-1- FEED MY SHEEP PUBLISHED BY JAMES W. BRUGGEMAN STONE KINGDOM MINISTRIES P. O. BOX 5695 ASHEVILLE, NC 28813 U.S.A. www.stonekingdom.org Issue #102 May 2007 No Fatalism Here! e have been studying the character of David and ing David. David restrained his commandos from W Saul for these many months, and although King eliminating this threat because David sensed God Saul has long been removed from the scene, we have speaking through this enemy. Remember that? Are we discovered that David’s own son, Absalom, is of the learning to hear God speak through our enemies? Can same spirit as Saul. Thus, in our understanding of the we see those enemies, in the final analysis, as being types and shadows in the life of David, we recognize for our good? That should be one of the goals of any Absalom as another Saul type. prospective overcomer. When we left off last time, Absalom had con- David and his sizeable entourage made it spired with Ahithophel to effect a coup d’état, to topple through Shimei’s gauntlet and came to a place of rest, David from the throne and take it for himself. When probably right on the west bank of the Jordan river. King David in Jerusalem got word that Absalom had amassed an army and was on his way to Jerusalem, 2 Samuel 16:13 And as David and his men David let it be known that any and all who wished to went by the way, Shimei went along on the hill’s join him as he left Jerusalem were welcome to do so. side over against him, and cursed as he went, and threw stones at him, and cast dust. As they were in the Kidron Valley and later on the 14 And the king, and all the people that were mount of Olives, David took several steps to try to with him, came weary, and refreshed themselves thwart the plans of his rebellious son. He told the co- there. high priests, Zadok and Abiathar, to return to Jerusalem 15 And Absalom, and all the people the men with the ark of the covenant. He told them that they of Israel, came to Jerusalem, and Ahithophel with could be his eyes and ears in the capital, and that they him. should use their respective sons, Ahimaaz and Jona- than, as couriers to bring reports to David. When Absalom and his fellow conspirators came riding into Jerusalem, there were some—perhaps Then, David also sent his good friend and trusted many—people who cast their lot with Absalom, and counselor, Hushai the Archite, back to Jerusalem. He of course, would have welcomed him as a liberator. instructed him to try to get close to Absalom and learn Among the cheering crowds would have been the two whatever intelligence he could. Hushai was to relay the high priests—their sons remained outside of town— intel to either of the high priests who would then send it and also helping line the parade route was David’s back to David through their sons as couriers. other undercover agent, Hushai. Finally, as David and his “Delta forces” are mak- 16 And it came to pass, when Hushai the Archite, ing their way through the territory of Benjamin (Saul’s David’s friend, was come unto Absalom, that Hushai said tribe), one of Saul’s loyalists named Shimei began ston- unto Absalom, God save the king, God save the king. -2- Hushai plays the role of the spy, pretending that Hushai be an undercover agent to work to over- great friendship and loyalty to the new king. But Ab- throw the rebel Absalom. salom is little suspicious at first and it takes a bit of play-acting and clever talking by Hushai to persuade The principle here that we must fully understand him otherwise. is that no matter what happens in our lives, we can always choose how to react. We must never allow 17 And Absalom said to Hushai, Is this thy laziness or apathy or fatalism to set in and become our kindness to thy friend? why wentest thou not with mode of life. God gives us minds with great capabili- thy friend? ties and He expects us to use them. In this case, both 18 And Hushai said unto Absalom, Nay; but David and Hushai could have taken the fatalistic atti- whom the LORD, and this people, and all the men tude that [in a whiney voice] “Well, Absalom seems to of Israel, choose, his will I be, and with him will I have the upper hand here. I guess that means that my abide. reign as king is over. I guess I will just sit here and 19 And again, whom should I serve? should I wait for him to come assassinate me because it’s obvi- not serve in the presence of his son? as I have ous that this is God’s sovereign plan.” Boo hoo hoo. served in thy father’s presence, so will I be in thy presence. No, David did not think like that. He believed fully in the sovereignty of God, but because he really We notice that Hushai’s first response to Absa- did not know what the outcome of Absalom’s rebel- lom’s questioning of his loyalty is to proclaim that lion was going to be, from his perspective, he was free “Well, David has fled; and you’re here; and therefore to choose how to react. So he was decisive and chose it is obvious that Yahweh has chosen you to be king to send some undercover spies back to Jerusalem and now.” This is another lesson in how God’s sover- to fight for his throne. eignty works. It follows naturally on the similar point we made in a previous FMS, the point about the rela- God indeed controls every detail of everyone’s tionship between God’s sovereignty and fatalism life from beginning to end, but the beauty of it, the among Christians, or stated another way: it’s about the utterly dazzling brilliance of the Father is that He does relationship between God’s sovereignty and apathetic not let us know the future. Therefore, what is from His attitudes on the part of believers. point of view the illusion of free will, is from our point of view and for all practical purposes, the appar- Just as an aside, we all understand how people ent reality of free will. This is why David was not a who believe in an any-moment-now rapture of all be- fatalist. Let me repeat the key verses from our previ- lievers can easily develop a do-nothing and an apa- ous message. thetic attitude. But this is also a pitfall for those of us who believe in God’s absolute sovereignty. In the 2 Samuel 15: 25 And the king said unto situation in the narrative here, I see it like this: God Zadok, Carry back the ark of God into the city: if I indeed controls everything, down to the tiniest detail; shall find favour in the eyes of the LORD, he will and while we can truthfully state that whatever hap- bring me again, and show me both it, and his habi- pens was meant to happen, that does not mean that we tation: must be passive on-lookers to everything that hap- 26 But if he thus say, I have no delight in pens. That is the Oriental philosophy of fatalism. thee; behold, here am I, let him do to me as seem- eth good unto him. You see, Hushai’s clever statements were meant to deceive Absalom by causing him to think that You see, David did not know the future, and so Hushai was a fatalist; i.e., that Hushai had the idea for all practical purposes, from his perspective, he had that “Well, if you’re here and David’s gone, then ob- free will to choose… to either roll over and die, … or viously, God meant for you to be king. And my job is to use all his talents and resources to prevent the suc- to serve the king.” This satisfies Absalom. He lets cess of Absalom’s attempted coup d’état. Therefore, he Hushai take his seat among his inner circle of counsel- fled Jerusalem. Therefore, he sent Zadok and Abiathar ors. But what Absalom did not know was that while back with the ark with instructions to set up an intelli- Hushai did believe that God had ordained this event, gence network. Therefore, he sent Hushai back to Jeru- Hushai also believed that God’s sovereignty ordained salem also, as his point man in Absalom’s inner circle. Feed My Sheep #102 May 2007 Stone Kingdom Ministries, P.O. Box 5695, Asheville, NC 28813 -3- Of course, he did not know if Hushai would be was equally self-serving because David, being the successful in being accepted in Absalom’s inner cir- kind of character that he was, there was always the cle. If he failed to penetrate it, David would accept possibility that somehow David would find it in his that failure as God’s plan. But then the same choice heart to forgive Absalom, and then Ahithophel might would confront David again: does he then roll over not fare as well. He might be the one executed as the and die, or does he use his mind to try to come up mastermind of the whole conspiracy—which he may with another means to thwart Absalom’s plan.
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