J I I ~- e,()py ?.. atnngrtsstnnnl .Jrrnrd SEVENTY-FIFTH CONGRESS, THIRD SESSION SENATE Missouri.-Bennett Champ Clark and Harry S. Truman. Montana.-Burton K. Wheeler and James E. Murray. MONDAY, JANUARY 3, 1938 Nebraska.-George W. Norris and Edward R. Burke. The 3d of January being the day prescribed by the Con­ Nevada.-Key Pittman and Patrick McCarran. stitution of the United States for the annual meeting of Con­ New Hampshire.-Fred H. Brown and H. Styles Bridges. gress, the third session of the Seventy-fifth Congress com­ New Jersey.-A. Harry Moore and W. H. Smathers. menced this day New Mexico.-Carl A. Hatch and Dennis Chavez. The Senate assembled in its Chamber at the Capitol. New York.-Royal S. Copeland and Robert F. Wagner. JoHN N. GARNER, of Texas, Vice President of the United North Carolina.-Josiah William Bailey and Robert R. States, called the Senate to order at 12 o'clock meridian. Reynolds. North Dakota.-Lynn The Chaplain, Rev. Z~Barney T. Phillips, D. D., of the city J. Frazier and Gerald P. Nye. of Washington, offered the following Ohio.-Robert J. Bulkley and Vic Donahey. Oklahoma.-Elmer Thomas and Josh Lee. PRAYER Oregon.-Charles L. McNary and Frederick Steiwer. Eternal God and Heavenly Father, who art the Goal of Pennsylvania.-James J. Davis and Joseph F. Guffey. all our striving, the Satisfaction of all our desire: Grant that, Rhode Island.-Peter G. Gerry and Theodore Francis with responsive hearts and enfranchised eyes, ·we may appre­ Green. hend Thee everywhere and see the unseen in the seen as South Carolina.-Ellison D. Smith and James F. Byrnes. our thoughts take wing and rise and float, secure above South Dakota.-W. J. Bulow and Herbert E. Hitchcock. earth's mystery, through the avenue of prayer, all radiant Tennessee.-Kenneth McKellar and George L. Berry. with Thy glorious promises. Another year, with its joy Texas.-Morris Sheppard and Tom Connally. and pain, its hopes and fears, has passed to its rest in Thine Utah.-William H. King and Elbert D. Thomas. eternity; and, though it was saddened and stained in its going Vermont.-Warren R. Austin and Ernest W. Gibson. from us, by the passions of our world's workaday life, we Virginia.-Carter Glass and Harry Flood Byrd. beseech Thee to purify our hearts and to strengthen our Washington.-Homer T. Bone and Lewis B. Schwellenbach. wills on this new day of golden opportunity as we rededicate West Virginia.-Matthew M. Neely and Rush D. Holt. our lives to the service of our country and our God. Wisconsin.-Robert M. La Follette, Jr., and F. Ryan Duffy. Let Thine abundant blessings be upon our President, our Wyoming.-Joseph C. O'Mahoney and Harry H. Schwartz. Vice President, the Members of the Congress, the Judiciary, CALL OF THE ROLL and all who share the responsibility of government, and be with Thy children everywhere, for we can never pass beyond Mr. BARKLEY. I suggest the absence of a quorum. Thy care. The VICE·PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. Give to us all the gladness that is Thine, and link our days The legislative clerk <Emery L. Frazier) called the roll, and each to each with the thread of Thy purpose; and accept the following Senators answered to their names: them as an offering for Thy kingdom and Thy glory. Adams Donahey Lonergan Reynolds Ashurst Duify Lundeen Russell Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Bailey Ellender McAdoo Schwartz Bankhead Frazier McCarran Schwellenbach LIST OF SENATORS BY STATES Barkley George McGill Sheppard Berry Gibson McKellar Shipstead Alabama.-John H. Bankhead and Mrs. Dixie Bibb Graves. Borah G1llette McNary Smith Arizona.-Henry F. Ashurst and Carl Hayden. Brown, Mich. Glass Maloney Steiwer Arkansas.-Mrs. Hattie W. Caraway and John E. Miller. Bulkley Graves Miller Thomas, Utah Bulow Hatch Minton Townsend Cali/ornia.-Hiram W. Johnson and William Gibbs McAdoo. Byrd Hayden Moore Truman Colorado.-Aiva B. Adams and Edwin C. Johnson. Byrnes Herring Murray Tydings Capper Hitchcock Neely Vandenberg Connecticut.-Augustine Lonergan and Francis T. Maloney. Caraway Holt Norris VanNuys Delaware.-John G. Townsend, Jr., and James H. Hughes. Chavez Johnson, Colo. Nye Wagner Florida.-C. 0. Andrews and Claude Pepper. Clark King O'Mahoney Walsh Connally La Follette Pepper Wheeler Georgia.-Walter F. George and Richard B. Russell, Jr. Copeland Lewis Pittman White Idaho.-William E. Borah and James P. Pope. Davis Lodge Pope Illinois.-J. Hamilton Lewis and William H. Dieterich. Dieterich Logan Radcltlre Indiana.-Frederick Van Nuys and Sherman Minton. Mr. GmSON. I announce that my colleague the senior Iowa.-Guy M. Gillette and Clyde L. Herring. Senator from Vermont [Mr. AusTIN] is necessarily absent on Kansas.-Arthur Capper and George McGill. official business by reason of service on a subcommittee of Kentucky.-Alben W. Barkley and M. M. Logan. the Judiciary Committee of the Senate. Louisiana.-John H. Overton and Allen J. Ellender. Mr. LEWIS. I announce that the junior Senator from Maine.-Frederick Hale and Wallace H. White, Jr. Rhode Island [Mr. GREEN] and the Senator from Delaware Maryland.-Millard E. Tydings and George L. Radcli1Ie. [Mr. HuGHES] are detained from the Senate because of · Massachusetts.-David I. Walsh and Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. illness. Michigan.-Arthur H. Vandenberg and Prentiss M. Brown. The Senator from Nebraska [Mr. BURKE] is absent on Minnesota.-Henrik Shipstead and Ernest Lundeen. official business as a member of the committee appointed to Mississippi.-Pat Harrison and Theodore G. Bilbo. investigate certain conditions in Puerto Rico. 3 ( 4 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JANUARY 3 The Senator from Florida [Mr. ANDREWS], the· junior Sen­ appealed from the lower courts; and what has been the loss in ator from Mississippi [Mr. BILBO], the Senator from Wash­ revenue to said Authority on account of said suits. ( 5) What has been the financial loss to the municipalities and ington [Mr. BoNE], the Senator from New Hampshire [Mr. farm organizations which have been prevented by said suits from BROWN], the senior Senator from Rhode Island [Mr. GERRY], purchasing electric power of said Authority. the Senator from Pennsylvania [Mr. GUFFEY], the senior · (6) What has been the _effect upon the personnel and the organization perfected by the board under said act by the prosecu­ Senator froni Mississippi [Mr. HARRISON], the junior Senator tion of said injunction suits, or by the action of any member of from Oklahoma [Mr. LEEJ, the Senator from Louisiana [Mr. said board in giving air or assistance to private power companies OVERTON], the Senator from New Jersey [Mr. SMATHERS], and therein. the senior Senator from Oklahoma [Mr. THOMAS], are un­ (7) What have been the activities, if any, of the private power companies, in attempting by the~ expenditure of money, the insti­ avoidably detained. tution· of legal proceecUngs, or other means and methods, to pre­ Mr. McNARY. I announce that the Senator from New vent municipalities and farm .organizat ions in the Tennessee Valley Hampshire [Mr. BRIDGEs] is detained from the Senate on from buying electric power of said Authority. · (8) What efforts, if any, have been made by private power com­ o:fflcial business. panies to prevent municipalities or farm organizations desiring to · The VICE PRESIDENT. Seventy-eight Senators have purchase power of said Authority from acquiring title to their answered to their names. A quorum is present. distributing systems. (9) To what extent, if any, have the public · interests been NOTIFICATION TO THE PRESIDENT injured or jeopardized by the activities of the. private power com­ panies in attempting to prevent the board from carrying out the Mr. BARKLEY submitted the following resolution (S. Res. provisions of said act. 212), which was read, considered by unanimous consent, and The Federal Trade Commission shall make its report to the agreed to: Congress immediately after said investigation has been concluded, and in said report said Commission shall make such recommenda­ Resolved, That a committee consisting of two Senators be tions as it may deem proper, including any recommendations as to appointed to join' such. committee as may be appointed by the the desirability of any change iii any of the provisions of said House of Representatives to wait upon ·the President of the United Tennessee Valley Authority Act. States and inform him that a quorum of each House is assembled SEc. 2. There is :P.ereby authorized to be appropriated out of any and that the Congress is ready to receive any communication he moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated the sum of may be pleased to make. · $200,000, to be available until expended, which sum shall be avail­ able for expenditure as the Federal Trade Commission may direct, The VICE PRESIDENT appointed Mr. BARKLEY and Mr. for expenses and all necessary disbursements, in carrying out the McNARY the committee on the part of the Senate. provisions of this resolution or in defending any litigation neces­ NOTIFICATION TO THE HOUSE sary in aid of the powers conferred hereunder. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR SENATOR WHITE Mr. McNARY submitted the following resolution (S. Res. 213), which was read, considered by unanimous consent, and Mr. WHITE. Mr. President, I have been designated by agreed to: the President of the United States as chairman of the dele­ gation of tlie United States to attend the International Radio Resolved, That the Secretary inform the House of Representa­ tives that a quorum of the Senate is assembled and that the Senate Conference soon to be held. I therefore ask unanimous con­ is ready to proceed to business. · sent that I may have leave of absence from the sessions of HOUR OF DAILY MEETING the Senate during the period of the conference and for such time as may be necessary in going to and returning there­ Mr.
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