29 20 301 613 382 246 385 28 189 2 124 )0 35 8 37 8 23 48 357 680 352 HI4 352 5 169 1 93 2 SO 1 40 34 20 320 699 66 27 105 1 S7 1 47 L 23 108 241 947 429 1,176 206 371 14 357 33 264 152 184 7 15 69 830 1,683 1.\15 667 1,073 22 511 349 11 43 3 170 8 43 65 ).065 2.023 604 382 592 23 289 2 247 19 24 32 2 528 1,179 284 498 344 182 225 12 119 1 64 1 5 6 37 4 26 9 73 153 45 IS 65 3 41 1 20 4 2 2 3 [ 48


Location Code No. Area of Mouza i.e. J.L. No. Name o( Mouza (Villase) in No. of Total Population of Mouza ViIlage)/Townl Hectares and Occupied No. of (including (V illaac)/ Ward (in absence of of Town/ Residential House- Institutional and Scheduled Ward No. name repeat Ward No.) Ward in KM" Houses holds Houselcss Population) Scheduled Caste~ Tflb~ ,----.l.----"""1 r--..L_~ ,..._J.._~ P M F M F M F 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 P. S. Gogbat-CcII,'J. 144. Kokand 127'75 101 101 726 3:·7 369 69 71 145. Kayapat 60'87 381 381 2,440 1.269 1,171 215 195 146. Syampur 76'46 36 36 197 100 97 47 45 147. Tilati 60'54 63 63 388 184 204 123 l38 H8. Chakran 52'91 45 45 321 158 163 lOS 111

149. Badaoganj 27899 455 438 2,816 1.419 1.397 173 ]78 . ~ 150. Krishnagonj 111'73 227 227 1.395 706 689 328 312 17 15 151. SikiJ Beldiha 75'09 Uninhabited 1S2. Barasola Beltala 211-78 67 67 335 158 117 90 106 153. Selampur 362'82 439 439 2.732 1,387 1,345 :01 185 6S 65 154. Karanapur 10084 38 38 277 146 131 IS5. Dharmapur 75'02 26 26 160 92 68 19 I ~ 156. Kucbedabari 68'05 34 34 205 99 )06 , /8 S 157. Baburampur 75'16 81 81 450 22' 225 44 36 1S8, Jharda 133'43 91 91 ~22 329 293 14 7 5 159. Sundarpur 93'07 232 232 1,338 666 672 64 58 160. Santipur 463'04 372 372 2,164 1,089 ) ,075 2..+2 247 161. Anupnagar 69'06 163 163 925 459 466 162. Kultala 9424 59 60 332 168 164 163. Gurulia Bbatsala 237-60 181 181 1,213 606 607 IS4 156 164. Paschimpara 511'30 297 298 1,925 973 952 359 364 131 113 ]65, Bhagabanpur 189.40 114 116 794 386 408 138 136 18 18 166. Sinrapur 209'23 160 160 1,004 498 506 117 t06 32 37 167. Kantagarya 128'56 80 80 575 2~0 285 101 III 168. Chand pur 179.39 96 96 763 379 384 150 143 25 27 169. Debkhanda 229'09 229 230 1,703 863 840 224 218 60 47 170. Hazipur 140'79 326 327 1,974 985 989 325 327 6 7 171. Mandala 167'95 35 35 184 90 94 12 21 172. Harihar 223-08 165 165 1,141 558 583 107 104 ]0 7 173. Bahaga) 167'43 105 103 685 322 363 178 193 174. Datpnr ] 19'73 138 138 894 446 448 222 231 175. Tehure 7659 62 62 395 200 195 110 109 18 26 ) 76. Uttar Arjungaia ]69 S4 Uninhabited 177, Kayrakhali 59-84 !IS 35 3C9 168 141 34 39 178. Uttar Sainte 160'60 IS7 IS7 ~35 468 467 IOJ 100 , . ]79. Dakshin Sainte 74'79 4t) 49 391 195 196 5 10 10 14 [ <49 ]


~ ___ . ______MAIN WORKERSA ______"",,"\

Household Industry- Manufa(..- Total Agricultural turing ProceSSing Other Workers Main·Worker~ Cultivators Labourers servicing and (1ll,}V, V(b) & Marginal Literates (I-IX) (J) (II) RepaIring [V(a)) VI to [Xl Workers Non-Worke·s ,_J...._"",,"\ ~_J...._"",,"\ ,.-_J.._""""\ ~_J.._~ ,.-_..J..._~ ,..--L_ ...... M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 27 2il 1 P. S. Goghat -Conld. 233 150 155 2 92 4Q 23 2 7 6 195 361 812 389 543 15 113 120 2 143 7 167 6 60 22 666 1,J34 48 25 47 29 .. 17 1 1 53 96 82 40 61 32 23 6 28 1 95 203 3\) 73 34 68 27 7 4 24 38 66 125 911 555 646 64 198 7 166 3 89 30 193 24 22 92 751 1.241 285 141 313 10 75 2 122 73 5 43 3 38 7 355 672 Uninhabited 50 38 78 33 41 at 1 79 177 715 408 670 21 356 4 240 3 15 J 1 S9 3 37 49 680 1,275 61 55 47 105 8 9 J J 31 54 34 46 30 14 2 2 44 68 55 37 44 ]] 9 3 4 S4 102 lOR 76 J 18 66 45 7 I 107 223 216 134 96 82 5 9 60 3 173 290 204 61 267 29 130 100 1 I I 36 27 39 16 360 621 494 258 462 18 '241 183 6 16 32 66 9 561 1,048 174 76 230 3 193 22 6 9 ') 229 461 105 42 90 72 16 2 78 164 278 146 306 4 lX7 94 4 2] 4 22 75 278 528 434 231 435 63 249 28 153 21 9 10 24 4 21 147 517 742 179 93 180 7 84 I 84 2 12 ... 206 401 205 107 249 3 162 2 63 9 15 249 502 158 68 147 102 40 5 143 285 230 120 189 3 120 41 2 2R I 189 381 457 257 416 23 203 77 20 68 68 3 18 429 8J7 440 233 535 44 165 185 6 29 23 156 14 450 944 34 11 46 11 30 1 4 44 94 345 214 285 8 184 2 82 2 19 3 273 S75 109 69 161 13 85 1 S3 3 23 9 8 161 342 175 106 200 3 103 46 2 49 3 15 3 231 442 67 33 116 10 46 2 52 8 10 8 84 185 Uninhabited 83 36 83 1 71 3 2 7 . 1 1 1 84 139 2S1 129 243 1 ! 89 34 19 J 2 223 466 86 5S 80 9 69 II 9 14 101 187 [ 50 ]


Location Cude No Area of MOUZi i ~ J,L. No. Name of Mouza (Village) in No, of Total Population of Moula Vdlage)/Townl Hectares and OccupIed No, of (including (Y Illago)1 Ward (in absence of of Town! RlIIsidentl",1 House· Institutional and Schedulell ',vJrd No name repeat Ward No) Wdrd In KMo H,)u~es holds Houseless Population) Scheduled Castes Tribes

__-L_~ r------'-----...... ---~ P M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 1 P S G\lghat- Ct11tld, 180 Darinakunda 325'06 215 215 1.341 673 668 354 353 21 21 1 RI. Dakshin Arjungaria 59'89 44 44 356 182 174 173 166 ! 82 Dariahar 70'10 25 :!5 l56 79 77 J 31. Maynadanga 12044 40 40 219 112 107 18 84 184 Paba :5733 200 200 1,297 645 652 278 297 15 15 185. Kurchigaria 1795 78 ~8 527 263 264 31 18 186, Gobalpota 119'82 54 54 365 184 181 2M 34 24 24 187 Nakunda 436'73 489 489 3,138 1,595 1.543 472 440 2S 17 188. Jot Mahabat 6449 27 27 167 86 81 53 50 189. Saora 578'54 429 429 2.809 1.421 1.382 559 55S 190. Dumurpara 155'42 35 35 173 84 89 18 19 J 91, Rautara 5052 4f 41 273 142 131 69 58 In KuHa 19098 195 195 1.150 578 57:' 289 279 )43 Dewan Chak 311'n6 3 [ 31 209 106 103 106 103 )94. Kota S4435 362 362 2.089 1.007 1.08.2 441 470 22 19 195, Ooalpara 16052 167 167 960 495 465 315 295 17 15 196, Belekusuma 294'67 304 304 1.643 840 S03 334 314 ) 97. Dakshin Balarampur 111'09 8& 88 467 234 233 118 120 8 6 198 Amdoba 144'34 135 135 833 428 405 76 17 199. Aoandapur 290'56 364 364 1.987 987 1.000 356 387 18 15 2,,0. Gobalisanra 95'00 93 93 499 253 246 102 100 4 5 ?,Z!, . Khilgram 94'26 62 62 345 171 174 10 13 22 2l 202, Syamb,allabbpur 380'89 514 514 3555 1.817 1.738 473 451 203. Muktarpur 141'45 116 116 738 385 353 275 246 204. Peochera 7S'tS 16 76 490 261 229 36 30 205. Damodarpur 164'65 343 343 2.185 1,151 1.034 289 2SS 206, Mirzapur 53'92 73 73 474 250 224 16 12 207. Dayarajpur 93'30 118 178 1.046 530 516 79 82 208, RadbabaUabbpur 49'55 19~ 195 1,223 616 607 83 16 209, Kalagachbia' 45'46 118 110 570 311 259 210, Bali 254-05 407 407 2.705 1,411 1,294 320 300 39 36 211. Jagatpur 11453 138 138 732 389 343 105 92 14 11 Totll (Entirely Rural) 376'3 30,948 31,039 195,108 99,302 95,806 32.044 31,148 ",358 ",179 [ 51 )



~------~------~-~----~~HousehoJd Jndustry.M.anufa,· Total Agrku)lural turing Processing Other Workers Main Workers CUltivators labourers servicing and (III, IV, V(b) & Marginal Literates (I-IX) (J) (lJ) Repairing IV(a») V] to IX) Workers Non·Worke··, ,-_...L_""", ,..-_.J..__ ,..-_.A.---,,...... --'--""", ,...-~'--_.... ,---'--""", ,-_ _'__~ ,...-...L_-., M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

255 148 291 7 123 132 7 3 33 61 2 321 659 109 33 76 52 16 8 1 lOS ]73 41 29 29 19 4 t) 10 40 76 25 5 62 2 29 33 2 1 49 1('5 341 161 328 7 157 144 6 I 26 13 6 304 63,:) 194 159 liS ~~ 22 ] 7 14) 1261 66 29 93 13 76 7 14 6 3 91 16~ 986 627 742 37 410 236 9 90 28 44 3 809 1,503 47 11:1 41 22 19 45 81 652 328 699 6 471 166 13 49 6 728 1,376 15 10 46 16 29 , , 38 89 65 45 79 39 , , 40 63 ]31 248 161 240 226 11 3 31 5 307 567 ~5 8 45 43 2 14 47 1113 436 24S 444 II 295 6 135 5 14 32 7 531 1,064 236 114 230 10 176 1 33 6 S 2 16 265 455 479 243 358 2 248 68 J , ' 39 2 74 6 408 19' 104 32 119 5 ~)O 66 4 3 1 114 2'::~ 246 .166 205 8 80 2 67 58 6 ]6 27 207 37) 521 302 482 21 184 229 14 10 )9 7 41 42 464 Q37 141 ~5 119 9 47 3 45 4 3 24 2 132 237 113 78 80 19 47 2 23 13 1 3 9 1 91 154 ] ,088 474 876 7 523 4 268 22 63 3 43 61 898 l,67J 157 107 ]58 64 78 2 I·} 227 353 173 62 146 126 18 2 J J5 2:'9 608 199 595 23 373 4 170 5 17 47 2 548 1,01 J 164 61 ] II 54 35 5 , , 17 139 224 286 101 27J 4 143 2 78 14 2 19 J 240 511 373 218 268 6 44 30 76 3 118 3 9 45 339 556 227 119 139 4 16 32 47 44 4 3 169 255 928 518 599 54 120 4 135 9 lOt 27 238 14 45 13 767 1.227 115 147 211 12 77 .. 90 7 8 36 4 8 170 l3 )

~(),;;81 27,824 48,S16 3,45523,106 0420 16,887 1.855 1,71% 542 6,811 638 1,986 1,838 48,800 90,513 ( 52 ]

.lLPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES 1 P. S. At_bat Name or J. L, Name of J. L, No, Population villages No, ,-_..l..Population__ villagc~ ,...._.J.._ .~

1~71 1981 1971 198J t 2 3 4 2 ~ 4 J Ajaypur 9J 527 580 47 Chandsil 42 116 152 2 Amgaoo 138 1,719 2315 48 Cbaodpur 8 • t 3 Arakul 161 248 312 49 Chhandra 139 425 536 4 Arambagb 34 .. t 50 Chunail 152 428 506 5 Arandi ]59 1,546 2.074 51 Dadanpur 6 326 446 212 1.197 52 Daharkundu lOS 3.935 4.786 6 Arunbera 136 i' 7 Asanpur 7d 1,336 1,620 53 Dakshin Badalkona 27 * ')4 979 1.366 8 Atapur 103 2H 296 Daksbin Narayanpur 172 55 Dakshin RasuJpur 1J2 1.411 1.886 ],326 9 Blchhamari 62 1.163 56 Dak~hin Sekhpur 100 272 290 10 Bahukhedai! 163 507 69S '37 Daulatpur 10 t 11 Balai Chak 1C4 337 415 58 Dharmapota 129 468 673 12 Balaram Pur tsS 642 853 59 Dibibagnan 149 2.579 30350 13 Balia 66 964 1,262 60 Dibi Bayara 44 1.999 2.283 14 Balundi 52 1.796 2.295 61 Dongabathan 15 265 380 15 Bamsa Amrel 45 190 236 61. Dongal 107 768 1.021 831 999 16 BaDamah Pur 68 16 770 897 1,439 1,861 63 Eadpur 17 Sara Dongal ~9 64 Eloma 145 326 428 18 Baragaria 93 t " 19 Basantabati )02 1,014 1,301 65 Fate Chak 106 307 361 417 20 Brlsantapur 29 .. t 66 Fatepur 63 364 21 Basuli Chak 122 365 522 67 Oaurhati 112 7.1 J 2 8,668 22 Batana1 55 3 319 3,934 68 Gauri i16 621 769 23 Behala 54 272 322 69 Ghargohal 65 1,020 1.272 24 Bens-a 19 1.565 1.75~ 70 Ohia 31 * t 25 Berabere 104 659 825 71 Gholpura 165 236 261 26 Beurgram 118 SIt 658 72 Gobra 168 350 463 Golami Chak 137 302 520 27 Bha~anipur i5 I 403 499 73 Golta 25 895 1.0J7 28 Bb.abapur I 96 (( 3 74 29 73 1.657 1.703 74 Gopaldaha 170 545 698 30 Bhandarhati 151 ,72 229 76 Oopinalhpur 47 407 .514 31 Birati 14t 1,044 1.285 77 Hamlrbati 127 1.014 i,200 32 Bishnupur 36 • t 78 Haraditya 134 1.361 2,869 33 Bora 23 267 373 79 Hat Basantapur 85 1,733 2.117 34 Brindabanpur 39 '" t 80 Hayalpur 173 1.245 1.622 110 388 425 Chak Amad 60 496 628 81 Helarchak 35 75 323 352 Chakanar 76 446 287 82 Jasapur 36 46 679 858 37 Chak Bchala 70 236 251 83 Jayrampur 84 Jaysinba Cba~ 14~ 916 1~278 Cbak Bens~ 67 753 884 38 Joteram 126 128 166 39 Chak. Chamrul 26 t * 85 .. 40 Chak FaziI 57 487 644 86 Kairapara 11 t 41 Chale Hazi 71 1.404 I.7S3 87 Kampur 124 I.S89 1,869 42 Chak Jalal 20 1.302 1.427 88 Kapsit 111 1,479 1.715 43 Chakmadan 21 274 328 89 Karui 24 1.328 1.600 44 Chandcbak 92 199 294 90 Kashtadahi SI 641 191 4S Chandibatl 14 831 1.062 91 Kasigarc 72 t .. 46 Chaodraban 171 1.298 1.648 92 Katabaoi 142 775 ],089 { 53 ]

ALPHABETICAL LIST ()F VILLAGES z P. S. Aramba, Name 0( J. L. Name of J. L. villaaes No. Population villages No. Population ,-__J.._ ...... r--..A..~ 1971 1981 1971 1981 2 3 4 2 3 4 93 Keledona 48 1.033 J ,f)4 J 13S Purbba Haripur 64 1,083 1,164 9-' Kesabpur 77 6,857 8,225 136 Purbba Krishnapur 80 1,640 2,00S 95 Khalar J 14 774 972 137 Purbba Raypur 169 574 729 96 Kbedail Kismat 174 302 '376 138 Purbba Sibpur 81 315 394 97 Khordalalur Chak 120 2.51 335 139 Raghunathpur 50 247 308 QR Kirticbandrapur 4 548 804 140 Ragpur 167 582 730 99 KrishnabaJ1avpur 128 459 612 141 Rajhati 87 362 545 ]00 Krisbnabati 90 377 537 142 Ramnagar 94 1.730 2.023 10J Kulbayara 49 295 359 143 RanglakhaJi 10J 1.288 1,693 144 Ranhat 125 603 753 ]02 Lalur Chak 117 t * 145 Ratanpur 108 678 774 103 Madbabpur 146 592 660 146 Ruilchak 22 306 437 104 Madhurpur 82 1.258 1.722 147 Sahapur 131 781 974 105 Mahespur 43 471 751 148 Sahlalpur 176 312 627 106 Mahisbgota 121 412 629 149 Salepur 96 3,231S 3,867 107 Maigram 7 J 676 1.870 150 Samta J 55 411 654 101) Malaypur 69 5.741 7.169 1:>1 Sarati 83 680 808 109 Maminpur 2 1.150 1.383 152 Satmasa 162 805 975 110 Mandaran 158 630 773 153 Satpur 89 457 563 III Mandra 5 336 541 154 SelaJpur 144 1,488 ].889 112 Mdoikpat 97 2,257 2.785 155 Shashtipur 56 309 348 113 84 '.275 6,882 156 Siara 166 435 642 114 Mazaffarpur 79 484 630 IS7 Sikil Mobarakpur 119 t * lIS Mobarakpur 95 531 700 158 Sitalpur 157 1,401 1,717 116 Mobanpur 86 691 828 159 Sondgachhi 123 211 255 117 Naopara 12 • t 160 Subbayapur 113 225 361 118 Nlfbhaypur 28 * t J61 Supara 32 • t 162 Syamgram 135 1.706 ],410 119 Pabar Chak 41 t * 120 Pandugram 147 1.102 1,370 163 Tajpur 140 1,639 1,940 121 Panpet 130 1.159 1.526 164 Taksal lS6 280 340 165 TaJa 61 862 806 122 Para Bagnan , 150 1.598 1.902 123 Par Adra 3 194 234 J66 Taral 133 487 690 109 215 244 124 Parbati Chak 40 113 180 167 Tatar Cbak 30 314 590 125 Parul 38 • t 168 Teghari 126 Paschim Haripur 35 169 Telipara 9 t t • t 1,560 1,872 127 Paschim Krishnapur 37 II< 170 Telua 74 t 460 583 128 Paschim Raypur 98 650 775 171 Tilakchak 175 172 Tirole 17 3,165 3.322 129 Pascbim Slbpur 33 t t 130 Pirijpur 143 715 918 173 Uttar Badalkona 13 III t 131 Pcatapnagar 160 2.049 2.672 174 Uttar Narayanpur 53 1,445 1,569 132 Puio 18 1,559 1,906 175 Uttar Rasulpur 58 1,289 1,436 133 Puisara 115 433 53Q 177 Uttar Sibhpur 59 513 619 134 Pura 164 1,067 t,277 Total (Rural) 151,731 187.801 • Uninhabited . •• Part uninhabited part in Arambag Municipalty. t Included in Arambag Municipality. [ 54 ]


Location Code No. Area of M OU1.a i.c.!J.L. No. Name of Moula (villqe) in No. of Total P(\pullatlon of Mouzi (villaBe)!Town Heactaresand Occupied No. of (including (villaae)/ Word (in absence of of Town Residential House· instItutional and Scheduled W.rdNo, name repeat Ward No ) WardinKM' Houses holds Houseless Population) Scheduled Ca.tes Tribes ,.-____ -L.. ___,""",\ ,-_-L.__ ,.-_-L._'"""'\ P M f M F M F 2 3 4 ~ " 7 i 9 10 11 12 2 P. S, Arnmbag 1. Bbabapur 11928 27 27 1] 3 62 Sl 48 41 14 10 2_ Maminpur J 24'85 252 252 1,383 720 663 92 76 6] 64 3, Paradra 201'01 41 4l 234 124 110 37 31 80 76 4. Kirti Cbandrapur 83-68 130 130 804 401 403 115 123 80 75 S. Mandra 123-38 91 93 541 253 788 66 ;6 56 61 6, Dadarpuf 6453 57 59 446 228 ZIX 118 164 10 16 7. Maiglam 302-20 298 298 1,870 952 9J8 574 6~O 2 8. Chaodpur Included in Arambag Municipality 9, Teli Para Partly included in Arambag Municipality and remainin{! part I!. Uninhabited 10, Daulat PUf Kaira Para 11. Included in Arambag MuniCIpality 12. Nao Para 13_ Uttar Badal Kena J 14. Chandi Bali 6053 156 157 1,062 562 500 249 229 15. Donga Bhatar 197-52 54 57 3~O 20Y 171 62 49 10 3 16. Eadpur 40'67 149 149 897 458 439 147 241 17. Tiral 583'16 563 566 3,322 1,699 ).623 657 729 2 4 18. Puin 393'98 339 339 1,906 974 932 387 456 19. Benga 278'55 293 293 J,754 921 833 295 359 13 11 20. Cbak Jalal 179'93 130 130 1,427 732 695 182 184 , . 21. Chat Madan 601'01 56 56 328 169 159 22. Ruit Chak 95'34 71 78 437 233 204 J80 161 23. Bora 98'97 62 62 318 188 190 101 91 .. 24. Rarui 168-84 275 275 1,600 819 781 182 201 25. Golta 146'02 148 151 1.017 546 471 116 99 15 S 26. Cbak Chamrul 104'28 Uninhabited 27. Daklihin Badalkana 28. Nirbboy Pur t Included in Arambag MunIcipality 29. Dasanta Pur \ 30. Teghari 66'13 94 9. 590 291 299 111 120 27 18 31. Obia Included in Aramba, Municipality 32. Supara } 33. Pasehim Sibpur Part included in and remaining part h Uninhabited ( 55 1

PRIMARY CENSUS MAIN WORKERS '_' __ ~ ______..J... ______...... Household Industry Manufac· Total Aar1cultural turing Proccssll1g Other Workers MalO-Wurker~ (,UItivclt()1'~ Labourers !>Cfvicina and (fIJIIV V{b)& Marginal Literate~ (I-IX) (1) (II) Repairing [V(a)] VI to [Xl Workers Non-Workers __.A._-, ___..L_--., r- .A._-.. ,---..)...-- ,--.)--...... ,--.J..._...... _.J..._...... ,---'---.. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

22 1 33 3 )2 21 3 29 48 489 33& 26& 27 161 10 77 17 2 28 S 1 447 635 20 3 63 29 20 43 29 2 I 59 80 80 30 1 66 334 403 93 21 122 28 40 81 28 1 2 129 260 133 S3 114 10 58 53 10 3 1 113 208 413 164 421 3 194 176 2 3 48 1 52 109 479 806 Iocluded in Arambag Municipality Partly included in Arambag Municipality and remaining part is Uninhabited

lueluded in Arambag Municipality

277 110 271 89 16' 1 16 291 500 106 53 109 40 56 13 100 171 319 195 217 81 86 '0 241 439 -, 1.023 678 797 17 304 ... 344 9 S 144 6 902 1.606 315 148 469 9 189 7 256 1 1 23 1 6 499 923 610 370 400 10 151 154 10 6 89 22 3 499 820 480 288 350 1 252 4 94 1 382 694 112 53 93 89 .. 4 76 159 42 7 131 128 3 102 204 88' 37 92 60 .. ,29 J 2 96 190 435• 247 39l 221 134 4 32 428 781 386 241 267 14 87 91 4 1 89 9 279 4j7 Uninhabited

Included in Arambag Municipality

133 109 157 49 26 19 45 51 4 134 250 Included in Arambag Municipality

Part included in Arambag Municipality and remaining part is Uninhabited [ S6 J URBAN/VILLAGE PRIMARY

Location Code No, Area of MOUla No. of i.e. J.L. No. Name of Mouza (Villase) Occupied Total Population of Mouza (Village)/Town/ In H~tares Resi. No. of (including (villase)/ Ward (in absence of and of Town/ dential House· Institutional and Scheduled Ward No. name repeat Ward No.) Ward in Km" Houses holds Houscless Population) J.. _____ Scheduled Castes lribes ,---- r--J._-~ ,-_.J.._~ p M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 (, 7 8 9 10 II 12 2 P. S. Arambag-Contd. 34. Arambagb 1 35. Paschim Haripur I 36. Bishnupur f ~ Included in Arambag Municipality 37. Paschim Krisnapur •I I 38. Parul I 39. Brindabanpur . J 40. Parbati Cbak 79'55 34 35 180 93 87 91 87 41. Pahar Chak 8425 Uninhabited 42. Chandsit 114'36 25 25 152 III 70 2 5 30 21 43, Maheshpur 92'92 140 140 751 394 357 144 1t>3 5 6 44. Dihi Bayara 31863 404 404 2.283 1,187 I,OQ6 531 600 II 10 45. Barosa Amrel 5065 32 36 236 126 110 26 ~ 1 7 10 46. Jayrampur 139'86 142 149 ~58 450 408 250 268 16 25 47. Gopinatbpur ) 06 52 80 80 514 280 234 147 124 3 4 48. Ke]edona 135'47 17f1 176 1,041 522 519 217 234 49. Kul Bayara 51'26 58 58 359 181 178 122 112 1t 14 SO. Ragbunathpur 136'57 52 52 308 163 145 106 94 7 7 51. Kashta Dahi 134'06 122 122 791 399 392 143 138 52. Ba)undi 360'11 391 395 2,295 1,179 1,116 452 462 5 6 53. Uttar Narayanpur 2S9'33 275 275 1,569 835 734 319 ~34 54. Beha!a 49'45 52 52 322 153 169 86 96 55. Batanal 470'10 735 736 3,934 1,953 1,981 721 759 56. Sastipur 4001 50 54 348 172 ]76 57 S8 57. Chak Fazil 206'31 106 107 64~ . 338 306 75 75 58. Uttar Rasulpur 237'64 228 228 1.436 728 708 230 237 .. S9. U Uar Sekhpur 135'55 104 104 6H 321 298 177 155 60· Chak Amad 148'90 104 105 628 314 314 20 2S ., .. , 61. Tala 198'47 114 114 80(' 418 388 769 262 . 62. Bachbanari 268,78 205 205 1,326 696 630 3(.5 338 63. Fatepur 48'11 61 61 417 217 200 74 69 64. Purbba Haripur 203'15 191 19] 1,164 .603 561 373 363 65. Ghar Gobal 140'32 216 227 1,272 638 634 404 390 , 66. Bali a 202'66 178 184 J~262 641 621 484 468 2 6 67. Chak Bense 16220 ]60 160 884 448 436 80 101 4 3 68. Banaroalipur 74'48 181 181 999 506 493 333 364 69, Malaypur 825'00 1,113 J,I 21 7,169 3,719 3,450 1,436 , ,461 19 17 [ 57 ]



~------~ -----Household------_ Industry-Manurec- Total Asrll:ultural turmg Processing, Other Workers Main Workers LabourelS servicmg and (111, IV, V(b)& MarglDal Literates (I-IX) Cultivators (I) (1I) RepalTJJ_l8 [V(a)] V J to JX] Workers Non-Workers ,..._J...._~ ,-_J...._""""I ""-~.-'"""I r- ..___""""'\ ,....._..J.-_""""I ,...-~""' M F M F M F M F M F M I 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 27 28 •

Included in Arambag (Munlclpahty)

10 52 3 48 3 3 41 84 Uninhabited 36 29 36 13 • 14 16 J3 6 1 4S 57 ]47 59 219 32 36 1 134 5 5 20 44 6 175 325 635 364 595 44 240 3 232 41 19 104 592 1,052 73 37 ~4 3 30 16 3 8 2 .. 70 l07 224 121 208 S8 40 103 48 6S JO 3 242 347 158 68 145 6 49 83 3 n 3 .. 135 228 244 140 256 5 103 106 1 5 42 3 8 258 514 66 47 B4 8 19 .. 46 7 19 I 97 170 45 36 89 7 16 60 4 J3 3 74 138 213 121 166 1 114 44 8 1 1 231 391 545 319 579 9 304 4 232 5 43 8 600 1,099 521 287 380 3 ]25 123 4 128 2 9 50 446 681 85 53 72 1 17 31 8 16 1 81 168 990 636 tl76 18 213 , . 312 13 338 18 26 11 1.051 1,952 113 65 84 43 32 7 2 t>8 176 162 79 142 34 70 38 196 3()() 436 225 279 2 74 148 ·5 52 2 46 403 7C6 133 59 146 2 60 65 1 21 1 2 175 294 223 116 132 16 56 15 10 12 51 3 •• 182 298 166 92 209 5 68 90 4 47 5 2 207 383 3)7 222 34b 3 199 127 2 .. 20 1 350 627 172 114 112 79 6 2 ~5 .. 105 200 302 144 293 6 151 1 110 4 32 2 310 553 241 1~9 320 51 I3S 1 139 43 3 43 7 8 1 310 582 199 90 327 13 134 1 175 12 .. 17 314 608 1&9 65 1.26 6 139 .. S9 5 28 1 6 8 216 422 186 99 2~3 26 108 .. 102 43 26 .. 12 253 455 2,278 lA22 ),736 50 763 7 S56 24 21 3 396 16 11 2 1,972 3,398 [ 58 ]


Location Code No. Area (,f Mouza No. of i e.J L. No,' Name of Mouza (village) in O~cupied Total Population of Mouza (vlllage\(Tol'.ll Heaclares and Resi. No. of (incluulIlg (village)1 Ward m absence of of Tov.n dcntial House- Inslitutlondl and Scheduled Ward No. name repeat Ward No.) W.ltd 111 KM· H()use~ holds Houseles~ PopulatlOll) S..:heduled Castes Tribes ,-_..L __ -., _---..J----, ,....__,_-~ P M F M F M I- 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 tl 12 2 P. S. Aramhag- C(1ntd. 70. Chak Debala 111'25 32 35 251 115 136 7 6 7L Chale Hlzi 230-92 300 300 1,753 897 ~56 157 161 72. Kasi gare 103'58 Uninhabited 73. DhaHa 401 '44 323 323 J ,703 888 815 480 469 74. Telua 2-H'13 325 325 1,872 979 893 511 457 75. Jasapur 50-~7 65 65 352 177 175 66 73 76. Chakanar 62 16 76 77 561 287 274 72 70 5 14 7'7. Kesabpur 976'26 1.368 1,398 8,2254,1424,0831,196 1,188 48 6l 78. Asanpur 27R'64 253 256 1,620 812 808 366 364 8 ]2 79. M-ezaffarpur 78-44 70 82 630 314 3(0 13 8 16 {7 80. Purba Krishnapur 26808 308 327 2.005 1,000 997 166 166 4 2 hl. Purba Sibpur 79'11 63 63 394 192 202 ) 17 134 82. Madhurpur 17655 254 254 1,722 869 853 269 276 62 8'- Saran 85'09 123 123 808 416 392 270 251 84. Mayapur 1)08 37 1,It 0 1.176 6,882 3,505 3,377 1,099 1,157 22 22 85. Hat Basantapur 241 79 320 320 2,117 ],082 1.03S 368 364 86. Mobanpur 5284 )06 )29 828 419 40) ]43 136 2 87. Rajhati 60'8~ 61 92 545 299 246 88 84 24 88 Balarampur 10973 Ill3 170 853 453 400 276 234 10 11 89. Sat pur J2327 110 JIO 563 287 276 144 142 7 7 90 Krlshnabati 73'28 91 91 537 276 261 132 125 91. Ajaypur 104'05 90 90 580 270 310 178 211 1 4 92. Chand Chak 86'68 45 45 294 150 144 24 28 93. Baragaria {,307 Uninhabited 94 Ramnagar 30040 290 290 2,023 1,004 1,019 303 306 16 17 95. ~Iobarakpur 16668 12l 121 700 374 326 135 ]26 14 5 96. Salepur 49026 650 655 3,867] t982 1.885 494 478 131 107 97. Manikpat 33830 4ll 411 2,785 1,441 1,344 333 321 31 21 98. Pascbim Raypur 71'36 139 139 775 386 389 197 193 99. Bara Dongal 140'47 31S 323 1,861 1,016 845 262 255 18 15 100. DakshiD Sckhpur 6475 36 36 290 153 137 48 42 101. Rangbakharj. 168'26 253 253 1,693 848 845· 182 173 102. Basanta Bati 193 65 180 18'0 1,301 679 622 19 16 11 8 103. Atapur 42'60 48 48 I 296 144 152 35 32 , . 104. Berabere 87-68 140 140 825 426 399 42 30 .. lOS, Dabankundu 287'76 638 643 4,786 2,468 2,318 144 134 •• [ 59 ]


______MAIN~A WORKERS ______~ ,----- Household IndustrY-Manufac- Total Agricultural turing Processing Other Workers Main-Workers Cultivators labourers servicing and (Ill. IV, V(b) b. M.lrllinal Literates (I . IX) (I) (11) Repairing [V(a») V] to (X) Workers Non·Workt"rs r--...A..--, ,-_J..._-, ,-_J..._...... , ,..._J..._~ ,---J..._~ ,-_..L._'""\ ,-_J..._""",,\ ,-._...l._ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 ]8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 P. S. ArambaS-Co.td. 91 89 52 6 39 .. 6 6 7 63 130 4Q2 :04 388 4 IS5 144 2 3 87 13 32 495 820 Uninhabited 425 197 412 1) 8 212 1 81 476 815 425 222 377 20 115 157 25 19 80 1 602 873 110 67 90 57 11 22 .. 87 175 135 64 130 4 94 33 4 3 157 270 1,995 1,090 2,066 103 935 5 5)J 51 23 )77 46 19 48 2,057 3,932 336 214 43) 84 ]32 I 219 65 10 7 70 11 12 17 369 707 188 R7 16() 19 61 35 19 64 153 297 503 246 4H4 34 307 113 22 64 11 5 521 958 101 50 106 3 21 n 3 13 86 199 396 207 433 61 156 219 55 9 4 49 2 7 429 792 157 77 211 12 102 52 7 1 50 11 205 3R() ),623 906 1,840 244 454 6 746 124 86 13 554 101 41' 109 1,624 3,024 645 370 526 19 104 164 12 ) 246 17 15 5 54! 1.0.1 253 152 180 4f) 33 72 34 23 4 52 2 15 4 224 36' J 41 76 173 ~1 19 58 28 7 89 3 ]0 Il6 215 204 108 229 99 18 97 61 50 29 64 8 50 35 174 266 105 52 153 7 66 57 6 30 134 .2(19 128 80 112 30 41 48 30 23 164 231 118 44 137 1 20 91 5 • 21 )33 309 37 27 75 34 30 '. 11 75 144 Uninbabited 629 409 487 37 203 2 J83 29 6 95 JO 6 507 976 158 70 167 21 53 106 21 8 207 305 1,088 549 1,010 110 385 3 397 95 14 9 214 3 12 960 ),775 900 425 637 24 172 4 169 9 ])0 4 186 7 42 45 762 1,27S 193 91 217 60 124 4 1 29 o 1 !63 387 582 247 486 20 6) 3 132 12 ]28 165 4 12 31 518 794 98 24 80 56 10 14 6 3 67 134 487 2n 438 12 295· 2 85 4 J5 43 5 I 35 40Y 7Y8 409 196 319 10 240 6 49 4 5 25 4 356 612 97 47 71 56 10 1 4 .. 71 152 203 95 192 2 65 90 3 34 2 4 230 397 1,357 466 1,194 12 763 242 13 3 176 8 11 4 1,262 2,302 [ 60 ]


Location Code No. Area of MouLs 1 e J,L.No, N,lnte of Mouzs (village) In No. of Total PopUlation of Mouza (village~Town Heactaros and OCCUPied No of (includIng (.llIage)1 Ward in (absence of of Town Resldentla t house- Jn~titutional and Scheduled Ward No name repeat Ward No) Ward m KM' Hou.!.e .. ko/ds Houselcss Poplllatlon.) Scheduled Castes Tribes ,-_..A. __ r----..A..----, ,.... __ .A._--, P M F M F- M l· 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2 P. S Arambtlg- COlt,d. 106. Fate Chak tl2'66 63 63 361 J75 186 62 70 107, Bongal 15924 137 139 1,021 509 512 61 70 3 10 108 Ratanpur 90'16 124 124 774 367 407 221 252 la9. Tatar Cbak 9589 41 41 244 125 119 lID, Helar Chak S071 77 77 425 207 218 68 77 111. Kapsit 2425: 272 272 J ,715 879 836 331 336 H2, Gaurbati 91983 1.376 1,377 8,66~ 4,494 4.174 1,398 13,34 32 32 113, Subhayapur 70'27 63 63 361 189 172 189 172 114. Khalar 9002 1::9 141 972 491 481 144 126 3 3 115. Puisara 8504 72 72 539 248 291 87 105 116. Gauri 10064 130 130 769 387 382 219 203 117. Lalur Chak 47'15 Uninhabited 118, Beurgram 16542 115 115 658 336 322 6 8 119. Sikil Mobarakpur 141'78 Uninhabited 120, Khorda Lalur Chak 8154 31 33 3H 186 149. 11 10 121. Mahisbgot 8891 1\,6 1(,6 629 313 316 .. 122. Basuli Cbale 65'19 g7 87 522 245 277 3 ]23, Sonagacbbi 79'96 37 37 255 127 128 48 43 124. Kaopur 20938 273 213 l.S69 951 918 219 225 2 3 125, Ranbat 281'57 117 117 753 375 378 287 298 126. Joteram 67'Ol 31 31 166 74 92 52 61 127, Hamirbati 86'04 222 229 1200 616 584 329 323 8 16 128, Krishnaballabbpur 135'15 105 107 612 321 291 43 41 ]29. Dharmapota 99'31 104 130 673 317 356 108 112 130, Pan pet 11903 255 266 1.526 793 733 328 341 4 3 13l. Sahapur 69'80 167 177 974 502 472 150 143 12 16 132. Dalcshin Rasulpur 213'67 299 322 1.886 1,020 866 444 394 28 11 133. Taral 7363 116 1(8 690 356 334 89 72 I I 134. Haraditya 193'23 455 463 2,869 1.462 1,407 381 334 1 3 135, Syamgram 117'16 235 23& 1.410 744 666 281 264 1 136. Arunbera 23998. 204 215 1,197 629 568 309 275 6 10 137, Golami Chak 61'97 88 94 520 298 222 61 61 13&. Amaon (Amgram) 115'49 408 422' 2.315 1,183 1.132 290 269 3 7 139. Cbhandra 93'66 92 92 536 276 260 141 123 140. Tajpur ]71 73 334 339 1.940 989 951 412 399 4 1 141. Birati 134'97 ZI8 220 1.285 635 650 210 285 3 4 [ 61 ]



~------~------~-~Household Industry -Manu fac- T utal Asrkultural turing Processmg Other Workers Main \\'olkers (..uitl\utor, Labourers servicing and (lIT. IV,V(b) & Mllrginal Literates (I-IX) (I) (lJ) Repairing [V(a)1 VI to [X1 Workers Non-Workers

___J.._~ ,-_...L_",""", ,..._...L_ ...... ,--_A-~ .--_...L_-" r--...L_-" r--...L-~ r-_J.._~ M f M F M F M F M F M t M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 21 24 25 26 27 28

89 34 9~ 6 36 6 56 2 81 180 190 147 219 13 107 2 4') 9 2 70 2 11 1 279 498 219 109 189 5 88 88 4 13 1 171 402 60 15 59 33 20 6 66 119 137 87 115 2 59 2 43 13 92 216 504 299 425 9 13Z 3 184 2 109 4 454 821 2,421 1,258 2,094 55 433 3 .. 698 18 503 12 460 22 110 17 2,290 4,102 76 12 b9 9 76 2 2 100 172

321 207 215 5 97 2 74 3 2 42 • t 30 27 246 449 157 III 82 45 33 4 166 291 212 97 160 2 44 66 9 41 2 13 4 214 376 Uninhabited 150 50 152 2 56 1 75 I 21 3 4 18\ 316 Uninhabited 141 81 75 7 29 ·42 7 4 111 142 18Y 107 176 119 23 14 137 316 126 34 134 1 73 60 1 III 276 86 53 70 27 ~O 13 57 127 643 39& 440 16 255 115 14 10 60 2 8 503 901 146 60 184 l~ 83 79 17 3 19 3 188 360 29 17 40 13 17 4 6 1 33 91 320 166 278 22 75 .. 161 19 5 37 3 9 329 561 ]58 74 151 15 49 3 70 9 14 2 18 170 276 IS& 149 166 40 96 46 40 24 151 316 33& 179 409 76 54 174 70 61 1 120 5 1 2 383 655 ,255 123 223 25 77 59 15 2 87 8 27 4 252 443 -~ 433 246 505 116 61 225 105 33 186 10 S 51S 745 189 78 180 6 64 89 I 2 1 25 4 1 169 328 871 456 65& 42 190 204 4 44 30 220 7 37 26 767 1,339 343 184 313 11 113 100 3 5 100 3 12 23 419 632 13S 39 308 10 175 101 10 32 1 4 320 554 194 56 186 17 94 ::3 115 69 I 112 204 640 273 514 34 172 6 140 22 1 201 5 1 669 1,097 124 76 135 6 53 48 (. 34 141 254 457 230 463 23 205 2 151 11 4 103 10 3 .526 925 33& 218 306 18 110 4 127 4 4 65 10 13 3 316 629 { 62 ]


Location Code No, Area of Mouza No. of i.e, J.L. No. Name of Mouza (Village) ()(:cupied Total Population of MO\lZ3 (VllIage)/Town/ in Hectares Resi- No. of (includilli (\',lIage)! Wald (in absence of and of Town! dential House- JnstltulJonal and Scheduled Ward No. name repeat Ward No.) Ward in Km" Hou~es hold~ Houseless PopulatIon) Scheduled C.,stc~ Tribes ,.-_-_ . .A.. _____ r--...)._-""", ,--_.J.._--, p M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 (, 7 8 C) 10 11 12 2 P. S. Arall1bag-ColI,d. 142 K.atabani 10961 172 178 I CS9 )52 537 149 \36 7 13 ]43. Pirijpur 96'66 136 145 918 482 436 153 140 9 15 144. Selalpur 11901 273 290 1,889 1,009 880 118 114 42 29 145. Eloma 114'79 64 64 428 206 222 .2 :5 146, Madbabpur 96 6~ 138 139 666 336 330 79 :-n 5 4 141. Pandulram 248'09 209 216 1,370 702 MX 343 311 J 1 7 (,77 148. Jaisinba Chak 9090 208 :210 1,:278 (1)1 215 163 149, Dehi Bagnan 6&3'52 545 545 3,350 J ,()/() 1,670 332 353 30 :~o ISO Para Bagnan 391''14 273 ::.74 1.902 1.010 R92 4J I 375 (,7 J51. BbabaDlpur 52'74 67 499 262 2~7 35 34 152, Chunait 8.4'91 83 86 S{,6 262 244 IOO 9(\ 153. Bhandarbati 58811. 36 36 229 li)7 122 69 ~2 154. Balai Chak 7677 59 59 ~IR :'24 194 W4 110 155, Samta 98'79 106 106 654 .196 25& 156. Tabal 44'35 51 51 340 167 173 71 61 5 h 157. Sitalpur 300'36 2M 2R4 1,717 R7X 839 230 206 158. Mandarao 79'23 145 145 773 401 372 231 21)4 159_ Arandi 389-46 310 320 2,074 1,078 996 41() 389 15 21 160, Pratap Nagar 278'31 382 398~ 2,672 1,392 1,280 545 :;06 35 24 161. Arakul 50-25 44 44 312 146 166 ) 162. Satmasa :;97 61 149 149 975 475 500 III 119 163. Babukhedail 71'99 1~ 120 698. 341 351 209 ]99 • r J64. Pura 129'69 233 235 1,277 642 (135 229 216 13 12 165_ Gholpura 52'$6 35 37 261 126 135 29 26 166. Siara 6972 lOS 105 642 333 309 242 221 167. Ragpur 11271 117 J 17 730 369 361 231 230 168. Gobra 50'44 73 73 463 247 216 J24 J20 169. Purbba Raypur 109'92 107 109 7':::9 %3 361'1 76 78 4 6 • 170. Gopaldaha 63'6S 123 123 69& 339 359 lfiO 174 171. Cbandraban J7(j 40 26S 26~ 1,64K ~2B 820 264 266 2 .. In. 77 86 172 17& 1,%6 719 647 40 44 4 8 173_ Hayatpur 180'38 2S9 259 ],622 763 859 J20 1]9 174, Khedail Kismat 47'95 S4 54 376 183 193 66 73 liS, Tilak Cbak 52'69 102 105 sIn 288 295 169 177 4 & 176. Sahalilpur tOO' 84 107 109 6'27 346 281 59 45 76 71 [ 63 j


,-______MAIN ..... __ WORKERS.J- ______-._. Household Industry Manufac- Tot,t1 Agricultural turing Processmg Other Workers Main-Workers Cultivator, Labourels servicing and (11lJ1V Vtb)& Marginal Literate, (I-IX) (I) RCPJiring {V(J/1 VI to (Xl Workers Non-Workcr~ <") __ ..l._..... ,- • ..A.._""",\ ,....--'--...... ,..--..)--"""'\ ,...._J.._ ..... ,-_..A.._"""'\ ,...._..J..._ ..... --_""\"_""'1 M i' M F M r M r M F M F M r M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ::0 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

~ 3fl5 139 279 22 JI3 119 17 -' 2 44 J 8 265 514 252 119 254 26 g6 97 24 71 2 16 212 410 612 350 539 63 22S 2 125 50 188 11 17 453 809 135 T2 105 7 36 50 4 19 1 10] ~15 162 III 142 9 51 58 3 33 6 16 3 178 318 346 218 357 12 136 158 10 3 60 2 2 2 343 654 406 171 309 33 117 1 104 32 I 87 .. 368 568 864 420 785 6 453 3 202 6 124 3 39 2 856 1.662 451\ 221 501 3 224 239 7 2 31 509 889 131 50 129 90 38 133 237 151 64 131 4 75 31 15 3 10 130 240 53 27 52 46 5 5S ] 22 125 57 10~ 59 33 13 119 194 283 67 1~2 125 27 243 258 75 69 74 11 32 .. 31 2 1 10 9 15 3 78 159 403 163 453 2 231 148 2 2 72 13 2 412 835 .213 99 . 207 2 109 68 I 29 2 1 )93 370 527 286 502 3& 135 249 3& 13 105 2 H4 958 516 334 72(. 110 246 314 73 3 \63 37 4 666 1,166 86 48 61 2 3S 10 13 2 19 8 66 156 193 51 228 9 152 47 2 1 27 8 3 1 244 490 145 68 ]80 5 R3 49 1 14 1 34 3 1 23 166 323 197 86 350 32 ,6& 2 187 IS 1 5 94 7 292 603 65 46 70 4 27 27 2 3 13 2 56 131 7". 27 1S6 29 118 9 J76 309 13 ) 92 171 10 RO 7 70 19 3 II 198 340 100 3~ 122 62 48 7 5 125 215 164 121 197 13 It') 62 12 S 14 6 160 353 115 43 152 3 67 59 14 4 liB 356 295 133 427 2 239 167 2 21 401 81& 400 177 325 17 199 3 44 6 9 73 8 16 13 378 617 407 200 335 5 193 4 104 6 32 I 1 4 427 850 108 69 89 2 51 16 22 2 5 89 )91 147 91 J43 15 62 46 13 35 2 5 4 140 276 130 77 197 17 43 90 15 63 7 23 142 241· [ 64 ]


Location Code No. Area of Mouza i.e, J.L. No. Name of Mouza (village) in No. of Total Popullatioll of Mouza (villaae)(fown Hcactaresand O.:cupied No. of (including (villaae)/ Word (in absence of of Town Residential House- inslttutional and Scheduled Ward No. name repeat Ward No ) Wartlin KM" M\lUSe'S holds Houseless Population) Scheduled Castes Tribes ,....--__ ...l. ______,.---'--- ,....-..)..-~ P M r M I· M F 2 3 4 5 I) 7 8 9 10 11 12 2 P. S. Arambllg- ·Contd. Arambag (M) 190·4 6,192 6,327 34.205 1~.O94 I 16, III 4,535 4,454 535 554 Ward No.- 1 302 304 1,890 967 923 319 339 78 66 2 953 9&1 5,177 " 2,828 2,349 660 M2 3L 50 3 482 491 2,606 ],407 " 1.199 30n }Ol 5 2 4 435 45fi 2,502 1)44 " 1,15S 160 167 5 4 5 568 592 2,934 ]'600 ., " 1,334 173 174 .. 6 898 904 4,384 " 2,360 2,()24 407 443 56 44 7 243 247 772 (I " J,534 762 251 276 S 8 569 578 3,190 J " ,632 1.558 352 :iOQ 201 223 9 351 355 2,161 1,114 ." " 1,047 394 }84 25 ,. 10 356 357 2.149 1,094 1.055 2SS ::'79 .17 ~~'.' 11 523 540 3,016 " 1,502 J,514 hjO 702 42 ')9 12 512 522 2,662 1,474 I,ISS " 4~1 438 41 43 Rural 284'9 30,102 30.597 187.80/ 96.209 91.592 32,381 32.287 1.(01) 1.179 Urban 19'0 6.192 6.327 34.205 18.094 16.1 I 1 4,535 4.4454 535 554 GraadTotal 303'9 36,294 36.924 222,006 114,303 107,703 36.9Hi 36.741 1,944 1,933 [ 6S ]

CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKERS ~------~-~----~------~--~---~Houaebold Industry-Manufac- Total Agricultural turing Processing Other Workers Main Workers cultivators Labourers servicing and (III. IV.V(b) & Marginal Literates (I-IX) (I) (II) Repairing (V(a)l VI to [X] Workers Non-Workers

__.J.._~ ,-_.J.._____ ,-_J-___ ,-_.J... __ r--...L __ ,-_J-_~ ,...._.J..._~ ,-_..J-_-, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

10,284 5,777 &,898 1,191 1,373 11 2.451 558 172 54 4,902 568 308 374 8,888 14,546 525 315 511 55 159 206 50 4 142 5 2 454 868 1,627 876 1,387 125 64 1 368 57 38 14 917 53 14 1,427 2.223 974 641 719 117 29 60 12 4 626 105 16 8 672 1074 1,067 689 629 57 29 ]8 5 577 57 15 1 700 1,100 996 565 799 109 27 129 3 31 612 106 27 6 774 1,219 1,158 597 1,232 198 108 363 117 27 3 734 78 28 16 1.100 1,810 427 245 373 25 88 126 16 , I 154 8 12 1 387 736 673 278 770 122 213 356 99 4 8 197 IS 44 277 818 1,159 668 .424 500 109 142 231 98 9 1 118 9 17 2 597 936 660 385 570 19 240 185 7 5 140 12 39 17 485 1,019 740 444 701 170 166 5 220 78 8 23 307 64 8 4 793 1,340 769 318 707 85 108 4 189 21 32 4 378 56 86 41 681 1,062 49,326 26,093 46,057 2,750 18,479 135 16,639 1,7961,502 215 9,437 6041.060 832 49,092 88,010 10,284 5,777 8,898 1.191 1,373 11 2.451 558 172 54 4,902 568 308 374 8,888 14,546 59.610 31,870 54,955 3,941 19,852 146 19,090 2,3541.674 169 .4,3391,1711,3681,10657,980 101,556 l 66 1

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES 3 p. S. Khanakul Population Population 81. J L. r----"----., Sl J. t r- No. Name of VilJagch No. 1971 11181 No. Name Qf VIllages No. 1971 1981 2 3 4 2 3 4

Amarpur 120 452 500 3H Ganeshpur 137 617 736 2 Arunda 122 2,426 3,IS2 39 Gangpur 12 351 343 3 Atghara 103 810 1,101 40 Garbera t24 351 491 4 Baligari 136 645 722 41 Gauram 33 689 890 5 Balipur 113 4,323 5,467 42 Gaurangapur 100 523 646 6 Balpai 139 3,367 3,587 43 Gauran Mandaran 32 152 184 7 Bamankhana 4 ],163 1,507 44 Ghagarpur 43 601 820 8 Bandhaipur 125 1,259 1,587 45 Ghashua II 1,584 2,089 9 Bandipur 5 1,H04 2,122 46 Ghoradaha 57 4,262 5,347 10 Ban Hijli 63 2,588 2,H37 47 Ghoshpur 14 S,753 11,019 48 Gobindapur 11 BarnandaDpur 59 2,948- 3,743 105 ~05 985 49 ]2 Bhairabpur 71 665 582 38 498 601 50 Gujrat 13 BirJek 41 465 628 8 1,501 1,859 14 Chabbishpur 127 2,230 2,585 51 Hanua 77 1,774 2,190 15 Chak Bhedua 30 664 1,097 52 Haris chak 79 4,675 5,931 16 Chak Hayatpur 73 '" • 53 Hayatpur 70 4,568 5,232 17 Chak Jalkar 131 24 49 54 Helam 108 1,861 2,076 j5 18 Chak Magri 146 434 546 Hlrapur 52 2,451 3,064 19 Chakrapur 84 1,122 1,229 56 Ichhapur 6 749 1,001 20 Chak Sonatikri 95 ... '" 57 Jagannathpur 119 1,SIH 1,640 21 ChandkuDda 64 1,907 2,303 58 Jagatpur 58 4,609 5,811 22 Champanagari 144 311 421 59 Jakri 121 638 813 23 Chhatrasali 123 1,744 2,205 60 Jayananda GolaDandapur 48 356 539 24 Cbinra 135 6,728 8,385 61 Jayram chak 92 200 226 25 Chuadanaga 2 935 1,209 62 Jayrampur 88 929 1,037 26 Dainam Anantanagar 46 2,440 2,921 63 Joaria chak 68 103 170 482 531 27 Dak.hin Sudamchak 78 2 '" 64 Jugikund 134 28 114 1,427 2,006 65 Kabilpur 132 940 1,234 29 Dautal chak 140 1,670 1,795 66 Kaiba 102 1,464 1,676 30 Chaldanga 65 1,594 2,126 67 K&knan 55 3,20] 3,934 31 Dhamla 96 2,010 2,605 68 Kalimba 34 586 793 32 Dbanyaghati 56 3,883 4,671 69 Kamdebchak 75 223 336 33 Dbarasimul 126 1,639 2,218 70 Kamdebpur 49 287 467 34 Dharmapur 23 1,377 1,677 71 Kanakpur 116 2,321 2,613 35 Duadanda 20 1,006 . 990 72 Rancbra 21 1,803 2,191 36 Durgapur 118 1,OS8 1,262 73 Kataaia 147 350 481 1,208 1,327 37 Gancsbazar 29 462 495 74 Kedarpur 94 [ 67 }

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILL.4.GES 3 P. S. Khaflallul-concld.

,-__Population..A.. ___ -, Population SJ. J. L. 81. ]. I" r----..A.--~ No. Name of Villages No. 1971 1981 No. Name of Villages 10.'0. 1971 1981 2 3 4 2 3 4

75 Ketedal 91 1,592 1,553 tt2 Paschim Ghoshpur 15 1,417 1,923 76 Khamargar 106 1,101 1,418 113 paschim Raohn nagar 98 1,248 1,279 77 Kbanakul 45 1,465 1,743 114 Paschim Thakurani chak 17 3,262 3,950 78 Khantara 51 772 949 115 Patul 26 3,044 3,713 79 Khuncchak 141 1,206 1,477 116 Pilkban 13 2,256 2,819 80 Kisorpur 1 2,006 2,537 117 Pole 24 5,625 6,998 81 Kriahnanagar 37 1,799 2,125 118 Purbba Radhanagar 115 3,025 3,599 82 Kumarhat 50 1,019 1,088 119 Purbba Thakurani chak 18 2,920 4,867 83 Kurkuri 117 1,879 2,118 120 Radhaballabhpur 28 2,184 2,792 84 Kusali 53 680 8&0 121 Radhakrishnapur 60 1,955 2,418 85 Langulpara 36 894 1,179 122 Raghunathpur 35 412 594 86 Lau,sr 93 489 599 123 Rsjhati 82 3,510 4,319 87 Madanbati 9 1,326 1,712 124 Ramchandrapur 54 2,397 2,837 88 Madhabkundu 16 148 550 125 Ramnagar 42 1,252 1,562 89 Madhyarang 61 819 1,137 126 Ranjitbati 90 2,378 2,660 90 Mahishgot 10 2,279 2,887 127 Rautkhana 87 2,781 3,311 91 Mahishnala Damkunda 69 19 80 128 Sabalsinbapur 80 4,665 5,691 92 Mainan 22 2,528 3,275 129 Sahanpur 39 647 793 93 Majpur 110 1,350 1,918 130 Saibona 31 800 1,136 94 Mamakpur 81 956 1,129 131 Sankarpur 19 1,679 2,239 95 Manikdwip 67 64 440 132 Sapath 27 1,279 1,457 96 Maikhsnda 107 875 1,040 133 Sarda 130 707 J ,019 97 Mansaka 74 2 26 134 Sasapota 76 1,074 1,451 98 Marakbana 66 3,202 3,595 135 Sekendarpur 1M 815 1,055 99 Maya! 7 897 1,022 136 Senhat 83 2,033 2,601 100 Mostafapur ]45 2,782 3,338 137 Senpur 99 537 628 tOI Nabasan 47 J,375 1,543 138 Sola-asta 129 315 317 t02 Nandaopur 62 6,858 6,872 139 Son8tikri 97 955 1,081 103 Naopara 89 482 492 140 Srirampur 101 549 743 104 NareDdrapur 142 826 1,017 141 Sulut 25 795 1,079 105 Natibpur 138 4,347 4,825 142 Tantisal 109 2,812 3,122 106 Niranjanbati 3 1,275 1,523 143 Tetulia 86 205 263 1,30) 107 Noada Narayanpur 40 249 291 144 Ubidpur 44 1,266 85 2,192 2,185 108 Palaspai 143 3,712 4,384 145 Udaypur )J) 1,972 2,554 ]09 Pantabari 112 850 1,093 i46 UdDa 133 161 178 110 Parlhabbispur 128 706 925 147 Uttar Sudam chak 111 Parkalahar 72 125 185 Total (Rural) 2,34,811 2,85,321 ·Uninhabite4. ( 68 )


Location Area of Code MOU:d NuwbeJ 1.'. (Village) In No of Total Populatton J. L. No. Hectares aud OccupIed {rncJudUlg IllstltUtl onal and Scheduled Scheduled of Mouza NaUlt! of Mouza (Vlllage)1 of 'fownl Resldcn- No of House1ess Population tm,te!t Tnbe!> (Vtllllg~1 Town/Ward (1l1 absence of Wo.rdtn ual Housa. ~-----"'----~ (",,---.A--., (""~ Ward o. name repeat Ward No) Kma Housea holds P M F M F !vI P 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

3 P. S. Khanakul 1 Kisorpur 171.81 335 335 2,537 1,343 1,194 97 86 2 Chua Daoga 125.62 184 184 1,209 625 584 244 229 3 Niranjan Bati 161. 75 202 218 1,593 836 757 73 75 4 Daman Khana 164.36 233 233 1,507 775 732 122 125 5 BandjpuI 189,96 302 302 2,J22 J,135 987 229 196

6 Ichhapur 71.86 142 142 1,001 526 475 99 87 7 Mayal 59.43 171 172 1,022 505 517 130 119 3 2 8 Gujrat 159.53 285 285 1,859 939 920 109 124 9 Madan Batt 123.00 261 261 1,712 883 829 52 66 to Mahish Got 262.83 471 471 2,887 1,486 1,401 105 99

11 Ghashua 143.57 331 333 2,089 1,056 1,033 34 31 It2 Gangpur 57.21 51 51 343 186 157 21 19 13 PiIkhan 383.76 440 440 2,819 1,465 1,354 429 420 14 Ghoshpur 1,328.14 1,753 1,795 11,019 5,625 5,394 719 695 28 31 15 Pascbim Ghoshpur 138,32 276 276 1,923 994 929 91 94

16 Madhab Kundu 66.79., 89 89 550 269 281 147 143 17 Pascbim ThakUluni Chak 314.14 587 588 3,950 2,057 1,893 58 6'; 18 Purba Thakurant Chak 252.87. 773 773 4,867 2,501 2,366 304 317 19 Sankarpur 243.79 343 343 2,239 1,128 t,111 481 469 20 DuaDanda 52.95 155 155 990 483 507 9 3 .. , . 21 Kanchra 249.83 399 403 2,191 1,007 1,184 257 265 2 6 22 Mainan 399.10 475 475 3,275 1,643 1,632 239 239 23 Dharmapur 174'86 287 2R7 1,677 872 805 109 92 24 Pole 1.077-94 J,197 1,203 6,998 3,502 3,496 1,073 1,053 4 10 25 SuJut 101' 52 179 179 1,079 567 512 J02 85 26 Patul 424'43 610 610 3,713 1,886 1,827 530 523 .. ·. 27 Sapath 227'95 240 242 1,457 757 700 153 139 ·. 28 Radhaballabhpur 507'08 426 426 2,792 1,415 1,377 344 361 2 3 2) Ganes Bazar 49'19 80 80 495 231 264 97 97 • • 30 Chak Bbedl.a 151 '81 154 154 1,097 580 517 2 6 • • ( 69 ]


Household Industry Manu­ facturing, Proce- Total ssing, Servicing, Other Workers Main W orkpfs Agriculttlral and Repairing [In. IV. V(b) & Marginal Literates (I-IX) Cultivators (I) Labourers (II) ( V (a) ] VI to IX) Workers Non-workers r---"-~ r----"----..., r----"----. r--.A..-~ r----"--~ r----"-~ t'""'--A~ r--__,II,,~ M F M F M F M 1<' M F M F M F M F 13 ] 4 15 J6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

754 301 669 6 486 85 37 4 61 2 673 1,188 355 192 327 47 192 3 94 30 7 10 34 4 298 537 495 186 443 11 269 121 13 2 40 9 7 6 386 740 453 126 383 10 176 103 49 4 55 6 II 36 381 686 639 213 546 7 265 3 152 57 4 72 10 5 579 975

321 171 290 2 219 2 29 31 11 5 236 468 304 217 221 15 74 48 2 14 9 85 4 3 6 281 496 503 196 533 1 393 68 4 68 3 2 403 917 502 10 1 454 1 272 114 33 35 1 1 I 428 827 803 258 750 38 316 3 328 10 29 96 6 7 4 729 ] ,359

619 233 536 30 307 158 8 17 2 54 20 520 1,003 154 81 92 1 65 ]0 17 1 94 156 758 307 743 8 307 313 1 12 1 111 6 63 70 659 1,276 2,777 1,090 2,639 88 1,409 4 660 29 192 30 378 25 57 95 2,929 5,211 554 179 474 36 178 1 75 158 19 63 16 14 74 506 819

125 60 135 108 2 6 11 10 134 279 1,213 511 1,021 11 682 214 4 121 10 39 36 997 1,846 1,474 706 1,198 768 284 11 135 1,302 2)65 537 255 511 13 198 173 140 13 10 14 607 1,084 308 223 213 3 84 21 18 90 2 6 2 264 502

459 226 383 IS 153 126 10 23 2 81 3 2 2 622 1,167 588 258 891 22 588 245 , 1 12 21 46 752 1,610 479 283 427 10 102 81 244 10 445 795 1) 794 827 1,682 136 838 2 431 13 53 21 360 100 131 103 1,689 3,257 221 45 308 134 125 4 45 3 4 256 507

1,113 599 824 13 385 197 3 16 226 10 89 32 973 1,782 369 157 368 4 201 2 117 50 1 389 696 709 285 707 9 290 2 182 4 231 6 2 4 706 1,364 134 96 109 1 33 43 33 9 113 263 286 83 279 3 95 38 3 •• 146 • • • • 301 514 I 70 ]


. ~tion Area of Code Mouta Number i .•. (Village) in NO. of Total Population Scheduled J. L. No. Heetnrwand Occupied (including Institutional and Scheduled of Mouza Name of Mouza (Village)1 of Townl Residen- No. of Huuseless Population) Castes Tribes (Villages)1 Town/Ward (in absence of Word in tial House- r---.110.----, ,...--.A.-.., r-.A~ Ward No. name repeat Ward No. KM' Houses holds P M F M F !II F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

3 p, S. Khanakul-contd, 31 Saibona 98'78 230 231 1,136 558 578 ·. 32 Oauran Mandaran 45'15 34 34 184 88 96 41 47 33 Oauran 260'02 136 136 890 440 450 94 87 34 Kalimba 15S'80 113 113 793 408 385 113 106 35 Raghunathpur 90'25 97 97 594 311 283 92 94 48 37

36 Langulpara 123'48 187 187 1,179 608 511 106 101 43 41 37 Krishna Nagar 310'80 356 356 2,125 1,052 1,073 561 560 38 Oopal Nagar 86'60 107 107 601 298 303 103 104 39 Sahanpur 127'88 124 140 793 417 376 201 176 19 16 40 Noada Narayanpur 57'47 61 61 291 153 138 90 75

41 Bjrlok 72'44 112 112 628 323 305 92 84 31 30 42 Ramnagar 190'53 262 263 1,562 785 777 498 490 10 6 43 Shagarpur 86'20 152 153 820 418 402 87 95 44 Ugidpur 113'43 229 229 1,301 647 654 296 287 45 Khanakul 108'06 302 303 1,743 914 829 175 153 46 Dainan Ananta Nagar 203'25 482 482 2,921 1,496 1,425 367 362 47 Nabasan Jaya Nanda 163'08 267 267 1,543 767 776 254 245 4 4 48 Oolanandapur 50'53 96 96 539 258 281 49 Kamdebpur 59'64 66 66 467 247 220 .' 50 Kamar Hat 141'58 179 179 1,088 555 533 108 130 5 5 51 Khantara 86'76 140 14O 949 478 471 40 33 ·. .. 52 Hirapur 398'19 524 529 3,064 1,493 1,571 279 273 12 21 53 Kusali 97'68 148 148 880 443 437 125 127 54 Ramchandrapur 438'09 495 496 2,837 1,384 1,453 847 803 55 Kaknan 480'58 622 623 3,934 2,020 1,914 547 517 • • .. 56 Dbany Obori 227'59 785 785 4,671 2,384 2,287 427 370 ·. .. , 57 Ohora Daha 556'10 796 796 5,347 2,747 2,600 390 351 58 Jagatpur 568'94 972 '973 5,811 2,922 2,889 903 899 ·. .. 59 Bar Nandsnpur 372'00 579 579 3,743 1,927 1,816 559 509 • • .. 60 Rtldha Krishnapur ~'36 348 352 2,418 1,241 1,177 1~1 131 4 ~ [ 71 ]

CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKERS r------~-.J------...... -· ~ Bousebold Industry-Manu­ facturing. Proce­ Total ssing. Servicing Other Workers Main Workers Agricultural and Repairing [III. IV. V(b) & Marginal I,iterates (I_IX) Cultivators (I) Labourc!h (II) [V (a)] VI to IXI Workers Non·workerq ,----"-~ ,-----"--~ ,...--.....__--, ,---.A-.---.. ,...-..A._---. ,----"----, r----"---, ,---..1..---. M F M F M F M F M P M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

292 98 299 3 106 42 151 3 259 575 37 9 40 2 27 12 48 94 276 143 224 113 35 5 71 216 449 2(\(\ 7I!, 2 \9 \9 \49 31 ? \1 9 t~ 1 2 5 1~7 %l 128 72 128 51 35 10 56 40 15 22 183 232

305 169 304 34 131 9 44 II 5 2 124 12 I 1 303 536 535 312 492 32 164 144 4 29 12 155 16 44 27 516 1,014 99 68 161 3 60 75 1 26 2 137 300 180 112 217 25 57 71 6 88 18 200 35] 81 51 69 17 12 40 84 137

176 99 167 20 56 23 1 2 1 1$6 18 3 3 153 282 351 168 366 35 ]92~ 50 5 2 2 122 27 1 418 742 291 192 170 9 31 27 14 98 9 9 1 239 392 340 230 30] 25 84 11 10 5 196 20 31 2 315 627 637 432 396 15 75 53 2 266 14 2 516 813

736 430 732 22 147 288 7 3 290 18 764 1,403 481 338 358 24 128 118 2 23 2 89 20 16 393 751 170 140 112 4 24 I 87 4 146 277 150 105 133 2 25 32 76 2 113 218 286 132 277 8 211 2 20 5 46 12 278 513

237 80 234 5 163 34 8 5 29 4 6 240 460 720 348 644 27 359 5 103 1~ 2 180 4 26 8 823 1,536 201 101 183 4 53 39 4 90 6 260 427 482 325 598 13 317 206 2 I 75 9 18 21 768 1,419 1,121 491 1,013 5 827 129 2 4 55 4 16 1,003 1,893

1,421 688 1,185 101 718 2 195 236 12 33 37 1,166 2,149 J ,673 754 1,315 14 936 5 268 105 9 3 1,429 2,585 1,581 766 1,362 13 669 5 288 }. 404 6 92 25 1,468 2,851 939 341 782 9 534 138 1 110 7 203 45 942 1,762 797 350 623 14 491 77 5 3 52 8 7 12 611 1,151 t 72 J


Loca.tion Area of Code Mouza Number Le (Village) in No. of 1'otal Population J. L. No HectarE's and Occupied (including Institutional and Scheduled Scheduled of Mouza N arne of Mouta (Village)/ of Town/ RCSlden· No. of Ilouseless Population CastcB Tribes (Village)1 Town Ward (in absence of Ward in tial Houses r--.--.....___~ ,..---A--...... ".-_.A._-, Ward No. name repeat Ward No.) KMI Houses holds P M F M F M l~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

3 p, S, Khanakul-contd. 61 Madhya Ranga 100' 18 172 177 1) 137 578 559 37 36 62 Nandanpur 621'24 1,087 1,112 6,872 3,463 3,409 355 339 28 27 63 Bon Hljli 218'94 452 452 2,!S37 1,397 1,440 137 126 64 Chand Kundu 155'48 415 415 2,303 1,121 1,182 227 225 65 Dhal Danga 177'83 336 336 2,12,6 1,101 1,025 299 278

66 Mara Khana 247'74 608 609 3,595 1,803 1,792 226 220 61 Manik Dwip 82'04 75 75 440 224 216 113 120 (i8 Joaria Chak 63'79 32 32 170 92 78 47 44 69 Mahisb Nala Damkundu 54'37 18 18 80 43 37 31 25 70 Havatpur 305'54 813 824 5,232 2,688 2,544 468 452

71 Bbairabpur 96'09 92 92 582 289 293 I 72 Par Kalabara 92'79 25 25 185 85" 100 65 74 73 Chak Hayatpur 52'48 Uninhabited 74 Mansuka 65'63 5 5 26 16 ]0 75 Kamdeb Chak 101' 27 65 65 336 181 155 146 117

76 Sasa Pota 130'88 236 236 1,451 757 694 755 690 77 Hanua 130'28 343 344 2,190 1,106 1,084 422 383 .. 78 Dakshin Sudam Chak 118' 25 Uninhabited 79 Harish Chak 415'56 1,022 ] ,022 5,931 2,999 2,932 1,2971,233 ... 80 Saba t Singbapur 388'14 1,047 1,047 5,691 2,783 2,908 564 572

81 Marnakpur 95'58 182 182 1,129 575 554 116 108 , 82 R.ajhato 288'65 699 701 4,319 2,187 2,132 360 348 , . 83 Senhat 218'04 440 440 2,601 1,310 1,291 458 454 84 Chakrapur 126'04 185 185 1,229 611 618 56 64 85 Udaypur 198'08 365 365 2,185 1,070 I, I 15 179 200

86 TentuJla 44'84 46 46 263 134 129 , . 87 Rtout Khana 473'59 535 55] 3)11 ] ,681 1,630 218 227 88 Joy 'Rampur 100'39 163 163 1,037 517- 520 39 30 89 Nadpara 42'43 74 74 492 253 239 5 7 90 Ranjit Bati 312'24 439 439 2,660 1,358 1,302 833 801 1 , . [ 73 1

CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKERS r------~,----__ ~---A~---,------,------~, Household InduBtry-Yanu­ facturing. Proc:e- Total Sling, ServiCiDg, Other Workerll Main Workers Agricultural and Repairing [III. IV. V(b) & Marginal Literates (I-IX) Cultivators (I) Labourers (II) [V (a) ] VI to IX] Workers NOD-Worker. ,.-_-.A.._~ ,.-----'..-"'""1 ,..-_-.A..----. ,..-'_.J....----. r----.A.~ ,----"-----. r---.A..--., r----A.~ !If F M F M F M F M F M F M l~ M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2] 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

326 136 239 23 115 39 1 11 16 74 6 19 48 320 488 2,015 974 1,542 74 810 12 312 24 40 13 380 25 ] 17 91 ) ,804 3,244 791 438 679 2 351 197 9 122 2 2 3 716 1,435 656 280 515 9 343 3 IH; 3 20 2 34 J 4 606 1,169 602 241 521 12 283 4 207 6 2 29 2 579 1,013

J ,058 506 728 10 295 140 8 6 287 2 36 6 1,039 1,776 76 47 ]21 70 47 4 103 216 35 9 56 24 31 36 77 17 5 23 15 8 20 37 1,143 590 1,352 24 936 4 197 8 3 216 12 47 116 1,289 2,404

158 101 152 2 134 2 18 137 291 11 50 46 3 34 99 Uninhabited 9 11 10 5 10 72 12 83 3 48 34 3 98 152

335 113 413 2 248 156 1 9 1 344 691 532 215 543 2 279 183 1 80 2 2 561 1,082 Uninhabited 1,317 534 1,398 J 1 734 4 439 3 5 220 4 ]7 9 1,584 2,912 1,461 739 1,223 65 461 17 406 34 20 336 13 21 6 1,539 2,837

345 245 280 4 133 58 2 87 4 294 550 1,323 804 980 38 343 3 190 3 30 1 417 31 27 II ],180 2,083 646 354 617 13 212 229 27 8 149 5 13 680 1,278 327 245 272 12 92 91 24 11 65 1 338 606 708 488 514 9 180 117 9 208 9 10 546 1,098

60 36 63 1 22 11 30 71 128 878 460 748 24 344 138 i8 8 258 5 28 7 905 1,599 260 129 259 5 J 15 95 3 1 49 1 12 93 246 422 212 139 105 6 61 21 5 2 18 3 148 2).3 534 222 701 27 414 158 47 8 82 19 12 12 645 1)63 [ 74 )


tocation Area () Code Moun Number i.e Village) in No. of Total Population J, L No Hectares and Oc('upied (i1lc!uding Institutional and Scheduled Scheduled of Mouza Nam(' of M()UZll (VHlage)/ ()f Townl Reslden- No. of Housdess Population) Ca~te5 Tribes (ViUage}f Town/Ward (in absence of Ward III tiul H OUse- ,------'-___---, ,-_--"-_ __._ ,....---'-_ ___. Ward No. name repeat Ward No.) KUl' Houses holds p M F :M: F M F 2 J 4 5 6 7 g 9 10 II 12

J P. S, Khanakul-contd, 91 Ketedal 203'86 293 293 1,553 790 763 434 413 92 Jayram Chak 76'22 4g 48 226 III 115 III 115 93 Lausar 75'09 100 100 599 298 301 225 227 94 Kedarpur 133' 13 IgO 181 1,327 676 651 8 5 95 Chak Sonatikri 44'82 Uninhabited

96 Dhamla 2SH'74 402 402 2,605 1,323 1,282 249 245 97 SODa Tikri 190'35 186 187 1,081 549 532 In 210 98 Paschim Radhanagar 178'47 231 231 1,279 670 609 435 395 99 Senpur 59'08 102 102 628 327 301 46 51 5 4 100 Oourangapur 87'82 110 110 646 324 322 87 94

101 Srirampur 154'19 116 119 743 37B 365 40 42 102 Keiba 222'94 264 264 1,676 MI S3S 251 260 27 20 103 Atghara 72'97 170 176 1,101 567 534 SO S6 41 44 104 Sekendarpur 97'53 207 207 1,058 550 508 290 277 105 Govindapur 148'12 154 154 985 525 460 113 116 106 Khamar Gor 176'26 194 194 1,418 770 648 384 333 5 5 107 Maikbanda 133'55 176 176 1,040 555 485 166 144 108 Hecan 107'74 331 336 2,076 1,026 1,050 127 116 6 2 109 Tantisal 336'60 519 521 3,122 1,573 1,549 527 545 110 Majpur 219'62 346 348 1,978 985 993 687 709 3

1t I Udna 222'66 389 389 2~554 1,298 1,256 194 166 112 Panta Hari 111'38 166 167 1,093 556 537 162 139 3 10 113 Balipur 337'33 906 923 5,467 2,746 2,721 329 303 19 3 114 Oaspur 162'72 302 307 2,006 1,055 951 287 284 8 5 115 Purba Radbanagar 249'55 604 604 3,599 1,815 1,784 663 638 4 5 J 16 Kanakpur 115'31 471 471 2,613 J ,373 1,240 289 283 12 117 Kurkuri 268'22 382 389 2,118 1,084 1,034 238 205 18 11 118 Durgapur 131'82 195 195 1,262 642 620 J09 94 I J 19 Jaganoathpur 95'43 278 278 1,640 827 813 196 206 120 Amarpur 71'48 81 8] 500 253 247 131 142 [ 75 ]

CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKERS ,_ ...... -----_...... ----_,------"'""\ Household Industry_ Manu­ facturing, Proces- Total sing, Servicing, Other Workers Main Workers Agricultural and Repairing [III, IV, V(b) & Marginal Literates (I-IX) Cultivators (I) I.abourers (II) [V (a)] VI to IX J Work(.'rs Non-workers r----"----"' ,----..A._--"'I r---..A.---"'I r---..A.--. r---.A.----. r--.A.-~ .---"------. ,--_.A.---"'l M F M F M F M F !.:1 F M F 11 F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 J9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

278 90 331 19 172 2 63 39 13 57 4 79 39 380 750 47 12 S6 40 15 1 54 1\5 )14 28 144 2 126 2 2 14 2 6 148 298 475 228 358 8 315 13 4 29 3 317 642

707 279 667 3 549 79 39 3 17 6 639 1,273 275 170 269 2 193 1 5 9 62 I 280 529 301 148 304 13 69 6 155 80 7 366 596 173 92 156 9 39 23 36 3 58 5 16 33 155 259 169 78 158 6 58 50 3 23 27 3 6 22 160 294

132 66 193 16 96 1 32 5 12 10 53 185 349 527 292 377 19 133 3 126 9 31 3 87 4 6 458 815 319 152 287 44 86 50 18 104 10 47 15 11 39 269 451 248 121 337 39 46 177 12 8 106 26 2 213 467 277 102 274 4 129 86 48 II 2 251 456

360 182 420 9 278 69 2 22 4 51 3 4 13 346 626 351 170 291 I 161 63 67 J 3 261 484 604 361 518 35 138 4 60 2 14 15 306 14 4 508 1,011 844 375 797 53 514 4 122 I 13 3 148 45 34 23 742 1,473 337 143 520 47 280 207 42 3 30 5 ]2 8 453 938

705 438 519 8 187 104 5 35 3 193 19 34 760 t ,214 230 71 281 9 182 85 8 3 II 5 270 528 1,319 565 1,385 74 656 244 50 33 5 452 19 15 9 1,346 2,638 467 147 542 4 277 59 89 117 4 24 82 489 865 1.017 502 816 5 395 190 2 25 206 3 34 45 965 ) ,734

780 275 734 39 373 4 198 28 27 136 7 43 149 596 1,052 589 266 530 40 312 3 106 9 2; 3 87 25 78 21 476 973 422 223 335 278 41 16 307 620 471 2]] 424 16 257 1 145 8 1 21 7 1 402 797 107 44 118 63 53 2 1 8 127 245 [ 76 ]


ltoeatiOG Area of Code Moun NumberLe (Village) in No. of Total Population J. L. No. Hectares and Occupied {including Institutional and Scheduled Scheduled of M01l~ Name of Mouza (vmag~ of Town/ R.esiden· No. of Houseless Populati on Casies Tribe:, (Village)1 Town Ward (in absence Ward in tinl Houses c--.-....._-.~ ,-__.A. __ ....., r--.A.-...... Ward No. name repeat Ward No.) KMI Houses holds P M F !VI I' M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

3 p, S. Khanakul-concld, 121 Jakri 83'05 141 141 813 403 410 364 381 122 Arunda 273'97 524 524 3,182 1,599 1) 583 708 655 123 Cbhatra Saly 200'22 349 354 2,205 I ,151 1,054 262 243 5 . , 124 Garbere 74'52 82 82 491 252 239 184 175 125 Bandhaipur 127'23 248 248 1,587 807 780 282 282

126 Obara SirouJ 187'67 312 312 2,2]8 1,138 1,080 411 382 127 Chabbispur 2]6'39 458 458 2,585 1)43 1,242 422 376 128 Par Chabbispur 211'70 160 160 925 475 450 444 413 129 SoJa Asta 80'95 67 fJ7 317 168 149 130 114 130 Sarda 192'84 169 169 1,019 528 491 475 439

131 Cbak lalkar 74'76 19 19 49 34 15 11 13 132 Kabilpur 250-69 232 233 1,234 665 569 586 515 133 Uttar Sudam Chak 48'91 20 20 178 92 86 134 Jugi Kundu 62'75 73 73 531 268 263 54 47 ,- , .. 135 Chingri 915'01 1,354 1,355 8,385 4,211 4,174 1,577 1,528

136 Baligarl 45'52 116 116 722 372 350 133 137 137 Ganeshpur 106' 21 129 132 736 383 353 86 76 138 . Natebpur 310'76 828 834 4,825 2,436 2,389 314 273 139 BaJpai 246'57 629 632 3,587 1,800 1,787 417 421 140 Daulat Chak 191'34 294 294 1,795 884 911 37 46

141 Khun Chak 104'24 254 254 1,477 740 737 82 68 142 Narcndrapur 54'69 164 164 1,017 530 487 15 19 143 PaJaspai 183'04 730 730 4,384 2,187 2,197 119 110 144 Chanpanagari 40'82 68 68 421 209 212 42 41 145 Mostabapur 522'13 583 583 3,338 1,656 1,682 1,046 1,054

146 Chat Magri 225'05 78 78 546 279 267 279 267 147 Katasia 181'55 81 81 487 257 230 257 230 Total 293-7 46,"3 46,704 285,321 144,835 140,486 37,251 35,853 403 356 (Entirely rllJ'aJ) ( 77 1

CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKERS r...... ------~-----..- _1IIIIIIIIIt ______Hou!lehold Iudustry-:Manu­ facturiAg, Proce­ Total SSlllg, Servicing Other Workers Mam Workers Agricultural and Repairing [III, IV, V(b) & Marginal Literates (I_IX) Cultlvators (1) Labourers (II) (V (a)] VI to IX] Workers Non-workers ,---"-_-. ,.... _ __...__--, ,-__..... _--"""\ ,...._-A_-. ,....--..... ---, r---A__... ,-__..._~ ,.. . --. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

107 4 217 R 146 4 65 2 6 2 186 402 541 179 814 41 408 2 309 1 2 96 36 1S 6 770 1,536 5';8 227 556 12 355 2 83 25 3 93 6 II 30 584 1,012 58 14 145 I 87 44 6 8 1 2 105 238 360 165 428 20 266 2 66 3 2 93 16 16 15 363 745

435 233 573 2 333 128 28 2 84 9 4 556 1,074 6'_) " 267 693 16 394 206 10 83 13 650 1,226 257 64 309 290 16 3 166 ' 450 34 10 92 4 58 3 33 76 145 186 35 283 1 201 73 9 245 490

22 26 24 2 8 15 194 16 340 213 120 7 9 10 316 559 71 32 46 46 46 86 151 86 127 6 78 30 19 6 141 257 1,577 680 1,966 47 1,160 8 585 4 32 8 189 27 52 107 2,193 4,020

179 82 163 4 liS 31 5 4 9 14 4 195 342 IS9 106 169 4 77 66 5 1 21 3 7 2 207 347 1,498 866 1,042 44 326 203 46 6 467 38 9 15 J ,385 2,330 936 442 832 12 331 367 4 9 125 8 10 4 958 1,771 434 114 400 9 212 58 3 127 9 484 902

422 210 389 12 126 56 5 4 4 203 3 1 351 724 297 105 263 3 173 S3 5 3 32 3 266 481 1,265 739 1,059 17 528 245 26 11 260 6 2 1,128 2,178 105 33 94 2 27 21 3 2 43 115 210 624 143 832 2 598 210 2 24 824 1,680

62 4 137 77 58 2 142 267 56 7 127 2 81 44 2 130 228 180 16 684 556 2,066 74,518 34,84.3 69,711 2,259 36,739 1 486 14,222 1,037 1,914 1,883 73,210 136,344 [ 78 ]


4 P. S. Pursurah

Population Population SI. J. L. e--...... -~ 81. J. L. ,--__,._~ No. Name of Village>- No. 1971 1981 No. Name of Villages No. 1971 1981 2 3 4 2 3 4

Akri Fatepur 38 2,735 3,588 22 Hetam chak 37 959 1,160 2 Alati 14 1,759 2,318 23 21 5,627 7,048 3 Baikunthapur 5 5,074 6,367 24 Jasar 42 801 1,023

4 Baitha 10 997 1,30t 25 Kadipur 29 235 315 5 Bakharpur Krishnaballabhpur 3 1,215 1,285 26 Kclcpara 6 2,221 2,733 6 Balarampur 35 1,556 1,904 27 Kotalpara 49 1,509 1,804 7 Bara Digrui 44 2,249 2,961 28 Krishnabati 9 1,059 1,282 8 Benegaehhi 41 801 1,019 29 Kulbatpur 11 2,341 2,999 9 Bhangamora 2 1,808 2,308 30 Masinan 27 1,836 2,408 )0 Bhouta 30 935 1,299 11 Bhunyera 31 1,002 1,326 31 Neota 46 1,183 1,515 32 Nimdangi 20 2,552 3,090 12 Chilladangi 39 4,317 5,507

33 Par Bhursitta 48 1,033 1,257 ]3 Deulpara 13 1,278 1,660 34 Par Syampur 50 1,664 19,497 14 Dihibatpur 12 1,902 2,326 35 Parul 34 791 995 IS Dulalbati 7 698 890 36 Paschimpara 16 3,112 3,838 37 Pursura 16 Oho) Digrui 45 3,037 3,763 22 3,985 4,833 17 Oopimobanpur 43 1,202 1,472 38 Ranhagpur 8 1,176 1,377 39 Rasik chak 18 278 349 18 Harihar 23 1,497 1,682 40 Rasulpur 15 1,859 2,309 19 Harinakhali 17 1,397 1,815 41 Rautara 25 2,298 3,044 20 Harua 40 996 1,439 , ~ 21 Hali 33 2,292 2,625 42 Sahap~r 1 1,499 1,986 [ 79 ]


4 P. S. P"fSUfan-COllcld.

Population Population Sl. J. L. r--....A.-----, SI. J.L. r No Name of Villages No. 1971 1981 No. Nallle of Villages No. HJ71 . 1981 2 3 4 2 3 4

43 Saidpur 26 2,922 3,535 48 Sundarus 36 1,385 1,889 44 Samaspur 32 471 631 49 Syampur 47 3,671 4,605 45 Saota 28 1,388 1,875 46 Soaluk 4 4,526 5,830 50 Takipur 19 1,091 1,743 47 Srirampur 24 4,493 5,377 Total (Rural) 96,812 121,725 ( 80 1


Loc.atiou Area of Code Monu Numberi.6. (Village) in Total Population T. L. No. Hectares and No. of (including Imt!tlltlonul and -Scheduled Sclleduled ~f Mouza Nallle of Mouza (Village)! 01 Town! Occupic!l No. of HOllSl·less Population) Cdste~ '1 ribe~ (Vlllage)1 Town/Ward (in absenCe of Ward in Rcslden- House- ,-----"------, ,---"---, ,-____._-~ Ward No. name repeat Ward No ) KM2 tial House~ holdb P M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

4 p. S. Pursurah 1 Sahapur 167.86 244 274 1,986 1,047 9j9 223 205 26 22 2 Bhangamora 197.70 343 346 2,308 1,172 1,136 325 308 3 Bakharpur Krishna Ballabhpur 179.90 217 217 1,285 661 624 278 267 4 Soaluk 876.97 883 924 5,830 2,980 2,850 843 856 1~5 99 5 Baikunthapur 572.15 926 946 6,367 3,209 3,158 560 565 III 110

6 Kclepara 246.69 384 405 2,733 1,387 1,346 358 355 53 73 7 Dulalbati 88.38 149 157 890 469 421 182 152 8 Ranbagpur 148.58 197 197 1,377 720 657 163 142 3 9 Krishnabati 58.49 792 193 ] ,282 681 601 71 68 ]0 Baitha 123.15 217 222 1,301 656 645 206 210 12

11 Kulbatpur 201.51 474 482 2,999 1,561 1,438 274 219 26 8 12 Dihibatpur 195.93 377 377 2,326 1,140 1,186 304 282 13 Deulpara 154.30 259 259 1,560 811 749 154 152 19 13 14 Alati 120.86 403 412 2,318 1,174 1,144 271 283 19 10 15 ~asulpur 217.18 379 385 2,309 1,174 1,135 J85 176 15 3

16 Paschimpara 157,91 564 570 3,838 1,973 1,865 211 221 30 13 17 Harinakhali 145.53 2S2 255 1,815 947 868 201 183 11 8 18 Rasikchak 99.26 37 42 349 175 174 23 24 7 13 19 Takipur 101.14 239 249 1,743 907 836 64 70 8 14 20 Nlmdangi 211. 57 458 461 3,090 1,562 1,528 90 90 6

21 Jangalpara 606.13 1,019 1,032 7,048 3,726 3,322 461 413 35 2 22 Pursura 310.58 816 833 4,833 2,508 2,325 523 482 17 28 23 Harihar 121.69 240 250 1,682 902 780 103 119 20 31 , 24 Srirampur 291.97 914 917 5,377 2,821 2,556 621 570 7 12 25 Rautara 227.13 455 483 3,044 1,566 1,478 185 19J 35 31

26 Saidpur 150.07 588 599 3,535 ],850 1,685 139 150 27 Masinan 179.46 3152 397 2,408 1,272 1,136 168 170 17 20 28 Saota 299.21 276 279 1,875 960 915 116 101 3 12 29 Kadipur 55.48 45 45 315 177 138 72 56 30 Bbeuta 123.91 192 192 1,299 645 654· 321 312 81 ]

CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKnR.S ~------~~--~------,------Houeel101d Indusb.'y-)lau­ facturing. Proce- Total salng. ServicllIg other Workers Main Workers Agricultural and R.epairing [Ill, IV. V(b) & Marginal Literates (I_IX) Cultivators (1) Labourers (U) [ V [a) ) VI to IX) Workers Non-workers ,--_.A._---. r----"---, r--J.----, r--..A.---, ,..._ .. , - 1 ,.__ --.Jo ~ r--.A..~ ,...~ 1>1 II M F M F M F M F M F M }<' M I! 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

60g 312 616 76 313 173 70 6 1 124 4 431 855 672 486 515 31 188 109 8 14 5 204 18 656 1,105

356 231 326 37 149 1 62 26 2 115 8 10 3 325 584 1,544 804 1,563 146 755 9 478 121 27 7 303 9 60 61 1,357 2,643 1,Sg4 904 I, 60S 196 881 5 381 178 19 2 324 II 38 21 1,566 2,941

705 407 683 97 324 241 86 30 88 9 21 10 683 1,239 219 122 197 35 73 70 21 29 13 25 1 4 271 382 474 243 279 3 217 32 2 30 3 441 651 419 194 316 18 164 47 3 12 102 6 3 365 580 342 142 329 3 241 52 8 2 28 6 7 321 635

826 438 753 24 403 194 5 7 10 149 9 10 3 798 1,411 528 318 546 11 228 195 5 35 S8 6 594 1,175 460 237 396 S9 140 106 56 10 140 3 415 690 667 331 566 64 269 114 23 8 2 175 39 18 18 590 1,062 757 403 587 73 265 3 80 2 84 44 158 24 11 586 1,051

\,141 613 1,057 66 655 9 241 25 4 19 157 13 2 916 1,797 533 258 448 14 346 64 5 3 6 35 3 3 496, 854 114 56 818 16 63 16 16 7 87 158 569 215 449 42 294 76 24 15 78 3 2 6 456 788 933 523 805 37 576 136 8 10 21 83 8 6 75t 1,491

2,328 1,077 1,840 76 1,025 373 48 42 2 400 25 t I 1,885 3,245 1,522 767 1,286 91 495 3 248 56 19 12 524 20 36 21 1,186 2,213 601 276 383 27 201 57 23 6 3 119 1 14 505 753 1,774 949 1,192 38 471 5 261 12 25 5 435 16 82 1,547 2,517 717 331 750 62 382 16 185 39 183 7 9 807 1,416

1,126 497 969 62 551 1 116 8 20 43 282 10 9 4 872 1,619 766 343 609 44 347 136 20 20 20 106 4 38 4 625 1,088 532 213 494 24 '216 78 Ct 4 200 7 466 891 94 27 91 72 10 9 86 138 328 111 312 8 107 123 2 2 82 4 2 331 645 [ 82 ]


Location Area of Code Mouza Number 1 t,. (Village) in No. of Total Population J. L. No Hectares and Occupted (including Institutional and Scheduled Scheduled of MGllza NaLne of M.ouia (VilIage)1 of Town/ Rc&iilen- No of , Houseless___-Jt,.. ot l'opuilltion)___ ~ Castes 'l'ribes (Vlllage)! Town/Ward (in absence of Ward in tial Houi>c- ,...--"-----, ,...-..1..---. Ward No. name repeat Ward No. ) K~ H_ouses holds l' M F hI }<' M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 !) 9 10 11 12

4 P. S. Pursurah-concld. :11 Bhunyera 118.2g 189 Ig9 1,326 670 656 366 378 32 Samaspur 118.57 III 112 631 322 309 138 130 6 6 33 Hati 184.81 409 411 2,625 1,372 1,253 385 332 34 Parul 79.35 144 145 995 521 474 104 110 3 2 35 Brlarampur 157.65 294 302 1,904 993 911 126 107 7 9

36 Sundarus 104.34 275 279 1,839 949 940 59 41 18 37 Hetam Cbak 73.56 157 166 1, 160 597 563 225 220 7 38 Akri Fatepur 312.17 532 575 3,588 1,78R 1,800 233 240 81 60 39 Cllilladangi 351.59 S25 860 5,507 2,846 2,661 22; 200 64 13 40 Harua 86.12 230 243 1,439 745 694 194 212 3 3

41 Benegachhi 90.06 158 175 1,019 524 495 116 126 23 17 42 J8sar 74.64 15l.i 158 1,023 50l.i SIS 178 164 43 Gopimohanpur 203.86 231 247 J ,472 758 714 125 120 15 12 44 Bara Digrui 247.50 472 492 2.C}61 1,465 1,496 242 241 45 Ghol Digrui 339.09 608 629 3,763 1,917 1,846 308 278

46 Neota 102.85 269 279 1,515 763 752 308 293 47 Syampur 434.74 706 734 4,605 2,443 2,162 372 356 6 48 Par Bhur.sitta 82.98 183 185 1,257 653 604 143 137 17 49 Kotalpara 120.05 297 307 1,804 938 866 166 160 50 Par Syampur 129.10 338 350 2,120 1,080 1,040 172 167 5 Total 100.5 18,707 19,238 121,725 62,685 59,040 11,876 11,404 858 649 (Entirely rural) { 83 ]

CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKERS ~--,~~------~------~ Household Industry- Manu­ factutfng, Proces- Total sing. Servicing Other Workers Main Workers Agricultura.l and Repairing (III. IV. V(b) & Margit!(\1 Literateli (I-IX) Cultivators (I) Labourers (II) (v (a) ] VI to IX] Work(,fs Non-workers r---"----, r-__"'_---, r-__"'_~ ,.. r-"----"'"I r__'_~ ("'"'-.A._'" ,___.,_--"\ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F ?If F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

333 367 305 7 13\ 135 6 39 365 649 146 22 ] 73 7 38 83 5 52 2 5 148 297 717 322 670 4 404 173 2 2 91 2 702 1,249 328 )47 263 4 205 21 2 36 2 258 470 624 297 528 24 334 2 120 15 3 71 6 2 463 887

585 362 397 43 )72 7 78 25 22 2 125 9 56 2 496 895 367 188 288 15 105 15 2 166 15 12 9 297 539 1,070 520 777 107 430 8 147 66 4 6 196 27 129 41 882 1,652 J ,633 753 1,282 40 780 3 143 16 18 2 341 19 109 23 1,455 2,598 478 209 398 43 237 89 36 8 64 6 3 7 344 644

311 155 296 28 220 8 62 20 5 9 228 467 281 167 230 1 120 93 17 I 13 265 514 433 136 395 13 3J3 I 53 10 28 2 4 2 359 • 699 824 442 727 29 426 3 201 7 11 5 89 14 2 736 1,467 975 401 936 10 610 5 138 5 183 .5 981 1,836

368 105 404 9 322 60 6 22 3 358 143 1,368 690 1,266 23 563 7 324 3 42 337 12 2 16 J,175 2,123 356 167 328 37 167 61 21 15 79 22 2 13 323 554 535 239 466 39 238 4 94 7 4 127 31 9 463 827 699 345 516 27 336 7 65 11 10 104 to 7 II 557 1,002 35,670 17,862 30,695 1,990 16,562 114 6,609 1,121 593 299 6,931 456 720 321 31,27056,729 [ 84 ]


5 P. S. Dhaniakhedi

Population Population SI. J. L. ,..~ 51. J. L. ~--"'---. No. N aIDe of Villages No. '1971 1981 No. N aIDe of Villages No. 1971 19B1 2 3 4 2 3 4

1 AkaDpur 140 615 769 31 Birpur ]23 611 782 2 Akilpur 196 458 379 32 Bishnupur 57 1,462 2,349 3 Ala 101 692 765 33 Brahmanpara 186 581 684 4 A1ipur 152 145 213 34 Byaspur 24 309 531

5 Bagnan 199 1,013 1,274 35 Chait anyabati 49 917 1,115 6 Bahadurpur 191 532 712 36 Chakbibi 121 9 6 7 Baharampur 27 661 832 37 Cbaksultan 87 317 475 8 9 812 1,529 38 Chandpur 63 1,359 1,488 9 Bajitpur 212 788 957 39 Chapabere 98 821 J ,241 10 Balagari 164 320 348 40 Chaughata 3 829 1,194 11 Balidaha 125 929 849 41 Chautara 56 ] ,764 2,256 12 Balidansa 11 755 1,233 42 Chelua 205 1,202 I ,489 13 Balighara 75 745 1,077 43 Choncbua 61 75] 889 14 Ballabhipur 32 982 1,186 44 Cheragram 158 2,124 2,741 15 Baona 39 1,057 1,168 45 Chhota Khanpur 192 275 653 16 Bansipur 10 527 603 46 Chhota Mallikpur 107 406 547 17 Barakhanpur 161 443 558 47 Chinagari 73 630 789 18 Barll MaIJikpur 131 233 310 48 Chitla 114 728 814 19 Barul 136 1,865 1,993, 49 Chopa 8 1,735 2,030 20 Basipur 142 174 207 50 Dakshin Abhirampur 78 443 571 21 BathangaIia 159 503 634 51 Dakshin Basudebpur 207 120 158 22 Beguna 36 369 447 52 Dakshin Fatepuf 84 3]6 384 23 Belgachhia 118 890 1,079 53 Dakshin Jagannathpur 38 570 696 24 Belmuri 190 1,649 1,898 54 Dakshln Kotalpur 53 693 922 25 Benathali 129 638 770 55 Dakshin Malikapur 202 319 291 26 Bhabanipur 170 503 518 56 Dakshin Mamudpur 44 812 946 27 Bhagabanpur 184 825 1,014 57 Dakshin Mogalpur 76 690 875 28 Bhandarhati 80 4,306 4,773 58 Dakshin Sankarpur 19 425 766 29 Bhastara 153 2,328 3,256 59 Dasghara 29 1,060 1,369 3Q Bhotar 145 525 589 60 Dedbara 25 974 1,082 [ 85 1


I) P. S. DhafSta/ihali-contd.

Population Population S1. J. 1.. r--J..-'l S1. J.L. I ~~ No. Nrune of Villages No. 1971 1981 No. Name of Village8 No. 1971 1981 2 3 4 2 3 4 61 Deluara 171 657 720 91 Haribarpur 201 220 547 62 Deora 41 793 961 92 Harirampur 2 398 495 63 Deulpara 70 1,031 1,400 93 Harpur 103 1,085 1,575 64 Dbarmaitikar 64 1,452 1,942 94 Hasampur 128 590 747 65 Dhaniakhali 99 2,272 2,687 95 Hat Kamalpur 110 243 302 66 Dbantikari 203 238 307 96 Haeipur 16 1,124 1,220 67 Dharmpur 45 506 667 97 Heregari 163 330 369 68 Dighir 31 1,695 1,830 98 Hiranyabati 88 405 519 69 Dipa 91 558 811 99 Hridayrampur 14 407 571 70 Dulfa 155 204 268 100 Itachona 15) 520 603 71 Dumfo 154 346 430 72 Durgaprasad 81 908 1,106 101 Jadupur 102 213 347 73 Durgapur 166 920 1,008 102 Jamdara 47 607 760 103 Jayharipur 85 480 610 Faridpur 74 124 268 321 104 86 501 667 75 Galgale 108 173 231 105 Jerur 709 907 76 Gangarampur 204 595 802 106 Jhuma 147 258 351 77 Gangesnagar 28 1,588 2,018 107 54 1,207 1,576 78 Gauripur 198 373 448 108 lolkul 141 1,356 1,534 79 Getagari 116 1,452 1,866 109 Jot Harananda 177 141 217 80 Ghanasyampur 94 600 770 110 Jot Kamal 95 , 351 324 81 Ghoshla 134 1,384 1,592 111 Jot Mahes 210 315 369 82 Gobarara 178 684 687 112 Kabilpur 71 741 808 83 Gohindapur 37 664 924 113 Kakgachhi 79 863 952 84 Oopalpur 165 737 1,008 . Kamalpur 92 693 J ,022 ,85 Gopikantapur 138 1,058 1,201 114 ]] 5 Kanajuli 174 980 1,193 86 Gopinagar 43 2,631 3,358 l16 Kanikra 69 400 576 87 Gotpur 89 876 1,050 117 Kankrakuli 66 729 733 88 Ourap 126 4,142 5,249 118 Kansaripur 157 668 865 89 Gurbari 5 655 1,316 119 Kantagaria 157 668 865 90 Habibpur 48 1,304 1,825 120 Kanuibaka 167 166 204 ( 86 )


5 P. S. Dhaniallhali-cOI1td.

Population Population ~ st. J.L. I \ 81. J. L No. Name of Villages No. 1971 1981 No. Name of Villages No. 1971--~ 1981 1 2 3 4 2 3 4

121 Kasipur 197 J ,081 1~238 149 Nalitajoi 214 1,074 1,259 122 Katgara 17 382 450 150 Nalthoba 59 250 314 123 Kathalgari 13 343 958 151 Naopara 193 638 767 124 Khajurdaha 149 412 390 152 Nimdanga 33 737 886 125 Khanpur 172 1,380 1,618 153 Nischintapur 50 78 105 126 Kilaru ]2 975 1,654 154 Pachhra 156 188 229 12'7 Konan 100 1,943 2,202 155 Paikpara 62 107 131 128 Kumrul 52 1,922 2,406 156 Palasi 117 2,119 2,655 129 Lokabati 113 902 1,276 157 Parambua 58 1,306 1,799 158 Parameswarpur 200 269 344 130 Madhupur 111 265 382 159 Paschim Banpur 26 372 396 131 Madhusudanpur 106 1,062 525 160 paschim Gopinathpur 46 2,293 2,681 132 Madpur 20 1,026 783 161 Paschim Kalikapur 51 880 1,129 133 Mabamaya 115 880 1,054 162 paschim Kesabpur 82 620 763 134 Maharampur 18 538 698 163 Paschim Narayanpur 55 1,962 2,416 135 Mahishgara 7 508 693 164 Pitha 109 413 495 B6 Majinan 162 809 799 165 Podpara 195 278 350 137 Makbalpur 83 524 697 166 Porabazar 213 954 1,239 138 Mallikpur 188 767 958 167 Purandarpur 208 368 439 139 Mandara 77 4,684 5,682 168 Purbba Banpur 93 552 746 140 Manikpur 176 450 573 169 Purbba GopinathpuT 133 66l 776 141 Manipur 146 301 379 170 Purbba Kalikapur 96 1,364 1,498 ''_ 142 Masuria 139 244 331 171 Purbba Kesabpur 211 416 464 143 Melkikulubpur 148 1,128 J ,403 172 Purbba Narayanpur 168 379 439 144 Mitrapur 72 225 289 145 Merjanagar 185 1,835 2,266 173 Radhaballabhpur 175 463 614 146 Muidipur 183 776 1,009 174 Radhanagar 42 938 1,119 ]75 Rashanabindesbati 15 192 147 Mukundpur 112 396 503 265 176 Rabia ]22 448 481 l48 Nakirapara 209 351 418 117 Rajipur 22 2,014 2,412 t 87 1 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES 5 P. S. D""niahA"Ii-cOtlCld. Population Population SI. J.1,.. ,-----"---.. SI. J. L. ,... . No. Name of Villagea No. 1971 1381 No Name of Villages No. 1971 1~11 I 2 3 4 2 3 4

178 Ramchandra pur 194 466 584 198 Srik rishnapur 30 3,389 6,219 179 Rameswarbati 182 J ,466 1,579 199 Sripatipur 68 199 94 180 Rautpur 40 473 546 200 Srirampur 34 2,810 3,149 181 Rudrani 189 1.321 1,691 201 Suratsinpur 67 399 535 182 Sab Bazar 35 649 811 202 Talbona 187 933 1,090 183 Salalpur 23 427 522 203 Tegachhi Bhabanipur 90 588 778 184 Samarpur 97 2,802 2,615 204 Telakona 122 368 387 IllS Sandhanpur 206 189 228 60 637 7711 186 Sarampara 205 Uliara 150 321 339 179 208 238 187 Sarbanandapur 206 Uttar Abhirampur 143 737 807 188 Satidaha 132 573 746 207 Uttar Basudebpur 169 279 391 189 Saturia 160 366 470 208 Uttar Fatepur 144 429 469 190 Seapur 135 413 545 209 Uttar Jagannathpur 4 360 369 74 570 751 191 Serpur 210 Uttar Kotalpur 127 369 457 192 Sibaichandi 181 367 564 211 Uttar Malikapur 105 205 272 193 Sibpur 173 316 410 212 Uttar Mamudpur 6 239 660 194 Simld 104 782 1,001 213 Uttar Mogalpur 180 289 444 195 Sirijpur 21 589 476 214 Uttar Sankarpur 130 533 721 196 Sitipalasi 65 554 752 197 Sonajal 137 515 540 Total (Rural) 1,72,793 2,15,080 { 88 J


L.,cabon Area of Code Mouza Number i.e. (Village) ill No, of Totall'opulatlOll J. L No. lIectares and Occupied (Illcluding Institutional and Scheduled t->cheduled of Mouza Na1lle of Moula (VIll..lge)/ of Town! Reslclen· No of HOIl~('lcss PopulatIon) Castes Tribes ,-___-.A.. __-, ,-_-.A..--, e-__.....~ (Villa.ges)! Town/Ward (in abbence of 'Ward III tla! Hou:.c- Ward No, name repeat Ward No) KMz HOll!>C!> holds I' M }<' 1\1 F M F -" 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 5 P. S. Dhaniakhali 1 Jerur 127'02 190 191 907 446 461 155 178 108 \10 2 Harirampur 48'51 88 88 495 239 256 146 159 3 Chaughata 99'96 244 245 1,194 597 597 304 323 124 128 4 Uttar Jagannatbpur 73'05 66 66 369 Ill} 186 115 122 5 Gurbari 2fi6'87 275 275 1,316 661 655 192 J88 174 193

6 Uttar Mamudpur 154'46 103 109 660 342 318 32 27 144 143 7 Mahish Gara 54'60 134 134 693 347 346 121 132 82 92 8 Chopa 321 '46 350 366 2,030 1,033 997 283 281 204 20U 9 Bidyapur 275'27 285 285 1,529 804 72S 307 271 156 149 10 Banlipur 94'23 102 102 603 317 286 38 32

11 Balidanga J62'36 203 205 1,233 648 585 180 163 94 80 12 Khanpur 1I 1'06 273 279 1,654 863 791 192 185 46 59 13 Katgara 100' 34 171 172 958 489 469 216 191 10 11 14 Hridayrampur 93'68 110 110 571 283 288 189 198 21 20 15 Raghabindubati 45'15 42 42 265 134 131 24 17 10 II

16 Hazipur 168'01 218 222 1,220 637 583 197 170 134 143 17 Kasipur 44' 15 60 60 450 240 210 65 49 39 36 18 Maharampur 87'67 126 126 698 355 343 146 141 55 69 19 Dakshin Sankarpul 94'16 130 130 766 401 365 157 144 49 31 20 Madpur 85'38 127 127 783 402 381 264 242 15 17

21 Sirijpur 96'04 70 70 476 247 229 94 76 14 15 22 Rajipur 296'30 411 411 2,412 1,218 1,194 194 192 99 105 23 Salalpur 48'56 101 101 522 267 255 5 8 89 82 24 Byaspur 62'56 98 98 531 273 258 111 105 34 26 25 Dedhara 121'39 165 165 1,082 555 527 77 70 72 94

26 Paschim banpur 63'51 50 50 396 203 193 27 Baharampur 114'62 139 140 832 403 429 264 300 10 13 28 Ganges Nagar 320'33 319 319 2,018 1,032 986 326 334 146 136 29 Daaghara 182'17 250 250 1,369 703 666 167 171 28 29 30 Srikrilhnapur 631' 30 1,050 1,050 6,219 3,254 2,965 892 872 183 152 [ 89 )


r------~~------~Household Industry- MaGu­ facturing, Proc:es- Total slug, Strvicixtg Other Workers Main Workers Agricultural and Repalri.llg [III, IV, V(b) & Marginnl !.iteraies (I-IX) Cultivators (I) Labourers (II) [V' (a) ] VI to IX] Worket~ Non-workers ,...~ ,---A..____ r--.A.---, ,..._-.A.~ ,...---'----. l\f F M F M F M 1~ M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

190 105 216 125 86 6 93 102 4 33 17 230 335 92 65 91 13 44 31 I 3 13 12 33 14 115 229 215 103 297 216 72 185 216 40 300 381 69 40 98 S4 27 61 52 2 8 266 79 126 291 1RO 341 129 63 5 219 123 2 57 13 11 307 515

163 114 157 94 69 23 58 68 30 3 4 8 181 216 ]57 85 183 72 54 1 lOS 67 24 4 164 274 55 I 351 469 175 163 2 215 161 7 3 84 9 3 561 822 337 184 404 212 145 242 207 2 2 15 2 400 512 208 126 156 33 88 36 29 11 21 3 161 253

330 194 326 99 tl8 4 133 87 47 8 28 28 322 458 523 356 442 103 117 2 120 87 54 151 14 7 6 414 682 232 151 310 132 liS 1~3 132 9 33 179 337 87 37 169 108 17 131 108 10 11 114 180 73 60 64 32 20 32 32 12 70 99

317 189 332175 98 13 174 162 6 54 304 408 144 95 112 20 57 37 19 18 1 128 190 161 94 181 66 48 86 64 47 2 174 277 212 124 213 81 lIS 14 79 66 19 188 284 157 III 211 34 90 8 115 25 6 191 347

119 74 140 43 51 73 43 2 14 107 186 236 279 628 292 229 6 337 283 13 2 49 6 584 902 134 79 ]62 47 99 57 46 6 105 208 105 46 148 52 49 94 51 5 8 .. lJ7 206 260 142 321 67 205 105 66 11 234 460

116 76 94 1 58 13 1 23 I 109 191 228 104 219 39 90 2 101 31 5 23 6 10 7 174 383 473 268 545 176 302 8 212 168 6 25 10 5 477 805 264 118 368 114 108 6 145 102 3 112 6 335 552 1,593 981 1,646 339 503 52 728 249 26 389 38 9 13 1,599 2,613 [ 90 i


Loca.iiou Ana of Code Mouza Number •.. , (ViUage)in No. of Total Piliulation J,L.No. Hectares and Occupied (including Ins tutional and Scheduled Scheduled of !Lanza Name of Mouza (Village)/ of Town/ Residen- No of Houseless Population Castes 'l'ribes (Village)/ Town Ward (in absence of Ward in tial Housel> ,---__-"--- __...... ,--A__ ...... ,..___"'_--, Ward No. name repeat Ward No.) XMI Houses holds P M F M I~ M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

5 P. S. Dhoniokho/i::-contd. 31 Digbir 178'82 293 293 J ,830 931 899 3115 307 60 4H 32 BaIlabhipur 172'51 213 214 J,186 618 568 138 130 54 48 33 Nim daoga 88'15 137 137 386 459 427 69 65 16 8 34 Srirampur 387'75 526 526 3,149 ] ,642 1,507 388 362 126 125 35 Sahbazar 48'87 136 136 831 443 388 140 138

36 Beguoa 106'50 65 67 447 2N 236 102 111 2 37 Gobindapur 152'1>3 155 155 924 460 464 345 334 22 29 38 Dakshin Jagannathpur 83'59 116 116 696 328 368 157 157 18 24 39 Banna 68'25 1~3 193 1,168 620 548 311 279 40 Rautpur 84'28 108 108 546 289 257 130 107

41 Doora 122'22 165 165 961 486 475 97 116 ) 10 42 Radhanagar 79'55 194 194 1,119 586 533 386 346 43 Gopinagar 352'17 600 603 3,358 1,669 J ,689 606 666 63 62 44 Daksbin Mamudpur 88'80 133 135 946 470 476 47 72 27 20 45 Dharampur 110'06 120 J20 667 325 342 157 159

46 Paschim Gopinatbpur 284'56 477 477 2,681 1,343 1,338 426 451 47 lamdara 112'07 123 123 760 390 370 120 113 12 JO 48 Habibpur 194'25 303 307 J ,825 934 891 203 171 106 114 49 Cbaitanyabati 125'05 157 160 1,115 572 543 173 169 20 30 50 Nischi otapur 42'14 20 20 105 54 51 42 39

51 Paschim Kalikapur 78'54 182 196 1,129 577 552 89 106 52 Kumrul 223'61 423 427 2,406 1,241 1,165 298 283 105 100 53 Dakshin Kotalpur 127'93 126 138 922 482 440 192 172 37 34 54 liara 145'65 248 259 1,576 838 738 176 164 55 Paschim Naraysnpur 154'72 374 374 2,416 1,235 1,181 167 171 , .

56 Cbautara 286'47 370 387 2,256 1,144 1,112 341 324 68 56 57 Bishnupur 299'36 374 377 2,349 1,211 1,138 629 574 124 120 58 Parambua 269'15 308 308 1,799 955 844 347 310 92 90 S9 Nalthoba 72'03 47 47 314 167 147 87 75 21 22 60 Sarampara 83'57 131 134 778 421 357 162 127 57 51 [ 91 ]

CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKERS ~'------.----~,------~~-~~ Household InduBtry-14anu· facturing, PrOCe- Total ssing, Servicing, Other Workers Main Workers Agricultural and Repairing [III, IV, V(b) & Marginal Literates (I-IX) Cultivators (I) Labourers (II) [V (al 1 VI to IX] Worms Non-workers r----'--~ r-"----.-.. r----"-~ r---..A...-~ r---"--___,_ r---"-______r---"-----""\ r----"---'\ M F M F M F M F M F M P 14: F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

454 320 513 103 130 4 298 97 6 79 2 5 130 413 666 352 231 291 99 93 2 140 94 3 55 3 3 324 469 237 130 266 30 126 3 85 25 1 14 2 10 223 397 852 477 850 182 346 334 178 31 139 4 6 786 1,325 266 178 278 32 \6 162 20 39 11 61 \65 356

101 82 125 17 57 60 16 1 7 86 219 150 57 266 91 56 202 90 1 7 1 193 373 183 158 158 16 49 85 15 1 23 1 13 157 352 381 207 334 23 98 5 65 14 ItO 61 4 8 4 278 521 210 145 136 12 44 49 10 12 31 153 245

242 134 270 8 128 97 7 5 40 3 213 467 315 185 256 10 51 127 6 12 66 4 330 523 817 490 850 225 240 13 351 193 56 2 203 17 3 8 816 1,456 310 205 275 39 193 1 50 34 3 29 4 195 437 164 72 175 51 82 5 75 46 17 150 291

701 426 729 180 216 3 331 173 38 2 144 2 2 613 1,156 234 ]42 235 28 110 101 26 24 2 154 342 487 281 506 79 315 ]42 79 48 427 8)2 274 125 279 18 185 11 21 4 73 3 14 5 279 520 25 11 29 23 3 3 25 51

333 190 290 25 174 56 15 60 ' 10 287 526 708 455 651 164 210 2 241 151 24 7 176 4 590 1,001 275 133 274 32 95 157 31 21 208 408 489 251 396 10 240 70 9 85 I 64 24 378 704 731 406 613 11 316 171 3 3 123 8 4 3 618 1,167

583 341 562 56 321 5 112 41 5 3 64 1 582 1,056 379 171 631 187 201 7 353 155 2 75 25 580 951 383 210 496 90 159 2 257 69 1 1 79 18 459 754 84 42 85 28 36 I 39 27 10 82 119 () (; 196 264 J~6 76 219 45 99 5 99 40 , . 15 .. 48 ( 92 )


Location Area of Code Mouza Numberi.r. (Vntage) in No. of Total Population J. L. No. Hectares and oCC\~tl:d (including In~ttttlliollal anll Schcuulcd Schcdlllnl of MOUIa Name of Mouza (Vlllage)/ of Town! Res! en- No of Housc1ess PopulatlOu) Castes 'lubes l Villages)! 'fown/Ward (in absence of Ward in tin] House- r------..A.---~ r---.A..-~ .--~---. Ward No name repeat Ward No. KMI Houses holds F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 ]0 11 12

5 P, S, Dhanlakhali-contd, 61 Chenchua 129'10 145 145 889 469 420 213 215 19 13 62 Paikpara 54'22 25 25 131 66 65 20 22 17 12 63 Chandpur 161'6~ 288 288 1,488 751 737 272 285 76 81 64 Dhamai tikar 178'95 319 319 1,942 970 972 366 378 129 127 65 Siti Palasi 119'08 122 122 752 173 379 147 146 40 36

66 KankrakuIi 118'32 117 117 733 371 362 62 66 29 29 67 Suratsinpur 88'32 82 82 535 263 272 82 80 68 Sripatipur 50'64 17 17 94 36 58 27 48 69 Kanikar 89'67 78 88 576 270 306 32 21 129 166 70 , Deulpara 121'44 234 234 1,400 717 683 177 160 67 76

71 Kabilpur 70'84 150 150 808 423 385 128 125 33 30 72 Mitrapur 52'20 50 50 289 145 144 18 22 4 6 73 Chinagari 105'81 158 158 789 4~5 374 154 130 96 80 74 Serpur 93'45 124 134 751 372 379 134 156 10 75 Balighara 127'57 19] 19] 1,077 559 518 50 47 40 44

16 Dakshin Mogalpur 117'25 181 181 875 455 420 225 217 51 54 77 Mandara 492'81 1,002 1,020 5,682 2,922 2,760 806 795 191 193 78 Dakshin Abhirampur 105'70 95 100 571 295 276 28 20 51 51 79 Kakgachhi 98'09 153 159 952 513 439 90 87 40 54 80 Bhandarhati 238'86 756 757 4,773 2,466 2,307 680 667 87 100

81 Durgaprasad 170'45 185 189 ],106 562 544 92 98 127 120 82 Paschim Kesabpur 113'14 133 133 763 394 369 106 87 81 87 83 Makhalpur 70'05 ]2] 121 697 350 347 tI3 99 37 47 84 Dakshin Fatepur 75'06 53 53 348 189 159 70 54 21 21 85 Jayharipur 105'23 101 101 610 324 286 67 60 69 61

86 Jayrambati 91'94 112 112 667 332 335 1 ' 41 54 81 Chak Sultan 44'91 94 94 475 226 249 23 27 61 63 88 Hiranya bati 41'34 94 94 51'9 252 267 89 Gatpur 137'80 173 173 1,050 530 520 93 95 105 87 90 Tegachbi Bhabanipur 87'30 152 152 778 411 367 168 143 96 83 ( " ) CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKERS ~ ______~ ___~ ______~_~ ____ r~,

Household Industry-Manu­ facturing, Proces- Total sing, Servicing, Other Workers Mall1 Workers Agtlcultural and Repaiting [III, IV, V(b) & Marginal J.iterates (I-IX) CultIvators (I) I.abourers (II) [V (1\) J VI to IX) Workers Non-wotkers ,--_....__, r--.A.-~ r-_.A..----. r---A.-~ r--_.....-~ r---"---.... r-_"'----. ,--~ Ml F M F M F M };f' M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

249 109 263 248 2 16 205 403 18 9 38 37 28 65 392 212 356 172 102 6 179 163 4 71 3 I 394 565 467 305 481231 165 253 227 3 60 3 33 19 456 722 141 53 202 59 54 126 58 4 18 1 171 320

20] 159 144 42 53 4 44 32 7 1 40 5 3 227 317 128 65 125 47 54 68 47 2 138 225 25 24 20 7 18 2 7 16 51 92 41 128 87 58 12 6S 75 2 3 10 132 219 377 220 366 83 198 140 82 28 351 600

290 138 206 73 78 101 71 27 2 217 312 100 53 83 5 61 12 5 10 2 60 139 191 134 227 92 43 127 89 57 2 4 3 184 279 192 118 221 65 78 89 61 54 3 151 314 237 134 282 86 104 126 82 12 3 40 7 3 270 429

244 156 219 74 19 117 59 2 81) 5 236 346 1,508 906 1,514 457 521 15 671 393 17 24 305 25 11 3 1,397 2,300 183 94 150 26 72 55 26 3 20 145 250 355 205 219 52 48 79 44 3 89 7 16 21 278 366 1,532 1,064 1,210 257 191 354 185 40 625 72 3 1,253 2,050

322 202 224 88 66 \ 1 101 86 57 37 301 455 222 109 186 68 103 65 68 2 16 4 204 301 164 103 189 81 103 9 74 72 11 161 266 117 52 99 18 42 2 42 16 15 90 141 192 t03 182 52 89 10 68 42 25 141 234

202 96 169 63 88 2 71 61 10 163 272 64 29 124 40 63 14 55 26 6 3 7 99 202 122 79 104 46 49 42 46 13 148 221 210 132 300 76 95 6 187 70 17 230 444 172 96 228 67 81 .2 120 64 .. 27 .. 183 300 [ 94 1


L~tio\\ Area of Code Mouza Number i.e. (Village) in No. of Total Population J. L. No. Hectares and Occupied (including Iustitutional and Scheduled Scheduled Nall1e of Mouza (Village)! of Town! Residen- No. of lIouseless Population Castes Tribes of Mouza .-___-----'-- _____ .-_-..A..-~ ,...____,.____,_ (VUlage)/ Town/Ward (in absence of Ward in ti~l HOltSe- Ward No. name repeat Ward No.) Kmll Houses holds I' M F M F M P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

5 P. S, Dhafliakh"lI-contd, 91 Dipll 79'48 ]30 130 811 424 387 245 217 20 19 92 Kall1alpur 64'96 195 195 1,022 554 468 182 149 14 12 93 Purba Banpur 115'71 134 134 746 396 350 152 146 35 31 94 Ghanasyampur 107'38 ]21 121 770 388 382 122 139 71 60 95 lot K.amal 41'42 58 58 324 166 158 9 9 9 9

96 Purbba Kalikapur 100'95 282 286 1,498 778 720 121 127 94 97 97 Samaspur 152'34 478 484 2,615 1,375 1,240 484 509 57 42 98 Chapa·bere 99'11 206 206 1,241 633 608 248 243 103 112 99 Dhaniakhali 139'88 464 475 2,687 1,412 1,275 113 127 106 135 100 Konan 183'45 351 354 2,202 1,161 1,041 281 251 130 107

101 Ala 42'55 130 130 765 392 373 121 126 2 5 102 Jadupur 57'81 66 67 347 177 170 8 13 76 69 103 Harpur 145'69 294 300 1,575 825 750 216 206 63 60 104 Simla 112'34 203 203 1,001 515 486 368 356 43 39 105 Uttar Malikapur 56'60 46 46 272 134 138 24 18 6 10

106 Madhusadanpur 69'06 92 93 525 269 256 88 102 107 Chbota Mallikpur 53'32 100 100 547 275 272 71 80 55 53 t08 Galgale 63'09 41 41 231 114 117 30 26 44 43 109 Pitha 80'93 91 91 495 250 2ot5 56 62 59 61 110 Hat Kamalpur 100'88 53 53 302 146 156 68 75 20 19

111 Madhupur 44'49 73 73 382 18t 201 96 118 112 Mukundapur 61'97 94 94 503 261 242 9 8 104 85 113 Lokabati 181' ]7 197 209 1,276 638 638 100 103 199 184 114 Chida 131'90 139 139 814 410 404 164 ]61 115 Mahamaya 184'16 ]84 184 1,054 550 504 37 33 14 8

116 Gett BaTl 141'1% 3()9 ~Q9 1,~66 963 91..\3 145 133 t71 \5& 117 Palasi 408'75 430 430 2,655 ] ,364 1,291 83 75 258 268 118 Belgachhia 196'16 158 158 1,079 544 538 189 196 35 37 119 Kharu 119'06 212 212 1,184 611 573 158 146 132 134 120 Rabia (;0'91 75 75 481 261 ~O , ' ,. 47 47

\ [-95 j

CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WQRKJ.tRS r-----~-----~------~~~~--~-~-----'--~ Household Indulll:ry- Manu­ facturing. Proce­ Total ssing. Servl.clng. Other Workers Main Workers Agricultural and Repel ring [III, IV, V(b) &: Marginal titerates (I_IX) Cultivators (I) Labourers (ll) [ V (a) ] VI to IX) Workers Non-workers ,__.....~ r---.A.----., r---'-----.. r---...\.--"'I r---.A._--., r--"-~ ,-_-.A.--., ,----'---, M F M F M F M F M :£<' M F M F M P 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

262 156 203 59 117 70 59 16 221 328 282 171 307 85 135 119 82 10 43 2 247 383 187 89 233 91 57 136 88 7 33 3 9 1 154 258 208 105 211 58 78 97 53 35 4 177 324 82 35 76 24 27 37 22 11 2 2 88 134

517 298 403 143 82 115 117 78 3 128 23 9 2 366 575 867 493 672 202 72 2 183 178 149 4 268 18 2 703 1,036 362 242 321 92 61 137 80 30 103 12 311 515 962 552 679 151 66 9 136 109 142 8 335 25 4 729 1,124 724 45J 623 135 165 10 180 117 165 6 lf3 2 2 538 904

281 176 196 20 24 36 12 74 62 6 5 10 191 343 89 37 83 37 14 54 37 8 7 94 133 477 286 428 128 58 142 J13 50 5 178 10 3 14 394 608 178 82 271 168 16 229 159 9 9 17 1 244 3]7 74 58 73 16 42 25 14 6 1 61 122

161 101 134 57 48 6J 54 25 3 4 131 199 132 58 139 51 62 4 73 47 4 136 221 46 17 71 34 22 39 34 10 43 83 147 71 145 66 46 2 80 63 7 12 105 179 60 36 74 26 37 36 26 72 130

85 44 95 26 33 2 49 24 9 4 85 175 134 81 123 54 42 5 71 49 2 8 138 188 321 170 339 141 137 2 186 139 15 299 497 197 124 200 86 57 5 no 81 33 10 3 200 315 253 123 289 108 115 1 119 104 28 1 27 2 261 396

538 307 515 118 315 8 149 105 5 46 4 448 785 791 482 672 175 319 10 224 155 5 124 9 3 691 1,113 279 167 279 119 127 1 138 117 14 262 419 260 164 302 170 99 17 166 152 7 30 5 8 304 395 166 97 126 33 72 2 31 31 23 .. 135 187 [ 96 .J


Location Area of Code Mouza Numbed .• Village) in No. of Total Population J. L. No. Hectares and Occupied (including Institutional and Scheduled Scheduled of Mouza Name of Mouza (Vlllage)1 of Townl Residen- No. of Houseless Population) Castes 'l'ribes ( ViIlage)1 Town/Ward (in absence of Ward in till I House- r-----.A.- ,...---"-~ r---"----. Ward No. name repeat Ward No.) Kml Rouses holds P 1\1 F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

S P. S, DhaniGkluJli-contd. 121 Charbibi 71'37 2 2 (, 3 3 122 Telakona 70'87 63 63 387 192 195 60 73 16 )) 123 Birpur 98'15 135 135 782 395 387 91 110 122 140 124 Faridpur 43'00 43 43 321 163 158 21 28 15 16 125· Balidaha 106'43 158 161 849 438 411 126 121 90 111

126 403'17 964 967 5,249 2,710 2,539 882 902 269 239 127 Uttar Kotalpur 6] '61 81 81 457 232 225 17 15 !:l6 91 128 Hasampur 54'66 133 133 747 388 359 211 209 99 89 129 Beoathali 183'32 132 132 770 407 363 169 147 81 H5 130 Uttar Sankarpur 290'97 123 123 721 387 334 81 63 78 75

131 Bara Mallikpur 56'45 59 59 310 141 169 52 52 132 Satidaha 118'31 128 142 746 399 347 55 45 14) 123 133 Purbba Gopinatbpur 66'31 148 150 776 381 395 59 67 93 90 134 Ghosbla 332'12 273 276 1,592 B40 752 314 310 106 98 13S Seapur 42'07 83 83 545 260 285 92 93 15 13

136 Barul 292'15 369 369 1,993 t ,019 974 479 482 16 10 137 Sonajol 94'91 93 93 540 276 264 106 97 I 44 50 138 Gopikantapur 232'61 202 202 1,201 619 582 80 69 112 118 139 Masuria 104'94 61 61 331 152 179 57 69 14 19 140 Akabpur 90'30 136 136 769 407 362 43 42 65 44

141 Jolkul 290'96 295 296 1,534 779 755 261 240 203 216 142 Basipur 58'50 34 34 207 105 102 49 39 56 63 143 Uttar Abhirampur 200'59 149 149 807 414 393 102 96 94 89 144 Uttar Fatepur 93'65 90 90 469 225 244 81 81 88 98 145 8hotar 134'46 101 101 589 297 292 47 49 88 89

146 Manipur 95'38 56 56 379 197 182 32 23 2 147 Jhuma 49'12 62 62 351 176 175 90 92 148 Melki Kutubpur 274'21 234 234 1,403 707 696 164 152 158 168 149 Kathalsaria 62'49 81 81 390 201 189 102 86 35 35 150 Uliara 73'36 62 62 339 173 166 14 7 52 59 [ 97 1

CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKERS ~~~---~~---~------~--,--~ Houeebold Indulltry-Manu­ facturing. Proces­ Total sing. Servicing Other Workers Main Workers Agricultural and Repairing [tIr. IV, V(b) & Margillal Uterates (I-IX) Cultivators (I) Labourers (II) [V (a) J VI to IX] Workers Non-workers "...---A.----. ,----"--~ r---.A..-~ r----"-----. t""'-.A.-~ .... _-.A._ ...... r---.A.~ .... -~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

2 2 2 2 1 1 127 82 98 3 68 10 3 20 94 192 165 80 207 llS 81 86 114 40 188 272 117 83 64 24 28 19 24 17 99 134 252 131 215 61 41 3 69 54 104 4 3 220 350

1,442 982 1,321 310 136 12 536 240 121 3 528 55 40 119 1,349 2,1 to 127 87 113 55 19 2 25 46 3 66 7 1 119 169 112 65 185 39 35 2 94 35 56 2 2 202 318 143 66 204 58 55 112 57 7 30 1 203 305 191 131 187 54 59 103 54 4 21 200 280

40 28 69 28 19 44 28 6 72 141 172 118 217 73 65 1 101 72 17 34 182 274 187 144 200 68 84 1 86 66 4 26 181 327 372 170 444 139 158 I 229 138 57 396 613 129 96 134 46 62 9 64 36 8 9 2 117 237

456 293 472 136 218 2 214 130 4 2 3. 2 56 61 491 777 180 88 129 26 75 3 36 23 18 I 146 238 307 183 336 79 165 3 148 76 23 4 279 503 81 60 91 30 47 1 34 24 10 5 60 149 206 106 211 39 114 3 77 33 20 3 196 323

312 179 415 159 144 8 231 149 6 34 2 14 350 595 57 20 64 39 14 1 49 38 41 63 123 67 204 89 56 3 134 86 3 11 210 304 94 55 119 63 24 3 69 53 26 7 106 18J 161 107 170 52 112 16 50 35 8 127 240

138 109 86 15 43 2 24 1; 2 l7 111 167 77 33 80 34 30 47 34 2 1 96 141 355 250 356 131 206 29 117 96 2 42 4 342 564 91 63 119 55 29 58 45 32 IO 82 134 103 S9 95 27 50 37 27 8 77 139 [ 98 ]


Location Area of Code Moun Numberi.ll. (Village) In No. of Total Populatiotl J,L,No, Hectares and Occupied (including Institutional and Scheduled Scheduled of Mou~a Nuttle of Mou:r.a (VilIage)/ of Town/ Residcn- No. 01 HOllsetess Population) Castes Tribes (Vlllages)1 'i'own/Ward (in absence of Ward in tiat House- r---'---.JI..,._'_"'__~ r""1 --. Ir--.A~ Ward No. name repeat Ward No.) KMs Houses holds p .M }-' M F 1\1 F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

5 P. S. Dhaniakhali-contd.

151 Itachona 80'48 121 121 603 299 304 3 4 202 206 152 Alipur 58'36 39 39 213 105 108 11 16 45 33 153 Bhastara 406'32 591 592 3,256 1,658 1,598 371 374 344 368 154 Dumro 69'04 74 74 430 214 216 6 17 85 72 155 Dutfa 51'70 52 52 268 113 135 3 4

156 Pacbhra 50'70 38 38 229 122 107 157 Kansaripur 110'76 159 159 865 434 431 99 96 45 61 158 Cheragram 395'88 511 511 2,741 J ,406 1,335 315 334 22!; 216 159 Bathangaria 65'64 122 122 634 322 312 124 102 160 Saturia 119'48 86 86 470 233 237 J05 122 57 59 161 Barakhanpur 147'57 93 93 558 296 262 141 134 6 5 162 Majinan 124'40 155 155 799 414 385 154 129 80 82 163 Horegari 50'33 68 68 369 197 172 39 31 84 78 164 Balagari 47'76 54 54 348 174 174 36 42 9 11 165 Gopalpur 238'92 163 163 1,008 533 475 130 109 121 110 166 Durgapur 1-77'03 175 176 1,008 522 486 120 III 227 214 167 Kantagaria J01'18 31 31 204 102 102 168 Purbba Narayanpur %'74 74 74 439 233 206 91 81 60 55 169 Uttar Basudebpur 89'39 65 65 391 194 197 .. .. 170 Bhabanipur 74'21 75 75 518 266 252 110 110 171 Deluara 110'73 129 129 720 356 364 117 124 64 56 172 Kbajurdaha 279'14 283 283 1,618 849 769 426 336 165 169 173 Sibpur 102'44 75 75 410 213 197 39 46 107 87 174 Kanajuli 221'47 192 192 1,193 605 588 132 124 143 151 175 Radhaballabhpur 105'85 95 95 614 315 299 5 5 3 3 176 Manikpur 85'51 95 95 573 288 285 50 46 66 73 177 Jot Harananda 43'07 40 40 217 100 117 17 19 14 21 178 Gobarara 91'76 116 116 687 371 316 82 60 53 66 179 Sarbanaodapur 67'91 49 50 238 129 109 34 22 32 25 180 Uttar MoaaIpur 72'99 91 93 444 225 219 151 153 'f ( 99 ]

CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WOR.KERS r------,-----,--~~~~----~---- Household Induatr1- Manu­ facturing. Froces- Total !ling, Servicing, Other Workers Main Workers Agricultural and Repairing [III, IV, V(b) & Marginal Literates (I-IX) Cultivators (I) Labourers (II) [ V (a) ] VI to IX] Workers Non-workers r--"-----. r---'-~ r---'--"'"'l r---'-----. r-.A.----. r--.A.----. r-.A.--.." r---'-----. 14 F 11{ F M F 14 F M F M F 11{ P M P 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ,24 25 26 27 28

88 36 179 124 66 22 108 102 5 120 180 44 26 51 2:\ 6 32 22 12 54 85 828 476 891 279 178 17 409 245 23 281 17 411 20 719 1,299 93 67 112 58 35 63 57 3 II I 102 158 54 44 71 12 40 2 30 JO 62 123

91 54 61 45 11 4 I 60 107 222 155 231 71 87 8 87 59 57 4 7 2 196 358 686 404 746 274 241 12 383 254 9 113 8 9 6 651 ] ,055 155 101 198 52 74 8 120 44 3 124 260 69 35 146 91 Hi 127 91 3 2 85 146

102 40 151 68 65 7 71 61 ]5 145 194 192 110 236 95 79 3 114 92 43 178 290 83 53 114 53 48 60 52 6 83 119 101 50 107 25 68 27 25 ]2 67 149 270 120 279 65 120 4 121 61 6 32 254 410

262 120 273 118 134 52 94 65 3 42 2 249 366 60 43 46 I 24 to 12 56 101 111 58 120 44 28 74 44 18 113 162 74 47 95 49 33 59 48 3 99 148 132 66 156 71 74 11 110 252

177 132 238 127 79 149 ]27 10 ]18 237 376 201 505 251 131 9 322 241 2 50 20 91 324 427 73 35 127 35 57 2 63 33 7 86 162 300 170 280 93 138 ]2 99 80 42 25 23 300 472 239 157 155 5 98 48 5 9 160 294

98 66 144 53 46 86 47 2 2 10 3 3 4 141 228 44 33 54 25 27 23 22 3 3 46 92 224 97 168 50 74 81 50 13 202 266 68 30 63 28 27 1 28 '1", 8 66 81 76 29 107 15 21 1 78 74 .. 8 •• 2 ., 116 144 [ 100 J


Loeation Area of Code Mouza Number i.e. (Village) in No. of Total Population J.L, No. Hectares and Occupied (including Institutional and SCheduled Scheduled of Moum Name of Mouza (Village)/ of 'fown/ Residen- No. of Bouseless of Population) Castes Tribes (Village)/ Town/Ward (in absence of Wardm till! House- r--A.------, r-..A.~ r---.A-~ Ward No. name repeat Ward No. ) KMa Houses holds P M F M F M F' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 g 9 ]0 11 12

5 p. S. Dhaniakkall-cootd, 181 Sibaichandi 64'90 111 111 564 284 280 no 112 81 92 182 Rameswarbati 183'48 297 297 1,579 799 780 367 311 152 154 183 Muidipur 139'60 140 141 1,009 543 466 73 69 ]45 130 184 Bhagabanpur 135'09 177 177 1,014 518 496 61 59 124 114 185 Mrejanagar 200'79 379 379 2,266 1,1'91 1,075 393 319 74 78

186 Brahanpara 55'41 128 128 684 344 340 21 26 91 88 ]87 Talbona 133'30 199 199 1,090 566 524 144 118 163 181 188 MaIlikpur 119' 59 156 168 958 492 466 126 123 130 124 189 Rudraoi 205'37 319 321 1,691 889 802 272 204 238 264 190 Belmuri 171'19 336 336 1,898 993 905 291 226 174 162

191 Bahadurpur 52'91 137 142 712 385 327 158 139 21 21 192 Chhota Khanpur 51'85 140 140 653 379 274 26 25 31 22 193 Noapara 109'87 133 j33 767 385 382 ]89 132 194 Ramchandrapur 55'55 89 89 584 298 286 6 7 5 9 195 Podpara 54'40 43 43 350 182 168 59 57

196 Akilpur 56'19 109 109 579 305 274 57 48 105 109 197 Kanuibanka 182'14 225 228 1,238 641 597 172 124 214 193 198 oauripur 91'20 76 76 448 246 202 33 22 75 68 199 Bagnan 134'28 277 277 1,274 685 589 225 192 31 31 200 Parameswarpur 56'26 39 39 344 174 170 15 11 7 2

201 Hariharpur 54'11 97 97 547 281 266 14 9 87 89 202 Dakshin Malikapur 44'46 52 52 291 160 131 119 94 .. • • 203 Dhantikari 66'02 38 38 307 163 144 23 21 41 39 204 Gangarampur 118'32 140 140 802 392 410 59 63 9 23 205 Chelua 145'69 272 272 1,489 759 730 292 232 14 10

206 Sandhanpur 75'17 38 38 228 125 103 63 53 207 Dakshin Basudebpur 47'05 26 26 158 82 76 10 4 .. • • 208 Purandarpur 114'41 76 76 439 223 216 135 125 209 Nakirapara 58'70 66 68 418 205 213 41 60 •• ZlO lot Mahes 73'25 67 67 369 185 184 78 80 8 9 [ 101 ]


r ______...... -._...... -_-...-.A..___ ._-- -- ~ Household Industry-Manu· factUIin~, Procel- Total sing, Servicing, Other Worken Main Workers Agricultural and Repairing [III, IV, V(b) It Marginal Literates (I-IX) Cultivators (I) Labourers (II) ( V (a) ] VI to IX] Workers Non-workers ,----"-____ ,-__....----.. r-_.....----. ,__"'---., ,-__....----, ,---A._---. .-~ r----.J...---"'I M F M PM F M F M F M F M F M P 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ~ U 27 ~

143 75 152 52 45 76 49 30 3 2 132 226 333 216 463 209 116 12 258 192 to 79 5 336 571 306 160 315 79 169 116 78 1 29 228 387 281 176 294 115 46 127 105 39 8 82 1 3 223 318 757 445 597 121 146 202 118 101 2 148 16 4 578 950

224 139 197 ]08 52 9 100 92 4S 7 147 232 286 171 273 87 51 154 85 68 2 2 291 437 257 156 239 96 81 3 94 90 .5 59 3 3 17 250 353 376 175 446 204 116 4 210 200 5 115 1 4 442 594 608 432 460 204 61 197 186 3 2 199 16 533 701

196 III 193 11 2 69 9 122 2 192 316 136 38 206 11 52 32 11 2 120 3 173 260 356 186 121 161 26 82 66 25 13 224 198 159 145 32 74 3 43 29 28 153 254 131 96 87 2 53 22 I 12 95 166 158 73 153 77 60 13 75 64 18 7 145 ]97 412 197 315 155 55 2 168 147 91 6 326 442 121 65 45 30 4 33 30 8 2 199 172 539 284 306 17 69 114 5 123 11 379 572 103 63 101 25 49 45 25 7 73 145 211 151 76 153 55 59 4 85 50 9 128 80 109 55 21 80 22 10 58 22 2 10 88 125 94 38 75 19 29 32 19 2 12 363 226 116 216 47 127 72 47 1 16 176 382 659 444 225 377 71 167 142 69 68 2 .. 56 103 74 25 69 14 48 7 38 66 31 21 44 10 13 25 10 6 5 113 177 65 32 105 38 30 2 51 35 24 1 90 193 139 83 115 20 54 1 32 11 29 fl 68 130 71 ;W 117 54 50 5 59 47 2 1 6 [ 102 J


Location Area of Code 'Mouza Number i.6. (Village) in No. of Total pmulation J. t. No. Hectares and Occupied (including Ins tutlonal and Scheduled Scheduled of Mouza Name of MouZil (Village)1 of Town! Residen- No. of Houseleas Population) Castes Tribes r---__.A.--____ r---"-__-. ,...---"-~ (Villag~ Town/Ward (in absence of Ward in tia,l House- Ward o. name repeat Ward No.) KMI Houses holds P M F 14 F M F 1 .." 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 5 p, S. Dhanlakhall-concld. 211 Purba Kcsabpur 68'42 84 89 464 247 217 87 68 17 15 212 Bajitpur ]56'05 164 164 957 480 477 76 69 77 88 213 Porabazar 98'04 228 233 1,239 641 598 238 229 214 Nalitajo\ 136'94 229 229 1,259 656 603 169 165 \7 9 Total 275'0 37,226 37,507 215,080 110,551 104,529 31,641 30,313 13,640 13,546 (Entirely rural) ( 103 I

CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKERS ,...- .... ,------~,------.------~Household IndustJy-Manu­ facturing, Proces- Total ling, Servicing, Other Workers Main Workers Agrleultural and Repairing [III, IV, V(b) & Marginal Literates (I-IX) CuItivators (l) I.abourers (II) [ V (a) J VI to IX] Workers Non-worker! ,..-""'_---. ,----.A._---. r---.A.--.., ,.._--.A.--.., ,----A._-.., ,...--'---... ,-----"---, ,-__....~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F J3 14 15 16 J7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

116 62 126 49 32 4 72 45 22 121 168 279 [82 245 65 106 4 97 60 1 41 1 235 412 303 185 318 96 88 128 85 2 100 11 4 4 319 498 246 153 337 69 194 24 97 45 46 319 534 56,478 33,330 56,827 16,791 19,974 758 24,382 15,155 1,871 138 10,600 740 729 822 52,995 86,916 ( 104 ]


6 P. S. P"tldulJ

Population Population 51. J.t. r-- . ~ 81. J. L. ,.. No. Name of Villagea No. lWn 1981 No. Nll.meofVUlagu No. 1971 1981 2 3 4 2 3 4

1 Abira 136 357 479 25 Bhaira 102 1,009 1,415 2 Acharpara 142 196 213 26 Bbitasin 48 1,562 1,816 3 Aima 79 426 53'7 27 Bhanpur 12 1,515 1,706 4 Aima 84 1,025 1,082 28 Bhotgram 40 300 429 5 Alasin 80 143 163 29 Bhuinpara 83 745 844 6 Amanmauri 13 922 1,102 30 Bhunimoban 19 565 718 7 Anchgari 146 690 808 31 BHsara 69 1,849 2,002 8 Asua 145 311 367 32 Boragari 4 1,071 1,324 9 Atkula 59 312 330 33 Cbahaka 90 297 422 10 Atti 50 731 865 34 Chaklai 149 730 804 35 Chand pur 75 660 680 11 Bagmaidan 109 569 706 36 Chandrahati 113 859 1,030 12 Baikunthapur 144 161 253 37 Champahati 52 1,849 2,561 13 Bainchi 20 6,229 7,695 38 Chapta 138 1,429 1,692 14 Balarampur ' 143 :277 338 39 Chaubera 21 1,312 1,383 15 Ballaldighi 22 583 744 40 Chautpur 49 80 129 16 Bara Sarasa 125 1,708 1,848 41 Chetua 11 246 291 17 Bargram 68 474 587 42 Chhota Sarasa 121 1,676 1,936 18 Basudebpur 62 552 542 43 China 60 263 474 19 7 3,859 4,238 157 324 438 20 Bejpara 153 389 473 44 Dakahln Dasciarun 76 544 615 21 BeluD 99 2,044 2,215 45 Danpur 66 447 516 22 Benedanga 128 214 282 46 DantslI 78 1,256 1,230 23 Berela 6 1,968 3,118 47 Oaspur 24 Berni 133 935 1,025 48 Daulatpur 106 222 255 ( ioS' ]


6 P. S, Pe&ndlUl-contd.

Population Population Sl. J. L. r:----..A..-----.. 81. J.L. ,... No Name of Villages No. 11171 lll81 No. Name of Villages No. 1971 1981 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 . 49 Deluagachhi 118 510 594 73 Jayer 93 1 ,3~9 l,907

50 Depara 141 1,268 11 661 74 Kalishanda 112 665 826 51 Dhamasin 115 774 940 75 Kalyanpur 91 312 610 52 Digha 88 1,129 1,256 76 Kamtai 95 1,162 1,428 53 Dwarbasini 89 3,594 3,677 77 Kantagar tl2 581 426

54 Gahami 19 758 945 78 Kanur 33 536 750 55 Gangoal 56 1,001 1,356 79 Kesabbati 77 415 540 56 Gazinadaspur 150 1,533 1,623 80 Khanyan 129 3,589 5,676 57 Goara 53 652 914 81 Kochmali 5 768 901 58 Golagari 134 703 905 82 Kshirkundi 101 695 874 59 Gopalnagar 81 1,768 2,365 83 Kulipukur 103 577 688 60 Gurjala 127 460 497 84 Kulupukburia 65 793 1,017 61 Gutra 30 209 279 85 Magura 29 1,109 1,449 62 Haral 71 2,823 3,399 86 Mabadebpur 42 807 1,092

63 Haridaspur 137 621 787 87 ~abanad Bejpara 119 838 J, 144 64 Hatni 63 1,089 1,208 88 Mairari 92 349 426

65 Hazipur 260 355 89 ~akbaldi 126 1,166 1,381

90 ~allikpur 150 288 66 I1ampur 44 1,046 1,393 91 Mandaran 122 1,224 1,409 67 lIchhoba 140 2,763 3,049 92 Mandlai 37 2,075 2,810 68 Incbhura 14 1,009 1,093 93 ~arsit 100 972 901 69 Itacbuna 124 1,011 1,163 94 Matukpur 105 822 1,123 70 Jamgram 36 1,969 2,085 95 Muktikri 147 427 540 71 Jamna 17 901 1,093 96 Mulati 130 924 1,145 72 Jangalpur 139 216 209 97 Mularam 15 447 584 [ 106 1


n P. S.P4,.aW~td.

Population Population SI. J. L. , ... , SI. J. L , UlIII" .... No. Name of Villages No. 1971 Hl81 No. Name of Villages No. 1971 1981 2 3 4 2 3 4

98 Nagardanga 34 337 389 122 Radhanagar 155 851 1,124 99 104 2,191 2,744 123 Rameswarpur 87 2,403 3,069 100 Nandigram 74 1,115 1,266 124 Ramnagar 57 1,107 1,200 101 Naopara 25 1,022 J,274 125 Ranagari 46 • * 102 Napara 148 122 152 126 Rangarpatra 47 1,817 2,039 103 Narikelaaura 86 605 737 127 Roana 117 497 538 104 Nesraguri 111 52 82 128 Rudrashanda 116 555 662 105 Nial 24 810 1,008 129 Rukmini 38 711 859 106 Niala 132 1,390 1,741 94 825 916 107 Nunia 61 275 654 130 Sachitara 131 Sadbat 10 150 182 lOS Paikara 120 535 587 132 Saibana 1JO 132 200 109 Paikpara 97 360 477 133 Sandua 28 595 730 64 568 794 110 Paira 134 Sankpur 123 695 626 111 Pakri 158 1,435 1,753 135 Sarai 39 2,309 2,660 112 Pancbdeuli 151 192 241 136 Sarbamangala 73 289 368 113 Panchaara 26 1,364 1,433 137 Sargaria 23 435 524 114 Pancbpara 114 518 677 138 Sialgari 70 579 712 115 Pandull lOIS *. •• 139 Sibpur 96 118 170 116 Panpa 31 212 271 140 Sibrai 156 600 686 117 Panpare 3 547 701 141 Sikhira 152 563 682 118 Piragtam 16 784 858 142 [email protected] 51 817 964

119 pontba 55 2,067 ~,439 143 Sonaragari 35 995 1,173

120 85 1, 752 2~096 144 Sonatikri 72 692 879 121 Puruthottampur 43 1,425 2,067 145 Srinapr 98 1,103 1,257 [ 107 I


6 P. S. P.tI4uG-Concld. Population Population ,- ._..._~ ,-_...Je SI. J. L. Sl. J. L. • ==-*"'"\ No. 1971 1168 No. Name of VUlagea No. 1971 1381 No. Nante of Villages 3 4 2 3 4 2 67 373 467 146 SripaJa 107 277 346 153 Tarajol 41 1,040 1,673 147 Sripur 2 1,169 J ,349 154 Thaipara 45 1,880 2,898 )48 Srirambati 32 411 598 155 Tinna 27 J ,465 1,609 149 Syamsundarpur 131 876 44 156 Torgram 154 30 32 150 Tailkopa 9 730 935 157 Uttar Dasdarum 158 Uttarkhanda 54 517 580 151 Talbona 58 1,325 1,520 Total (Rural) 158,'04 177,199 152 Tanba 135 663 980 * Uninhabited •• Included in Pandua (NM) , 108 J


Lo«:ation Area of Code Mouza Number t.e. (Village) in No. of Total Population J. L. No. Hectares and Occupied (including Institutional and Scheduled Scheduled of Mouza Name of Monza (Vlllage)/ of Townl Residen- No of Houseless PopuJati on Castes Tribes (Village)1 Town Ward (in absence of Ward in tial Houses r----..A..--~ ,..---A._"-I ,.... _ __""_---, Ward No. name repeat Ward No.) KMI Houses holds P M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

6 P. S. Pandua 1 Hazipur 178'66 58 58 355 166 189 80 88 10 8 2 Sripur 486' 50 242 242 1,349 699 650 330 314 84 83 3 Panpara 343'55 112 116 707 379 328 108 79 61 60 4 Bora Gari 466'74 256 256 1,324 669 655 154 138 }49 156 5 Konchonali 449'31 168 168 901 460 441 134 135 146 ]38

6 Berala 1,604'43 540 540 3,1]8 1,596 1,522 673 60S 269 294 7 Basika 564'74 865 865 4,238 2,310 1,928 431 396 8 7 8 Mallikpur 103'66 55 56 288 144 144 86 86 28 25 9 Tailkopa 414'49 165 165 935 483 452 113 80 95 92 10 Sadhat 160'35 41 41 182 82 100 34 45 23 33

11 Chetua 173'02 45 45 291 151 140 14 11 35 31 lr2 Bhonpur 728'72 309 309 1,706 873 833 370 388 152 139 13 Aman Mauri 403'78 205 205 1,102 555 547 133 113 114 115 14 Inchhura 531'01 202 202 1,093 553 540 150 143 77 81 15 Mulgram 203'26 105 105 584 305 279 43 38 74 62 16 Piragram 340'98 134 134 858 439 419 . 93 74 158 172 17 Jamna 318'45 184 184 1,093 587 506 147 135 105 107 18 Gahami 570'51 177 177 945 483 462 160 142 80 71 19 Bhuin Mohon 2AO'35 140 140 718 380 338 44 34 20 Bainchi 1,053'00 1,420 1,425 7,695 3,936 3,759 870 882 826 816

21 Chan Bera 1,379'95 259 259 1,383 726 657 263 246 180 185 22 Ballal DiShi 281'84 130 137 744 364 380 20 26 135 126 23 Sargaria 290'55 78 78 524 272 252 153 124 44 54 24 Nial 304'40 140 148 1,008 497 511 200 230 53 58 25 Naopara 252'65 212 219 1,274 639 635 99 93 105 109

26 Panchgara 491'93 206 224 1,433 751 682 299 281 27 Torgram 640'94 256 281 1,609 791 818 90 112 133 130 28 Sandua 312'09 109 109 730 368 362 27 19 5 3 29 Magura 834'81 233 255 1,449 756 693 222 212 98 89 30 Gutra 409'64 53 53 279 139 140 39 50 93 81 ( 109 )

CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKERS r------~------~ Household Industry- Manu­ facturing. Proces~ Total sing. Servicing Other Workers Maln Workers Agricultural and Repairing [III. IV, V(b) & Marginal I.lterates (I-IX) Cultivators (T) Labourers (II) (v (a) ) VI to IX) Workers Non-workers r--.A.----"\ r---"-----.. r---"-----, ,---"--_.., ,----"---.. ,----A.~ r~ ,---"----.. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

76 50 95 21 11 57 20 .. 27 71 168 287 170 342 132 117 -10 186 122 33 3 357 515 242 133 183 82 64 10 65 70 18 36 2 196 246 331 225 299 179 57 163 169 6 73 9 370 476 199 99 237 123 77 37 108 86 52 223 318

688 367 819 359 219 9 462 342 3 135 8 777 1,163 1,402 936 1,208 124 182 3 320 97 21 685 24 1,102 1,804 27 8 81 67 3 75 67 3 63 77 232 139 238 89 82 J19 85 37 3 245 363 29 17 40 39 38 39 2 42 61

93 67 75 18 30 22 18 23 75 121 349 224 419 210 124 11 207 196 2 86 3 454 623 244 165 250 102 94 16 104 85 7 45 50 42 255 403 326 240 257 70.. 64 6 J21 61 10 62 3 296 470 87 37 166 44 67 90 43 9 139 235

170 106 245 99 38 160 98 1 46 1 194 319 333 197 278 57 84 4 100 49 7 87 3 16 4 293 445 182 108 239 95 61 4 140 90 2 36 244 367 210 152 195 18 83 1 84 17 28 185 320 2,009 1,411 1,973 788 366 15 923 718 49 2 635 53 5 1,958 2,971

165 57 373 190 140 38 211 152 I 21 353 467 201 133 179 81 69 2 88 79 9 13 107 185 192 145 85 139 122 17 133 252 230 138 250 130 84 148 127 18 3 247 381 399 255 285 64 117 115 60 33 4 20 354 571

478 305 331 53 121 4 92 44 118 4 67 146 353 483 373 285 441 109 206 3 208 106 26 350 708 252 136 190 6 171 19 6 178 356 344 156 375 67 237 127 67 II 381 625 30 11 89 60 5 84 60 50 80 1 110 J


Location Area of Code Houze. Number (I. Village) in No. of Total Population J. L. No. Hectares aud Occupied (including Institutional and Scheduled Scheduled of 14ou2.3 Name of Mouza (ViUage)/ oi TownJ Residen- No, of Houseless Population) Castes Tribes (Village)1 Town/Ward (in absence of Ward in tisl House- r-----....A.-- r---.A.--, r- .. ' - \ Ward No. name repeat Ward No.) Kml Houses holds P M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

6 P. S. Pandua-contd. 31 Panpa 171' 32 47 47 271 . 140 131 6 8 35 30 32 Sri Rambati 175'48 113 113 598 300 298 187 186 34 34 33 Kanur 224'90 126 126 750 394 356 7 4 91 85 34 Nagar Danga 248'57 65 65 389 186 203 28 34 17 ]5 35 Somra Gari 341'97 169 169 1,173 605 568 213 210 66 56

36 Jamgram 618'41 407 407 2,085 1,089 996 336 310 171 171 37 Mandalai 1,138'52 518 52] 2,810 1,410 J,400 485 477 370 377 38 Rukmini 289'93 170 170 859 447 412 107 104 150 149 39 Sarai 708'25 468 468 2,660 1,385 1,275 278 257 ]41 137 40 Bhotgram 160' 54 71 71 429 220 209 44 46 58 6S

41 Thaipara 589'90 285 30t 1,673 867 806 225 226 154 153 42 Mahadevpur 206'77 171 197 1,092 615 477 42 97 16 15 43 PurusoUampur 319'70 326 355 2,067 1,097 910 114 95 46 37 44 lIampur 195'68 256 256 1,393 702 691 148 135 125 127 45 Tinna 878'47 503 503 2,898 1,509 1,389 905 891 187 209

46 Ranagari 155'50 Uninhabited 47 Ranagar Patra 443'96 367 367 2,039 1,035 1,0()4 384 346 99 72 48 Bhitasin 362'70 326 326 1,816 918 898 48 41 198 191 49 Chautpuf 130'37 26 26 129 69 60 38 32 26 22 50 Atti 316'66 141 141 865 463 402 196 174 57 55

51 Simlagar 400'53 176 176 964 47S 489 109 106 100 115 52 Chanpahati 605'53 470 483 2,561 1,374 1,187 327 318 142 133 53 Goara 633'86 151 153 914 483 431 2~1 201 12 13 54 Uttar Khanda 212 '17 101 101 580 293 287 122 118 59 70 S5 Pontba 1,146'42 411 411 2,439 1,233 1,206 287 275 445 434

56 Gangoal 521'89 232 232 1,356 698 658 319 278 13 11 57 Ramnagar 377'83 203 203 1,200 588 612 123 155 96 '99 58 Talbona 578'41 279 322 1,520 782 738 273 260 98 82 59 Atkula 169'64 65 65 330 173 157 74 71 , " 60 China 130'56 76 76 474 252 222 28 24 88 79 [ 111 ]


~------~------Household Industry-Manu­ facturing. Proces- Total sing. Servicing. Other Workers Main Workers Agricultural and Repairing [Ill. IV. V(b) & lIlarginal Literates (I-IX) Cultivators (1) I,abourers (II) [V (a) 1 VI to IX) Workers Non-workers ...---A._--. r---...I..~ ...-_-A._--. ,----..A.---, ,---A.--, ...-_-A._--. ,---"--., ,--A.--""'I M F M F M F M F M F M F MIl },[ II 13 14 15 J6 17 18 1') 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

101 51 91 19 60 .. r 31 19 49 Il2 S6 25 146 61 42 10 90 50 3 11 154 237 203 116 212 61 70 134 61 8 182 295 105 74 108 18 64 3 31 15 2 11 6 72 185 26] 160 353 62 116 201 61 36 9 243 506

601 379 558 217 112 2 255 204 3 J!~8 II 531 779 582 418 628 241 60 3 369 230 7 192 8 64 12 7H~ 1,147 183 130 219 101 58 116 100 45 I 228 311 755 491 636 170 82 3 187 127 51 20 316 20 11 28 738 1,077 137 77 105 46 63 3 30 43 12 3 115 160

333 190 447 181 100 2 206 167 9 9 J 32 3 2 .420 623 313 96 263 42 5 26 15 4 2 228 24 352 435 480 220 540 79 40 I 218 71 11 271 7 9 23 548 868 250 169 346 91 78 9 176 81 7 I 85 356 600 722 388 765 229 123 550 219 11 5 81 4 3 50 741 1,110

509 395 493 172 185 3 179 166 11 JIR 3 542 832 457 342 504 213 169 3 232 207 9 94 3 414 685 26 9 37 16 10 6 17 8 10 2 32 44 222 129 238 106 97 13 107 92 2 32 6 219 296

300 210 285 109 58 2 130 105 97 2 2 189 378 719 432 668 118 93 .15 193 82 , 40 8 342 J3 15 25 691 1,044 236 151 223 62 32 145 61 46 260 369 96 54 145 92 49 89 92 2 5 148 195 507 306 614 232 219 14 303 214 6 86 4 263 619 711

316 184 343 31 1]8 159 27 65 3 34 18 321 609 297 180 302 115 144 137 113 21 286 497 423 289 420 118 194 5 163 112 3 60 3 6 359 614 77 51 88 41 32 1 50 40 6 85 116 111 83 105 12 41 51 11 13 147 210 ( 11~ ]


Location Area of Code Mouza Numberi.lJ. (Village) in No. of Total Population J. L. No. Hectares and Occupied (including Institutional and Scheduled $cheduletl of Mouza Name of MOUZd Village)! of Town! Residen- No, of Houseless }'opulation) Castes Tribes (Villages) ! Town/Wl\ld (in nbsencr of Ward In tial House- r-----'----~ r--..A.-~ ~ Ward No name repeat Ward No, KW Houses holds p M F M I~ M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

6 P. S, Pandua-contd. 61 Nunia 132' S8 145 145 654 338 316 95 98 43 41 62 Basudebpur 270'80 89 91 542 264 278 2 2 119 112 63 Hatni 756'81 209 215 1,208 631 577 214 204 186 ]80 64 Paira 398'41 150 150 . 794 384 410 91 114 96 100 65 Kulu Pakuria 390'65 205 217 1,017 503 514 109 124 92 96

66 Dantsar 328'93 103 103 516 261 255 11 11 96 98 67 Tarajol 193' 34 81 81 467 231 236 14 14 72 91 68 Bargram· 302'98 96 96 587 295 292 14 13 86 92 69 Bilsara 656'53 363 363 2,002 1,013 989 333 301 188 196 70 Sialgarj 244'78 109 109 712 373 339 152 131 59 60

71 Raral 1,636'33 635 636 3,399 1,724 1,675 427 388 296 299 72 Sonatikri 357'81 t 39 144 879 460 419 192 178 48 57 73 Sarbamangola 171 '11 62 62 368 191 177 24 16 21 24 74 Nandingram 649'04 220 220 1,266 654 612 130 141 242 243 75 Cbandpur 203'63 123 123 680 339 341 165 157 87 95

76 Danpur 185'74 104 104 615 297 318 52 53 77 Kesabbati 206'24 91 91 540 271 269 149 153 28 25 78 Daspur 525'97 221 221 1,230 618 612 247 234 127 122 79 Aima 211'59 86 86 537 262 275 72 72 80 Alasin 129'90 30 30 163 86 77 .. 20 22 81 Oopal Nagar 1,101'36 428 428 2,365\ 1,227 1,138 643 617 200 205 82 Kantagar 189'95 78 78 426 216 210 '94 70 83 Bhuinpara 580'96 158 158 844 428 416 88 94 83 82 84 Aima Nababpur 280'73 2IS 216 1,082 561 521 291 273 11 11 85 Prasadpur 908'79 399 399 2,096 1,039 1,057 298 286 167 186

86 Narikelsanra 184'77 106 106 737 384 353 152 127 1 1 87 Rameswarpur 1,569'16 556 556 3,069 1,553 1,516 447 466 387 423 88 Digha 568'59 215 217 1,256 619 637 226 217 48 51 89 Dwarbasinl 1,614'39 678 679 3,677 1,873 1,804 772 762 139 154 90 Chahaka 177'37 61 61 422 207 215 61 53 32 32 ( 113 j

CENStJS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKERS ~ ______----A------~ Household Industry-Manu­ facturing, Proces- Total sing, ServIcing, OUler Worker$ Main Workers Agricultural and Repairing [III. IV, V(b) & Marginal Literates (I-!X) Cultivators (I) Labourers (II) [V (a) J VI to IX] Workers Non-workers r--.A.----, ,...._-.A._--.. ,---A_--., ,....--A_--. ,...._-.A._-., ,-----"---., ,----"---, r---"---., M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

174 80 182 88 31 110 87 41 156 228 120 76 132 66 41 3 61 63 10 20 132 212 234 134 299 179 59 202 176 38 3 I 332 397 3 4 181 327 119 90 200 79 61 103 76 14 22 2 33 9 281 226 163 252 23J 84 85 135 139 251

135 105 140 59 44 64 58 2 30 121 196 115 77 117 43 41 68 43 8 114 193 116 134 107 43 169 62 80 5 86 57 3 10 96 420 298 502 256 159 18 276 237 3 64 1 58 140 453 593 188 101 204 80 115 5 54 33 35 42 1()9 259

750 447 811 320 184 11 435 258 17 36 175 15 913 1,354 174 88 257 74 88 1 134 73 35 203 345 114 65 82 15 47 25 15 1 9 109 162 190 175 311 103 96 171 101 3 41 2 2 4 341 505 127 61 180 102 39 122 99 6 13 3 159 239

183 150 148 2 113 2 18 17 1 6 148 310 96 34 141 37 66 1 58 36 17 5 24 125 208 260 177 311 118 86 5 173 110 4 48 3 306 494 141 99 118 37 95 7 18 30 5 144 238 47 26 36 8 23 12 8 50 69

484 260 417 200 117 4 249 194 1 50 2 138 108 672 830 113 72 120 13 63 48 13 2 7 96 197 177 110 214 125 85 25 104 96 25 3 4 5 210 286 257 416 240 143 262 104 72 lJ9 98 70 6 42 1 64 59 545 815 492 344 430 183 173 34 199 14E 11 47 188 280 175 125 196 73 83 2 88 71 3 22 777 1,178 653 373 776 338 245 17 395 310 9 127 2 259 547 295 180 360 89 164~ 1166 S7 3 27 887 1,407 929 582 964 279 299 34 449 233 24 192 12 22 118 106 158 79 49 98 22 34 41 21 11 12 3 35 t 114 1


Location Area of Code Mouza Number i.lt. (Village) in No. of Total Population J. L, No, Iiectares and Occupied (including Instituti onal and Scheduled Scheduled of Mouza N.llue of Muuzd (Village)! of Town! Residen- No. of Hou!ieless Population Castes Tribes ,.. ____-.A. ___ ~ r---.A.-~ r- (Village)! Tuwu/Ward (in absence of Ward in tial Houoc- Ward No. name'repeat Ward :1\0.) Km2 House, holds p M F :;vI F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

6 P. S. Pandua-contd. 91 Kalyanpur 189'08, 100 100 610 321 289 155 142 34 29 92 Mairari 217'68 66 66 426 226 200 69 64 93 Jayer 627'86 343 343 1,907 1,002 905 453 407 12 15 94 Sachi Tara 668'67 163 163 916 471 445 254 243 36 30 95 Kamtai 231'69 241 241 1,42!.i 713 715 311 335

96 Sibpur 294'92 28 28 170 85 155 3 2 97 Paikpara 295'79 81 ~Q 477 251 226 171 158 98 Srinagar 400'37 227 227 J ,257 643 614 278 279 99 Belur 829'90 392 392 2,215 J,134 1,081 615 546 55 64 100 Marsit 509'10 161 161 901 464 437 145 137 76 76

101 KishirKunJi 246'77 127 144 874 467 407 117 107 17 14 102 Bhaira 511'84 263 263 1,415 724 691 123 125 151 150 103 Kalipukur 244'99 113 113 68S 359 329 II 11 104 Namajgram 301'55 477 477 2,744 1,396 1,348 204 218 60 71 105 Matukpur 379'37 189 189 1,123 571 552 143 134 96 94

106 Daulatpur 116'25 41 41 255 143 112 24 28 45 48 107 Sripa1a 226'76 45 45 346 171 175 24 29 108 Pandua Included in Pandua (NM) 109 Bagmaidan 168'07 135 135 706 366 340 29 32 158 160 110 Saiabna 143'92 31 31 200 114 86

III Nesraguri 144'85 13 18 82 41 41 24 21 3 5 112 Kalishanda 291'27 146 146 826 435 391 S3 84 31 31 113 Chaodrahali 455'36 172 182 1,030 548 482 158 134 192 191 114 P.mch para 196'92 120 120 677 362 315 159 143 59 58 115 Dhamasin 366'55 136 136 940 481 459 230 199 33 26

116 Rudrasbanda 221 '88 95 95 662 340 322 83 89 25 29 _ 117 Rosna 394'77 109 109 538 275 263 92 86 43 45 118 Dalua Gachhi 20S'90 112 112 594 303 291 53 55 69 69 ])9 Bejpara 581'01 212 212 1,144 585 559 268 271 22 27 120 Paikara 398'30 112 112 587 303 284 99 84 71 70 [ 115 )


HOltsehold Iudustry-Manu­ facturing. Proces­ Total sing. Servicing. Other Workers Main Worker~ Agricultural and Repairing (TIl. IV. V(b) & Marginal Litera~s (I_IX) C\lltivl1tor~ (I) I.abourers (IT) [ V (a) ] VI to IX) Workers Non-workers ,---A_--. r---A---. r----.A.--, r----"----. ,_-A.._--. r--.A..---, r---.A..---. ,_-A._--, M F M I~ M F M F M F M F M P M F 13 J 4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

III 58 173 40 78 87 36 2 6 3 21 46 127 ::!01 135 90 105 5 70 23 5 3 9 121 J9~ 438 249 ~16 190 195 1)\ 245 168 17 3 59 486 715 208 110 212 79 82 I lOS 77 25 25t) 366 363 207 360 179 152 2 " 154 175 53 3"2 536

58 36 44 38 4 2 41 85 94 37 119 60 26 87 60 6 132 166 316 219 275 23 99 136 23 40 14 61 354 530 566 390 555 201 94 10 302 181 2 157 10 2 6 577 874 212 125 220 70 89 2 91 63 2 38 5 15 8 229 359

315 169 220 19 71 39 14 IO 100 5 247 388 403 235 359 106 126 6 151 98 16 66 16 2 349 583 195 112 192 7 125 65 7 2 167 322 767 502 758 193 166 5 373 167 27 192 20 2 638 I, I S3 196 121 272 92 70 159 83 43 9 299 460

85 36 67 15 24 30 15 13 76 97 95 76 86 2 30 16 2 40 85 173

164 105 171 65 17 65 62 2 87 3 3 192 27"- 53 33 62 J Hl 31 I 13 2 50 85

25 IS 25 3 12 R 2 5 In 38 271 176 220 16 133 62 15 24 215 375 204 115 261 113 70 3 135 107 11 45 2 3 5 284 3M 37 24 231 36 7R 3 146 30 2 5 2 131 279 234 175 145 6 73 3 30 1 42 2 89 73 247 380

232 163 174 47 67 58 46 49 166 275 ]39 94 154 64 48 79 63 27 121 199 189 148 145 55 54 63 55 28 158 236 247 128 274 48 72 1 158 44 44 3 311 511 238 192 1~7 81 ~ 30 1 2l , , 29 2 56 41 1M [ 116 )


Location Area of Code Mouza Numberi,e, (Village) in No. of Total Population J. L, No Hectares and Occupied (including Institutional and Scheduled Scheduled of :Mouza Name of Mouza (Vlllage)1 of Townl Residen· No. of Houseless Population) Castes Tribes (Villages)! Town/Ward (in absence of Ward in tial House- r----A.------, r--__"_~ r---"-~ Ward No. name repeat Ward No) K Mll Houses holds P M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

6 P. S, Pandua-contd. 121 Chhota Sarass 669'83 342 343 1,936 981 95:- 380 ,95 189 182 122 Mandaran 474'27 239 239 1,409 713 696 319 317 36 34 123 Sankpur 147'43 123 123 626 307 319 21 17 166 161 124 ltachuna 326'48 208 208 1,163 604 559 309 294 12S Bara-Sarasa 916'40 349 360 1,848 916 932 226 243 378 374

126 Makhaldi 787'66 215 215 1,381 723 658 276 245 72 74 127 Gurjala 121' 29 92 92 497 250 247 149 142 128 Bene Danga 144'45 46 46 282 140 142 32 32 129 Khanyan 572'23 812 889 5,676 2,955 2,721 713 688 560 457 130 Multi 496'26 168 178 1,145 567 578 9) 84 154 155

131 Syam Sundarpur 141 '38 8 8 44 26 18 11 12 132 Niala 851'66 255 275 1,741 889 852 127 153 64 59 133 Berni 455'82 163 173 1,025 515 510 49 52 187 179 134 Golagari 397'74 167 167 905 464 441 175 179 178 162 13S Tanba 348'12 163 175 980 512 468 228 201 39 42

136 Abira 195'21 89 91 479 255 224 56 51 80 88 137 Hari Daspur 3~O'21 140 140 7H7 381 406 152 178 92 79 138 Chapta 828'56 299 329 1,692 828 864 227 241 196 194 139 JangaJpur 110' 34 40 40 209 109 100 83 78 3 4 140 I1chhoba 1,051'52 502 532 3,049 1,561 1,488 407 410 436 355

141 Depara 916'79 276 298 1,661 819 842 312 320 159 128 142 Acharpara 113' 63 43 43 213 113 100 78 73 143 Ba1arampur 308'63 56 S6 338 164 174 1 58 56 144 Baikunthapur 96'32 55 55 253 130 123 31 29 29 35 145 Asua 290'42 58 58 367 208 159 88 52 42 4S

146 Anch Gari 316'47 147 157 808 411 397 136 150 56 61 147 Muk Tikri 209'01 91 91 540 278 262 107 105 45 44 148 Napara 127'22 20 20 152 77 75 63 66 12 7 149 Chaklai 510'90 147 147 804 401 403 85 110 111 99 150 Gazina Daspur 734'33 270 270 1,623 855 768 328 285 81 76 l 117 ]

CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKERS r------A------~ Household Industry- MBllU­ facturing. Proces- Total sing. Servicing Other Workers Main Workers Agricultural and Repairing [III. IV. V(b) & Marginal Literates (I-IX) Cultivators (I) I,nbourers (II) [ V (a) ] VI to IX] Workers Non-workers r----.J~...... - ...... , r---.A._-; r--.A.-_..., r--.A.---. r-.A.--, ,-_-.A. ______r---.A.--. r--.A.-~ 1'4 F 1'4 F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

522 307 523 176 200 5 209 167 4 110 3 3 17 455 762 408 285 366 104 141 2 123 99 102 3 347 592 165 109 155 103 11 90 82 5 49 21 152 216 444 285 285 86 53 5 127 68 2 103 13 319 473 528 314 497 270 133 13 i93 219 30 18 141 20 30 12 389 650

336 230 374 120 85 227 116 61 3 349 538 82 66 135 61 40 91 61 4 115 186 75 56 59 5 14 20 I 25 4 81 • 137 1,722 1,113 1,518 390 269 12 444 325' 81 10 724 43 48 56 1,389 2,275 234 151 291 125 93 3 178 122 20 276 453

8 18 4 2 3 5 II 2 I 6 13 336 143 453 107 248 3 194 104 II 5 17 431 728 261 154 295 97 129 143 97 :; 18 220 413 131 75 241 132 102 J 18 131 1 20 223 309 234 126 237 54 53 2 ~5 51 5 94 274 413

136 70 112 56 40 6 50 49 22 8 6 135 162 150 109 217 140 53 134 139 4 26 164 266 381 243 429 311 144 63 233 242 51 6 I 398 553 48 28 49 22 24 3 21 19 4 I 59 78 876 559 734 302 154 22 388 267 4 188 12 7 3 820 1,183

327 208 442 194 154 237 188 2 49 6 11 366 648 43 15 53 47 7 40 47 6 12 60 41 65 51 90 54 33 8 57 46 74 120 48 15 11 4 6 4 2 3 60 37 59 82 131 45 114 28 13 92 28 9 93 131

195 95 214 103 114 28 84 75 16 197 294 161 98 143 42 57 55 40 19 2 12 135 220 42 21 39 5 21 18 5 37 69 158 102 225 90 90 120 89 15 3 173 313 401 ~58 460 83 83 279 71 4 94 10 8 5 387 680 [ 118 ]


~tlon A.rea of Code Mouu Number i.~. (Village) in No. of Total Population J. 1.. No. Hectares and Occupied (including Institutional ano Scheduled Scheduled of Mouza Name of Mouzi (Village)! of Town! Residen- No. of H:ouseless of population) Castes Tribes (Village) I 'l'ownIWard (in absence of Ward in Ual House- ,-----.A.-----'""I ,_..1<..----. (""'--"----"""'I Ward No. name repeat Ward No.) KMI Houses holds P M F 1\1 F M -¥ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

6 P. S. Pandua-concld.

151 Panch deuli 132'63 39 39 241 128 113 55 40 7 ~ 152 Sjkhiri 172 '80 115 115 682 3)9 343 152 152 - 80 88 153 Bejpara 197'64 84 84 473 252 221 104 X3 154 Uttar Daspur 244'31 5 5 32 10 22 10 22 155 Radha Nagar 561 . 35 191 191 1,124 590 534 163 132 56 50

156 Slbrai 408'94 120 120 686 340 346 IS 14 113 122 157 Dakshin 89'23 81 81 438 231 207 65 51 72 73 158 Pakri 581 -OS 300 3eD J,753 925 828 337 294 339 322 Pandua (NM) 3'75 3,128 3,143 17,263 9,005 8,258 819 773 451 449 Rural 282'7 30,941 31,468 177,199 90,918 86,281 27,130 26,06815,03614,823 Urban 3'8 3,128 3,143 17,263 . 9,005 8,258 819 773 451 449 ('rand Total 286'5 34,069 34,.611 194,462 99,923 94,539 27,949 26,84.1 15,487 ]5,272 l 119 J


,._~ ______MAIN -A WORKERS______

Household Industry-Manu­ facturing, Proces­ Total sing, Servicing, Other Workers Main Workers Agricultural and Repairing [III, IV, V(b) & l\'lar~lUnl Literates (I-IX) Cultivators (1) Labourers (TI) [ \' (a) ] VI to IX] Workers Nou-workcr~ ,---"----, ,---"-----, ,---"----., ,-.A._--, ,_--"-_--, ,.----"----, ,---"----; r-J-.----, M P M F M P 1\1 P M F M F M "'F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

44 23 68 31 20 43 31 5 60 82 136 92 209 107 76 3 ]07 102 g 18 2 129 236 135 70 122 41 54 62 41 1 5 130 180 6 5 7 2 2 3 5 5 IS 255 109 303 50 ]07 2 140 46 56 2 287 4g3

169 90 132 38 46 62 37 23 40 48 168 260 107 44 104 10 54 ..') 38 7 J J 12 38 ) 15 159 432 185 443 110 105 20 260 89 78 482 7111 5,245 3,633 4,203 604 211 J 1 838 381 134 45 3,020 167 20 9 4,782 7,645 43,574 26,967 45,243 15,365 13,605 812 21,215 13,855 755 137 9,668 561 I, 111I 1)142 44,557 69,074 5,245 3,633 4,203 604 211 11 838 381 134 45 3,020 167 20 9 4,782 7,645 1,8,819 30,60() 49,H() 1;;,9';1) 13,816 82:~ 22,0:;3 14,236 88 1J 182 12,688 7211 J ,13" l,aiil 49,339 76,71 1) [ 120 ]


7 P. S. Balagarh

,-_J...Population__ .... Population SI. J. L. SI. J. L. f "'--~ No. Name of Village. No. 1971 1981 No. N arne of Villages No. 1971 1981 1 2 3 4 2 3 4

1 Abdulpur 18 1,392 1,663 36 Char Noapara 137 * • 2 Ahmadpur 88 281 601 37 Char Rampur 14 738 116 3 Aidakismat 6 2,209 2,720 38 Char Sultanpur 1 272 238 4 Alisagaria 29 225 232 39 Char Sundalpur 17 616 653 5 Arazi Aschilpur 121 * 2 40 Chherachar Krishnabati 11 200 218 6 Arazi Bhabanipur 104 391 367 41 Chhota Nekua 27 373 394 Arazi Guptapara 7 697 866 7 42 Dadpur 122 681 814 89 450 590 8 Asanpur 43 D,lbar Tiornai 65 145 170 123 849 1,093 9 Aschitpur 44 Dahia 62 272 322 45 Dakshin Gopalpur 128 3,081 4,413 10 Babla 71 379 440 46 Debipur 42 139 157 11 Badhagachhi 3 2,690 3,698 47 Demargachha 52 996 1,241 12 Baga 81 1,185 1,437 48 Dhakchhara 82 1,339 1,690 13 Bakasagari 92 740 895 49 Dhopapara 50 1,009 494 14 Bakulia 26 888 874 50 Digra 21 577 701 15 Balagar 105 1,306 1,579 51 Dumurdaha 124 2,747 3,425 16 Baligari 38 474 590 52 Durllabhpur 140 205 294 17 Baneswarpur 114 556 655 53 Dwarpara 68 J ,494 1,778 18 Bankipur 36 1,260 1,663 19 Barail 87 2,221 2,657 54 Ektarpur 70 1,532 1,702 2X 239 276 20 Bara Nekua 55 Fatepur 5 777 1,068 21 100 661 790 57 236 434 22 Basantapur ~5 186 245 56 Gaipara 23 Balna 83 1,042 1,231 57 Gangadbarpur 47 481 616 24 Basuki 48 403 572 58 Gaurnai 120 732 958 138 712 25 Batna S4 506 693 59 Gaurnagar 652 31 188 727 26 Beleswar 69 845 1,183 60 Gopalhati 9 912 27 Belgachhi 43 329 347 61 1,415 28 Benepukur 61 341 364 62 Guptiparachar to 658 482 29 Bhab-.anipur 102 468 709 63 Hamjampur 60 387 516 30 Bhabanipurchar IG3 4,077 4,866 64 Hasimpur 108 1,138 1,575 31 Bhalki 77 342 422 65 Hatikanda 112 446 526 32 Bhalurgari 94 807 927 66 lchhapura 25 1,357 t ,802 33 Chaodigachha 80 2,048 2,372 67 lIampur 24 631 808 34 Cbandpur 46 392 458 68 Incbhura 41 606 778 35 Chandra 97 2,366 2,738 69 Itagar 78 1,096 1,349 [ 121 ]


7 P S. lla1agarh-coucld

PopulatIon Population ;,1. J L. ,----'-----, ~l J. I, ,.._--A.~ No Name 01 Villages No 1!J71 1Ill:! L No. Naul\' of Vdlages No IB71 lUIH 2 3 4 2 ~ 4

104 70 Jagulhi "i~


~)catlOu Area ()t ('ode MOUZQ :Numbel I.e, (Village) in Nu. of Toh.l PopnlaUon J. L No. Hectares and Occupie<1 \ lIlcludmg Institutional and Sdl(>(]ulc(l Schc\ll1led of MOUM ~aUlC of Moula (Village)1 of 1'own/ Reslden- No. of Houseless Populatwu) Castc~ Tribe~ r-- _-.A.__ --, , __.A._, (Village)! rowlI/Ward (in absence of Ward tn tilll House- I-___"_-~ W,ml No. Mttle ft.·peat Ward No) K l\{t Houses holds P M F }.f 11 !If F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ~ t) 10 II 12

7 P. S. Balagal h

1 Char Sultanpur 120'60 29 29 23~ 133 105 14 1 24 jl 2 Sultanpur ~5'34 249 252 1,313 637 676 356 399 4 3 Badhagachhi t03' 55 662 663 3,698 1,886 1,812 563 :'22 109 102 4 Mirdhanga 268'96 814 856 4,734 2,384 2,350 1:\54 ~\9 ">5 47 5 Fatepur ]51'51 174 174 1 ,068 . 549 519 172 17(1 17 9

6 Aida Kismat 197'R7 459 4(1) 2.720 1,3g9 l,YiI 2~(1 277 IlJ 14 7 Arazi GuptiJ'lara 147'73 15~ I)X ~(J(, 434 432 133 132 X Krishnabati 193'4~ 733 733 4,171 ::!,139 2, ()_\2 910 !\39 £) Guptipara 73'19 238 239 1.415 709 706 102 102 III Guptipara Char ]62'68 75 75 4)\2 254 22).; I),; J3

11 Chherachur Krisbndbatl 366'7X 36 36 21g 110 HH~ J2 Nutancbar Krishnabati 305' 54 637 637 3,652 1,858 1,794 ),;31< 803 IJ Sabekchar Krishnabati J99'05 20~ 20S 1,276 6RO 596 121 J20 14 Char Rampur 125'05 \9 19 116 62 54 59 49 J5 Rampur 23'90 38 52 296 147 149 II 13

16 Rasulpur Char 335'32 Uninhabited 17 Char Sundalpur 315'66 91 91 653 349 304 2 18 Abdulpur 56' 56 266 266 1,663 849 X14 402 362 19 Paigachhi )"\6'87 221 221 1,341 704 637 158 137 20 Kamardanga 157'89 177 177 1,244 626 618 90 90

21 Digra 153'93 129 129 701 350 351 218 211 2 5 22 Mura Gachha 131'07 33 33 198 III 87 11 10 27 21 23 Saira 64'22 72 72 441 226 215 16 18 62 56 24 Ilampur 151'23 115 115 808 402 406 223 207 70 79 25 Ichhapura 42] '24 325 325 ) ,802 934 868 303 284 174 180

26 Dakulia 119'22 164 164 874 422 452 106 119 47 47 27 Chhota nekua 69'94 62 62 394 201 193 21 17 47 57 28 Bara nekua 137'56 36 36 276 132 144 43 48 7 13 29 Alisagaria 59'58 39 39 132 125 107 75 73 40 29 30 Jot narayan 51' 10 140 140 788 400 38~ 267 265 &6 74 [ 123 )

CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKERS r------A------~ Household Industry-Mallu­ fU('(\lring. Proces- Total sing, Servicing. Other Workers :\I,lltJ IVl)Tkers Agricultural and Repairing (HI. IV, V(b) & MargiuuJ Literates (I-IX) Cultivators (I) Labourers (II) [ V (a) ] VI to IX} Workers Non-workers _---..J..~ r---.A------, ._--.A-_--., r----.A-~ r---'--~ ,...._-.A.~ r---"--'""I ,...._--"---'""1 l\f P M F M F M F M F M F M PM P

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 24 25 2(l ~7 28

4X 29 95 31 20 60 31 Jl'\ 74 220 133 303 45 159 31 2 113 14 6 328 631 1,105 759 ]g] "IX 12k 51 102 4 48~ 22 12 7 1,093 J ,n7 1,~99 ],03(1 LIn: 93 X7 144 23 9~ 4 789 66 6 36 J ,260" 2,221 142 XO 276 II 61 85 6 36 92 4 2D sox

647 514 70X 37 232 191 9 39 246 28 2 681 2,292 176 103 241 6 142 44 2 5.1 5 4) 2 Jl:!4 424 967 577] ,045 96 2S3 3 48') 56 17 3 260 34 40 17 1,054 1,919 422 321 351 43 4H 67 23 09 2 167 18 3 355 663 ]53 101 130 I 112 16 I 2 124 227

36 14 SI 6 36 10 4 ) 2 59 100 694 389 974 148 449 :) 17:' 39 40 51 110 53 b84 1,645 342 204 354 2'1 164 132 4 ~ JO 5:' 10 2 324 571 34 16 25 14 8 3 37 53 2R 6 85 83 2 1'12 1-l9

Uninhabited 235 133 19X 1X4 14 15 J 304 379 223 454 1 264 140 44 1 389 813 295 182 372 4 192 137 42 4 332 6B 264 178 360 28 304 2 44 26 12 4 262 589

127 70 184 39 49 2 95 36 38 2 31 164 281 70 37 53 14 22 19 14 II 1 I ~fl 62 143 97 116 42 63 5 40 32 4 12 110 173 83 61 227 140 80 30 143 !10 4 175 2{)6 341 150 507 83 181 215 l:\3 9 102 8 88 419 697

226 191 224 62 79 J 67 45 8 70 15 3 198 111 69 11$ 32 73 5 2S 23 17 4 2 84 68 62 53 3 36 3 12 4 2 77 42 31 71 22 39 7 30 15 2 54 79 38 203 89 35 137 80 30 9 196 ( J 24 )


1,ocntJon Arra vf ~Odl Mouta Number t t. (V1l1age) m No of llll.ll l'ujluidtwn J L No HecllUe<; .Illti Occupleu (Ul<'iurimb institutIOnal .U1(\ ~!Jeduled .... , ll('ti \1\«1 of 'MOUZll "",lint" 01 Monta =ge)/ of 'fo .... nl Reslr,!ell- 1\0 01 Hou<;de~b PO};l'UiatIOIl) CIll!te8 i'rliJes • ____ ---...A--___") r---..A. (Vil1a~)J I own/Wafll (lll _ ce of W,lrrlill tilll IIou~e- --. r-.A--~ W.lrd No n,llIte tt·pellt Ward No,) K 1112 HOllbt9 bold~ r :M I M 11 :!vI It 2. :. 4 ') (1 7 }l 9 J() ) 1 12

7 1', \, Btllagarh-contd.

31 GOPdl bat! ()<;. 37 117 117 727 1X1 ~44 1'\ I 12'1 4 , 12 Khetpur 104'16 l'i8 I'iX X70 434 4% ~ , 100 90" 13 Tilddngd 119'6'i 141 14~ 77X 37h 402 lX3 204 29 21) 14 NatagdTl 201'04 2'il 269 1,4X<1 801 6lB 307 272 11"\ 9)" i'i Jasra 49 'lW 911 1)(1 ')21 2'i'i 2(J~ 169 16(1

~6 BdnkipuI 14'i'2~ 2Xl) 291 I, 6tl; x3'i x2X 104 lIb 100 102 -n SDmr,1 141'26 380 380 2,303 1,206 1,097 367 335 ~ 24 IX Baligdfl 94'7X 96 III 590 310 280 4 6 113 103 W Masara 284',0 276 276 I, 71~ H44 l-:74 31(1 329 6<; 7~ 40 Tiorndl ]04' 0(, 93 94 564 2g~ 27ft 69 70 4\ '19

41 lnchhur-t 149'39 126 126 77g 421 1')5 91 n 56 46 42 Deblpur 7'1.'62 30 10 1"7 77 ~O 44 36 20 2l< 41 Belgachhl '17' 11 ..t7 47 147 174 173 l'i 10 36 II 44 MuragJhl 61'1!-' 24 24 156 t!2 74 20 20 45 Rdj

46 Ch,1I1dpul "7'72 81 hi 4~h 217 221 87 94 47 Gang,1dharpur 69'')') 11 () 11 () 616 310 106 3'i 32 191 190 48 Basukl 64'47 109 109 "72 293 279 69 71 163 153 49 Kuliapard 1l<9'O3 11X ~IR 1,640 861 779 94 gX 361 364 'iO Dhopapara 227'24 l\2 02 494 26\ 229 29 24 31 31

51 Matukpur S6'06 10], 102 0,67 274 293 107 1]0 52 Demargachha 218'~4 203 201 1,241 634 607 89 98 111 119 53 Kariny.t Iti9'74 '2 ~l 211 1,394 7()' 689 71 xo 53 73 54 Batna 174'12 120 120 693 31R 3'iS 58 47 121 149 55 KdJyansrj 94'09 71 71 37"., 191 18') 109 J 17 32 39

56 Salarpur 160'5J 1~4 }54 953 471 4g2 96 93 Il) 20 57 Gatpara R1 '72 64 M 434 197 237 112 160 5 5 58 Jagulia 281' bl) 24~ 243 1,270 655 615 178 196 39 5L 0;;9 Mamdpur JI ') '04 14- J4 7') 39 36 13 12 15 15 hO Hamjdmpur J2~'Of) 104 104 5J6 255 261 119 114 S2 89 ( 125 )

CE~SUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKERS r~------~------~ Household Industry- Manu­ facturing, Proces- lot.il sing, SerViCIng, OOl! 1 Workers :\Lun Worko ~ \gfll::uitur..tl and Repalrt1l!/: [Ill, IV, V(b) & lIturgllllll 1.ltl'faies (I-IX) I..llltl\lIt(lr~ II' 1..ll'0IlH rs (III [V (a) J \' J to IX J Worlrt"h ~Oll wor.k.t'f~ r--"----, r--A..---., r-.A.--.... r -A._ __"'" ,-_-.A._--. .---'----"'\ r--A.--. r---A..----., .M J' ~I II ;\1 F :-'1 F :"If F M 11 M F .M }~ 13 14 I" 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 27

183 116 227 60 90 95 59 42 II I-lJ 2~4 21ll 147 227 80 lIS 98 80 II l07 N, 160 105 216 86 91 2 106 84 19 160 316 409 270 421 34 99 240 31 76 27 374 lOX 72 III " 16 "4 2 61 124

·~27 2X" -134 1.7 192 147 60 9~ 7 ..to I 760 K2~ 610 476 2-1 27 49 S 3114 10 74 2'1 (1~6 I,O'iO I~X 92 IOK I -I~ 17 13 31 3~ 'i() 164 229 410 27'] -10.:; -10 1114 3 161 30 31 6 27 30 40\) X14 21 (1 DO I 00 ~ X 56 , ~I 54 2) 12R 21){

132 2()') X4 77 2 .. 2 :n 19~ 3lH 10 43 12 27 4 .14 ')'i XI 10'1 6X :n 14 119 1'it) I" 'II 1(1 n 2 ~ I 74 49 61 21 -I,) 17 1() 124

121 70 115 4~ 64 411 45 'i 13 109 174 1J I 58 1711 99 71 7 76 l'l4 .2 29 8 132 207 141 57 142 83 2'" 6 85 70 ~2 7 11 II 140 18') 48R 2..14 • 46() 193 173 9 20l'l J 77 2 x3 7 II 11 3X4 575 169 9() 123 19 x4 6 17 12 21 I 141 llO

ISH 129 156 60 g~ 62 60 6 J 18 233 361 2i8 129 48 202 108 47 3 16 19 304 540 4()4 227 355 58 219 1 100 57 3 33 350 631 183 130 168 102 44 7 100 92 7 17 3 169 2'i3 117 69 89 31 06 24 7 () 2 14 , 1 1(l2 1'i4

235 162 254 69 8X 7 134 62 32 217 413 66 51 89 40 44 3 41 37 2 2 lOR 11.)7 323 196 306 79 132 149 '"'9 25 349 536 J6 5 22 15 8 2 14 13 17 21 110 53 J49 59 .. 50 11 94 48 106 202 [ 116 1


Locatioll Arc.! of Coue MOIU~,\ Number I.e VIllage) 111 No "t Total Pupui"tlon J. 1, !\o Hectflrc8 auJ Occupied (lucludlllg lu~tJtutl()llal aud Scheduled Schedulell ot ~l()uw Nallie vi -'lloul,a LVillage)! I)f I'ownl ReslCh~ll- N() of IT ousc1es~ PopulatIOn) Castes TtlLes (VIllage)! 1"\1 u/Ward (m a sellCe of \y ,ml III tid! Honse- ,------" ---~-, ,- --"-- __ r---.A.---, Ward No 1l.Ulle repeat Ward No) KIll~ Hous{s holds l' ~! r 111 1 M F

2 '\ 4 5 6 7 ~ l) II) II 12

7 P. S. Balagarll - con!d.

61 8enepukur ')';'85 48 48 364 IH6 17t-- I" 36 (12 Dahld 56'32 45 64 322 161 160 74 71 23 ]6 63 Naopara 74'tlO 11 31 209 114 95 39 26 64 Musulia 1~1''i9 122 122 6'i6 l'i3 303 52 49 10'1 111 6'; Dahartlorn.\ 1 ()3' 92 27 27 170 91 79 'i3 'i1 l(l <}

66 Maljdid 98'99 149 1"11 ()73 qq 324 )2 37 2% 2H7 67 Sarenda 150'76 130 130 942 'iJ4 421< 6!o: Dwarpard 270' 'i6 JI6 317 1,778 914 X64 147 119 2()O 188 69 Beleswar 257'56 220 220 1, lIn ')74 609 14') 1~4 xt-- 8') 70 Ektarpur 242'92 337 341 ],702 RD X29 ~71 "JO '\7 )X

71 Babla 8))'43 90 90 440 219 221 130 129 . 72 Sargari,l 220'30 146 146 99::; SIO 488 147 133 15(1 156 73 Kamarpara 26"'XX 279 279 1,541 811 730 258 253 IXO 166 74 M.lhipa1pur 239'511 206 206 I, lIS 541 '\74 36 24 150 151 7::' Kulgachhl 42 '13 51 53 339 183 156 75 70 34 28

76 Malancha 221'60 163 163 864 475 389 235 200 II 12 77 Bhalki 77'76 74 74 422 229 193 95 78 32 3J 711 Itagar 325'92 255 255 1,349 698 651 364 352 90 85 79 Sadhubangali 175'2:; III III 572 291 281 177 ]13 15 17 XO Chandi gachha 429'42 45" 455 2,372 1,228 1,144 796 771 23 26

~I Baga 288'53 244 244 1,437 772 665 284 245 29 29 X2 Dhak Chhara 236'42 284 284 ] ,690 865 825 158 141 82 92 83 Basna 281' 59 227 227 J ,231 598 633 173 174 180 199 84 Telinipara 76'61 33 33 156 85 71 9 9 76 62 85 Basantapur 79'61 4Q 40 245 128 117 93 86 35 31

86 Pratappur 141'92 lJ9 119 774 405 369 209 182 2 3 87 BaraH 224'64 385 414 2,657 1,390 1,267 ]26 126 171 161 88 Ahmadpur 127'11 107 107 601 299 302 132 136 20 15 89 Asanpur 61 '74 95 95 590 305 285 79 7<; 54 60 90 Panchpara 112'08 141 141 746 388 358 142 150 62 60 ( 127 )

CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKllRS r------A------~ Household Indufltry-Mll.Uu, fdcturing, ProCes­ Total sing. Servicing, Other Workers Main Worken Agrll'uituraJ and Repairing fJ II. IV, V(b) & Marglllul 1,ltt'Tateb (I-IX) l uit1vatofS (I) Labourer, (11) l V (Il)J VI to IX] WorkCI$ 1\ oll-w(>r)..!'fS ,--.A._-., r--..A --, (---"---, ,----..A.----., r---.A.--., ._--.A._~ r---" ---, r ._-..A_---, .M l' M j, M } 11 l' lit F 11 F .M ]' ~l 11 13 14 15 16 17 IX 19 20 21 11 23 24 25 2(J 27

153 11 J 110 97 4 9 71l 17l{ 89 43 87 46 27 51 46 9 2 73 114 67 3g 44 35 6 .3 70 95 lhl 69 202 97 40 137 95 ""_) 2 (41) 206 21) 7 '13 8 25 28 7 38 71

71 Ie) IRq 1·.17 3K II 147 136 4 177 21.4 lJ2 247 ~ 190 3 50 I 6 424 SOl) 245 'i02 107 182 9 268 97 ~ 1 4 7~.~ 19~ 92 321 101 110 189 102 7 15 2 ~04 ~12 179 477 269 116 6 288 249 11 (1 62 :"60

I}O 56 Wi 35 41 66 34 3 186 17" 83 2h9 1'iO 154 7 110 143 " .BH 121 203 468 167 182 g 251 154 30'" 4 'i(J3 2X:-I 1\4 312 96 16f) 4 11X 92 2X 47H IO~ 49 93 27 62 II 2x Ih J 129

190 101 255 89 77 159 83 8 II 5 220 :;00 129 62 130 57 69 49 56 12 99 !~6 228 123 362 221 96 3 234 215 .n 2 336 430 142 6~ 1J7 '\3 52 80 53 4 150 22K 48(1 225 6X7 199 191 6 439 192 10 47'" .5 536 944

470 241 320 42 79 204 3H j7 4 67 14 3HS ()09 337 175 428 59 267 5 122 53 4 35 5 432 766 328 204 328 J 15 178 5 113 109 36 270 SIX 24 45 ]3 7 3 38 30 40 38 36 12 60 10 32 27 10 67 107

273 128 218 118 96 4 IB7 368 918 593 675 116 42~ 6 155 101 3 89 8 79 636 1,150 147 109 172 21 17 86 8 69 13 127 281 149 80 162 32 56 86 32 20 143 253 192 103 200 38 49 116 37 3) 188 :120 ( 128 J


Location Area ot Cude MOUZd Number I.'. (Village) In No. 01 Total l'opulati(Ju J.L Nu Hectares and Occupied (lIlC!UdlUg Institutional lind :-,cheuuleu Scheduled of Mouza Nnllll: of ,follza (VJ!lagc)/ of Tuwnl Resl(leu· No. of Houselcsb l'opulutlO11 Castes Tnbe', , _____ -"-___--., , __-A. __ --. ,_ .A.._--, \ \' Illage) I 'j'OWII Wanl (Ill absence of Ward III till! Houses Ward 1\0 name repeat 'Ward No I K j\fz nOll!>C> holth l' M F III F M 11 2 :I 4 5 (1 -, 8 y J(I 11 12

r P, S, 8a/ugarh --contd.

91 Kabur,l 120' 16 107 107 629 323 306 177 154 71 77 92 Baksagari 209'43 D4 154 g9') 461 414 129 ID 1:17 1 ~ 1 93 Kanpara 68')4 3g 3l' 22':; 12l' (J7 1 1(1 HI 94 Bhelurgarl Ln':n 146 146 927 473 4"4 9~ 9S (I (> 9'i Kolora 120'5') 71, 91 'i17 267 2')0 126 II~ 1 "\ 21

Yo Sukharia 222'qg 41~ 120 :'>-122 1,243 1,1 79 ~2-; 4X3 ~ 1 97 Chandra 174' 02 4')6 4(11 2,71X 1,394 1.144 (14", 6X'-; n 6~ 9X Mundukhola 1':;2'SX 121 123 7X6 4Jb 36X In J'i'i Jl) 40 99 Patuli "9'97 1'i2 152 I , ()~l) 547 ~42 314 324 100 Baruipara I(li'HI 1}4 114 790 3XI 409 ISh 167 n: 71

101 Sri p-u r 311'61 943 95g 5,070 2,595 2,475 97b 9JcI 2 4 102 Bhabanipur 33'97 9H 100 709 370 1,39 lJ3 137 103 Bhabanipur Char 749'77 }\"')) .. S'i1 4,866 2,540 2,320 1.494 1,36X 9 IJ 104 Araziha Bhanipur 'i~'43 54 54 167 HII 186 10':; Balagarh SX'4X 265 266 1,579 gO() 779 72 7n

106 1 amlipara 45'94 72 72 464 254 210 17 15 t07 Kaliagar 102'05 52g 533 3,21.1 J,676 1,537 316 309 lOS Hasimpur S2'09 254 254 I, 'i7':; 791 784 476 449 10 14 109 ]irat 269' 52 781) 808 4,624 2,399 2.225 593 549 105 117 110 Uttar Gopalpur 61'95 R5 85 54X 2X9 2'59 38 38 3 J

III Paranpur 44'52 57 57 346 190 156 lOS 89 112 Hatikanda 55'04 95 95 526 278 248 35 33 6'" 63 J13 Rukespur 157'02 232 232 1,590 836 754 205 185 23 22 114 Baneswarpur 101 '58 102 103 655 367 288 149 112 I 1 J 16 Muktarpur 104'96 146 146 952 515 437 175 176 28 31

117 Khamergachhi 74'24 95 96 541 277 264 81 6S 33 38 118 Sija 57'69 361 369 J ,800 954 &46 388 348 50 44 119 Kamalpur 213'40 201 203 1,836 960 876 194 153 140 130 120 Gaurnai 168'98 151 151 958 479 479 106 117 72 83

121 Arazi Aschitpur 61'03 1 1 2 :2 II' . t 129 ) , . CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKERS ~~ ______-A~ ______,-----"""1 Houaehold Industry - Manu­ facturing. Proces- Total sing. Servicing Other Workers Main Workers Agricultural and Repairing [III. IV, V(b) & Mllr¢1l111 Literates (I-IX) Cultivators (I) Labourers (II) (v (11) ) VI to IX) Workers Non-workers ,...---.A.._~ ,----"-----., ,----'---.... ,--~ ,----..A.._~ ,----"----.. ,---"--""" r-.A.-.....-., 1\<1 F M F M F M F M F M M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 Id 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

128 63 169 50 37 126 50 6 154 256 241 146 213 79 72 110 77 2 29 248 355 39 28 73 53 17 3 .3 52 97 272 175 264 8 162 3 72 I 10 4 20 23 186 445 124 82 132 8 32 3 54 3 46 2 5 13 130 229

693 470 635 38 155 3 1J2 17 41 327 17 7 2 601 1,139 845 591 642 72 77 92 14 10 463 56 8 12 744 1,260 205 113 208 26 56 99 25 21 32 3 207 342 241 155 330 III 176 I 2 41 2 215 541 127 69 196 59 45 124 59 27 185 350

1,577 1,170 1,226 113 44 176 7 74 9 932 96 14 6 1,355 2,356 207 128 186 3 77 30 79 3 1 183 336 1,250 761 1,076 36 468 4 235 13 6 2 367 17 220 37 1,250 2,247 127 100 80 64 9 7 101 185 582 443 375 14 92 47 3 5 233 9 6 424 759

186 109 119 2 86 6 25 135 210 1,238 857 721 38 31 167 ·5 15 IO 508 23 19 8 936 1,49] 420 224 412 8 24 261 53 1 74 7 379 775 1,642 1,141 965 118 199 16 204 59 30 8 532 35 83 37 1,351 2,070 164 109 134 9 58 50 6 6 20 I 4 155 246

91 48 100 5 18 30 2 52 2 2 89 149 179 110 103 33 25 32 31 46 2 26 2 148 213 452 272 446 29 222 88 24 42 94 5 390 725 206 118 124 7 33 30 1 15 46 6 37 206 28] 247 165 216 16 100 3 39 13 11 66 299 421

175 114 148 26 46 59 2~ 3 40 3 129 238 534 358 477 94 16 57 35 10 2 394 57 7 I 470 751 477 291 442 8S 81 2 223 75 3 135 8 22 6 496 785 227 144 257 86 163 88 86 6 166 222 227 1 2 2 ( 130 1


LocaUon Area of Code Mauza Number i.t. Village) In No. of Total Population J. L. No. Hectares and Occupied (Including Institutiotlal and Scheduled Scheduled ~all1e of MOUTa (\lllIage)' of Townl Reslden- No. of Hotlseless Population) Castes Trihcs of Mouza , ___-A ___ -., ,------.A.~ ,----.A.---, T()wn/Ward (Ill absence of Ward in tlal House- (Villagell p ,Ward No. name repeai Ward No.) Kmt H.ollse~ holels M F M 1" M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

7 P. S. Balagarh-concld, 122 Dadpur 110' 54 J48 148 814 415 399 139 139 84 72 123 Aschitpur 100'36 172 173 1,093 569 524 153 131 33 44 124 Dumurdaba 209'96 600 605 3,425 1,819 1,606 445 365 167 146 12S Simulia 75' 11 54 54 288 141 147 24 31 126 Naricha 250'05 169 169 948 515 433 219 190 60 60

127 NitYJoandapur 79'99 188 H<8 1,057 554 503 346 317 52 51 128 Dakshin Gopalpur 518'26 731 731 4,413 2,336 2,077 1,563 1,396 41 36 129 Serpur 72'13 572 572 3,313 1,727 1,586 1,062 962 79 70 130 NJosarai 40'07 109 109 741 416 325 3 2 131 Ramnagar 37'23 64 64 423 226 197 50 35

136 Rajballavpur 4'94 3 3 14 7 7 137 Char N0apara 106'55 Uninhabited 138 Gournagar 134~77 102 102 652 319 333 IS~ 200 y 7 139 Ranioagar H6'63 101 101 603 309 294 290 284 140 DurllLlbhpur ))0'28 49 49 294 142 152 142 152

141 SUk:,agar 161'67 Uninhabited Total 207'7 25,732 25,975 J51,Sm 77,999 73,382 26,779 25,278 6,614 6,632 (Entirely Rural) [ 131 )

CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKERS r~-~------~----~------~ Household Industry-Mauu­ faeturing. Proces- Total sing. Servicing, Other Workers Main Workers Agricultural and Repairing (III, IV, V(b) & Marginal Literates (I-IX) Cultivators (I) Labourers (II) [ V (a) ] VI to IX] Workers Non-workers I'"'-..A..~ r----"----. r---"----. ..---"-~ r-_....-~ r___....~ ,-__.A..-,"", ,..---"--~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

211 114 181 53 48 3 84 SO ) 44 2 232 346 361 229 128 5 31 14 1 .t- 1 79 3 87 10 354 509 J ,091 681 797 139 175 13 254 90 40 8 328 28 54 30 968 1,437 67 38 71 14 35 26 14 10 70 133 257 112 241 51 109 118 50 14 5 5 269 377

217 115 297 107 28 ) 198 97 9 62 8 3 254 396 1,123 561 1,107 197 272 20 415 164 39 I 381 12 57 II ~ 1,172 1,765 923 499 885 55 13 358 38 72 3 442 14 2 842 1,529 263 159 200 1 78 30 92 14 202 324 155 J05 116 6 88 3 4 24 3 110 191

4 5 5 3 2 2 7 Uninhabited 195 131 162 6 93 59 5 10 8 149 327 193 100 88 47 26 15 76 I 145 293 44 29 71 37 27 7 8 71 143

Uninhabited 4.0,3'9 25,083 38,353 6,792 12,640 33613,752 5,436 1,135 163 10,826 857 1,301 838 38,3-'5 65,752 [ 132 J


S P. S. MagrG Population Population S1. J. L. ,-_-.J,.._--., SI. J. L. r-----"-~ No. Name of Villages No. lil7l 1981 No. Name of Villages No. 1971 1981 2 3 4 2 3 4

Alikhoza 43 2,063 2,302 24 Gajaghanta 41 778- I ,228 2 40 3,867 3,719 25 Gannegar 10 288 278 3 Asfal 7 617 674 26 Hansgbara 21 ] ,346 1,920

4 Bagri 8 1,039 1,218 27 Hcdiapotn 18 206 262 5 Banpara 31 260 696 28 Hoera 1,237 1,617

6 Bansbaria 53 249 440 29 Jatrasudl 30 n Under River 7 Barakbejuria 49 672 tt 30 Jaypur 22 1,421 1,381 8 Basudebpur 39 ... *'" 31 Kabirhati 14 73 lOS 9 Bcnipur 34 1,232 2,372 32 Kola 20 3,085 3,845 10 Bhara]pur 17 553 702

33 Madhupur 2 624 859 11 Chat Bansbaria 52 3,903 tt 34 Madhusudanpur 25 4,077 "''''* 12 Chanparai 6 1,060 1,299 35 Mamudpur 13 431 465 13 Char Jajjra 27 .t t 36 Minajpur 42 416 485 14 Char Madhusudanpur 28 ..+ t 37 Naksu 16 382 465 15 Chhota Khejuria 47 548 ],168 38 Namajgar 51 916 1,009 16 Dadpur 23 39 J36 39 Purusottampllf 19 663 1,360 17 Dahar Chaklai 9 610 673 40 Raghabpur 18 Dakshin Hazipur 46 43 52 35 •• 41 Raghunathpur 19 Demea 24 1,649 2,059 26 4,669 t 42 Rajarambali 20 Djgsui 12 2,478 3,159 15 684 779 21 Dingalhat 44 1,237 ] ,509 43 Raypur 11 200 109 44 Refaitpur 29 2,186 2,462 22 Fatepur 5 585 840 45 Sankhanagaf 38 1,900 tt 23 Gabarpur 32 1,056 279 46 Sapta~ram 45 1,068 1/294 [ 133 ]


8 P. S. Magra-conc1d.

Population Population SI. J. L. r---"----"' 81. J. L. .---"------. No. Name of Villages No. 1971 1981 No. Name of Villages No. 1971 1381 4 2 3 4 2 3 Tnbeni Balkunthapur 36 ill. 47 Sibpur 37 '" .'" 51 " 52 Trisbigha 50 1,045 984 48 Talandu 3 842 846 33 379 464 49 Taragun 4 716 767 53 Uttar Huzipur Total (Rural) 53,9]6 47,267 50 TeRhnri::1 48 'i24 98~

• Uninhabited .. Included in ."'* Includ~d in Madhusudanpur (NM) t Included in Raghunathpur (NM) tt Included in (0. G.) [ 134 ]


LocatIon Area of Code Mouta Number f e (VIllage) In No of lotal Population J L No Hectares and OccupIed (lucludlllg Tn~titubonal and Rcheduled Scheduled of Mouta Name of Monz~ V1Ildge)/ of I own/ Reblden No of Houseless Population) Castes 'fnbes (VIllages) / fown/Ward (In absencl 01 Wnrdln tlal Honse· r------"------, r----'-----, ...-_.._---"'\ Ward No name repeat Ward No K 1\12 Houses holds r !Ii F M F M F 1 2 1 4 .:; (i j 8 9 10 11 12

8 P. S. Magro

Hoer.1 178 8~ 310 110 1,617 848 769 101 287 190 201 2 Madhupur 166'06 166 166 g<;9 412 427 In7 1&4 61 71 3 Talandu 180' 11 1'i0 1':;0 846 441 401 12'i 119 119 97 4 Tardgun 164'02 116 116 767 19') 172 79 74 8~ 87 .:; Fatepur 144'77 164 164 \40 416 404 177 1~4 11] 130

6 Chanparai 109'10 241 241 1,299 6')2 647 138 3'17 M 5'\ 7 Asfal 108'78 119 119 674 142 112 180 171 92 84 8 Bagn 280'08 228 228 1,218 627 'i9J 219 214 91 89 9 Dahar Chaklai 82'00 102 109 673 121 3'12 40 46 55 52 10 Gannegar 89'')0 '\7 'i7 278 1'4 144 54 'i0 70 84

11 Raypur 90'22 19 19 109 'i7 52 21 16 12 DlgSUI 409-61 577 'i77 1,1'19 t ,6'i4 1, 'i0'i 'i17 472 289 269 13 Mamudpur 79'62 91 93 465 232 233 129 141 14 Kabirhah 46'13 23 21 108 'i4 54 10 40 l'i RajarambaU 97'8') 149 149 779 409 170 161 156 1 2

16 Naksa 97'91 g9 89 46'\ 214 211 12 29 17 Bharatpur 160' 59 126 126 702 ,6~ 317 78 69 20 lR 18 Hedlapota 39'86 44 44 262 128 114 32 27 19 Purushottampur 79'66 271 271 1 360 679 681 384 384 20 Kola 152 '19 747 747 1,84'i 2,034 1,811 407 402 7 12

21 Hansghara J 53'31 141 346 1,920 1,006 914 327 328 I 22 Joypur 52'54 249 249 1,381 727 M4 28 23 39 38 23 Dadpur 59'51 26 26 136 72 64 4 4 24 Demra 162' 71 361 361 2,0')9 1,078 981 439 376 7 10

25 Madhusudanpur Wholly included m Madhusudanpur (NM) 26 Raghunathpur Wholly Included 10 Raghunathpur (NM) 29 Refaltpur 28'33 483 483 2,462 l,309 1,153 525 471 24 23 30 Jatrasudl Under River water 31 Banpara 18'21 149 149 69'6 361 335 142 124 32 Gah'lrpur 32'37 44 44 279 139 140 40 43 [ 135 ]

CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKERS r--~------~------Household Industry- Manu­ facturing. Proces- Total sing, Servicing, OilIer Workers Main Workers Agricultural ~nd Repairing [III, IV, V(b) & Mar~1l1 I,iterates (I-IX) Culth'atf'ts (I) Labourers (II) I \' (a) J ,-__VI A_--, to IXj Workt·rs NOll·worker~ r---"-----. ,-_--"-_, ,-_--.A._"""I ,----.A._---, ,-_.A._--, ,-_.A._---, ,-_--"-_ __.._, M F M F M P M P M II M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

346 207 417 189 34 220 175 3 160 13 430 579 177 105 216 72 86 I 93 71 5 32 15 21 201 334 263 159 268 74 76 5 112 58 80 10 14 J7:, 315 225 135 150 7 80 53 7 17 9 236 365 181 81 220 90 21 153 89 2 44 216 314

278 180 166 26 51 25 22 82 3 145 127 341 494 149 51 175 17 59 93 15 23 18 40 J49 275 264 155 256 78 79 2 125 75 10 42 70 54 301 459 203 177 113 11 60 29 II 24 15 193 341 34 5 76 72 3 71 72 2 5S 72

35 28 30 11 12 17 11 27 41 896 560 832 335 246 429 330 17 140 4 S22 1,170 125 79 103 58 24 56 58 22 ]29 175 16 7 28 20 3 22 20 3 26 34 181 115 207 87 65 2 92 X4 50 202 2513

163 102 147 23 85 2 38 21 2 22 87 208 169 102 189 41 64 78 39 47 176 296 88 76 61 31 16 13 67 134 277 205 333 185 39 169 136 125 48 2 344 496 1,292 1,671 1,022 142 31 2 94 28 26 5 871 t07 16 II 996 1,658

337 318 354 18 21 116 4 25 192 14 142 224 510 672 536 371 347 46 81 19 265 26 380 608 32 14 36 8 21 2 15 6 36 56 430 225 477 68 198 13 174 48 5 100 7 37 82 564 831

900 567 574 22 5 44 9 23 502 13 12 4 723 1,127

237 158 179 5 26 2 3 151 I 182 329 70 47 53 6 1 6 2 44 6 86 134 [ 136 J


Location Area of Code Mouza Number i.e. (Village) in No. of Total Population J.L. No. Hectares anrl Occuplt'd (including In ititutionai and Scheduled SCheduled of MOllza Name of J\lo!lz

38 Sankbanagar Wholly included in Sankhanagar (O.G.) 39 Basudebpur Included in Bansberia (Municipality) 40 Amodgbata 123'87 662 662 3,719 1,894 ] ,825 132 124 2 3 41 Gajaghanta 90' J4 217 217 1,228 646 582 58 43 42 MlDajpur 38'93 94 94 485 284 201 7 5 10 9

43 Alikhoza 118'59 443 448 2,302 1,222 1,080 286 259 16 13 44 Dingalhat 132'16 251 251 1,509 784 725 99 99 18 20 45 51'29 219 219 1,294 671 623 233 224 46 Dakshin Hazipur 38' 32 10 10 52 31 21 4 3 47 Chhota Khejuria 80'35 231 231 1,168 651 517 2 49 38

48 Tegharia 44'24 164 164 983 539 444 132 118 49 Bara Khejuria Wholly in Barakhejuria (O.G.) SO Trisbigha 50'17 225 225 984 547 437 38 38 23 23 51 Namajgar 83'39 161 161 1,009 498 511 94 88 52 51 52 Chak bansbaria Whole in Chak bansbaria (O.G.)

53 Bansbaria 274'61 132 ]32 440 262 178 47 45 14 22 Raghunathpur (N M) 2'03 1,898 1,904 8,150 4,559 3,59] 1,077 943 47 35 Madhusudanpur tNM) 1'57 1,202 1,203- 5,436 3,010 2,426 374 362 58 55 Bandel Thermal Power Project Town (NM) 1'07 199 199 678 375 303 6 11

Bansberia 13·88 18,02~ 18,167 88,581 48,999 39,582 8,503 7,370 704 642 (il Bansberia (M) 9'07 15,510 15,631 77,020 42,667 34,353 7,515 6,584 356 326 Ward No.1 1,371 1,397 4,483 3,332 1, lSI 241 118 9 2 397 397 1,923 1,044 879 153 133 53 38 " 3 581 588 3,474 1,821 1,653 210 184 36 27 " - tENStJs ABSTRACT MAIN WORKERS

,...---...---- - .. .,.A.-,-___.. ___ • ___~ Boueebold IDduatry- HaI1u­ facturing, Proce .. Total slug. ServIcing ~ Workers Main Workers AgrillUltural and Repairing [Ill. IV. V(b) & MarRinal Literates (I_IX) Cultl"lItors (I) Labourers (II) [V (Il)) VI to IX] Wotkers Non-'Workers .---.A.~ r----'--~ r----'--~ r---"-~ r--.A.-~ t""--"----""'\ r---...... ~ r---"'--~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

187 115 ')- 152 115 o 0 J.. ) 223 717 369 626 42 15 3 97 31 4 510 8 2 672 1,029

J,358 1,021 873 65 39 73 6 13 4 748 55 1,021 1,760 450 298 319 21 40 77 2 14 2 188 17 327 561 183 96 140 9 19 22 5 3 96 3 144 192

763 442 616 20 50 183 5 58 325 13 606 1,060 380 214 287 18 42 5 30 8 2 213 4 31 Q 466 698 467 335 301 II 31 59 2 10 201 7 3 367 612 27 15 12 I 11 19 2[ 240 94 312 17 4 4 156 II 17 135 2 3 2 336 498

286 156 257 16 73 2 166 2132 444

326 161 277 13 14 44 10 3 216 3 270 423 217 245 211 35 43 68 30 6 94 5 286 476

113 29 162 14 1 14 9 147 5 1 2 99 162

3,049 1,660 2,100 39 99 5 201 14 15 00 j,785 20 167 22 2,292 3,530 1,943 1,111 1,395 101 17 44 20 17 t ,317 81 58 3 1,557 2,322

334 242 230 5 230 5 145 298

31,224 17,54022,833 1,447 231 8 317 35 244 6620,041 1,338 684 236 25,482 37,899 28,153 16,02220,006 1,202 SO 3 179 13 212 5119,5651,135 507 163 22,154 32,988 2,579 534 t ,966 22 12 i 2,953 22 40 1,326 1,129 550 321 459 12 1 2 456. 12 12 1 573 866 1,377 1,009 758 131 1 2 , 9 1 746 125 28 11 1,035 1,511 ( 138 J


t,oeation Area of Code Mouza Number (" (Village) in No. of Total Population J, L. No. Hectares and. Occ1ciCd (including Instituti oual and Scheduled Scheduled of Monza Name of Mouza (Village)! of Town! Resi cn- No. of House!ess Population Castes Tribes (ViIlage)1 Town/Ward (in absence of Ward in tia! HOlls!:- ,-----"-----..., ,---"---. ,-"""'_--'" Ward No. name repeat Ward No.) Km2 Iiouses holds p M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 JI 12

8 P. S. Magra-concld. Ward No.4 493 500 2,985 1,596 1,389 160 153 51 59 5 761 769 4,419 2,237 2,182 138 131 19 25 " , , 6 487 487 2,675 1,424 1,251 123 103 28 33 7 459 459 2,595 1,351 1,244 239 227 " , , S 270 27I J ,487 762 725 73 88

, , 9 548 551 2,818 1,464 1,354 384 379 -10 3,255 3,306 13,582 8,648 4,934 1,046 708 19 18 " - II 1,317 1,322 7,406 4,013 3,393 270 220 I " 12 869 870 3,764 1,814 1,950 442 373 3 6 " , , - 13 554 562 '2,797 1,393 1,404 319 344

- 14 494 .494 2)03 1,473 J ,360 296 289 II 8 " , , - 15 1,433 1,433 8,062 4,130 3,932 2,025 1,871 3 " - 16 839 839 4,867 2,512 2,355 744 729 , , - 17 1,376 1,386 6,850 3,653 3,197 652 534 126 L09 (ii) Sankhanagar (O.G.) 0'73 832 837 4,366 2,354 2,012 167 148 159 149 ~ (iii ) Barakhejuria (O,G.) 0'66 314 314 1,294 723 571 36 29 10 4 (iv) Chak BSDsberia (O.G.) 1'55 1,196 1,202 4,954 2,733 2,221 618 462 179 163 (v) Khamarpara (0.0.) I' 87 173 183 947 522 425 167 147 Rural 43"9 8,812 8,829 47,267 24,737 22,530 6,382 6,028 1,718 1,663 Urban 18'6 21.324 21,473 102,845 56,94345,902 9,960 8,686 809 732 Grand Total 62'5 30,136 30,302 150,112 81,680 68,432 16,342 14,714 2,527 2,395 [ 139 J

CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKERS r------~------Household Industry- MlIl1u­ facturing. Proces­ Total sing. Servicing, Other Workers Main W orker~ Agricultural and Repairing [III, IV, V(b) &: Marginal Literates (I-IX) Cultivators (I) Labourers (TI) [ V (a) 1 VI to IX) Workt'rs Non-worker. ,__.....-"'"\ r-.-.A..-~ (""_.-.A..~ (""__....-~ r--.-.A..-~ r-_....----""' ,.._.-.A..--.. ,..-_.-.A..~ M F M F !Ii F M F M F M F M P M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

J ,145 840 689 107 2 687 107 1 906 1,282 1,592 J ,213 868 4';" 2 3 13 10 850 35 79 40 1.290 2,097 1,149 879 641 89 2 4 634 89 14 768 1,162 l,t02 899 585 46 .., 5 579 46 7 7:;9 1,198 653 508 333 18 1 332 18 7 422 707

980 607 5';1 33 3 15 2 533 31 90 16 823 1,305 4,572 1,014 5,022 238 7 14 1 5,000 237 26 5 3,600 4,691 2,234 1,201 1,741 59 6 59 2 1,676 56 8 2,264 3,334 1,284 897 736 53 9 727 52 1 1,077 1,890 887 651 702 49 700 49 1 690 1,355

1,135 858 581 32 1 8 571 32 892 1,327 2,632 1,732 1,716 113 10 76 29 15 1,60t 98 108 41 2,306 3,778 1,606 1,011 1,040 69 5 51 36 16 948 53 13 8 1,459 2,278 2,676 ] ,848 1,618 86 16 2 16 8 14 3 1,572 73 41 39 1,964 3,072 1,209 627 952 158 22 11 2 16 10 903 146 122 61 1,280 1,793

487 281 374 9 14 12 2 348 6 7 342 562 1,027 411 1,294 73 145 4 114 18 16 4 1,019 47 17 12 1,422 2,136 348 199 207 5 1 206 4 31 284 420

13,678 9,527 11,537 1,977 1,688 47 3,350 1,523 266 22 6,233 3~5 523 594 12,677 19,959 36,55020,55326,5581,592 347 13 562 69 276 66 25,373 1,444 909 261 29,476 44,049 50,228 30,080 38,095 3,569 2,035 60 3,912 1,592 542 88 31,606 1,829 1,432 855 42,153 64,008 ( 140 )


9 P. S. Chitls"~tI1t

Populat1oll Populati(lJ1 SI. J.L. ,.---..A._~ 81. j.L. I .. No Name of Villages No. 1971 1981 No. Name of Vlllages No. 1971 1981 1 2 3 4 2 3 4

,. + Akna 14 267 292 9 Hugli 19 ;-

2 Batagar 8 • t 1O 780 935 ,. Iswarbaha 2 3 Bali 9 +... II Kanagar 13 728 899 Benabharui 15 658 731 4 ,. + 12 Kapasdaoga 10 t 5 Charkona 23 t • ,. 13 Kazidanga 5 516 1,081 6 Chinsura 20 t 14 Keota 7 5,747 •• 7 Dcbanandapur 3 1, J87 1,507 15 Kbamarpara 22 2,610 tt 8 Dharmapur 17 348 2,816 16 12 926 tt ( 141 )


9 P. S. Chimu'4h-conc:ld.

Population Population st. J. L. ,..-.-'---., 81. J. L , .. 1 No. Name of Villages No. 1971 1981 No. N sine of Villages No. 1971 1IIBI 2 4 2 3 4

17 Krishnapur Chandanpur 939 1,376 21 Narayanpur 11 1,539 'tt Kulihanda 18 3,415 18 5,163 22 Simla 16 3,209 4,946

19 Mameshpur 4 1,367 2,027 23 Uttar Chandan nagar 21 If<

20 Naldanga .. 6 7,279 t Total (Rural) 31,515 21,775 ------_- ~--- • Uninhabited . oil. Part in Keota (NM) and part in HugIi Chiusurah Municipality. t Included in Naldanga (NM) tt Included in IO.G.) ·tt Part in Hugli Chinsurah Municipality. t Included in HugH Chinsurah Municipdlity. [ 142 I


Location Area of Code Mouza Numbed.e. (Village) in No. of Total Population J. L. No. Hectares and Occupied (including Institutional und Scheduled Scheduled of Moum Name of Mouza hVilIageJI of Townl Residen- No of Houseless Population) Castes Tribes (Villages)/ Town/Ward (in a sence of Ward in tial House- r----""-----. ,---""____ r--"-~ Ward No. name repeat Ward No.) KM2 Houses holds p 11 F M l!' M F

'7 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 8 9 10 11 12

9 P. S. Chinsurah Krishnapur Chandanpur 1)4'74 240 240 1,37R 749 629 114 Q9 102 R7 2 Iswarbaha 56'45 145 148 935 470 46') 6 9 3 139'71 286 286 1,507 761 746 297 296 :'7 51 4 166'73 373 :173 2,027 1,030 997 140 152 31 27 5 Kazidanga 47'89 222 222 1,081 544 537 101 100 2

6 Naldanga Whole in Naldanga (N.M.) 7 Keota Part in Hugli·Chinsurah (M) and remaining Part in Keota (NM) 8 Balagar 9 Rali Included in Hugli Chinsurah (Municipality) 10 Kapasdanga }

11 Narayanpur Partly included in Hugli Chinsurah (M) Remaining Part in Narayanpur (O,G,) 12 Kodalia Whole in KodaIia (O,G.) 13 Kanagar 74'76 186 186 899 471 428 179 175 14 Akna 69'54 51 51 292 156 136 23 14 27 28 15 Benabharui 150'93 109 109 731 379 3.'i2 18 13 24 2

16 Simla 369'88 952 981 4,946 2,677 2,269 379 300 144 130 17 Dharmapur 93'05 547 547 2,816 1,405 1,411 559 574 22 19 18 Kalihanda 246'00 877 971 5,163 2,608 2,555 1,351 1,330 9 5 19 Hugli 20 Cbinsura Included in HugJi Chinsurah (Municipality) 21 Uttar Chandan nagar 1 22 Khamarpara Whole in Khamarpara (O,G,) 23 Charkona 49'86 Uninhabited Keota (NM) 3'79 2,177 2,182 9,997 5,607 4,390 1,398 1,109 121 105 N a1danga (NM I J '84 1,502 J ,539 7,766 4,258 3,508 345 303 31 8 Hugli Chinsurah 17'28 22,794 23,383 128,918 66,911 62,007 6,814 6,442 268 216 Hugli Chinsutah (M) 16'0622,11322,701 125,193 64,986 60,207 6,633 6,275 268 216 Ward No.1 919 920 4,998 2,581 2,417 314 324 , , 2 892 894 4,845 2,511 2,334 255 243 22 12 ., 3 1 ,175 1.183 7,018 3,678 3,340 847 843 50 16 4 961 964 5,637 2,849 2,788 275 277 41 46 ( 143 )

cENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKlm.S ,...... _-____..._ ___ ...... ,A..-...- ______... ___ ...... _.,

Household Indusuy- Manu­ facturing. Proces- Total sing. Servicing. OUler Workers Main Workers Agricultural and Repairing [III, IV, V(b) & Marginal Literates (I-IX) Cultivators (I) Labourers (II) [V (a)] VI to IX J Workers Non-workers ,---"---.. r----.,I...~ ,...---.,I...-~ r__"'-~ r--"--~ ,...--"----'""\ r----"---.. r----"-~ M F M F M F M F M F 'M F M F 111 F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

358 199 422 82 93 135 45 3 191 37 17 15 310 532 309 214 175 2 7 17 151 2 20 275 463 321 245 384 103 68 2 191 63 10 115 37 377 643 700 541 43H 26 10 68 6 6 354 19 3 2 589 969 379 335 237 27 17 6 5 209 26 34 8 273 502

251 117 218 31 12 2 59 14 16 131 15 253 397 89 62 74 3 41 28 2 5 I 82 133 283 216 211 4 119 72 20 3 168 348

1,732 1,127 1,221 152 125 2 205 34 38 12 853 104 19 8 [,437 2,109 838 560 659 114 27 3 129 11 21 16 482 84 38 26 708 1,271 1,311 788 1,060 72 41 141 10 32 6 846 56 143 29 1,405 2,454

3,440 1,625 2,631 159 2 29 6 138 39 2,462 114 33 23 2,943 4,208 2,894 1,851 1,998 61 42 2 29 88 4 1,839 55 48 16 2,212 3,431 52,148 40,998 29,045 2,508 79 5 252 14 711 56 28,003 2,433 229 59 37,637 59,440 50,736 39,913 28,215 2,445 79 5 220 14 692 55 27,224 2,371 227 59 36,544 57,703 1,834 1,292 989 24 3 4 57 925 23 68 1,524 2,392 1,968 1,543 1,105 87 J 21 34· 1,049 86 18 1,388 2,247 2,561 1,747 1,478 178 9 10 13 1,446 176 6 2 2,194 3,160 2,348 1,888 1,161 98 2 37 6 1,122 92 5 4 1,683 2,686 [ 144 )


LocatlOD Area of Code Mouta Number i.l. (Village) in No. of Total Population J. L. No. Hectares and Occupied (including Institutional and Scheduled Scheduled of Moun Name of Moun (Village)/ of Townl Residen- No. of ,_ Itouseless Populati on Castes Tribes ( Village)1 Town Ward (in absence of Ward in tin! Houses ,..._.__ "'---.---. r----""-..... ,...--..... _--, Ward No. name repeat Ward No.) KMI Houses 11()lds P M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

9 P. S. Chlnsurah-concld. Ward No.5 S6B 569 3,121 J ,624 1,497 86 77 2 6 137 750 4,150 2,107 2,043 650 (140 " , , 7 678 683 :;,850 1:986 1,864 114 112 13 3 , , 8 1,209 1,226 7,142 3,667 3,475 160 171 9 617 617 3,380 1,786 1,594 33 27 ~,

- 10 780 822 4,51 ) 2,436 2,075 350 300 13 " -11 434 476 2,50g 1,290 1,218 58 54 " - 12 525 525 2,674 1,364 1,310 9 14 " - 13 572 572 3,206 1,625 1,581 93 103 " - 14 657 657 3,434 1,792 1,642 41 41 1 " - 15 1,205 1,226 6,701 3,472 3,229 384 328 3 12 " - 16 1,183 1,214 6,805 3,463 3,342 337 298 9 8 " , , - 17 688 697 3,842 1,991 1,851 302 265 58 58 - 18 751 752 4,192 2,222 1,970 252 218 " - 19 661 690 3,629 1,939 1,690 81 68 3 3 " - 20 548 565 3,618 ) ,812 1,806 138 150 4 ", , - 21 614 669 3,458 1,844 1,614 52 50 - 22 616 633 3,526 1,813 1,713 148 143 42 37 " 639 642 3,519 1,840 1,679 I' - 23 72 82 - 24 150 833 4,031 2,158 1,873 343 343 " ;80 ') - 25 683 3,391 1,826 1,565 40 31

! , -26 608 614 3,276 1,672 1,604 91 70 , , - 27 428 443 2,407 1,239 1,168 78 75 5 5 - 28 684 684 3,763 1,912 1,851 726 670 1 1 " , , - 29 685 737 4,197 2,227 1,970 258 21] 5 7 - 30 749 761, 4,364 2,260 2, ]04 46 47 " Narayanpur (O.G.) 0'53 391 391 2,137 1,082 ] ,055 132 122 Kodalia (0.0.) 0'69 290 291 1,588 843 745 49 45 .Rural 14'6 3;988 4,114 21,775 11,250 10,525 3,167 3,062 399 350 Urban 229 26,473 27,104 146,681 76,776 69,905 8,557 '7,854 420 ~29 Grand Total 37'5 30,461 31,218 168,456 88,026 80,430 11,124 10,916 819 679 [ • 145 CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKERS ~----~------~------,------~ Household Industry - Manu­ facturing. Proces- Total sing. Servicing. Other Workcn Main Workers Agriculturul uud Repairing [III. IV. V(b) & Marginal Literates (I-IX) Cultivators (I) Labourers (Il) [V (a) 1 VI to IX] Worl,( N N()II-IVOrkt'IS ,...----"---, r---"-____..., r--A.____..., r-.A..----, r--'-__, .---'---, r--A-_, r--A.__' M F 1\1, F M F M F M F M F M F 111 F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 .!4 25 26

1,362 1,112 706 40 6 698 39 6 912 1,456 1,577 1,2S8 9):19 66 6 982 66 1,IHI J ,977 1,636 ) ,311 S09 39 11 798 39 1,177 I,X2') 2,9SI 2,320 1,566 128 11 11 76 9 1,468 119 7 2, (194 3,347 1,299 993 795 35 2 1 26 2 766 33 991 1,:',\9

1,885 1,368 1,077 119 2 29 20 J ,026 119 48 12 I, '\ 11 1,944 1,072 863 573 64 1 10 562 64 716 1,154 1,193 1,036 604 47 2 3 1 598 46 7(10 1,263 1,349 1,136 746 72 51 694 72 }}79 J ,509 1,395 1,250 795 76 12 5 778 75 997 1,566

2,480 1,924 1,455 186 2 77 7 65 12 1,311 167 4 2 2,013 3,041 2,705 2,227 1,401 115 12 7 6( 6 1,321 109 9 4 2,053 3,223 J ,529 1,206 909 135 5 J 7 2 7 880 133 5 1,077 1,716 1,713 1,312 1,011 101 4 15 992 100 2 3 1 ,209 J ,866 1,497 1,055 867 198 (, 3 23 4 2 836 191 1,072 1,491

1,428 1,239 743 122 3 740 122 1,069 1,684 , ,477 1,104 854 6R 3 £\51 68 2 2 98S 1,544 1,281 972 791 45 6 7 2 77'6 42 3 J ,021 1,665 1,619 ) ,388 831 69 830 69 1,009 1,610 1,586 1,059 997 93 7 990 92 20 15 1,141 1.765

) ,581 1,301 814 48 5 809 4S 1,012 1,516 1,409 1,179 758 41 2 757 39 2 912 1,563 1,095 968 588 31 3 23 562 31 (l', I 1,136 1,387 1,035 840 34 5 21 2 814 32 3 6 1,069 I,gll 1,613 ',189 970 42 2 84 2 884 40 8 1,249 1,1)28 J,876 1,608 993 44 36 5 957 39 12 1,255 2,059

878 694 ·4',8 42 J 19 436 41 2 622 1,013 534 391 372 21 29 343 21 471 724 6,571 4,404 5,099 616 560 9 1,051 187 131 36 3,357 384 274 88 5,877 9,821 58,482 44,474 33 674 2,728 123 7 3/0 20 937 9<) 32,304 2,602 310 98 42 792 67,079 65,053 48,818 38,113 3,34i 683 16 1,:161 207 1,068 135 35,66] 2,986 584 ]86 48,669 76,f}OO ( 146 )


10 p. S. Polba

Population Population ,-_.A.__ """I 51. J. L. 81. J. L. ,...--'--~ No. Name c,i Village. No. 1971 1981 No. Name of Villages No. 1971 1981 2 3 4 2 3 4

1 Akna 144 1,455 1,755 35 Harmala 127 670 930 2 Amarpur 176 512 687 36 Hosenabad 148 584 1,047 3 Amdabad 193 378 484 4 Amnan 165 1,244 1,459 37 1adabpur 183 418 573 5 Ampaia 173 374 474 38 1agannathbati 177 481 491 6 Arazijat Chandi 169 • 30 39 1arora 191 1,341 1,597 7 Atpukur 159 465 493 40 1atarpur 105 210 241 41 JhaDpa 150 191 514 8 Bahir Ranagacbha 187 301 363 42 10t Kalidas 139 * ... 9 Balichara 128 259 298 10 Banseye 94 1,366 1,504 43 Kagjipara 122 545 596 11 Barakpur Napara 152 356 697 44 Kalora 153 682 896 12 Baral Malimpur 157 526 565 45 Kanidebpur 179 1,011 1,280 13 Barun Napara 170 1,518 ] ,529 46 Kapastikri 138 711 780 14 Basudibuati 133 1,258 1,480 47 Karicharbheri 76 1,065 1,203 15 Betgarc 162 394 461 48 Kasemaligar 130 843 1,140 16 Bhatua 158 1,760 2,159 49 Kasundipara 98 592 627 17 Bhaturia 171 649 703 50 Kaswara 167 2,070 2,417 18 Bhoagacbhi 160 1,005 1,173 51 Kedarnagar 166 324 309 19 Bhushoara 192 213 395 52 Khatni 103 294 375 20 BiDodpur 184 199 238 53 Khein 137 1,139 1,292 21 Birpala 131 341 397 54 Kotalpara 121 1,240 1,686

22 Chautara 172 425 556 55 Mahespur 178 560 683 56 Maheswarbati 79 1,140 1,600 23 Dakatiarbhari 82 1,118 1,377 57 Malipar 134 227 263 24 Dakshiopara 123 758 956 58 Manipur 142 342 399 25 Dalimba 145 999 1,516 59 Meghoar 125 1,676 1,836 26 Dhuliara 149 1,128 1,772 140 1,712 1,834 27 Dogacbbia 188 406 565 60 Meria 61 MiJehita 147 495 647 28 Dubirbberi 78 1,583 2,008 62 Mirzapur 104 608 767 29 Ekbalpur 135 813 718 30 Erenga 190 600 814 63 Nagarpara 126 531 689 64 Nandipur 155 52 37 31 Gau)a 101 298 380 '65 Narayanpara 182 781 840 32 Goaljor 102 431 487 66 Nezimpur 185 284 312 33 Gopalnagar 141 265 400 34 Oolu 174 1,921 2,575 67 Ochai 163 798 985 [ 147 ]


10 p. S. Polba-COllcld.

Population Population S1. J. L. r---"--~ S1. J. L. r- ,..-"'""\ No. Name of Villages No. 1971 1981 No. Name of Villages No. 1971 1981 2 3 4 2 3 4

68 Pairadanga 189 61 75 84 Sangrampur 97 692 719 69 panchrakhi 154 477 520 85 Sankarbati 194 858 885 70 Parancbapur Il8 554 690 86 Sarampur III 445 586 71 Patoa Bhairabpur 99 2,289 2,681 87 Sibrampur 161 117 159 72 Patu) 181 340 470 88 Sitala 124 1,231 1,540 II< 73 Pauoao 95 2,593 2,745 89 Soa 164 '" 74 Polba 96 3,689 4,704 90 Sonatikri 143 727 758 75 Prasad put 146 788 937 91 Sudarsan WO 1,884 2,095 76 Purbba Ialarbheri 81 * 19 92 Sugandha 180 1,372 1,598 77 Purushottambati 175 396 584 93 Sultangachha 136 157 161 78 Radhanagar 132 419 518 94 Tarabibari 151 337 750 79 Rajhat 156 1,531 1,940 80 Ramnagar 168 1,266 1,737 95 Ugli 77 1,200 1,122 81 Ramnathpur 120 1,236 1,381 96 Uttar Dadpur 129 864 980 82 Raoagachha 186 431 517 83 Raoirbheri 80 356 452 Total (Rural) 75,245 91,137 '" Uninhabited [ 148 )


Location Area ot Codf;: Mouza Number i.e. (Vi1l(\ge) in No. 01 Total Populatiou J. L No. Hectares and Occupied (including Institutional and SchedulcL1 Scheduled of Mouza NaUle of Mouza (Village)1 of Town/ Residell- No. of Houseless Population) Castes Tribes , ___-A. __----, ~~--. ,---"-~ (ViIlage)/ Town/Ward (in absence of Ward in tia! House- Ward No. name repeat Ward No.) KMI Houses holds p M }' 111 F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

10 P. S, Polba 76 Karie harbhcri 257'30 194 194 1,203 621 582 3 4 77 Ugly 108'86 166 lu6 1,122 598 524 5 3 19 15 78 Dubir lll\eri 435'70 328 328 2,008 1,027 98l 100 102 99 98 79 MaheswarbJti 203'08 277 278 1,600 811 789 34 32 146 142 80 Ranirbh~ri 87'78 76 76 452 229 223 183 183

81 Purbba .lal:.:rbhcri 90'71 3 3 19 10 9 82 Dakatiarbhcri 272'80 214 214 1,377 736 641 5 2 45 39 94 Ballseye 55'60 287 287 1,504 784 720 310 273 50 45 95 Paunan 551 '11 504 504 2,745 1,407 1,338 564 5n 134 107 96 Polba 604'45 821 821 4,704 2,386 2,318 665 683 437 407

97 Sang ram pur 146'82 137 138 719 370 349 120 122 8l 73 98 Kasundipura 178'54 116 117 627 311 316 128 130 108 111 99 J'atna Bhairabpur 550'99 506 506 2,681 1,407 1,274 649 603 195 197 100 Sudar~;jll 417'75 371 371 2,095 1.098 997 370 349 136 125 101 <..iuula 95'74 65 65 380 204 176 24 15 18 21

102 Goaljor 127'37 80 80 487 247 240 90 78 67 75 103 Khatnl 103'44 63 63 375 179 196 65 65 5 3 104 Mirzapur 79'56 144 144 767 401 366 169 142 70 78 105 Jatarpur 44'11 41 41 241 123 118 23 26 9 10 111 ~aranpur 133'36 121 121 586 302 284 28 24 100 90

118 Paranehapur 141'66 110 110 690 343 347 91 98 120 Ramnatbpur 178'38 256 257 1,381 698 683 259 281 44 35 121 Kotalpara 275'97 312 313 1,686 847 839 296 281 105 91 122 Kagjipara 118 '07 102 102 596 314 282 90 93 12 12 123 Dakshinpara 110'16 183 183 956 458 498 125 149 45 46

124 Sit ala 153'55 292 292 1,540 794 746 169 158 125 Meghsar 256 '13 321 322 1,836 916 920 435 436 126 Nagurpara 175'68 118 118 689 354 335 102 84 2 127 Harmala 140'38 173 173 930 466 464 153 158 66 74 128 Balichara 107'76 56 56 298 158 140 54 57 •• ( 149 1

CENSUS ABSTRACT ~ ______MAIN -A WORKERS______' ______

Household Industry-Manu· facturing. Proces­ Total sing, Servicing, Other Workers Main Workers Agricultural (Iud Repairing [lII, IV. V(b) & MarVlIlui Uter..ttes (I-IX) CultIvatOr> (I) Labourcr6 (II) [ V (n) ] VI to IX] Workers Non-workers .----'-~ ._-..A.._-., r---"---, r----'---., r---Jo---., r-__"_-~ ,---"---..... ,---..A.___...., M 1<' M F M I~ III F M F !If F M F M l~ 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

412 209 324 247 57 20 297 582 482 281 297 17 200 19 12 7'1', 5 301 507 571 318 550 (ll 267 243 59 6 34 2 2 475 920 433 231 405 ~6 In 6 180 74 I 3 26 3 24 S 382 695 97 41 110 I 65 19 I 6 11 2 108 220

545 5 S 9 379 220 412 30 319 67 29 26 324 611 419 279 378 47 68 193 37 Hi 4 101 5 53 3 353 670 6!l3 456 681 168 129 415 161 15 122 7 30 9 696 1,161 1,206 780 1,145 295 315 16 463 211 31 336 6~ 72 78 1,169 1,945

164 102 160 67 25 93 60 41 7 29 7 181 275 143 63 122 31 26 3 66 20 1 29 7 43 47 146 238 494 261 671 386 206 21 356 363 7 102 1 22 12 714 876 562 324 502 175 143 10 285 ] 58 4 70 7 32 17 564 805 101 57 91 4 61 2l 3 9 7 10 106 162

104 48 127 17 'Ito 59 40 16 28 51 119 172 94 67 85 2 50 3.'\ 2 94 194 222 124 166 48 55 80 48 31 235 318 84 62 62 6 52 :) 6 5 61 112 138 93 144 65 37 6 76 59 31 13 2 145 217

177 122 188 59 114 61 55 3 10 2 155 288 357 218 404 ISO 127 2 204 141 1 ( 62 I 2 2 292 531 303 180 348 135 111 3 166 113 9 12 62 7 94 104 405 600 183 100 143 37 47 70 33 26 4 171 245 295 208 196 32 61 4 48 22 13 3 74 3 2 5 260 461

452 304 427 88 37 279 58 10 101 29 367 658 512 312 446 145 219 9 155 13J. 72 4 2 63 468 712 228 157 174 6 46 43 2 4 81 4 I 179 328 248 156 187 27 51 70 22 15 51 4 41 40 238 397 81 50 82 23 38 33 23 11 76 117 [ 150 J


Location Area of Code Mouza Number i.e. (Village) in No. of Total Population J. L. No. Hectares (lnli Occupied (including Institutional IUld Scheduled Scheduled of MOllzn ~ame of Mouzs (Village)! of Townl ~{es!dcll- No. of HOllseless Population Castes Tribes (Village)! Town/Ward (in absence of Ward tn tial Honse- r------.A..------. r-__"__~ r-___"'_-~ Ward No. uamc repeat Ward No.) Km2 Houses hol

10 Polba-contd. 129 Uttar Dadpul' 202'44 172 175 980 512 468 152 128 69 71 130 Kasemaligar 141 . 21 159 296 1,140 696 444 153 138 7 3 131 Birpala 87'32 83 83 397 210 187 64 52 132 Radhanagar 105'17 103 103 518 254 264 118 128 41 33 133 Basudebbati 228'90 279 279 1,480 744 736 476 470

134 Malipara 67'01 54 54 263 129 134 99 95 135 Ekbalpur 142'97 125 125 718 379 339 268 245 136 Sultangachha 34'62 29 29 161 89 72 22 II 137 Khein 203'71 241 241 1,292 670 622 344 339 27 27 138 Kapastikri 92'15 148 150 780 391 389 305 317

139 Jot Kalidas 27'03 Uninhabited 140 Meria 334'53 318 318 1,834 955 879 490 472 33 36 141 Gopalnagar 47'41 66 66 400 196 204 85 103 142 Manipur 54'78 73 73 399 202 197 128 121 12 13 143 Sontikri 97'46 116 116 758 388 370 114 114 12 15

144 Akna 218'14 300 300 ),755 911 844 335 315 56 57 145 Dalimba 169'71 270 270 1,516 762 754 364 355 160 99 ]46 Prasadpur ]72'77 181 18) 937 491 446 248 210 8 11 147 Milchita 119'92 102 102 647 330 317 12 7 75 61 148 Hosenabad 100'29 155 155 1,047 563 484 142 124 61 III

149 Dhuliara 348'64 259 259 1,772 944 828 380 321 214 214 150 Jhanpa 73'84 58 58 514 262 252 72 58 151 Tarabihari 90'1B 83 83 750 384 366 115 100 20 15 152 Barakpur Naopara 60'54 110 110 697 424 273 94 60 2 2 153 Kalora 150'05 158 . 158 896 460 436 17 18 31 21

154 Panchrakhi 110'80 84 84 520 270 250 43 27 46 37 155 Nandipur 49'00 8 8 37 17 20 17 20 156 Rajhat 302'61 353 353 1,940 1,007 933 146 128 88 84 157 Baral Malimpur 61'11 110 110 565 341 224 139 106 38 5 158 Bhatu& 422'16 388 388 2,159 1/108 1,051 416 417 127 J09 [ 151 ] cENsus ABSTRACT MAIN WORKERS ~------.-~.-----~~------~ Household luduatry- Manu­ facturing, Proces- Total sing, Servicing, Oilier Workers Main Workers Agricultural Ilnd Repairing [III. IV, V(b) 8: Marginal Literates (I-IX) Cultivators (I) Labourers (11) [V (a) ) VI to IX) Workers N ou-workers ,--.A.---, r ---..A.._---, ,-...... _---, ,--""-----, ,--""-----, ,---"-----, ,-_...... -~ r--_...... -~ M F M FIll F M F M F M 11 M II 1\1 F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

279 170 170 32 74 2 50 30 4 42 63 279 436 371 21 t 397 4 140 2 44 213 299 440 115 76 99 17 43 30 17 25 20 91 169 120 73 153 76 44 99 76 10 101 188 347 2t9 357 159 76 235 159 6 40 56 331 569

41 19 63 49 61 49 4 1 62 84 ]48 73 165 36 41 103 36 5 16 25 9 1~9 294 41 31 52 2 31 15 6 2 37 70 346 180 375 153 94 6 190 142 6 85 5 295 469 139 77 159 39 62 1 82 37 14 1 36 196 349

476 306 456 45 140 182 33 128 12 3 9 496 825 109 83 lOS 3 49 43 3 16 2 20 86 181 92 48 81 13 37 30 13 13 2 121 182 260 161 192 18 66 69 18 56 I () 9 186 343

638 378 436 95 80 8 160 73 25 171 13 9 466 748 310 149 429 199 60 9 255 184 27 87 6 4 2 329 553 147 84 265 95 39 168 94 26 32 1 1 225 350 196 108 120 49 82 32 48 6 63 t 147 267 235 97 337 46 50 133 154 46 9 102 217 336

322 112 640 283 173 3 224 140 243 140 2 54 302 491 72 35 85 13 32 32 13 20 85 95 92 144 111 50 127 17 58 33 16 36 142 163 115 186 179 91 309 81 67 222 7R 20 3 115 192 300 234, 171 13 72 44 12 55 64 225 422

160 1W. 1()2 3 76 1.7 3 9 38 9 t30 238 5 5 5 9 to 3 9 660 422 494 59 101 3 156 46 22 215 9 24 5 489 869 118 55 242 49 174 44 2 2 66 3 99 175 648 367 526 138 113 343 128 10 60 9 582 912 [ 152 )


Loea.tiou Area of Code Mouza Number i.~. (Village) in No. of Total Population J. L. No. Hectares and Occupied (including Institutional and Sclleduled Scheduled of Mouzs. Name of Mouza (Village)! of Town! Residrn- No. of HO\lsc1css Population Castes Tribes (VilIage)/ Town Ward (in absence of Ward ill tial Houses ,-____..A.----., e----II..---, e-----"-----, Ward No. uame repeat Ward No.) KM2 HouseR holds p ]\1 F M F M F ::! 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

10 p, S, Polba-contd, 159 Atpukur 41'30 :-14 84 493 249 244 42 46 160 Bhoagachhi 137'88 20:; 203 1,173 583 590 136 134 161 Sibrampur f.~l' 30 3H 38 l' 9 83 76 82 74 162 Belgare 88'96 88 88 461 219 242 123 130 96 112 163 Ochai 162'56 181 181 n5 513 472 80 80 140 134

164 Soa 60'21 Uninhabited 165 Amnan 286'39 273 273 1,459 744 715 314 327 95 75 166 Kedarnagar 105'80 51 51 309 160 149 167 Kaswaro 288'35 445 445 2,477 1,331 1,146 443 411 127 82 168 Ramnagar 108'35 352 352 1,737 919 818 78 60 196 173

169 Arazi Jot Chandi 59'88 () (1 30 17 13 170 Barun Napara 71'90 240 240 1,529 825 704 145 151 67 68 171 Bhaturia 186'80 127 127 703 336 367 62 60 78 101 172 Cbautara 65'42 87 87 556 291 265 lli ·97 7 3 173 Ampala 78'72 83 83 474 234 240 103 99 41 41

174 Gotu 754-41 476 479 2,575 1,348 1,227 353 342 216 221 175 purushottorubati 136'42 119 119 584 315 269 124 109 24 31 176 Amarpur 126'27 lIS 115 6R7 359 328 3 75 67 177 72'29 92 92 491 247 244 51 54 178 Mahespur 176'12 112 112 683 360 323 110 107 12 11

179 Kamdebpur ]99'93 213 213 1,280 650 630 41 36 138 ]32 l80 Sugandha 127'13 268 268 1,598 870 728 62 48 30 24 181 Patul 48'91 91 91 470 255 215 71 38 21 19 182 Narayanpara 190'00 126 126 840 441 399 72 60 59 62 183 Jadabpur 77'15 85 85 573 294 279 16 16

184 Binodpur 45'51 37 37 238 112 126 16 20 185 Nezampur 61'14 49 49 312 174 138 44 32 186 Ranagachha 44'05 82 82 517 266 251 11 12 10 9 187 Bahir Ranagacbha 62'97 53 53 363 178 185 '58 59 188 Dogacbbia 111'85 107 107 565 295 270 164 154 93 84 [ 153 )


Household Inuustry- Manu­ fachlring, Pro~­ Total sing, Servicing Other Workers Main Workers Agricultural and Repairing [III, IV, V(b) & MIlI!;illfll I.iterates (I-IX) Cultivators (I) Labourers (U) (V (a) ] VI to IX] Workers Nou-workerH J -_-.A._~ r--~--.. r---A-~ r--~~ ,---.A,-~ ,---"------, r----.A.~ ,---.A,_--.. M F M F M F 1\1 F M }1 1\1 F M 11 M I! 1.3 14 15 16 17 H~ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2ll

,.... [75 108 140 19 77 36 18 27 5 104 223 399 294 290 150 152 66 100 79 3~ 4 (j 434 ] 1 48 35 3 43 35 2 I) 3~ 113 35 112 41 44 4 52 37 [6 107 201 286 173 276 III 91 2 120 106 2 64 4 3 211 35)1

392 210 294 25 66 158 21 70 4 125 325 6'lO 129 100 77 4 52 (i 19 3 ~n 145 690 321 674 85 207 2 336 77 6 125 5 6 651 1,060 214 99 420 III 147 240 110 33 1 491{ 707

2 11 11 6 13 470 299 448 104 276 4 141 97 31 3 377 600 178 92 106 72 60 2 37 70 9 5 225 294 118 56 80 4 28 39 '3 5 8 64 7 147 254 124 73 118 31 24 77 29 I 16 2 II') 209

599 253 704 240 187 3 380 211 12 4 125 22 644 987 143 81 145 40 51 75 34 19 5 6 [5 164 214 224 187 214 49 82 52 25 79 24 3 142 279 84 55 96 9 [2 83 9 1 ISO 235 161 97 176 18 74 66 18 4 32 1(, 168 304

324 234 364 90 164 2 142 70 58 IH 12 274 540 600 426 416 51 130 80 9 2 204 41 28 426 677 122 76 155 18 11 76 6 68 12 100 197 272 153 197 5 90 81 3 26 I 7 237 393 138 78 148 2 83 58 4 3 146 277 126 76 53 57 37 19 55 138 101 44 99 61 34 4 75 23S 199 134 137 11 62 2 57 17 9 2 120 82 183 99 46 96 2 67 21 3 5 14 154 194 63 10 140 62 29 104 60 1 2 6 ( 154 )


toeatiotl Area of Code Monza Number •. ,. (Village) in No. of Total Population J. L.No. Heetares and Occupied (including Institutional and Scheduled Scheduled of Mouza NaUle of MouZi (VIllage)! of Town/ Reslden- No, of House1ess IJopulation Castes Tribes (Village)! Towtl Ward (In absente of Ward in tial Houses r-----.A.--~ • .. ~ ,---"----, Ward No, name repeat Ward No.) KM' Houses holds p M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 " 10 P. S. Polba-concld. 189 Pairadanga 122'86 IR 18 75 35 40 3 3 23 27 190 Erenga 117'78 127 127 814 445 369 65 63 75 59 191 Jarura 181'90 276 276 1,597 854 743 77 61 87 72 192 Bhushnara 134'27 52 52 395 205 190 12 12 193 Amd:lbad 103'59 79 79 484 240 244 35 34 9 14 194 Sankarbati 117'81 141 141 885 441 444 14 22 Total 153'" 15,998 ]6,149 91,737 47,576 44',161 13,654 13,036 4,969 4,667 (Entirely rural) ( 1~5 J


Household Industry-Manu­ facturing' Proces­ Total sing, Servicing, Other W orkets Main Workers Agricultural and Repairing [III. IV, V(b) & Maridnal Literates (I-IX) Cultivators (I) Labourers (tI) ( V (a) ] VI to IX] Workers Non-worker. ,---"----, r----"--~ ,--"----, r---"--~ ,--"----. r--~---' ,----.A.---, r'-'""'--..... M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 J5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

9 5 20 12 5 15 12 15 28 232 141 226 62 80 94 51 52 11 24 6 195 301 527 323 431 62 197 130 30 5 99 31 64 9 359 672 144 104 105 45 37 3 20 5 95 190 141 124 128 tJ 59 55 9 13 2 12 100 233 348 282 239 17 1J 7 61 6 61 11 2 23 200 404 24,521 14,621 23,534 5,548 8,321 258 10,032 4,623 341 .0 4,834 627 1,555 1,060 22,487 37,553 C" 156


11 p, S. Dadpur Population Population SI, r. L. c---.A.--~ S1. J. L. r-----"----~ ~o, N alUe of Villages No. 1971 1981 No. Name of Villages No. 1971 1981 .:." 3 4 2 3 4

I Aima 36 238 255 36 Ganeshpur 55 688 826 2 Ai rna Haripur 83 883 1,292 37 Ghatampur 50 1,150 1,211 3 Alma Samara 112 404 716 38 Goai 2 1,257 1,554 4 Alipur ~33 1,654 1,918 39 Gobindapur 62 600 . 1,008 5 Amra 3 1,623 1,865 40 Goe 47 290 394 6 Amria 60 597 673 41 Goswami Malipara 116 2,900 2,635 7 Anantapur 24 298 404 42 Gunpala 64 295 962 8 Ati 56 647 843 43 Hadilpur 106 561 532 9 Badinam 88 1,589 1,874 44 Hamidpur 8 457 577 10 Badishta 52 390 431 45 Hanral 7 839 1,002 11 Bakkeswar 1 675 734 46 Haripur 85 816 900 ]2 Balikukhari 107 747 1,080 47 Harit 91 1,818 3,006 13 Bansdarun 41 643 912 48 Hanan 34 1,505 1,833 ]4 Barasara 49 870 1,040 49 Haur 9 854 1,052 15 Basta 89 144 167 50 Hadla 35 666 741 16 28 607 149 51 Ichhur 93 203 285 17 Beta 66 1,214 1,413 52 Ishta 53 387 618 18 Bhabanipur 42 784 887 19 Bhushali 119 730 803 53 Jagannathpur 20 277 329 20 Bilatpur 74 472 1,335 54 Jhauband 54 367 490

21 Chanda 87 569 675 55 Kadipara 58 665 S47 22 Challpala 114 380 442 56 Kagnan 29 338 1,085 57 Kamrai 4 637 777 23 Dakshin Babnan 72 725 38 58 Kankuria 51 576 707 24 Dakshin Dadpur 44 696 795 59 Kantagare 37 315 387 25 Dampur 10 647 708 60 Kantul 23 560 624 26 Dawrpur 63 581 640 61 Kesabpur 113 382 434 27 Dantra 117 659 794 62 Kharari 90 634 793 28 Daulalpur 67 114 214 63 Kharsat 39 332 374 29 Derui 92 325 400 64 j, hidirpur 43 191 240 30 Dhanijpur 115 178 141 65 Khurigachhi 75 642 33 31 Dhemua 32 699 275 66 Komdhara 73 1,191 1,439 32 Dighagari ] 5 224 129 67 Krishnapur 25 395 470 33 Dighamwar 17 1,066 1,261 . 68 KUnchpala 13 1,194 1,412 34 Dumurpur 16 710 877 35 Durgadaspur 22 253 285 69 45 219 263 ( 157 ]


11 P. S. Dadpur-concld.

Population Population SI. J.1,. r-__""'_--'"'I Sl. J. L. r---""'---"\ No. Narne of Villages No. 1971 1981 No. Name of Vlllages No. 1971 lU81 2 3 4 2 .3 4

70 Mabishdanga 61 441 540 86 Pulnan l~ 2,446 2,766 71 Makhalpur 30 372 1,077 87 Purat 48 473 591 72 Maura 5 305 389 88 Purbba Sikta 12 923 722 73 Mirkhila 110 818 1,552 74 Mogalpur 19 268 330 89 Raulpur 40 304 357 75 Mulgram 65 645 76!) 90 SUlll'ura 27 600 71:)5 76 Musar 70 588 700 91 Sarap 68 II!) 295 92 Sarkhola 77 Nabagram 21 327 371 6 23& 275 93 Sahthan 78 Nabasan 57 374 519 14 1,177 1,317 94 S... kcnorajJur 38 741 79 Nagbal II 664 774 864 9S Snralllpur 26 4~1) 80 Nonadaoga 69 34 54 :'33

81 Panjipukuf 86 354 451 96 Taldienan Sanihati 108 2,380 3,279 82 Paschim Narayanpur 71 648 868 97 Tamlla 46 264 314 1:)3 Paschim Sikta 31 747 1,031 84 PaJan 84 875 1,099 98 Uttar Babnan 59 2,228 2,967 85 Popai 109 847 948 lotal (Rural) 67,981 82,842 ( ISS )


Location Area of Code Mouza Number i.1J. (Village) in No. of Total Population J.L. No. Hectares and Occupied (including In~titutional and Scheduled Scheduled of Mouza Name of Mouza (Village)1 of 'fown! Residen- No, of Houseless of population) Castes Tribes (Village)! Town/Ward (in absence of Ward in tial House- r--~-----' r-A~ r--';"'~ Ward No. name repeat Ward No. ) KM' Houses holds P M F M F M F 1 ? 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

11 p. S, Dadpur

1 Bakkswar 115'26 l34 134 734 386 348 32 32 171 152 2 Goai 273'02 304 304 1,554 798 756 365 331 74 71 3 Amra 272'48 313 316 1,865 977 888 353 339 3 4 Kamrai 147'60 . 122 122 777 409 368 128 124 36 25 5 Maura 51'66 64 64 389 206 183 8 II

6 Sarkhola 51'82 48 48 275 143 132 82 80 44 34 7 Hanral 158'68 175 175 1,002 514 488 123 ]09 ] 14 117 8 Hamidpur 109'23 106 108 577 285 292 59 60 41 44 9 Haur ]31'57 180 ]80 1,052 530 522 237 223 10 Dampur 80'76 llO 110 708 367 341 6 6 12 10

It Nagbal 97'91 145 145 774 410 364 169 152 19 17 12 Purbba Sikta 72'80 124 124 722 378 344 94 8,5 91 79 13 Kunch Pala 217'82 267 267 1,412 687 725 285 311 5 7 14 Satithan 291'16 257 257 1,317 696 621 314 284 88 89 15 Digbagari 56'88 29 29 129 80 49

16 Dumurpur 179'90 182 182 877 454 423 244 223 42 50 17 Dighanswar 164'38 228 228 1,261 655 606 325 263 93 III 18 Puinan 370'90 502 502 2,766 1,457 1,309 385 356 194 199 19 Mogalpur 122'56 63 63 330 180 150 9 5 60 48 20 Jagannathpur 61'03 53 53 329 166 163 ~3 30 9 10

21 Nabagram 48'62 69 69 371 188 183 117 95 22 Durgadaspur 47'40 50 50 285 144 ]41 40 45 23 Kantul 73'86 132 132 624 318 306 113 ]01 4 4 24 Anantapur 70'29 71 79 404 196 208 36 45 25 41 25 Krishanpur 85'06 92 92 470 244 226 104 93 42 43

26 Srirampur 73'69 95 96 533 275 258 69 72 110 107 27 Samsara 133'02 119 119 785 397 388 8 7 30 40 28 Beraberi 54' S5 25 25 149 79 70 16 14 21 22 29 Kagnan 122'38 222 224 1,085 538 547 178 175 202 213 30 MakhaJpur 129'33 ~15 215 1,077 550 527 ~35 2()7 70 64 ( 159 )

CENSUS ABstRAct MAIN W 6R.KERS -----., r------~------'Household I11dustry- Manu­ facturing, Proces- Total sing, Servicing Other Workers Main Workers Agricultural and Repalring em. IV, V(b) & MarJ(innl Literates (I-IX) Cultivators (I) I.abourers (II) [v (a) ) VI to IX] Workcr~ Non·worltefs ,--"---.... ,...._-.A..---, ,_-.A.---.., ,---.A._-.... ,...__...~ r--..._..a..._-""" M F 11 F M F 11 F M F M 11 M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

185 109 163 61 90 12 64 45 9 4 43 47 180 240 316 209 354 62 139 7 145 50 1 69 5 30 4 414 690 565 329 347 80 214 79 77 54 2 Il4 37 516 771 214 104 233 36 90 132 36 10 J75 332 143 102 117 2 100 9 7 2 89 181

50 19 74 30 14 55 30 5 6 21 63 81 259 147 259 50 78 148 44 3 30 6 4 15 251 423 142 77 137 48 57 71 47 9 1 I 147 244 269 171 208 12 81 3 93 () 2 32 3 26 62 296 448 249 137 185 6 125 4 18 2 42 3 182 332

204 125 198 75 66 4 87 66 3 1 42 4 3 212 286 174 107 204 25 89 98 24 17 1 5 29 169 290 323 190 345 143 134 2 162 129 19 11 30 5 109 337 473 272 170 382 98 261 78 71 20 2 48 4 24 310 499 56 23 65 58 4 3 15 49

214 93 253 85 75 5 163 80 15 20 47 181 221 242 109 292 52 94 5 159 45 38 2 16 14 347 540 737 446 748 223 163 11 336 183 244 29 27 30 682 1,056 87 26 56 2 34 14 2 8 37 19 87 129 88 58 81 21 52 23 21 5 2 85 140

85 57 103 32 40 54 32 2 7 84 151 81 50 77 30 4] 25 30 11 67 111 184 106 169 65 75 78 65 3 13 149 241 42 22 95 53 19 5 73 48 3 101 155 99 55 147 32 39 8S n 22 97 194

141 74 128 69 55 1 59 66 4 10 2 147 189 215 148 203 69 95 4 17 64 31 1 2 192 319 • 32 13 49 29 14 33 2.:: 7 2 1 30 40 204 101 286 210 87 47 130 148 2 11 67 4 19 9 233 328 300 249 296 74 37 158 50 3 98 24 2 252 453 ( 160 ]


Location Area of Codc Mouza Number i.e. Village) in No. of Total Population J. L. No. Hectares and Occupied Illclll

11 p, S, Dadpur--contd,

31 Paschim Sikta 72'9g 206 206 1,031 537 494 334 313 33 33 32 Dhemua 119'19 46 46 275 146 129 9(\ 83 33 Alipur 242'33 324 324 1,918 976 942 33R 336 34 Hasnan 218'25 315 315 1,833 9:;5 87t; 430 490 53 55 35 Hodla 142'00 146 146 741 377 364 76 7-:. 163 159

36 Aima 68'68 38 38 25) 122 133 9 20 37 Kantagare 96'33 68 Mi 3X7 195 192 94 85 43 54 38 Sekendarpur 97' 51 157 157 864 435 429 157 152 II 6 39 Kharsat 56'75 70 70 374 IX4 190 70 71 13 9 40 Rasulpur 73'05 70 70 357 176 181 28 35 17 18

41 Bansdarun ]20'59 155 155 912 471 441 96 98 4 9 42 Bhabanipur 104'19 154 154 887 44)) 439 186 191 86 86 43 Khidirpur 58'95 50 50 240 121 119 44 43 45 46 44 Dakshin Dadpur 80'97 136 136 795 399 396 77 64 84 90 45 Maheswarpur 52'6!) 49 49 263 132 13J 25 29

46 Tamila 70'84 3R 38 314 J54 160 20 16 47 Goe 104'81 72 72 394 212 182 76 71 75 56 48 Pural 83'73 92 92 591 296 295 88 95 57 58 49 Barasara 176'70 181 181 1,040 522 518 167 162 64 70 50 Ghatampur j 58'34 194 195 1,211 625 586 161 164 63 67

51 Kankuria 111 '93 129 129 707 356 351 17 15 54 54 52 Badisbta 66'28 65 65 431 211 220 23 17 23 17 53 Ishta 84'82 114 114 618 308 310 61 51 89 97 54 Ihauband 129'04 98 98. 490 245 245 42 44 49 48 55 Ganespur 118'69 136 136 826 447 379 221 198 49 39

56 Ati 138'87 135 135 843 439 404 40 42 98 82 '17 Nabasan 108'02 85 85 519 262 257 166 160 58 Kadipara 98'72 169 171 847 439 408 119 117 13 '9 S9 Uttar Babnan 251'64 497 498 2,967 1,502 1,465 93 79 124 136 60 Amira 109'80 102 102 673 361 312 140 116 I 161 )

CENSUS ABSTRACt MAIN WORKERS ~--~------~----~~ ------~------~ Household Industry-Manu­ facturing, ProceB- Total sing, Servicing, Other Workers Main Workers Agricultural and Repairing (III, IV, V(b) & Marginal Literates (I-IX) Cultivators (1) Labourers (IT) [ V (a) ] VI to IX] Worker~ Non-workers r---.A._--, r---"---.. r--.A.--.. ,----.A.---., ,----"---.. r---.A.--., r--.A.~ ,-...... ---, 11{ :£0' M :F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

215 97 307 114 43 3 ~ 137 109 127 2 230 380 67 37 69 2 54 2 1 1 12 2 2 7'1 125 504 288 511 104 246 6 178 95 2 3 85 31 69 434 769 403 197 514 111 99 3 320 96 3 92 12 2 441 765 138 88 192 140 49 2 129 138 14 18'1 224

75 45 43 9 40 9 3 79 124 51 25 92 54 89 54 1 2 103 138 181 165 219 84 105 5 78 76 2 3S 1 15 59 201 286 91 75 95 8 40 44 5 10 3 89 182 76 39 84 27 33 37 26 14 2 92 152

222 126 250 57 60 1 122 42 2 68 12 5 6 216 378 199 126 264 75 78 4 J27 69 II 2 48 184 364 44 26 67 18 9 2 43 15 15 5 27 49 74 221 155 200 67 68 4 9S 63 36 199 329 73 54 54 15 38 4 14 11 2 78 116

114 86 63 5 48 7 8 5 91 155 68 24 115 28 33 75 28 7 97 154 201 123 158 29 71 2 62 26 25 17 5 121 261 277 169 255 81 121 96 81 1 37 25 242 437 30~ 156 318 111 117 2 137 t08 1 63 10 297 475

171 91 200 30 114 67 30 19 155 .121 132 86 119 3 77 33 3 9 92 217 136 67 158 52 86 70 52 2 150 258 86 43 138 54 49 70 . 53 19 107 191 220 95 267 28 58 174 27 2 33 5 104 175 247

235 138 200 45 74 89 41 2 35 4 239 359 111 56 139 8 66 58 8 8 7 2 26 121 223 173 83 218 15 40 t06 8 24 48 7 17 158 204 235 834 569 793 81 204 303 71 155 9 131 I 1 3 708 1,381 222 136 142 4 76 48 5 13 4 48 165 171 143 ( 162 )


tocatio1l Area of Code Mouza Numberi.lI. (Village) in No. of Total Population J. L. No. Hectares and Occupied (including Institutional and Scheduled Scheduled of MouzEI Name of Mouzi< VilIage)1 of Townl Reslden- No. of HOlIseJess Population) Castcs Tribes Town/Ward (in absence of Ward in tial House- r--"---.. ~ (VUlages)/ r--~---~ p- Ward No name repeat Ward No. KMz Houses holds p :M F M F M I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

11 p, S, Dadpur-contd,

61 Mahishdanga 113'35 104 104 540 293 247 137 107 62 Gobindapur l34'97 173 174 1,008 529 479 188 163 63 Danerpur 75'17 130 130 640 333 307 108 90 112 113 64 GunpaJa 210'03 190 190 962 500 462 56 41 135 139 65 Mulgram 121'42 114 114 768 396 372 98 104 61 47

66 Beta 373'64 260 260 1,413 698 715 97 103 104 106 67 Daulatpur 45'98 35 35 214 104 110 24 27 68 Sarap 44'49 57 57 295 160 135 g7 1:)2 69 Nora 85'54 11 11 54 25 29 25 29 70 Musar 81'01 131 131 700 359 341 45 44

71 Paschim Narayanpara 172'52 175 175 Hu8 426 442 IH6 183 45 59 72 Dakshin Babnan 45'08 6 6 38 21 17 4 2 73 Komdhara 237'90 240 240 1,439 736 703 489 504 74 Bilatpur 298'67 201 201 f ,335 695 640 688 635 15 Khurigachhi 177'38 4 4 33 16 17 14 17

83 Aima Haripur 222'86 244 244 1,292 648 644 463 451 84 Payan 71'67 185 185 1,099 550 549 491 491 85 Haripuf 110' 52 171 171 900 447 453 167 190 20 19 86 PaDji pukur 46'88 82 82 451 232 219 62 63 87 Chanda 76'57 128 128 675 354 321 66 65 39 37

88 Badinan 296'98 298 298 1,874 983 891 413 382 8 10 89 Basta 74'64 24 24 167 96 71 8 9 90 Khavari 65'49 125 141 793 393 400 42 32 113 96 91 Harit 3BI'86 477 482 3,006 1,574 1,432 589 568 147 132 92 Derul , 82'22 68 68 400 210 190 207 186

93 Ichhpur 47'38 52 ' 52 285 142 143 81 87 20 22 106 Hadilpur 64'31 90 90 532 283 249 202 186 .. 107 Bali Kukhare 166'65 184 184 1,01lO 547 533 92 91 136 145 108 Talchioan Sanihati 604'45 586 586 3,279 1,685 1,,594 700 676 178 188 109 Popal 220'33 178 178 948 483 465 171 162 140 133 [ t6~ ]

CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKERS r------' ~------Household Industry- Manu­ facturiul(, Proces- 'fotal sinJ.!. Servicing. Other Workers Main Workers Agricultural and Repairing [III. IV, V(b) &. Marginal Literates (I-IX) Cultivators (I) Labourers (II) [ V (a) J VI to IX] Workers Non-worker. ,---.A._--., r-...... ~ r---A-~ r--.A.---, ,..---.A.----., r___"'__--"'\ r---.A.~ r___"'-~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 I ~ 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

110 53 157 3 62 93 3 2 1% 244 321 180 285 59 71 161 4) 7 12 46 2 244 420 138 98 196 87 37 6 129 69 I 30 II 137 220 207 125 241 49 100 5 117 38 3 24 3 51 57 208 356 181 99 202 83 58 106 58 16 15 22 10 194 289

364 231 347 69 127 182 69 38 16 335 646 54 28 43 I 8 18 4 13 8 53 109 51 26 69 30 16 41 29 3 9 9 82 105 3 2 17 19 16 19 8 10 205 78 177 18 97 53 18 20 7 8 6 174 317

134 53 225 201 15 180 170 10 20 31 10 5 191 236 II 6 12 4 7 I 9 17 307 89 376 2 241 107 28' J 8 14 352 687 285 54 372 4 308 46 18 3 323 636 6 5 13 12 3 17

246 128 339 49 136 200 47 2 12 309 583 158 42 291 174 110 7 2'i9 549 130 71 226 50 7~ 3 145 47 6 10 21 J 403 88 56 132 39 34 85 39 Jj 100 180 208 115 191 30 116 59 28 16 2 2 161 289

465 197 518 12 333 161 8 24 3 464 879 58 29 50 5 42 7 4 46 66 116 66 199 66 82 90 63 27 3 . 194 334 770 460 657 139 226 :) 221 106 26 3 184 25 227 37 690 1,256 97 39 121 2 44 71 5 2 1 89 187

48 38 79 J2 II 43 ]0 25 2 63 131 59 33 179 81 39 136 81 4 104 168 241 157 283 117 84 2 150 ID 49 2 264 416 740 456 816 248 277 4 355 210 4! 203 26 59 30 750 1)16 179 88 279 61 101 .. 173 67 5 7 34 197 364 r 164 J URBAN/VILLAGE PRIMARY

Location c\rea <) Code Mouza Number (" (Village) in No. of Total Population J,L. No. Hectares and Occupied (including Institutional aud Scheduled Scheduled. of 'Mouza Name of 'Mou:l.a (Vlllage)1 of Townl Residt".n- No. of I10useless Population) Castes Tribes (Villages)/ Town/Ward (in absence of Ward in tial {louse- ,--_--"----. ,...-_..._--.., ,...__"_-~ Ward No. name repeat Ward No.) KM" Houses holds P M F M F M II 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

I I p, S. lDadpur-concld. 110 Mirkhilcl 204'23 274 274 1,552 784 768 300 293 76 69 112 Aima SJI1l<;ara 87'48 128 128 716 372 344 60 58 43 50 113 Kesabpur 144'08 S9 S9 434 216 218 49 SO 29 IS 114 Cbaupala 68'59 81 81 442 219 223 77 n 39 48 115 Dhanijpur 44'01 26 26 141 69 72 9 9

116 Goswami Malipara 392'24 522 524 2,63~ 1,33 J ] ,304 571 543 86 101 117 Dantera 168'46 119 119 794 406 388 77 70 79 72 119 Bhushali 164'73 148 148 803 401 402 271 281 14 7 Total 132'3 14,667 14,711 82,841 42,476 40,365 14,965 14,346 4,636 4,6H) (Entirely rural) , 165 J

CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKnRS ,... ___"______-.___ A... ____...... - ______,__ -.

Household Industry-Manu­ facturing, Proces­ Total sing, Servicing, Other Workers Main Workers AgrIcultural and Repw.rmg [lU, IV, V(b) & Marginal Literates (I-IX) Cl1lllvntor~ (1) Labourer;, (IT) [ V (a) ] VI to IX] Workers Non-worker. r----"-~ ,---"----"\ ,_-.A.~ ,----"---, ,---'-_-, ,~----"\ r-...... ~ ,-_-.A.._ __._ M F Ill: F M F I'll F M F M F M P M If 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

286 165 448 257 146 19 274 201 34 27 3 7 329 511 162 103 141 72 44 '81 72 16 47 52 184 220 103 77 76 50 15 :II 26 10 24 30 13 110 155 75 39 121 56 49 16 65 39 6 2 97 165 30 21 33 3 18 10 5 7 36 62

624 456 684 262 19H 3 357 247 19 110 11 20 4 627 1,038 212 139 162 57 41 90 50 31 7 19 225 330 174 95 203 75 53 130 74 20 1 198 327 19,662 11 ,288 21,518 5,607 8,296 358 9,745 4,790 424 136 3,05.'J 323 1,087 ],381 19,871 33,371 [ 166 )


Population Population 81. J.L. r--___"_-~ 81. J.L. I . No Name of Vlllages No. 1971 1981 No. Name of VillageI' No. 1971 1981 2 3 4 2 3 4

1 Adangachhi 58 436 517 35 Gobar::anra 84 1,087 1,099 2 Aimapaharpur 85 1,102 1,515 36 Gobra 79 197 243 3 Aknapur 37 1,055 1,334 37 Gure 20 ],068 1,253 4 Aligari 33 251 433 38 Hauli '5 Ankargaria 78 639 801 27 1,374 1,799 6 Astara 66 3,946 5, ]00 39 Jagajibanpur 65 726 933 40 Jagannathpur 74 590 751 912 1,155 7 Bagbari 47 41 Jaynagar 54 1,583 2,015 8 Baidyapur 35 1,204 1,689 9 Bajitpur 28 2,499 1,444 42 Kalapukur 49 643 812 10 Batlabhipur 51 291 347 43 Kanaipur 46 408 675 II ' Batigari 53 2,515 3,597 44 Kanraria 3 1,150 1,681 12 Bamunpara 63 938 1,198 45 Kasabchak 12 1,655 2,115 13 Basudebpur 34 484 572 46 Ketera 16 1,580 1,939 14 Belband 75 402 525 47 Kulteghari 4 1,172 1,447 ]5 Beremul 70 635 758 48 Kulut 40 643 802 16 Bhabanipur 57 590 686 49 Kunjaban 56 590 747 ]7 Bbanjipur 26 2,346 2,658 18 Bhatamalpur 38 439 470 50 Laskarpur 13 2,127 2,890 21 618 19 Bhata • 51 Madpur 48 1,262 1,408 30 987 1,247 20 Bhimpur '52 Mahcspur 42 890 1, 113 72 2,423 3,045 21 Binagram 53 Makl'ar 15 1,492 1,624 Binodbati 80 481 638 22 54 Malpaharpur 88 1,155 1,335 23 Bisbnubati 19 1,408 1,777 55 ManoharpuT 50 381 525 56 Mirzapur 36 2,127 2,559 24 Cbakdah 82 690 840 57 Mohanbati 5 530 765 25 Chandur 23 2,097 2,605 58 Moktarpur 14 3,916 4,745 26 67 6,482 7,945 59 Mujpur 60 947 t ,094 27 Chhaonapur 81 708 841 77 161 200 28 Darbespur 76 489 477 60 Nabina 1,503 29 DattapuT 62 722 818 61 Nachhipur 2 1,681 73 1,990 2,511 30 Dhalyan 24 498 614 62 Naita 63 Nandanbati 44 412 490 31 Ekdalu 64 331 333 64 Naypara 8 736 911 65 Nazirpur 52 360 449 32 Gangatambati 86 183 251 33 Gauribati 7 1,358 1,630 66 Pancbgachhia 90 514 642 34, Gayespur 18 691 853 67 Paschim Ramna$ar 69 881 1,060 ( 161 )


12 P. S. Tarakeswar-concld.

Population Populatlon SI. J. L. ,.---'-~ ::;1. J.L ----"--. N.o. Name of Vlllages No. 1971 1981 No. NIIt1le 01 Villages No. 1971 1981 2 3 4 2 3 4

68 Piasara K3 604 537 gO Sardarpur 45 260 326 69 Pratiharpur 59 662 2,115 81 Sibpur 9 297 347 70 Purbba Ramoagar 31 5,026 5,988 82 Somserpur 41 577 750 83 Syampur 55 701 889 71 Radhanagar 43 604 668 72 Rambati 39 633 X09 84 Tajpur 71 500 705 73 Ramchandrapur 89 302 302 8::, Talpur 11 3)65 4,277 74 Ramnarayanpur 17 J,754 2,264 86 Tarak!>swar 29 '" 663 87 Teghari (1 1,1'68 2,348 75 Sachak 68 939 1,058 88 Timna ~7 2(,9 363 76 Sahapur 22 1ft • 89 Tulyan ]0 ~89 1,074 77 Sainta 25 834 753 90 Tyagra 32 1,483 1,750 78 Salepur 61 479 579 79 Santoshpur I 2,517 2,901 Total (Rural) 100,669 125,]40 t 168 )


Location Area of Code .M:ouza Number'.'. (Village) in No. of Total Population J. L. No. HeCtares a.nd. Occupiecl (including Institutional and Scheduled Scheduled of Monza Name of Mouza (VilIage)1 of Town/ Reslden· No. of Honseless Population Castes Tribes (Vi1lag~1 Town/Ward (in absence of Ward lU tlal lIouse- ,------"-----., r-----"----, r---"---, Ward o. name repeat Ward No.) Km2 Houses holds p M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 II 9 10 11 12

12 ~, S, Tarakeswar Santoshpur 259'96 462 462 2,901 1,539 1,362 442 408 4 5 2 Nachhipur 216'65 261 261 1 ,6~1 891 790 6R 44 81 71 3 Kanraria 134'14 277 277 1,711 964 747 99 89 106 107 4 Kultighari 152'33 253 253 1,447 742 705 200 213 36 38 5 Mohanbati 89'24 135 135 765 390 375 93 88 122 118

6 Tegbari 186'80 365 366 2,348 1,181 1,167 187 210 20 22 7 Gauribati 103'85 233 233 1,630 830 800 178 169 19 15 8 Naypare 61. 31 118 119 911 476 43'; 57 49 4 3 9 Sibpur 54'46 55 56 347- 187 160 58 56 34 25 10 Tutyan 63'8~ 194 195 1,074 580 494 178 163 12 8

11 Talpur 349'17 554 684 4,277 2,271 2,006 438 405 111 95 12 Kesabchak 128'40 295 323 2,115 1,102 1,013 368 392 99 31 13 Laskarpur 208'04 422 424 2,890 1,521 1,369 192 210 47 47 14 Moktarpur 313'83 70S 719 4,745 2,478 2,247 277 267 86 45 15 Makrar 135' 75 225 225 1,624 .870 754 64 51 5 8

16 Ketera 185'24 274 296 1,939 991 948 219 200 S9 59 17 Ramnarayanpur 154'80 325 362 2,264 1,168 1,096 83 79 42 45 18 Gayespur 54'39 137 149 853 429 424 84 86 10 20 19 Bishnubati 122'40 263 273 1,777 926 851 66 51 25 33 20 Gure 71'12 183 185 1,253 619 634 123 138 11 8

21 Bhata 97'53 100 109 618 310 308 77 78 7 12 22 Sabapur 99'15 U N I N H A B J T 23 Chandur 187'71 389 392 2,605 1,350 1,255 73 74 40 36 24 Dhalyan 92'52 102 102 614 321 293 111 109 5 5 25 Sainta 90'41 129 DI 753 397 356 188 179

26 Bhantipur 122'41 441 442 2,658 1,387 1,271 71 64 14 13 27 Hauli 131'01 298 298 1,799 948 851 162 125 31 37 28 Bajitpur 83'34 231 231 1,444 728 716 40 46 10 14 29 Tarakeswar 133'14 101 JOl 663 323 340 276 281 4 14 30 Bhimpur 62'05 186 205 1,247 625 622 44 43 36 16 ( 169 1

CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKERS r------~-----A~ ______------, Household Industry - 'Manu­ facturiJlg. Proees- Total sing. Servicing. OUlet Workers Main Workers Agricultural and Repairing [III. IV. V(b) & Mar!:innl Literates (I-IX) Cultivators (I) Labourers (II) [V (a) 1 VI to IX) Workers Non-workers ,..-...... ---. r_...... ~ ,-_"_~ ,_...... --.., t"""---"-~ r---"--~ r---.A.--.., ,...---..A..----. M F M F M F M }<' M F M F M F M I" 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

892 523 826 61 394 5 245 53 18 Hi9 } 7D ') 101 527 305 427 52 190 118 47 5 1J 4 5 2 462 738 563 256 518 77 225 6 146 67 10 2 137 2 II 8 43'1 662 478 231 365 49 154 3 119 45 91 377 656 162 94 186 73 22 135 73 29 204 302

677 424 608 37 304 181 34 5 118 3 59 573 1,071 488 308 434 20 238 109 17 4 83 3 1 395 780 345 184 254 7 144 41 5 5 64 2 4 218 428 85 42 95 29 21 49 16 2 23 13 92 131 367 200 258 18 123 79 17 56 322 476

1,386 713 1,114 115 542 253 88 9 310 21 33 1,124 1 ,891 562 358 549 58 195 2 190 53 2 163 I 553 955 659 448 786 119 350 19 220 97 11 205 3 4 3 731 1,247 1,526 779 1,263 68 623 13 242 49 22 376 5 3 1,232 2,178 535 193 404 5 350 23 5 31 466 749

597 355 477 83 211 125 78 2 139 4 38 476 865 718 379 600 53 298 119 49 6 177 3 2 566 1,043 249 97 203 31 82 60 27 9 52 4 226 393 514 226 451 SO 275 87 45 12 4 77 475 800 335 219 309 22 114 72 19 1 122 2 4 306 611

156 107 156 17 62 47 10 4 47 3 153 291 E D Partly in Tarakeswar (M) 843 502 657 46 323 5 181 36 12 141 5 7 686 J ,209 170 103 175 30 84 53 26 3 35 4 2 144 263 176 93 184 13 35 84 12 I 64 213 343

875 555 686 83 316 114 33 45 31 211 18 2 701 1,186 564 263 486 73 273 145 n 23 45 2 460 778 447 247 353 30 196 56 25 3 98 5 14 3 361 683 125 43 147 17 49 54 13 44 4 2 174 323 428 229 356 44 181 102 39 9 1 64 4 2 267 578 ( 170 ].


Location Area of Code Mouza NUlllber i.e Vlllage) in No. of Total Population J. r.. No. Hectares and Occupied (including Institutional and Scheduled Scheduled of Mouza Name of Mol.lZ& (Village)! of Town! Reslden- No. of Houscless Population) Castes Tribes (Village)/ Town/Ward (in absence of Ward in tial House- r-----A.---~ r----A..--.., • "'--*"""\ Ward No. name repeat Ward No.) Km' Houses holds p II:{ P M P M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

12 p, S, Tarakest\lar-contd. 31 PurJa Ramnagar 515'98 919 923 5,988 3,139 2,849 722 699 5 7 32 Tyugra 158'68 311 312 1,750 920 830 187 178 48 55 33 Aligari 67'22 81 81 433 219 214 28 26 3 3 34 Basudebpur 75'12 110 110 572 282 290 31 27 , . 35 Baidyapur 150'18 328 328 1,689 861 828 190 183 6 5

36 Mirzapur 330'26 458 458 2,SSQ J ,340 1,219 260 265 91 86 37 Akmapur 204'90 240 240 1,334 693 641 153 156 150 142 38 Bharamalpur 41'76 91 91 470 238 232 18 16 53 53 39 Rambati 64'24 125 134 809 421 388 159 14() 5 4 40 Kulut 83'44 124 124 802 391 411 86 84 56 65

41 Somserpur 104'00 119 119 750 381 369 92 72 (2 6 42 Mabespur 100'08 167 167 J,113 598 515 135 106 41 41 43 Radbanagar 81'40 123 123 668 357 311 128 128 18 22 44 Nandanbati 45'41 72 72 '490 251 239 '4 2 17 17 45 Sardarpur 57'10 62 62 326 175 CSI 41 39 40 34

46 Kanaipur. 89'02 J18 J 18 675 340 335 84 87 70 70 47 Bagbari 178'49 242 242 1,155 571 584 76 93 106 128 48 Madpusi 230'93 239 239 ] ,408 704 704 263 208 89 106 49 Ka'apukur 79'99 158 158 812 404 408 50 57 88 86 50 Manoharpur 70'29 92 92 525 270 255 3 4 98 95

51 Ballabhipur 53'90 73 73 347 181 166 6 5 19 18 52 Nazirpur 63'25 89 89 449 221 228 51 54 43 55 53 Baligari 279'92 698 699 3,597 1,913 1,684 479 430 220 228 54 1aynagar 351'66 344 349 2,015 1,058 957 173 164 62 46 55 Syampur 99'20 159 159 889 448 441 129 122 51 60

5",/', Ku.ojabao 82'89 137 137 747 381 366 56 51 46 55 57 Bbabanipur 98'07 107 107 686 338 348 82 75 68 81 58 Adangachi 66'21 97 . 97 5J7 265 252 104 ]09 26 20 59 Pratiharpur 115'36 361 36) 2,115 1,078 1,037 401 333 120 127 60 Mujpur 104'09 184 184 1,094 588 506 91 94 159 130 ( 171 ]

CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKERS r------~------~------Household Industry-Manu­ facturing. Proces- Total sing, Servicing, Other W orlter. Main Workers Agricultural and Repairing [III, IV, V(b) & Marginal Literates (I-IX) Cultivators (I) Labourers (II) [ V (a)] VI to IX] • Workers Non-worker. r----.A.~ ,----.A._~ ,--_"__~ r-__.IIo.--.., r----"----. ,...---"----. r---"----. ,...___....~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

1,916 1,121 1,619 214 702 5 472 195 179 3 266 II 49 37 \471 2,598 510 289 421 85 73 7 169 37 51 7 128 34 3 496 745 118 66 100 17 42 35 16 23 119 197 192 144 129 37 34 5 22 20 3 70 11 153 253 408 266 398 113 43 180 95 175 18 3 460 714

646 302 772 133 400 284 123 7 81 10 4 568 1,082 329 153 350 99 118 2 177 95 55 2 6 342 536 148 86 130 29 67 2 56 27 7 108 203 221 150 185 71 69 71 67 2 43 3 236 317 213 144 178 47 80 90 47 8 213 364 302 181 109 213 56 88 112 53 13 2 11 167 343 196 304 75 170 2 117 73 17 4 290 439 ]52 267 180 81 205 44 92 2 91 42 22 138 15 56 74 14 8 113 224 184 108 , 59 22 92 52 33 12 46 40 13 83 99

143 37 190 67 78 2 93 61 19 4 150 268 283 488 268 120 288 96 82 5 139 58 67 33 II 345 594 319 160 331 99 179 14 123 83 2 27 2 28 183 325 260 130 221 83 117 67 59 12 21 25 2 137 204 107 52 133 51 59 57 51 ]7 19 83 131 78 34 98 16 45 44 15 9 7 9S 194 102 32 124 27 97 2 23 25 4 2 849 1,348 948 482 1,064 324 24e 25 498 257 27 15 299 27 12 518 796 510 259 537 161 152 22 203 ]35 130 3 52 3 4 214 363 180 95 233 74 71 2 97 71 5 60 202 299 163 52 179 67 74 6 84 61 3 ]8 140 271 157 93 77 53 122 77 23 198 118 194 69 35 147 58 41 2 ' 101 56 5 505 841 462 245 573 196 119 2 351 193 25 78 251 369 300 166 337 137 129 1 149 136 49 .. [ 172 ]


Location Area of Code Moun Number i.e. (Village) in No. of Total Population J.L. No. Hectares and Occupied (includmg Institutional and Scheduled Scheduled of Mouza Name of Mouza (Village)! of Town! Residen- No. of Houseless of Popuhltion) Castes Tribes (Village)! Town/Ward (in lbsence of Ward in tial House- r---.A------. r-.A.~ r--..A--~ Ward No. name repeat Ward No. ) KMI Houses llolds P M 1" M F M .1<' 2 3 4 5 6 7 !l 9 10 11 12

12 P. S. Tarakeswar-contd,

61 Salepuf 59'82 108 108 579 298 281 5S 60 16 18 62 Dattapuf 139'12 142 142 818 433 3S5 175 173 11 12 63 Bamunpara 145 'OS 188 191 1,198 620 578 145 147 51 61 64 Ekdalla 79'12 47 47 333 177 156 77 75 65 Jagajibanpur 73'41 144 144 933 468 465 115 121 3

66 Astara 411'19 739 748 5,100 2,613 2,4H7 241 222 40 51 67 Champadanga 460'48 1,418 1,421 7,945 4,134 3,811 602 669 29 32 68 Sachak 95'91 181 181 1,058 549 509 208 200 69 Paschim Ramnagar 39'79 176 176 1,060 AS 515 61 61$ 4 70 BaTemnl 117'26 119 119 758 390 368 105 ]00

71 Tajpur 121'16 106 109 705 364 341 360 340 72 Binagram 211' 23 434 449 3,045 1,537 1,508 53 39 58 75 73 Naita 305'72 370 374 2,511 1,311 1,200 182 181 37 26 74 Jagannathpur 86'51 111 111 751 362 389 165 168 2 75 Belband 60'95 63 63 525 260 265 63 64

76 Durbespur 64'73 82 82 477 246 231 79 76 3 4 77 Nabina 29'39 28 30 200 119 81 71 48 48 33 78 Ankargaria 69'92 lIS 115 801 412 389 57 56 2 3 79 Gabra 81'92 36 36 243 129 114 16 12 2 2 80 Binodb::tti 116'34 111 111 638 339 299 120 97 12 18

81 Chharnapur 82'20 ]47 147 841 437 404 275 258 3 4 82 Chakdaha 98'69 ]43 143 840 428 412 84 75 63 76 83 Piasara 106'10 104 104 537 260 277 97 101 84 Gobarhanra 138'02 206 206 1,099 535 564 242 282 6 13 85 Adna Pabarpur 200'45 291 292 1,515 801 714 239 213 18 18 86 Gangarambati 44'45 40 40 251 ]29 122 87 Timna 49'75 54 54 363 196 167 51 50 41 36 88 Malpabarpur 167'20 189 189 1,335 688 647 209 181 40 30 89 Ramchandrap ur 7]'82 57 57 302 155 147 57 48 90 Panch Oachhia 76'17 106 106 642 328 314 180 158 1 I' ( 173 )

CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKERS r------~--,------,------~ Houaehold llI.dustry-Ma.uu­ facturing, Proces­ Total sing. Servicing Other Workers Main Workers Agricultural and Repairing [In, IV, V(b) & Marginal L!terates (I_IX) Cultivators (I) Labourers (il) ( V (a) ] VI to IX] Workers Non-workers r-~-----. .----"----"'1 r-J..----., r--..A.-. ,,---.A._~ r---..A.~,...._.....,,_~ r----'--.-, M. F M F M. F 14 F M F M F M F 1\4: F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

146 89 163 47 85 3 ~5 43 13 135 234 247 97 228 ?r7 109 86 34 4 29 3 205 348 358 221 316 92 175 4 121 88 20 303 486 133 65 86 68 11 2 5 90 156 273 152 227 45 140 69 45 2 16 4 237 420

1,541 677 1,337 74 985 267 70 14 2 71 1 1 1,276 2,412 2)681 1,525 2,163 1&,0 718 3 372 108 11 3 1,062 66 38 10 1,933 3,621 369 207' 258 6 60 43 14 I 141 4 291 503 381 213 266 19 88 3 41 10 5 4 132 2 8 271 496 206 91 193 5 93 3 62 4 34 2 16 3 181 360

86 J6 176 3 96 76 4 2 5 4 183 334 975 649 804 68 623 5 92 61 31 .4_ 58 2 733 1,439 764 243 693 24 448 3 167 16 26 2 52 3 3 6]5 1,175 124 37 190 2 149 29 4 8 1 172 387 165 88 145 9 89 46 8 10 115 256

123 44 114 56 12 46 132 231 54 7 53 16 22 26 16 5 66 65 217 103 224 3 166 45 13 4 188 382 69 27 61 7 44 13 6 4 11 57 107 102 44 178 31 64 109 31 2 3 .. 161 268

180 84 222 81 73 138 80 II 19 196 323 237 ]28 235 62 ISO 74 62 11 193 350 148 102 123 16 60 46 13 17 3 137 261 253 149 279 108 81 . ,. 113 105 37 3 48 2 254 456 287 129 449 110 157 7 240 IG3 2 50 352 604 79 41 52 17 25 3 7 77 122 84 51 III 38 52 2 39 35 20 85 129 392 221 354 91 192 10 110 74 21 4 31 3 7 327 556 73 30 81 13 33 4 23 9 3 22 3 4 71 130 84 34 187 2 64 99 24 6 1 135 311 I 174 ]


Locat:Iott Area of Code Youza Number i.l. (Village) in No. of Total Population J. L.No. Hectares and OCCupied (Including Institutional and Scheduled Scheduled of Monza Name of Mouza (Vlllage)/ of Townl Resideu- No. of Houseless Population Castell Tribes (Village)1 Towll Ward {In ab8Cllce of Ward in tia! Houses ("""-___ A---"" .._ __..A_~ ,-..__..A---, Ward No, name repeat Ward No.) KM' Houses holda p M F M P M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

12 P. S. Tarakeswar-concld. Tarakeswar (M) 3'90 3,160 3,237 16,518 8,787 7,731 946 907 8 4 Ward No.1 309 309 1,514 769 745 145 126 2 234 234 1,294 681 613 42 31 " 3 201 239 1,142 605 537 4 1 " 4 376 376 1,765 889 876 61 61 4 2 " 5 131 139 686 367 3]9 " 6 247 252 1,366 742 624 3 4 " 7 390 395 1,877 1,026 851 126 104 2 2 " , , 8 220 231 1,326 702 624 170 204 , , 9 347 353 2,020 1,054 966 50 61 2

- 10 250 254 1)13 680 533 169 159 " H -11 455 455 2,315 1,272 1,043 176 156 Rural ] 16'0 20,]9620,551 125,140 64,853 60,28713;180 12,656 3,378 3,312 Ur'harl 3'9 3,160 3,237 16,518 8,787 7,73{ 946 907 8 4 Grand Total 119'9 23,356 23,788 141,658 73,640 68,018 14,126 13,563 3,386 3,316 CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKER.S

r·------'------h~------'------~Houaehold Industry- Manu­ facturing, Proces- Total sing, Servicing Oilier Workers Main Workers Agricultural and Repairing (III, IV, V(b) & Mar~inal Literates (I-IX) Cultivators (I) I,abourers (II) [v (a) ) VI to IX] Workers ,--J-NOll-workers___ ,-_-.A..~ ,... _ _...._--, r-~ r__....~ ,- . r-~-~ ,--_""---. M F M F M 1<' M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2fi 27 28

5,531 3,388 4,370 455 177 405 154 130 3 3,658 297 24 78 4,393 7,198 465 303 351 38 30 77 2 22 222 35 418 707 458 316 331 23 5 3 3] 292 23 350 590 481 317 302 15 18 3 284 12 303 522 543 363 425 33 ] 1 16 2 6 392 31 463 843

295 227 200 27 13 187 26 167 292 536 363 342 26 '7 3 331 26 400 598 471 145 502 44 3 5 8 486 44 1 523 806 437 261 377 88 6 75 56 3 293 31 1 76 324 460 706 475 497 49 70 83 35 15 329 14 17 540 916

414 225 375 71 18 81 56 9 267 15 305 462 725 393 668 41 27 1 44 22 575 40 4 600 J ,002 35,994 19,26933,1825,189 15,134 231 10,255 4,452 850 1]1 6,943 385 351 220 31,320 54,878 5,531 3,388 4,370 455 177 1 405 154 130 3 3,658 297 24 78 4,393 7., 198 41,525 22,657 37,552 5,644 15,311 232 10,660 4,606 980 124 10,601 682 375 298 35,713 62,076

;' [ F6 ]


13 P. S. HQripai

• Population Population 81. J. L. r--.A.---, S1. J. L. ,...----"'-~ No. Name of VJllagell No. 1971 1981 N.o Name of Villages No. 1971 1981 2 3 4 2 3 4

1 Abhirampur ]26 377 386 25 Bhupatipur 36 48 46 2 Aimachapsara 104 454 567 26 Bhurslt Khejuria 58 128 156 3 Ajodhyakasipur 2 2,077 2,429 27 Bijaypur 149 759 931 4 Alampur 136 574 669 28 Biprapur 151 1,107 1,173 5 Alipur 7 2,111 2,483 29 Brahmanj)ara 75 650 780 6 Amgacbhi 82 691 910 .",,,, 30 Gltaitanyapur 63 396 474 7 Aminpur 71 663 31 Chak Ananta 53 1,752 8. Anantapur 129 1,120 1,448 "'''' 32 Chakchandinagar 67 650 739 9 Ankapara 87 595 717 33 ChakduDlur 23 587 783 34 Chandanpur 95 1,194 1,588 10 Badt Digaria 108 158 201 35 Chandbati 44 618 7Sg 11 Baganbati 121 716 769 36 Chandinagar 69 "'''' 695 12 Bahirkhanda 19 1,526 1,983 ~ Chapsara 101 299 348 13 Baje IsJampur 110 551 597 38 Chautara 15 1,297 1,527 14 Bakula 102 617 794 39 Chitrasali 88 855 908 15 Baladbaidh 13 1,394 2,502

16 Balia 4 1,853 2,048 40 Dakshinkul 120 978 1,338 17 Bamanjol 93 994 1,195 41 Dakshin Ramchandrapur 125 306 349 18 Bandipur 113 2,472 2,999 42 Dalapatipur 42 972 1,273 19 Baramba 51 473 629 43 Danga Mabespur 152 644 418 20 146 1,80S 2,473 44 Dank 109 664 887 21 'Qasudebpur 14 1,139 1,576 45 Dhanyahana 150 1,806 2,013 22 Basurl 31 900 1,087 46 Dignag'ar 59 244 313 23 11 234 266 47 Dilalpur 111 2,591 2,806 24 Bbaramallabbpur 30 504 380 48 Dipa 41 1,001 l,220J [ 177 ]


13 P S. Haripal-contd.

,..._-APopulation __ ., Populattoll 81. J. L. ~I. T. L. r-.A-.._" No, NRUlC-<>f VJllage. No. 1971 lObI No. NaUle of V1llage. No. IIJ71 11181

2 1 4 2 3 4

49 Dipagaja 43 443 561 72 Islampur 114 2,601 2,574 .50 Dogeria 99 168 244 73 Jadabbati 119 1,317 1,346 51 Dulla 20 I ,14~ 1,400 74 Jagajibanpur 47 682 970

:'2 Durgapur 141 471 539 75 JamalbatJ 76 I, 'iO 1 1,7)4 53 45 2,062 2,577 76 Jayrampur 34 485 ",)1

54 Enayetpur J4S 2,191 2,620 77 Jejer 83 2,R62 3 ,37~ 78 Ihinka 1311 475 602 'i5 Fandpur 94 855 1,028 79 Jisra 18 557 ~')I

'i6 Gabati 64 533 673 80 Jinpur 84 1,079 1,395 57 Gaja 92 950 1,004 81 Jot Radhaballa bh 132 754 828

'i8 Gazipur 143 1,066 1,341 82 Kailkala 16 2,959 3,480 59 Ghatra 71 565 713 83 Kalachhara 81 599 635 60 Gopalprasa 38 497 565 o 84 Kaluhati Bhagabatlpur 'i6 864 1,149 61 Gopinagar 73 2,Oll •• 85 Kamalpur 134 449 'i19 62 609 741 62 Gosha 8f) Kamdehpur 40 683 772 140 1,504 63 Guskara 1,776 87 Kamrajpur 4X 453 624 88 Kanakpur 50 1,023 1,175 64 Hamirgac 122 248 308 89 Kangai 100 342 464 65 Rara 74 1,319 1,545 90 Kankrajo 181 762 737 66 Harat 97 568 670 91 Kasimerpur 112 139 ~81 67 Haripal 68 " 2,383 92 Kamar Chandi 72 '* 1,655 68 Harispur 3 428 451 93 Khankhanpur 90 552 889 69 Hasimpur 118 433 575 94 Khejuria 57 124 8<;9

70 Ichhapur 17 1,287 1,528 95 Kinkarbati 116 785 943 71 tlipur 131 1,449 1,637 96 Krishnaballabhbati 55 678 848 ~ 178 1


13 P. S. Haripal-contd.

Population Population ,---'''-____... SI. J. L. ,... -.... 81. J. I.. _ No. Nam.e of Villages No. 1971 1981 No. Name of Villages No. 1971 1981 2 3 4 2 3 4

97 Krishnabati 142 460 41)3 121 Paniseola 12 1,028 1,219 98 Krishnapur 52 .* 930 122 Panrra 128 1,962 2,366 99 Kulpai 135 436 719 123 Parbbatipur 46 1,479 1,696 100 Kumirgarl 154 • 124 Parjana 115 965 1,142 101 Kumargari 98 307 408 125 Paschim Gopinathpur 28 1,313 1,849 126 Paschim 66 1,934 2,194 102 Lakshmanpur 107 146 179 127 Paschim Mallikpur 49 443 602 103 Lalpur ~9 1,127 l,80!) 128 Paschim Narayanpur 21 2,303 2,770

104 MadaDmoba npur 106 565 702 129 Porra 96 447 610 lOS Mabeswarpur 35 660 850 130 Prasadpur 133 515 675 106 Mahishtikri 103 1,476 1,733 131 Purbba Gopinathpur 117 1,582 2,022 107 Malia 123 2,253 2,678 132 Purbba Joykrishnapur 137 193 252 108 9 683 779 133 Purbba Mallikpur 130 631 685 109 Mannapara 79 528 578 134 Purbba Narayanpur 80 666 790 1,457 110 Mara 25 1,223 135 Radhakrishnapur 65 680 831 111 Mesera 86 620 757 136 Raghubati 70 527 663 112 Mirerchak l39 734 949 137 Raghunalhpur 54 745 1,004 113 Mirzapur 91 171 205 138 Raj ballabhbati 78 1,368 1,538 114 Musapur 127 1,351 1,634 139 Sahapur 144 1,117 1,327 115 Nalikul 147 1,000 1,380 140 Sahara 37 449 561 116 Naopara 29 777 933 145 1,243 1,477 117 N awapara 141 Santipur 124 603 708 118 Nayanagar 8 595 626 142 Satgbari 10 829 951

119 Pabarpur 61 172 236 143 Sibarampur 6 609 749 1)0 Pancblichhia 27 585 791 144 Sipaigacbhi 60 726 911 [ 179 I


13 P. S. Haripal-concld.

Poputathm Population 51. J. L. r---"--., 81. J. L. ,...~_,_ No. Name of VllIages No. 1971 1981 No. Name of Villages No. 1971 1981 2 3 4 2 3 4

[45 Sirazpur 32 647 809 ISO Sultanpur 979 1,034 146 Sodpur 26 988 1,175 151 Sundarpur 24 222 293 1,327 147 Sonatikri 5 1,138 152 Tajpur 22 338 493 3,567 148 Sripatipuf 153 3,108 153 Taldaha 39 573 737 149 ~rirampur 33 315 377 154 Uttar Ramchandrapur 10.:; ~50 611 * Uninhabited Total (Rural) 133,504 170,402 "Included m Haripal \Non~Municipahty) ( 180 )


Location Ar<¥l ot Code ~rouza Number t.e, (Village) 1U No. of Total Populatiou J. L. No. Hectares and Uccupled (mcludtng lllst.tutl(lual aud Scheduled Sciledtllt'd of Mouza Nalile of .:'tfouza (VIIlage)/ of Townl Residen- No. of IIolisdes'> Population) C.lstcs Tljl!e~ , ____--A. __ ---., ,---A.~"l ,-___"_'__'" (Vlllage)/ Town/Ward (in absence of Ward In tial House- Ward No. name repeat Ward No.) KMs Houses holds P M F M r !vI F 2 3 4 5 6 'I )0, 9 10 11 12

13 P. S. llaripal

Sui tao pur 129'11 173 J73 1,034 547 487 230 228 30 29 2 Ajodhya Kasipur 21 J '04 19'7 ?.Q7 2,429 1,281 1,14S 89 91 91 91 3 Harispur 1?3- 73 % % 451 249 202 111 97 2'; 27 4 Balia 242'95 36'; 365 2.048 1,O3l 1,017 203 230 III 128 5 Sonatikri 173-1;5 236 236 I,J27 6% 6'\1 I ', -1 130 ()) 99

6 Sibarampur 95'51 131 !11 74(j 3b9 36() 24(1 247 3 .j

7 Alipur 283'11 386 306 2,483 1,28.\ 1,200 ~)J 217 n 101 8 Nay.Ill.1gar 102'42 110 110 626 311 315 169 153 9 Manir.llnpur 107'48 135 135 779 397 382 I"'il 1:)6 33 4J 10 Satghan 92'63 139 139 951 466 485 )9 61 32 32

11 Bhagabatipur 52'80 SO 50 266 141 12) 40 46 40 26 12 Paniseola 132'82 196 196 1,219 631 5gg 196 181 7'0 g7 J3 Balabandb 266'51 407 441 2,502 1,371 1,13l 431 402 75 68 14 Basudebpur 133'33 254 257 1,576 1.137 739 210 206 66 51 15 Cbautara 172-86 249 249 1,527 796 731 31) 307 21 23

16 418-70 587 587 3,480 I,IBO 1,670 629 600 12) 124 17 lchhapur 82'30 249 249 I ,52~ 797 731 73 66 7b 92 18 Jlbra 121 -3:) 93 93 551 303 248 116 100 13 8 19 Bahlrkhandd 214'37 372 372 1,983 1,030 953 373 37(1 7~ 64 20 Dulla 126'65 230 230 1,400 706 694 195 HH; II)) 9)

21 PaschHIl N,lfayanpur 368'45 465 465 2,770 1,463 1,307 220 194 638 611 22 Tajpur 114'49 71 71 493 259 234 22 20 41 35 23 Chak Durnur 156'38 100 100 783 397 386 92 89 77 92 24 Sundarpul 59'10 48 48 293 146 147 11 13 25 Mara 139'44 259 259 1,457 770 687 72 51 99 93

26 Sodpur 133'02 195 195 1,175 628 547 356 302 88 88 27 Panchgachbia 169'96 125 125 79l 402 389 196 198 88 86 28 Pascbim Gopinathpur 224'36 306 306 1,849 930 919 196 192 93 88 29 Naopara 106'64 169 169 933 459 474 335 337 10 Bharamallabhpur 62'95 69 69 380 199 181 52 48 46 37 [ 18t ]

CENSUS ABSTRACT , ______MAIN -AWORKERS______------.., Household llldustry- Mu.nu­ facturing. Proces- 1'otdl sing. Servicing, Utll!!r Workers MaUl Workers Agricultural and RepaiIlng [III. IV. V(b) & Mo.rglllal Literates (T-rX) Cultlvators (I) l,abotlrers (11) [V (a)] VI to IX j Workers ~oll-work('r" ,..-_._A._--.., r ---A_--, r-.A.---, ,--A._--., r---A---, ,--A---. ,....--A._--, ._-A_----. M F},1 II ~l }<' M II M J1 M F M F .!II F 13 14 15 16 ~ 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 n 28

227 93 311 67 104 169 67 38 2 214 420 7~6 45lS 679 141 406 23 204 118 69 12 3 :;90 I ,(lO.t 71 23 136 54 43 3 77 51 16 113 148 541 317 540 213 274 2 232 208 34 3 49 1 ~l)-I, 2l:)() 196 178 J2) 207 143 120 2 26 JIll )10

17M 76 177 Yi 116 13 6 20 32 54 I SO 293 T) 7~7 460 709 I", 370 214 64 7 112 II 12 562 1,128 J60 123 163 I"() 16 t<8 18 21 38 148 297 140 6'\ 2(\() 83 103 80 13 197 JOI I'i0 ~3 271 173 77 34 21 II):; 4~ I

65 34 10 41 3'1 2 44 39 4 2 ~6 8·1 363 ) 30 ~99 90 184 3 144 ~4 2 69 3 212 49l\ ':>77 299 793 III :; ) 2 340 108 10 131 3 41 47 537 1)71 502 255 468 75 216 2 116 72 2 114 I 3m 664 490 257 419 83 110 193 79 S3 63 3 377 64!\

900 485 947 12'1 26'i 5 309 llO 93 280 10 4 S63 1 ,~41 434 219 389 101 23 1 133 88 126 2 107 10 2 40(1 629 (Yt; 38 181 12 34 133 12 14 122 216 541 290 49') 187 136 9 227 170 19 .3 113 5 2 2 511 764 376 243 308 6S 102 I IS (J4 91 3 17 lH I 626

.525 176 752 350 162 2 472 348 7 J II JO 9 701 948 133 57 129 39 64 3 55 36 10 130 19') 113 48 223 41 80 141 41 2 10 33 164 312 38 7 78 5 31 40 5 3 4 2 66 142 431 216 382 73 118 4 lIB 60 105 7 41 2 4 ':;84 614

281 128 278 64 56 199 63 9 14 350 483 128 70 208 n 66 3 112 52 3 3 27 20 6 7 188 304 508 296 440 110 138 4 132 92 eo 13 90 44 26 446 783 84 29 260 135 103 32 118 100 27 12 2 199 339 137 87 98 12 45 3 28 8 24 14 20 87 149 ( 182 J


~oeation Ateaof Code Mouza Numberi,e, (Village) in No, of Total Population J,L, No. Hectares and Occupied (including Institutional and Scheduled Scheduled of Mouza Name of Mouza (Village)1 of Town! Residen- No. of Houseless of population) Castes Tribes. (Village) { Town/Ward (in abgence of Ward in tial House- r---A--...... ~ ,--.A.----... ,.. ~ Ward No. name repeat Ward No.) K)l1 Houses holds P .M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 Harlpal-contd.

31 Basuri 129'09 183 183 J ,087 560 527 228 233 70 60 32 Sirazpur 69'37 130 130 809 417 392 348 328 33 Srirampur 69'97 59 59 377 ]89 188 168 175 34 Joyrampur 46'26 92 92 551 304 247 176 ]29 4 3 35 Maheswarpur 119'08 128 129 850 441 409 206 201

36 Bhupatipur 49'12 8 8 46 24 22 24 22 37 Sahara 146'86 104 104 561 286 275 58 54 38 Gopal Prasad 72'79 99 99 565 285 280 28 33 J8 16 39 Taldaha 94'46 103 103 737 371 366 73 64 28 23 40 Kamdebpur 42'73 145 145 172 381 391 168 160 136 156

41 Dipa 91'02 202 202 1,220 648 572 153 133 65 66 42 Dalapatipur 113'76 189 191 1,273 666 607 229 206 164 173 43 Dipagaja 77'07 94 94 561 274 287 85 89 49 50 44 Chandbati 84'78 127 127 758 385 373 118 108 22 23 45 Dwarhatta ]84'08 436 438 2,577 1,364 1,213 2~6 211 66 59

46 Parbbatipur 217'52 312 312 1,696 888 808 146 152 46 33 47 Jagaj ibanpur 123'28 180 190 970 538 432 155 152 94 101 48 Kamrajpur 114'18 97 97 624 322 302 38 32 92 83 49 Paschim Mallikpur 65'40 112 119 602 294 308 78 84 50 Kanakpur 132'73 217 217 1,175 594 581 96 108

51 Baramba 54'03 110 110 629 314 315 12 19 22 24 52 Krishnapur 59'89 156 156 930 470 460 126 135 28 19 53 Chak Ananta 90'65 301 301 1,752 915 837 367 318 54 Raghunathpur 113'76 170 170 1,004 525 479 197 178 55 Krishnaballabhbati 100'17 140 140 848 433 415 208 210 , 56 Kalubati Bhagabatipur 243'84 214 214 1,149 594 555 124 96 7 9 57 Khejuria 153'85 174 174 859 448 411 179 170 14 21 58 Bhursit K.bejuria 48'73 29 29 156 77 79 57 70 59 Dignagar 47'68 59 59 313 164 149 28 23 4 7 60 Sipaisachhi 124'38 167 167 911 484 427 168 138 9 P t 183 1 cENsus ABSTRACT MAIN WORKERS r'------~------,------·----~ Houaehold Jnduatty- Manu­ facturing. Proces- l'ota.l sing. Servicing Other Workers Main W orkerll Alticultural and Repairing (III. IV. V(b) & Marginal Literates (I-IX) CultivaiQrs (I) Labourers (II) (v (al ) VI to IX] Workers Non-wl:Oketll ,..--"--~ ("'"-_.....-~ r--"---'"I ("'" I • ... • \ .----'----.. ,...~ ,....---...'--___ • M }<' M F M F M P M F M F M F M P 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

253 165 285 25 154 89 24 42 3 274 499" 197 66 222 105 86 1 3] 195 391 44 18 86 40 25 13 53 27 3 5 103 148 128 77 147 3 24 90 6 27 2 157 244 163', 72 127 2 113 6 7 132 15 182 392

3 14 8 2 12 8 10 14 67 13 153 5 43 2 109 3 1 133 270 100 53 165 39 80 78 39 4 3 120 241 220 175 193 34 62 51 28 32 48 4 178 332 142 92 212 95 24 3 128 89 32 1 28 2 169 296

341 220 318 37 76 3 135 2S 29 3 78 6 18 330 517 212 105 336 109 100 2 200 102 36 4 330 498 94 60 163 55 36 104 49 2 21 6 4 110 228 182 125 191 42 36 68 39 41 2 46 194 331 182 454 702 125 79 7 196 79 202 17 225 22 662 1,087

268 130 452 185 103 3 315 182 3 31 4 3 432 620 174 92 328 81 45 IS8 79 3 122 1 210 350 152 86 135 48 47 10 56 35 8 24 3 24 6 163 248 123 64 169 17 66 93 17 10 125 291 314 184 289 84 156 3 102 79 2 29 7 298 497

189 126 ]28 22 59 42 21 2 25 1 2 184 293 171 97 234 18 23 143 Ii 30 4 38 3 5 236 437 498 326 370 14 47 110 2 63 2 150 9 2 543 822 298 195 262 8 50 46 1 23 . 143 6 13 4 250 467 145 56 269 34 135 113 34 7 14 164 381

185 61 298 68 J 57 14 103 53 38 296 487 118 37 261 63 III II 132 37 10 15 8 187 348 28 2 48 32 6 41 31 29 47 67 31 61 IS 29 16 15 15 29 10 74 124 126 50 268 55 89 3 147 45 9 7 23 1 3 215 369 ( 184 1


Location Area of Code Mouza Numberi.l. Village) in No. of Total Population J. L. No. Hectares and Occupied including Institutional and Scheduled Scheduled of Mouza Name of Mouzl!. (Village) I of Town/ Reslden- No. oj Houseless Population) Castes Tribes (Village)1 Town/Ward (In absence of Ward in tial House- r-----.A.---~ r-...... ~ ,...---.1>--""-,\ Ward No, name repeat Ward No.) Km' Houses holds P M F M F M P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 P. S. Harlpal--contd. 61 Paharpur 65'29 41 41 236 114 122 7 10 62 Gosha 93'94 119 119 741 383 358 184 182 56 66 63 Chaitanyapur 40'57 92 92 474 229 245 III 126 11 9 64 Gabati 154'20 127 128 673 355 318 128 126 25 24 65 Radhakrishnapur 151' 28 152 152 831 438 393 236 202 61 66

66 Paschim lay Krishnapur 176'66 402 403 2,194 1,173 1,021 338 339 96 80 67 Chak Chandinagar 76'39 129 129 739 397 342 9 12 66 40 68 HaripaJ 75'27 417 417 2,383 1,261 1,122 190 178 17 12 69 Chadinagar 53'42 109 109 695 377 318 163 ]14 70 Raghubati 56'80 84 84 663 360 303 95 62 6 5

71 Aminpur 44']1 114 114 663 347 316 39 34 72 Khamar Chandi 81'75 302 303 1,655 864 791 77 79 11 11 73 Oopinagar 197'49 382 382 2,011 1,059 952 219 187 65 68 74 Hara 112'92 267 267 1,545 806 739 308 275 75 Brahmanpara 109'42 127 127 780 403 377 15 18

76 Jamaibati 252'53 300 300 1,754 910 844 327 310 53 52 77 Ghatra 82'39 133 133 773 403 370 185 168 78 Rajballabhbati 109 '18 254 254 1,538 791 747 211 211 8 7 79 Mannapara 49'33 89 89 578 299 279 30 32 80 Purha Narayanpur 94'56 125 125 790 404 386 98 93 27 29

81 Kankrajol 104'96 111 ttl 737 388 349 63 55 106 96 82 Amgachhi 52'61 148 . 148 910 462 448 72 64 77 84 83 421'80 587 587 3,375 1,670 1,705 519 555 71 81 84 Jinpu,r 95'03 234 234 1,395 711 684 39 44 8S Kalachhara 92'00 132 132 635 323 312 110 121 9 12

86 Mesera 90'71 127 127 757 392 365 63 63 21 20 87 Ankapara 137' 58 134 134 717 368 349 92 99 92 79 88 Chitrasali 126'93 155 155 908 480 428 130 116 49 56 89 Lalpur 177'10 300 300 1,808 960 848 206 186 58 45 90 K.banakhanpur 120'60 144 144 889 455 434 167 154 10 22 [ 185 J

C£NSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WOR.KERS ~ ______~_--A~~ ______~

Household Industry - :Manu­ facturing. Proees- Total sing. Serviting, Other Workers Main Workers Agricultural and Repairing [III, IV, V(b) '" Marginal I,itcrates (I-IX) Cultivators (I) Labouters (II) [V (a) ) VI to IX) Workers Nou.wOtwa ,..---A_-.... r-__'_~ r---A..__..., r-.A.----, ,---.A.~ r__"'_----, ,----'---. r--_.I\,,~ M F M F M F M F M PM F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

34 22 60 4 43 3 12 4 1 54 118 54 21 218 52 16 1 190 50 12 1 ](,5 306 120 87 123 48 64 29 36 IS 22 5 2J 101 174 82 30 185 81 68 13 68 64 26 4 23 170 237 138 71 209 58 66 3 89 52 54 3 42 24 187 :lJ 1

744 444 536 43 67 1 145 11 22 302 31 12 24 625 954 166 64 242 16 84 2 122 12 36 2 1'i5 326 929 659 619 36 21 82 12 154 5 362 18 641 1,086 191 121 199 25 27 101 20 37 1 34 4 178 293 187 110 197 6 61 86 4 13 1 37 163 297

262 190 171 3 85 18 1 68 2 176 313 564 417 465 72 38 116 36 3 308 36 399 719 599 379 533 57 100 167 45 23 3 243 9 3 526 892 480 325 419 33 195 140 30 4 80 3 387 706 169 101 201 31 76 88 29 .} 34 202 346

412 220 476 62 217 2 190 57 5 64 3 '4 433 778 187 115 226 44 90 105 44 31 15 177 311 473 280 462 40 234 It9 36 109 3 21 21 308 686 209 124 144 2 79 .. 17 I 48 ] 15 140 277 200 118 227 37 120 69 34 2 36 3 6 171 349

195 110 207 60 88 91 58 28 181 289 299 180 196 44 31 114 42 6 45 265 404 751 427 845 130 360 25 316 99 11 158 6 50 21 775 1,554 333 147 381 80 183 153 79 1 44 1 2 6 328 598 153 62 167 82 62 77 82 2 26 156 230

200 93 188 37 122 49 37 17 2 202 328 123 59 205 99 66 I 123 83 3 13 15 163 250 216 132 241 35 113 20 77 14 1 50 1 3 236 393 545 276 468 51 153 4 243 I 39 5 67 8 492 797 148 82 260 28 120 123 28 17 34 52 161 354 ( 186 )


Locatiol1 Area of Code Mouza Numberi,., (Village) in No. of Total Population Scheduled J, L.No. Hectares and Occupied (including Institutional aud Scheduled Reslden- No. of Houseless Population Castes Tribes of Mouza Name of Mouza (Village)/ of Town/ ,---... (VUlage)/ Town Ward (in absence of Ward in tisl Houses _ ~ ,...---A--, ~---., p Ward No. name repeat Ward No.) KM' Houses holds M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 P. S. Harlpal-contd. 91 Mirzapur 58'51 36 36 205 101 104 101 104 92 Gaja 131'43 188 190 1,004 509 495 224 228 56 67 93 Bamanjol 191 '14 229 229 1,195 616 579 3 2 73 77 94 Faridpur 133'43 181 181 1,028 513 515 214 215 42 48 95 Chandan pur 17] '16 285 285 1,588 864 724 103 102 24 14

96 Porra 55'37 )07 107 610 299 311 246 265 97 Hardt 45'24 127 127 670 335 335 ., 98 Kumralari 58'62 76 76 408 214 194 115 99 66 71 99 Dogeria 70'64 34 34 244 J23 121 100 Kangai 47'63 70 70 464 223 241 101 Chapsara 63'09 54 55 348 182 166 83 61 102 Bakula 62'19 133 133 794 384 410 143 133 103 Mahishtikri 244'07 281 281 1,733 886 847 307 297 104 Aima Chapsara 60'51 100 100 567 288 279 95 97 3 3 105 Uttar Ramchandrapur 88'33 114 117 611 303 308 154 149 81 85

106 Madanmobanpur 125'62 JI4 114 702 363 339 49 55 107 Lakshmallpur 44'47 32 32 179 95 84 93 83 108 Bade Digaria 79'75 33 33 201 101 100 101 100 109 Dank 138'08 163 ]63 887 453 434 203 192 16 15 110 Baje Islampur 124'11 101 ]01 597 318 279 2S 21

111 DiJalpl'f 189'80 431 431 2,806 1,457 1,349 222 201 25 34 112 Kasimerpur 123'03 147 147 881 46S 416 36 35 36 43 Il3 Bandipur 217'84 522 522 2,999 1,540 1,459 422 404 85 94 114 Islampur 107'68 390 390 2,574 1,337 1,237 201 178 28 27 115 Parjana 69'27 173 173 ],142 604 538 349 309 116 Kinkarbati 77'22 149 149 943 500 443 86 74 .. 117 Purbba Gopinatbpur 119'25 262 '262 2;022 1,055 967 121 109 4 4 118 Hasimpur 51'86 93 93 575 303 272 14 13 119 ladabbati 128'07 211 211 1,946 101 645 193 121 120 Daksmotul 70'42 243 243 1,338 679 659 200 195 10 • 8 ( 187 ]

CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WOR.UaS ~~~~~~-~,----¥~,------,------~ Household Indust1'y-Mauu· facturing, Ptoces· Total sing, servicing, Other Wotkers Main Workers AgriCllltural and Repaitiug [III, IV, V(b) & MtlIglnnl Literates (I-IX) Cultivators (I) ~nboureTs (II) [ V (a)] VI to IX] Workers NOD-workere ,...--"--.. r---.A.----., r---A.----., r___"'----., r---A.---, r-~--, t""'-~ r-""_- M F M F M F M. F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19· 20 21 22 _ 23 24 25 26 27 28

2 2 61 61 40 104 220 114 260 32 105 4 79 26 15 61 2 7 21 242 442 192 91 311 48 192 J 1 103 36 16 2 6 303 525 287 181 250 29 67 7 ~ 19 4 2 %0 \ 12 66 251 420 378 156 468 20 105 82 14 8 273 6 I 9 395 695

61 20 149 5 90 48 5 11 5 150 301 234 155 139 1 lOt 7 30 196 334 99 21 98 32 39 55 32 4 11 105 161 76 49 75 61 14 48 121 161 107 114 2 81 7 2 24 2 )07 239

111 44 86 1 27 29 2 28 5 91 165 235 117 188 2 163 9 1 2 14 .196 408 480 233 443 2 240 156 2 I 46 6 6 437 839 ]47 82 126 10 58 40 9 2 26 16 9 146 260 94 51 174 58 41 1,1 53 4 12 8 129 242

129 43 181 5 140 25 5 5 II t82 334 38 9 41 18 17 6 54 84 32 2 45 21 23 I 56 100 157 66 238 5 82 130 4 1 25 9 7 206 422 186 189 106 132 43 44 6 39 278 122 79 741 1,298 938 510 637 50 358 157 49 1 195 387 246 142 270 29 169 67 25 2 2 32 2 404 51 9 13 782 1,313 911 616 749 133 7L 256 72 18 lO 16 663 1,190 775 438 658 47 290 257 47 17 94 2S 346 . 538 271 ]36 233 71 92 3 67 78 2 285 441 245 153 215 2 49 86 2 .~ 124 8 3 5 456 946 672 402 596 16 322 143 4 7 3 22 I 155 211 ]50 77 148 1. 72 54 tOl 5 5 331 630 469 321 365 15 190 4 70 6 4 17 335 631 388 224 327 28 97 89 9 1 140 19 l 188 ]


Loration Area of Code Mouta Nllmberi.~. Villag~) in No. of Total Population J. L. No, Hectares and Occupied (including Institutional and Scheduled Schedulf.'d of Moula Name of Mouza (VUlage)1 of Town! Residen- No. of lIouseless Population) Castes Tribes (Village)1 Town/Ward (in e,hsev.ce of WardiJ1 Hal House- ,,-__-A- __--,. r--.A.---.. r--A._--... Wa.n'lNo. name repeat Ward No.) Km' Houses holds l' M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 P. S, Hartpat-contd,

J21 Baganbati 53'43 126 126 769 390 379 38 38 21 33 122 Hamirgachhi 41'40 53 53 308 153 155 21 27 123 Malia 263'98 478 478 2,678 1,360 J ,318 476 429 40- 42 124 Santipur 62'02 114 114 708 363 345 9 13 125 Dakshin Ramchandrapur 97'71 45 45 349 181 168 16 16

126 Abhirampur 46'06 59 59 386 187 199 55 61 127 Musapur 90'25 255 255 1,634 865 769 108 106 54 49 128 Panrra 435'09 400 400 2,366 1,182 1,184 263 251 35 47 129 Anantarur ]66'66 231 231 ] ,448 745 703 58 31 14 18 130 Purbba Mallikpur 120'78 113 113 685 341 344 16 15 7 5

131 Ilipur 118'64 283 283 1,637 824 813 335 330 6 11 132 Jot Radhaballabh 75'89 132 132 828 423 4('5 192 177 133 Pr8sadpur 65'97 112 112 675 342 333 60 :9 134 Kamalpur 81'78 78 78 519 260 259 29 34 135 Kulpai 62' 38 117 117 719 370 349 59 56 10 15

136 Alampur 97'77 116 116 669 347 322 26 37 137 Purbba Jaykrj~hnapur 44'41 49 49 252 126 126 44 46 138 Ihinka 67'25 106 106 602 2~O 312 98 114 2 2 1"39 Mirer Chak 88'47 169 169 949 472 477 120 125 4 1 140 Guskara 92' 16 268 268 1,776 941 835 2 2

141 Durgapur 50'89 88 88 539 278 261 142 Krishnahati 61'29 81 81 4&3 250 233 143 Gazipur 164'76 227 227 1,341 672 669 307 302 36 41 144 Sahapur 6S'20 243 243 1,327 676 651 116 97 5 6 145 76'10 228 228 1,477 789 688 74 57 1

146 Bargachhia 124'35 459 460 2,473 1,294 1,179 257 271 14 17 147 Nalikul 46'96 205 208 1,380- 725 655 38 43 12 1 148 Enayetpur 181"12 387 388 2,620 1,350 1,210 64 55 10 9 149 Bijaypur 48'57 142 142 931 502 429 71 5S 150 Dhanyahan8 291'02 330 330 2,013 1,052 961 "48 36 14 11 ( 189 ]

CENSUS ABSTItACI' ,...... ,______MAIN --.A"- WORKERS__, ______. ___ __"

Household Ittdustry- Manu­ facturing, Proces- Total sing, Servicing Other Workers Maiu Workers Agricultural and RepaiTlng [III. IV. V{b) & Marginal Literates (r~JX) Cultivators (I) L tbourers (Il) [v (a) ] VI to IX] Workers Non-wIokers r---"---"", r---"---"", r---"--..., r---"----\ r-----'--~ r-__.o.._, r---'---"\ r--A--""I !II F M 11 :M 11 M l~ M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28

273 145 225 45 116 66 44 43 165 334 91 Ii) 87 20 46 14 19 27 66 135 498 308 728 ) 60 248 4 2'i0 133 38 5 192 18 1 2 631 1,156 164 78 154 to 63 59 10 32 22 6 187 329 111 68 84 6 32 41 5 10 97 162

46 27 108 26 26 73 22 9 3 79 173 466 215 496 39 299 '2 125 35 18 54 2 I 3()8 730 516 320 616 44 301 10 204 32 12 99 2 2 564 1,140 27'0 [I') 441 44 300 2() 97 19 2 42 5 304 659 154 64 169 13 125 37 13 7 ..• 172 331

487 332 451 148 113 1M 13H 28 2 ]46 7 373 665 200 121 230 70 93 [00 70 37 2 192 333 98 37 186 8 78 87 4 21 3 156 324 112 81 137 5 65 70 5 2 123 254 198 132 191 12 117 2 45 5 29 5 4 12 175 325

202 129 182 47 94 41 165 322 57 28 60 24 30 30 24 4. 23 62 79 93 74 158 6 68 2 1<8 4 2 132 306 126 50 256 60 83 5 93 J 50 80 2 6 22 210 395 747 479 474 3 255 61 9 149 3 1 1 466 831

76 65 148 11 29 104 7 15 3 130 250 164 98 135 11 52 4 26 8 49 7 14 8 101 214 186 96 344 81 95 1 196 72 1 52 8 9 4 319 584 319 176 367 17 126 63 5 2 \ 176 12 I 309 633 572 385 371 10 98 63 5 205 9 • 417 678

765 490 703 97 165 207 87 17 314 10 591 1,081 535 365 364 12 84 73 2 27 ]80 10 )) 350 643 768 446 659 14 341 3 73 5 40 205 5 56 635 1,256 308 199 265 125 71 8 1 61 237 428 399 214 560 8 176 276 4 5 103 4 492 95) I 190 1


Location Area of Code Mouza Number i.~. (Village) In No. of Total Population J. L. No. Hectll.1'es and Occ';feied (including Institutional and Scheduled Scheduled of Mouza Name of MeuM (Village)1 of Town/ R.es! en- No. of Bottseless Population) Castes Tribes (Village)j Town/Ward (in absence of Ward in tia! Bouae- r----"---~ • . ""'I r-.A.----, Ward No. name repeat Ward No.) KM' Houses holds P 11 P 11 P oM p 1 :2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 P. S. Haripal-concld.

151 Biprapur 58'60 158 158 1.173 626 547 116 109 3 4 152 Danga Mabespur 59'05 71 71 4]8 202 216 37 35 153 Sripatipur 440'89 559 569 3,567 1,879 1,688 431 420 29 31 154 Kumirgare 49'63 Uninhabited Total 184,'4- 28,597 28,670 170,402 88,230 82,172 22,123 21,003 5,215 5,216 (Entirely roral) t 191 J

cENStJS ABSTRACT ,..______MAIN WORXEllS,J.",_- ___ . _____ -

HOllaUold Industry-Mulu­ factur!ng. Ptoces- Total sing. Servicing, Other Workers Maln Worli:ers Agricultural and :Repairing [III. IV. V(b) It Marginal Literates (I-IX) Cultivators (I) Labourers (II) (V (a) J VI to IX J Workers NOll-workers ,.._-..A --~ r----.)..----,. r--..A..-~ r--.A.-~ r--A-~ .~ .,-~-~ r-__"_~ M 11' M F MIl' M F M 11' M F M 11' M 11' 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

447 258 275 11 44 190 10 4 37 2 349 536 44 10 103 10 34 45 10 24 99 206 970 616 943 108 270 2 288 72 118 19 267 15 936 1,580

43,820 2",898 45,297 7,082 16,655 385 16,819 5,951 1,865 206 9,958 540 983 713 .U,950 1',377 [ 192 )


14 P. S. Singur

Population Population S1. J.L. e--~ 81. .T.L. ,...--.A..____'" No Name of VUlages No. 1971 1981 No. N time of Villages No. 1971 19B1 2 3 4 2 3 4

Ajabnagar 82 632 1,006 36 Dhopaghata 25 1,483 1,701 2 38 2,812 3,368 37 Diara 93 1,641 1,311 3 Athalia 45 806 982 38 Dighaldanga 74 1,035 1,191 4 Atisara 43 4,242 4,952 39 Gandarpukuf 16 2,192 2,607 5 Baburbheri 8 2,298 2,687 40 Gazipur 50 t t 6 Dagdanga 30 1,367 1,45~ 41 Gbanasyampur 80 1,039 1,158 7 Baharampur 101 1,288 1,077 42 Gobindapur 94 1,477 1,640 8 Baijala 23 482 591 43 Gohaitpota 71 '" III 9 Bainchipota 22 2,950 3,553 44 Gomutia 91 889 908 10 Baje Dhanyabana 61 626 868 45 Gopatnagar 13 S,588 9,630 11 12 2,389 2,669 46 Hakimpur 41 589 641 12 60 3,119 3,718 47 Haripur 98 1,726 2,055 13 Dalarampur 31 332 247 14 Balitipa 27 517 1,338 48 73 3,690 3,956 15 Barakamalpur 100 11,343 13,638 49 Jalaghata 79 t t Baruipara 85 3,722 4,326 16 50 lamirbaria 46 219 336 Basubati 70 2,482 2,960 17 51 Jampukur 2 743 S73 18 Beleghata 19 375 455 52 Ihakari 103 1,237 1,352 19 Benipur 42 351 426 20 Beraberi 5 .4,433 5,066 53 Kaipukuria 37 181 246 21 Bhandardaha 44 848 1,744 54 Kaliara 26 1,181 1,888 22 Bhartarchak 21 127 150 55 Kamarkundu 53 1,562 tt Bhola 55 1,903 .2,172 23 56 Kbagragachhi 4 848 907 24 Diramnagar 76 767 964 57 Khanpukuria 36 389 479 Bisweswarbati 72 173 222 25 58 Khasebheri 11 626 720 Dorai 86 3,873 4,397 26 59 Kborda Apurbbapur 14 2,468 2,938 27 Burigaon 62 704 807 60 Khoshalpur 28 422 ] ,420 61 KirtiDagar 20 19 22 28 Cbakgobinda 15 846 997 62 Kismat Apurbbapur 51 t t 29 Chakkalikaburi 1 545 660 30 Cbhinomor 92 2,337 2,558 63 Lakshmanpur 68 250 296 31 Chhota Gobra 35 82 116 64 Laskarpur 32' 705 866 32 Chbutipur 33 859 893 65 Madhubati 65 1,075 1,168 33 Daluigachba 52 2,434 2,684 66 Madhusudanpur 3 1,319 1,588 34 Danai 89 652 727 67 Madhya Hijli 54 1,515 1,774 3S Dewanbhcri 18 3,930 4,205 68 Mahammadpur 97 613 716 { 193 1 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF, VILLAGES 14 P. S. S;tlgtw-concld.

P opu1atioll 81. Populati01l. J.1,. ~ 81. J. T, No. Na11le of Villages No. 11171 11181 No. Name of VilIagts No. 1l)71 1981 2 3 4 2 3 4

,,9 Mallikpur 48 731 867 87 Ramchandrapur 96 834 750 70 Mamudpur 77 1,931 2,191 88 Ramnagar 84 2,575 3,160 71 Milki 57 1,164 1,254 89 Raaulpur 88 692 762 72 Mirzapur Bakipur 63 3,2,52 3,931 90 Rostampur 87 116 134 73 MoUasimla 95 1,846 1,960 91 Ratanpur 49 t t 74 Mostafapur 56 1,300 1,239 92 Santoshbati ~9 371 362 75 Nanda 40 1,932 2,364 93 Satgara 58 181 229 76 90 5,325 5,283 94 Sibrambati 64 2,818 3,253 77 Nezampur 102 833 1,316 95 Simulpukur 69 612 765 78 Noapara 29 1,796 2,069 96 Sinhalpetan (1 439 554 97 Sinherbheri 10 1,392 1,546 79 Pahlanpur 99 3,925 4,451 98 Srirampur 66 2,500 3,005 80 Pairaura 7 987 1,169 99 Srirampur Beraberi 75 576 806 81 Pallagar 83 555 573 . 100 Subhipur 39 497 592 82 Paunan 17 1,438 1,660 !:I 3 Purushottampur 47 793 959 101 Taherpur 34 850 1,003 102 Talbhomra 9 • 84 Raghunathpur 78 * 9L5 971 103 Telipukur 81 1,073 1,042 85 Rajarambati 67 1,313 1,616 86 Rajarbathan 24 1,416 1,556 'fotal (Rural) 153,254 176,4.55

• Unspecified t Included in singur (NMJ tt Included in (OG) ( 194 )


Loeatlon Area of Code Mouza Number i. I • (Village) in No. of Total Population J,L, No, Hectares and Occupied (including Institutiollal and Scheduled Scheduled of Mouza Name of Mouza (Village)! of Town! Residen- No. of Houseless of Population) Castes' Tribes (Village)! Town/Ward (in absence of Ward in tlal House- r----"------, r_.....~ r-~----. Ward No. name repeat Ward No. ) KMa Houses holds P M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 g 9 10 11 12

14 p, S. Singur 1 Chak Kalika bari 76'53 107 107 660 354 306 24 36 2 Jam Pukur 93'94 140 140 873 448 425 308 344 3 Madhusudanpur 137'50 250 250 I ,5~8 8(,9 779 202 257 7 14 4 Khagragachhi 82'54 142 ]42 907 46J 446 5 Beraberi 422'42 656 694 5,066 2,634 2,432 647 677 9 9

6 Sinhal patar 73'69 81 81 554 269 285 167 199 7 Pairaura 126'51 183 184 ] ,169 586 583 37 41 5 10 8 Baburbheri 160'03 396 405 2,687 1,360 1,327 157 193 25 33 9 Tala bhomra 57'47 Uninhabited 10 Si nher bberi 125'76 216. 216 1,546 758 788 28 29 1 10

11 Khaser bheri 92'92 108 lOS 720 366 354 121 137 12 Baje melia 143'72 373 407 2,669 1,388 1,281 369 3R6 13 Gopal Nagar 670'37 1,504 1,506 9,630 5,010 4,620 551 577 60 72 14 Kborda Apurbapur 110'50 462 462 2,938 J ,544 1,394 25 35 15 Chak Gobinda 51'62 156 156 997 519 478 4 6

16 Oandar pukur 178'98 428 428 2,607 1,340 1,267 26 36 7 5 17 Paunah 85'88 266 266 1,660 871 789 24 34 18 Dewan bheri 337'82 650 650 4,205 2,164 2,041 323 346 15 24 19 Beleghata 78'17 74 78 455 214 241 8 13 20 Kirtinagar 52'67 8 8 22 9 13 1 4 5

21 Bbartar Chak 46'49 20 20 150 72 78 7 6 22 Bainchipota 234'42 545 549 3,553 1,822 1,731 23 33 51 44 23 Baijala 68'13 93 96 591 290 301 9 12 ., 24 Rajar bathan 69'00 263 263 1,556 795 761 18 24 1 4 25 Dhopagbata 204'58 262 262 1,701 883 818 9 15 5 5

26 Kaliara 134'48 217 217 1,888 1,314 574 102 135 33 26 27 Balitipa 114'41 91 92 1,338 1,034 304 12 26 28 Khoshalpur 61'34 69 113 1,420 1,172 248 82 106 29 Noapara 321'67 338 338 2,069 1,099 970 249 271 39 39 30 Baadanga 186'89 233 233 1,453 744 709 105 123 ., •• { 195 J CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKERS r ------~~~~--~~~,------_ Household Industry-Manu­ facturing, Proces­ Total sing. Servicing Other Workers Main Workers Agricultural and Repairing [III. IV, V(b) & Marginal Literates (I_IX) Cultivators (I) Labourers (II) [ V (9.) J VI to IX] Workers Non-workers ;----.A.~ ,...___"__--",,\ .-_-A._~ .----.A.-..-., .---.A._--, .--_....~ ,---A.-,""\ r--A.~ M F M F M F M F M. F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

227 111 106 5 (, 7 ~ 34 5 68 180 301 201 57 210 4 149 35 3 3 23 9 4 229 417 466 215 434 10 172 J44 8 12 I 106 2 373 769 380 281 266 146 39 4 77 lR 177 446 1,272 7991,109 41 508 321 36 15 2 265 3 108 7 1,417 2,384

]74 71 123 I 92 30 I J 145 281 340 184 334 5 258 54 5 22 252 578 878 555 726 27 316 236 27 4 170 634 1,299

530 333 401 13 271 35 10 2 93 2 10 347 775

218 94 172 I . 81 59 3 29 194 353 ),016 578 705 3 296 I 201 9 199 44 5 639 1,273 3,256 1,907 2,460 85 721 4 584 38 36 3 1,119 40 23 75 2,527 4,460 997 563 707 29 244 151 10 20 9 292 10 837 1,365 355 212 247 5 131 38 5 5 73 272 473

914 541 754 14 493 140 5 15 8 106 1 586 J ,253 525 320 452 5 234 118 27 3 73 2 4 19 415 765 1,289 694 1,156 II 659 389 10 7 101 I 51 11 957 2,019 144 111 123 38 48 33 12 16 21 26 4 91 203 5 8 5 7 4 8

49 45 35 7 17 14 6 1 3 37 71 992 557 954 S6 651 2 133 15 18 }4 152 25 90211 778 1,464 ]64 109 151 1 94 36 21 3 3 136 297 495 266 321 5 209 15 27 3 70 1 121 16 353 740 620 379 451 15 232 139 1 79 7 2 431 801 272 502 161 1,012 20 124 141 14 2 745 6 30 554 350 145 897 24 128 15 24 754 137 280 93 248 562 72 1,079 77 74 928 532 914 1,182 344 543 43 203 7 160 31 4 1 176 4 24 13 .2 313 698 497 314 400 9 17R 5 110 2 22 2 90 31 [ 196 ]


Location Area of Code Mouta Numberi.lI. (Vlllage) in No. of Total Population J.L. No. Hectares and Occupied (including Institutional and Scheduled Scheduled of Mouza Name of MOllza , Village)! of Townl Residen- No. of Houseless Population) Castes Tribes (Villages) I 'fown/Ward (in absence of Ward in tial HOllse- r----"------.... r----'---.... ~ Ward No name repeat Ward No. KMI Houses holds P M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

14 p, S, Singur-contd, 31 Balarampur 70'38 46 46 247 127 120 II ]9 32 Laskarpur 77'39 129 129 866 440 426 97 113 2 33 Chhutipur 101'51 122 122 893 479 414 19 24 34 Taherpur 154'65 139 139 1,003 533 470 233 256 35 Chhota go bra 40'19 18 18 116 52 64 52 64

36 Khan pukuria 59'06 77 77 479 237 242 142 166 37 Kai pukuria 47'39 73 73 246 1)6 130 )16 130 38 Ananda nagar 249'63 535 542 3,368 ),732 1,636 15 17 17 20 39 Subhipur 137'35 61 61 592 319 273 40 Nanda 283'54 350 360 2,364 1,260 1,104 201 212 6 3

41 Hakimpur 54'83 104 106 641 346 295 12 15 42 Benipur 104'32 74 74 426 227 199 16 25 I 43 Atisara 347'67 759 761 4,952 2,588 2,364 169 190 10 3 44 Bhandar daha 128 '19 258 . 258 1,744 9p 832 192 194 45 Athaha 92'77 177 184 982 492 490 142 160 36 34

46 Jamir beria 104'98 41 41 336 168 168 26 32 47 Purusottampur 92'48 158 158 959 502 457 108 114 7 7 48 Mallikpur 95' 81 125 130 867 453 414 112 119 49 Ratanpur Wholly included in Singur (Non~Municipaljty) 50 Gazipur Do 51 Kismat Apurbbapur f Do

52 Daluigachha 113'31 462 462 2,684 1,408 1,276 344 360 17 7 53 Kumar Kunda Wholly included in Kamer Kundu (O,G,) 54 Madhya hijli 142'18 293 293 1,774 939 835 162 174 55 Bhola 162'28 308 308 2,172 1,106 1,066 208 244 93 88

56 Mostafapur 76'08 204 204 1,239 658 581 18 26 57 Mulki 49'28 190 . 191 1,254 657 597 58 Salgara 108'95 37 37 229 120 109 59 Santosh bali 46'70 55 55 362 186 176 7 6 , . 60 Balaram baH 14~'35 557 557 3,718 1,992 1,726 209 753 [ 197 )

CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKERS ,__,------.------~,-- Household Industry-Manu­ facturing, Proces- 'rotal ling, Servicing, Other Workers Main Workers Agricultural and Repairing [III, IV, V(b) & Marginal Literates (I-IX) Cultivators (I) Labourers (II) [ V (a) ) VI to IX) Workers Non-workers ,...---"---., ,...-~-., ,----"---., r--'---., ,--~-.... ,----"---., r---"---"", ,...---.A.~ M F M F M F M F M F M ,_ F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

78 60 78 2 35 9 2 33 49 118 277 175 188 16 70 40 14 11 67 II 2 241 408 339 204 166 81 8 77 96 217 412 267 140 272 173 67 32 39 222 470 12 35 5 3() 17 64

107 49 121 38 71 12 116 241 48 18 52 4 47 1 64 130 1,162 628 942 105 455 6 181 17 71 41 235 41 4 786 1,530 205 109 180 167 12 139 273 689 412 590 30 111 175 2 ]8 286 27 669 1,074

280 15] 117 5 48 23 3 1 45 2 70 19 159 271 137 79 112 12 55 27 12 11 19 115 187 1,685 949 1,276 47 656 1 303 34 32 283 13 43 9 1,269 2,308 496 212 500 2 238 124 90 2 48 412 830 236 149 266 41 92 124 37 10 4 40 16 210 449

73 52 88 3 25 28 1 34 2 80 165 263 154 230 19 41 92 15 3 94 4 271 438 245 155 250 14 92 25 132 14 203 4CO

896 550 697 67 116 248 47 11 3 322 17 710 1,209

549 305 459 45 174- 150 42 1 135 2 5 475 790 289 272 586 38 189 140 34 12 1 245 3 520 1,028

280' 128 343 14 103 70 14 29 141 2 314 565 355 233 228 41 38 36 113 103 326 597 57 15 55 30 9 1 .. 15 2 65 107 120 88 107 3 24 9 28 2 46 1 14 79 159 1,432 845 1,020 49 267 187 20 ~l .6 535 13 7 4 965 1,673 [ 198 )


Location Area of Code Mouza Number i.I. (Village) in No. of Total Population J. L. No. Hl>ctares and Occupied (including Instituti onalllnd Scheduled Scheduled of Moulla Name of Mou..:a (Village)! of Town! Residcn- No. of Houselcss Population Castes Tribes (VIllage)/ Town/Ward (in absence of Ward in tia! House- r------'------") r----'--~ .---"--""'1 Ward No. name repeat Ward No.) KmB nouses holds P M F M I" M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 '10 11 12

14 P. S. Slngur-contd, 61 Bajedhanyahana 67'87 139 139 868 463 405 53 70 62 Burigaon 48'81 116 121 807 429 378 63 Mirzapurbatipur 273'24 627 646 3,931 2,036 J ,895 239 279 64 Sibrambati 145'57 488 488 3,253 1,694 r ,559 130 188 65 Madhubati 63'90 189 190 1,168 (i22 546 25 48

66 Srirampur 138'84 440 462 3,005 1,621 1) 384 65 83 67 Rajarambati 155'81 269 269 1,616 821 795 179 204 68 Lakshmanpur 39'74 47 47 296 165 131 76 77 69 SimuJpukur 45'68 142 142 765 384 381 44 58 70 Basubati 120'29 492 497 2,960 1,554 1,406 416 459 15

7J Gohailpota 53' ~7 Uninhabited 72 Bisweswarbat j 65'53 38 38 222 117 105 18 15 73 Jagatnagar 258'88 512 540 3,956 2,062 1,894 203 212 74 Dighaldanga 41'09 184 184 1,191 616 575 33 38 75 Srirampur beraberi 44'12 130 130 806 414 392 56 79

76 Biram nagar 86'43 III 114 964 498 466 62 85 77 Mamudpur 119'55 336 336 2,191 1,150 1,041 78 Raghunathpur 70'34 147 148 971 488 483 9 11 79 Jalaghata Wholly included in Singur (NM) 80 Ghanasbyampur 79'87 185 185 1,158 595 563 18 29

81 Telipukur 111'68 165 166 1,042 524 518 29 39 82 Ajab nagar 74'13 166 166 1,006 507 499 156 221 83 Pathagar 70'59 94 94 573 295 278 101 103 84 Ramnagar 275'43 465 487 3,160 1,636 1,524 380 420 8 85 Barui para 213'31 623 676 4,326 2,255 2,071 200 268 8

86 Boral 269'42 701 721 4,397 2,275 2,122 204 257 28 15 87 Rostampur 87'08 21 21 134 81 53 88 Rasulpur 55'49 143 143 762 381 381 74 92 ·89 Dans; 89'40 lIO 110 727 369 358 22 41 90 Nasibpur 491'45 779 816 5,283 2,820 2,463 314 256 l~ l l 199

CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKERS ~~------~------Household htdustry-Manu- • fact&ing, Proces- Total sing, Servicing, Other Workers Main Workers Agricultural and Repairing [III, IV, V(b) & Marginal Literates (I-IX) Cultivators (1) Labourers (lJ) [ V (a) J VI to IX] Workers Non-workers r-.A..----., ,_-A.---, ,_-.A._-. ,-.A.._--, ,-..A._---, ,_-A._--, ,_.A._-. ,_-"-_-. M F M F M 11 M F M P M F 11 l' M 1<' 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

208 146 267 24 49 146 21 72 3 196 381 333 180 192 11 41 45 8 8 98 2 2.17 367 1,190 866 1,051 32 314 185 2 51 3 501 26 12 973 1,862 1,088 689 800 33 159 179 3 31 431 29 43 6 851 1.520 522 328 306 15 57 53 3 10 186 1I 25 9 291 522

1,158 668 805 32 312 215 2S 270 7 II 1() 805 1,342 380 225 375 3 103 157 2 115 I 30 6 416 78b 80 29 84 35 21 21) I 81 130 185 82 184 78 46 2 58 1 200 3tsO 823 448 762 51 209 239 9 42 7 272 35 10 2 782 1,353

81 47 61 12 29 19 56 105 1,333 777 1,109 6 265 251 147 2 446 4 3 950 1,888 361 212 330 27 93 35 66 15 136 12 7 6 279 542 251 136 207 3 44 38 14 111 3 3 206 386

358 210 258 5 ]44 35 6 73 5 240 461 774 508 594 17 256 78 32 4 228 13 556 1,024 352 233 244 JO 82 39 123 9 16 3 228 470

396 252 320 202 130 ]44 59 56 9 122 2 7 268 360

341 236 268 2 156 45 5 62 2 256 516 3 219 487 225 100 288 9 74 2 108 19 87 7 139 274 146 106 156 4 48 78 I 29 4 20 788 1,450 1,041 648 826 S4 281 2 236 38 39 6 270 8 22 12 6 1,205 2,031 1,368 825 1,038 34 286 2 141 67 11 544 21 41 7 1,124 2,064 1,391 947 1,110 51 330 2 189 16 37 6 554 27 7 9 34 44 59 15 47 40 J6 159 381 73 43 222 21 185 I 3 96 1 33 2 145 351 266 146 191 5 . 68 26 7 28 584 27 71 114 1,349 2,312 1,911 1,238 1,400 37 493 3 295 200)


Location Area of Code Mouza Number'.'. (Village) in No. of Total Population J. L. No. Hectares and Occupied (Including Institutional and Scheduled Scheduled of Mouza Name of MOUZ8 (Village)( of Townl Residen- No. of Houseless Population) Castes Tribes ,-__--A. __ ~ ,--~ ,--..A.-----.. (Villages)1 Town/Ward (in abaence of Ward in tial House- War No. ruune repeat Ward No.) KMB Houses holds p M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

14 P. S, Slngur-coDcld, 91 Gomuba 102'25 155 155 908 490 418 J 92 Chhinamor 332'19 384 405 2,558 1,389 1,169 96 119 93 Diara 178'53 210 210 1,311 706 605 ]03 119 4 3 94 Gobindapur 210'22 259 259 1,640 858 782 94 113 95 Mollasimla 148' 78 327 328 1,960 999 961 J06 130

96 Ramchandrapur 101'62 123 126 750 417 333 3 3 97 Mabamudpur 62'87 JJ3 118 7]6 362 354 147 148 98 Haripur 127'84 317 323 2,055 1,072 983 411 389 99 Pahalampur 209'14 661 666 4,451 2,359 2,092 151 141 100 Bara Kamalapur 629'86 2,096 2,207 13,638 7,079 6,559 677 670 117 109

101 Baharampur 110'35 152 152 1,077 586 491 102 Nezampop 121'90 201 201 1,316 703 613 103 Jhakari 246'39 237 237 1,352 676 676 322 348 354 328 Singur (UA) 8'18 2,591 2,633 14,868 7,712 7,156 1,158 1,082 66 72 Singur (NM) 6'40 2,261 2,303 13,189 6,789 6,400 945 935 43 45 Kamar Kundu (00) 1'78 330 330 1,679 923 756 213 147 23 27 Rural 139'1 26,77727,320 176,455 92,946 83,50911,416 12,746 1,046 1,001 Urban 8'2 2,591 2,633 14,868 7,712 7,156 1,158 1,082 66 72 Grand Total 147'3 29,368 29,953 191,323 100,658 90,665 12,574 13,828 1,112 1,073 I 201 1

CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORQRS r------~~-~----~--~~------'--~ Household Industry-Manu· facturing, Proces­ Total sing, Servicing, Otber WOrket8 Main Workers Agricultural and Repairing (III, IV, V(b) & .lIIarKinal Literates (I_IX) Cultivators (1) Labourers (ll) [ V (a) ] VI toIXj Workers N on-watkcra ,_-.A.~ r---.Jo--~ r--.A.---... r--"---, r--"-----., r---.A.-~ .---"----, .--"-----. M 11 M F M F M F M F J\! F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 n 23 24 2) 26 27 28

266 127 233 7 106 1 25 1 101 ~') 6 251 411 919 622 744 9 171 3 284 42 5 247 20 3 625 J,157 350 199 400 14 176 77 146 14 306 591 528 341 342 4 131 87 3 3 121 2 514 778 41 I 270 519 5 18 363 9 129 3 480 956

232 OS 225 49 148 27 192 332 195 115 178 1 79 38 61 1 184 353 483 295 595 23 281 178 12 124 22 477 960 1,571 913 1,295 16 359 1 554 25 I 357 14 44 4 J ,020 2,072 3,467 1,890 3,709 39 1,304 2 1,484 5 66 7 855 25 30 36 3,340 6,484 251 4!S9 385 185 335 286 28 3 18 309 613 402 185 394 269 101 24 282 649 164 69 394 27 48 315 26 30 197 34 }O 3,860 6,857 5,240 3,590 3,818 269 454 3 686 63 104 6 2,574 34 30 3,432 6,126 3,247 3,323 244 395 3 632 46 90 6 2,206 189 4,656 428 731 25 59 54 17 14 368 8 r 584 343 495 67S 43)12 81,019 55,244 31,81748,152 1,812 17,587 194 12,517 751 1,441 262 16,607 605 1,482 197 34 30 3,860 6,857 5,240 3,590 3,818 269 454 3 686 63 104 6 2,574 268 19,181 802 1,516 708 47,172 87,876 60,484 35,407 51,970 2,081 18,041 19713,203 8l4o 1,545 [ 202 1


Iii P. S. Bhadmwa,

Population P opu1atlon ~~ J. L. r--.A.--,"", Sl. J. L. .__~ Nu. Name of VillageB No. 1971 1981 N.o Name of Villages No. 1971• 1981 1 2 3 4 2 3 4

Altara 8 995 993 8 Garzi 6 1,486 1,742 9 Gaurangapur 18 1,216 1,273 2 8ejra 4 1,162 707 ( 10 Gaurhati Champdani 21 t ••• 3 Belkuli 2 1,164 1,295 11 Ghosba 17 318 306 4 Bhadroswar 12 t 1,254 5 Bighati 14 3,172 3,615 12 Khalishani 1 6,428 •• 13 Khurigachhi 20 2,865 1,859 6 Dhitara 13 2,411 1,863 7 Digra MalJickhati 19 2,076 2,356 14 7 213 329 [ 203 J


uP. S. Bhadr~swa'-COl1cld.

Population Population 81. 81. J. L. ,....--.I..~ ].L. ,-----'---.. 1971 1981 No. Name of Vlllages No. 1971 1981 No. Name of Villages No. 2 3 4 2 3 4 15 9 t t 19 Patul Ragbabpur 16 901 943

16 Nabagram 3 J,166 1,457 20 Swetpur 5 537 516 17 Paikpara 11 t t 21 Telinipara 10 t t 27,470 18 Palara 15 1,360 1,394 Total (Rural) 21,902

t Inc\uded in Bhadreswar (M) •• Included in Khalishani (NM) ••• Included in Champdani (M) ( 204 )


LoCatiOl1 Area of Code Mouu Number'.I. (Village) in No. of Total Population J. L. No. Hectares and Occupied (including Institutional aud Scheduled Scheduled of Mouza Name of Mouza (Village)! of Town/ Residen- No. of Ilouse1es6 ropulation Castes Tribes (Village)1 Town Ward (in absence of Ward in tia! Huuses r----....._--""\ ,-_ _"A,. __""'\ ,..,__._____, Ward No. name repeat Ward No.) KMI HQuses holds P M F M P M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

15 P. S, Bhadreswar

1 Khalishani Wholly included in Khalishani (NM) 2 Belkuli 146'80 203 210 1,295 667 628 19 22 3 Nabagram 168'43 268 269 1,457 779 678 63 48 68 51 4 Bejra 130'30 104 122 W7 385 322 85 70 5 Swetpur 85'92 95 95 516 ,261 255 46 41

6 Garzi 293'94 258 273 ],742 886 856 198 231 37 31 7 Madhabpur 44'33 40 40 329 170 159 8 Altara 132,79 166 166 993 524 469 71 58 9 Mankundu 10 Telinipara Each wholly included in Bhadreswar (M) 11 Paikpara }

12 Bhadreswar 255'76 245 246 1,254 657 597 255 254 2 13 Dhitara 153'82 311 311 1,863 963 900 55 50 36 2G 14 Bighati 521'70 558 558 3,615 1,912 1,703 294 288 15 Palara 190'98 197 197 1,394 756 638 64 64 16 Patul Raghabpur 83'06 137 137 943 503 440 49 46

17 Ghosha 44'60 37 37 306 158 148 2 6 18 93'45 202 202 1,273 662 611 122 102 19 Digra Malli

Khalishani (NM) 2'35 1 ,346 1,364 7,484 3,882 3,602 248 223 1 1

Bhadreswar (M) 6'48 12,[01 12,212 58,858 33,602 25,256 3,257 2,906 12 5

Ward No.1 573 584 2,979 1,537 1,442 54 52 , , 2 602 602 3, t 37 1,615 1,522 179 175 3 692 730 4,017 2,057 1,960 394 379 " 4 1,127 1,127 4,917 2,776 2,141 368 302 1 " 5 1,683 1,683 6,410 4,534 1,876 183 99 " , , 6 704 704 3,060 1,928 1,132 35 21 3

I' ( 205 ]


~--~-----_____~_--A- ______• ______..--~

Household Industry-Manu­ facturing, Proces- Total sing. Servicing. Other Workers Main Workers Agncultural and Repairing [III. IV, V(b) & lIInrginal Literates (I-IX) Cultivators (I) I,ubourers (II) [V (a) ] VI to IX] Workers ,----"--~ r--.A..~ ,_--A..~ r-.A..~ r--.A..--.., r--.A..--... r----"-~ M F M F M F M PM F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

390 249 323 21 60 72 190 20 18 326 607 661 411 392 50 42 104 17 229 49 387 628 269 140 191 1 80 28 19 64 1 194 321 150 120 120 5 36 42 4 42 35 8 106 242

603 534 414 60 161 126 39 10 117 21 45 427 796 96 79 80 57 1 22 I 89 159 190 289 255 9 95 4 44 2 114 4 17 3 252 457

304 353 330 38 4 90 236 38 327 559 709 649 485 40 56 129 4 6 294 36 478 860 1,242 1,235 987 24 318 377 9 2 290 14 924 1,679 475 389 345 2 113 113 2 15 104 411 636 35H 248 238 124 46 2 66 15 250 439

113 64 82 5 25 28 14 5 15 10 66 142 312 408 389 7 100 2 133 .. 32 3 124 2 273 604 1,098 960 607 23 122 121 23 5 341 17 624 1,102 725 613 440 2 84 71 2 283 2 7 564 846

3,055 2,380 1,826 143 143 117 14 36 3 1,530 126 23 9 2,033 3,450

19,686 10,066 16,696 595 29 102 7 273 16 16,292 571 119 20 J6,781 24,641

1,205 980 648 73 10 638 73 5 3 884 1,366 1,233 952 721 26 8 19 694 26 1 893 1,496 1,476 1,126 820 45 4 12 15 789 45 18 2 1,219 1,913 1,599 838 1,368 64 7 11 3 1,350 60 4 1,404 2,076 2,149 256 2,815 52 1 ~. 9 6 2,805 46 54 4 ] ,665 J,820 975 Z49 1,090 28 , . , . 13 1,076 28 7 I 831 1,103 URBAN/Vn.I,AGE PRIMARY

1, )l'ation Area of Code Mouza NaOlbed.~. Village) In No. of Total Population J. L. No. Hectares and Occu~ied (including Iustitutionaland Sched\lled Scheduled of Mouzo Name of Mouza (Village)! of Townl Res den- No. of HOllseles~ l>opulation) Castes Tribes (Village)! Town/Ward (in absence of Ward in tis! House- r-----"-----., r-_.....~ r-_.....~ Ward No. name repeat Ward No.) KOla Houses holds P M F M II M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 l) 9 10 11 12

/5 P. S. Bhadreswar-concld. Ward No.7 852 852 3,448 2,182 1,266 31 10 2 2 , , - 8 708 708 3,284 2,017 1,267 21 13 , , - 9 592 592 3,005 1,757 1,248 7 II , , -10 g2S \lA~ 4,53::- 2,52% 2,OCn 422 351 , , - 11 812 HI4 4,331 2,355 1,976 62 62 -- 12 728 721> 3,756 2,045 1,711 217 192 " , , -13 615 615 3,093 J , 7J 5 J ,378 232 157 , , - 14 551 581 2,986 1,562 1,424 95 100 5 3 - 15 491 491 2,661 1,317 1,344 419 450 " - 16 546 558 3,239 1,677 1,562 538 532 " Champadani (M) 6'47 16,648 16.759 76,138 45,030 31,108 5,628 3,552 90 67 Ward No, I 612 612 2,954 1,630 1,324 76 68 , , 2 862 862 4,127 2,223 1,904 JI9 85 , , 3 999 999 3,840 2,401 1,439 81 56 4 757 757 4,457 2,459 1,998 95 80 " , , 5 1,020 1,022 5,675 3,227 2,448 423 326 4 1 6 1,214 1,214 5,285 3,388 1,897 217 150 7 6 " 7 911 940 3,646 2,371 1,275 292 159 " 8 1,509 1,509 5,952 3,620 2)32 685 387 14 11 " 9 996 1,000 3,646 2,546 ],100 331 188 I " , , - 10 1,420 1,437 6,224 4,026 2,198 340 201 - 11 ) ,099 1,119 4,831 3,158 1,673 1,020 455 I I " , , - 12 1,540 1,549 5,852 3,606 2,246 898 499 7 3 - 13 992 993 4,856 2,677 2,179 244 187 56 43 " - 14 827 829 4,478 2,319 2,159 221 202 " , -- 15 564 576 3,098 1,680 1,418 122 97 - 16 656 668 3,592 1,838 1,754 62 63 " - 17 670 673 3,625 1,861 1,764 402 349 " Rural 24'5 3,382 3,427 21,902 11,525 10,377 1,634 1,523 192 162 Urban 15'330,09530,335 142,480 82,514 59,966 9,133 6,681 103 73 Grand Total 39'8 33,477 33,762 164.,382 94,039 70,343 10,767 8,2fK 29S 235 ( 207 )

CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKBR.S r------~------~ Household Industry-Manu­ facturing. Proce.- Total sing. Servicing, Other Workers Main Workers Agricultural and Repairing [III. IV. V(b) & Marginal !,iterates (I-IX) Cultivators (1) Labourers (II) [ V (a)) VI to IX) Workers Non-wotken r---.A..~ r---.A.-~ ,--"-----, ,--.A.._---, r---.A-----, r---"--~ r------. ,..---.A..----, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

1,240 347 i ,315 40 2 8 · . 1,305 40 867 1,226 820 165 1,136 17 26 2 I,] 1O 15 6., 875 1,250 1,066 469 869 5 869 5 885 J ,243 1,265 453 1,209 30 26 · . 1,183 30 1,319 1,976 1,151 514 ] ,024 14 15 ·. 1,009 14 7 1,324 1,961 1,058 565 948 30 17 931 29 1,097 1,680 J,154 691 820 42 5 815 42 894 1,336 1,070 799 667 24 3 5 38 621 24 894 1,400 976 729 524 34 29 8 3 487 31 10 3 783 1,307 ] ,249 933 722 71 14 45 6 53 2 610 63 2 3 953 1,488

25,556 11,071 23,278 744 42 69 459 18 27,708 725 236 49 21,516 30,315 1,064 630 849 22 (I 842 22 7 3 774 1,299 1,176 681 1,037 42 5 14 43 975 41 30 2 1,156 1,860 1,31 ] 355 1,407 20 2 2 1,403 20 12 3 982 1,416 1,370 658 1,037 10 50 987 10 23 1 1,399 1,987

1,490 56] 1,468 37 3 28 88 3 1,349 34 4 1,755 2,410 1,894 544 1,876 17 1 104 4 1,771 12 12 1,500 1,880 1,348 270 1,352 ]3 9 1,342 13 38 981 1,261 1,519 481 1,939 27 37 1,902 26 23 1,658 2,305 1, (291 187 1,663 20 1 · . 1,662 20 882 I,OgO 2,493 612 2,159 39 2,158 39 14 4 1,853 2,155 1,660 344 1,819 77 2 4 · . 1,813 77 27 23 1,312 1,573 1,734 576 1,954 51 13 16 1,925 50 IS 1,644 2,195 1,428 ,830 1,262 80 28 5 14 1,215 79 7 3' 1,408 2,096 1,608 1,22? 1,022 79 6 23 992 79 IS 3 1,289 2,077 1,253 896 772 55 16 2 755 53 5 2 903 1,361 1,486 1,124 782 72 30 4 752 68 12 2 1,044 1,680 1,431 1,095 880 83 15 865 82 5 1 976 1,680 7,895 6,741 5,678 288 1,420 9 1,581 60 146 13 2,531 206 149 12 5,698 10,077 48,297 23,517 41,800 1,482 214 1 288 22 768 37 40,530 1,422 378 78 40,336 58,406 56,192 30,258 41,478 1,770 1,63' 10 1,869 82 914- 50 43,061 1,628 527 90 46,OM 68~483 ~ 208 j


Location Area of Code Mouza Number i.lJ. (Village) in No. of Tolal Population J. L. No. Hectares and Occupied (including Institutional and Scheduled Scheduled of Mouza Name of Mouza (Village)1 of l'own/ Reslden- No. of Houseless Population) Castes Tribes (Village)! Town/Ward (in absence of Ward in tial House· r---A.------, r___"'__"""'1 r-_"_'~ Ward No. name repeat Ward No.) KM' Houses holds p M :F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

16 P. S. Chandernagore Chandannagar (M.C.) 9'66 18,010 18,229 101,925 53,558 48,367 6,691 5,763 180 158 Ward No.1 737 737 4,909 2,6]0 2,299 125 117 72 29 , , 2 620 649 3,501 1,824 1,677 106 111

), 3 684 687 4,~47 2,329 2,118 150 ] 33 41 57 , , 4 936 940 4,647 2,431 2,216 766 687 15 21

, , 5 853 855 4,177 2,123 2,054 284 250

)) 6 656 699 4,048 2,116 1,932 57 53 36 41 7 1 ,113 1,113 6,014 3,040 2,974 67 59 3 5 " 8 751 751 3,671 1,922 1,749 219 193 " 9 1,139 1,143 6,215 3,394 2,821 584 527 " - 10 916 919 4,673 2,558 2,115 417 347 1 " II -11 684 684 3,742 1,897 1,845 48 50 - 12 357 357 4,108 2,082.1 2,026 39 40 " - 13 660 676 3,623 1,872 1,751 34 24 " , , - 14 875· 877 5,036 2,466 2,570 296 292 ·. - 15 433 433 2,441 1,317 1,124 21 18 " - 16 1,375 1,376 8,502 4,307 4,195 409 405 " , , - J7 692 692 4,307 2,226 2,081 398 384 - 18 1,269 1,270 6,702 3,565 3,137 535 474 3 " - ]9 1,020 5,602 2,904 186 176 " 1,020 2,698 5 - 20 433 433 2,601 1,350 1,251 103 95 •• " - 2) 825 934 4,033 2,411 1,622 960 585 " ·. -22 982 984 4,926 2,814 2,112 887 743 " • • • • Total 9'7 18,010 18,229 101,925 53,558 48,367 6,691 5,763 180 158 (Eaflrely urban) 209 )


r------~~------~Bouaehold lnduatry- Manu" facturing, Proeea· Total slll.,g, Servicing Other Workers Main Workers Agricultural and R.epairing [III, IV, V(b) & Malginill Litcrates (I-IX) Cultivators (I) Labourers (II) (v (a) 1 VI to IX] Workers Non·workers ,..----'----, e----"'---.. ,.._-"-----. .-_.-..A.-~ r '- ,---A---, ,..___...___, ,.._.-..A.-~ }II F M F M F M F M F M F M II M. F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

39,841 30,11624,873 2,235 35 85 2 655 57 24,098 2,176 407 209 28,27& 45,923 2,]25 1,592 1,045 54 7 )5 2 71 7 952 45 11 2 1,554 2,243 1,605 1,345 903 45 4 9 1 890 44 3 9]8 1,632 1,932 ) ,635 1,107 131 1 37 2 1,069 129 16 2 1,206 1,985 1,508 1,004 1,263 142 2 6 1,255 142 28 32 1,140 2,042

1,335 1,036 1,005 132 3 1 27 974 131 54 94 1,064 1,828 1,795 1,483 965 6) 2 18 12 933 61 II 1,140 1,871 2,528 2,032 1,404 172 2 11 29 5 1,362 167 3 1 J ,633 2,801 1,494 1,131 898 139 1 10 887 139 36 13 988 1,597 1,147 793 1,654 118 22 6 1,631 112 4 2 1,736 2,701

1,733 979 1,142 99 3 32 17 1 ,090 99 55 28 1,361 1,988 1,672 1,450 874 87 to 1 864 86 15 1 1,008 1,757 1,830 1,613 941 150 4 2 13 3 922 147 33 2 1,108 1,874 1,678 1,378 858 52 55 3 803 49 12 3 1,002 1,696 1,986 1,875 1,152 148 2 68 1,082 147 7 1,307 2,421

1,171 943 582 18 1 581 18 11 724 1,106 3,364 2,412 1,843 166 2 2 179 18 1,660 148 10 2 2,454 4,027 1,863 1,550 1,022 79 17 .. 1,005 78 5 1,199 2,001 2,758 1,926 1,667 144 24 .. 1,643 144 13 I 1,885 2,992 2,446 2,003 1,261 91 3 38 8 1,220 83 50 17 1,593 2,590 t 1,217, 1,048 622 35 5 617 35 727 1,216 967 341 1,300 16 1 1,299 ]6 I,ll I 1,606 1,687 547 1,365 ]56 2 4 J ,359 156 29 7 1,420 1,949 39,841 30,116 24,873 2,235 35 85 2 655 57 24,098 2,176 407 209 28,278 45,923 r 210 J


17 P. S. jIJtlgi.partJ

Populution Population 81, J. '4. ,-----"--~ 81. J. L. ,-----"----'\ No, Name of Villages No. 11)71 1981 No. Name of Villages No. 1971 1981 2 3 4 2 3 4

1 Ajodbya 6g 2,019 2,561\ 36 Dharmapur 75 164 220 2 Akuti 31 233 310 37 Dhitpur ]24 1,135 1,040 3 Amarpur 11 I 369 451 38 Dogachia 30 848 532 4 Anarbati 14 1,628 1,903 39 Furfura 102 3,104 4,097 5 Arabindapur 15 711 854 6 Atpur 72 1,665 1,957 40 Gabtala 45 209 298 41 Ganesbati 121 889 7 Bagand:l 122 1,260 483 1,304 42 Ghana Syampur 82 542 596 8 Baidyagari 34 270 3~7 9 Bakcha 95 530 670 43 Gopalnagar 101 603 765 44 Gopalpur 8 1, [48 1,3g5 JO Bamangar 70 673 1,026 11 Basantapur 115 450 610 45 Gultia 7 1,103 1,231 12 Beli 66 432 505 46 Guti-Atra 21\ 1,133 1,443 13 Belpara 109 975 1,195 14 Bbandahati 37 730 830 47 Hariharpur 24 557 714 Harirampur 15 Bhimpur 99 494 592 48 59 764 882 16 Bhurkul 87 488 653 49 Hazipur 98 J ,062 1,216 17 Bilara 11 1,027 1,191 50 Hijali 113 373 437 18 Bilaspur 39 1,067 1,321 51 Hosenrur 103 794 944 Binodbati 17 7 27 19 52 Ichhabati 77 226 291 33 20 Birachak 43 * 53 Ilampur 38 183 216 21 Bishnupur 78 344 S7H 22 Borhal 53 2,323 2,743 54 Jabni 22 145 170 23 Budulbadulhati 36 430 528 55 Jagalgari 83 477 509 56 Jagannathpur 63 1,132 1,423 24 Cbaimancbak 18 51 60 57 Janda 5 477 745 2S Chak Barada 108 * * 58 Jangipara 67 1,048 1,455 26 Chakpur 58 1,037 1,245 27 Chandanpur 33 780 856 59 Kamdebpur 120 639 816 28 Chandinagar 76 402 866 60 Kanipur 112 514 639 29 Chandrahati 84 440 704 61 Kandampanagar 50 502 697 30 Chanrpur 94 233 298 62 Kaparpur 119 435 507 31 Cbechua Dingalhati 118 1,678 2,145 63 Kasipur 96 1,101 1,333 64 Khandakshetra 40 485 587 32 Dakshindibi 104 822 1,015 65 Khurigachbi 48 453 555 33 Dakshin Ditakas 46 727 823 66 Kodalipoa 126 914 949 34 Dakshin Dogachbia 29 232 296 67 KotaJpur 60 3,207 3,681 35 Dabbin Gultia 19 402 528 68 Krisbnanagar 56 6,523 8,083 ( 211 )


17 P. S, Jangipara-eoncld,

Population POp1l1ati011 SI. J. L. r--A-~ SI. J.4. ~---"' No. Name of Villages No, 1971 19!o11 No. Name of Villages No. 1971 1981

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

69 Krishnapur 92 378 492 ]00 Radhaballabhpu r 32 124 191 70 Kulakas 49 1,273 1,310 101 Radhanagar 85 1,363 1,730. 71 Kuliara 4 468 531 102 Rahlmpur 23 1,961 2,325 72 Kumarbazar 74 226 336 103 Ralpur 69 655 555 104 6 9,875 11,639 73 Lakshmanpur 129 2,415 2,7J6 105 Rajbati JO 510 551 74 Lohagachhi [ 2 613 723 106 Rajibpur 107 364 .386 107 Ramcha ndrapu r 97 ~88 490 75 Madhabpur 6~ 345 367 108 Ramnagar 110 257 273 76 Mahespur 89 375 551 109 Rampara 105 1,177 1,382 77 Mahesti Kurl 117 256 278 110 Ramir Bazar 13 713 1,011 Majurkha 88 285 283 n 111 Ranjapur 44 2,068 2,578 Mandalika 123 3,477 79 3,939 112 Rasidpur 26 2,780 3,167 Mandaram Dilakas 47 994 80 1,212 113 Raspur 81 760 953 81 Masinan 79 362 616 82 Mathurabati 55 514 619 290 396 83 Mirpur 9 370 587 114 Santanpur 86 843 1,014 84 Mohanbati 57 502 525 115 Santoshpur 114 54 67H 766 85 Mohanpur 116 506 695 116 Satghara 41 [ ,143 1,337 86 Morbal 2 1,445 ] ,980 117 Senpur 121\ 1,370 1,225 87 Mukundapur 3 285 526 118 Seorabaria 119 Sibchak 1 617 900 88 Nabagram 21 1,363 1,539 120 Singti 27 1, [90 1,422 89 Nera-Madhabpur 80 422 517 121 Soari 2S 670 831 90 Nikas 52 594 775 122 Somnagar 91 489 521 91 Nilarpur 93 845 1,857 123 Sonamaguri 127 913 860 124 Srihatta 90 598 736 92 Paigachha 73 487 614 125 Srirampur 64 1,275 ) ,556 93 Panchbaria 125 1,315 1,403 94 Paschim Durgapur 35 335 ,370 126 Tara 71 562 688 95 Paschim Oobindapur 51 787 1,057 127 Tarajal 16 1,055 1,259 96 Paspur 42 1,786 2,028 128 Toralpur 106 688 872 97 Prasadpur 61 1,344 1,681 129 Tripan 20 341 403 98 Purbba Durgappr )00 1,006 1,314 120,125 145,399 99 Purbba Gobindapur 62 1,217 1,421 Total (Rural)

• Uninhabited [ 212 )


Location Area of Code Mouza Numberi,I, (Village) in No, of Total Population J,1., No, Hectares and Occupied (including Institutional and Scheduled Scheduled of Mouza Name of Mouza (VH1age)! of 1'own/ Residen- No. of Houseless of Population) Castes Tribes (Village)! Town/Ward (in absence of Ward in tial House- ,_-_.__""",._--~ ,---"----... ,- A Ward No, name repeat Ward No. ) KMI Houses holds P M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

17 P. S, langipara 1 Sibchak 88'22 119 120 900 457 443 136 148 17 2 Morhal 137'59 294 294 ] ,980 1,028 952 233 204 3 Mukundapur 93'89 74 76 526 274 252 64 72 12 "'2 4 Kuliara 134'76 87 87 531 269 262 110 ]]5 8 7 5 landa 54'63 117 118 745 375 370 135 116 6

6 R!ajbalhat 585 '58 1,796 1,818 11,639 6,024 5,615 988 963 9 7 7 Gultia 119'38 192 192 1,231 643 588 33 37 8 Gopalpur 143'26 217 217 1,385 699 686 174 153 3 5 9 Mirpur 56'66 105 105 587 319 268 229 197 10 Rajhati 82'15 92 92 551 276 275 133 134 16 16

]1 Bilara 106'43 165 165 1,191 621 570 140 II7 12 Lohagachi 76'08 135 135 723 367 356 169 174 2 1 13 Rani Bazar 66'37 173 173 1,011 537 474 112 110 14 9 14 Anan Bati 160'66 330 336 1,903 988 915 252 253 76 39 15 Arabindapur 68'80 151 151 854 447 407 408 365

16 Tarajol 104'81 211 212 1,259 646 613 280 263 7 6 17 Binod Bati 44'11 5 5 27 17 10 18 Chaiman Chak 45'32 9 9 60 30 30 30 30 19 Dakshin Cultia 64-35 87 87 528 278 250 51 50 95 88 20 Tripan 63 ''15 62 62 403 202 201 79 73 4 4

21 Nabagram 105'62 230 231 1,539 802 737 198 195 14 2 22 Jabni 77'30 29 29 170 85 85 54 58 23 Rahimpur 154'19 313 313 2,325 1,186 1,139 217 196 2 5 24 Hariharpur 104'41 111 111 714 355 359 104 110 1 2 25 Soad 73'25 137 137 831 431 400 59 56 19 15

26 Rasidpur 245'24 515 516 3,167 1,661 1,506 299 • 287 3 2 27 Singti 157'83 201 201 1,422 734 688 197 207 3 3 28 Outi-Atra 79'32 247 247 1,443 744 699 335 326 15 3 29 Dakshin Dogachia 54'63 46 46 296 154 142 80 18 .' , 30 Dogachia 231'48 169 169 1,041 532 S~ 368 351 •• ( 213 )

CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKEtRS ~------~~.------~ aouaehold Industry-Manu­ facturing. Prace•• Total o sing. Servicing, Other Workers Main Workers Agricultural and Repaitlng [III. IV. V(b) &: Marginal Literates (I-IX) Cultivators (I) tabourers (II) [ V (a) ] VI to IX] Workers Non-worker. ,..---A.---,. r___"_--... r---"---... r--A.----") r---A.----") r--..... --... r--~ r--~-- M F M F M F 14 F M F M P M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28

222 109 263 29 141 99 29 11 12 194 414 575 294 495 [0 262 5 128 3 2 103 2 3 530 942 149 84 178 43 115 14 44 28 19 'I 96 209 139 86 143 31 91 2 36 28 16 1 13 126 218 239 99 194 3 71 74 12 37 3 181 367

4,062 2,431 3,177 388 591 5 428 56 1,222 291 936 36 57 4~9 2,790 4,738 471 269 357 17 67 22 208 15 60 2 104 285 467 375 170 360 17 238 4 52 6 41 6 29 1 5 9 334 660 124 44 174 1 141 9 24 1 9 145 258 152 84 143 14 101 8 14 4 28 2 3 133 258

434 188 344 34 64 2 87 1148 31 45 5 40 272 496 191 95 179 9 34 55 7 62 1 28 26 65 162 282 283 104 299 22 58 ] 56 12 173 6 12 3 16 14J 222 311 619 403 535 116 110 10 148 34 99 36 178 36 42 48 411 751 170 56 250 19 83 132 17 35 1 5 44 J92 344

283 165 352 105 107 3 167 101 7 1 71 16 • 7 278 501 13 6 8 6 2 9 10 11 5 12 9 1 2 18 30 134 63 169 85 9 71 46 80 35 9 3 1 109 164 117 69 130 87 26 17 6 72 195

531 329 442 32 181 119 2 44 23 98 7 3 357 705 30 16 49 35 6 8 36 85 634 389 603 8 292 3 166 3 7 138 583 1,130 147 53 173 13 73 58 13 42 6 176 346 241 152 211 20 78 •• , 71 16 10 4 52 220 380

1,156 625 90S 199 189 3 104 26 411 161 201 9 13 24 743 1,283 321 176 384 6 152 129 20 1 83 5 1 349 682 371 237 393 30 112 4 120 32 18 129 8 10 2 341 667 74 41 85 8 18 45 8 22 2 69 132 214 100 275 19 202 3 34 4 4 S 35 4 2 251 491 ( 214 I


Location Area of Code Mouu Number i.I. (Village) in No. of Total Population J.1.. No. Hectares and Occupied (including Institutional and Scheduled Scheduled of Mouza Name of Mouza (Village)1 of Townl Resldetl- No. of Houseless Population Castes Tribes (Village)1 Town Ward (in absence of Ward in tial Rouses r----...... ____" ,..----"---'\ "..----A---, Ward No. name repeat Ward No.) KM! Houses holds P M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

17 p~ S, Jangipara~ontd, 31 Akuti 100'36 54 54 310 157 153 41 47 30 29 32 Radha ballavpur 55'04 36 36 191 103 88 99 86 33 Cbandanpur 90'65 165 165 856 431 425 307 326 34 Baidya Gari 78'91 65 65 387 199 188 190 180 35 Paschim Durgapur 56'66 49 49 370 200 170 5 5 19 ]6

36 Bad ul-Badulhati 106'03 87 87 528 269 259 162 158 37 Bhandarhati 111 '69 ]34 134 830 43] 399 173 ]61 30 21 38 Jlampur 52'61 41 41 216 114 102 9] 90 4 3 39 Bilaspur 110'48 195 195 ],321 671 650 109 111 40 Khanda Kshetra 60'70 90 90 587 281 306 101 113

41 Senpur 105'22 199 200 1,337 694 643 178 182 42 Paspur 196'68 303 303 2,028 ] ,082 946 185 154 43 Bira Chak 104'00 6 6 33 16 17 44 Rajapur 277'61 364 364 2,578 1,340 J ,238 209 199 45 Oabtalk 82'}5 49 49 298 ISO 148 44 61 17 20

46 Dakshin Dilakas 123'S3 125 135 823 427 396 134 140 47 Mandaran Dilakas 111'29 197 198 1,212 609 603 284 267 9 9 48 Kburi Gachi 101' 58 93 93 555 283 272 125 117 36 40 49 Kulakas 141 '64 205 219 J ,310 640 670 160 200 46 52 50 Kandarpanagar 44'11 136 136 697 354 343 76 92 137 113

51 Paschim Gobindapur 154'19 170 170 1)057 569 488 136 139 19 16 52 Nibs 116'55 118 118 775 394 381 147 138 53 Borha} 270'33 454 454 2,743 1,435 1,308 228 192 15 21 54 Satghara 41'28 127 127 766 382 384 136 130 6 8 55 Mathura Bati 74'87 90 90 619 318 301 183 170

56 Krishna Nagar 719'94 1,316 1,355 8,083 4,274 3,809 1,126 1,046 205 191 57 Mohan Bati 61'51 81 81 525 274 251 64 75 26 20 58 Chakpur 141 '24 192 216 1,245 653 592 195 193 33 29 59 Harirampur 179'28 121 133 882 461 421 255 258 60 Kotalpur 425'73 651 651 3,681 1,836 1,845 83 88 90 80 ( 215 )


~------~------.----'----~Houeeh.old Industry-Manu­ factul'ing. Praces- Total sing, Servicing, Other Workers Main Worker. Agricultural and Repairing [In. IV. V(b) & Marginal ~iterates (I-IX) Cultivators (I) ~Qbotlrers (II) [V (a) 1 VI to IX) Workers Non-worlers r-----'--~ ,..._._A_~ ,-_-A..~ ,-_.A.._.., ,---"-_"_ r--__....~ ,---.A-, r---..A..~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F Ai 1<' 13 14 15 ]6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28

77 39 83 19 31 33 17 5 14 3 71 133 15 6 69 16 16 1 50 15 3 34 n 240 137 205 21 35 2 67 12 4 99 6 45 31 lSI 373 24 2 104 13 33 2 66 10 . 1 4 3 4 92 171 104 58 101 22 35 50 22 16 99 148

136 66 127 I 74 39 14 142 258 235 131 192 27 56 79 22 II 46 5 32 18 207 354 39 35 67 9 6 19 2 2 40 7 2 47 91 440 290 325 6 191 77 57 4 346 644 176 112 132 87 5 40 149 306

406 210 326 3 175 66 13 72 3 14 354 640 619 352 506 10 195 135 12 164 9 18 9 558 927 9 2 6 2 2 1 2 3 10 15 665 322 652 20 434 I 77 24 14 117 4 14 124 674 1,094 67 40 74 17 12 5 46 11 15 76 131

275 152 221 6 124 64 4 33 232 203 388 299 202 337 16 108 100 9 129 6 272 587 167 116 127 21 67 I 34 19 26 23 4 133 247 40S 281 306 32 96 1 73 28 1 136 3 35 251 299 387 146 107 193 93 20 130 87 12 3 31 3 4 157 250

235 96 264 13 71 81 13 18 94 24 1 281 474 255 123 189 I 68 25 96 1 4 7 201 373 835 424 702 23 243 208 15 119 2 132 5 733 1,285 H~1 113 204 9 165 8 39 1 178 375 11] 97 156 24 . 97 3 32 162 300

2,683 1,732 2,217 333 447 36 363 172 348 44 1,059 81 108 189 1,949 3,287 199 123 124 22 19 43 22 62 150 229 296 125 340 116 S9 5 168 III 7 106 312 476 258 114 235 57 96 89 52 1 49 5 226 364 888 377 890 103 216 3 339 94 31 304 6 16 7 930 1,735 [ Qi6 )


Location Area of Code Mouza Nnmberi.e. Village) in No. of Total Population J, L. No. Hectares and Occupied (lJ1ch:d.ing Institutional and Scheduled Scheduled of MoulUl Name of Mouza (VillAge)1 of Townl Reslden- No. of Houseless Population) Castes Tribes (Village)' Town/Ward (in absence of Ward in tial House- ,..-----"------..,. r-...... ~ r----A----. Ward No, name repeat Ward No.) l{ml Houses holds P M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

11 Janglpara-contd. 61 Prasadpur 178'87 271 271 1,681 880 801 187 177 127 119 62 Purba Oobindapur 159'04 214 214 1,421 770 651 226 20) 59 40 63 Jagannathpur 270'74 221 232 1,423 737 686 275 261 115 126 64 Srirampur 201'53 237 239 1,556 788 768 257 252 144 161 65 Madhabpur 43'30 62 62 367 173 194 79 88

66 Beli 61'51 86 86 505 259 246 106 117 18 10 67 Jangipara 90'65 293 303 1,455 782 673 340 290 68 Ajodbya 259'81 478 484 2,568 1,291 1,277 443 489 120 102 69 Raipur 107'24 97 97 555 288 267 109 103 70 Bam Nagar 163'49 154 154 1,026 533 493 169 156 62 52

71 Tara 127'88 91 91 688 342 346 218 225 6 6 72 Atpur 133'55 337 340 1,957 1,017 940 303 295 21 3 73 Palgachha 58'28 106 106 614 325 289 234 222 26 20 '74 Kumar Bazar 78'10 6] 63 336 172 164 112 108 11 3 75 Dharmapur 61'92 37 37 220 106 114 25 ]8 43 54

76 Chandi Nagar 127'07 132 133 866 426 440 354 364 17 34 77 leha Bati 47'75 43 43 291 155 136 114 99 78 Bishnupur 41'68 96 96 578 302 276 259 247 ] 79 Masinan 93'48 98 99 616 289 327 85 97 74 69 80 Neru Madbabpur 59'49 78 78 517 272 245 47 42 19 22

81 Raspur 138'00 175 186 953 491 462 160 144 167 165 82 Ghanashyampur 70'01 65 65 596 322 274 53 43 60 46 83 Jagal Gad 88'22 82 82 509 270 239 99 84 4 4 84 Chandrahati 72'84 121 121 704 361 343 101 104 •• 85 Radhanagar 214'08 287 292 1,730 881 849 382 385 76 70

86 Santanpur 90'65 76 76 396 204 192 31 32 2 I 87 Bhurkul 67'58 99 99 653 329 324 119 117 68 64 88 Majurkha 79'32 31 41 283 143 140 82 79 8 11 89 Mahespur 114'93 90 90 551 278 273 147 161 8 10 90 Srihatta 89'44 118 118 736 375 361 229 238 ( 217 ]

CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKERS r------~· Household Industry-Manu­ facturing. Proees- Total sing, Servicing, Other Workers Main Workers Agricultural and Repairing [III, IV, V(b) & Margillal Literates (I-IX) Cultivators (I) Labourers (II) [ V (a) ] VI to IX] Workers Non-workers ,...------", r----"-______r----"-__, r---.A.--"' r--.A.---"'I ,...-~-"' ,-_A_---. ~_...... ,A..._~ M F M F M F M F M F .M F M II M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

435 360 443 44 145 4 161 34 32 5 105 437 757 384 175 378 27 135 89 13 lIB 12 36 391 624 268 136 432 232 181 27 203 16J 19 43 29 4 304 450 312 166 367 94 76 1 222 90 19 50 3 421 673 82 65 87 5 19 44 4 24 8() 189

172 94 93 23 29 28 16 14 4 22 3 32 10 134 213 489 282 386 33 ]6 83 1 to 277 31 47 26 349 614 589 652 634 190 160 5 238 140 5 4 231 41 17 43 640 1,044 158 115 155 43 72 58 42 25 133 224 336 184 298 43 186 2 69 41 4 39 235 450

99 55 171 7 60 89 6 7 15 6 165 339 665 422 522 20 46 152 8 124 1 200 11 8 29 487 891 97 36 167 30 51 110 29 1 5 ISH 259 66 32 96 I 28 61 6 76 163 51 16 46 13 31 2 9 10 6 6 17 54 84

177 49 254 80 142 15 92 62 19 3 172 360 75 41 78 30 21 57 29 3 76 103 101 11 164 2 21 133 9 2 138 274 ~ 108 91 143 100 43 90 99 10 145 227 72 8 167 2S 19 138 25 10 105 220

173 51 235 83 70 33 91 35 24 10 50 5 20 37 236 342 108 32 157 14 68 2 80 12 9 165 260 156 96 149 43 54 63 42 4 28 1 121 196 149 55 191 19 128 4 24 11 9 30 4 7 21 163 303 370 219 477 164 196 5 205 147 5 71 11 1 403 684

75 21 97 13 41 27 12 2 27 3 I 104 178 125 56 160 53 47 3 88 41 25 3 14 6 155 265 74 33 58 13 27 29 B 2 12 9 73 118 106 58 149 81 50 8 85 72 13 15 14 114 178 129 45 191 3 68 87 3 5 31 6 35 178 323 ( 218 )


Location Area 01 Code Mouza Number •••• (Village) in .N o. of Total Population . J. L. No. Hectares and Occupied (including Institutional and Scheduled Scheduled of Mouztl Name of Mouza (Vlllage)1 of Townl Rt.siden· No, of Houseless Population) Castes Tribes House- ,----"'------, c-__..__~ ,...__...~ (ViUag~ 'l'own/Ward (in absence of Ward iu tial Ward 0, name repeat Ward No,) KM' Houses holds P M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 g 9 10 11 21

17 P. S. Jangipara-contd. 91 Somnagar 72'03 89 90 521 257 264 103 100 20 23 92 Krishnapur 70'82 80 80 492 250 242 174 175 93 Nilarpur 254'14 342 342 1,857 924 933 311 314 1I2 100 94 CbaUt1>uI G2'32 62 62 2~% ~SQ 14% lQ2 100 1~ 2\ 95 Bakcha 83'37 103 103 670 337 333 64 69 16 15 96 Kasipur 223'79 210 210 1,333 68] 652 242 239 12 20 97 Ramcbandrapur 119'38 76 76 490 229 261 18 20 7 16 98 Hazipur 100'77 225 225 1,216 618 598 203 201 15 12 99 Bhimpur 140'83 )01 101 592 292 300 44 45 30 26 100 Purba Durgapur 147'31 Zig 218 1,314 683 631 176 156

101 Gopal Nagar 46'13 125 125 765 372 393 146 163 102 Furfura 317'68 618 618 4,097 2,133 1,964 309 304 92 71 103 Hasempur 50'18 146 146 944 495 449 129 103 5 5 104 Daksbi n Dihi 129'50 165 165 1,015 510 505 157 146 24 31 105 Rampara 137'19 207 207 ],382 709 673 176 170 20 14

106 Toralpur 50'18 138 138 872 443 429 2 2 107 Rajibpur 41'28 62 62 386 191 195 80 84 108 Cbak Barada II 6 '15 Uninhabited 109 Belpara 105'22 177 117 1,195 629 566 257 235 110 / Ramnaiar 50'18 48 48 273 134 139 34 47 25 15

III Amarpur 113'72 81 81 451 220 231 52 44 69 65 112 Kantipur 142'85 116 116 639 340 299 140 136 94 69 113 Hijali J26'67 70 70 437 220 217 63 61 61 64 114 Santoshpur 205'18 158 158 ],014 534 480 288 272 37 22 115 Basantapur 66'37 59 99 6io 328 282 107 104 .. 116 Mohanpur 102'79 119 119 •695 352 343 110 103 117 Mahestikuri 93'08 61 6.1 218 144 134 135 128 118 Chcchua Dingalhati 335'89 345 345 2,1~5 J,106 1,039 487 380 9 18 119 Kaparpur 67'99 83 83 507 242 265 32 40 7 3 120 Kamdebpur 72'84 125 125 816 413 403 56 62 ... " , . [ 219 ]


,..-...... ~ _____MAIN-.)t... WORKERS ______

Houaehold blduatry-Manu­ facturing, Proces­ Total sing. Servfeblg Other Workers Main Workers Agricultural and Re~lrlng (In, IV, V{b) it Mar2lnal Literates (I_IX) Cultivators (1) Labourers (U) [V (a) J VI to I:x.J Workers NOI1-worbr. ,-_....~ r---"----. r---"--~ .-...... ---, r__"_~ ,..._-.4.----"'\ ~~ , .....j I ,.....,,_ .M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 ]4 15 ]6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

103 56 135 49 52 2 33 42 11 5 39 122 215 62 27 132 3 58 59 3 15 2 116 239 300 220 497 128 181 26 205 79 57 19 54 4 2~ 114 402 691 43 25 82 19 4 69 19 9 3 65 129 121 51 167 45 71 2 66 24 16 19 14 170 288

204 106 386 42 121 199 37 13 3 53 2 J 1 292 609 150 124 113 16 53 2 12 12 10 38 2 2 116 243 343 199 310 103 8 I 7 175 95 2 52 3' 4 273 491 168 139 170 12 96 54 II 20 1 122 28S 214 116 337 7 83 179 7 4 71 346 624

113 59 208 24 148 9 27 164 393 1,105 614 968 133 156 2 438 114 40 8 334 9 17 1,148 1,831 263 134 261 42 80 79 39 26 2 76 I 2 7 232 400 283 155 262 23 78 85 16 14 1 85 5 2 246 482 350 176 470 55 237 165 38 67 17 239 6J8

194 85 197 6 53 55 12 77 6 2 243 421 127 74 86 8 24 2 23 5 14 25 lOS 187

175 57 213 11 55 118 II 40 408 SS4 72 42 75 34 39 31 34 5 59 105

92 81 143 63 58 79 60 6 3 77 168 64 - 27 . 178 90 31 131 86 15 3 162 209 82 30 105 33 42 8 39 25 10 14 115 184 192 38 278 11 208 49 11 4 17 255 469 161 66 166 118 35 1 .. 12 162 281

96 31 178 3 133 34 3 11 174 340 61 ; 19 88 5 86 4 2 2 54 129 617 353 'i08 21 219 3 228 12 28 3 93 3 40 14 498 1,004 155 114 117 18 27 42 17 48 1 125 247 198 111 197 21 41 5 98 14 8 , , ..50 ~ .. 216 38l [ 220 1


Location Area of Code Mouza Numbed.e. (Village) in No. of 'fotal Population J. L. No. Hectares and Occupied (including Institutional and Scheduled Scheduled of Mouza Name of Mouza Village)! of Town! Residen" No. of Houseless Populntion) Castes Tribes (Villages)! Town/Ward (In absence of Wllrdin tial House" ,--___;,.._-----" c----"---~ r--.A.~ Ward No name repeat Wa.td No. KMII Houses holds P M F M F M F I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

17 P. S. Jangipara-conc1d. 12] Ganeshbati 156'61 239 239 1,304 648 656 286 231 41 40 122 Baganda 195'06 82 82 483 241 242 151 102 15 14 123 Mandalika 569'39 559 619 3,939 2,056 1,883 358 303 105 80 124 Dhitpur 97'13 166 166 1,040 505 535 100 87 28 23 125 Panchberia 9g'74 214 214 1,403 720 683 4 4 70 75

126 Kodalipoa 101'17 J35 135 949 481 468 21 20 32 26 127 Son a Maguri 79'72 135 135 860 430 430 290 30t 14 24 128 Seora Beria 74'87 186 191 1,225 604 621 8 5 129 Lakshmanpur 138'00 465 465 2,716 1,369 1,347 101 108 16 12 Total 1M'0 23,258 23,562 145,399 74,779 70,620 21,746 20,953 3,308 2,985 (Entirely rural) [ 221 1


,... ______MAIN ....,A. WORKERS ___•______• ___~

Household Industry-Manu­ facturing, Proces- Total sing, Servicing. Other Workers Main Workers Agricultural and Repairing [III. 1 V. V (b) & Mar~inal Literates (I-IX) Cultivators (I) Labourers (II) [V (a) ] VI to IX J Workers Non-workers ,-_-.A..~ r---A.-~ r-.A.-~ r-..A.---, r--.A.---"I .--'-~ r--'-----. r--__"_~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 }6 17 J8 I () 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

311 195 336 81 34 2 144 39 18 38 140 2 12 14 300 561 lSI 98 136 13 . 107 IO 9 20 3 1 105 228 1,093 564 973 149 J83 13 394 126 14 2 382 8 17 8 1,066 1,726 265 150 238 60 76 1 109 57 52 2 267 474 386 223 368 65 110 98 52 160 13 3 4 349 614

289 173 220 8 38 66 4 5 111 2 6 8 255 452 164 67 220 38 28 118 28 74 10 2 112 208 280 289 108 296 5 49 82 4 22 143 2 306 615 713 392 763 19 153 2 268 13 18 3 324 2 15 604 t,313 R8,917 21,881 38,338 5,275 12,274 33712,402 3,534 3,980 890 9,682 514 941 2,226 35,500 63,119 ( 222 ]


18 P. S. Chalfdl141a

Population Population Sl. J.L. ,--__""-~ 81. J.L. ,.. No Name of Villages No. 1971 1981 No. Name of Villages No. 1971 1981 1 2 3 4 2 3 4

1 Adna 78 2,672 3,089 36 Dudhkanra 25 276 187 2 22 1,864 2,258 37 Dudhkomra 37 1,211 1,314 3 Alipur 43 1,765 2,106 38 Dudkalmi 44 2,939 3,609 4 Anantarampur 36 803 1,026 5 24 2,110 2,329 39 Bklakhi 89 1,136 1,480 6 Aushbali 1,595 9 1,277 40 Ganespur 28 345 382 7 658 Azabnagar 14 564 41 63 4,889 5,830 8 Bade Sola 34 1,433 1,688 42 Garalgachha 90 3,961 3,555 2,393 9 Baghati 31 901 1,030 43 Gobra 92 1,683 10 Baksa 77 3,953 4,497 44 Gokutpur 51 294 409 822 11 53 2,004 2,'136 45 Gopalpur 6 862 12 Banamalipur 15 2,068 2,488 46 Haripur 30 1,668 1,918 13 Bandpur 20 1,686 2,045 14 Banipur 5 570 664 47 Ichhapasar 35 962 1,045 15 Bankagachha 79 822 1,012 16 Bankrishoapur 61 1,056 1,312 48 Jagamohanpur 26 974 1,025 17 Ban Panchbere 39 223 261 49 Jaganathbati 58 1,131 1,176 18 Bora Chowghara 27 707 566 50 Jalamoidul 49 1,077 1,366 19 86 4,037 4,480 51 Janai 57 7,412 8,729 52 Jangalpara 60 3,858 5,687 20 Begampur 73 6,217 ~ 21 91 ] ,250 1,490 53 Jiara 19 767 885 2,554 3,143 22 Beoipur 56 866 983 54 Jaykrishnapur 69 23 48 2,374 2,856 55 Kalachhara 54 2,390 2,688 24 Bhagabatipur 41 3,247 4,122 56 Kalipur 99 794 1,584 57 Kalyanbati 4 1,317 812 25 Chak Bengal 32 177 221 58 40 2,475 3,041 26 Chak Tejpur 2 1,447 1,842 68 2,744 3,359 27 Chakundi 94 1,397 1,901 59 Kapashauria 88 2,781 3,189 28 Chanditala 85 2,493 2,847 60 Kbanpur Kharial 96 l,576 1,916 29 Chbota Chowahara 29 909 893 61 Kharsarai 71 3,587 4,424 30 ChhuDche 8 1,128 1,370 62 76 1,211 1,070 31 81 2,686 4,174 63 Khoragari ~ Krishnanagar 7 1,123 1,080 32 93 4,221 5,372 65 Krishn8pur 100 2,886 4,171 33 Dankuni Bit 83 •• • , 66 59 6,178 7,641 34 Danj)atipur 82 646 817 67 46 6,382 1,282 324 ~5 Dattapur 75 1,333 1,641 68 KusaipQh~i 97 101 [ 22~ )


18 p. S. CllllfUlil(l/4-COI1Cld.

Population Popu1attol1 81. J.L. 81. J.L No. Name of Villages No. 1971 1981 NC). Name of Villages No. 1971 1981 2 3 4 2 3 4 .. 69 Madhabpur 74 2,163 2,709 87 Paschim Tajpur 13 1,166 1,355 70 Madhupur 10 889 1,123 88 Patul 3 3,519 2,862 71 Makhalpara 87 • 47 89 Purbba Tajpur 72 3,674 4,794 72 62 493 584 73 Mamudpur 38 962 1,079 90 Radhaballabhpur 33 1,023 1,249 74 Manber 101 2,092 2,540 91 Ragbunathpur 11 398 325 75 Manirampur 64 4,673 5,891 92 Ramanatbpur 50 4,951 5,719 76 Masat 16 5,204 5,887 93 Sadpur 21 775 480 77 Matekhal 47 1,274 1,615 94 Sahana 67 928 1,302 78 Monoharpur 98 5,214 t 95 J 1,110 1,258 79 Mirga)a 102 6,233 •• 96 Sanka 65 765 959 80 Mukundapur 18 769 886 97 Satghara 9S 341 419 81 Nababpur 45 6,214 7,315 98 Sehakhala 12 3,500 4,592 82 Naite 84 3,925 4,652 99 Sinp.jor 42 642 708 100 Shyam Sunderpur 23 1,040 1,265 83 Okardaha 66 1,600 2,012 101 Thero 52 1,924 2,232 84 Pairagachha 5S 3,380 3,871 102 Tisa 70 2,368 2,997 85 Pakur 17 2,781 3,266 86 Panchgbara 80 4,086 4,778 Total (Rural) 214,s26 284,691

• Uninhabited •• Included in MrigaJa (NM) t Included in Manoharpur (NM) : Included in Begampur (NM) URBAN/VILLAGE PRIMAR'V

Location Area of Code Mouza Number ",. (Village) in No. of Total Population J.L.No. Hectares and Occupied (including Institutional and Scheduled Scheduled of Mouza Name of Mouza (Villagel/ of Townl Residcn- No. of House1ess Population) Castes Tribes (Villages)1 Town/Ward (in absence of Ward in tial House- r--_""'---., r-~ r----.A.~ Ward No. name repeat Ward No.) KMlI Houses holds P M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

18 P. S, Chanditala 1 Sandhipur 132 '48 214 214 1,258 652 606 210 186 2 Cb.ak Tajpur 95'08 300 300 1,842 922 920 42' 429 3 Patul 356'93 444 444 2,862 1,441 1,421 26J 250 5 7 4 Kalyan Bati 93'25 120 120 812 431 381 208 193 5 Banipur 59'40 106 106 664 335 329 51 42

h GopaJpur 91'49 130 130 822 447 375 116 94 7 Krishna Nagar 147'98 150 152 1,080 S77 503 333 306 8 Chhuncbe 62'41 201 201 1,370 675 695 9 Aush Bati 92'63 244 248 1,595 843 752 249 201 10 Madhupur 123'61 173 173 1,123 566 557 115 100

11 Raghunatbpur 47'19 54 54 325 168 157 114 104 12 Sehakala 311'03 793 796 4,592 2,390 2,202 667 685 7 8 13 Paschim Tajpur 125'93 201 201 1,355 682 673 146 143 \ 14 Azab Nagar 76'02 100 100 658 329 329 14 16 15 Banamalipur 256'24 352 354 2,488 1,249 1,239 25 29

16 Masat 285'71 996 996 5,887 3,088 2,799 745 676 17 Pakur 116'09 539 547 3,266 1,700 1,566 297 258 8 11 18 Mukundapur 144'88 152 152 886 430 456 156 162 19 Jiara 117'67 135 135 885 455 430 99 88 20 Bandpur 116'9] 343 343 2,045 1,031 1,014 59 55

21 Sadpur 81'82 66 66 480 257 223 13 11 22 Akuni 99'85 330 338 2,258 1,213 1,045 67 65 23 Syam Sundarpur 70'81 199 199 1,~65 628 637 246 250 24 Aniya 258'56 411 411 2,329 1,162 1,167 259 258 36 30 25 Dudbkanra 252'14 25 25 187 103 84

26 Jagamohanpur 94'03 169 170 t ,025 536 489 43 44 8 ., 3 27 Bara Cbawghara 62'62 103 103 566 268 298 66 77 .. 28 Ganesbpur 87'56 57 57 382 194 188 69 74 29 Chota Chowgbara 94'40 136 136 893 459 434 30 Haripur 130'45 320 320 1,918 958 960 205 338 2 4

~ ( 225 ]


r'------~------Household Industry-Manu· facturlng. Proces­ Total sing. Servicing, Other Workers Main Workers Agricultural and Repairing (III, IV, V(b) & Marginal Literates (I-IX} Cultivators (1) Labourers (IT) [ V (a) ] VI to IX] Workctll N(Jn-worker. r----"-----. r;--..A..-----, .-_--A.-----, r-.A..-~ r----A.-~ .. ---.)...-"") ,,----.)...---, r-_....-~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M II M F 13 J4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28

285 166 342 52 54 208 'i2 80 310 554 376 312 455 12 110 3 179 ' 4 3 163 5 467 908 800 533 652 28 210 3 148 10 3 4 291 11 ") 7H7 1,393 180 ]00 208 4 17 lIO 20 61 2 222 376 197 145 150 11 24 52 1 73 II 185 318

216 128 220 4 14 115 90 4 227 371 215 115 280 ]28 109 42 5 296 497 417 240 310 90 72 3 ]45 365 695 485 281 444 150 165 9 120 I 7 4 392 747 372 276 251 15 72 51 127 15 314 542

96 50 87 9 38 24 6 24 3 81 148 1,416 898 1,253 172 258 4 257 43 54 4 684 51 11 10 1,126 2,090 394 274 360 2 121 120 1 17 102 321 670 69 112 152 2 107 17 28 2 177 327 766 514 605 3 284 2 98 7 216 2 642 J ,236

1,937 1,212 1,528 58 222 2 332 3 98 5 876 48 24 29 1,536 2,712 1,042 634 860 45 181 180 34 13 465 32 5 4 835 1,517 227 149 198 1 82 47 9 60 2 .. 230 455 190 90 239 6 70 111 28 4 30 2 216 424 355 151 487 2 268 122 96 2 544 1,012

128 61 111 85 16 2 8 10 136 223 648 367 487 6 108 217 4 158 6 13 713 1,039 259 138 348 21 47 125 3 77 16 99 2 l~ 267 616 784 544 648 122 115 318 98 13 6 202 18 514 1,()45 61 19 59 24 16 19 44 83

320 288 298 2 53 U8 5 122 2 22 3 216 484 176 122 140 9 43 3 45 3 49 5 2 3 126 286 91 54 86 8 31 38 8 3 14 108 J80 319 227 238 13 98 3 28 1 tll 10 19 221 402 5SO 303 516 11 165 2 207 8 27 117 1 442 949 ( 226 1


I,ocation Area of Code Mouta Number i." (Village) in No, of Total Population J, L, No, Hectares ano Occuplco (Including Institutional and Scheduled Scheduled of Mouza ~,mlc of Mouza (Village)! of Town/ Reslden- No. Q! Houseless Population Castes Tribes (ViJlages) I Town/Ward (in absence of Ward in Ual House- r------'------. ,.---.A--, r___"_--"'\ Ward No. name repeat Ward No.) Km2 Houses holds p M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

18 P, S, Chandirala-contd, 31 Baghati 143'03 168 168 1,030 521 509 167 187 2 2 ~2 Chak. Bangla 116'34 42 42 221 108 113 108 113 33 Radha Ballabhpur 69'38 208 208 1,249 635 614 204 208 34 Bade Soja 163'35 264 267 1,688 837 851 49 39 23 21 35 lchhapasar 59'73 179 179 1,045 )26 519 113 107 3

36 Ananta Rampur 78'04 165 165 1,026 537 489 169 169 37 Dudh Komra 53'22 213 213 ] ,314 675 639 75 7G 4 2 38 Mamudpur 69'04 176 176 1,079 562 517 15 I I 39 Ban Panch Bere 129'45 36 36 261 134 127 134 127 40 KaDai Danga 286'60 485 485 3,041 1,534 1,507 637 674

41 Bhagabatipur 465'37 670 670 4,122 2,087 2,035 95 85 42 Singjor 85'79 128 128 708 336 372 43 Alipur 134'76 348 348 2,106 1,071 1,035 111 1 [6 44 Dudkalmi 185'83 582 626 3,609 1,834 J,77:; 110 94 45 Nababpur 391'04 1,194 J ,194 7,315 3,666 3,649 323 325

46 Kumirmord 447'84 1,282 1,282 7,909 4,047 3,862 569 654 47 Metekhal 63'63 255 255 1,615 770 845 43 49 48 Bhadua 201'29 518 518 2,856 1,401 1,455 702 754 49 lalamadul 140'33 226 226 1,366 677 689 50 Ram.lnathpur 439'54 903 903 5,719 2,939 2,780 488 470

51 Gokuipur 195'19 65 65 409 188 221 186 216 52 Thero 171'28 395 395 2,232 1,140 1,092 477 449 53 Baman Danga 155'57 339 339 2,136 1,104 1,032 213 204 54 Kalachhara 306'58 432 432 2,688 J ,416 1,272 162 174 10 2 55 Paira Gachha 173'92 605 615 3,871 2,020 1,851 92 87 28

56 Benipur 43'83 161 161 983 508 475 28 24 57 lanai 394'97 1,;36 1,549 8,729 4,532 4,197 643 559 27 50 58 Jagannath Bati 59'07 193 193 1,176 590 586 27 24 59 Krishna Rampur 525'30 1,278 1,285 7,641 3,880 3.761 732 706 60 Janga1 Para 308'67 888 891 5,687 2,897 2,790 241 257 227 )

CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKER.S r- -~---~--~~~-----~ ------~ Household Industry-Manu­ facturing. Proce8- Total ling. Servicing. Other Workers Main Workers AgrIcultural and R.epairing (IJI. IV. V(b) & .MargIn&! Literates (I-IX) Cultivators (I) Labourers (II) [ V (8) ] VI to IX) Workers Non-workers ,--.A.~ ,----.A.--., ,--"---., ,_--.A..~ r--"---., ,---"---., r---"---""'\ r--A.--'"'I M F M F M F M F M F M F M F hI R 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

315 199 2)0 10 75 92 5 78 8 71 75 200 414 32 5 54 9 43 2 54 113 191 90 332 9 61 169 3 46 2 56 3 2 301 604 547 350 418 19 207 84 17 32 95 1 12 407 831 310 183 273 3 105 70 10 88 3 17 ~ 236 511

2)5 118 233 1 S3 103 3 I 74 26 278 488 396 273 336 40 79 147 35 3 2 107 2 339 599 346 173 315 89 130 12 84 247 517 43 12 80 3 7 73 3 53 124 551 246 865 3 667 112 6 80 2 669 t ,504

1 , 19 J 777 992 3 251 231 152 358 2 16 4 J ,079 2,028 170 81 163 47 75 5 36 173 372 587 296 518 1J 230 2 85 13 190 8 23 II 530 1,103 975 689 834 7 192 143 45 2 454 5 29 17 971 1,751 1,972 1,224 1,712 .. 38 197 2 390 4 95 19 1,030 13 7 8 1,947 3,603 1,877 1,085 1,726 28 257 472 92 6 905 21 59 17 2,262 3,817 395 237 311 1 20 57 40 194 24 6 435 838 514 247 638 9 196 228 78 136 8 42 2 721 1,444 279 156 298 119 65 18 96 1 379 688 1,682 1,189 1,411 34 309 7 347 75 6 680 20 9 1,520 2,737

80 45 96 3 14 44 38 2 3 13 89 20S 447 266 541 20 III 231 199 20 79 452 520 620 707 446 516 4 125 149 10 2 232 2 588 1,028 1,006 629 . 620 10 32 161 2 25 2 402 6 26 770 1,262 1,372 980 864 37 121 158 17 19 568 17 47 8 1,109 1,806

364 209 228 7 66 57 3 102 7 280 468 3,156 2,146 2,161 109 179 12 353 7 134 3 1,495 87 46 41 2,325 4,047 405 285 257 2 33 61 20 2 143 6 327 584 2,224 1,482 1,843 46 283 2 578 49 12 933 32 55 II 1,982 3,704 1,785 1,101 1,421 21 286 , . 3Q5 131 11 699 9 31 10 1,443 2,759 [ 228 }


L:>eation Area of Code Mouza Numberi,', Village) in No. of Total Population J, L, No, Hectares and Occupied (including Institutional and Scheduled Scheduled of Mouza Name of Mouza (Vlllage)/ of TownJ Rcstden· No, of IIouseless Population) Castes Tribes ~illage)J Town/Ward (in absence of Ward in tial Honse· (""-____..._---~ ,---"'-__" r--A-~ ard No, n&rne repeat Ward No,) Km' gouses holds P M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

18 P, S, Chanditala-contd, 61 Bonkrishnapur 81'94 212 212 1,312 697 615 190 159 62 Malipukur 62'09 100 100 584 290 294 225 225 63 Gangadharpur 219'30 920 927 5,830 2,955 2,875 312 295 28 64 Monirampur 339'35 913 928 5,891 2,991 2,900 77 94 65 Sanka 63'43 159 159 953 494 459 32 49

66 Okardaha 104'74 314 314 2,012 1,039 973 <)2 97 67 Sabana 84'23 203 214 1,302 672 630 8 4 10 68 Kapashanria 115'47 527 527 3,359 1,746 1,613 95 104 69 Joy Krishnapur 247'78 534 541 3,143 1,626 1,517 4 70 risa 138' 52 501 504 2,997 1,568 1,429 79 70 5

71 Khar Sarai 110' 39 753 755 4,424 2,307 2,117 75 89 4 2 72 Purbha Tajpur 118'32 798 804 4,794 2,463 2,331 30 33 10 73 Begampur Whole included in Bcgumpur (N,M,) 74 Madhabpur 148'52 442 462 2,709 1,390 1,319 41 44 72 43 75 111'16 299 299 1,641 823 818 241 239

76 Khoragari 70'98 165 165 1,070 551 519 64 58 3 1 77 Baksa 297'55 745 754 4,497 2,351 2,146 588 565 8 78 Adan 106'81 519 519 3,089 1,618 1,471 129 123 29 79 Bankagachba 48'74 159 159 1,012 524 488 25 27 80 Panch Gara 349'38 816 816 4,778 2,433 2,345 204 186 165 154

81 Chikrand 199'83 798 798 4,174 2,221 1,953 471 425 82 Danpatipur 71'39 150 151 817 426 391 118 108 83 Dankuni Bil 197'52 U N I N H A B I T 84 Naitai 245'74 776 776 4,652 2,461 2,191 267 243 85 Chanditala 113'98 495 500 2,847 1,568 1,279 314 310 9 6

86 Barijhati 121'60 866 867 4,480 2,381 2,099 310 300 7 87 MathaI Para 98'09 5 5 47 26 21 88 Khanpur 103'54 545 545 3,189 1,520 1,669 180 199 89 Eklakhi 100'21 237 241 1,480 778 702 59 62 13 2 90 Garal Gachhs 100'55 555 555 3,555 1,VO 1,735 , , , . r, ( 229 J


Honlehold Induatry-Manu· facturing. Ptocea- Total sing, Servicing, Other Workers Main Workers Agricultural and Repairing [IU, IV, V(b) & Marginal I.,iterates (I-IX) Cultivators (I) Labol1rets (II) [V (a) 1 VI to IX] Worker. .--Non-workere___A.,,--"'" r-'.A.Iw--~. ,-__.....~ r---.A..--, .---.A..-.., r---.A..-~ .----'---, r----"----"\ :M F M F :M F M F 'M F M F :M F 114 'F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

421 217 389 28 94 35 5 255 28 2 306 587 62 32 156 9 16 70 70 9 2 133 283 1,618 1,016 1,492 128 249 174 504 99 565 29 47 82 1,416 2,665 1,552 848 1,549 81 309 121 734 68 385 13 23 72 1,419 2,747 283 117 286 2 98 37 52 2 99 3 205 457

642 414 575 9 222 4 140 7 206 5 463 964 373 235 360 1 82 121 5 ]52 ] 312 628 792 422 853 2 125 414 46 268 2 6 887 1,611 883 525 792 10 102 281 57 2 352 8 4 834 1,503 913 506 789 18 222 126 11 137 4 304 3 7 4 772 1,407

1,297 715 1,357 201 32 4 6 .. 1,044 177 27~ 20 950 1,916 1,386 937 1,234 57 8 72 549 32 605 25 32 41 1,197 2,233 Whole included in Begumpur (NM) • 617 336 703 41 153 1 177 2 54 319 38 34 30 653 J ,248 422 265 447 24 52 3 143 41 7 211 13 4 372 794

374 243 263 7 91 40 24 4 108 2 288 512 1,356 901 1,133 28 138 1 336 47 2 612 25 15 8 1,203 2' 110 1,199 785 780 U 69 89 15 607 22 62 3 776 1,446 388 266 269 3 30 70 3 1 166 1 I 254 458 1,193 7251,196 34 287 312 38 4 559 29 1 1,236 2,310

1,331 854 992 76 73 186 , . 24 13 709 63 50 17 1,179 1,860 124 26 191 5 126 19 4] 1 7 228 390 E D 1,668 938 1,113 18 132 365 10 55 1 561 7 29 7 1,319 2,166 1,037 685 810 36 33 119 16 2 642 33 11 747 1,242

1,706 1.137 1,077 91 12 95 39 931 90 15 2 1,289 2,006 17 8 14 1 2 11 12 21 733 484 637 32 117 90 93 27 337 4 30 882 1,607 523 345 333 7 35 58 :2 27 213 5 41 404 695 l.528 1,177 802 ~2 ~ 34, 7 ., 759 22 1,018 1,713 [ 230 )


I,oeation Area of Code Mouu Number .. , (Village) in No. of Total Populatlon J.L, No Hectares and Occupied (including Institutional and Scheduled Scheduled of Mouza Name of Mouu (Vlllage)/ of Town! Reslden- No of Ilouseless of Population) Castes Tribes (VJllage)1 Town/Ward (in absence of Ward 1Il ual House- e----"----~ .--.A.~ .--..A._"", Ward No. name repeat Ward No, ) KMI IIouses !to Ids p M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

18 P. S. Challditala-concld.

91 Dele Danga 91'18 263 263 1,490 797 693 112 95 92 Oobra 140'93 438 438 2,39, 1,225 1,168 109 102 49 29 93 Dankuni 232'01 936 936 5,372 2,863 2,509 678 614 94 Chakundi 79'46 . 309 309 1,901 973 928 70 65 95 Sat Ohara 67'74 61 61 419 228 191 19 23 4 2

96 Kharial 123'30 317 317 1,916 961 9')5 301 295 97 Kusaigachhi 106'78 96 96 324 231 93 59 43 4 2 98 Monobarpur Whole included in Monoharpur (N,M.) 99 Katipur 52'67 300 305 1,584 832 752 168 140 4 4 tOO Krishnapur 176'54 717 717 4,171 2,137 2,034 418 429 2

101 Manber 179'34 432 432 2,540 1,323 1,217 151 140 10 4 102 Mri Gala WhLlle included in MrigaJa (N.M,) Begumpur (NM) 2'12 1,198 1,199 7,007 3,651 3,356 448 420 10 Mrigola (UA) 6'12 3,231 3,309 17,131 9,093 8,038 906 806 29 22 (a) Monoharpur (NM) 2'14 1,522 1,562 8,019 4,221 3,798 349 330 (b) Mirigola (NM) 3'98 1,709 1,747 9,112 4,872 4,240 ~'i7 476 29 22 Rural ]55'238,857 39,076234,697 120,670114,02718,47818,146 604 389 UiI'ban 82 4,429 4,508 24,138 12,744 11,394 1 354 1,226 39 22 64'~ 411 Grand Total 163'4. 4.3,286 43,5\)4 ?58183;; 133,4,11 125,421 H,8:J2 19,372 l 231 1 , CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKERS ~------~------, Houaehold Industry- Manu­ facturing. Proces- Total sing. Servicing Other Workers Main Workers Agricultural and Repairfng [III. IV. V(b) & Mnrglual Literates (I-IX) Cultivators (1) Labourers (II) [v (al ] VI to IX] W otker~ Non-workers r-_.\.~ r---"----. ,---"----. ,-----"--..-, ,--.J<.----, r--A.---, r__"_--, .---'--"",,":", M F M F M F M F M F M F M F ~r F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

478 256 342 4 59 62 221 4 19 436 689 723 486 608 22 113 88 43 2 364 19 16 601 J,146 1,249 597 1,41 'i 13 145 J 471 40 2 759 8 6 1,442 2,495 368 145 436 I 109 82 6 239 J6 521 927 141 94 73 5 16 52 25 DO HI9

621 383 408 7 74 74 3 257 6 46 ') 507 946 89 27 170 12 4 164 12 61 81 Whole included in Monoharpur (NM) 523 364 378 22 3 19 356 22 454 730 1,257 732 974 28 189 2 142 6 2 637 24 1,162 2,006

932 614 60] 5 83 113 2 51 354 2 722 1,212 Whole included in tNM) 2,617 1,778 1,831 76 61 51 433 14 1,286 62 5 13 1,815 3,267 5,611 4,822 4,228 187 64 242 3 105 3 3,817 180 93 35 4,772 7,816 2,653 1,894 1,937 95 26 124 1 47 2 1,740 92 44 5 2,240 3,698 2,958 2,928 2,291 92 38 118 2 58 2,077 88 49 30 2,532 4, liS

68,464 42,479 58,315 2,132 11,262 77 13,765 344 :',337 600 27,951 1,111 1,271 I ,O~() 61,084 1,10,815 8,228 6,600 6,059 26 125 1 293 3 538 17 5,103 242 98 48 6,587 11,083 76,692 4.9,079 64,374. 2,395 1l,387 7~ 14,058 347 5,875 617 33,054 1,353 1,369 J,I28 67,671 1,21,898 [ 232 1


19 P. S. Se,Q,mjrur

Population Population Sl. J. t. r-----'---"'"I SI. J.t. ~ No. Name of Villages No. 1971 1981 N.o Name of Villages No. 1971 1981 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 Baidyabati 5 • t 9 Chapaara 2 963 1,162 2 Ballabhpur 14 • i 10 Chatra 10 * 1 3 25 2,286 3,399 11 Daksbin Rajyadharpur 19 4,006 5,526 4 Bargihati 21 1,353 1,724 12 Dirsbanga 4 • t 5 Belu Milki 11 3,577 4,632 13 818 748 6 Bhadua 23 976 1,275 Ghoramara 16 7 Chak 1 • t 14 Haridkarpur 8 • t 8 Chakpatakharia 9 • t 15 Jagannatbpur 26 995 1,244 [ 233 1


19 P. S. Setampu,-contld.

Population Population 81. J.t. r---A.---. SI. J. L. r-----..A.~ No. Name of Villagell No. 1971 1981 No. Name of VUIages No. 1971 1981 2 3 4 2 3 4 16 Madpur 20 350 445 23 Rishra 27 2,444 6,121 17 Mabes 15 ... + 24 Seorafuli 6 ... t 24 979 1,386 18 Mirpur 2S Simla 18 1,525 1,089 19 Mollarbar 22 1,707 2,284 26 Sirampur 13 ... t 20 Nabagram 12 ... t 27 Uttar Rajyadharpur 3 1,078 1,225 21 Pandit Satgbara 17 1,235 826 22 Piarapur 7 1,975 2,542 Total (Rural) 26,267 38,020

J, L 10 Part in Serampore (M) Part in Baidyabati (H) J, L 15 Part in Serampore (M) Part in Risbra (M) t Included in t Included in . ( 234 1


toeaUon Area of Code Mouza Number i.t, (Village) in No. of Total Population J. L, No. Hectares and Occupied {including Institutional and Scheduled Scheduled of Mouu Name of Moum (Village)1 of Townl Residen- No. of Houseless Population) Castes Tribes (ViUagil-! Town/Ward (in absence of Ward in tial House- r-----'------. (""'--"--""'I (""'___.._--"\ Ward 0, name repeat Ward No,) KM' Houses holds P M F M F M F '} 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 21

19 P. S. Strampur

1 Cltak IocIuded in Baidyabati (M) fully 2 Chapsarh 119'78 198 200 1,162 599 563 67 71 3 Uttar Rojyodhpur 342'02 199 199 1,225 631 594 396 360 ., 4 Dirghanga S Baidyabatl } Included in Baidyabati (M) fully 6 Seorafuli

7 Piarapur 770'87 438 438 2,542 1,330 1,2121,006 888 8 Haridharpur 9 Chak Patakbaria } Included in Urban area to Chatra Part included in Serampore (M) Remaining Part in Baidyabati (M)

11 Belumilki 812'04 797 797 4,632 2,372 2,260 J,332 1,205 3 .3 12 Nabagram Wholly included in Baidyabati (M) 13 Srirampur 14 Ballabbpur } Included in Urban area IS Mabes Part included in Serampore (M) Remaining Part in Rishra (M)

16 Gboramara 144-35 267 267 1,375 748 627 96 102 17 Pandit Sat ghar h 208'86 252 252 1,551 826 725 118 104 14 11 18 Simla 247'58 354 354 2,129 1,089 1,040 581 576 3 6 19 Dakshin Rajyodharpur 398'12 965 965 5,526 2,912 2,614 206 188 184 170 20 Madpur 341'27 78 78 445 222 223 211 211

21 Bangiheti 503'99 264 264 1,724 889 835 210 203 22 Mollarbcr 1,216' 57 381 383 2,284 1,185 1,099 524 497 62 49 23 Bhadua 245'06 193 193 1,275 672 603 71 64 24 Mirpur 270'24 244 244 1,386 747 639 15 14 25 Bamunari 541'00 543 543 3,399 1,826 1,573 531 458 43

26 ~ag8nnatbpur 262'57 195 195 1,244 648 596 538 521 8 2 27 Rishra 1,592'36 1,084 1,1)84 6,121 3, lOt 3,020 5,09 446 1 Baidyabati (MJ 9'06 12,253 12,352 70,573 36,782 33,791 3,070 2,796 172 158 Ward No.1 683 683 4,117 2,149 1,968 218 207 .. 516 517 3,OS7 1,574 1,483 ISO 163 " - 2 [ 235 )

CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKaRS r------~---~~----~------Household Industry-Manu­ facturing, Procea­ Total sittg, Servicing Other Workers Main Workers Agricultural and Repairing [III, IV, V(b) & Marl-,oinaJ !.iterates (I-IX) Cultivators (I) Labourers (II) [V (a)] VI to IX] Workers Non-workcu r--..l..~ .--..1.._-., r---"-~ r----A..~ r----..A..-'--"\ ._-..A.___,. r--,Jo.--., ,..._-..A.._~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M l~ !II F 13 14 15 16 17 Hi 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28

340 227 337 10 168 3 66 103 7 (> 11 256 542 287 165 365 43 66 12 195 6 6 5 98 20 6 13 260 538

718 364 565 25 139 102 3 5 319 21 57 12 708 1,175

905 943 1,205 35 294 2 208 6 32 671 27 1,164 2,225

584 371 316 6 2 9 4 301 6 7 425 621 641 410 313 3 10 34 I I 268 2" 2 11 511 711 575 646 463 42 33 44 31 2 5 384 5 8 5 618 993 2,175 1,532 1,230 85 7 56 15 ]56 4 ] ,OIl 66 22 15 1,660 2,514 113 62 III 2 25 49 36 2 110 221

415 233 370 27 96 3 47 5 3 226 16 64 2 455 . 806 447 172 491 14 181 5 204 5 101 9 64 155 6.30 930 335 180 284 1 61 92 9 122 41 347 602 364 125 293 13 89 5 89 5 2 110 6 71 2 383 624 1,061 552 744 13 143 2 124 '2 14 463 9 131 8 951 1,552

412 192 285 18 75 2 65 2 1 144 14 6S 21 298 557 2,329 1,879 1,335 52 59 191 3 44 6 1,041 43 3 1 1,763 2,967 27,463 20,331 16,422 913 252 6 620 24 620 54 14,930 829 188 122 20,172 32,756 1,108 1,285 901 38 3 31 93 774 37 3 1,245 1,929 1,309 1,018 663 31 25 51 587 31 911 1,452 { 236 1


Location t.!la of Code Mouza Number i.,. (Village) in No. of Total Population J.L. No. Hectares and Occupied (including Institutional and Scheduled Scheduled of Mouu Name of Mouza (Vlllage)1 of Townl Residen- No. of Houseless Population) Castes Tribes (Villages)1 TQwu/Ward (in absence of Ward In tial House- r---.A.------. ,...-~ ,...-.,A.~ Ward No. name repeat Ward No.) KMI Houses holds P M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

19 P. S. Serampur-cont d. Ward No.3 613 615 3,857 2,009 1,848 32 32 , . 4 992 992 5,619 2,827 2,792 48 46 ,. 5 363 409 2,064 1,143 921 24 17 6 164 181 893 612 281 7 2 " 7 731 731 3,468 1,740 1,728 53 35 " 8 721 721 4,103 2,092 2,01l 153 132 " , , 9 789 793 4,482 2,396 2,086 41 41 3 4 -10 871 872 5,021 2,619 2,402 37 22 " , , -11 860 864 5,395 2,805 2,590 403 385 9 - 12 413 415 2,407 1,265 1,142 88 72 " -13 811 824 4,789 2,488 2,301 135 143 ", , - 14 603 603 3,741 1,981 1,760 509 444 - 15 454 454 2,571 1,336 1,235 54 53 " , , - 16 656 658 3,742 1,891 1,851 359 334 19 34 , , - 17 1,123 1,129 6,504 3,397 3,107 503 438 139 117

- 18 890 891 4,743 2,458 2,285 256 230 2 3 " Serampore (M) 5'8825,593 25,723 127,304 70,585 56,719 3,770 3,055 48 48 Ward No.1 645 645 3,730 1,984 1,746 154 148 , , 2 480 480 2,931) 1,524 1,412 3 573 573 3,126 36 " 1,586 1,540 45 4 511 520 3,073 1,622 1,451 42 33 " , , 5 664 664 3,624 1,900 1,724 3 4 6 609 609 3,146 1,707 1,439 50 50 3 6 " , , 7 417 417 2,380 1,271 1,109 46 57 8 703 708 3,582 1,968 1,614 57 50 "

, I 9 645 670 3,388 2,097 1,291 140 103

I, - 10 605 621 2,817 1,673 1,144 31 27 -11 1,037 1,039 5,015 3,178 1,837 255 117 " .. - 12 1,028 1,028 4,611 3,039 1,572 6 8 " - 13 690 690 3,207 1,265 40 9 " 1,942 58 5 ( 237 1

CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WOR.KllRS ,.------,----____'--A ______, Household Industry- Manu­ facturing, Proces- Total sing, Servicing, Other Workers Main Workers Agricultural and Repairing [III, IV, V(b) & Margmal Literates (I-IX) Cultivators (I) Labourers (II) [ V (1\) ] VI to IX] W orkets Non-workers ,..--"--~ r--...A.-, r--...A.~ r--...A.-~ r_""'__'" ,--__'__~ r-..A.--, ,_-.A.._-, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M 1<' 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

1,579 1,161 829 44 26 18 2 1 783 43 3 1,177 1,804 1,864 1,454 1,309 80 4 57 68 30 1,180 49 28 37 1,490 2,675 814 478 626 41 41 3 3 1 582 37 517 880 408 152 410 10 4 406 10 202 271 1,311 976 767 77 4 763 77 973 1,650

1,479 1,152 971 66 15 18 13 3 925 63 1,121 1,945 1,958 1,495 1,104 37 6 26 7 1,065 37 15 22 1,277 2,027 2,032 1,497 1,179 69 29 2 1,150 67 3 1,437 2,333 1,890 1,135 1,177 51 29 123 8 87 938 43 1 8 1,627 2,531 983 769 566 29 32 2 534 27 10 5 689 1,108

1,983 1,533 1,106 55 4 56 2 37 4 1,009 49 1 1,381 2,246 1,319 790 741 38 61 1 27 32 621 36 49 5 1,191 1,717 1,182 1,026 603 36 2 6 23 2 572 34 19 10 714 1,189 1,434 1,174 827 58 1 1 38 1 787 56 17 24 1,047 1,769 2,383 },769 1,520 86 94 5 169 9 67 5 1,190 67 31 8 1,846 3,013 1,827 1,467 1,123 67 7 22 30 1 1,064 66 8 1 1,327 2,217 52,231 33,273 34,972 2,123 25 98 1,017 53 33,832 2,068 332 53 35,281 54,543 1,428 910 900 43 34 866 43 10 1,074 1,702 1,303 1,027 653 28 36 616 28 871 1,384 1,449 1,274 673 48 24 8 641 48 913 1,492 1,309 993 698 55 15 683 55 924 1,396 1,578 1,236 901 94 14 887 93 998 1,630 1,266 849 801 30 51 750 30 6 2 900 1,407 1,087 794 596 44 57 3 539 41 1 674 1,065 1,389 972 1,057 48 64 5 993 43 41 6 870 1,560

1,025 418 1,141 68 1 51 2 1,089 66 19 3 937 1,22{) I 1,258 724 1,022 35 16 1,006 35 651 1,109 1,895 778 1,978 100 18 11 14 1,935 100 3 2 1,197 1,735 1,761 814 2,082 76 31 1 2,051 75 6 951 1,496 1,287 769 1,118 51 1 .. , . 21 5 1,096 46 48 776 1,214 ( 238 )


Location Area of Code Mouza Number ( •. (Vlllage) in No. of Total Population J. L. No. Hectares and occ&ied (including Institutional and SCheduled Scheduled of Mouza Name of Mouza Village)1 of Town! Resi en· No. of Houseless Population) Castes Tribes ( Villages)! Townlwa:td (Ill absence of Ward in tial House. r----.A..----~ r-__"'__~ ,....--.A.~ Ward. No name tepeat Ward No. KM.2 Houses holds P M F M F M F .., 1 ~ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

19 p. S. S,rampur-contd. Ward No. 14 714 719 3,353 1,902 1,451 31 30 , , - 15 724 733 3,747 1,950 1,797 131 111 5 , , - 16 846 846 4,771 2,468 2,303 76 74 - 17 1,049 1,049 45,79 2,673 " 1,906 364 258 , , - 18 759 759 3,680 2,070 1,610 37 26 23 24 - 19 694 " 695 3,398 1,842 1,556 49 29 -- 20 1,243 1,243 5,067 3,126 1,941 87 " 38 - 21 1,391 " 1,391 6,090 3,442 2,648 104 87 - 22 " 2,046 2,066 10,071 5,390 4,681 448 422 - 23 1,045 1,045 " 4,603 2,519 2,084 375 320 - 24 791 794 4,088 " 2,107 1,981 63 36 , , - 25 '1,026 1,027 4,715 2,642 2,073 279 170 - 26 1,014 1,014 " 5,811 3,051 2,760 171 153 - 27 1,625 1,659 " 9,038 4,689 4,349 117 102 2 - 28 2,019 2,019 " 9,658 5,223 4,435 560 517 8 9 Rishra (M) 6'48 17,260 17,352 81,001 47,835 33,166 2,996 1,822 13 10 Ward No.1 735 735 3,018 2,434 584 437 149 4 2 881 881 4,180 1,575 408 199 " 2,605 ., 3 570 571 2,442 1,548 894 242 94 ., 4 1,593 1,604 7,027 4,441 2,586 397 182 5 ~21 " 721 3,611 2,199 1,412 6 3 6 987 " 987 4,834 2,882 1,952 38 26 7 1,325 1,336 5,810 3,722 142 " 2,088 64 2 8 554 554 " 2,470 1,496 974 82 66 9 1,467 1,501 7,092 4,012 3,080 III " 169 , , - to 901 902 4,755 2,545 2,210 77 44 6 6 , , -11 554 556 2,734 1,543 1,191 69 67

IJ - 12 602 602 3,353 1,788 1,565 21 17 , , - 13 462 462 2,072 1,234 838 61 41 II - 14 1,070 1,070 3,318 2,209 1,109 79 70 ., [ 239 )

cENStJS ABsTRACT MAIN WORKERS r-----~------~------,-~--~ Household Industry-Manu­ facturing. Proces- Total sing. Servicing. Other Workers Main Workers Agricultural and Repairing [III. IV. V(b) & Marginal Literates (I-IX) Cultivators (I) Labourers (II) (V (a)] VI to IX J Workers Non-workers ,..---"-----. ,----"----., r~-~ r---.A..-~ c---"----. .--_..._~ r-....A---.. r----J , M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

1,394 1,002 984 53 36 1 948 52 4 4 914 1,394 1,646 1,335 902 68 27 2 875 66 4 1,044 1,729 1,987 1,608 1,0lD 55 7 .. 1,003 55 1,457 2,247 1,540 861 1,356 46 2 1,354 46 1,317 1,860 1,234 613 961 ]82 960 182 3 1,106 1,427 1,334 998 897 42 896 42 945 1,514 1,603 804 1,827 47 97 5 1,730 42 4 2 1,295 1,892 2,615 1,446 1,698 102 58 7 t ,639 94 3 1,741 2,545 6,391 2,536 2,414 179 75 3 2,339 176 36 4 2,940 4,498 1,483 1,035 1,259 124 43 2 1,216 122 33 II 1,227 1,949

1.642 1,230 1,018 53 75 3 943 50 3 4 1,086 J ,928 1,611 979 1,332 62 1 44 4 1,286 57 44 9 1,266 2,002 2,412 1,946 1,411 94 2 55 75 8 1,279 86 1,640 2,666 3,625 2,904 2,008 201 1 37 1,970 200 2 2 2,679 4,146 3,679 2,418 2,275 95 6 27 2,242 95 60 4 2,888 4,336

28,883 15,654 24,909 724 23 11 281 19 24,594 703 184 45 22,742 32,397 1,267 192 1,932 21 1,931 21 2 500 563 1,146 363 1,324 43 5 ) ,318 43 3 7 1,278 1,525 720 217 892 13 17 875 13 656 881 1,954 577 2,352 28 3 14 2,335 28 2,089 2,557

924 290 1,165 8 4 1,161 8 26 2 1,008 J ,402 1,342 461 1,488 12 28 .. 1,460 12 2 1 1,392 1,939 ] ,816 596 2,136 26 7 16 2,113 25 9 1 1,577 2,061 1,083 534 857 9 J 856 9 1 2 638 963 2,550 1,497 1,944 43 1 37 1,906 43 3 2,065 3,036 ... 2,160 1,708 i,197 86 2 2 J ,195 84 3 1,345 2,124 1,139 773 714 ~9 2 712 29 829 1,162 1,479 1,151 789 43 1 5 783 43 32 3 967 1,519 I 719 436 637 27 6 631 27 20 5 577 806 868 271 1,317 15 11 1 1,306 14 892 1,094 I 240 J


t.ocation Area of Code Mouu Number;',. (Village) in No. of Total Population J. L. No. Hectares and Occupied (including Institutional III1d Seheduled Scheduled of Monza Name of Mouu (Village)/ of Town/ Residen- No. of House1ess Population) Castes Tribes (Village)1 Town Ward (In absence of Wardln tlal Houses ,..---"""'_---"\ ,--,.A._"-\ ,..----10..-""""'\ Ward No. name repeat Ward No.) K1I41 Housea holds P 114 F 114 F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

19 P. S. Seramp ur-CODcld, - 15 904 913 4,248 2,435 1,813 147 92 " - 16 1,242 1,265 6,444 3,470 2,974 152 130 " , , -- 17 ] ,077 1,077 5,824 2,942 2,882 133 126 - 18 1,615 1,615 7,769 4,330 3,439 336 341 4 " Rural 36'6 6,452 6,456 38,022 19,797 18,223 6,411 5,908 318 241 Urban 21'4 55,106 55,427 278,878155,202123,676 9,836 7,673 233 216 Grand Total 58'0 61,558 61,883 316,898 174,999 141,899 16,247 13,581 551 457 ( 241 ]


Household Industry-Manu· faeturing, Proces­ Total sing, Servlcing, Other W orke.rs Main Workers Agricultural and Repairing [III, IV, V(b) & Marginal Literates (I-IX) Cultivators (I) Labourers (II) [ V (a) 1 VI to IX] Workers Non-worker. ,..__...___, r__"'__~ r---"-~ ,__"'_--, r__"'_--, r---"----. ,----"----1 r____'___"" M F M F M F M F :M F M F M }O' M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

1,777 1,147 1,202 41 5 1,197 41 19 1,214 1,77t 2,655 1,829 1,710 128 2 1 41 9 1,666 119 2 1,758 2,845- 2,236 1,918 1,251 10] 13 11 3 1,227 97 30 17 1,661 2,764 3,048 1,694 2,002 51 2 77 4 1,922 47 32 3 2,296 3,38.; 11,701 8,053 8,707 389 1,448 35 1,575 75 286 26 5,398 253 551 2'6 10,519 17,578 1,08,577 69,25876,303 3,760 300 8 729 26 1,918 116 73,356 3 600 704 220 78.]95 1,19,616 1,20,278 77,311 85,0104,149 1,748 43 2,304 101 2,204 15!! 78,754 3,853 1,25f. 47(, 83,7.a I ,:j'j ,274 [ 242 ] ALPHABETICAL LIST 'or VILLAGES 20 P. S. Uttarpara

,-Population__J... __ """I Population SI. J. L. SI. J. L. __ ...... No. Name of Villages No. 1971 1981 No. Name of Villages No. 1971 1981""

2 3 4 2 3 4 5 1. Bara Bahera , t t 7. Konnagar 7 .. •• 2. Baj§ 2 1,136 2,088 8. Kotrung 8 4.910 ". 3. Basipota 3 341 387 9. Makbla 11 t t 4. Bhadrakali 9 2,199 _.'" 10. Noapara 1 1,141 1,705 5, Kanajpur 4 3,916 4.948 11. Raghunathpur 10 4,552 5,504 6. Khorda Bahera 6 t t 12. Uttarpara 12 1.137 2,895

Total (Rural) 19,332 17,517

Not": t Included in Nabagram Colony (NM)

~ Included in Makhla (NM) •• Included in Konnasar (M) •••. J.L. No.8 Part Included in Uttarpara Kotrung (M) Part in Kolrung (NM) l.L. No.9 Part Includec! in UUarpara Kotrung (M) Part in Bhadrakali (OG). P. S. Uttarpara [ 244 ]


Location Code No, Area of Mouza No. of i e. J.L. No. Name of Mouza' (Village) Occupied Total Population of Mouza (Village)/Town/ in Hectares Resi. No. of (includina (vlllage)/ Ward (in absence of and of Townl denti,1 House. Institutional and Scheduled Ward No, name repeat Ward No.) Ward in Km" Houses holds Houseless Population) SCheduled Castes Tribes ,...--____;._------. ro--..J..---. ,...-..)...-~ P M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 678 9 10 11 12 20 P. S. Uttarpara

I Noapara 166'49 290 290 1f 705 876 829 25 32 2 Basai 267'90 401 402 2,08& t, 102 986 395 368 64 52 3 Basaipota 5540 68 68 387 183 204 180 201 4 Kanaipur 159'71 884 884 4,948 2,568 2,380 368 348 5 3 5 Bara Bahera Included in Nabagram Colony (Non-Municipality) 6 Khorda Baher } 7 Konn8,ar Included in Konnagar (Municipality) 8 Kotrung Partly Included in Uttarpara-Kotrung (Municipality) and Remaining 9 BhadrakaU Partly Included in Uttarpara.Kotrung (Municipality) and Remaining 10 Raghunathpur 149'67 973 973 5,504 2,878 2,626 2,004 1,911 33 20 11 Makhal Included in Makhla (Non-Municipality) 12 Uttarpara 181'70 596 596 2,895 1,670 1,225 396 234 99 167 [ 245 CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKERS

~------~--~------~Household Industry-Manufac- Total Agricultural turing, Processing, OtberWorkers Main-Workers Cultivators Labourers servicing and [UJ,IV. V(b)& Marginal Literates (I-IX) (1) (II) Repairing [Y(a)], VI to IX] Workers Non-Workers r--.J-_-"""I ,... __J- __ """"\ __ .A..~ ,-_J- _...., ,..._J-~ _-..J-_~ ,..._.J..~ r-...... A.-~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 J8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

681 506 380 27 11 1 65 1 5 299 25 23 21 473 781 614 356 509 65 35 2 128 24 48 322 15 17 2 576 919 86 54 97 6 59 12 11 4 15 2 86 198 1,833 1,366 1,016 70 34 120 22 9 853 47 37 8 1,SlS 2,302 Included in Nabagram Colony (Non-Municipality) Included in Konnagar (Municipality) part in Kotrung (Non-Municipality) part in Bhadrakali (0 G.) 1,725 1,050 1,59] 177 310 87 32 48 1,162 127 27 1,260 2,449 Included in Makhla (Non-Municipality) 946 531 1,069 238 2 118 3 949 235 2 5 599 9&2 [ 246 ]


Location Code No. Area of Mouza i e J.L. No. Name of Moum (Village) in No. of Total Population of MouZil (Village/Town/ Hectares and Occupied No. of I (including (Village)( Ward (in absence of of Townl Residential House- Institutional and Scheduled Ward No. name repeat Ward No.) Ward in KMe Houses holds Houseless Population) Scheduled Castes Tribes ,----.)..----'"""1 r--.)..~ ,--.J---., p M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 20 P. S. UttarPata-c.,lItd. Nabagram Colony (NM) 2'54 3,516 3,516 17,550 9334 8,216 163 136 18 8 Konnagar (M) 4'33 10,630 10,674 51,211 21.764 23,447 1,301 948 44 49

Ward No. t 1,544 1,547 5,627 3,338 2,289 231 t15 2 748 " 748 3,155 1.844 1,311 126 97 3 7 ,. 3 632 632 3,129 1,714 1,415 52 35 13 8 421 " 4 421 1,731 957 774 5 422 422 2,116 1.106 1,010 " 6 " 438 457 2.398 ].267 ],131 3 2 " 7 899 899 4,402 2,315 2.087 53 41 " 8 383- 386 2.049 1,136 913 172 100 9 326 331 ].691 " 928 763 219 182 .1 I, 10 292 300 1,625 902 723 50 41 " 11 534 534 2,335 1,353 982 18 1 " 12 430 430 2,151 1,158 993 9 13 " 13 1,994 2,000 11,288 5,691 5,597 223 187 28 33 If 14 562 562 2,941 1,497 1,444 38 28 'I 15 1.005 1.005 4.573 2,558 2,015 107 106 Uttarpara Kotrung (M) 7'25 15,542 15,659 79,598 41,726 37,872 1,503 1,431 131 138 Ward No. t 638 657 3,346 1,757 1.189 123 118 5 16 " 2 659 667 3,309 1,781 1,528 147 125 11 17 " 3 585 592 2,918 1.501 1,417 1 " 4 570 582 3,034 1,633 1.401 - 57 25 " S 634 634 3,382 ],752 1,630 229 190 2 .. 6 602 612 2,764 1.438 1,326 7 7 " 7 670 673 3,675 1,753 1,922 20 24 2 1 '0 8 569 569 3,234 1,669 l.S65 5 4 .. 9 It 631 631 3,367 1,781 1,586 39 37 .. 10 887 887 4,489 2,347 2.142 32 28 .. " 11 'I 1,108 1,109 4,756 2.303 2,453 114 199 1 1 II 12 963 963 4,776 2.477 2.299 71 68 ,- 13 844 844 4,624 2.489 2,135 25 6 14 1,499 1,523 7,947 4,256 3,691 28 28 52 52 " IS I' 495 495 2,566 1,401 1,165 3S 28 1 3 " 16 938 944 4,636 2.538 2,098 72 81 12 9 [ 247 ]

CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKERS ~------~-~-----~----~---~Household Industry-Manueae- Total Agricultural tutina,ProceS6ing, OthetWorkers Main Workers Cultivators Labourors servicing and (!lI,IV,V(b)& Marginal Literates (I-IX) (I) (11) Repairing [Veal] VI to IX] Workers __ J.._ ...... Non-Workers ,-_.J..__ """,, r-_J.._~ ,..._.A._~ -*..1.._.., ,-_.A._...._ ,-_.J.._-.. r--..J.._-., M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

8,012 6,400 4,497 345 49 28 5 53 2 4,367 33& 22 4 4,815 7.867

20,176 14,292 13,071 788 10 llS 18 ' 12,945 170 13 14,68022,658 1,572 567 1,759 96 11 4 1,748 92 2 · . 1,577 2,193 1.185 620 934 26 11 923 26 1 909 1,285 1,238 884 782 32 20 2 762 30 3 ·. 929 1,383 767'" 506 539 11 2 536 Il 417 763 939 747 481 24 481 24 625 986 1,024 852 593 38 3 , . 590 3& 674 1,093 1,75& 1,291 1,059 84 17 2 1,042 82 · . 1,256 2,003 881 618 527 40 527 40 609 873 853 524 427 31 426 31 501 732 738 615 500 16 500 16 402 707 907 578 680 14 .. 6 4 .. 670 14 1 672 968 934 767 547 26 5 542 26 611 967 ~,417 3,534 2,317 172 1 21 7 2,295 16S 3 3,371 5,424 1,171 983 679 91 1 1 6 671 91 818 1,353 1,792 1,296 1,247 87 1 14 3 1,232 84 2 1,309 1,928 34,039 26,886 19,762 1,625 29 61 663 27 19.009 1,598 227 254 21.737 35.993 1,426 ),137 868 91 , . 5 863 91 2 887 1.498 1.408 977 848 89 2 14 832 89 21 20 912 l,41~ 1.304 1,084 707 27 4 6 J2 685 27 794 1.3~ 1,409 1,071 845 70 29 4 816 66 1 1 787 1.330 1,306 1,042 844 IDS 1 11 1 831 104 908 1,514 1,132 890 738 132 2 16 720 132 .. 700 1,194 1,578 1,427 889 112 .. 24 864 112 864 1,810 1,446 1.131 780 51 1 ·. 61 1 718 SO 889 1,514 1,518 1,157 876 45 2 16 8S8 45 6 3 899 1.538 2.191 1,819 111 114 .. ., 13 1,098 114 1 · . 1.235 2,028 1,839 l,SSS 1,011 149 14 1 997 148 136 39 1,156 2,265 2,036 1,740 1,t73 100 1 S3 2 1.119 98 1 1 1.303 2,1'8 2,157 1,680 1.225 99 SO 9 1,175 90 ·. 1,264 2,036 3,519 2,710 1,987 121 12 2 ·. 39 3 1.934 118 17 4 2,252 3,566 1,190 881 636 34 73 2 563 32 765 1.131 1.635 1,206 1,278 94 .. ·, 43 2 1,235 92 13 4 1.247 2.000 [ 248 ] URBAN/VILLAGE PRIMARY

Location Code No. Area of Mouza i e. J.L. No. Name of Mouza ~ViIlage) In No, of Total Population of Mouza (Village/Town/ ectares and Occupied No. of (Including (Village)1 Ward (in absence of of Town/ Residential House- Institutional and Scheduled Ward No. name repeat Ward No.) Ward in KM' Houses holds Houseless Population) Scheduled .Castes Tribes ,_..,..J..._"","\ ,-_.J..._, -----'----.,P M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 . 20 P. S, Uttarpara-Ctlllcld. Ward No. 17 583 586 2.832 1.486 1,346 27 23 .. 18 '37 537 2.858 1,485 1.373 3 2 19 809 809 4,168 2,229 1,939 368 352 13 11 " .. 20 1,321 1.345 6.917 3,650 3,267 131 III 1 Makhla 5'33 3,461 3,510 17,600 9.931 7,669 1,948 1,325 135 361 Makhla (NM) 2'71 2,806 2,855 14,880 8.347 6,533 1,872 1,260 135 361 Bhadrakalj (OG) 2'62 655 655 2,720 1,584 1,136 76 65 Kotrung (NM) 3'76 964 971 4,769 3,077 1.692 ]30 51 Rural 5'8 3,212 3,213 17,527 9.277 8.250 3,368 3,094 201 242 Urban 23'2 34,113 34,330 }70,728 91,832 78.896 5,045 3,891 328 556 GraDd Total 29'0 37,325 37,543 188,255 101,109 87,146 8,413 6,985 529 798 ( 249 ] CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKER.S r-~-~~------~------~-----~-~Household Indus,..." Manufac- Total Agricultural tUnng,Processing. Other Workers M&J.IlWotkers Cultivators Labourers servicing and [Ill,IV. V(b) & Marlinal Literates (I-IX) __ (I).A._""" (II) "$ Rcpairinl [V(a)] Vi to IX] Workers Non-Worten ,.._.)...~ .,---"-.---. .,--~ ,...-~ ,. , ,--~ ,...-J-.-"""\ M F M F M F ~ M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 23 24 25 26 27 28

1,226 992 694 41 11 66 617 41 10 , . 782 1.30S 1,138 8aO 599 16 63 536 IS .. 886 1.357 1,465 991 886 28 4 , . 46 836 28 7 1 1,336 1,910 3,116 2,456 1,767 107 3 , . 37 15 1 1,712 106 12 180 1,871 2,980 6,953 4.267 5,489 S80 4S 118 6 53 5,273 573 10 5 4,432 7,084 5,662 3,536 4,616 541 38 112 6 36 4,430 535 10 5 3,721 5,987 1,291 731 873 39 7 6 17 843 38 711 1,097 2,421 1,004 1,795 15 6 1 1 3 1.786 13 2 .. 1.280 1,677 5,885 3,863 4,662 583 449 5 414 24 199 t03 3,600 451 106 36 4,509 7,631 71,601 52,849 44,614 3,353 130 1 217 12 887 48 43,380 J,292 274 264 46,944 75,279 77,486 56,712 49,276 3,936 579 6 631 36 1,086 151 46,980 3,743 380 300 5.,45382,910 [ 250 ]

URBAN/VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT APPENDIX Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population-Urban Block-Wise Name of Total Name of Total Location Town/Ward POl'u- Scheduled Scheduled Location Town/Ward Popu- Scheduled Scheduled Code No. Urban Block lation Castes Tribes .. Code No. Urban Block lation Castes Tribes 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Arambag (M) - I 34,205 8,989 1,089 Ward-6 (3) 547 Ward-l 1,890 658 144 (4) 849 398 23/11/1/1 0) 769 226 7 (5) 434 94 (2) 575 299 (6) 314 III (3) 546 133 137 (7) 340 Ward-2 5,/77 1.302 87 (8) 256 145 20 23/11/1/2 (1) 674 385 23 (9) 659 71 79 1 (2) 650 287 Ward-7 1,534 527 14 (3) 634 198 21 23/11/1/7 (1) 614 234 7 125 (4) 574 (2) 424 285 (5) 730 173 1 (3) 496 8 7 (6) 680 94 39 (7) 605 4 2 Ward-8 3,190 661 424 (8) 630 36 23/11/1{8 (1) 545 98 73 (2) 641 103 42 Ward-3 2,606 601 7 (3, 753 149 20 23/1171/3 (1) 779 32 2 (4) 335 68 171 (2) 681 132 5 (5) 916 243 118 (3) 575 113 (4) 571 324 Ward-9 2,161 778 47 23{11/1/9 (1) 426 17 47 Ward-4 2,502 327 9 (2) 442 84 .. 23/11/114 (1) 514 67 4 (3) 517 92 (2) 334 36 1 (4) 776 58' (3) 674 56 4 (4) Sll S5 Jll'ard-JO 2,149 567 70 (S) 469 113 23/11/1/10 (1) 449 143 25 (2) 655 247 Ward-5 2,934 347 2 (3) 535 73 45 23/11/1/5 (1) 846 220 (4) 510 104 (2) 496 59 (3) 452 S3 2 Ward-ll 3,016 1,392 101 (4) 724 9 23/11/1/11 (1) 618 '54 (5) 416 IS (2) 535 117 63 (3) 195 50 14 Ward-6 4,384 910 100 (4) 627 269 15 23/11/1/6 (1) 492 40 1 (5) 596 270 9 (2) 493 51 (6) 445 132 .- [ 251 ]

URBAN/VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT A.PPENDIX-Contd. Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population-Urban Block-Wise Name of Total Name Of Total Location Town/Ward Popu- Scheduled Scheduled Location Town/Ward Popu- Scheduled Scheduled Code No. Urban Block latioll Castes Trtbes Code No. Urban Block latlOll Ca~tos Tribes 2 3 4 3 2 3 4 .s Ward-I2 2,662 919 84 RaallUDltbpar (NM)-11l8,150 1,020 82 23/11/1/12 (1) 656 352 21 23/11/1ll/-1 441 329 ·. (2) 604 168 ~3 2 212 133 ·. (3) S19 40 10 3 786 212 • (4) 883 359 4 406 SO 78 Plndaa (NM)-II 17.263 1,592 900 5 407 6 23/11/11/- 1 853 81 6 366 ·. 2 517 29 11 7 465 52 7 3 447 8 827 14 504 36 , 4 9 583 29 S 442 204 12 10 549 64 6 488 24 ] 1 633 7 7 458 116 12 720 680 8 520 25 10 9 673 16 206 13 764 332 4 10 489 81 S 14 567 11 605 6 · . 15 424 112 ·. 12 595 13 MadhaludaDpur(NM)-IV!,436 736 113 13 560 3 ·. 23/11/IV- 1 158 113 14 492 18 ·. 502 IS 768 22 2 323 5 16 473 37 16 3 756 240 17 599 61 4 577 ; . 18 724 17 29 5 611 69 ·. 19 578 136 71 6 508 23 20 740 42 73 7 400 8 ·. 21 700 13 211 8 281 IS 22 52S 4 9 386 5 ·. 23 493 .. 10 521 169 4 ·. 24 500 r43 11 569 44 25 491 68 , I 26 703 156 Blade I Thermal Power 27 687 105 lil Project Towo (NM) - V 678 17 ·. 28 787 93 7 23/11/V/- 1 27 29 852 156 9 2 651 17 [ 2~2 ] URIANfVlLLAGI PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT APPENDIX-Con,d. Total Scbeduled Castes and Scbeduled Tribes Population-Urban Block-Wise Name of Total Name of Total Location Town/Ward P0pU. Scheduled Scheduled Location Town/Ward Popu. Scheduled Scheduled Code No. Urban Block lation Castes Tribes Code No. Urban Block latjon Castes Tribes 2 3 .. S 2 3 4 5 Blasberla (M)-VI 77,020 14,099 682 Ward-5 4.419 269 44 Ward-1 4,483 359 9 23/11/VI/5 (1) 290 30 35 23/11fVIjl (1) 504 37 (2) 343 (2) 574 (3) 373 2 (4) (3) S03 180 408 22 (4) 487 .. (5) 668 85 (6) 307 26 (5) 549 18 .. (7) 483 (6) 364 62 9 27 (8) 487 (7) 384 6 (9) (8) 293 19 ~42 34 (10) 518 9 (9) 448 32 43 (10) 241 2 Ward-6 2,675 226 61 (11) 136 3 23/11/VI/6 (1) 349 111 14 (2) 340 47 Ward-2 1,923 286 91 (3) 595 18 23/11/VI/2 (1) 394 ISO 91 (4) 330 25 (2) 320 120 (S) 642 12 (3) 477 (6) 419 (4) 354 15 Ward-7 2,595 466 (5) 378 23/11/VI/7 (1) 312 196 Ward-3 3,474 394 63 (2) 578 23/II/VI!3 (1) 465 1 (3) 454 43 (2) 484 31 2 (4) 343 25 (3) 323 S3 56 (5) 627 85 (4) .540 103 (6) 281 117 (5) 375 38 5 Ward-8 1,487 161 (6) 243 23jll/VI/8 (1) 373 42 (7) 616 104 (2) 360 73 (8) 428 64 (3) 191 11 (4) Ward-4 2,985 313 no 563 35 23/11jVI/4 (1) 348 IS ·. Ward-9 2,818 763 (2) 653 57 23/11/VI/9 (1) 361 .. (3) 633 63 '"66 (2) 405 36 • • (4) 677 139 ·. (3) 756 154 ·. (S) 404 39 • • (4) 688 217 ·. (6) 270 f • • • (5) 608 356 : . [ 253 ] URBAN[VILLAGE PIIM!RY CENSUS ABSTRAC'I' A.PPENDIX- Conld. Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population - Urban Block·Wile Name of Total Name of Total Location Town/Ward p~ Scheduled Scheduled Location TownfWard Popu· Sohoduled Sch«lIlJed Code No. Urban Block ,on .. c;,aste~ _Tribes Code No. Urban Block lation Castes Trlbell .. ~ .... . 2 ", ~:"':.;..,.>-,..,. . "'5 2 3 S ...... ~. , " Ward-10 13,582 1.754 37 Ward-ll 7,406 490 1 23/11/VI/IO(1) 412 81 6 23/11/VI/11(1) 314 33 (2) 351 105 (2) 639 64 (3) 371 20 (3) 396 60 (4) 311 (4) 668 22 (5) 391 II (5) 589 24 1 (~) 393 59 (6) 571 (7) 443 157 (7) 645 37 (8) 440 237 ·. (8) 486 8 (9) 375 (9) 541 (10) 472 (10) 579 (11) 563 (11) 830 32 (12) 382 ·. (12) 454 194 (13) 242 (13) 298 (14) 377 (14) 396 16 •• (15) 223 .. (16) 292 Ward-12 3,764 815 9 (17) 467 91 23/11/VI/12(l) 398 (18) 364 133 '" (2) 626 42 (19) 495 125 13 (3) 355 9 (20) 462 203 13 (4) 473 153 587 (21) ·. (5) 595 187 ·. (22) 528 263 (6) 333 73 ·. (23) 504 213 (7) 463 119 (24) 351 (8) 521 241 (25) 415 (26) S22 Ward-i3 2.797 663 623 (27) 23/11/VI/13(1) 465 392 ·. (28) 621 (2) 253 70 (29) 2'2 (3) 409 24 (30) 204 (4) 392 24 (31) 302 12 5 539 52 . (32) 292 (5) 101 (33) 196 (6) 317 (34) 3S9 43 (1) 422 [ 254 1 URBAN/VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT APPENDIX- Contd. " Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Populaticn-Urban Block·Wise Name of Total Name of Total locatIOn Town/Ward Popu. Scheduled Scheduled Location Town'war~ Popu- Scheduled Scheduled Code No. Urpan Block iatJon Castes Tnbes Code No. Urban Bloc iation Castes Tnbes

1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 Ward-14 2,833 585 19 Ward-I 7 6,850 1,186 235 23/11/VI/14(1) 320 126 23/11/VI/17(I) 535 170 (2) 680 6 (2) 321 76 (3) 476 .. (3) 478 53 (4) 535 184 (4) 545 153 140 (5) 400 192 (5) 530 4 (6) 422 77 19 (6) 574 293 6 (7) 274 87 3 Ward-IS 8,062 3,896 (8) 342 59 58 378 143 23/11/VI/15(l) (9) 415 5 (2) 560 203 (10) '23 68 (3) 465 352 (11) 301 4 (4) 564 510 (12) (') 563 304 142 (6) 646 529 (13) 237 (7) 492 177 (14) 642 77 15 (8) 241 96 (IS) 161 (9) 416 190 (16) 560 (10) 420 167 (17) 270 137 16 (11) 4S4 116 SIDkhaDagar-(OG) (12) 586 140 VI (a) 4,3'6 315 308 (13) 741 124 23jll/VI(a)- 1 782 308 (14) 450 431 2 267 (15) 614 407 3 3 243 (16) 472 7 4 411 125 Ward-16 4,867 1,473 .. 5 47J 141 23/11/VI/16(1) 470 222 6 403 42 (2) 522 15 7 490 3 (3) 418 134 8 361 4 (4) 687 322 9 386 (5) 299 10 544 .. (6) 344 10 Barakhejurfa-(OG) (7) 586 396 VI (b) 1,%94 65 14 (8) 274 134 23/Il/VI/(b) - 1 256 7 .. (9) 508 234 2 Sst 25 (10) 759 6 . , 3 487 33 14 [ 255 J

URBANjVILL~GE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT AP PEN DIX-Colltd. Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population -Urban Block-Wise Name of Total Name of Total Location Town/Ward Popu- Scheduled Scheduled Location Town/Ward Popu- Scheduled Scheduled Code No. Urban Block lation Castes Tribes Code No. Urban Block iation Castes Tribe.

2 3 4 S 2 3 4 5

Cbak s,osberla-(OG) Naldlaga-(NM) (VIII) 7,766 648 39 (VI (c) 4,954 1,080 342 23/11/VIII-I 721 96 278 II 496 239 2 23/11/VI(c) I 3 572 55 2 178 65 4 480 5 3 391 13 51 5 501 81 2 4 220 125 6 537 7 616 23 49 5 250 108 8 829 7 g 6 585 141 80 9 468 31 7 469 6 10 542 576 8 443 11 12 222 29 9 454 19 10 13 299 19 10 511 268 , . 14 538 193 11 470 173 20 15 587 127 48 7 12 487 Hugll-Cblnsorab -(M) (IX) 125,193 12,908 484 Kbamarp.ra -(OG)(VJ)(d) 947 314 Word-l 4,998 638 . 23/11/VI/(d) 1 377 93 23/11jIXjl (1) 6'6 . 88 2 570 221 (2) 715 137 (3) 694 47 Keota-(NM) (VII) 9,997 2,507 U6 (4) 295 806 231 626 117 PO (5) 23/11jVII - 1 (6) 522 12 2 611 121 105 (7) 385 2 3 834 428 6 (8) 865 121 803 278 4 Ward-2 4,845 498 34 5 482 77 23/11/IX/l (1) 142 6 486 25 (2) 657 197 34 7 547 SO .. (3) 802 2S 8 774 32S 9 (4) 506 9 671 379 4 (5) 457 464 .. 809 226 (6) 10 (7) 316 11 226 11 816 (8) 108 19 12 548 220 6 (9) 438 89 13 495 25 (10) 518 lSI 14 673 10 4 (11) 175 262 15 822 2 (12) [ 256 ] URBAN/VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT APPEND] X-C"",d. Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Po~ulation-UrbaD Block·Wile Name of Total Name of Total Location Town/Ward Popu. Scheduled Scheduled Location TownlWard Popu. Scheduled Scheduled Code No. Urban Block }atlon Castes Tribes Code No. Urban Block lation Castes Tribe 2 3 .. 5 1 2 3 4 S Ward-3 7,018 1,690 66 Ward-6 4,150 1,290 · . 23/11/1}(/3 (1) 352 14 54 23/11/IX/6 (I) '68 535 ·. (2) 121 5 12 (2) 567 192 ·. (3) 227 (3) 543 413 ·. (4) 3'3 ·. (4) 439 36 (5) 737 47 ·. (5) 403 52 (6) 580 200 (6) 545 IS (7) 455 41 (7) 349 (8) 344 (8) 565 16 • • (9) 142 4 (9) 392 47 (10) 461 120 Ward-7 3,850 226 16 (11) 784 535 (12) 760 567 23/11 fIX/7 (1) 713 56 (13) S8S 81 (2) 520 49 (14) 489 45 (3) 459 46 (IS) 407 (4) 292 11 l' (5) 275 Ward-4 5.637 552 87 (6) 206 23/11/IXj4 (1) 729 104 11 (7) 408 9 .. (2) 615 93 (8) 456 SS (3) 852 103 24 (9) 521 .. 16 (4) 422 30 (5) 498 57 16 Ward-8 7,142 331 (6) 684 88 23/11jIX/8 (1) 341 (7) 721 47 20 (2) 400 27 (8) 408 16 (3) 335 46 . (9) 708 30 (4) 399 9 · (5) 797 Ward-5 3,121 163 3 (6) 312 9 ·. 23/11/IXj5 (1) 338 (7) 34 671 • • (2) 423 90 ·. (8) 347 S4 (3) 459 73 3 (9) 828 18 , . (4) 358 ·. (10) 734 ·. (5) 267 (11) 685 .. (6) 336 .. • • (12) 393 110 · . (7) 480 ·. (13) 496 13 ·. (8) 460 ·. (14) 404 17 ·. [ 257 1 URBAN/VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTIACT APP EN DlX - COlltd. Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Popu]ation-Urban Block-Wise Name of Total Name of Total Location Town/Ward Popu. Scheduled Scheduled Location Town/Ward Popu· Scheduled Scheduled Code No. Urban Block lalion Castes Tribes Code No. Urban Block lation Castes Tribes 1 2 3 4 6 2 3 4 S Ward- 9 3,380 60 ·. Ward-U 3,434 82 2 23/11/1){/9 (1) 495 22/11/IX/14 (1) 399 (2) 633 6 (2) 537 38 .. (3) 429 46 (3) 401 6 .. (4) 679 a (4) 537 30 2 (5) 554 (~) 840 (6) 590 ·. (6) 720 8 B'ard-JO 4,511 650 I4 23/11/IX/I0 (1) 554 239 Ward-l5 6,701 712 15 (2) 547 181 ·. 23/11/IX/15 (1) 282 5 13 165 (3) 551 (2) 1,063 218 (4) 532 18 ·. (3) 865 243 (5) .533 ·. (4) 593 122 (6) 461 11 (5) 508 (7) 411 ·. (6) 31 (8) 482 31 9 489 (7) (9) 440 5 .5 4'1 10 (8) 340 Ward-ll 2,508 112 (9) 617 17 2 23Jl1jIX/ll (I) 582 12 (10) 583 (2) 505 61 ·. (3) 311 33 (11) 491 17 ·. (4) 365 6 (12) 419 49 (5) 181 (6) 564 .. Ward-16 6,805 635 17 Ward-12 2,674 23 23/11/IX/16 (1) 671 70 23jll/IX/12 (1) 571 6 (2) 814 .. ·. (2) 709 9 (3) 558 (3) 471 (4) 272 31 ·. (4) 618 8 ·. (~) 475 32 (5) 305 (6) 718 70 • Ward-13 3,206 .,196 ·. (7) 429 65 15 23jlljIX/13 (1) 519 ·. (8) 705 )49 2 (2) 451 .. (9) 536 29 (3) 631 (10) 497 106 (4) 867 196 ·. (11) 591 59 (5) 756 (12) 539 24 , . [ 258 ) URBAN/VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT APPENDIX-Ccrntd. Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population-Urban Block·Wise Name of Total Name of Total Location Town/Ward P0pU. Scheduled Scheduled LOcation Town/Ward Popu. Scheduled Scheduled Code No. Urban Block tatton Castes Tribes Code No. Urban Block lation Caltes Tribes

1 2 3 4 S 2 3 4 S Ward-17 3.842 567 116 Ward-21 3,458 102 23/11/IX{21 (1) 436 45 23/11/IX/17 (l) 370 140 36 (Z) 5S4 6 (2) 158 9 (3) 603 24 (3) 430 111 (4) 504 ( 4) 280 80 (5) 560 8 (5) 292 11 38 (6) 801 25 (6) 142 19 36 Ward-22 3.526 291 79 (7) 398 50 .. 23/11/IX/22(l ) 555 38 6 (8) 697 138 (2) 295 20 63 (9) S8~ 9 (3) 758 21 (10) 491 (4) 459 24 (5) 584 108 · . Ward-J8 4,192 470 (6) 672 75 4 23/11/IX/18 (1) 402 48 (7) 203 5 6 (2) 470 31 Ward-23 3.519 154 (3) 352 17 23/11/IX(23 (I) 312 .. (2) 472 11 (4) 724 149 (3) 244 (5) 674 144 (4) 261 8 (6) 716 1 (5) 1,372 86 (7) 709 73 •• (6) 858 49 (8) 145 7 Ward-24 4,031 686 Ward-J9 3.629 149 6 23/1111X/24(1) 535 77 (2) 291 69 23fll/IX/19(l) 674 4 (3) 767 39 (2) 620 82 (4) 595 82 599 ·. (3) (5) 537 40 (4) ·. 627 29 (6) 108 221 (5) 499 26 (7) 598 158 (6) 610 8 6 ·. Ward-25 3,391 71 ·. Ward-20 3,618 288 5 23/11/1X/25 C1) 523 ' 16 ·. Q) 579 39 23/11/IX/20 (1) 1,339 46 S (3) 603 10 (2) 682 203 •• (4) 391 5 (3) 541 (5) 476 1 ·. (4) 425 (6) 400 •• ·. (5) 631 39 , I (7) 419 .. [ 259 J URBAN/VILLAGE PRIM!R\' CENSUS ABSTRACT APPENDIX-CoPlt4. Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population - UrbaD Block-Wise Name of Total Name of Total Location TownJWard POl?u- Scheduled Scheduled Location Town/Ward Poru- Scheduled Scheduled Code No. Urban Block lallOn Castes Tribe Code No. Urban Block letion Castes Tribe'

2 3 4 $ l 3 4 5 Ward-26 3,276 161 Ward-3D 4.364 93 23/1l/IX/26 (1) 350 11 23/11/IX/30 (1) 579 64 (2) 574 2 (2) 266 ·. (3) 654 29 (3) 249 (4) 491 19 (4) 164 (5) 304 (5) 333 ·. (6) 416 2 (6) 588 13 (7) 487 88 (7) 227 7 (8) 466 Ward-27 2,407 153 10 (9) 247 23jll/IX/27 (1) 314 60 6 (10) 311 9 332 7 4 (2) (11) 451 ·. . (3) 299 36 (12) 483 · (4) 472 (5) 339 IX(A) Narayanpur (OG) 2.137 254 (6) 591 50 23/11/IX(a) 1 566 11 2 624 118 Ward-28 3,76J 1,396 2 3 305 76 23/11/IXj28 (1) 257 38 4 642 49 (2) 528 401 (3) 424 229 IX(B) KodaU. (OG) 1.$88 94 · . (4) 711 389 23jlljIX(B) 1 309 8 (5) 572 248 2 581 13 • • (6) 484 38 3 204 17 ·. (7) 787 S3 2 4 494 56 X T.r.tet".r (M) · Ward-29 4,197 469 12 16.518 1,853 12 Ward-J 23/11/IX/29 (1) 667 89 6 1.514 271 ·. (2) 109 ·. 23/11/Xjl (1) 816 189 (3) 773 1SS (2) 317 69 ·. (3) 381 13 (4) 635 91 ·. ·; (5) 253 SO 2 War4-2 1.294 7J (6) 416 15 23/11/X/2 (1) 665 52 399 10 (7) ·. (2) 629 21 (8) 321 19 (9) 301 15 W.,.tl-J 1,142 5 (10) 254 11 23/II/X/3 (1) 775 5 -(Il) 169 14 4 (2) 367 ·. • • 260 ]

URBAN/VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT A.PPENDIX - Contd. Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population - Urban Block-Wise Name of Total Name of Total Location Town/Ward Popu- Scheduled Scheduled Location Town/Ward Popu. Scheduled Scheduled CedeNo. Urban Block latlon Castes Tnbes Code No. Urban Block latlon Castes Tflbes

2 3 4 ~ 2 3 4 5 Ward-4 1,765 122 6 (XI) SIDgur-tNM) 13,189 1,880 88 23/11/X/4 (1) 690 70 6 23/11/XI (J) 490 (2) 532 (2) 309 (3) 543 52 (3) 443 13 42 (4) 724 69 8 Ward--5 686 · , (5) 601 86 4 23/11/Xj5 (1) 322 , . (6) 673 181 2 (2) 364 (7) 535 (8) 806 136 Ward-6 1}66 7 (9) 331 41 13/11/X/6 (1) 635 (10) 598 32 2 (2) 731 7 (11) 496 51 (12) 299 Ward-7 1.817 230 4 (13) 444 58 23/11/X/7 (1) 531 29 (14) 680 68 (2) 741 96 4 (15) 670 5 (3) 605 105 ·. (J6) 739 366 (17) 526 45 4 Word-8 1.326 374 (18) 471 78 23/11/X/8 (1) 659 68 (19) 723 58 3 (2) 423 198 (20) 651 155 2 (3) 244 le8 (21) 259 1 .. (22) 371 43 Ward-9 2,020 111 2 (23) 402 32 4 23/11/X/9 (1) 398 2 (24) 350 89 11 (2) 559 59 (25) S98 278 (3) 490 13 (4) 573 39 ·. XJ(A)Kamar KUDdu-OG 1,679 360 50 23{1l/XI/(A) (I) 654 138 32 Ward-lO 1.213 «I 328 (2) 602 169 4 23/11/X/IO (1) 544 124 (3) 423 53 14 (2) 669 204 XII Kbalisbaai-(NM) 7,484 471 Z Ward-Ii 2.315 332 , . 23/11JXU (1) 410 , . 23/11/X/ll (1) 303 (2) 577 (2) 486 9 (3) 473 100 (3) 648 90 (4) 503 83 (4) 878 233 ·. (5) 392 •• .. [ 261 ] URBAN/VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT A.PPENDIX-Contd. Total Schedulfd Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population-Urban Block·Wise Name of Total Name of Total Location Town/Ward Popu· Scheduled Schedulell LocatIOn Town/Ward Popu. Scheduled Scheduled Code No, Urban Block lahon Castes Tnbes Code No. Urban Block latIon CastCll TrIbes

2 3 4 S 1 2 3 4 5 23/11/XII-Contd. Ward-4 4.917 670 1 (6) 500 14 23.11/XIII/4(1 ) 262 11 (7) 395 ., (2) 592 24 (8) 656 85 2 (3) 419 47 (9) 418 (4) 304 ·. (10) 406 4 (5) 530 70 (II) 661 8 (6) 429 (12) 452 60 (7) 498 86 1 (l3) 302 30 (8) 258 (14) 360 5 (9) 326 62 (IS) 404 11 (10) 433 10 (16) 575 71 (11) 360 360 XIII Bhadreswar (M) 58,858 6,163 17 (12) 506 · . Ward-l 2,979 106 • 23/11/}{III/J(1) 797 11 Ward-5 6,410 282 (2) 548 23/11/XlI1/5(1) 540 76 · . (3) 369 (2) 433 15 (4) 505 81 (3) 110 7 (5) 526 6 (4) 851 60 . (6) 234 2 (5) 490 · Ward-2 3,137 354 (6) 489 13 23/11/}{III/2(1) 255 97 (7) 598 33 (2) 508 13 (8) 210 13 (3) 578 47 (9) 596 22 (4) 477 68 (10) 686 (5) 508 (11) 553 30 (6) 382 13 (12) 552 13 (7) 429 116 (13) 302 Ward-3 4.017 782 23/11/}(III/3(1) 512 118 Ward-6 ].060 56 3 (2) 655 188 23/11/}(IIl/6 (1) 314 (3) 448 42 (2) 501 (4) 585 86 (3) 396 (5) 285 77 (4) 677 31 (6) 468 114 .. (5) 471 (7) 448 11 (6) 410 10 ·. (8) 616 146 (1) 291 IS 3 [ 2'2 )

URBAN/VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Al'l'ENDIX-Contd. Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population-Urban Block-Wise Name of Total Nal'llc of Total Location Town/Ward Popu- Scheduled Scheduled Location Town/Ward Popu- Scheduled Scheduled Code No. Urban Block Jation Castes Tribes Code No. Urban Block. lalion Castes Tribes 1 2 3 -4 5 2 3 4 5 Ward-7 3,448 41 4 Ward-II 4,331 124 . 23/ll/XIIII7 (1) 378 41 23/1 IjXIIIjl 1(1) 517 (2) 535 (2) 881 (3) 397 4 (3) 821 37 (4) 469 (4) 609 (~) 285 . (5) 460 6 (6) 675 (6) 494 .. (7) 709 · (7) 307 63 . (8) 242 18 Ward-8 3,284 34 Ward-12 3.7j7 409 23/11JXIII/8(1) 434 II 759 7 (2) 518 8 23/11/XIII/12(1) (2) 579 89 (3) ~12 ~ (3) 262 (4) 408 (4) 357 28 (~) 257 6 (5) 459 121 (6) ~86 3 (6) 487 32 (7) ~69 1 ·. (7) 666 8~ (8) 187 44 'Ward-9 3,005 1& · , 23jl1/XIII/9(1) ~73 ·. Ward-13 3,093 389 ·. (2) 602 23/ll/XIII/13(l) 388 11 (3) 319 7 (2) 543 16 (4) 8~6 (3) 413 22 469 8 . (~) 6~5 11 (4) ·. (5) 456 166 Ward-IO -1.515 773 (6) 397 127 23/11 /X/III/IO(I) 837 402 (7) 427 39 (2) 674 26 Ward-J4 2.986 195 8 (3) 6~ 103 23/11/XIII / 14(1) 368 15 (4) 393 68 (2) 510 ·. (~) 267 7S ·. (3) 507 (6) 660 ·. ·. (~) 248 56 ·. (7) 482 6 .. (5) 484 2S 8 (8) 176 (6) 275 13 261 (7) 300 8 (9' .. ·. - • • (10) 135 93 (8) 294 78 [ 263 ]

URBAN/VILLAGE"PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT A.PPENDIX-Contd, Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population-Urban Block-Wise Name of Total Name of Total Location Town/Ward Popu- Scheduled Scheduled Location Town/Ward popu- Scheduled Scheduled Code No, Urban Block laMn Castes Tribes Coda No. Urban Block latlon Castel Tribes

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 -4 3 Ward-/j 2.661 869 Wa,d-J 3,840 137 23jll/XIlI/15( 1) 543 126 23/11/XrVJ3 (1) 435 16 (2) ·. 118 37 (2) 320 (3) 478 226 (3) 466 3S (4) 474 177 (4) 444 (5) 591 116 (5) (6) 194 96 494 2 · , (6) 411 (7) 263 91 16 • • (7) 500 1 Ward ,16 3,239 1,061 1 (8) 614 67 23/11 /XIII/16( 1) 308 151 1 (9) ISO (2) 521 373 Ward-4 (3) 416 45 · , 4,457 175 (4) 655 50 23/H/XIV/4 (1) 447 (5) 348 , 98 . (2) 668 , (6) 716 213 . (3) $99 (7) 275 131 J • (4) 553 7 (XIV) CbaDlpdani (M) 76.138 9,180 IS7 (5) 317 10 Ward-l 2.954 144 (6) 620 69 ·. 23t11/XIV/I (1) 404 92 (7) 387 71 (2) 401 4 (8) 492 18 (3) 553 31 (9) 374 ·. (4) '63 (5) 517 2 Ward-5 5,675 749 5 (6) 516 15 ~3/11/XIVi5 (1) 6S8 222 Ward-2 4,127 204 " (2) 386 22 ·. (3) 542 .. 23/11/XIV/2 (1) 581 27 · . (2) 603 4 , , (4) 507 23 (3) 596 32 ·. (5) 474 66 (4) 416 44 (6) 457 3 (5) 402 16 · . (7) 40S 14 ·. (6) 310 81 • • (8) 436 48 S (7) 285 (9) 416 40 ·. (8) 28S (10) 438 100 (9) 276 (11) 527 74 ·. (10) 373 .. (12) 42' 137 ·. [ 264 ]

URBAN {VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT APPENDIX Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population-Urban Block-Wise Namo of Total Name of Total Location Town/Ward Popu. Scheduled Scheduled Location Town/Ward Popu· Scheduled Scheduled O>de No. Urban Block lation Castes Tribes O>de No. Urban Block lation Castes Tribes

1 2 3 4 S 1 2 3 4 S Ward-6 5,285 367 13 Ward-9 3,646 519 2 23/11/XIV/6(l) 295 45 23/1 l/XIV /9 (1) 395 13 2 (2) 406 35 (2) 532 70 (3) 343 (3) 735 132 (4) 636 77 (4) 594 175 (5) 569 87 4 (5) 561 129 , . (6) 540 ·. (6) 661 (7) 448 58 9 (7) 168 (8) 482 .. (9) 474 Ward-10 6,224 541 (10) 457 41 23/11/XIV/I0 (1) 637 119 (11) 475 13 ·. (2) 515 16 , . (12) 160 11 (3) 482 88 (4) 503 169 Ward-7 3,646 451 (5) 385 32 13/1l/XIV/7 (1) 313 8 ·. (6) 388 71 (2) 643 40 (7) 506 2 (3) 540 46 (8) 425 44 (4) 543 174 ,(9) 459 .. (5) 720 41 (10) 415 (6) 440 129 (11) 351 (7) 447 6 (12) 417 (13) 275 Ward-8 5,952 1,072 25 (14) 396 23/1I/XIV/8 (1) 701 93 (2) 458 28 Ward-ll 4,831 1,475 2 (3) 451 98 6 23/11/XIV/ll (1) 416 66 (4) 428 101 (2) 583 lOS (5) 576 1 7 (3) 438 270 2 (6) 622 10 8 (4) 514 117 • • (7) 518 18 ·. (5) 576 .108 ·. (8) 327 165 ·, (6) 583 145 ·. (9) 423 200 (1) 429 84 (10) 581 IS8 (8) 540 211 ·. (11) 342 94 (9) 374 188 , . (1'2) ~25 106 4 (10) 378 181 ·. [ 265 ] URBAN/VILLAGI PRIMAay CENSUS ABSTRACT A.PPENDIX - Contd. Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes PopulatioD - Urban Block-Wise Name of Total Name of Total LoQation Town/Ward POP\l- Scheduled Scheduled Location Town/Ward Popu. Scheduled Scheduled Code No. Urban Block lauon Castes Tribes Code No. Urban Block Iation Castes Tribes 1 2 3 4 , 1 2 3 4 S Ward-I2 5.852 1.397 10 Ward-IS 3,098 219 23/11jXIV 112 0) 568 31 23/11/XIV/IS (J) 434 68 (2) 466 120 · . (2) 477 (3) 293 107 (3) 624 6 ·. (4) 484 148 ·. (4) 461 26 (5) 424 S9 (5) 496 40 ·. (6) 735 7S ·. (6) 606 79 (7) 442 77 Ward-J6 3,592 125 (8) 415 234 10 ·. 23/11/XIVjl6 (1~ 636 39 • • (9) 395 201 ·. (2 349 5 (10) 536 203 ·. (3) 472 24 ·. (11) 391 41 (4) 579 7 (12) 461 89 ·. (5) 181 , 242 S .. . (13) (6) 374 ., ·. Ward-13 4,856 431 99 (7) 381 , . . (8) 620 23/11/XIV/13 (1) 299 55 SO (2) 593 57 Ward-17 3,625 751 (3) 498 87 98 23/11/XIV/17 (1) 448 146 (4) 535 11 (2) '97 IS8 (3) (5) 518 9 601 238 (4) (6) 355 17 6J7 144 ·. (5) 651 ·. (7) 804 105 1 (6) 711 65 (8) 529 ·. " . (9) 392 69 XV Cbandauapr- (MC) 101,925 1%,454 (10) 333 21 338 Watd-1 4,90R 242 101 (1) Ward-14 4,478 423 1 23/1J/XV/l 466 ; . 23/11/XIV/14 (1) 322 15 ·. (2) 482 21 5 (2) 389 43 ·. (3) 313 7 28 (3) 477 (4) 64S 118 .. (4) 52S (5) 320 (5) 494 103 1 (6) 536 • (6) 593 ... (7) 492 89 (7) 316 36 ·. (8) 361 2 10 (8) 337 33 ·. (9) 441 (9) 484 11S (10) 367 43 (10) 541 78 ·. (11) 486 5 7 [ 266 ] URBAN/VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT APPENDIX-Contd. Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population-Urban Block-Wise Name of Total Name of Total Location Town/Ward Popu- Scheduled Scheduled Location Town/Ward Popu- Scheduled Scheduled Code N0. Urban Block latlOn Castes Tribes Code No. Urban Block latjon Castes Tribes

1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 Ward - 2 3,501 217 1 Ward 6-Contd 23/11/XV/2 (1) 762 185 (3) 689 30 (2) 733 (4) 640 (3) 589 .. (5) 414 3 (4) 550 7 (6) 529 54 (5) 538 14 (7) 429 (6) 329 11 Ward-7 6,014 126 8 Ward-3 4,447 283 98 23/11/XV/7 (I) 443 26 23fl1/XV/3 (1) 454 31 (2) 458 28 (2) 334 (3) 392 .. (3) 717 31 9 (4) 540 8 (4) 631 60 (5) 746 22 (5) 805 98 3 (6) 591 15 (6) 699 20 (7) 435 8 (7) 807 43 86 (8) '44 (9) 499 Ward-4 4,647 1,453 36 (10) 714 18 (1) 23/11/XV/4 458 36 (11) 290 9 (2) 532 (12) 362 (3) 680 72 (4) 499 416 Ward-8 3.671 412 (5) 624 74 23/11/XV/8 (1) 487 (6) 531 134 36 (2) 411 (7) 650 324 (3) 857 208 (8) 673 397 (4) 321 29 (5) <460 37 Ward-5 4,177 534 (6) 407 10 23/11/XV/5 (1) 599 30 (7) 728 128 (2) 633 66 .. Ward-9 6,215 1,111 (3) 691 148 23/11/XV/9 (1) 165 S3 (4) 718 100 (2) 149 (5) 440 36 (3) 411 308 (6) 562 123 (4) 397 397 (7) 534 31 (5) 494 Ward-6 4,048 110 77 (6) 553 23/11fXV/6 (1) 745 13 5 (7) 346 .. 140 (2) 602 10 72 (8) 431 .. [ 267 ]

URBAN/VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS lBSTRACT APPENDIX-Contd. Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population-Urban Block .. Wise Name of Tota! Name of Total Location Town/Ward Popu· Scheduled Scheduled Location Town/Ward Popu. Scheduled Scheduled Code No. Urban Block lation Castes Tribes Code No, Urban Block lation Castes Tribes

1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 Ward 9 -Contd. Ward 12-Contd. (9) 391 108 (7) 413 .. (10) 476 57 (8) 418 28 .. (11) 395 62 (9) 467 (12) 425 16 (13) 468 22 Ward-13 3.623 58 (14) 366 23/11/XV/13 (1) 541 16 (15) 416 (2) 479 (16) 331 48 (l) 782 28 (4) 366 Ward-lO 4,673 764 1 (5) 406 23/H/XV/lO (1) 470 242 (6) 431 (2) 404 16 (7) 618 14 , , (3) 33] 20 Ward-U 5,036 588 (4) 397 30 577 (5) 391 93 23jll/XV/14 (1) 389 (6) 51& 164 (2) (3) 4{3 (7) 249 47 575 }39 (8) 339 52 (4) 665 39 (9) 600 41 (5) 370 54 (10) 537 26 (6) 385 35 (11) 437 33 (7) (8) 713 217 Ward-J] 3,742 98 2 (9) 514 101 23jll/XV/ll (I) 746 42 (lO) 435 3 (2) 508 Ward-15 2.441 39 (3) 492 10 460 8 (4) 615 31 23tH/XV/IS (1) 354 20 (5) 439 3 (2) 5 (6) 499 12 (3) 433 (7) 418 6 .. 443 2 (4) (5) 352 Ward-12 4,108 79 2 424 23/lljXV/12 (1) (6) 646 22 2 (2) 425 Ward-16 8.502 814 (3) , 636 7 23/1l/XV/16 (1) 616 22 . (4) 71 324 22 . , (2' 468 (5) '00 (3) 547 (6) 279 •• (4) 569 26 [ 168 1 URBAN/VILLAGE PRIMOY CENSUS ABSTJlACT APPENDIX-Com•. Total Scbeduled Castes aad Scheduled Tribes PopulatioD-Urban Block· Wise Name of Total Name of Total Location TowDlWlIl'd Popu o Scheduled Scheduled Location Town/Ward Popu- Scheduled Scheduled Code No. Urban Block latlon Castes Tribes Code No. Urban Block lation Castes Tribes

1 2 3 4 6 2 3 4 S Ward 16-Contd. Ward-19 5,602 362 6 (5) ~60 23/11/XV/19 (1) 497 14 (6) 596 51 (2) 453 64 (7) 615 207 (3) 583 60 6 (8) 553 , . (4) 435 (5) 4S9 44 (9) 410 88 (6) 509" 97 (10) 429 123 (7) 664 22 (11) 599 114 (8) 592 (12) 685 13 • 0 (9) 239 (13) 447 27 (10) 563 (14) 422 5 (11) 568 61 (15) 540 Ward-20 2,601 198 (16) 446 7 23./ 11 jXV/20 (J) 813 150 (2) 569 Ward-17 4,307 782 2 (3) 663 13 23/11/XV/17 (1) 487 191 (4) 556 35 (2) 491 /79 Ward-21 4,033 1,545 (3) 631 88 23jJljXV/21 (I) 512 296 (4) 652 13 (2) 557 364 (5) 543 127 (3) 473 293 (6) 457 20 (4) 554 277 (7) 427 68 (5) 538 199 (6) 399 101 (8) 619 196 2 (7) 447 15 Ward-IS 6,702 1,009 4 (8) 288 23/H/XV/IS (1) 679 82 4 (9) 265 . , (2) 398 27 Ward-22 4,926 1,630 o • (3) 770 50 23/11/XVj22 (1) 504 26 (4) 499 170 (2) 594 16 (5) 449 153 (3) 360 203 (6) 433 159 (4) 312 207 (7) 459 136 (5) 468 31 (8) 532 55 . (6) 253 10 (9) 247 54 · (7) 619 366 (10) 136 23 (8) 210 35 (11) 446 (9) 308 123 (12) 452 8 (10) 144 · , (13) S91 (11) 355 J84 · . (14) 475 84 (12) 419 201 . (IS) 136 8 (13) · ·. 380 228 o • [ 269 J

URBAN{VILLAGE~'P'IMAltY CENSUS ABSTIACf A.PPEN D/X-Contd. Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population-Urban Block·Wise Name of Total Namcof Total Location Town/Ward Popu· Scheduled Scheduled Location Town/Ward Pofcu. SchedUled Scheduled Code No. Urban Block lation Castes Tribes Code No, Urban Block 'at on Castel Tribes S 1 2 3 4 1 :1 3 4 s XVI Beaampur-(NM) 7,007 868 10 23/11/XVIIf -Contd. 23/11/XVI- (1) 542 33 (7) 476 (2) 606 87 ·. (8) 557 (3) 54& 45 (9) 460 (4) 607 33 (10) 731 120 8 (5) ·587 350 (11) 335 · . (6) 617 . . · . (12) 273 619 . (7) · . (13) 419 20 · (8) 520 180 (14) 667 40 42 594 (9) (15) 592 174 (10) 601 25 (16) 502 342 (11) 588 25 10 ·. (17) 466 181 (12) 587 PO XIX Baldy.bad-(M) 70,573 5,866 330 XVII Mooaharpur-(NM) 8,019 679 Ward-l 4,117 425 23/11/XVII- (I) 391 · . 23tll/XIX/1 (1) 636 190 (2) 736 (2) 470 39 (3) 462 , . (3) 519 10 (4) 526 20 (4) 670 131 (5) 402 (5) 704 55 (6) 323 (6) 624 (7) 343 63 (7) 494 (8) 925 163 (9) 635 7S Ward-2 3,057 313 · , (10) 509 130 23/11/XIX/2 (1) 671 (ll) 479 (2) 445 74 (12) 1,050 84 (3) 824 58 (13) 1,009 140 (4) 718 (14) 150 2 (5) 399 181 (15) 79 2 Ward-3 3,857 64 ·. (IVIU) Mlreal.-(NM) 9,112 1,033 51 23/11/XIX/3 (1) 500 23/11/XVIII (I) 745 (2) 292 40 (2) 465 (3) 613 ·. (3) 626 156 ·. (it, 674 ·. • • (4) 524 1 (S 560 . 534 · (5) (6) 362 ·. • • (6) 740 (7) 856 24 • • [ 270 ] URIANJVILLAGIt PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT A.PPENDIX-Contd. Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled'Tribes Population-Urban Block-Wise Name of Total Name of Total Lcx;ation Towu/War6. Popu- Scheduled Scheduled Location Town/Ward p"pu. Scheduled Scheduled Code No. Urban Block lahOn Castes Tribes Code No. Urban Block lation Castes Tribes

1 ~ 3 4 5 2 3 4 S Ward-4 5,619 94 Ward 8-ConJd. 23/11/}{}}{/4 (1) 472 (6) 325 9 · . (2) 523 24 (7) 474 ·. (3) 714 4 (8) 647 (4) 580 Ward-9 4,482 82 7 (5) 437 15 23/11/XIX/9 (1) 723 28 (6) 518 (2) 732 (7) 495 (3) 795 12 7 (8) 463 (4) 44' 25 (9) 570 4S (5) 68i (lO) 445 6 (6) 454 • • (11) 402 (7) 645 17 Ward-5 2.064, 41 .. ltard-10 5,021 59 23/11/XIXj5 (1) 395 18 23/11/XIXjlO (1) 766 24 (2) 328 (2) 438 (3) 361 .. (3) 746 7 (4) 431 10 (4) 623 7 (5) 549 13 , . (5) 368 5 Ward-6 893 9 (6) 819 15 (7) 739 23/11jXIX/6 (1) 189 (8) 1 (2) 467 8 522 Ward-lJ 5,395 788 9 (3) 237 1 23jll/XIX/ll (1) 451 Word-7 3,468 88 (2) 810 157 9 23/11/XIX/7 (1) 519 (3) 747 27 (2) 676 (4) 710 (3) 45 3 (5) 660 21 (4) 570 64 (6) 651 60 (5) 630 15 (7) 312 , . (6) 608 6 (8) 559 521 (7) 420 (9) 4l)S 2 Ward-12 2,4U7 160 Ward-8 4,103 285 23/11/XIX/12 (1) 242 23/11/XIX/8 (1) 368 43 (2) 471 26 (2) 469 229 (3) 469 10 .. (3) 615 (4) 342 (4) 668 (5) 552 45 (5) 537 4 (6) 331 79 .. [ 271 ]

~ URBAN/VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT APPENDIX-Contd. Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population-Urban Block-Wise Name of Total Name of Total Location Town/Ward Popu. Scheduled Scheduled Location TownfWard Popu. Scheduled Scheduled Code No. Urban Block lallon Castes Tnbe Code No. Urban Block lauon Castes Tribes

2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 Ward.-13 4,789 278 Ward-17 6.504 941 256 '- 23/11/XIX/13 (1) 522 12 23/11/XIX/17 (1) 347 3 (2) 374 80 (2) 349 162 2 (3) 480 (3) 495 202 8 (4) 417 12 533 48. 76 (5) 692 (4) 532 17 17 (6) 442 26 (5) (7) 473 117 (6) 833 124 (8) 322 (7) 627 130 (9) 423 9 (8) 421 105 74 (10) 644 22 (9) 386 48 76 (10) 468 40 Ward-14 3,741 953 (11) 533 34 23jll/XIXj14 (1) 441 484 11 (2) 405 278 (12) (13) 496 20 (3) 542 209 (4) 414 89 (5) 432 20 Ward-I8 4.743 486 5 (6) 379 19 23/11/XIX/18 (1) 475 63 (7) 469 130 (2) 546 16 (8) 350 138 (3) 477 26 (9) 309 70 (4) 675 106 5 (5) 744 • 68 Ward-I5 2,571 107 602 64 23/11/XIX/15 (1) 481 12 (6) (2) 524 74 (7) 498 62 ·. (3) 576 21 (8) 696 81 (4) 282 (5) 253 XX Serampore (M) 117.304 6,815 96 (6) 518 Wllrd-I 3,730 302 Ward-16 3,742 693 53 23/11/XX/l (1) 637 51 538 11 23/11/XIX/16 (1) (2) 483 t .. 542 14 (2) (3) 4'8 693 7S (3) (4) 673 150 (4) 423 78 43 ·. (S} 544 ( 63 (5) 506 20 ·. (6) 599 136 10 (6) 432 (7) 441 356 (1) 503 38 • • [ 272 ] URBAN/VILLAGE. PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT , APPENDIX-Conld. Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population-Urban Block-Wis. Name of Total Name of Total Location Town/Ward Popu- Scheduled Scheduled Location Town/Ward Popu- Schedulod SCheduled Code No. Urban Block lation Castes TribeS Code No. Urban Block tatlOD Caltos Tribca 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 .. 5 Jf(ard-2 2.936 • • 1 Ward-6 3.146 100 9 2S/11/XX/2 (1) 432 1 23/11/XXj6 (1) 587 7 (2) 481 (2) 323 ·. (3) 403 (3) 446 (4) 346 (4) 400 ·. ·. ·; (5) 'l!2_1 ·. · . (5) 544 4 (6) S46 (6) 444 9 4 (7) 402 10 5 "'tlTll-3 3,126 81 · . Ward-7 2,380 10J 23/11/XX/3 (1) ?37 • • ·. (2) 651 23/lt/XX/7 (1) 222 (2) (3) 552 39 363 8 (4) 61t) 27 (3) 370 10 ·. (4) 656 25 (5) 516 15 ·. ·. (5) 237 17 "ard-4 3/}73 75 (6) 24 ·. (7) 284 43 23/11/XX/4 (1) 262 10 (2) 418 Ward-8 ',582 107 ·. (3) 471 43 ·. 23/11/XX/8 (1) Ma · . (4) 309 ·. (2) 756 8 (5) 248 ·. (3) 720 47 • • 16) 454 ·. (4) 403 ·. (7) 665 22 (5) 417 52 246 (I) ·. (6) 638 Wllrd-5 3,624 7 ·. Ward-9 3,388 243 ·. 2.3/11/XX/5 (1) 619 23Jll/XX/9 (1) 449 42 (2) 406 , (2) 598 74 (3) J60 · . (3) 80 ·. (4) 389 (4) 681 5) ·. (5) 619 6 ·. (~) 308 12 ·. (6) 279 1 ·. (6) 567 52 ('7) 279 ·. (7) 109 • • ·. (8) 396 ·. ·. (8) 318 ·. (9) 277 • • (9) 278 54 • • ( 273 1 URBAN/VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT APPENBIX- Contd. Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Popu)ation- Urban Block·Wi6c Name of Total Name of Total Location Town/Ward/ Popu. Scheduled Scheduled Location Townlward~ Popu- Scheduled Scheduled Code No. Urban Block lation Castes Tribes Code No. Urban Bloc lation Castes Tribes

2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 Word-I 0 2,817 58 Ward-14 3,3j3 61 23/11/XX/IO (1) 521 36 23/11!XX/14 (1) 416 .. (2) 769 (2) 375 6 (3) 448 4 (3) 487 (4) 401 18 (4) 724 50 (5) 678 (5) 303 (6) 460 5 Ward-II 5015 3'\ 2 (7) 345 23jll/XX/ll (1) 370 11 (8) 243 .. (2) 578 41 .. Ward-I5 3.747 242 6 (3) 516 8 23/11/XX/15 (1) 489 (4) 581 174 (2) 5J8 14 (5) 412 (3) 323 (6) 606 (4) 626 18 (7) 499 130 (5) 351 109 6 (8) 519 (6) 397 31 (7) 340 1 (9) 621 7 (8) 703 69 (10) 313 Ward-16 4.771 150 Ward-12 4.611 14 23-11jXXI16 (1) 571 23/11/XX/12 (1) 692 (2) 559 12 (2) 605 (3) 697 4 (3) 438 (4) 482I 48 (4, 486 (5) 365 (5) 315 12 (6) 721 3 (7) 565 (6) 472 (8) 297 61 (7) 525 (9) 514 22 (8) 449 (9) 629 2 Ward-17 4.579 622 23/11/XX/17 (I) 395 13 · . Ward-13 3,207 98 14 (2) 290 7 23/11/XX/13 (1) 537 1 .. (3) 550 372 (2) 518 .. (4) 429 ·. (3) 612 (5) 413 42 (4) 690 58 (6) S03 7 (7) 525 (5) 375 58 · (8) 715 108 . (6) 475 39 14 (9) 759 15 ·. [ 274 ]

URBAN/VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT APPENDIX - C()ntd. Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population - Urban Block-Wise Name of Total Name of Total Location Town/Ward/ Popu- Scheduled Scheduled Location Town/Ward/ Popu- Scheduled Scheduled Code No, Urban Block lation Castes Tribes Code No. Urban Block lation Castes Tribes

2 3 4 S 2 3 4 S Ward-18 3,680 63 47 23/11/XX/21 (7) . 657 12 (8) 700 23/11/XX/18 (I) 565 57 (9) 60S (2) 515 (10) 684 8 .. (3) 498 .. (4) 343 32 Ward-22 }O.071 870 , . (5) 456 15 23/11/XX/22 (1) 637 183 (6) 600 6 .. (2) 434 76 (7) 703 (3) 238 (4) 467 4 Ward-19 3}98 78 (5) 408 20 23/11/XX/19 (1) 659 29 (6) 255 35 (2) 615 14 (7) 544 6 (3) 537 7 . , (8) 286 18 .. (4) 454 (9) 369 66 (5) 411 (10) 423 4 (6) 378 (11) 658 (7) 344 28 (12) 494 7 (13) 436 Ward-20 5,067 125 (14) 576 24 23/11/XX/20 (1) 435 10 (IS) 483 SO (2) 395 (16) 616 69 (3) 717 11 , , (17) 422 42 (4) 497 .. (18) 471 70 (5) ~9 (19) 3)2 44 (6) 348 22 (20) 409 44 (7) 243 16 (21) 613 91 (8) 512 66 (22) 480 10 (9) 439 Ward-23 4,603 695 (10) 570 , . 23/lJ/XX/23 (I) 364 (11) 262 (2) 439 141 Ward-21 6.090 J91 (3) 562 11 (4) 448 85 23/11/XX/21 (1) 516 33 (5) 448 7 (2) 673 8 (6) 482 5 (3) 641 52 (7) 354 (4) 571 20 (R) 423 (5) 604 39 .. (9) 616 i , (6) 439 19 , . (10) 467 446 ., [ 275 ]

URBAN/VILLAGE"PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT .rf.PPENDIX-Contd. Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population-Urban Block-Wise Name of Total Name or Total Location Town/Wardl Popu- Scheduled Scheduled Location Town/Ward/ Popu· Scheduled Scheduled CadeNo. Urban Block lation Castes Tribes Code No. Urban Block lation Castes TribeS

2 3 4 5 2 3 4 j Ward-24 4,088 99 Ward-27 9,038 219 2 23/11/XX/24 (1) 716 84 23/H/XX/27 (1) 608 67 (2) ·. (2) 464 513 14 ·. (3) 289 4S 2 (3) 718 9 (4) 522 38 (4) 477 (5) 387 (5) 420 5 .. (6) 440 ·. (6) 316 (7) 123 (7) 384 (8) 511 (9) 414 (8) '93 (10) 462 21 (11) 516 7 Ward-25 4,715 449 (12) 4'6 , , 23/11/XX/15 (1) "06 96 (13) 411 .. (2) 361 24 (14) 724 10 (3) 622 247 (15) 406 (16) 418 (4) 530 24 13 (17) 809 (') 470 10 (18) S15 (6) 188 (19) 514 4 .. (7) 585 30 Ward-28 9.658 1,077 17 (8) 476 12 23/lJjXXj28 (1) 6)2 6 (9) 404 6 .. (2) 670 170 4 (10) 673 (3) 432 IS 4 (4) 447 38 'Wa,d-26 5,811 324 (5) 496 8 (6) 554 24 23/11/XX/26 (1) 440 8 (7) 583 14 (2) 700 (8) 407 (3) 759 11 (9) 439 28 (4) 359 .. (10) 60S 52 (II) (5) 445 124 412 103 (12) (6) 470 82 754 193 (13) 586 .. (7) 440 74 (14) 364 20 9 (8) 403 21 (15) 354 45 (9) 408 (16) 46S 142 (17) (10) 617 474 19 (18) •• 4 3SS 93 (11) 396 (19) 374 418 043 .. (12) .. .. (20) 171 57 [ 276 ]

URBAN/VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT APPENDIX-Contd. Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population-Urban Block-Wise Name of Total Name of Total Location Town/Ward/ Popu- Scheduled Scheduled Location Town/Ward/ Popu- Scheduled SCheduled Code No. Urban Block !ahon Castes Tribes Code No. Urban Block lalion Castes Tribes

2 3 4 S 1 2 3 4 5 XXI Risbr. (M) 81,001 4.818 23 Ward-4 7,027 579 Ward-l 3.018 586 4 23/11/XXI/4 (1) 364 39 403 23/II/XXI/l (1) 223 38 (2) .. (2) 425 12 (3) 414 45 (3) 445 .. (4) 276 32 (5) 183 (4) 468 98 (6) 565 11 (5) S02 209 4 (6) 109 8 (7) 414 (7) 5 II 205 (8) 335 89 (8) 45 (9) 45 (9) 23 (10) 134 (10) 40 (II) 308 20 (1 t) 192 (2) 148 38 (12) 3S 16 (13) 171 48 (14) 385 178 Ward-2 '4,180 607 (15) 399 23/1 J/XXI/2 (1) 433 43 (16) 390 (2) 420 41 (17) 404 .. 429 104 (3) , . (18) 346 (4) 279 (19) 245 (5) 455 64 412 (6) 524 120 (20) (7) 611 (21) 290 (8) 741 23~ (22) 396 79 (9) 288 Ward-5 3.611 9 Ward-3 2,442 336 23/11/XXI/l (1) 386 23/11jXXI/3(1) 134 23 (2) 513 3 (2) 175 17 (3) 343 6 (3) 323 (4) 273 (4) 309 104 .(5) 631 (5) 254 168 ·. (6) 91 (6) 356 19 (7) 297 5 (7) 290 .. (8) 348 ·. (8) , ~ 552 (9) 246 .. · . (9) S31 . . r 277 J URBAN/VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABStRACT APPENDIX-Contd. Total Scheduled Castes and SchedLlled'Tribes Population-Urb an Block.Wise Name of Total Name of Total Location Town/Ward/ Popu- Scheduled S..:heduled Location Town/Ward/ Popu· Scheduled Scheduled CedeNo. Urban Block lation Castes Tribes Code No. Urban Block lalion Castes Tribes

2 3 4 S 2 3 4 S Ward-6 4834 64 Ward-8 2,470 148 ., 23/11/XXI/6 (I) 245 9 23/11/XXI/8 (1) 296 (2) 122 , . (2) 345 9 (3) 358 (3) 190 11 (4) 37~ 3 (4) 430 50 (5) 728 (5) 322 9 (6) 532 (6) 173 · . (7) 617 (7) 286 (8) (8) 452 31 434 69 I • (9) 282 13 Ward-9 7,092 280 (10) 497 8 ' . (11 ) 338 23/11/XXI/9 (I) 489 · . (2) 288 (2) 437 · . (3) 412 Ward - 7 5,810 206 2 (4) 323 77 (5) 2,2, 23/11/XXrn (I) 136 3 · . (6) 314 35 (2) 117 (7) 423 (3) 131 15 (8) 5'9 37 (4) 33 2 (9) 548 2 (5) 138 (10) 443 99 (6) )56 50 (11) 636 (7) 525 , . (12) 161 , . (8) 566 56 (13) 386 5 (9) 263 (14) 382 (10) 460 (15) 492 25 ... (11) 360 (16) 240 .. (12) 309 (17) 615 (13) 4)5 51 Ward -10 4,755 121 12 (14) 587 16 23Jll/XXI/lO (1) 342 (15) 267 (2) 329 (16) 250 ·. (3) 659 18 12 279 (17) (4) 473 (18) 1'3 (5) 303 4 282 .. (19) 13 (6) 314 21 (20) 383 .. 2 (7) 321 , . [ 278 ]

URBAN/VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT APPENDIX-Contd. Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population-Urban Block·Wise Name of Total Name of Total Location Town/ward! Popu- Scheduled Scheduled Location Town/Ward/ popu. Scheduled Scheduled code No. Urban Bloc lallon Castes Tflbes Code No. Urban Block tallon Castes TrIbes

1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 'Ward IO-Contd. Ward 14 - Contd. 23jll/XXI/IO (8) 505 .. 23/11/XXI/14 (5) 305 8 • • (9) 390 31 (6) 460 (10) 334 (7) 331 10 (11) 631 (8) 399 ::4 (12) 154 41 (9) 467 57 Ward-ll 2,734 136 23/11/XXI/ll (1) 446 10 Ward-l.5 4.248 239 .. (2) 263 10 23/11/XXI/U (1) 411 3 (3) 435 29 (2) 363 25 (") 234 11 (3) 150 (5) 651 33 (4) 362 (6) 345 19 (5) 199 7 (7) 354 24 (6) 513 94 Ward-12 3,353 38 (7) 355 30 23/11jXXlj12 (1) 519 3 (8) 354 (2) 413 (9) 660 76 (3) 428 ·. (10) 523 4 (4) 426 32 (11) 353 (S) 421 (6) 345 Ward--16 6,444 282 (7) ·. ~17 3 . 23jll/XXI/16 (1) 528 21 (8) 284 · .. (2) 643 "9 WQ1'd-I3 2,072 102 ·. (3) 358 16 23/l1jXXI/13 (1) 416 (4) 357 (2) 238 (5) 492 28 (3) 347 102 (6) 462 34 (4) 414 (7) 336 51 (5) 265 (8) 462 (6) 392 (P) 648 2 .. Ward-14 3,318 149 .. (10) 572 (11) 543 23/11/XXlj14 (1) lS7 • • .. (2) 203 6 (12) 348 77 (3) 30S 9 (13) "12 (4) 591 35 (14) 283 4 [ 219 1 URBAN/VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT APPENDIX-C()ntd. Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population-Urban Block·Wise Name of Total Name of Total Location Town/Ward/ Popu. Scheduled Scheduled Location TownlWardf Popu· Scheduled Scheduled Code No. Urball Block )ation Castes Tribe Code No. Urban Block lation Castes Tribes

1 2 3 4 S 2 3 4 S Ward-Il 5,824 259 XXII Nablgrlm COIOD1- (NM) 17.550 299 26 23/11/XXr/17 (1) 541 23/11/XXII (1) 522 58 (2) 253 .. ·. (2) 719 69 10 (3) 471 (3) 811 (4) 613 46 (4) 697 (5) 760 (5) 634 52 (6) 663 • • (6) 472 14 (7) 641 40 (7) 523 28 (8) 516 18 (9) 635 (8) 569 8 ·. (10) 754 .. ·. (9) 441 31 ·. (11) 441 (to) 494 4S (12) 645 (11) 357 13 (13) 752 5 13 (12) 456 22 (14) 702 (IS) 619 17 (16) 614 22 Ward-J8 7,'169 677 5 (17) 650 . 23jll/XXI!l8 (I) 501 149 (18) 535 ·3 (2) 467 126 (19) 471 10 ·. (20) 654 (3)' 257 29 (21) 452 .. ·. (4) 320 35 (22) 667 (5) 365 26 (23) 546 (6) 454 12 (24) 643 (7) 479 71 (25) 622 23 (8) 352 19 (26) 678 1 (27) 462 14 (9) 479 12 (28) 619 22 · , (10) 404 106 ·. (11) 412 XXIII KODDaaar-(M) 51,111 2,249 93 ·, Ward-l 5,627 346 (12) 528 21 5 23/ll/XXIIJ/l (1) 913 26 (13) 547 .. (2) 116 96 (14) 382 (3) 518 58 (IS) 332 (4) 634 72 (5) 696 14 (16) 367 10 • • (6) 581 22 (17) 494 60 (7) 664 2S ·. (18) 324 (8) 388 33 ·. (19) 305 1 (9) 417 [ 280 ]

URBAN/VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT APPENDIX-Contd. Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population-Urban Block·Wise Name of Total Name of Total Location TOWD{Ward/ Popu· Scheduled Scheduled Location Town/Ward/ Popu- Scheduled Scheduled Code No. Urban Block latton Ca~tes Tribes Code No. Urban Block letion Castes Tribes

2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5

Ward-2 3,155 223 10 Ward-8 2,049 272 23/11/XXIIIj2 (1) ~10 96 2 23jll/XXIII/8 (1) 700 (2) 506 (2) 545 144 (3) 761 (3) 406 S3 (4) 978 127 8 (4) 398 75

Ward-3 3,129 87 21 Ward--9 1,69/ 401 23tl1/XXIII/3 (1) 632 23/1) jXXlI1/9 (I) 624 130 (2) 506 8 (2) 573 82 (3) 589 (1) 494 189 (4) 347 " Ward-10 (5) 533 59 1,625 91 (6) 522 20 21 23/11/XXlIIj) 0(1) 81.2 74 (2) 463 11 Ward-4 1,731 (3) 350 6 23jll/XXllI/4(l) 688 (2) 551 Ward-J1 2.335 19 (3) 492 23/l1/XXIlI/II(l) 454 .. (2) 513 Ward-5 2,116 (3) 438 , . 23/lJ/XXIIIj5 (1) 509 (4) 592 (2) 541 (5) 338 19 (3) 701 (4) 365 Ward-J2 2,151 22 23/ll/XXIII/12(l} 541 22 Ward-6 2,398 5 (2) 599 22jl1/XXIII/6 (I) 404 (3) 539 (2) 537 4 (4) 472 (3) 741 61 (4) 716 Ward-13 11,288 410 23jll/XXIII/13(1) 624 82 28 Ward .. 7 4,402 94 1 (2) 738 20 24 23/ll/XXIII/7 (1) 661 (3) 786 15 9 (2) 699 44 1 ( 4) 830 (3) 664 11 (5) 939 .. (4) 631 (6) 531 .. (5) 675 (7) ((,2 3 (6) 554 (8) 493 (7) 518 39 (9, 792 6 [ 281 ]

VRBAN/VILLAGI PRIMARY CENSVS ABSnACT APPENDIX - a,,,td. Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population - Urban Block-Wile Name of Total Namco( Total Location TownfWardl Popu- Scheduled Scheduled Location Town/Wardl Popu. Schedu1cd Scheduled Code No. Urban Block Iation Castes Tribes Code No. Urban Block lalion Castes Tribes

2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 S

Ward 13-Contd Ward-2 3,309 272 28 (10) 525 10 · . 23/11/XXIV/2(1) 721 92 28 (11) 861 ]72 (2) 293 14 (12) 730 23 (3) 485 '3 (13) 770 (4) '59 46 (14) 701 .. (5) 824 67 (15) 624 34 (6) 427 .. (16) 682 45 · . Ward-3 2,918 2 Ward-14 2,941 66 23/11 IXXIV/3(1) 419 · . 23/11/XXIIl/14(1) 670 20 (2) 237 .. (2) 914 37 (3) 510 2 (3) 685 (4) 628 · . ·. (5) (4) 672 9 381 ' . (6) 743 · . Ward-15 4,573 213 Ward-4 3,034 82 23/11/XXIU/15(I) 849 23/ll/XXIV/4 (I) 594 (2) 613 126 (2) 989 46 ·. (3) 615 30 (3) 712 36 · . (4) 364 (4) 391 ·. (S) 418 (5) 348 (6) 459 (7) 460 9 .. Ward-5 3,382 419 J (8) 795 48 .. 23/11/XXIV/S (I) 675 (2) Il9 .. ·. XXIV Uttarparl Kotn.. - (3) 421 40 (M) 79,S98 2.934 269 (4) SSO 365 3 Ward-l 3.346 241 21 (5) 194 10 (6) 24' 4 23/1l/XXIV/l(l) 414 34 (7) 470 (2) 499 73 .. (3) 500 40 21 Ward-6 y 2,764 14 (4) S04 14 ·. 23/11/XXIV/6 (1) 862 10 (5) ·. 476 12 (2) 434 3 (6) 566 8 • • (3) 822 1 ·. (7) 387 • • (4) 644 • • ·. [ 282 J

URBAN/VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT APPENDIX .... Contd. Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population- Urban Block-Wise Name of Total Name of Total Location Town/Ward/ Popu, Scheduled Scheduled Location Town/Ward/ Popu· Scheduled Scheduled Code No. Urban Block lation Castes Tribes Code No. Urban Block lation Castes Tribes

2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 Ward-7 3,675 44 3 Ward-I3 4,624 31 23/11/XXIV /7 (l) 538 23/11/XXIV /13(1) 633 23 (2) 524 14 (2) 641 (3) 722 (3) 811 (4) 503 6 (4) 749 (51 477 24 3 (5) 701 (6) 911 .. (6) 443 8 Ward-8 3.234 9 (7) 646 2~rllIXXIV/8 (1) 741 Ward---14 7,947 56 104 (2) 930 23/ II /XXIV/14( I) ),020 42 (3) ~49 2 (2) 915 43 (4) 714 7 (3) 783 Ward -9 3,367 76 (4) 876 13j11/XXIV/9 (I) 524 10 (5) 586 62 (2) '679 10 (6) 540 (3) 768 I (7) ~60 (4) 612 14 (8) 53\ 13 (5) 584 41 (9) 443 (10) 565 Ward-10 4,489 60 (11) 1,128 23jll/XXIV/10(l) 608 5 (2) 709 Ward-I5 2,566 63 4 (3) 69( 23/11/XXIVJ\5(1] 677 50 4 .( 4) 451 (2) 801 (5) 561 3 (3) 568 13 (6) 772 52 (4) 520 -(7) 697 Ward-J6 4,636 153 21 Ward-ll 4,756 313 2 23/11jXXIV 116(1) 696 34 23/11/XXIV/ll(l) 1,044 2 1 (2) 687 73 21 (2) 836 (3) 882 5 (3) 606 32 1 (4) 342 30 (4) 936 28 (5) 603 (5) 611 2S (6) 668 It (6) 723 226 (7) 758 Ward-J2 4,776 139 Ward-I 7 2.832 50 23/rijXXIV / 12( 1) 744 23/11]XXIV/17(1 ) 940 (2) 1,154 139 1 (2) 402 50 (3) 541 (3) 345 (4) 777 (4) 621 (5) 795 (') 211 (6) 765 (6) 313 [ 283 ]

URBAN/VILIfAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT APPENDIX- Conrd. Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population - Urban Block-Wise Name of Total Name of Total Location Town/Wardl Popu- Scheduled Scheduled Location Town/Ward/ Popu. Scheduled Scheduled Code No. Urban Block lation Castes TrIbes Code No. Urban Block lation Castes TrIbes

1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 S Ward-i8 2,858 5 23/11/XXV-Contd. 23/11 /XXIV/18 (1) 556 (14) 319 ]59 (2) 543 .. (15) 665 533 7 (3) 627 (16) 741 426 2 (4) 245 (17) 495 139 (5) 565 (18) 451 (6) 322 .. 5 (19) 465 Ward-J9 4.168 720 24 (20) 453 2 23/11/XXIV/19(1 ) 759 * (21) 678 5 24 (2) 544 107 11 (22) 629 12 (3) 463 -440 (23) 684 · . (4) 600 7 (24) 110 64 27 (5) 677 4 (25) 181 103 42 (6) • 764 166 (26) 29) 41 66 (7) 361 7 2 (27) II:!! 51 54 (28) 166 64 32 Ward-20 6,917 242 i (29) 256 93 62 23/Il/XXIV/20(l ) 928 (30) 294 76 7S (2) 1,072 (3) 320 XXV(A) Dbadrakali (OG) 1,72() 141 (4) 472 46 23/11 /XXV ,a)( J) 456 ·. (5) 715 5 (2) 845 87 (6) 1,100 73 (3) 741 54 (7) 8" 77 (4) 67B (8) 414 4 XXVI Kotruog - (N~) 4,769 181 (9) 716 23/11/XXVC (I) 251 13 (10) 323 37 (2) ]98 ·. XXV M.khla-(~M) 14.880 3.132 496 (3) 149 23/1] /XXV (I) 511 (4) 241 3 (2) 481 (5) 277 (3) 402 (6) 213 (4) 582 58 .. (7) 450 20 (5) 897 7 52 (8) 393 12 , . (6) 883 5 47 (9) 321 6 , ' (7) 782 87 .. (10) 465 51 (8) 316 1 ( II) 313 34 · ' (9) 405 .. (12) 436 33 (10) 756 18 5 (13) 192 12 (11) 654 278 (14) 238 (12) 575 414 tf5) 207 (13) SiS 497 (16) 425 [ 284 ] PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

MAIN WORKERS ~~------~--~------~ No of Houaeoolds Total Total with Scheduled CastCi SI. State IDistrict/ Rural Scheduled CaSte Population Literates No. U A./City/Town Urban Member's r--- - -...)...-----~ r------J...-----"""IP M F P M F 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10

11. HUGLI DISTRICT T 139,845 767,502 393,660 373,842 172,6S9 1l0,211 52,448 R 118,923 660.478 335.626 324,852 1~2,309 '3,179 39,130 U 20,922 107.024 58,034 48,990 40,350 27,032 13318

Aram ~ag Subdivision T 41,091 233,233 118,087 115.146 45,500 30,514 14,986 R 39,350 224,244 J13,552 110.692 43,943 29,326 14.6/7 U 1,741 8,989 4,535 4,454 1.557 1.188 369

1. Goghat T 10,974 63.192 l~,O44 31.148 9,710 7.790 1,920 R 10,974 63.192 32.044 31,148 9,710 7.790 1,920 U

2. Ararobag T 13,267 73.657 36,916 36,741 19,737 9.428 10,309 R 11.526 64.668 32,381 32287 18,180 8,240 9,940 U 1.741 8,989 4.53~ 4,454 1,557 J.188 369 Arambag (M) U 1,741 8,989 4,535 4,454 1,557 1.188 369 3, Kbanakul T 12,8':16 73,104 37,251 35.853 11,761 9,869 1,892 R 12,896 73,104 37.251 35,853 11,761 9,869 1,892 U

4. Pursurah T 3,954 23,280 11,876 11.404 4,292 3,427 865 R 3,954 23,280 11,876 11.404 4,292 3,427 8(l5 U

Sadar Subdivision T 52,033 278,498 143,054 135,444 64,918 45,796 19,122 R 45,064 241,849 123,718 118,131 50,052 35,981 14,071 U 6,969 36,649 19,336 17,313 14,866 9,815 5,051 5. Dhaniakbali T 11 ,921 61.954 31,641 JO,313 10,830 8,087 2,743 R 11,921 61,954 3J ,641 30.313 JO,830 8,087 2.743 U .. .. 6. Panduab T 10,163 54,790 27,949 26,841 10,719 8,208 2,511 R 9,852 53,198 27,130 26,063 10,283 7,922 2,361 U 311 1.592 819 773 436 286 ISO Panduah (NM) U 311 1,592 819 773 436 286 150 7. Bala,arb T 9,329 52,057 26.179 25,278 ]5,056 9.658 5,398 R 9,329 52,057 26,779 25,278 15,056 9,658 5,398 U , ...... [ 28S ] FOR SCHEDULED CASTES

MAIN WORKERS ,_- --_____ -- ..... - ______• ___ ..J.. ______.... ______~

Total Aaricultural Main Workers Cultivators Labourer, ( I-IX) ,._------.A------"""' ,._-----.(I).A------_"""' ;--______(n) A _____ ~ P M P p M F P M F 11 12 13 14 15 l' 17 18 19 241,399 202.765 39,634 44,702 43.507 1,195 141,072 10'.453 31.619 212,114 175360 36,754 44.133 42,946 1,187 137,631 106.650 30,981 30,285 27.405 2,880 569 561 8 3,441 1,803 631 67,216 62.457 4,759 20,175 20,027 148 38,579 35,938 2,641 64,306 60,U70 4,236 19,886 /9.741 145 36,810 34,509 2,301 2,910 2,387 523 289 286 3 1.769 1,429 340 ] 8.510 17,526 984 5,310 5,255 55 11,450 11,088 362 18,510 17,S26 9a4 5,310 5,255 '5 11,450 11,083 362

21,395 19,351 2,04. 4,361 4,334 27 14,255 12,871 1,384 18.485 16.964 1,521 4.072 4.048 24 12,486 11,442 1,044 2,910 2,387 523 289 286 3 1,769 1,429 340 2,910 2,387 523 289 286 3 1,769 1,429 340 20.355 19.443 912 8599 8.551 48 9,034 S,743 291 20.355 19,443 912 8,599 8,551 48 9,034 8,743 291 . . .. 6,956 6.137 819 1,905 1,887 18 3,840 3,236 60" 6,956 6.137 819 1,90.5 1,887 1& 3,840 3,236 604 • I .. 96.309 72524 23.71J5 12,353 1I,778 575 64.366 43,1!4 21,()81 86,986 6{138 22,848 12.245 11,671 514 63,785 41.S47 20,93' 9,323 8.386 937 IfJ8 107 1 581 4j7 144 24.549 17.329 7,220 3.601 3.463 144 19.041 12,272 6,769 l4,S49 17,329 7,220 3,607 3,463 1-44 . . ... 19,041 12,272 6769

21.304 14,503 6,&01 2,317 2,168 149 17,366 10,S83 6,"'3 20,780 14.105 6,675 2.302 2,154 14& 17,101 10,130 6,371 524 398 126 J5 14 265 153 112 524 39& 126 IS 14 265 153 112 15,861 13,42& 2,433 2,.87 2,428 $' 9.118 7.074 2.044 15.&61 13.42& 2,433 2,"'7 Z,428 59 ',118 7,074 2,a.u .. • • , . .. [ 286 .I]



r------~-----~------~Household Industry-Manufac- Total turing, Processing, Other Workers Sl. State/Districtl Rural servicing and [Ill, IV, V(b) & Urban Repair~ V(a) VI to IX] No. U.A./City/Town r------...l..------.. r------,.)._------P M F P M F 2 3 20 21 22 23 24 25 11. HUGLI DISTRICT T 5,014 3,793 1,121 51,611 46,012 5,599 R 4,416 3,260 1,156 25.934 22,504 3,430 U 598 533 6S 25,677 23,508 2,169 Arambag Subdivision T 1,914 1,196 718 6,548 5,296 1,252 R },860 1,164 696 5,750 4,656 1,094 U 54 32 22 798 640 158 1. Ooghat T 593 298 295 1,157 885 272 R 593 298 295 1,157 88.5 272 U

2. Arambag T 469 325 144 2,310 1.821 489 R 415 293 122 1,5]2 1,181 331 U 54 32 22 798 640 158 Arambag (M) U S4 32 22 798 640 158 3. Khanakul T 631 436 195 2.091 1,713 378 R 631 436 195 2,091 ],713 378 U

4. Pursurah T 221 137 84 990 877 113 R 221 137 &4 990 877 113 U

Sadar Subdivision T 1.363 1.}(0 203 18,227 16,30~ 1,925 R 1,187 1,009 178 9,769 8.611 1,158 U 176 151 25 8,458 7,691 767 6. Dbanlakhali T 264 213 51 1,637 1,381 256 R 264 213 51 1.637 1.381 256 U

6. Panduah T 178 136 42 1.443 1,316 127 R 167 127 40 1,210 1,094 116 U 11 9 2 233 222 11 Panduah (NM) U 11 9 2 233 222 11 7. Balagarh T 509 468 41 3,747 3,458 289 R S09 468 41 3,747 3.438 289 U .. [ 287 ]


Marginal Workers Non-Workers ~------~------""'"I ~------~------, P M F P M F 26 27 28 29 30 31 12,654 5,866 6.788 512.449 185,029 327,420 11,574 5,156 6,418 436i7~O 155,110 281,680 1,080 710 370 75,659 29.919 45,740 3,649 1,413 2236 162,368 54,217 108,151 3,469 1,314 2./55 156.469 52.168 104,301 180 99 81 5,899 2,049 3,850 1,371 461 910 43,311 14,057 29,254 1,371 461 910 43,311 14,057 29,254

880 342 538 51,382 17.223 34,159 700 243 457 45,483 15,174 30,309 180 99 81 5,899 2.049 3,850 l~O 99 81 5,899 2,049 3,850 958 389 569 51.791 17,419 34,372 958 389 569 51,791 17,419 34,372

440 221 219 15,884 5,518 10,366 440 221 219 15,884 5,518 10,366

5.579 2,820 2.759 176,610 67,710 108,900 5,142 2,492 2,650 149,721 57.088 92,633 437 328 109 26,889 10,622 16,267 767 347 420 36,638 13,965 22,673 767 347 420 36,638 ] 3,965 22,673

1,144 408 736 32,342 13,038 ]9.304 1.140 406 734 31,278 12,619 18,659 4 2 2 1,064 419 645 4 2 2 },064 419 645 792 470 322 35,404 12,881 22,523 792 470 322 35,404 12,881 22,523 , . .. [ 288 ]


No. of r------~-----~------~~ Housedolds Total Total with Secheduled Scheduled Castes SI. State/Districtl Rural Calte ,-_____Population .A._____ """'I ,..--____Literate. .)... _____ """"1 No. U.A./City/Town Urban Members P M F P M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

8. Magra T 5,880 31,056 16.342 14,714 9;998 6,857 3.141 R 2,359 12,410 6,382 6.028 2.714 1,878 836 U 3.521 18,646 9.960 8,686 7,284 4.979 2,305

@ Ra,hunalhpur (NM) U 376 2,O~0 1,077 943 944 637 307 @ Madhusuda"pur (N M) U 141 736 374 362 241 153 88 @ Bandel Thermal Pow" " Project Town (NM) U 4 17 6 11 12 4 8 @ Bansberia U 3,000 1',873 8,503 7,370 6,087 4,185 1,902 (i) Bansberia (M) U 2,599 14,099 7,515 6,584 5,735 3,889 1,846 (ii) Sankhanagar (OG) U 61 315 167 148 70 58 12 (iii) Barakhejuria (OG) U IS 65 36 29 32 22 10 (iv) Chak Bansberia (OG) U 276 ],080 618 462 185 162 23 (v) Khamarpara (00) U 49 314 167 147 65 54 11

9. Chinsurah T 4,332 22,640 1],724 10,916 8.962 5,761 3,201 R 1.]95 6,229 3,167 3,062 1,816 1,211 60S U 3.137 16,411 8,557 7,854 7,146 4,550 2,596 @ Keota (NM) U 546 2,507 1,398 1,109 799 609 190 @ Nil/danga (NM) U 131 648 345 303 226 172 54 @ HugU .. Cbinlurab U 2,460 13,256 6,814 6,442 6,121 3,769 2,352

(i) Hu,li Cbinsurah (M) U 2,396 12,908 6,633 6,275 5,914 3,646 2,268 (ii) Narayanpur (OG) U 47 254 ]32 122 189 III 78 (iii) Kodalia (00) U 17 94 49 45 18 12 6 10. Polba T S,025 26,690 13,654 ]3,036 4.613 3,459 l,lS4 R 5,025 26,690 13,654 13.036 4,613 3,459 1,154 U ...... 11. Dadpur T 5.383 29,311 14.965 14,346 4,740 3,76' 974 R 5.313 29,311 14,965 14,346 4,140 3,166 974 U .. • • Cha"dlf1l4gOrl T 24.267 128,642 66,281 62.361 29,376 21,113 8.263 8N"'"III•• R 17617 96,281 48,3$3 47,928 16,$57 /2.319 4,168 V 6,650 32,361 17.928 14,433 12.8Jf 8,124 4,fJ95

0' [ 289 ]


,..._..... ______..-- ______- ___MAIN • WORKERS· .l...... -, ______~

Total Agricultural Main Workers Cultivators Labourers

,.,.. ______(I-IX)..J... ______~ (1) (ll ) ,_------.J..------~ ,_-----J..-----'""'\ P M F P M F P M F 11 12 13 104 15 16 17 18 19

8.323 7,047 1,276 323 316 7 2,809 1,970 839 3.155 2,843 912 241 234 7 2,540 1.726 814 4,568 4,204 364 82 82 269 244 25

479 465 14 13 13 164 155 9 164 135 29 2 2 .. 13 9 4

4 4 .. . . 3,921 3,600 321 67 67 92 80 )2 3,462 3.114 288 9 9 58 58 52 48 4 5 4 1 18 18 336 308 28 58 58 28 17 11 53 52 1 1

5,823 5,182 641 111 110 1 6'l2 534 78 1,592 1,398 194 100 99 1 565 494 71 4,231 3.784 447 11 11 47 40 7 684 650 34 10 7 3 173 163 10 2 2 3.374 2,971 403 9 9 37 33 4

3.294 2,902 392 9 9 34 30 4 S6 46 10 24 23 1 .. 3 3 9,305 7,098 2,707 1.414 1.340 74 7.514 5,088 2,426 9,805 7,098 2,707 1.414 1.'40 ..74 7,5104 5,088 2,426

10,644 7,937 2.707 2,094 1,9~3 141 7.906 5,463 2,443 10.644 7,937 2.707 2.094 1.953 ~ 141 7,906 5,463 2,443 .. .. • • ..

41,210 34.156 7,054 5,908 5,614 294 22,18J 16,664 5,519 31,688 25,482 6.206 5,868 5.575 293 21,589 16,214 5,375 9,522 8,674 848 40 39 1 594 450 1# [ 290 ]


MAIN WOllKB1S ~------.------~Household Industry, Manufac- Tota! lUring. Processin" Other Workers 81. State/District/ Rural servicing and [Ill. IV, V(b) & No. U,A/City/Town Urban Repairs V(a) VI to IX] ,- ".--_.. ___ __.l.. ______~ P M --"""P M M F 2 3 20 21 22 23 24 25

8. Magra T 100 85 15 5,091 4.676 415 41 37 4 933 846 87 59 48 11 4.158 3,830 328

@ Roghunothpur (NM) U 3 3 299 294 5 @ Madhusudonpur (NM) U 3 3 146 121 25 @ Bandel Thermo! Power Project Town (NM) U 4 @ Bansberia U 53 42 11 3.709 3,411 298 (i) Bansberia (M) U 48 38 10 3,347 3.069 278 (ii) Sankbanalar (OG) U 4 4 43 40 3 (iii) Barakhejuria (00) U J8 18 (iv) Chak. Baosberia (OG) U 250 233 17 (v) Kbamarpara (00) U 51 51 ~

9, CbinBurah T 184 154 30 4.916 4,384 532 R 78 60 18 849 745 104 U 106 94 12 4.067 3,639 428 @ Keota (NM) U 23 22 J 6.51 621 30 @ N(lidanga (NM) U 6 6 165 155 JO @ HUi1i.CbiDlurab U 77 66 11 3.251 2,863 388

(j) Hugli Chinsurah (M) V 75 64 11 3,176 2,799 377 (ti) Narayanpur (00) U 2 2 54 44 10 (iii) Kodalia (00) U 21 20 1

10. Polba T 58 48 10 819 622 197 R 58 48 10 819 622 197 U .. .,

11. Dadpur T 70 ~6 14 574 465 109 R 70 56 14 574 46S 109 U ...... Chondtr"agor. T 620 522 98 12,499 11,356 1,149 SubtJil'ilion R 463 373 '90 3,768 3,320 448 U 157 149 8 8,731 8,036 695 ( 291 )


Marginal Workers Non-Workors ~ ~------~---~----~-~ ~------~------P M F P M F 26 27 28 29 30 31

992 573 419 21,741 8,722 13.019 628 298 330 8,027 3,241 4,786 364 275 89 13,714 5,481 8,233

39 34 5 1,502 578 924 L8 15 3 554 224 I 330

13 2 11 307 226 81 11,645 4.677 6,968 218 ISS 63 10,419 4.186 6,233 44 34 10 219 85 134 1 1 46 17 29 16 8 8 728 302 426 28 28 233 87 146

261 199 62 16.556 6,343 10,213 192 148 44 4.445 1.621 2,824 69 51 18 12,111 4,722 7,389 I 1 1,822 747 1'075 3 2 1 472 }80 291 65 48 17 9,817 3.795 6,022

6S 48 17 9,549 3,683 5,866 .. 198 86 112 10 26 44

719 410 309 16,166 6,146 10.020 719 410 309 16,166.. 6;146 10,020..

904 413 491 17.763 6,615 11,148 904 413 491 17,763.. 6,615 11.148

1.297 690 607 86,135 31,435 5<1,700 1,036.. 554 482 63,557 22,317 41,240 261 136 125 22,518 9,118 J3,46O [ 292 J

I PRIMARY CENSVS A.SIRACT. . MAIN WORKERS ,,------___ ..J.. ______..... No of Households Total Total wIth Scheduled Castes 51. State /District/ Rural Scheduled CMte Population Literates r-- -- _...J... ___ --~ No. U A.ICity /Town Urban Members r------l.-----~ P M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

12. Tarakeswar T 5,146 27.689 14,126 13,563 4,797 3.684 J, 113 R 4.780 2~,836 13,180 12,656 4,439 3,426 1.013 U :66 1,853 946 901 358 258 100 Tarakeswar (M) U 366 J,853 946 907 358 258 100

13. Haripal T 7.900 43.126 22 123 21,003 6,334 4880 1,454 R 7,900 43,126 22,123 21,003 6,334 4,880 1,454 U

14. Singur T 4.R12 26,402 12,574 13,828 5,562 3,969 1,593 R 4,392 24.162 11,416 12,746 4,995 3,556 1,439 U 420 2,240 1,158 1,082 567 413 154

Singur U. A U 420 2,240 1,158 J,082 567 413 154 (I) Singur (NM) U 339 ],880 94S 935 456 323 133 (ii) Kamarkundu (00) U 8l 360 2!3 147 lil 90 21

15. Bbadreswar T 4,054 18.971 10.767 8.204 7,374 5,103 2.271 R 545 3,157 1,634 1,523 789 527 262 U 3,509 15,814 9.133 6,681 6,585 4,576 2,009 I @ Khalishani (NM) U 79 471 248 223 313 136 177 @ Bbadreswar (M) U 1,156 6,163 3,257 2906 3,190 2,C44 1.146 @ Cbampdani (M) U 2,274 9.180 , 628 3,552 3.082 2396 686

16. Chandernagore T 2,355 12.454 6,691 5,763 5,309 3,477 ] ,832 R U 2.355 12.454 6,691 5,763 5.309 3,477 1,832 @ Chaodanoagar (MC) U 2,355 12,454 6.691 5,763 5,309 3,477 1,832

Serampore T 22,454 127,129 66,238 60,891 32.865 22.788 10,077 Subdivision R 16.892 98,Jd4 50,003 48,101 21,757 15,483 6,274 U 5,562 ~9,O25 16,235 12,790 11,108 7.305 3,803

17. Jaogipara T 7.272 42,699 21.746 20,953 7,987 5.933 2,054 R 7,272 42,699 21746 20.953 7,987 5,933 2,054 U . , , , ., .. [ 29l ]


MAIN WORKERS ,.-___...... - __ ...... ______• ___ .J.- __ ..... ___-"" - --.------~

Total Asricultural Main Workerl Cultivators Labourers (I-IX) (1) ( II) _------....L.----- __ ~ ,------.~------..._ r------..A.-----~ p M P P M F P M F II 12 13 14 IS Hi 17 18 19

10,054 7,557 2.497 1,694 1,634 60 7,107 4,856 2,251 9.404 7,068 2.336 1,680 1,620 60 6,786 4.649 2,137 650 489 161 14 14 321 207 114 650 489 161 14 14 321 207 114

15,005 11,709 3,296 2,776 2,552 224 10,810 7,921 2,8'9 15,005 11,709 3,296 2,776 2,552 224 10,810 7,921 2.889

6.946 6,402 544 1343 1,336 9 3,741 3,398 343 6,390 5875 515 1,333 1,324 9 3,557 3.231 326 556 527 29 12 12 184 167 17

556 527 29 12 12 184 167 17 436 409 27 8 8 174 158 16 120 118 2 4 4 10 9 1

5,720 5,367 353 92 91 522 486 36 889 830 59 79 79 436 413 23 4,831 4.537 294 13 12 86 '73 13 lit 102 9 22 16 6 1,574 1,452 122 3 2 62 55 7 3,146 2,981 163 10 10 2 2

3,4bS 3.121 364 3 3 ..

3.485 3.121 364 1 3 3 3,485 3,121 364 1 3 3

37,664 33,628 4,036 6.266 6.088 178 15.944 13.567 2.377 29,134 25,670 3.464 6,134 5,959 175 15,447 JJ,080 2,367 8,530 7,958 572 JJ2 :29 3 497 487 10

14.166 11,788 2.378 3,585 3,494 91 8,976 6.918 2.058 14,166 11,788 2.378 3.585 3.494 91 8,976 6.918 2.058 • • ...... [29.4 ] PRIMAay CENSUS AISftACI r------MAIN WORKER.S Household -----.__------~~~-~ IncJustry-MlS1ufac-, Total turin,. PrOCCSSID, OtherWor\m SJ. State/Dllltn;I'.5·1 Rural ,«vicin, and [III, IV V(b) lie. No. u. A./City own Urban Repairs V(a) VI to IX1 ,...------'-----~ ,....------'"""------""'\ P M F P M F 1 2 3 20 21 22 23 24 2S

12. Tarak.eawar T 125 75 50 1.128 992 136 R 118 68 50 820 73l 89 U 7 7 308 261 47 Tarakeswar (M) U 7 7 308 261 47

13. Haripal T 145 129 16 1,214 1,107 167 R 145 ]29 16 1,274 ].107 167 U

14. Singur T ]71 148 23 1,689 1,520 169 R 157 134 23 1,343 1.]86 157 U 14 14 346 334 12

Singur U. A U 14 14 .. 346 334 12 (i) Singur (NM) U 14 ]4 240 229 I 11 (ii) Kamarkundu (00) U 106 105 1

15. Bhadreswar T 139 134 5 4,967 4,656 311 R 43 42 I 331 296 35 U 96 92 4 4.636 4,360 276 @ KhlllJshani (NM) U 2 2 87 84 3 @ Bhadreswar (M) U 63 59 4 ] .446 1,336 110 @ Champdani (M> u 31 31 3.103 2,940 163

16. Chanderna80re \I' 40 36 4 3.441 3,081 360 R .. U 40 36 4 3,441 3,081 360 @ ChaDdannag.r(MC) U 40 36 4 3.441 3,081 360

Strampo1l rr 1,117 915 202 14.337 13.058 1.279 Subdl.lllon R 906 714 192 6,647 5,917 730 U 211 201 10 9.690 7,141 549

17. .Jangiparl T 273 215 58 1.332 1.161 171 R 273 21S 58 1,332 1.161 171 U .. .. • • ( 295 ]


Marilnal Non-Workers ~ ______Workers ~A ___ ~ _____ ~ r------~---~----~ P M F P M F 26 27 28 29 30 31

188 70 118 17,-447 6,499 10.948 137 6S 72 16,29.5 6,047 10.248 51 5 46 0,1,152 452 700 51 S 46 1,152 452 700

657 318 339 27,464 10,096 17,36~ 657 318 339 27.46" 10,096 17,368 ••

235 166 69 19.221 6,006 13.215 222 156 66 J7.550 5,385 12,165 13 10 3 1,671 621 1,050

13 10 3 1,671 621 1,050 ]3 10 3 1,431 526 905 240 95 145

83 64 19 13,168 5.336 7832 20 15 5 2,248 789 1,459 63 49 14 10,920 4,547 6373 13 7 6 347 139 208 16 14 2 4.573 1,791 2,712 34 28 6 6.000 2,617 3.383

134 72 62 8,835 3,498 5,337 ., 134 72 62 8,835 3.498 5,337 134 72 62 8,835 3,498 5,337

2,129 943 1.186 87,336 31.667 j5,669 J,927 796 1,131 67,043 23,537 43,506 202 147 55 20,293 8,130 12,163

90S 307 '598 27.628 9,651 17.977 90S 307 j9i 27,628 9-651 17,977 ., • • , . .. [ 296 ] PRIMARY CENSUS ABSl'RACT

MAIN WORKERS r------·---~-~------~ No. of Housedolds Total Total with Secheduled Scheduled Castea 9. State/District/ Rural Caste Population Literates No. D.A./City/Town Ulban Members r------..A.-----~ r------..)._----w..~ P M F P M F 1 :1 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10

18. Chanditala T 6.898 39,204 19,832 19.372 7,578 5,498 2~O80 R 6.426 36,624 18,473 18,146 6.816 4.958 1,858 U 472 2,580 1,354 1,226 762 540 222 Begampur (NM) U 140 868 448 420 281 194 87

MIRGALA (U.A.) U 332 1,7 J2 906 806 481 346 135 <8> Monaharpur (NM) U 133 679 349 330 120 87 33 (b) Mirgala (NM) U 199 1,033 557 476 361 259 102

19. Scram pur T 5,385 29,828 16,247 13,581 10,965 7,298 3,667 R 2,049 12,319 6,411 5,908 4,466 3,022 ],444 U 3,336 17.509 9.836 7.673 6,499 4.276 2.223 @ Baidyabati (M) U 852 5,866 3.070 2796 2,240 1,451 789 @ Scrampur (M) U 1.398 6,825 3,770 3,055 2,662 1.676 986 @ Rishra (M) U 1.086 4,818 2.996 1.822 1,597 1,149 448

20. Uttarpara T 2,899 15,398 8.413 6.98' 6,335 4,059 2276 R 1.145 6,462 3,368 3,094 2,488 1.570 918 U 1,754 8,936 5.045 3,891 3,847 2,489 1,358

@ Nabagram Colony (NM) U 55 299 163 136 181 113 68 @ Konnlgar (M) U 470 2,249 1,301 948 966 635 331 @ Uttarpara Kotrun, (M) U 649 2,934 1,503 1,431 1.146 696 450 @ Makhla U 541 3,273 1.948 1.325 1,461 968 493 (i)* Makbla (NM) U 508 3,132 1,872 1,260 1.394 919 475 (ii) Dbadrakalj U 33 141 76 6S 67 49 18 @ KOlrung (NM) U 39 181 no 51 93 77 16

-Nott: The Towns [email protected]. [ 297 ]

FOR SCHEDULED CASTES MAIN WORKERS ;...------._-_ ...... _----:-----.,___,-- ...... --- ..... -",......

Total All'icultural Main Worl.ers Cultivators Laboure1'l ( I-1X) ( I ) (II ) _------J..-----__ ~ _-----.J...---- _~ r-----A ------...... p M F P M F P M F 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 " 10,427 9,844 583 1,512 1,448 64 5,452 5,205 24T 9,811 9.253 558 1,499 1,435 64 5.354 5,107 247' 616 591 2S 13 13 98 98 199 190 9 2 2 ..

417 401 16 13 13 96 96 159 152 7 3 3 48 48

258 249 9 10, 10 48 48 • L"

8,304 7,750 S~4 742 720 22 1,233 1,166 67 3,104 2,~22 182 658 639 19 936 819 57 5,200 4,828 372 84 81 3 297 287 )0 1,398 1,299 99 70 69 288 278 10 1.922 1,744 178 2 9 9 1,~80 1,'85 9' 12 11 " 4,767 4,246 521 427 426 1 283 278 5 2,053 1.707 346 392 391 J 181 ]76 5 2,714 ~,539 175 35 35 102 102

72 68 4 2 2 664 609 !i5 760 672 88 2 2 2 2

1,139 1,111 28 33 33 98 98 1.102 1,074 28 32 32 98 98 37 37 1 1 .. 79 79 ...... [ 298 ]

PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKERS r------~------~~Household Industry-Manufac- Total turing. Processina. Other Workers SI. State/Districtl Rural f~rvjcing and [1II. IV, V(b) & No U .A./CiIY/Town Urban r- ______Repairs.J.. ______V(a) --, ,-____VI --..J..to IX)______P M F P M P 2 3 20 21 22 23 24 25 , 18. Chanditala T 464 435 29 2,999 - 2,756 243 R 419 392 27 2,539 2,319 220 U 45 43 2 460 437 23 Begart,pur (N 1.1) U 42 40 2 [55 148 7

MIRGALA CU. A) u 3 3 305 289 16 (a) Manaharpur (NM) U 1 1 107 100 7 (b) Mirgala (NM) U 2 2 198 189 9

J9. Serampur T 207 186 21 6,122 5,678 444 R 63 50 J3 1,447 1,354 93 U 144 136 8 4,675 4,324 351 @ Baidyabati (M~ U 58 57 1 982 895 87 @ Serampore (M) U 75 71 4 1.836 1,663 173 @ Rishra (M) U 11 8 3 1.857 ],766 91

20. Uttarpara T 173 79 94 3884 3,463 421 R 151 57 94 ],329 1,083 246 U 22 22 , . 2,555 2,380 175

@ Nabagram Colony (NM) U 2 2 . , 68 64 4 @ Konnagar (M) U 1 663 608 55 @ Uttarpara Kotrung (M) U ]5 15 7~1 653 88 @ Makbla U 4 4 1,004 976 28 (i)" Makhla (NM) U 2 2 970 942 28 (ii) Bhadrakali (00) U 2 2 34 34 .. @ Kotrung (N M) U 79 79 ..

IlDIt: 1'~ Towns matbd ® arc the Constituent Unit of Calcutta U, A: r 299 ] rOR SCHEDULED CASTES

Marlinal ,.-______Workers....L ___ ._. Non· Workers ~ ~-----~-~-~------~ P M F P M F 26 27 28 29 3. 31

582 253 329 28,195 9.735 18,46& ~67 240 321 26,246 8,985 17.26'1 14 13 2 1,949 750 1.1'99 1 1 668 258 410

14 13 1 ],'281 462 789 8 7 1 512 190 322 6 6 769 302 461

541 311 230 20.983 8.1&6 12.797 413 216 197 8.802 3.273 5,529 128 95 33 12.181 4.913 7.268 28 20 8 4.440 1.751 2.6S!J 72 55 17 4.831 1.971 2.160 28 20 8 2.910 1.191 1.719

101 72 29 10530 4,095 6.435 42 33 9 4.367 U,28 2,739 59 39 20 6,163 2.467 3.696

I 1 226 94 132 2 1 1 1.583 691 892 53 34 19 2,121 797 1,324 3 3 2.131 834 1.291 3 3 2.027 . 795 1.232 104 39 65 10] 51 5/ [ 300 ] PRIMARY CENSVS ABSTIACf

MAIN WORKERS ~-~----~-----~------~ No. of Housedolds Total Total with Secheduled Scheduled Tribes SI. State/District/ Rural Tribe Population Literates No. U.A./City/ToWD Urban Members ,..-_____ J..._. ___""""I ,------...1..-----""""1 P M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll. HUGLI OISTRICT T 28293 141.047 71,474 69.513 15,524 13103 1421 R 26,892 134.710 68,302 66,408 14,702 12,470 2;>32 V 1,401 6337 3,172 3.165 822 633 189 AramSag Subdivision T 2,956 14,680 7,563 7,117 1,172 1,031 141 R 2,693 13,591 7,028 6,563 1,105 977 128 U 263 1,()89 535 554 67 54 13 1. Goghat T 1.572 8537 4,358 4,179 694 624 70 R 1,572 8,S37 4,358 4.179 694 624 70 U

2. Arambag T 853 3.877 1,944 1,933 290 239 51 R 590 2,7118 1,40~ 1,379 223 185 38 U 263 1,089 535 554 67 54 13 Arambag (M) U 263 1,O8~ 535 554 67 54 13 3. Khaoakul T 183 759 403 356 78 69 9 R 183 759 403 356 78 69 9 U

4. Pursurah T 348 1,507 8S8 649 110 99 II R 348 1,507 858 649 110 99 11 U

Soda, Subdivision T 19.219 96,499 48.692 47807 11,215 9,478 1,737 R 18.469 93,309 47.012 46,297 10,808 9,157 1.651 U i50 3,190 1,680 1,510 407 321 86 '3. Dhaniakbali T 5,541$ 27,186 13.640 13,546 2,667 2,304 363 R 5.548 27,186 13,640 13,546 2,667 2.304 363 U

6. Panduah T 5,806 30,759 15.487 15,272 3,542 2,991 551 R 5,603 29,859 15,036 14,823 3.477 2,936 541 U 203 900 451 449 65 55 10 Pandua (NM) U 203 900 451 449 6S 55 J,.() i BaJagarh T 2,665 13,246 6,614 6,632 1.873 1.583 290 R 2,665 13,246 6.614 6,632 1,873 J,583 290 U .. • • ..

, ( 301 1 FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES t.1AIl'l WORKERS ~-~------~~---~~------.---~--~

Total AariculturaJ Main Workers Cultivators Labourers

(I-IX) .,.... ______...J...(I) ______~ ,..-______(II)..,!'..L ______....., r- -- -- __ .A... - - - --'""'\ P M F P M F P M F 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

74,825 40.783 34,042 7.221 5334 1,887 62,567 31,914 30,653 71,740 39,037 32,703 7,133 5,267 1,866 61.538 31,372 30,166 3,085 1,746 1,339 88 67 II 1,029 542 487 7,747 4,529 3,218 1,079 794 285 6,330 3,522 2,808 7,249 4,256 2,993 1,061 781 280 5,958 3,333 2,625 498 273 225 18 13 5 372 169 183 4,141 2,504 1,637 912 668 244 3.124 1,781 1,343 4,141 2504 1,637 912 668 244 3,124 1,781 1,343

2,021 1,093 928 76 61 15 1,800 932 868 },523 820 703 58 48 10 1,428 743 685 498 273 225 18 13 S· 372 189 183 498 273 225 18 13 5 372 189 183 461 262 199 48 36 12 341 18.0 161 461 262 199 48 36 12 341 180 J 61

1.124 670 454 43 29 14 1,065 629 436 1,124 670 454 43 29 14 1,065 629 436

50,886 26,990 23,896 4,866 3,579 1,287 43,322 21,335 21,987 49,401 26.089 23,312 4,801 3,530 1271 42,805 21,078 21,727 1,485 901 584 65 49 16 517 257 260 14.988 7,728 7,260 1318 971 407 13,291 6,469 6,822 14,988 7~728 7.260 1.378 971 407 13,291 6,469 .. .. 6,822 16,250 8.497 7,763 1741 1,~O4 437 14,f)70 6,767 7,30) 15,747 8.219 7.S28 1.720 ].291 429 13,653 6.574 7,079 S03 268 23S 21. 13 8 417 193 224 503 268 235 21 13 8 417 193 224 7,099 3,687 3,412 694 496 198 6,127 2,976 3,151 7,099 3.687 3,412 694 496 198 6.127 2,976 3,151 , ...... ( 302 ]

PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKERS ,.--.------~------Household ------., Industry, Manufac- Tatar tUring. Processinl. Other Workers SI. State/Diatrict/P.S I Rural acrvicin, and [Ill. IV. V(b) Ii: No. U .A.~itY/Town Urban Repairs V(a) VI to IX} ,.-______..L ______~ ,.- ~ p- M P M M F 1 2 3 20 21 22 23 24 25

11. HUGLI UISTRICT T 163 170 93 4,774 3,365 1,409 R 173 122 51 2,896 2,276 6:0 U 90 48 42 1,878 1.089 789 Arambag Subdivision T 33 6 27 305 207 98 R 32 5 27 198 137 61 U I J 107 70 37 1. Goahat T 29' 2 27 76 53 23 R 29 2 27 76 53 23 U

2. Arambag T 2 2 143 98 45 R 1 1 36 28 8 U 1 1 107 70 37 Arambag (M) U 1 1 lu7 70 37 3. Khanakul T I 1 71 45 26 R I 1 71 45 26 U ..

4. Pursurah T J I 15 11 4 R 1 J . , IS 11 4 U

Sada, SubdMsio1J T 157 97 60 2,541 1,979 562 R 78 56 22 1,717 1,425 292 U 79 41 38 824 554 270 5. Dbaniakbali T 14 9 S 305 279 26 R 14 9 5 305 279 26 U .. .. . , 6. Panduah T 22 JS 7 417 401 16 R 22 15 7 352 339 13 U 65 62 3 Pandua (NM) U .. 6S 62 3 7. Balagarh T 12 , 3 266 206 60 R 12 9 3 ' 266 206 60 U .. [ 303 ]


Marsinal Workers Non-Workers """'\ "..------'-..------...... ~ r------A-----~--P M F P M F 26 27 28 29 30 31

2,932 952 1,980 ~,290 29,739 33,551 2,558 787 1,771 60,411 28,418 31,934 374 165 209 2,878 1,1'1 1,617 381 114 267 6.552 2,910 3,632 254 76 178 6.088 2.696 3,392 127 38 89 464 224 240 175 47 128 4.221 1.807 2,414 175 47 128 4,221 1.807 2,414 .. .1 . 163 49 114 1.693 802 891 36 11 25 1,229 578 651 127 38 89 464 224 240 127 38 89 464 224 140 298 141 IS7 298 141 '157

43 18 25 340 170 170 43 18 25 340 170 170 , . 2.072 686 1.386 43.541 21.016 22,525 1,894 584 1,310 42,014 20,339 21,675 178 102 76 1,527 677 850 16S 63 102 12,033 5,849 6.184 165 63 102 12,033 5,849 6,184

450 121 329 14,059 6,879 7,180 449 120 329 13.663 6,697 6,966 396 182 214 1 1 396 182 214 20 55 156 S.936 2,812 3,064 211 SS 156 ".936 2,872 3,064 [ 304 ] PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

~------~--.------~ No. of Households Total with Total SI. State/Diat/P.!. Rural Scheduled Tnbe S,heduled Tribes No. U. A./City/To\'{n Urban Members Pcpulatjon Liter .. les r------'------~ ,-----.)..-- ...... -~ p M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

8. Magra T J,040 4,922 2527 2,395 804 (40 164 R 677 3,381 1.718 1.663 648 512 136 U 363 1,541 8G9 732 156 128 28 @ Raghunalhpur (NM) U 31 8i 47 35 @ Madhusudanpur (NM) U 25 lJ3 58 ,55 6 5 1 @ Bandel Thermal Pow" Project Town (NMJ U @ Bansbcria U 307 1,346 704 642 150 123 27

(i) Bansberia (M) U 148 (82 356 326 96 82 14 (ii) Sankhanagar (00) U 95 308 159 149 3 2 1 (iii) Barakhejuria (00) U 2 14 10 4 (iv) Cbak Bansberia (00) U 62 342 179 ]63 51 39 12 (v) Khamarpara (00) U

9. Cbinaurab T 375 1,498 819 679 264 200 64 R 191 749 399 350 78 62 16 U 184 749 420 329 186 138 48 @ Keota (NMJ U 55 226 121 105 20 18 J @ Naldanga (NY) U 8 39 31 8 12 11 1

@ Hugli-Cbinsurah U 121 484 268 216 154 109 45 (i) Hugli Cbinsurah (M) U 121 484 268 216 154 109 45 (ii) Narayanpur (00) U (iii) Kodalia (00) U ..

10. polba T 1,920 9,636 4,969 4,667 1.296 1,100 196 R 1,920 9,636 4,969 4.667 1.296 1,100 196 U ...... 11. Dadpur T 1.865 9,252 4,6.:6 4,616 769 £60 109 It J.l65 9,252 4,636 __ ,616 7('9 660 109 U .. .. Chandlrllt1l~r. Stlb4lNWn T 4.173 20,186 10,188 9.998 2.016 l,70J J1S It 4034 19,.522 9,831 9,691 1,~O4 1,612 192 V 139 664 357 307 112 89 23 305 ]


MAIN WORKERS ~ ______- ___• ..A.. ______.....

Total A8I'icuitural Main WI'rkers Cultivators Labourers ,... ______(I-IX)..J... ______~ ,------'------"""( J ) ,--_____( II.J-- ) ____""" P M F P M F P M F II 12 13 14 15 16 17 J8 l~

2.23l 1.344 887 106 90 16 1,362 712 65(} 1.~68 9Ig. 650 64 56 8 1,274 658 616· 663 426 237 42 34 8 88 54 34-

35 28 7 30 25 5 3 1 2 52 33 19 .. 39 24 15

576 365 211 12 9 3 46 29 17 267 170 97 13 2 It 219 120 99 .. 9 6 3 1 8 6 2 81 69 12 11 9 2 25 21 4

705 464 241 29 2S 4 226 146 8() 386 257 129 27 23 4 214 136 78 319 207 112 2 2 12 10 2 91 52 39 .. 8 8 2 2 1 J 220 147 73 J1 9 2

, 220 147 73 .0- Il 9 2

4,836 2.734 2,102 405 347 58 4.065 2,142 1,923 4,836 2,734 2,102 405 347 58 4,065 2,142 1,923

4.777 2546 2,231 513 346 167 4,1 ~ 1 2,123 2,058 4177 2,546 2,231 513 346 167 4,181 2,123 .. .. 2,058.. 11,069 6,159 4,910 764 595 169 9,.559 5,045 4.514 10,698 5.930 4,768 764 595 /69 9,463 4,986 4,477 371 229 142 96 59 37 [ 306 ] , PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

MAIN WORKERS ~------~--~----~------~Household Industry-Manufac-, Total turing, Processing Othor Workors SI. StateJDistril:.¥P.s I Rural 'ervicing and lIn, IV V(b) & No. V. A ICity/ Own Urban Repairs V(a) VI to IX] ,..------,.,.__-----...... ,..----- ~.------._ P M F P M F 2- 1 20 21 22 23 24 2S

8. Magra T 9 6 3 754 536 218 R 5 4 1 225 200 25 U 4 2 2 529 336 193

@ Raghunathpur (NM) U 2 2 @ Madh'I.'lJdanpur (N M) U 13 9 4 @ Bandel Thermal P(,wer Project Town (NM) U @ Bansberia U 4 2 2 514 325 189

(i) Bansberia (M) U 254 168 86 (ii) Sankhanaaar (00) U 219 120 99 (iii) Barakhejuria (00) U (iv) Chak Bansberia (OG) U 4 2 2 41 37 4 (v) Khamarpara (00) U .. 9. Cbinlurah T 87 46 41 363 247 116 R 12 7 , 133 91 42 U 75 39 36 230 156 74 @ Keota (NM) U 74 38 36 17 14 3 @ N(lJdanga (NM) U 5 5

@ Hugli-Chinsurlh U 1 208 137 71 (1) Hug1i Chinsurah (M) U 1 208 137 71 I{ii) Narayanpur (00) U .. .. (liii) Kodalia (00) U .. 10. Potba T 5 4 1 361 241 120 R 5 4 1 361 241 120,' U . 11. Dadpur T 8 8 .. 75 69 6 R 8 8 7S 69 6 U ...... Chonder"ago" T 9 . 8 1 737 511 226 Subdivision R 8 8 463 34~ 122 U 1 .. 1 274 170 104 [ 307 ]



~ Workers Non-Workers ~'" ______L ______...... ~--~-~--~-~-----~---~ P M -F P M F 26 27 28 29 30 3f

218 97 121 2.473 1,086 1,381' 114 45 69 1,699 755 944~ 104 52 52 774 331 40-

47 19 28. 61 25 36. .. 104 52 52 666 287 379 53 31 22 362 155 207 51 21 30 38 13 20· S 4 1- 261 110 151

83 55 28 710 300 410 10 6 4 353 136 217 73 -19 24 357 164 193 47 26 21 88 43 45 25 22 3 6 1 5

1 21)3 120 J43 1 1 263 ]20 143 .. 477 145 332 4,323 2.090 2.233 417 145 332 4,323 2,09J 2,233

468 150 318 4,007 1,940 2.067 , 468 150 318 4,007 1,940 2,067 .. , . , . 251 84 167 8.866 3,9-45 4.921 245 79 /66 8.579 3.822 . 4.751 6 5 I 287 123 16" [ 308 ]


~ No of ~-~---~------~--~------~ Housoholds Total Total wIth Scheduled Tribes SI. State /District/ Rural Scheduled Trile Population Literates ,..-_____J... _____'"""' ,.-_____J.... ____ ~ No. V A./City/Town Urban Members P M F P M F 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10

12. Tarakeswar T 1,427 6.702 3,386 3,316 644 554 90 R 1,423 6,690 3,378 3,3J2 642 552 90 U 4 12 8 4 2 2 Tarakeswar (M) U 4 12 8 4 2 2

Il Haripal T 2.136 10.431 oS 2IS 5,216 944 809 135 R 2,136 10,431 5,215 5,216 944 809 135 U

14. Singur T 456 2,185 I, t 12 1,073 299 232 67 R 412 2,047 1,046 1,001 271 209 62 U 44 138 66 72 28 23 5

SINGUR U. A. U 44 138 66 72 28 23 5 (i) Singur (NM) U 28 88 43 45 18 14 4 (ii) Kamarkuodu (OG) U 16 50 23 27 10 9

15. Bhadreswar T 96 530 295 235 78 66 12 R 63 354 192 162 47 42 5 U 33 176 103 73 31 24 7 @ Khalishanl (N M) U 1 2 1 J 1 1 @ Bhadreswar (M) U 5 17 12 5 9 9 @ Champdaoi (M) U 27 157 90 67 21 14 7

16. Chandernagore T 58 338 180 158 51 40 11 R U 58 338 180 158 51 40 11 @ Chaodannagar (MC) U 58 338 180 158 51 40 11

Seramport Subdivision T 1,945 9,682 5,031 4,651 1,121 893 228 R 1.696 8288 4,431 3,857 885 724 161 U 249 1,394 600 794 236 169 67

17. Jangipara ,. T 1,241 6,293 3.308 2,985 671 563 108 R 1,241 6,293 3308 2,985 671 563 108 i U ...... r 309 ) FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES

,,-- - ______MAIN WORKERS ..l-______...... ______--,

Total Agricultural Main Workers Cultivators Labourers ( I-IX) ( I ) ",-. ______..A-( II______) ...... --______J_: ______...... ,..-.-___ -._.t..... _____ ~ P M F P M F P M F 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

4,062 2.137 J ,925 240 172 68 3,673 1876 1,797 4,056 2 132 1,924 240 172 68 3,669 1,873 1,796 6 5 1 4 3 1 6 5 1 4 3

5,520 3,052 2,468 4.56 356 100 4,932 2,569 2,363 5,520 3,052 2,468 456 356 100 4.932 2,569 2,363

1,000 662 338 68 67 1 8'8 526 332 921 617 304 68 67 1 789 491 298 79 45 \ 34 69 35 34

79 45 3·P 69 35 34 44 26 18 37 19 18 35 19 16 32 16 16

299 197 102 73 53 20 201 129 72 73 53 20 98 68 30 .. 1 1 6 6 , . 91 61 30 ..

188 III 77 23 21 2

188 111 77 23 21 2 188 t"ll 77 , . 23 21 2 ~$ 5,123 3105 2,018 512 366 146 3356 2,012 1,344 4,392 2,762 1,630 507 361 146 3.312 1,975 1,337 731 343 388 5 5 44 37 7

3,466 2,031 1,43' 464 320 144 2,926 1,642 1.284 3,466 2.031 1.435 464 ,320 144 2,926 J ,642 1,284 , . .. [ 310 J PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKERS r------~--~--~--~------~Household Industry-Manufac- Total tUring, PtOCessmB, Other Workers 81. StatelDistricttP.s.' ' Rural servicing and (Ill, IV, V(b) & No. U.A./City(Town Urban Repairs V(a) VI to IX} r------..J------. ,-_____...... _..A-______..... P M F P M F 1 2 3 20 21 22 23 24 25

12. Tarakeswar T 1 1 148 88 60 R 1 146 86 60 U 2 2 Tarakcswar (M) U 2 2

13. HaripaJ T 132 127 5 R .. · . 132 127 5 U

14. Singur T 7 7 67 62 5 R 7 7 57 52 5 U . , 10 10

SINOUR U. A. U 10 to (i) Sin8ur (NM) U 7 7 (ii) KamarkuDdu (00) U 3 3

15. Bhadreswar T 1 1 225 144 81 R 128 76 52 U 1 .. 1 97 68 29 @ KhQlisluJ"i (NM) U ·. J J @ Bhadreswar (M) U .. 6 6 @ Champdani (M) U 1 1 90 61 29 16. Cbandcrnagore T · . 165 90 7S R U 165 90 7S @ Chand.nnagar (Me) u .. 165 90 7S

Serampore r 64 59 5 1,191 668 523 Subdl,ilion R 55 53 2 518 373 145 U 9 6 3 673 295 378

1'7. lanaipara T 17 15 2 59 54 'S R 17 15 2 59 54 S U .. • • ( 311 J FOR SCHEDULED TIIBES

Maralnll) Workers Nan-Workers ~-----~-~~~~~--~~ ~~-~----~-~------~P M F P M , 26 27 28 29 30 31

28 3 25 '.612 1,246 1.366 2& 3 25 2.606 1,243 1.363 .. 6 3 3 6 3 1

168 55 113 4.743 2,108 2,635 '168 5S 113 4.7<43 2.108.. 2.635

50 22 28 1.135 428 707 49 21 28 1.017 408 669 I 1 58 20 38 ·. 58 20 38 1 43 16 27 IS 4 11

231 98 133 153 63 90 · . 73 35 43 I .. I ·. 11 6 5 ·. 66 29 37 65 80 5 4 1 145 .. .. ·. 65 80 5 4 1 14~ S 4 1 145 65 80

1.858 2,473 228 68 160 4.331 1,621 2,110 165 48 117 3,731 600 237 363 63 20 4J 1,253 1.463 III 24 87 2,716 ),463 111 24 87 2.116 1'253 • • .. ·. .. •• ( 312 ]


No. of (------~------~---~ Housedolds Total Total with Secheduled Scheduled Tribes St. State/District I Rural Tribe , _____Population J...._ Literates NQ, U.A./City/Town Urban Members ---...... r------..J... _____-., p M F P M F 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10

18. Chanditala T 232 1,054 643 411 36 27 9 R 220 993 604 389 35 26 9 U 12 61 39 22 Begampur (NM) V 1 10 10

MIRGALA (U.A.) U 11 5t 29 22 1 Monaharpur (NM) U (b) Mirga/a (NM) U 11 51 29 22 1 1

19. Serampur T 183 1,008 551 457 136 105 31 R 108 559 318 241 48 41 7 U 75 449 233 216 88 64 24 @ Baidyabati (M) U 46 330 172 158 S3 40 13 @ Serampur (M) U 25 96 48 48 32 22 10 @ Rishra (M) U 4 23 13 10 3 2

20. Uttarpara T 289 1,327 52~ 798 278 198 80 R 127 443 201 242 131 94 37 U 162 884 32a 556 147 104 43

@ Nabagram Colony (NM) U 4 26 18 8 14 II 3 @ KGDDagar (M) U 16 93 44 49 40 24 16 @ Uttarpara Kottung (M) U 63 269 131 138 47 35 12 @ Makhla U 79 496 135 361 46 34 12 (i). Makhla (NM) U 79 496 135 361 46 34 12 (ii) Bbadrakali (00) U .. @ Kotrung (N M) U

Nolt: The Towns marked @ are the Constitueuf Unit Of Calcutta U. A. [ 313


MAIN WORKERS r------__ -_--.... - _____ ... ____..J..._ ------~

Total All'icultural Main Workers Cultivators Labourers (1) (11) r------J..------,( J--IX ) r------J..------, r------J..-----, p M F P M F P M F 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

569 454 115 40 38 2 297 261 36 532 427 105 40 38 2 287 25t 96 37 27 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

27 17 10

27 17 10

321 281 40 7 7 108 87 21 187 173 14 3 3 76 62 14 134 108 26 4 4 32 25 7

80 70 10 4 4 32 25 7 44 28 16 10 10

767 339 428 25 22 3 207 131 76 23 20 3 560 208 352 1 1 2 2 5 5 20 19 1 102 67 3S

433 117 316 1 2 2 433 117 316 1 1 2 2 [ 314 )


MAIN WORKERS _.J... __ .______~ ,,------_._-----_. Hou~ehold Indu~try-Manufac-, Total turing. Processing Other Workers Sl. State/District/P .S., Rural servicing and [IIJ, IV. V(b) & No. u. A./City/Town Urban R.:pairs_..J,..._ V(a) ______VI to IX] ,,----- ,,------~------~ P M r p M F 2 3 20 21 22 23 24 25

18. Chanditala T 26 26 206 129 77 R 26 26 179 112 67 U 27 17 10 Begampur (N M) U

MIRGALA (U.A.) U 27 17 10 (a) Monaharpur (NM) U (b) Mirga/a (N M) U 27 17 /0 19 Serampur T 10 7 3 196 180 16 R 1 2 106 106

U 8 5 3 90 74 16 @ Baidyabati (M) U 7 4 3 37 37 @ Serampore (M) U 1 1 43 27 16 @ Risbra (M) U 10 10

20 Uttarpara T 11 11 730 305 425 R 10 . 10 174 10) 73 U 1 1 556 204 352

.@ NabagraOl Colony (NM) U 1 1 4 4 @ Konnagar (M) U 20 19 1 @ Uttarpara Kotrung (M) U 102 67 35

@ Makhia U 430 114 316 ·(i) Makhla (NM) U 430 114 316 (ii) Bhadrakah (OG) U @ Kotrung (NM) U

Not,: The Towns marked @ are the Constituent Units of calcutta U. A. [ ~15 1


Marginal Non-Workers ,--______Workers• ..J... ______~------~-~------~~-~ P M --_F P M F 26 27 28 29 30 31

2 2 483 187 296 2 2 459 175 284 24 12 12

24 12 12

24 12 12

88 35 53 ~99 235 364 4~ 21 27 324 124 200 40 14 26 275 III 164

40 14 26 210 88 122 52 20 32 ]3 3 JO

27 7 20 533 183 350 4 1 3 232 69 163 23 6 17 301 114 187

21 13 8 73 25 48 23 6 17 144 58 86






( 319 )

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