The Solubility of Some Sparingly Soluble Salts of Zinc and Cadmium in Water and in Aqueous Electrolyte Solutions Cite as: Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 21, 941 (1992); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.555909 Submitted: 12 February 1991 . Published Online: 15 October 2009 H. Lawrence Clever, M. Elizabeth Derrick, and Susan A. Johnson ARTICLES YOU MAY BE INTERESTED IN The solubility of some sparingly soluble lead salts: An evaluation of the solubility in water and aqueous electrolyte solution Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 9, 751 (1980); https:// doi.org/10.1063/1.555628 The Solubility of Mercury and Some Sparingly Soluble Mercury Salts in Water and Aqueous Electrolyte Solutions Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 14, 631 (1985); https:// doi.org/10.1063/1.555732 IUPAC-NIST Solubility Data Series. 92. Metal Carbonates. Part 1. Solubility and Related Thermodynamic Quantities of Cadmium(II) Carbonate in Aqueous Systems Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 40, 043104 (2011); https:// doi.org/10.1063/1.3645087 Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 21, 941 (1992); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.555909 21, 941 © 1992 American Institute of Physics for the National Institute of Standards and Technology. The Solubility of Some Sparingly Soluble Salts of Zinc and Cadmium in Water and in Aqueous Electrolyte Solutions H. Lawrence Clever, M. Elizabeth Derrick-, and Susan A. Johnson Solubility Research and In/ormation Project, Department 0/ Chemistry, Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322 Received February 12, 1991; revised manuscript received March 4, 1992 The literature on the solubility of the sparingly soluble inorganic salts of zinc and cadmium in water and in aqueous electrolyte solutions has been reviewed. The sol­ ubility data have been compiled and evaluated. Recommended or tentative values of the solubilities and the solubility products have been given when warranted. Aux­ iliary thermodynamic and crystallographic data useful in the interpretation of solu­ bility data are given. For the many zinc and cadmium substances for which only limited solubility. data are available, unevaluated values are given in an annotated bibliography with emphasis on solubility data published since 1950. Key words: aqueous electrolyte solutions; cadmium salts; equilibrium constants; solu011lty products; zinc salts. Contents, 1. Introduction............................... 943 5. The Solubilities or Solubility Products of 2. Scope and Approach ...... ~ .......... ';' . 943 Some Other Sparingly Soluble Zinc and Cad­ 3. Auxiliary Thermodynamic Data. 944 mium Salts. Annotated Bibliography. 989 3.1. Standard Potential Values............ 944 6. Appendix................................. 995 3.2. Weak Acid Dissociation Constants.... 944 7. Acknowledgements........................ 999 4. Solubility Data ........................ ~ . 944 8. References................................ 999 4.1. Zinc and Cadmium................... 945 4.2. Zinc and Cadmium Oxides and Hydrox- List of Tables ides................................. 947 4.3. Zinc and Cadmium Fluorides......... 948 1. Some zinc and cadmium standard potentials 4.4. Zinc and Cadmium Iodates........... 951 at 298.15 K .. 945 4.5. Zinc and Cadmium Sulfides. 956 2. Summary of recommended and tentative solu­ 4.6. Zinc and Cadmium Sulfites . 960 bility values from this study. 946 4.7. Zinc and Cadmium Selenides, Selenites 3. Solubility of zinc fluoride tetrahydrate in and Selenates . • . 962 water..................................... 949 4.8. Zinc and Cadmium Tellurides, Tellu- 4. The solubility product of zinc fluoride. 949 rites and Tellurates ...... ; . 965 5. The solubility of zinc fluoride in ternary 4.9. Zinc and Cadmium Phosphates....... 967 systems . .. .. 950 4.10. Zinc and Cadmium Arsenites and Arse- 6. Formation constants of zinc fluoride com­ nates........ ......................... 972 plexes in aqueous systems. 951 4.11. Zinc and Cadmium Carbonates....... 974 7. The solubility of cadmium fluoride in water. 951 4.12. Zinc and Cadmium Oxalates.......... 979 8. Smoothed values of the solubility of cadmium 4.13. Zinc and Cadmium Cyanides......... 980 fluoride in water .......................... 951 4.14. Zinc and Cadmium Tetrathiocyanato 9. The solubility of cadmium fluoride in ternary Mercurate(2 ~) ...................... 983 systems . 952 4.15. Zinc and Cadmium Hexakis(Cyano-C) 10. Formation constants of cadmium fluoride Ferrate(3 -) and Hexakis(Cyano-C) complexes in aqueous systems. 953 Ferrate(4-) ......................... 985 11. The ~olubi1ity of zinc iodate dihydrate in water..................................... 953 3Department of Chemistry, Valdosta State College, Valdosta, GA 12. Tentative values of the solubility of zinc iodate 31698. dihydrate in water.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 953 13. The zinc iodate dihydrate solubility product. 954 ©1992 by the U.s. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the United States. This copyright is assigned to the American Institute of Physics 14. The solubility of cadmium iodate in water.. 955 and the American Chemical Society. 15. The solubility product of cadmium iodate in Reprints available from ACS; see Reprints List at back of issue. wate'r and in aqueous electrolyte solutions . 955 0047-2689/92/050941-04/$16.00 941 J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol. 21, No.5, 1992 942 CLEVER, DERRICK, AND JOHNSON' 16. The formation constant of Cd(I03)~ -n(aq) .. 955 48. The ,sqlubility product of a-zinc oxalate dihy- 17. Zinc sulfide ( sphalerite) solubility in water. 957 drate ~ .... '.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 981 18. The thermodynamic ion product constant of 49. Th~ solubility of cadmium oxalate trihydrate zinc sulfide in aqueous solution ............ 958 in water ...................... " . 981 19. Cadmium sulfide solubility in water........ 959 50. The solubility product of cadmium oxalate tri- 20. The ion product constant of cadmium sulfide hydrate.......... ......................... 982 in aqueous solutions. '. .. .. .. .. .. 960 51. Cumulative formation constants of 2 21. The CdS(s) + 2H+(aq) = Cd ,+ (aq) + Cd(C20 4);(l-n)(aq) for n = 1, 2 and 3 . .. .. 982 H2S(g) equilibrium constant. .. 961 52. Solubility of zinc cyanide in water and in 22. The solubility of zinc sulfite in water .. .. 962 aque,ous ele,ctrolyte solutions ............. '. 982' 23. Zinc selenide and cadmium selenide ion­ 53. Solubility product constant of zinc cyanide. 983 product constant values. 963 54. Cumulative formation constants, Jln, 24. The solubility product values of zinc selenite Zn(CN); -n in aqueous solution at 298.15 K. 983 and cadmium selenite in aqueous solutions., 963 55. The solubility of cadmium cyanide in water 25. The solubility of zinc selenate in water . 965 and in, aqueous solutions. ... 984 26. The solubiljty of cadmium selenate in water. 965 56. ThesolubiJity of zinc tetrathiocyanato mercu­ 27. Calculated'solubility product constant values rate(2 - ) in water . 984 of zinc telluride and cadmium telluride in 57. The solubility of cadmium tetrathiocyanate water .... ',' ............... I. • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• ,966 mercurate(2 - ) in water .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 985 28. The solubility of some zinc and cadmium 58. The solubility of zinc ferrocyanide and zinc metaphosphates in water. 967 ferricyanide in water. 986 29. The solubility of zinc orthophosphate, 59. The solubility product constant of zinc ferro­ Zn3(P04)2·4H20, in water. 968 cyanide dihydrate. 986 30. A summary of the studies of the solubility of 60. The solubility of cadmium ferrocyanide and of zinc orthophosphate in aqueous solutions. 969 cadmium ferricyanide in water .. 988 31. The zinc orthophosphate solubilitr product 61. The solubility product constant of cadmium constant ............................ ,. 969 ferrocyanide heptahydrate ................. 988 32. Some zinc phosphate aqueous solution equi- 62. The solubility or solubility product constant of libria ..................................... 970 some sparingly soluble compounds of zinc and 33. The solubility of several cadmium orthophos­ cadmium. 989 phates in aqueous solution. 970 34. Solubility product values for several cadmium lA. Sources' of cadmium iodate solubility data in phophates ..' . 971 aqueous solution ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 995 35. Zinc pyrophosphate solubility studies in 2A. Sources of zinc sulfide (sphalerite) solubility aqueous solution .......................... 971 data in aqueous electrolyte solutions. 995 36. Zinc pyrophosphate, Zn2P207, solubility 3A. Sources of cadmium sulfide solubility data in product constant .......................... 972 aqueous electrolyte solutions. 997 37. Solubility studies of cadmium pyrophosphate 4A. Sources of Zinc carbonate ~oluhi1ity data in in aqueous solution at 298 K.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 972 aqueous electrolyte solutions. 998 38. Solubility of zinc arsenite in dilute aqueous SA. Sources of zinc oxalate solubility data in acid solutions at 293 K ....... .. .. .. .. 974 aqueous electrolyte solutions. 998 39. Solubility product of zinc arsenate.......... 974 6A. Sources of cadmium oxalate solubility data in 40. Solubility of. cadmium arsenite in dilute acid aqueous electrolyte solutions. 999 solutions at 293 K . 975 41. Solubility product of cadmium arsenate..... 975 List of Figures 42. The solubility of zinc carbonate in water. 976 43. The zinc carbonate solubility product con- 1. The solubility of cadmium fluoride as a func- stant...................................... 977 tion of temperature........................ 951 44. The solubility
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