SILVER LININGS Luther Memorial Home Mayville, ND Spring - Summer 2019 FROM THE ADMINISTRATOR - Brett R. Ulrich Let me recap the happenings in September. This new year end Lindsay Bloms, Amanda Landa, care and for your many years of here at Luther Memorial Home will now be the same as our year Jessica Nelson, Manih Oshkosh, service. since our last issue of Silver Lin- end for the State payment system. Lee Ann Strand and Heather Wil- And finally, recently Luther ings. Our 62nd annual meeting at Staff presentation included Jeff son. First, I would like to thank Memorial Home received a very Luther Memorial Home was held Chandler, our new Maintenance our staff members for the out- significant and special gift. This on March 28th. During this meet- Director. He spoke about his job standing job that they did; Sec- gift came from Adrian and Mari- ing, delegates elected three board duties and responsibilities of his ondly, to the residents and their an Knudsvig. Adrian was Ad- members. Re-elected to a 2nd year department. families for taking the time to ministrator here at Luther Memo- term was Terry Thoreson and As I write this article for Sil- nominate these fine staff mem- rial Home for many years. I was elected to 1st year terms were ver Linings, Luther Memorial bers. Congratulations. fortunate to work under Adrian Dean Erickson and Linda Strom- Home is celebrating National During Nursing Home Week for a short time before he retired. stad. Finishing their terms and Nursing Home Week. Our Activi- also recognized employees who I am thankful for the relationship going off our Board were Kevin ty Department goes all out during have obtained years of service I had with Adrian and Marian and Kyllo and Doug Osland. We this week with many activities and milestones. The following staff very appreciative of the gift they thank these two for their dedicated games. During Nursing Home members were recognized: Kath- gave Luther Memorial Home. service to our Luther Memorial Week we also recognize our staff leen Ganglehoff & Brett Ulrich This gift totaled around $38,000. Home Board. During that annual members who are nominated for (30 yrs), Sandra Abbas, Susan meeting Luther Memorial Home the Caregiver of the Year Award. Hoyt & Dean Nelson (15 yrs), highlighted a very strong financial These nominations come from Molly Lenaburg, Tara Anderson, year with relatively stable occu- families or residents who believe Nicole Sylskar, Nancy Bjerke, pancy and wonderful quality care. our staff members have gone Pamela Eken, Shaunna Gienger & Also voted on was to change Lu- above and beyond their call of Carol Romaniuk (10 yrs), Dawn ther Memorial Home’s year end. duty. The following members Carter, Joshua Balstad, Meagan Starting this year our annual meet- were nominated: Jennifer Alman- Karolus, Jaclyn Rindy, Roxanne ing will be held the 4th Thursday za, Tara Anderson, Olivia Becker, Rindy, Sheila Rustvang & Court- ney Savage (5 yrs). Again, thank you to all our staff for your fine 30 year milestone serving Luther Memorial Home: LMH Board members Kevin Kyllo (left) and Doug Osland (right) Brett Ulrich and Kathleen Ganglehoff were honored for their dedication to Luther Memorial Home. Helen Wenaas & Shirley Beck Kaye Kvislen displaying her Easter basket . LMH crowned royalty, King & Queen: Wes Laughrey is geared up to take on St. Patrick’s Day. Eugene & Gloria Boeddeker FROM THE CHAPLAIN - Pastor Diane Krumm Last Christmas, I received a gift that has kept ging him around more than worth it. Their reac- on giving. Friends of mine gave me a teddy bear – tions fill me with the same sort of joy and gratitude a six-foot tall teddy bear – that I have named Em- that I had when I first received him. It is like get- mett. ting another gift when I share my gift. Emmett usually inspires lots of smiles and In Psalm 68:19, we read, “Blessed be the Lord, questions. Smiles because he is huge, soft, and who daily BEARS us up.” (Pun intended.) Every very huggable. Questions about where I got him day, God provides us with blessings and gifts that and how I get him into my car. My reaction when I help us through the ups and downs of life. When received him was joy and gratitude. But then, as I we share these blessings with others, when we drove off with my Christmas gift, I began to won- share what they mean to us, when we tell others der where I would put him in my apartment. It what God has done for us – we experience a gift dawned on me that some gifts are too wonderful to that keeps on giving – to us and to others. keep to oneself. God has given us the greatest gift – one that is Since Christmas, Emmett has been in several even bigger than a six-foot tall teddy bear – the gift churches, in two nursing homes, at a benefit dinner, of His love that “BEARS all things, believes all and at the Lutheran Social Services and Eastern things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love ND Synod offices. I have to admit that he isn’t the that never ends.” (I Corinthians 13) Thanks be to easiest to move, but when I watch people – young God for the joy that comes with this gift that keeps and not-so-young – react to Emmett, it makes lug- on giving. Gerald Storebo and Emmett. PAGE 2 SILVER LININGS FROM THE DIRECTOR OF ACTIVITIES - Lisa Nelson The holidays were busy here Who knew chocolate strull tasted Crystal Dueker of the Fargo Gate- enjoying going outside, soaking at Luther Memorial Home with so good! Thank you Ina Paulson way Lions and Joan Amundon of up the sun, and taking our weekly special events such as Christmas and Dorothy Grage for helping. Portland for organizing a fundrais- van trips. We are very fortunate to programs, parties, carolers, piano On February 14, Eugene and er as Luther Memorial Home have a new van. Thank you to and music recitals and of course Gloria Boeddeker were crowned starts the preparation for another Brett Ulrich and Luther Memorial all of the holiday baking activities. king and queen for 2019. Congrat- therapy dog. Scooby is 11 years Home Auxiliary for making this One resident asked to make sun- ulations, and thank you to all that old and has been with us for 9 possible. bakkles. So what to do when you voted. Look for them in the Sum- years, she is doing well, but it There is so much kindness don’t make sunbakkles? You ask merfest Parade. does take some time to go thru the going on at Luther Memorial Shirley Beck who makes perfect, Residents got a firsthand look application and dog training pro- Home. Take time to look around delicious, and delicate sunbakkles as staff gave a demonstration cess. So many Lions clubs were and you will see residents being to spend an afternoon here and using an instant pot pressure involved or donated including: kind, staff, volunteers and visitors that’s what she did. Oh they were cooker. In just a few short minutes Davenport Lions for grilling burg- all showing acts of kindness. It great. And let’s not forget the we made applesauce and rice ers and hotdogs, Jamestown Li- can be as simple as a smile, asking strull demonstration that was a hit. pudding. There were alot of com- ons, Horace Lions, Fargo Down- someone how they are, telling paring and reminiscing of how town Lions, West Fargo and Far- them that you missed them when things have changed. go Gateway Lions, and to Chuck they have had a few days off, In April we celebrated Nation- Whitney for challenging all Lions holding a door, telling them that al Volunteer Week. We were club members to donate. Crystal they look nice; yes it can be so blessed to have 45 volunteers said; “Community, this is what we simple. I have witnessed staff attend the luncheon. Thank you (Lions) do”. Also thank you to members singing with residents in to all of our amazing volunteers Millers Fresh Food, Dollar Gen- their rooms, bringing in the chil- that have been with us throughout eral, Gate City Bank and Goose dren or pets to visit, bringing a the year. River Bank for your donations. resident a favorite treat, putting on Even though May was cooler Thank you to Arco for putting up a favorite baseball game on the than normal, we were bursting a container. All together to date a residents TV, playing music or with activities, special music, a total of $2,514 was raised. We giving a wheel chair ride outside. quilt show, Mother’s Day Tea, a would like to also thank Dr. Marty And there are many smiles, hugs Country Western Party, a Sock Douglas for attending and bring- and prayers. It’s a wonderful Hop, a Hawaiian Luau and a Taste ing Rio who is a fully trained place. of Norway. Thank you to Shirley PTSD service dog that is waiting As someone once said, “In a Olson for making rommegrot for for her forever home. She an- world that you can be anything, all to enjoy and to Elaine Klath swered many questions. Be kind!“ Scooby is taking a break from for assisting in serving. Sunshine and warm weather Enjoy the day. all the important stuff she does A big thank you goes out to are finally here! The residents are at LMH. Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air. Ralph Waldo Emerson Save the Dates June 17 Celebration of Men July 18 LMH Auxiliary Pie Day & Silent Auction August 14 LMH Family Picnic December 8 Hanging of the Greens Kathy Thomas is creating wonderful art Hilma Hovde coloring eggs for Easter.
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