Congressional Record—House H4573

Congressional Record—House H4573

June 17, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H4573 The House will meet at 9 a.m. tomor- Porter Sherwood Terry PERSONAL EXPLANATION Portman Shimkus Thompson (CA) row and immediately resume consider- Price (NC) Shows Thornberry Mr. SHAYS. Mr. Speaker, earlier today, I ation of amendments to H.R. 2122. One Pryce (OH) Shuster Thune was in Connecticut participating in the com- minutes will be at the end of the day. Quinn Simpson Toomey mencement ceremony at Greenwich High Mr. Speaker, we will probably begin Radanovich Sisisky Traficant Ramstad Skeen Turner School and, therefore, missed eight recorded debate tomorrow with the Davis of Vir- Regula Skelton Udall (CO) votes. ginia amendment with 30 minutes of Reyes Smith (MI) Udall (NM) I take my voting responsibility very seri- debate. We will then have a series of Reynolds Smith (NJ) Upton ously, having missed only 4 votes in my al- Riley Smith (TX) Vitter three to four votes. Roemer Smith (WA) Walden most 12 years in Congress. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Rogan Snyder Walsh I would like to say for the RECORD that had LAHOOD). The question is on the pas- Rogers Souder Wamp I been present I would have voted ``yes'' on Rohrabacher Spence Watkins recorded vote number 226, ``yes'' on recorded sage of the bill. Ros-Lehtinen Spratt Watts (OK) The question was taken; and the Rothman Stabenow Weiner vote number 227, ``yes'' on recorded vote 228, Speaker pro tempore announced that Roukema Stearns Weldon (FL) ``yes'' on recorded vote 229, ``yes'' on re- Royce Stenholm Weldon (PA) corded vote 230, ``yes'' on recorded vote 231, the ayes appeared to have it. Ryan (WI) Strickland Weller Mr. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Speaker, on Ryun (KS) Stump Weygand ``no'' on recorded vote 232, and ``yes'' on re- that I demand the yeas and nays. Sanchez Sununu Whitfield corded vote 233. Sandlin Sweeney Wicker f The yeas and nays were ordered. Scarborough Talent Wilson The SPEAKER pro tempore. This Schaffer Tancredo Wise ANNOUNCEMENT REGARDING will be a 5-minute vote. Sensenbrenner Tanner Wolf AMENDMENT PROCESS FOR H.R. Sessions Tauscher Wu The vote was taken by electronic de- Shadegg Tauzin Young (AK) 1658, CIVIL ASSET FORFEITURE vice, and there wereÐyeas 287, nays Shaw Taylor (MS) Young (FL) REFORM ACT 139, not voting 9, as follows: Sherman Taylor (NC) Mr. DREIER. Mr. Speaker, the Com- [Roll No. 233] NAYSÐ139 mittee on Rules is expected to meet on YEASÐ287 Abercrombie Gutierrez Moran (KS) Tuesday June 22, 1999, to grant a rule Ackerman Hastings (FL) Morella Aderholt Dicks Jenkins for the consideration of the bill H.R. Allen Hilliard Murtha Archer Dooley John 1658, the Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Andrews Hinchey Nadler Armey Doolittle Johnson (CT) Baldacci Hoeffel Napolitano Act. Bachus Doyle Johnson, Sam Baldwin Holt Neal The Committee on Rules may grant a Baird Dreier Jones (NC) Barrett (WI) Hostettler Oberstar Baker Duncan Kaptur rule which would require that amend- Becerra Hoyer Obey Ballenger Dunn Kasich ments be preprinted in the CONGRES- Berman Jackson (IL) Olver Barcia Ehlers Kelly Blagojevich Jackson-Lee Owens SIONAL RECORD. In this case, amend- Barr Ehrlich Kildee Blumenauer (TX) Pallone ments to be preprinted would need to Barrett (NE) Emerson King (NY) Boucher Jefferson Pastor Bartlett English Kingston be signed by the Member and sub- Brady (PA) Johnson, E. B. Paul Barton Etheridge Knollenberg mitted to the Speaker's table no later Brown (FL) Jones (OH) Payne Bass Evans Kolbe Brown (OH) Kanjorski Pease than the close of business Tuesday, Bateman Everett Kuykendall Campbell Kennedy Pelosi Bentsen Ewing LaHood June 22. Cannon Kilpatrick Pickett Bereuter Fletcher Lampson Amendments should be drafted to the Capuano Kind (WI) Rahall Berkley Foley Largent Cardin Kleczka Rangel version of the bill ordered reported by Berry Forbes Larson Clay Klink Rivers the Committee on the Judiciary, a Biggert Fossella Latham Clayton Kucinich Rodriguez Bilbray Fowler LaTourette copy of which may be obtained from Clyburn LaFalce Roybal-Allard Bilirakis Franks (NJ) Lazio the committee. Coburn Lantos Rush Bishop Frelinghuysen Leach Conyers Lee Sabo Members should use the Office of Bliley Frost Lewis (CA) Costello Levin Sanders Legislative Counsel to ensure that Blunt Gallegly Lewis (KY) Coyne Lewis (GA) Sanford Boehlert Ganske Linder their amendments are properly drafted, Cummings Lofgren Sawyer Boehner Gekas Lipinski and should check with the Office of the Danner Maloney (NY) Schakowsky Bonilla Gibbons LoBiondo Davis (IL) Markey Scott Parliamentarian to be certain their Bonior Gilchrest Lowey DeFazio Martinez Serrano amendments comply with the rules of Bono Gillmor Lucas (KY) DeGette Matsui Slaughter Borski Gilman Lucas (OK) the House. Delahunt McCarthy (MO) Stark Boswell Goode Luther DeLauro McDermott Stupak f Boyd Goodlatte Maloney (CT) Dingell McGovern Thompson (MS) Brady (TX) Goodling Manzullo Dixon McKinney Thurman MANDATORY GUN SHOW Bryant Gordon Mascara Doggett McNulty Tiahrt BACKGROUND CHECK ACT Burr Goss McCarthy (NY) Edwards Meehan Tierney Burton Graham McCollum The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Engel Meek (FL) Towns Buyer Granger McCrery Eshoo Meeks (NY) Velazquez LAHOOD). Pursuant to House Resolu- Callahan Green (TX) McHugh Farr Menendez Vento tion 209 and rule XVIII, the Chair de- Calvert Green (WI) McInnis Fattah Metcalf Visclosky Camp Greenwood McIntosh clares the House in the Committee of Filner Millender- Waters Canady Gutknecht McIntyre Ford McDonald Watt (NC) the Whole House on the State of the Capps Hall (OH) McKeon Frank (MA) Miller, George Waxman Union for the consideration of the bill, Castle Hall (TX) Mica Gejdenson Mink Wexler Chabot Hansen Miller (FL) H.R. 2122. Gephardt Moakley Woolsey Chambliss Hastert Miller, Gary Gonzalez Mollohan Wynn b 2103 Chenoweth Hastings (WA) Moore Clement Hayes Moran (VA) NOT VOTINGÐ9 IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Coble Hayworth Myrick Accordingly, the House resolved Collins Hefley Nethercutt Brown (CA) Houghton Saxton Combest Herger Ney Carson Minge Shays itself into the Committee of the Whole Condit Hill (IN) Northup Cubin Salmon Thomas House on the State of the Union for the Cook Hill (MT) Norwood consideration of the bill (H.R. 2122) to Cooksey Hilleary Nussle b require background checks at gun Cox Hinojosa Ortiz 2102 shows, and for other purposes, with Mr. Cramer Hobson Ose So the bill was passed. Crane Hoekstra Oxley THORNBERRY in the chair. Crowley Holden Packard The result of the vote was announced The Clerk read the title of the bill. Cunningham Hooley Pascrell as above recorded. The CHAIRMAN. Pursuant to the Davis (FL) Horn Peterson (MN) A motion to reconsider was laid on Davis (VA) Hulshof Peterson (PA) rule, the bill is considered as having Deal Hunter Petri the table. been read the first time. DeLay Hutchinson Phelps Stated for: Under the rule, the gentleman from DeMint Hyde Pickering Mrs. CUBIN. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No. Florida (Mr. MCCOLLUM) and the gen- Deutsch Inslee Pitts Diaz-Balart Isakson Pombo 233, I was unavoidably detained. Had I been tleman from Michigan (Mr. CONYERS) Dickey Istook Pomeroy present, I would have voted ``yes.'' each will control 30 minutes. H4574 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE June 17, 1999 The Chair recognizes the gentleman the person has an arrest record for a ly. There is no need to have a 3-busi- from Florida (Mr. MCCOLLUM). felony, not whether there was a convic- ness or -working day wait. Mr. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, the tion. Mr. Chairman, some Members want legislation we are about to consider be- Once there is a hit of someone's name this period shortened to 24 hours, but fore us this evening is here because all in the instant check system, there has the instant check statistics show that of us are concerned with the safety of to be contact made by someone work- only about half the hits are ever our children in school, at home, on the ing in that system to the county court- cleared up in 24 hours, and on Satur- playground, and on the street. That is house in the county and the State days this clear rate is even lower. the same reason we were considering where the arrest was made to find out Whenever the check system tells a the bill we just passed a moment ago. if the person was convicted of a felony dealer to delay, it is always because a In America, every child should have crime on the charges that show up on hit has occurred in the name of the an opportunity to get a full education, the arrest record in the computer, or person seeking to buy a firearm. We to excel in the workplace to the best of whether that person was acquitted, or have to make sure that we delay these his or her ability, to raise a family and maybe the charges were pled to a lesser sales until we can determine if the per- to enjoy the high standard of living offense, or, who knows. son trying to buy the firearm is a felon that the genius of the Founding Fa- If the sale is made over the weekend, or a fugitive, and this often cannot thers of this great free Nation allowed and I think this is very important to happen until the following Monday us to develop. No child should have his note, if the sale was made over the morning. or her life cut short in a suicidal mas- weekend and the instant check turns The bill also requires persons who or- sacre such as happened at Columbine up an arrest hit on the purchaser's ganize or conduct shows to register High School or by any other violent name, the county courthouse is not with the Secretary of the Treasury, in criminal act. open for business and the records can- accordance with the Department's reg- We cannot address adequately by leg- not be checked to find out if there was ulations.

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