I11PERIAL GAZETTEER OF INDIA PROVINCIAL SERIES UNITED PROVINCES OF AGRA AND OUDH VOL. I THE PROVINCES ; RIVERS, MOUNTAINS, LAKES, CANALS, AND HISTORIC AREAS; THE :MEERUT, AGRA, AND BAREILLY DIVISIONS SUPERINTENDENT OF GOVERNMENT PRINTING CALCUTTA .OXFO:RD i HORACE HART l'lliNTER. TO THE UNIVERSITY PREFACE THE articles contained in tliese volumes were compiled, for the most part, by Mr. R. Burn, I.C.S., from materials that had been prepared for the revision of District Gazetteers. The whole is therefore largely based on the labours of the District and Settlement officers, who collected the informa­ tion required, and also rendered valuable assistance by exa­ mining the articles on Districts, taksils, and towns. Special thanks are due to the late Mr. J. Hooper, C.S.I., and to Messrs. W. H. Moreland, C.I.E., S. H. Butler, C.I.E., an·d H. R. Nevill, I.C.S., who contributed portions of the Provin­ cial article, or made useful criticisms. Other acknowledge­ ments will be found attached to various articles. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE UNITED PROVINCES OF AGRA AND OUDH l-160 PHYSICAL AsPECTS 1-17 Situation and boundaries . I Dimensions Origin of name Oudh. Natural divisions 2 Himalayas • 2 Sub-Himalayas • 2 Gangetic plain 3 Central Indian plateau • 4 East Satpuras 4 Hill system 4 River system 5 Ganges 5 Jumna. 6 Gogra. 6 Gumti. 7 Ram ganga 7 Scenery • >. 8 Lakes 8 Geology • 9 Tibetan zone 9 Central axis . 10 Lower Himalayan zone 10 Sub-Himalayan zone 10 Gangetic alluvium II Vindhyan system • II Botany . 12 Elements 12. Gangetic plain . • 12 Himalayas • • • • IJ East Satpuras and Central Indian plateau 14 Wild animals • 14 \ P. 1, b vi TABLE OF CONTENTS l'AGE Clitpate and seasons IS Temperature . 15 Rainfall . x6 Storms, floods, and cyclones x6 . Earthquakes • I7 HISTORY 17-32 Prehistoric remains . I7 Historical records • I7 Buddhism x8 The Greeks 18 '. ' The Mauryan dynasty 18 Later dynasties .19 Sakas and Kushans. 19 The Guptas .. 20 White Huns and the Rajputs 20 The early Muhammadans 21 The Mughals and Siiris. •. 23 Akbar 23 JahangYr. 24 Shah Jahan 24 Aurangzeb 25 Decline of Mughal power, x70.7-6 I 25 Jats and Sikhs • •. 26 · Marathas 26 Foreign invasions .:z6 Internal dissensions . 26 New states· 27 Oudh. 27 Farrukhabad and Rohilkhand 27 'Battle of Panipat 28 Commencement of British power 28 Hindu invasions 29 Collapse of the Rohillas • 29 · Benares • 29 Progress of Maritha power" 30 Formation ofthe Provinces 30 Nineteenth century , 31. The Mutiny 31 ARCHAEOLOGY • 32-33 Buddhist 32 Jm • 32 Hindu 32 Early Muhammadan 33 Mughal • 33 TABLE ·OF CONTENTS vii PAGE PoPULATION • •• 33-5t Density • 33 Towns and villages • 34 Growth of population 34 Migration. s6 Age statistics • 37 Vital statistics • . • 37 Disease • ss Infant mortality 39 Female infanticide • 40 Infirmities 40 Sex statistics • 40 Civil condition 41 Language 42 Caste, tribe, and race . 42 (a) Hindus· , . 42 (b) Musalmans 44 Physical characteristics 45 Religion • 45 Hinduism , 45 Arya Samiij • 46 Islam • 46 "Christian missions 47 Occupation 47 Food 48 Dress 48 Dwellings 49 Disposal of dead 49" Amusements • 49 Festivals. so Nomenclature. SI AGRICULTURE • SI-66 Soils sr Conformation of surface 52 Rainfall, humidity, &c. 53 System of cultivation 53 Population dependent on agriculture 54 Staple food-grains • 55 Rice • 55 Wheat. 55 Gram • • 55 Barley. s6 Jowii, and Mjra , 56 Maize • s6 b 2 viii T.4BLE OF COlVTENTS 11At1E Sub~idiary food-crops s6 Oilseeds • 57 Fibres 58 Drugs and stimulants 58 Sugar-cane 58 Indigo 59 Fruits and vegetables 59 · Extension or decrease in cultivation . 59 Improvements in quality . 59 Agricultural implements 6o Agricultural department 6o Agriculturalloans • 61 Agricultural banks 61 Cattle 61 Horses . 62 Sheep and goats 62 Pasture-grounds 62 Fairs 62 C~ttle diseases and the Civil Veterinary department . 63 Irrigation 63 Canals 63 General description • 63 Revenue • 64 .Tanks. 65 Indigenous methods • -. 6s (a) Wells 6s . (b) Tanks and streams 6s Importance of different sources 66 Fisheries. 66' RENTS, WAGES, AND PRICES • 66-72 Rents 66 .Batai • 66 Kankut 67 Hybrid systems 67 Transition to cash rents 67 Cash rents . 68 Influence of prices 68 Legislative action . 68 Field and lump rents 69 Rates of rent 69 Special rents 70 Wages 70 Prices 71 Material condition of the people 71 TABLE OF CONTENTS ix PAGE FORESTS 72-76 Upper Himalayan 72 Middle Himalayan 73 Sub-Himalayan 73 Plains forests . 73 Administration 74 Reserved and lea.Sed forests 74 Working-plans • 74 Relations with the people . 75 Protected forests 75 Fuel and fodder reserves 76 Fire protection 76 Survey 76 Special plantations 76 Receipts and expenditure . 76 MINES AND MINERALS 76-78 Coal 76 Metals 77 Limestone 77 Stone 77 Salt and saltpetre 77 ARTS AND MANUFACTURES . 78-84 Hand industries 78 Cotton 78 Silk 78 Embroidery • ~ 79 Wool . 79 Carpets and rugs • 79 Dyeing 8o Jewellery 8o Iron ·So Brass and copper . 81 Pottery Sx Glass . 8t Stone-carving S.z Wood-carving Sa Ivory • .. S2 Sugar • Sa Mill industries • S2 Cotton. 82 Wool • 83 Leather SJ Breweries SJ Other industries SJ X TA.BLE OF CONTENTS PAGK 'Wages. 83 Condition of operatives 84 TRADE AND COMMERCE • 84-88 Before annexation • 84 General character of existing trade 8s Chief centres • ss Chamber of Commerce ·, 86 Internal trade • 86 External trade • 87 Imports , 87 Exports • 87 Trade outside India • 88 MEANS oF CoMMUNICATION . 88-g4 Railways 88 General system 8g Connexion with Bengal Bg Connexion with Bombay go Connexion.with the Punjab . 90 Other lines ~ go Extensions . go Cost of construction . l gi Influence of railways 91 Roads 9I Conveyances . _, 92 Light railways . 92 Canals •. • g2 Steamers. g3 River traffic 93 Ferries 94 Post Office 94 FAMINE. g4-99 Causes 94 Harvests 95 .Warnings 95 History • g6 Early famines 96 1837-8 96 x86o-t 97 t868 • 97 1873-4 97 1877-8 97 189o-2 98 1896-7 98 Statistics • g8 TABLE OF CONTENTS xi PAGE Protection 98 ADMINISTRATION 9CJ--102 Government • 99 Districts and Divisions 100 Subordinate officers. 101 / Village system • • 101 Native States • 102 LEGISLATION AND jUSTICE 102-105 Legislative Council • 102 Administration of justice • 103 Civil justice 104 Criminal courts 105 ' Registration 105 FINANCE 105-109 Native rule 105 British rule 106 Decentralization, 1871-7 • xo6 1877-82 li06 1882-7 107. 1887-92 107 1892-7 xo8 1897-1904 xo8 General results 108 Present arrangements x-o8 LAND REVENUE 109-ll7 V'renures • 109 ../ Proprietary • 109 · TaluMiirs • 109 Other subordinate rights IIO Revenue unit 110 ' 2Amindiin • Ill Tenant rights •• Ill Assessment of land revenue 112 Benares 112 Ceded and Conquered Provinces • 113 Regulation VII of 1822 113 Regulation IX of 1833. : 114 Second regular settlement 114 Permanent settlement • us Third regular sett~ement 115 Oudh. us Incidence It6 Suspension and remission of revenue II6 Restrictions on transfer • 116 xii TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE MISCELLt-NEOUS REVENUE II7-I22 Opium II7 Salt u8 Excise II9 Liquor. II9 Drugs , 120 Opium. .· 121 General 121 Stamps . 122 Income tax 122 LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT 122-126 District and local boards . 122 Municipalities . I24 Act XX of x856 125 Municipal finance 126 PuBLIC WoRKs 126-127 ARMY 127-128 POLICE , 128-130 Regular police 128 Rural police . 129 Cognizable crime · 130 ]AILS . 130 EDUCATION 130-138 History ~ 130 Present organization IJ1 University 132 Arts colleges . 132 Oriental studies 132 Professional colleges 132 Secondary education (boys) 133 Primary education (boys). 134 Female education . .. 134 Special schools 134 European and Eurasian education 135 Muhammadan education . 135 General results 136 Finance • 137 Newspapers 137 Registered publications 138 MEDICAL 138-140 Hospitals and dispensaries 138 Lunatics . 139 Vaccination 139 TABLE OF COATTE1VTS xiii PAGK Sale of quinine 139 Village sanitation 139 SURVEYS 14o-141 BIBLIOGRAPHY 141 STATISTICS 142-160 Table I. Temperature , II. Rainfall · • , III. Distribution of population in 1901 , IV. Statistics of agriculture , V. Prices of food-staples in seers per rupee , VI. Trade with other Provinces . , VII. Statistics of criminal and civil justice • ,. VIII. Principal sources of revenue. , IX. Principal heads of expenditure , X. Income and exi>enditure of District Boards • , XI. Income and expenditure of municipalities , XII. Strength and cost of police .• , XIII. Statistics of jails • ,,..XIV. Educational statistics • , XV. Statistics of hospitals, lunatic asylums, and vaccination 159 RIVERS • 161-184. GANGES x6x-x66 In the United Provinces x6x In Bengal 162 The Delta 162 Sacred places 163 Traffic x6s SOLAN I t66 RAMGANGA, WEST 166 KXLi NADi, EAS;r 167 GUMTi 168 SAl 169 TONS, SOUTHERN 169 B.ANGANGA. 170 TONS, EASTERN 170 KARAM NASA 170 SoN .. J71 JUMNA 173 ToNs, NoRTHERN 174 HINDAN 1~5 KXLi NAni, WEST 1~5 CHAMBAL • 175 BXN.GANGA (or Utangan) 177 xiv TABLE OF CONTENTS l'AGB BETWAi 178 DHASAN 179 KEN • '. 179 SAR.DA. t8o CHAUKA I8I KAuaiA.LA • 181 GIRWA I81 GOGRA 182 RAPTi 183 BANGANGA. 184 GANDAK, GREAT. t84 GANDAK, LITTLE 184 MOUNTAINS , 184-204 HIMALAYAS, THE 185-198 Name x8s Extent of range . 186 Political distribution 186 Divisions of range • 187 Scenery • 187 Snow-line 188 Rivers 188 Highest peaks • 189 Valleys and lakes .• 189 Geology . .•. 189 Age and origin of the range. 189 The Siwalik series 191 Unfossiliferous rocks of Outer Himalayas 191 The crystalline axis 192 Fossiliferous rocks of the Tibetan zone • 193 Economic minerals 193 Botany • 194 Fauna 194 People 195 Agriculture .197 Forests • 197 Means of communication • 197 Bibliography • 198 SIWAUK'HILLS • '99 VINDHYA HILLS 199-203 Geographical extent and position 199 Orographical features 200 Outlying ranges 201 Elevation and drainage 201 Geological formation 201 TABLE OF CONTENTS XV PAGE Forests • •. 202 Mythological associations. 202 KAIMUR HILLS • 203 SATPURAS, EAST • 203 LAKES • 204-206 GOHNA 204 DAHAR LAKE 20S BAKHIRA TA.L .
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