I I r t I I E I n I I T I I I E T I I REPORT OF THE MITRINE PARKS AND RESERVES SELECTION WORKING GROUP I PUBLISHED BY THE DEPARTMENT oF I qONSERVATIoN AND LAND MANAGEMENT I JUNE 1994 I I I I I I A REPRESENTATIVEMARINE I RESERVESYSTEM FOR WESTERN I AUSTRATIA I T I I I T I I I T REPORTOF THE MARINE PARKS AND RESERVESSELECTION I WORKINGGROUP Publishedby the Department of Conservation r and Land Management t luNE1994 I I I I I I Thisreport prepared by the Marine Park andReserves Selection Woyking Group for theHon Kevin MinsonML,A, Western Australian Minister for theEnvironment, is publishedon behalfof the t WorkingGroup by the Department of Conservationand Land Management. Thevaluable contribution made by the Chairman and mernbers ofthe Working Group, over a I numberofyears, is gratefullyacknowledged, asis thefinancial assistance towards the work of the WorkingGroup, in recentyears, from the Commonwealth Government through the Ocean Rescue 2000Program. T Theviews expressed in this reportare those of theWorking Group, and are not necessarilythe views of theWestern Australian Department of Conservationand Iand Management, the Western I AustralianMinister for theEnvironment, or theCommonwealth Government. I I I fu*AL'-4- I SydShea t ETCUTIIv'EDIRECTOR DEPARTMENTOF CONSERVATIONAND 1.4NDMANACEMENT I t I I I I I I r MAKINGA SUBMISSION r Wewant to knowwhat you think of theproposals in this reporl haveyou thought of writinga submission? I WHY WRITEA SUBMISSION? It is an opportunityto provideinformation, express your opinion, suggest alternatives and have a say I on howwe are proposing to developthe marine reserve system in WesternAustnlia. I If youprefer not to writeyour own submission you could make a joint submissionwith others. WHAT HAPPENJTO YOURSUBMIsSION? I All submissionswill besummarised according to thetopics discussed. The repod will thenbe reviewedin thelight of thesubmissions, according to establishedcriteria (see overleaf). A summary of thesubmissions will bepublished, including an indication of howthe reportwas or wasnot I amendedin responseto thesubmissions, along uith thefinal report. If a submissionis marked CONFIDENTIALit will notbe quoted in thesummary or published. I WHAT MAKESAN EFFECTIVESUBMISSION? I To ensureyour submission is aseffective as possible: . makeit conciseand clear; . list yourpoints according to theparts (and page numbers) in thereport; I . describebriefly each subject or issueyou wish to discuss; . saywhether you agree or disagreewith anyor all of thereport's contents, particularly the recommendationswithin each subject or justthose of specificinterest to you;clearly state your I reasons(particularly if you disagree); and . givesources ofinformation where possible; and suggest alternatives to dealwith anyissue with T whichyou may disagree. Note:It is as impoftant to indicotethose recommendations gou agreewith as it is thoseuith I which gou disagee. Eachsubmission is importantin its ownright but thosethat give reasons for concerns,give support I whereappropriate and offer useful information and suggestions are most useful. I DEADLINE Submissionsare welcomefor three months until 11 November,1994. I WHERETO SENDYOUR SUBMISSION Writtensubmissions should be sent to: I ExecutiveDirector Departmentof Conservationand Land Management POBox 104 T coMowA 6152 Attention:Manager Marine Unit I I T T lll I CRITERIAFOR ANATYSING PUBLIC SUBMISSIONS Thereport will beamended if a submission: I . providesadditional information on physical,biological or geographicalfeatures of relevanceto the recommendations; I . providesadditional information on affectedgroups ofdirect relevance to therecommendations; . indicatesa change in Governmentlegislation, management commitment or managementpolicy; proposesstrategies that would better achieve objectives; or I . indicatesomissions, or a lackof clarity. There9oft uill not beamended if a submission: I . clearlysupports the draft proposals; . offersa neutralstatement oy no changeis soughu T . addressesissues beyond the scope of thereport; . makespoints which are already in thereport or wereconsidered during its preparation; . is stronglyopposed to othersubmissions with theexisting recommendations providing a I preferredoption; or . contributesoptions which are not feasible (generally due to conflictwith legislation,or Governmentpolicy). T I GUIDETO THISREPORT I The report is dividedinto five parts: . Part I: Introduction I . PartII: MarineReserves ofthe Kimberleyand the Sahul Shelf . Part III: MarineReserves on the Canningand Pilbara Coasts and the RowleyShelf . Part IV: MarineResewes on the WestCoast I . Part V: MarineReserves on the SouthCoast TheWorking Group'srecommendations occur throughout the text,but arealso gathered into a I Summaryof Recommendationssection after Part V. Part I is a genenl introductionto the WesternAustralian marine environment, with a statementof I the principlesapplied in the processof selectionof areasfor considerationfor reservation. Eachof PartsII to V containsa generalstatement about the physicaland biological features of a I sectionof the coast,current resourceutilisation, existing marine reserves, descriptions of the major ecosystemunits whichthe Working Croup considers have particular significance, and recommendationson. which. specific areas warrant consideration as rescr.i.€s. T It is important to notsthat the recommendationsin this repor'Ldo not constitutethe Noticesof Intent requiredunder Ihe Consenationond:l:and Management Act 1984which must be published I for public commentbefore marine parks and marine nature reserves may be declared. I I t I I I I I Hon.Kevin Minson MLA Ministerfor theEnvironment I 23May 1994 I I DearMr Minson I MarineParks and Reserves Workino Groun Reoort At its meetingon February1, the Working Group approved the final dnft of thereport subject to someminor amendments. The amendments have now been made. I ampleased, on behalfof the I WorkingGroup, to forwardthe report for yourconsideration. " It hasbeen our experiencethat the function of marinereserves is notwidely understood in the t community.Although strong community support quickly develops, for examplethe local support nowevident for theNingaloo Marine Park, initial response is oftennegative from some sectors. The WorkingGroup believes that a publicparticipation program is neededto gaingeneral public support I for therecommendations contained in thereport. It is our hopethat you will decideto releasethe reportfor publiccomment and establish a process for its review,in thelight of publicinput, before I thereport is adoptedby the Government. Wth thesubmission of thisfinal repod to you,the task of theWorking Group is completed. However,should you decide to releasethe report, the members would welcome an opportunity to be T involvedin thereview ofDublic comment. t YouYssincerely I I //A I lJ.K, Wllson Chair I MarinePark & ReservesWorking Group I I I I I r MARINEPARKS 8 RESERVESWORKING GROUP I TheWorking Group was initially appointed by theMinister for theEnvironment in 1986.The Group helda seriesof workhopsesions to considerinformation gathered on stretchesofthe Westem Australiancoast from the Kimberley to Eucla.Drafts were prepared after each session for further I discussionat successivemeetings until theGroup was satisfied with the lesults.The drafts and the finalreport were prepared, with contributionsfrom Working GYoup members, by Murex Consultants Pty.Ltd. Maps were prepared by the Department of Consewationand Land Management Land I InformationBranch. Sincethe initialappointments, some members have moved to otherpositions and have been replaced I by otherspecialists in theirfields. The following is a list ol peoplewho have served on theworking Groupat somestage. Those noted with anasterisk were involved in theearly work of theWorking I Groupbut notin thepreparation of thereport. MEMBERSOF THEWORI(INC CROUP I Dr P.F.Berry8Sc. (Hons) MSc., PhD. Western Australian Museum Mr A. Carman-BrownGrad. Dip. IJrban & RegionalPlanning. Depatment of Planning& Urban Development I Dr C.J.Crossland* BSc. (Hons) PftD. CSIRO Division ofFisheries & Ooeanography Dr I. EliotE.Sc.(Honl, PhD.Geography Department, University of WesternAustralia Dr B. Hatcher*BSc., PftD. CSIRO Division of Fisheries& Oceanography I Dr H.E.Jones 8Sc., PftD. Western Austlalian Fisheries Department Dr H. Kirkman8lg. Sci.,MAg. Sci., PhD. CSIRO Division of Fisheries& Oceanography Dr R.C.LenantonBSc. , MSc., PhD. Western Australian Fisheries Department I MrsL.M. Marsh 8.4.(Hons), MA. WesternAustralian Museum Dr J.R.Ottaway* BSc. (Honl, PhD.WesternAustralian Environmental Protection Authority Mr M. Poole*.4,4PTCDip. Toun & RegionalPlanning, FRAPI. Department of Planning& Urban I Development Dr V. SemeniukBsc.(Hons), PhD. V. & C.Semeniuk Research Group Dr C.J.Simpson Blpp. Sc.,Grad. Dip. Nat.Res., PhD. Western Australian Environmental Protection I Authority MrsS.M. Slack-Smith BSc. Conservation Council of WesternAustralia Dr D.l.Walker 8Sc. (Hons), D.Phil. Botnny Department, University of WesternAustralia I Dr B.R.Wlson FTS (Chair),BSc. (Hons), PhD. Murex Consultants Pty' Ltd. Note:Although not a memberofthe Working Group, Dr E.P.Hodgkin contributed material on I estuanes. I DEPARTMENTOF CONSERVATION AND LANDMANAGEMENT SUPPORT Mr H. ChevisBSc.. MSc. Mr R.F.May BSc., Dip. Ag. Sci. I MrsS. King (secretarial support) LandInformation Branch (preparation of maps) I MUREXCONSULTANT' STAFF Dr B.R.Wlson FTS BSc. (Hons), PhD r Mr D.B.Johnston iY,4 pp. Sc.(Suru.& Map,),Dip. Cartogtaphg I I T I vll I AIMS AND SCOPE The aimsof
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