THE CAMBRIDGE DICTION ARIUM SAXONICO-LA TINO .ANGLICUM. History of the Book in Britain +++++++ A,,!:DlCI)IUm initW., helper ben:; behop~. Nil .f- i edic ...., denunrio"" procbma- +"""C::nonnW"Iuanl olio- r){.. q.iJnup ... tft).'q.ifq•• , re,publiarc. to publi1I1, to ;3 X &+fum, tOque:per a- "..;tj",e,p;s;1fJ;,.~.r);'_tiftHf"1 p~oclaime. Ill: abannan. c .. +~ ~t phzrcf.. A.,li, ufi.. ptr p.. if ........ pi'.I<,./IT. Hoc dicto cOnyoc.rc, congn:gorc; +++++++1iIIi1limuu bOdic&- lin&'1i Danica :mer., I. V. evoarc. to call fOltb, ftIrn. po przcifum. E. G. W..... : Liur"/IT~ Rnie" c· ·mOIl, eOllilU!lal~ 01 call to- abzpan, to bUn: alx:ot>an, ..,. p. 160. grtbtr. 'T.llttniciftidou fig- to bib: abpecan, to· bjtake, Xa.:. qucrcus, robur. an l!I>ake. nific:Ltion.,.!c ab eodan font., VOLUME IV I< oIi. fexcen ... At~i hoc ip- lingua Danid v... ee cik. Wor~ banntn: barbu~, b, ••iTt. (um .x ufu 8< gano linguz .,illS. Kili_. ClIke, !ce. V. Hinc ctiam nollraaum bAnne., GN/I:Z ad A.~III detintum. a.:.. prO nupOuwn I"'ctO publica- 1557-1695 quod. intcr oIia. plUt.1 . haud ~ . ~em.s, ilrucs, p>:ra, to. Hue infuper ( quod ad 0- ",.1!;tria, me doc~t Slu~Orum I.gm. cong~n ... mgu.,. R.!!,IIt, rigincm alliDct) tcfercndum mc"rum &'utnr ille UDICU" D. a iIllIOob>ptle. BtJ. HdUi. ~. e. G2I10ruri'l . b.".ir. /talorum Mtricll" C.{... ""'. rna,:ru I.. b.nJir•• oollradum banni1l1. 'I'llidem patti, non minor fill- Xalte p.p. IgniariullI. a girr- i. profcriberc; in exilium~; ..s, at d. me, & omnibus iiliu. netl: alCo,ltinOtr. & inde derinta: fed !< nollra- Ii~uz f1udiofis .;,. optime Xan,. Cau ..r. a !=luring iroll. dum!lanning: i. clirz , fuU·llra n1Cl'iros.h,l.udadlfono de: qua- imprecaao. cxecnrio. Videa. Edited by tuorlin!luiS!raaatU>~.23~' X B bitqui velie CI.E<juiwSp.I_ Particul.m hane AI.",,,,," .....i. !c doCti/f. V.If'; Glolf. JOHN BARNARD Gillillt, in u" ••. ",. Ax~l: e. XbaCXIL CactUs. piIlus. ~akeli, in 'fOCe·b_iLM.... "ii Lea 9. voe .. <1"''"''_ : 'Ill 111 a· a;)Jallm. OrWno de.1& Ungue Fran- and .trr.. lIIIer.,,''''''''''' Xb;tpalL Pui, toknre.to beftr, eo~ in .... P"1I(115 61'. I\Il[cr,inInI~ il. urabepan. 7'bap,;m; f)CI1U'1larc, proderc;.,. D. F. McKENZIE FOP, te, Co eo) yor- Xbol. Soknia, ingmium, Kim· 1IcntIcrc; manlillace. to make pr.tt:eritis, prztcriti tiL CunniDg', 'tliIit, toiCbome, bart, to bttural" to atU:d', to tempori. parucipiis. >t verba- htlOlDItlt!!e, rubtilt,. i •. bahi· biCdoCe, to OiCcobcr. to br- with the assistance of Iibu., lZpc przpofJt\lm': cujUs liClS.i aptnelr~, .obilit" able- ·dutoJ(nake manlfdl. 71 ... ,. inT«j11Ct1libu •.cxenlploium (a- neG'e. --- hee'JI \>u finer If,. codcm. (q{1I bamn. Ki· MAUREEN BELL ds. Hie .interin. ri'Ioncndum, OF"eer zr;e. ep,..>& ., flri .. Ii.". r J'1"Z1'Ofiti6ncshuju/inodi &pe bol, 1eJl%Fl'. J ~tn moboreP XbbaIo. AbbaS<anllbbat. ~ tommul1,j.Quz hit ;gilur d.· mapa· PUP"". J ~ln . hcboma Xbban~unc. Abi,.u,,;~ oppi- lidc ..illut, iUie (il\ vocibns leahepe :mldc. Diaboll A· durniri ar;ro ,B"';'i,lfji. g;fi. •" (cil.:' cZ..... rum UII' aut al.... llounum lOltuniS verba Cunt, bingllOtt; iii. llbtllngton. in ri iucip!enrlbus) [I'OIu¥".quam P ...ph, S.".•• pag. .~. I. ,. lBItkl!ri"•• S ALbaa. lie di- invcniamur. Pr.-apil (Deus} .. frill"." ctoni,q.iI. :Abbatizmons. vel f Sanper.ulquc. SilllDaiu., e- h_ ",,_Us! Jixi. (mibi] <!)Ills: olinnuteln ( CI.·£: .... bu. he bl~ .. ymbe , on ••- lei""; ... Co prYiti ... hi..... .It•• "ne)" Sheoverbam: d. ~tr.p: hoc ""~ ....liM {,,,p';; .'''If,;{q~.... ~ Uct,UtD ... [ilide1 '100 loco.« vcwn~ Iibro A,~ tUnt. In :evum, In ztcrnunl; 111 .1I0um JTI, &- cnpJlJ tllllm ••(.; \:icndotrertfr j..hzc (Inter alia ) f pcrpctWlm. in feculdm: fill eO •• I,,"k,';111 fi"...... idem eomm<mon.. C,;",btk- bar,. 'fat af: :. bu".n en!>. i. Xbannari. , Marid.tc, przcipeie; tulI: Hic:fttln ti"j~; /no; "p; f ... ptr,.b{qUf /i ... a'"" po- jubere.toCOl11lll8l1O: P' ,S. :po .... ..".. ;r~i,.it Co ",.Nit fiUki"'ftCill..... £9+ abon '6 .. ·~a boO)lI1I\r. 11'......... : 1ft,... ;;, (''''''fT.' r "'71'. iat... 2i TY GOber I1aI11a bp"50 Calbc .. Ill' t'F ope. /i,•• ' p.p.li. Hz<: .ilttm toccs «dice t;ebl.er06~ :c.Il•• tIt- lrJICip.'II, ~tuWllll! IrJit.t- illiad coJlcili. annuau ...· (c1c. I, n:r'1IInlt1f Dr; u,"41ter1f.JntI. rllff,~cliodonofor) 'II;'; .bnnda.m ~onibus I ;ueonb'lII.rpaur'BezpF'T. ririUitaobilib .... (tribo,pu<" dcflgniU'O, vcn.rabib Bcd", ( CAMBRIDGE "e1pan ii '6.11i pa'liore 'lie ri •.fe.] .. tit f ..._. "'".. ' it: CIofi1Wo~. ollls o(leO&1bO; I · UNIVERSITY PRESS If. 'lulbufdani t t William Somner, Dictionarium Saxonico·Latino·Angiicum (1659), sig. Al r, printed by William I Hall in Oxford by subscription. Ruled compartments, type ornaments; text in Anglo-Saxon, I Latin and English; roman, italic, black letter and Anglo·Saxon type, the latter founded by Nicholas Nicholls for the University in 1656 and first used in this book. ! f PUBLISHED BY THE PRESS SYNDICATE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE I.M. The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, United Kingdom D. F. McKenzie CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 2RU, UK Michael Treadwell 40 West 20th Street, NewYork,NY 10011-4211, USA 477 Williamstown Road, Port Melbourne, VIC 3207, Australia I, Ruiz de Alarcon 13,28014 Madrid, Spain " Dock House, The Waterfront, Cape Town 8001, South Mrica http://www.cambridge.org ~. ! © Cambridge University Press 2002 '. This book is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission ofCambridge University Press. First published 2002 Printed in the United Kingdom at the University Press, Cambridge Typeface Renard No.2 Roman 9.5/13 pt. System m"EX [TB] A catalogue recordfor this book is availableftom the British Library ISBN 052166182 x hardback I', I, '~, Contents List of illustrations xv List of contributors xviii Preface xxi Acknowledgements xxv Int,roduction 1 JOHN BARNARD RELIGION AND POLITICS 1 · Religious publishing in England 1557-1640 29 PATR.ICK COLLINSON, ARNOLD HUNT and ALEXANDRA WALSHAM 2 · Religious publishing in England 1640-1695 67 IAN GREEN and KATE PETERS ORAL TRADITIONS AND SCRIBAL CULTURE 3 . Oral and scribal texts in early modern England 97 HAROLD LOVE 4· John Donne and the circulation of manuscripts 122 PETER BEAL 5· Music books 127 MARY CHAN ix Contents Contents 18 · The Restoration poetic and dramatic canon 3 LITERATURE OF THE LEARNED 88 PAUL HAMMOND 6 . The Latin trade 141 19 ' Non-conformist voices and books 410 JULIAN ROBERTS NIGEL SMITH 7 ' Patronage and the printing oflearned works for the author 174 20· Women writing and women written 431 GRAHAM PARRY MAUREEN BELL 8· University printing at Oxford and Cambridge 189 DAVID McKITTERICK VERNACULAR TRADITIONS 9 ' Editing the past: classical and historical scholarship 206 NICOLAS BARKER 21· The Bible trade 455 B. J. McMULLIN 10· Maps and atlases 228 22' LAURENCE WORMS English law books and legal publishing 474 J . H . BAKER 11 · The literature of travel 246 MICHAEL G. BRENNAN 23 ' ABCs, almanacs, ballads, chapbooks, popular piety and textbooks 504 12 . Science and the book 274 R. C. SIMMONS ADRIAN JOHNS 24 . Books for daily life: household, husbandry, behaviour 514 13 . Samuel Hartlib and the commonwealth oflearning 304 LYNETTE HUNTER M . GREENGRASS 25' The creation of the periodical press 1620-1695 533 14' Ownership: private and public libraries 323 CAROLYN NELSON and MATTHEW SECCOMBE ELISABETH LEEDHAM-GREEN and DAVID McKITTERICK 15 . Monastic collections and their dispersal 339 THE BUSINESS OF PRINT AND THE SPACE JAMES P . CARLEY OF READING 5 26 . Printing and publishing 155?-1700: constraints on the LITERARY CANONS London book trades 553 D. F. McKENZIE 16· Literature, the playhouse and the public 351 JOHN PITCHER 27' The economic context 568 JAMES RAVEN 17' Milton 376 JOAD RAYMOND 28· French paper in English books 583 JOHN BIDWELL xi Contents Contents 29 . The old English letter foundries 602 35 ' Wales 719 NICOLAS BARKER PHILIP HENRY JONES \.r: 30 . Bookbinding 620 .' I 36 . British books abroad: the Continent 735 MIRJAM M. FOOT 1.: P . G. HOFTIJZER 31 . Mise-en-page, illustration, expressive form 632 37 ' British books abroad: the American colonies 744 HUGH AMORY Introduction 632 MAUREEN BELL DISRUPTION AND RESTRUCTURING: THE LATE The rhetoric of para text in early printed books 63 6 SEVENTEENTH-CENTURY BOOK TRADE RANDALL ANDERSON 38 . The stationers and the printing acts at the end of The typography of Hobbes's Leviathan 645 the seventeenth century 755 PETER CAMPBELL MICHAEL TREADWELL The Polyglot Bible 648 NICOLAS BARKER STATISTICAL APPENDICES The look of news: Popish Plot narratives 1678-1680 65 2 Appendix 1 Statistical tables 779 HAROLD LOVE JOHN BARNARD and MAUREEN BELL Sir Roger L'Estrange: the journalism of orality 657 T. A. BIRRELL 1 Annual book production 1475-1700 779 FigureA1 Annual totals 1475-1700 785 2 Serial publications 1641-1695: mean monthly averages 786 BEYOND LONDON: PRODUCTION, 3 Serial publications: issues per week in 1649 787 DISTRIBUTION, RECEPTION 4 Term Catalogues: subject classification ojentries 1668-1709 788 5 Translations into English 1560-1603 789 32 ' The English provinces 665 6 OJ!akerpublications 1652-1700 790 JOHN BARNARD and MAUREEN BELL FigureA6 OJ!akerpublications 1652-1700 790 7 Analysis ojpublished items in 1676 791 33 . Scotland 687 8 Anonymous printing: 1644, 1676 and 1688 792 JONQJ1IL BEVAN 9 Freemen in the provincial book trade 1476-1695 793 34 . The book in Ireland from the Tudor re-conquest to the Appendix 2 Survey of printing presses 1668 794 Battle of the Boyne 701 D.
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