MMeettrrooWWeesstt click here to sign-up and receive SShhaavvuuoott CCeelleebbrraattiioonn Zoom invitations 22002200 // 55778800 תתייקקווןן לליילל ששבבוועעוותת TThhuurrssddaayy,, MMaayy 2288,, 55--1111PPMM EEvveenntt PPrrooggrraamm Sponsored and presented by This program is generously funded by a Combined Jewish Philanthropies Metrowest Community Grant. 5:00PM 6:00PM 7:00PM CHILDREN’S PROGRAM WITH AN INTRODUCTION TO A.J. HESCHEL: A SPECIAL GUEST TEACHER: TEACHER FOR OUR TIME STORYTELLER JOSH CONESCU AND RABBI TOM ALPERT RABBI NAOMI LEVY CANTOR KEN RICHMOND Enjoy captivating Jewish SONGS OF REVELATION & RENEWAL: THE BEST SELLING AUTHOR, FOUNDER Folktales and Stories with MESHING OF LITURGICAL AND SECULAR OF NASHUVA AND A UNIQUE AND wonderful storyteller, Josh MELODIES TO LIFT THE SOUL Conescu, and delight in the RABBI LISA EIDUSON/CANTORIAL SOLOIST JODI PASSIONATE RABBI IN THE music of Cantor Ken Richmond, BLANKSTEIN as we all celebrate Shavuot CONTEMPORARY JEWISH together. NO BAKE CHEESECAKE - HOW AND WHY COMMUNITY WE MAKE IT RAV SHIRA SHAZEER SHAVUOT STORY SLAM JEWISH TEEN INITIATIVE OF GREATER BOSTON WHAT ‘WISE AGING’ MEANS IN THE AGE OF COVID-19 ELIZABETH DAVID & MARJORIE RASKIN TANGLED UP IN TORAH: EXPLORING REDEMPTION THROUGH ZENTANGLE ART *Bring crayons, markers and AT HOME paper to help bring your LEAH LEVINSTEIN AND JENNIFER STEVENS imagination to life as Josh and Cantor Ken delight us with GREATER BOSTON PFLAG: SUPPORTING stories and song. FAMILY AND FRIENDS OF LGBTQ+ INDIVIDUALS ZACHARY ROE AND TRACY MCKAY SOIL AND CLIMATE: PUTTING THE CARBON BACK WHERE IT BELONGS DEB NAM-KRANE DANCING TO THE MOUNTAIN JOANIE BLOCK AND JULIE LEAVITT RABBI NAOMI LEVY SHAVUOT- THE NEGECTED HOLIDAY NASHUVA.ORG CARL CHUDNOFSKY 8:00PM 9:00PM 10:00PM MILK & HARMONY: SHAVU'OT AND THE RECEIVING TORAH IN LOVE FESTIVAL EVENING SERVICE AND RABBI DAN LIBEN MUSIC OF THE FEINGOLD FAMILY READING THE 10 COMMANDMENTS RABBI LOUIS POLISSON AT OUR VIRUTAL MT. SINAI. RUTH: SEXUAL SUBVERSION AS A MEANS STRANGE NEW WORLDS: THE TORAH TOWARD REDEMPTION AND (RE)CREATION RABBI SHARON L. SOBEL RABBI JOSH BREINDEL EVERY PERSON WANTS TO CLIMB - EMERGING FROM A PANDEMIC IN MUSSAR AT THE MOUNTAIN TALMUD RABBI ERIC GURVIS RABBI DANNY BURKEMAN "IF IT DOESN'T KILL YOU..." JEWS AND TATTOOS RABBI KATY ALLEN RABBI ALLISON POIRIER RUTH, SHAVUOT, & YOU VIRTUAL TOUR OF ISRAEL CANTOR KEN RICHMOND HIBUR STUDENTS ZACH AND ANNIE DREAMING OUR WAY TO SINAI AKDAMUT: SHAVUOT'S SPECIAL PIYYUT 11:00PM YAEL LINDA SCHILLER CANTOR WENDY J. SIEGEL CHEESECAKE IT IS! BRING YOUR WHEN THE HOLOCAUST CAME TO THE HEBREW CALENDAR: IT’S ABOUT TIME AMERICA: THE FORT ONTARIO STORY DALLAS C KENNEDY OWN AND CELEBRATE TOGETHER NORMAN H. FINKELSTEIN VIA ZOOM! MOVING INTO EASE "THE TURN: DANCING WITH LIGHT" MARA YALE LINDA J. HIRSCH LET'S CELEBRATE WITH CHEESECAKE! CHANGING HEARTS AND MINDS: USING MONA DOLGOV STORYTELLING TO TALK ABOUT THE CLIMATE CRISIS THEA IBERALL STANDING AS JEWS IN THE FIGHT FOR RACIAL JUSTICE KAREN BLUMENFELD Class Descriptions - 6:00-6:45pm AN INTRODUCTION TO A.J. HESCHEL: SOIL AND CLIMATE: PUTTING THE SUPPORTING FAMILY AND FRIENDS A TEACHER FOR OUR TIME CARBON BACK WHERE IT BELONGS OF LGBTQ+ INDIVIDUALS RABBI TOM ALPERT DEB NAM-KRANE ZACHARY ROE & TRACY MCKAY TEMPLE ETZ HAYIM, FRANKLIN JEWISH CLIMATE ACTION NETWORK GREATER BOSTON PFLAG Abraham Joshua Heschel was one of the This sessions would cover some of the In this session, Zach and Tracy will be giving greatest Jewish thinkers and activists of the basics of how soil can sequester carbon an introduction to Greater Boston PFLAG: 20th century. Join Rabbi Tom Alpert as we and help reduce the levels of carbon in how it started, where it is today, and the begin to learn what he taught, what he did, the atmosphere. The second half of the support it offers to family and friends of and why he matters today more than ever. program will focus on what individuals LGBTQ+ people. Tracy will also be sharing and communities can do. the story of her journey as the mother of three, including two transgender daughters. DANCING TO THE MOUNTAIN There will also be time for questions after JOANIE BLOCK & JULIE LEAVITT SHAVUOT- THE NEGECTED HOLIDAY and information available for those interested in finding support or CONGREGATION BETH EL, SUDBURY CARL CHUDNOFSKY volunteering. We will use movement to tell our communal TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM, FRAMINGHAM story of coming to the Mountain. No Shavuot was the day when God revealed experience necessary. Fun will happen. himself on Mt. Sinai and presented the Ten WHAT ‘WISE AGING’ MEANS IN THE Commandments to the children of Israel. AGE OF COVID-19 Shavuot is the commemoration of the Divine SONGS OF REVELATION & RENEWAL: Revelation. Why is one of the greatest ELIZABETH DAVID & MARJORIE RASKIN THE MESHING OF LITURGICAL AND events in Jewish History not observed and CONGREGATION BETH EL, SUDBURY remembered with deep faith and SECULAR MELODIES TO LIFT THE SOUL compassion in the Jewish world especially The purpose of this workshop is to affirm RABBI LISA EIDUSON & within the Reform and Conservative our strength and resilience in the face of Movements? the coronavirus healthcare crisis. We are CANTORIAL SOLOIST JODI BLANKSTEIN more vulnerable due to our age, and CONGREGATION B'NAI TORAH, SUDBURY paradoxically, more capable of modeling how to cope from the life lessons we have We will imbue topical songs by artists such TANGLED UP IN TORAH: EXPLORING learned over the years. Although these are Fleetwood Mac, Cyndi Lauper, Bob Marley, REDEMPTION THROUGH ZENTANGLE challenging and frightening times for Paul McCartney, Sarah McLachlan, Joni many of us, as “elders of the tribe,” we Mitchell and others into our program that ART AT HOME have wisdom and inner skills to draw from. mirror and preserve the significance of LEAH LEVINSTEIN & JENNIFER STEVENS Come join us in the discussion and learn many of the prayers in our liturgy. In from each other how we face and cope addition to serving as a tool for teaching CONGREGATION BETH EL, SUDBURY with the challenges. the meaning behind many of our blessings, Using the Zentangle® method as our the intention of these songs of revelation guide, we will experience our study of and light will leave you humming for days. Redemption using materials you likely have NO BAKE CHEESECAKE - HOW AND at home - paper, pen, and pencil. The WHY WE MAKE IT Zentangle method is an easy-to-learn, RAV SHIRA SHAZEER, SHAVUOT STORY SLAM relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful JEWISH TEEN INITIATIVE OF images by drawing structured patterns. As METROWEST JEWISH DAY SCHOOL GREATER BOSTON a meditative art, you may find this Make delicious no-bake cheesecake and practice can reduce stress, increase focus learn why we eat cheesecake on Shavuot. Join teens from Greater Boston to hear and creativity, and inspire new ideas and We'll be trying a classic no-bake recipe and share your own stories of resilience. creations. Materials needed: a piece of and a vegan variation. This session is Participants will be encouraged (but not paper, a pen (preferably black), and a great for teens, tweens, families, and required!) to share their own stories. sharpened pencil everyone who loves cheesecake. Class Descriptions - 8:00-8:45pm WHEN THE HOLOCAUST CAME TO DREAMING OUR WAY TO SINAI STRANGE NEW WORLDS: THE TORAH AMERICA: THE FORT ONTARIO STORY YAEL LINDA SCHILLER AND (RE)CREATION NORMAN H. FINKELSTEIN CONGREGATION BETH EL, SUDBURY RABBI JOSH BREINDEL TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM, FRAMINGHAM There is a long history of attending to CONGREGATION BETH EL, SUDBURY In 1944, at the height of World War II, nearly dreams in Jewish tradition. This workshop Our mystic tradition teaches that the Torah a thousand Holocaust survivors were looks at some of these sources, explores is the blueprint for Creation. Together, we'll brought to Fort Ontario in Oswego New a way of understanding dreams as one explore texts from the Zohar, Isaac Asimov York, where the only refugee shelter on would read Torah through the Pardes and Neil Gaiman that weave together our American soil was set up by President system, and lets us dream-journey to ancient traditions with modern speculative Franklin Roosevelt. Who were these people? Sinai together as a tribe. fiction. Where did they come from? What happened to them after the war ended? With millions perished in Europe, what does this "too "IF IT DOESN'T KILL YOU..." LET'S CELEBRATE WITH CHEESECAKE! little, too late" event in Holocaust history RABBI KATY ALLEN MONA DOLGOV tell us about the human will to survive. MA'YAN TIKVAH, WAYLAND TEMPLE SHIR TIKVA, WAYLAND Let's make some delicious mini- MILK & HARMONY: SHAVU'OT AND THE You've probably heard the expression, “If it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger,” cheesecakes for Shavuot! So easy to MUSIC OF THE FEINGOLD FAMILY or maybe you've even said it yourself. prepare, and perfectly portioned, too! For RABBI LOUIS POLISSON Using both traditional and modern texts, those interested, this recipe is gluten- we will explore this concept. Is it true? free, too!! CONGREGATION OR ATID, WAYLAND What does it actually mean? What is it Join Rabbi Louis Polisson as he shares a mix that allows us to be able to not only EVERY PERSON WANTS TO CLIMB - of music, including original music written by survive chronic toxic stress and acute his father-in-law David Feingold, original trauma but continue to be productive and MUSSAR AT THE MOUNTAIN music composed by Rabbi Polisson and his well-adjusted? What keeps us going? RABBI ERIC GURVIS wife Gabriella Feingold, and some Hasidic Explore tools for resilience and reconnect and other Jewish music for Shavu'ot - the with those you already have but may have SHA'AREI SHALOM, WAYLAND holiday of Torah, Milk, and Harmony! forgotten about.
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