Foreword 10 Preface 11 Acknowledgements 12 The Mapping of Africa The Era before the Portuguese 15 Indigenous Mapmaking Early Understanding of Africa by the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans Arab Cartography of Africa Chinese Cartography of Africa Medieval European View of Africa Portolan Charts of Africa Early European Renaissance Mapping of Africa European Exploration of Africa 28 The Starting Point The Portuguese Voyages of Exploration The Portuguese in Africa The Arrival of Other Europeans Ptolemaic Maps: The Earliest Printed Maps of Africa 37 Significant World Maps that Show the Continent of Africa 40 Henricus Martellus, Manuscript World Map, c. 1489-1492 Francesco Rosselli, Printed World Map, Florence, c.1492-1493 Martin Behaim, Manuscript Terrestrial Globe, 1492 Juan de La Cosa, Manuscript Planisphere, 1500 Alberto Cantino, Manuscript Planisphere, 1502 Nicolo de Caveri, Manuscript Planisphere, c. 1504-1505 Giovanni Contarini-Francesco Rosselli, Printed World Map, Venice or Florence, 1506 Martin Waldseemiiller, Printed World Map, Strasbourg, 1507 Overview of Printed Maps of Africa from 1505 to 1700 53 1 African Cartography from the Anonymous Woodcut of c. 1505 to Sebastian Miinster, 1540 2 The Landmark Maps by Gastaldi and Ortelius 3 The Late Sixteenth Century — The Developing Understanding of Africa and the Mercator Map 4 The Dominance of the Dutch and the Blaeu Model 5 The Scientific View of Africa Starting with the Nicolas Sanson 1650 Map 6 The Evolution of the Mapping of Africa: The Influence of Jaillot and Duval 7 Delisle Model of 1700 Cartobibllography Notes on the Use of the Cartobibliography 75 1 1508 Antonio Francanzano (Fracan) da Montalbodo, Milan 78 2 1513 Pliny the Elder - Melchior Sessa, Venice 81 3 1540 Sebastian Miinster, Basel 83 4 1554 Giovanni Battista Ramusio — Giacomo Gastaldi, Venice 95 5 1556 Leo Africanus - Jean Temporal, Lyon 98 6 1562 Paulo Forlani, Venice 101 7 1563 Giovanni Battista Ramusio — Giacomo Gastaldi, Venice 103 8 1563 Giovanni Francesco Caniocio — Paulo Forlani, Venice 105 9 1564 Giacomo Gastaldi - Fabio Licinio, Venice 108 10 i5^4[65] Ferando Bertelli, Venice 114 11 c. 1570-1575 Giacomo Gastaldi — Giovanni Francesco Camocio, Venice 116 12 1570 Abraham Ortelius, Antwerp 118 13 c. 1573 Giacomo Gastaldi — Donato Bertelli, Venice 126 14 c. 1573 Gerard de jode, Antwerp 129 15 1573 Giovanni Lorenzo D'Anania, Naples 131 16 1575 Francois de Belleforest, Paris 132 17 1575 Andre Thevet, Paris 133 18 1577 Abraham Ortelius — Filips Galle (1), Antwerp 135 19 1579 Claudio Duchetti, Rome 137 20 1582 Giovanni Lorenzo D'Anania, Venice 140 21 1588 Sebastian Miinster - Sebastian Petri, Basel 143 22 1588 Livio Sanuto, Venice 145 23 1589 Jodocus Hondius - jean Leclerc, Paris 147 24 1589 Heinrich Bunting, Magdeburg 149 25 c. 1590 Giovanni Battista Mazza, Venice 152 26 1592 Heinrich Bunting- Daniel Adam z Weleslavina, Prague 153 27 1593 Cornells de Jode, Antwerp 154 28 1593 Abraham Ortelius - Filips Galle (2), Antwerp 156 29 1594 Giuseppe Rosaccio, Ferrara 158 30 1^94 Giuseppe Rosaccio, Florence 159 31 1595 Gerard Mercator II, Duisburg 162 32 1595 Giovanni Botero, Venice 166 33 1596 Cornelis de Jode, Antwerp 168 34 1596 Giovanni Antonio Magini, Venice 170 35 1597 Petrus Keschedt, Cologne 172 36 1597 Fausto Rughesi Rome 174 37 1597 Cornelis Claesz.- Barent Langenes, Middelburg 176 38 1597 Johannes Matalius Metellus, Cologne 179 39 1598 Abraham Ortelius - Pietro Maria Marchetti, Brescia 181 40 1598 Zacharias Heyns, Amsterdam 183 41 1598 Jodocus Hondius, Amsterdam 185 42 1598 Hernando de Solis, Valladolid 187 43 1600 Leo Africanus - John Pory, London 189 44 1600 Arnoldo di Arnoldi, Siena 191 45 c. 1600 Luis Teixeira-Joannes van Doetecum, Amsterdam 193 46 1600 Matthias Quad, Cologne 195 47 1601 Abraham Ortelius - Johannes van Keerbergen, Antwerp 197 48 1602 Levinus Hulsius, Niirnberg 199 49 1602/09-1617 Cornelis Claesz. —Johannes Janssonius, Amsterdam 202 50 1605 Heinrich Bunting - Jan Jansz., Arnhem 204 51 1605 Giuseppe Rosaccio, Venice 206 52 1606 Jodocus Hondius, Amsterdam 208 53 1607 Jodocus Hondius, Amsterdam 211 54 1608 Willem Janszoon (Blaeu), Amsterdam 214 55 1614 Pieter van den Keere, Amsterdam 220 5'6 1616 Petrus Bertius-Jodocus Hondius Jr., Amsterdam 223 57 1617 Willem Janszoon (BJaeu), Amsterdam 225 58 i6ic) Jodocus Hondius Jr., Amsterdam 229 59 c. 1620-1635 Godefridus de Scaicki, Rome 233 60 1623 Jodocus Hondius Jr., Amsterdam 235 61 1624 Petrus Bertius, Paris 238 62 1626 John Speed, London 241 63 1627 Petrus Bertius — Melchior Tavernier, Paris 244 64 1628 Johannes Janssonius, Amsterdam 246 65 1630 Jan Evertsz. Cloppenburch, Amsterdam 249 66 c.1636 Jean Boisseau, Paris 251 6y 1638 Matthaus Merian, Frankfurt 254 68 1639 Petrus Bertius — Melchior Tavernier (attr.), Paris 256 69 1640 Giovanni Botero — Lucatonio Giunti, Venice 258 70 1640 Jacques Honervogt, Paris 261 71 1641 Philipp Cluver — Conrad Buno, Brunswick (Braunschweig) 262 72 1643 Jean Boisseau, Paris 265 73 1644 Nicolas Picart, Paris 267 74 1645 Pierre Duval, Paris 270 75 1646 William Humble, London 272 j6 1646 Stefano Mozzi Scolari, Venice 274 77 1647 Cornells Danckerts, Paris 277 78 1650 Nicolas Sanson, Paris 279 79 1650 Nicolas Sanson, Paris 281 80 c. 1650 Pierre Mariette (attr.), Paris 283 81 1651 Nicolas Berey, Paris 285 82 c. 1651 Nicolas Picart (1), Paris 287 83 1652 Henry Seile, London 289 84 c. 1655 Jan Mathisz., Amsterdam 291 85 c. 1656 Pierre Duval, Paris 294 86 1656 Nicolas Sanson, Paris 296 87 c. 1658 Nicolaas Visscher I, Amsterdam 299 88 1658 Robert Walton, London 302 89 1658 Nicolas Berey, Paris 304 90 1658 Gabriel Bucelin, Ulm 306 91 1659 Joan Blaeu, Amsterdam 307 92 c. 1659 Nicolas Picart (2), Paris 310 93 1659 Philipp Cluver — Elzevier, Amsterdam 313 94 1660 Giovanni Battista Nicolosi, Rome 315 95 c. 1660 Pierre Duval, Paris 318 96 1660 Frederick de Wit, Amsterdam 321 97 c. 1661 Hugo Allard, Amsterdam 324 98 1661 Philipp Cluver — Johann Buno, Wolfenbuttel 326 99 1661 Dancker Danckerts, Amsterdam 328 100 1663 Anne Seile, London 331 101 1664 Pierre Duval, Paris 333 102 c. 1665 Antonio Francesco Lucini, Florence (?) 335 103 166^/1666 Thomas Jenner — Wencesiaus Hollar, London 337 104 1666 Nicolas Sanson, Paris 339 105 1666 Giovanni Giacomo de Rossi, Rome 341 106 1667 Guillaume Sanson, Paris 344 107 1668 Guillaume Sanson, Paris 346 108 1668 Jacob van Meurs, Amsterdam 348 109 1668 John Overton, London 350 no 1669 Pierre Duval, Paris 352 in 1669 Richard Blome, London 354 112 1669 Alexis-Hubert Jaillot, Paris 356 113 1670 Giovanni Giacomo de Rossi, Rome 359 H4 c- 1670 Frederick de Wit, Amsterdam 361 114A c. 1680 Frederick de Wit, Anonymous, Amsterdam 365 115 c. 1671 Gerrit Lucasz, van Schagen, Amsterdam 367 116 1672 Frederick de Wit, Amsterdam 369 117 1673 Pietro Todeschi, Bologna 372 118 1674 Alexis-Hubert Jaillot, Paris 374 119 c. 1676 John Seller, London 377 120 1677 Giovanni Giacomo de Rossi, Rome 379 121 1678 Pierre Duval — Joharin Hoffmann, Niirnberg 381 122 1678 Pierre Duval, Paris 383 123 1679 Nicolas Sanson - Johann David Zunner, Frankfurt 387 124 1680 William Berry, London 389 125 1680 Robert Morden, London 391 126 1681 Jonas Moore — Herman Moll, London 393 127 c. 1682 Alexis Hubert Jaillot - Johann Hoffmann, Niirnberg 395 1.28 c. 1682-1685 Nicolaas Visscher II, Amsterdam 397 129 1683 Nicolas Sanson - Antoine de Winter, Amsterdam & Utrecht 401 130 1683 Johannes de Ram, Amsterdam 404 131 1683 Justus Danckerts, Amsterdam 406 132 1683 Alain Manesson Mallet, Paris 409 133 1683 Alain Manesson Mallet, Paris 410 134 c. 1684 John Seller, London 411 135 1684 Nicolas de Per - Jacques Robbe, Paris 412 136 1685 Alain Manesson Mallet -Johann David Zunner, Frankfurt 415 137 1685 Alain Manesson Mallet - Johann David Zunner, Frankfurt 417 138 1685 John Lawrence, London 418 139 c. 1685 Justus Danckerts, Amsterdam 419 140 1686 Philipp Cluver - Johann Buno — Herman Mosting, Wolfenbiittel 421 141 1686 Philip Lea and John Overton, London 423 142 1687 Nicolas de Fer - Jacques Robbe — Antoine de Winter, Utrecht 425 143 1688 Pierre Duval - Jean Certe, Lyon 427 144 1688 Giuseppe Rosaccio - Giuseppe Moretti, Bologna 429 145 1688 Nicolas de Fer - Jacques Robbe — Thomas Amaulry, Lyon 430 146 1689 Jean Baptiste Nolin - Vincenzo Coronelli, Paris 431 147 c. 1690 Johann Stridbeck, Jr., Augsburg 434 148 c. 1690 Gerard Valk, Amsterdam 436 149 1690 A. Pherotee de la Croix, Lyon 439 150 c. 1690 Joachim Bormeester, Amsterdam 441 151 1690 Sebastian Fernandez de Medrano - Jacques Peeters, Brussels 443 152 1691 James Moxon, London 446 153 1691 Vincenzo Maria Coronelli, Venice 447 154 1691 Laurence Echard, London 449 155 1692 Johann Ulrich Miiller, Ulm 450 156 1692 Alexis Hubert Jaillot - Pieter Mortier, Amsterdam 452 157 1693 Nicolas de Fer, Paris 455 158 1694 Alexis Hubert Jaillot - Pieter Mortier, Amsterdam 457 159 1695 Herman Moll, London 460 160 169 [5] Alexis Hubert Jaillot, Paris 462 161 c. 1696 Gerard Valk, Amsterdam 465 162 c. 1696 Carel Allard, Amsterdam 468 163 1696-1698 Nicolas de Per, Paris 470 164 1697 Abraham Ortelius - Domenico Lovisa, Venice 474 165 c. 1697 Jacob von Sandrart, Niirnberg 476 166 1697 Philipp Cluver - Johann Wolters, Amsterdam 478 167 1697 A. Pherotee de la Croix - Johann L. Gleditsch, Leipzig 480 168 c. 1699-1700 Justus Danckerts, Amsterdam 482 169 1699 Heinrich Scherer, Augsburg 485 — • 1 T... t^.:.. 487 iji 1.700 Nicolas de Per, Paris 489 172 1700 Paolo Petrini, Naples 491 173 c. 1700 Paolo Petrini, Naples 493 f/4 1.700 Guillaume Delisle, Paris 495 List of Lost Maps that Show Africa 500 List of Some 'Firsts' on Printed Maps of the Continent of Africa 502 Some Important Placenames on the Map of Africa 504 Chronology of Historical Events 507 Bibliography 510 Libraries Cited in this Cartobibliography 522 Indexes Alphabetical Index of Maps by Title 524 Names of Persons 529 Photo credits 539.
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