1643_US_E 03.01.2008 13:47 Uhr Seite 1 Ministerium für Ländliche Entwicklung, Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz Brandenburg 2007 – Environmental information Information in Brief 1643_kurzf_E 03.01.2008 8:56 Uhr Seite 1 TableTableTable ofofof contentscontentscontents Foreword 5 Water 6 1 Climate data and water balance 2006 6 2 Water body maintenance measures, operation of water management facilities 9 3 Implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) in Brandenburg 10 Information in Brief 4 Measures to improve flooding forecasts for the Oder river 14 Information in Brief 5 2006: state of dike refurbishment along the Oder river 15 6 Waste water disposal in communities 16 Protection of nature, large protected areas and regional development 17 1 Landscape framework planning/landscape planning at community level 17 2 Protected areas in the state of Brandenburg 19 3 Areas under Natura 2000 (Habitats Directive, bird sanctuaries), and nature conservation areas 20 4 The concept for linking biotopes in the state of Brandenburg 20 5 The protection of forest moors in the state of Brandenburg, a framework plan for moor protection and the moor protection project group 22 6 First registrations of breeding birds in European bird protection areas 24 7 Memorandum of Understanding on the Aquatic warbler 25 8 Effects of avian influenza on wild birds in the state of Brandenburg 25 9 Protection of species/CITES – Monitoring trade, trading authorisations and the fight against crime 26 Technology-related protection of the environment 27 1 Clean air 27 2 Noise mapping and noise action planning activities to implement the European Directive on environmental noise and clean air planning in the state of Brandenburg 28 3 Authorisation and participation procedures 29 4 Climate protection and energy efficiency 30 5 Waste management 32 6 Soil protection and handling of residual pollution 33 Cross-environmental pollution and measures by different specialisations 35 1 Environmental indicators for the state of Brandenburg – third update 35 2 The State Office for Environment as an authority participating in urban development planning 36 3 Specialised procedures, specialised information systems, map services 37 Public Relations 40 1 Latest publications from the State Office for Environment 40 2 Exhibitions (as of June 2007) 42 3 State education facility for nature and the environment – Oderberge Lebus 43 4 Library of the Brandenburg State Office for Environment 43 5 Some events hosted by the State Office for Environment in 2006 44 6 2006 - Nature Park Year 45 7 Some major events in nature parks 46 8 Ranger services and numbers of visitors to large protected areas 9 Visitor information centres of the large protected areas in the state of Brandenburg 50 1643_kurzf_E 03.01.2008 8:56 Uhr Seite 2 LandesumweltamtLandesumweltamtLandesumweltamt BrandenburgBrandenburgBrandenburg Standortkarte Information in Brief Information in Brief Cottbus Frankfurt (Oder) Potsdam, OT Groß Glienicke 2 1643_kurzf_E 03.01.20088:56UhrSeite3 Landesumweltamt Brandenburg Stand: Juli 2007 Seeburger Chaussee 2 - 14476 Potsdam, OT Grofl Glienicke Postfach 60 10 61 - 14410 Potsdam Tel. 033 201 - 442-0 Präsident Fax: 033 201 - 442-662 Prof. Dr. Matthias Freude - Tel. (033201) 442-100 Abteilung RW Abteilung RS Abteilung RO Abteilung S Abteilung TUS Abteilung ÖNW Abteilung GR Regionalabteilung West Regionalabteilung Süd Regionalabteilung Ost Service Technischer Umweltschutz Ökologie, Naturschutz, Wasser Groflschutzgebiete, Regionalentwicklung Bodo Schwiegk Wolfgang Genehr Berndt Buder Kurt Augustin N.N. Axel Vogel Dr. Hartmut Kretschmer Tel. (033 201) 442-410 Tel. (0355) 4991-1300 Tel. (0335) 560-3232 Tel. (033201) 442-103 Tel. (033201) 442-310 Tel. (033201) 442-210 Tel. (03334) 66 27 24 RW 1 Genehmigungsverfahrens- RS 1 Genehmigungsverfahrens- RO 1 Genehmigungsverfahrens- S 1 Personalmanagement T 1 Anlagensicherheit, Ö 1 Landschaftsentwicklung, GR 1 Grundsätze, Koordinierung, stelle West stelle Süd stelle Ost Technologie CITES Naturparke Dr. Ulrich Stock Sabine Trommeschläger Günter Alpert Silke Petschick Dr. Berthold Wilck Dr. Annemarie Schaepe Dr. Martin Flade Tel. (033 201) 442-550 Tel. (0355) 4991-1410 Tel. (0335) 560-3205 Tel. (033201) 442-170 Tel. (033201) 442-337 Tel. (033201) 442-625 Tel. (03334) 66 27 13 RW 2 Anlagen- und Umwelt- RS 2 Anlagen- und Umweltüber- RO 2 Anlagen- und Umweltüber- S 2 Organisation, Controlling, T 2 Lärmschutz, Verkehr, Ö 2 Natura 2000, Arten- und GR 2 Nationalparkverwaltung ¸berwachung Region West 1 wachung Region S¸d 1 wachung Region Ost 1 Strukturentwicklung Energie, Klimaschutz Biotopschutz Unteres Odertal Barb-Kerstin Müschner Jörg Lieske Elisa Penndorf Dr. Ralf Gruner Karl Getzlaff Dr. Matthias Hille Dirk Treichel Tel. (033 201) 442-458 Tel. (0355) 4991-1050 Tel. (0335) 560-3290 Tel. (033201) 442-153 Tel. (033201) 442-330 Tel. (033201) 442-223 Tel. (03332) 2677-209 RW 3 Anlagen- und Umwelt- RS 3 Anlagen- und Umwelt¸ber- RO 3 Anlagen- und Umweltüber- S 3 Finanzen, BdH T 3 Gebietsbezogener Ö 3 Umweltbeobachtung, GR 3 Biosphärenreservatsverw. Überwachung Region West 2 wachung Region S¸d 2 wachung Region Ost 2 Immissionsschutz Ökotoxikologie Schorfheide-Chorin Lutz Schetterer Kerstin Tschiedel Hans-Detlef Lintzel Thorsten Thaddey Dr. Martin Kühne PD Dr. Werner Kratz Dr. Eberhard Henne Tel. (03391) 838-541 Tel. ( 033702) 731 20 Tel. (03332) 441 741 Tel. (033201) 442-609 Tel. (0355) 4991-1304 Tel. (033201) 442-283 Tel. (03331) 3654-31 RW 4 Flächenbezogener Immis- RO 4 Flächenbezogener Immis- RS 4 Flächebezogener Immis- S 4 Innerer Dienst, T 4 Luftqualität Ö 4 Wasserrahmenrichtlinie, GR 4 Biosphärenreservatsverw. sionsschutz, Umweltrecht sionsschutz, Umweltrecht sionsschutz, Umweltrecht Liegenschaftsmanagement Hydrologie, Gewässergüte Spreewald Christiane Schröder * Peter Ludwig Bärbel Koschack * Rainer Simon Manfred Lotz Thomas Avermann Eugen Nowak Tel. (03391) 838-590 Tel. (0355) 4991-1329/ (033702) 731 40 Tel. (0335) 560-3260 Tel. (033201) 442-623 Tel. (033201) 442-313 Tel. (033201) 442-288 Tel. (03542) 89 21 12 RW 5 Wasserbewirtschaftung, RS 5 Wasserbewirtschaftung, RO 5 Wasserbewirtschaftung, S 5 Umweltinformation, ÖA, T 5 Abfallwirtschaft Ö 5 Hochwasserschutz, Wasser- GR 5 Biosphärenreservatsverw. Hydrologie Hydrologie Hydrologie Landeslehrstätte bau, Baudienststelle Flusslandschaft Elbe Almut Naumann Karin Materne Romuald Buryn Dr. Stephan Böhme Frauke Zelt Michael Dahlke Jeanette Fischer Tel. (033 201) 442-448 Tel. (0335) 560-3400 Tel. (033201) 442-344 Tel. (0355) 4991-1390 Tel. (033201) 442-173 Tel. (033201) 442-264 Tel. (038791) 980 16 RW 6 Hochwasserschutz, RS 6 Hochwasserschutz, RO 6 Hochwasserschutz, S 6 IT-Service T 6 Altlasten, Bodenschutz Ö 6 Wasserversorgung , Gewässerunterhaltung Gewässerunterhaltung Gewässerunterhaltung Abwasser Karin Hüppe Norbert Albs Dr. Wolfgang Fröhlich Dr. Siegmund Stiehler Dr. Sabine Hahn G¸nter-Eckehard Hlubek Tel. (0355) 4991-1058 Tel. (033 201) 442-585 Tel. (0335) 560-3413 Tel. (033201) 442-142 Tel. (033201) 442-347 Tel. (033201) 442-251 RW 7 Naturschutz RS 7 Naturschutz RO 7 Naturschutz S 7 GIS-Zentrale Annegret Engelke Dr. Dorothee Bader Rigo V allet Dr. Uwe Menzel Staatl. Vogelschutzwarte Buckow 11 Naturparke Tel. (033 201) 442-569 Tel. (0355) 4991-1340 Tel. (0335) 560-3242 Tel. (0335) 560-3171 * mit der Wahrnehmung der Geschäfte beauftragt Personalratsvorsitzende Schwerbehindertenvertrauens- Gleichstellungsbeauftragte Hauptstandorte: person P = Potsdam Elke Lentz Dr. Thomas Schmiedel Sylke Plock F = Frankfurt Tel. (033201) 442-200 Tel. (0331) 866-7711 Tel.(033201) 442-608 C = Cottbus Das Organigramm wird vom Referat S 2 geführt und fortgeschrieben 3 Information in Brief 1643_kurzf_E 07.01.200813:05UhrSeite4 Information in Brief 4 1643_kurzf_E 07.01.2008 13:05 Uhr Seite 5 Dear readers, this brochure by the State Office for Environment landscapes for longer, to stabilise regional water comprises the 16th environmental data report. It has cycles and to trap climate-relevant substances, such not just become an established and valuable tradition as carbon dioxide. for this authority to inform the public on the condition of our environment and on work done here, but it also The chapters on climate protection and efficient use lives up to our claim to be a transparent institution of energy in this report are major contributions to whose activities can be seen and which is close to current debates. What is at stake is to find ways for Information in Brief citizens. This environmental data report represents a maximum energy yield while reducing greenhouse Information in Brief major contribution to this objective and it has done so gases to the barest minimum and thus to contribute for 16 years, starting long before such transparency to highest levels of energy security as well as to the had been included in legislation turning it into best possible protection of the climate. The State standard practice. Office for Environment is working on a study into the potentials of renewable energy. This brochure There has been an ongoing positive tendency in provides an interim report. environmental data and balances in the period under review. Since the early 90s the situation of Great public interest should also be aroused by clean Brandenburg’s environment has gradually improved air values registered by the State Office, as well as by in almost all fields. This is borne out by data on clean noise maps for 158 towns and communities, air and water quality, and on soil protection and waste characterising noise loads along main traffic
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