EXHIBIT Q2 AVONDALE'S ACT 537 PLAN (BOOK 2) ACT 537 PLAN BOROUGH OF AVONDALD CHESTER COUNTY. PENNSYLVANIA SBWAGE FACILITIES PLAN FINAL DOCUMBNT MAY 1999 Revised APRIL 2000 rvith .Approval Correspondcncc from Chester County Plannin g Commission Chester County Hcalth Dcpartment, the Memorandum of Understanding rvith DEP regarding florys and tlre DEP Approval letter and Rela ted Correspondcn ce SSM File No. 5685-005 Copyright(2001)Spous, Stevens and McCoy, Inc. Prefacc Approval Correspondencc follorving thc April 2000 Submittal: Chcstcr County Planning Commission lctter of Junc 19,2000 - Chcstcr County Hcnlth Dcpartment letter of June 2712000 $'. :i " Mcmornndum of Understnnding dated Dccembcr 19, 2000 regarding Servage Florvs, ^ rvith Resolutions of Acceptance from Avondale llorough and New Garden Township DEP Approval of the Act 537 datcd March 9, 2001, and related correspondence. Ttr{E CT-,T]NTY GF CFlf,STER COMMISSIONERS: PLANNING COMMISSION Kare4, L. Martynick, Chairman Government Services Center, Suite 270 Colin A. Hanna 601 Wesuown Road Andrew E. Dinniman P.O.Box 214'7 West Chester, PA 19380-0990 6t0-344-6285 WILLIAM H. FULTON, AICP FAX: 610-344-6515 Executive Director June 19,2000 JU$l A:r Mr. Robert McCue, President 6'{ tr Avondale Borough Council P.O. Box 250 Avondale, PA 1931I 't ' i'-'x::l$ "" "s1' Re: Boroush of Avondale Act 537 Plan Dear rVlr. McCue: The Chester County Planning Commission has rerriewed the revised Draft 537 Plan dated April 2000. The revisions in this draft were in response to comments received by the Borough from the various reviewing agencies including the County Planning Commission to your initial submission of a draft Plan in February 1999. In our leffer of April 19, 1999, we raised two major issues regarding the initial draft: one, regarding the manner in which the estimated fuh.re capacity needs were determined; and two, the consideration of altemative disposal solutions "outside" the boundaries of the Borough. In reviewing of the document and the accompanying cover letter from Spotts, Stevens and McCoy, Inc., we aclcrowledge that those two issues have been considered and included in the revised Plan. We also aclanowledee that our several other more technical comments have been addressed, as well. We are pleased to see that there have been discussions befween Borough and London Grove Township officials regarding the possibility of sending some of the effluent from your lreafment facility to the Township's spray system if it is expanded in the future. We encourage you to continue this discussion. Should the Township and the Borough wish to pursue this approach, such a project would be eligible to apply to the Counfy for a grant to assist in the purcbase of land to be used for spray fields. Thank you for the opporfunity to revicw this rcvised draft Plan. If you have any questions regarding these comments, please do not hesitate to call us. , Futtnn, AI{,f Director WHF/WWC/kp cc: Glenn Stinson, PADEP Ralph DeFazio, Chester CounFy Health Dept. Rebecca Brownbeck, Borough Council Secretary Thomas Srnith, P.E., Spotts, Stevens lnd McCoy, Inc. THE CUT]NTY OF Ctr1ESTER Karen L. Martynick, Chairman 601 Westtown Road, Suite 2gg Colii A. Hanna P.O.Box 2741 Andrew E. Dinniman West Chester, PA 19380-0990 FAX: 610-344-5934 SewageAVells 610-344-6526 Certified Food Manager 61C344-5938 Food/Insti tution 6 10-344-6689 Solid Waste Mgr./Recycling 610-344-5937 Laboratory 610-344-@39 Weights & Measures/Consumer Affairs 6 t0-34rt_6150 En gi neeri n g/Public Warer 610-344-6231 June 27, 2000 IvIr. Robert McCue s' Avondale Borough Cor.rnc il r$\3$ e Avondale, Pa. l93l I RE: Borough of Avondale Act 537 Plan Dear lvlr. McCue: The Chester County Health Department has reviewed the draft Act 537 Plan noted above. ffis draft is dated May 1999, revised April2000, by Spotts, Stevens and McCoy. This Department on April 20,2000 received a copy of this draft plan Essentially, this draft revision addressed the comments. from all'reviewing agencies after . submission of the original draft, The Chester County Health Department is satisfied with the response and has no objection to the approval of this version of the plan. Thank you for the opportunity to review this final draft. Environmental Health Superviso r CC: CCPC PADEP I Thomas R. Smith, P.E., Spotts, Stevens and McCoy/ File \ ORIGINAL RESOLUTTON NO. 00-12-03 (Non-Legislative) AVONDALE BOROUGH CH ESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA A RESOLUTION OF THE BOROUGH OF AVONDALE, GHESTER GOUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, ACKNOWLEDGING AND ACCEPTING A PROPOSED MODIFICATION TO AVONDALE BOROUGH'S ACT 537 SEWAGE FACILITIES PLAN DATED MAY 1999 AND REVISED APRIL 2OOO. WHEREAS, Avondale Borough prepared and submitted to the Commonweatth of ; Pennsy|vaniaDepartmentofEnvironmenta|ProtectionanAct537SewageFaci|itiesP|andated u, May 1999, revised as of April 2000; and WHEREAS, after April 2000, additional flow data dealing with average and peaking flow factors to Avondale's Wastewater Treatment Plant became available to Avondale Borough; and WHEREAS, this additionaldata can supplement Figure V-1 following page 44 in Avondale I Borough's Act 537 Sewage Facilities Plan; and , WHEREAS, on December 5, 2000, representatives of Avondale Borough and the ! Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection met to discuss this additional data and, after such discussion, a "Memorandum of Understanding'was prepared by Thomas R. Smith, P.E. of Spotts, Stevens & McCoy, on behalf of Avondale Borough; and ClCorel\omco7\AVONOALF\ORClAcl537 ResDluliondoc WHEREAS, a copy of the afore-referenced 'Memorandum of Understanding" is attached to this Resolution as Exhibit "A" and incorporated by reference; and WHEREAS, the ''Future Maximum Monthly Flow" as stated in that Memorandum is identified to be 650,000 gallons per day, and the "Future Annual Average Flow" as stated in that Memorandum of Understanding is stated to be 500,000 gallons per day; and WHEREAS, Avondale Borough deems it in its best interest to modify the Act 537 Plan which it has submitted to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection in accordance with the "Memorandum of Understanding" attached as Exhibit'A'. NOW,THEREFORE, this lgthdayof December2000 itis hereby RESOLVEDthatAvondale Borough, Chester County, Pennsylvania, accepts as a modification to its Act 537 Sewage Facilities Plan the "Memorandum of Understanding" attached to this Resolution as Exhibit ?", subject to the condition that the "Memorandum of Understanding" is also accepted by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. BE lT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution, as certified by the Secretary of Avondale Borough shallbecome partof Avondale Borough'sAct 537 Plan dated May 1999, as revised April 2000, and as further amended by this Resolution. ADOPTED this 19'n dav of December 2000, ATTEST: AVONDALE BOROUGH COUNCIL BY; ANN C. BUSH, Avondale Borough Avondale Borouoh Council C iicr'rl',Olf ce7\qVOtJOAt FiOQi)1.4.,15:17 R.nDlLrli.n ($. ,RESOLUTION T{O. 5C{ WHEREAS, the Borough of Avondale prepared a Sewage Facilities Plan which incorporates substantial input from the Supervisors of New Garden Township regarding present and future flows originating in New Garden Township; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors adopted Resolution Number 493 on June 12, 2000 endorsing the Sewage Facilities Plan; and WHEREAS, the Sewage Facilities Plan was officially submitted for review to the Department of Environmental Protection by letter dated June 28, 2000 prepared by SSM acting in its capacity as engineer for the Borough of Avondale; and WHEREAS, the Department of Environmental Protection has completed a preliminary review of the submission and has raised certain questions regarding the basis for computing present and future flows; and WJIEREAS, {ufr4g a meeting held on of Envirortmorttal F.iolection, the Borough ng flowswasdiscussed at length and an un WHEREAS, in concert with that understanding the flow analysis and computations were revisited and revised to reflect the approach decided upon at said meetingi and WHEREAS, the revised flow figures must be incorporated officially in the Sewage Facilities Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the B adopts as an amendment to the Sewage Facilities Plan I explanation contained in a MEMORANDUM OF UND by reference which sets forth among other things the facility as 500,000 gpd and the maximum monthly flow has been revised to include the cost of expanding the maximum monthly flow and said analysis is attached h is hereby adopted by the Board of Supervisors for inco This RESOLUTION shal I take effect immediately. Dated: January 9,2001 NEW GARDEN TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORSI ley, Jr.. Norman S. Nunn I, Joan F. Kellcher, Secrctary of New Garden Townslrip, hcreby certify that the foregoing is a tnre and con'ect copy of RESOLUTION NLMBER ao5 adopted this 9th day oiJanuary, 2001 by Lhc Boirrd of Superv'isors of New Garden Townshin. A]"fES1': SEAL: F. Kelleher, Secretaty " MEMORANDUM OF IJNDERSTANDING BOROUGII OF AVONDALE ,., ACT 537 PLAN MAY 1999, REVISED APRIL 2OOO This memorandum is issued following a meeting with the Department of Environnrental Protection Water Management on December 5, 2000, where the average and peaking factors regarding flows to the treatment plant were discussed. Additional flow data has become available to supplenrent Figure V-1, following page 44 in the Act 537 Sewage Facilities Plan. That Figure recommended an expansion to 0.5 MGD, with continuing infiltration / inflow corrections to take care of peaking flows beyond 0,5 MCD. WASTEWATER FLOWS AT AVONDALE, AND THE TERMINOLOCY CONCERNING A PLANT EXPANSION IS TO BE CLARIFIED AND AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: Flows under consideration in tlris memorandum are from January 1996 to September 2000. Please refer to the attachment for the flow rates for this period. The ratio of the average 3-month mariimum to annual average flow rate has been determined to be 1.3 as shown during the period 1997 and 1998.
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