FACEBOOK’S DATA CENTRE THE FUTURE OF SAS ... BLOGGING IDOL An open source design for firms to ... is in Twitter and the iPad. Some excerpts from our annual copy and improve PAGE 8 FREE DIRECTORY Coverage of Global Forum PAGE 14 blogging contest PAGE 20 Turn to page 25 VOICE OF THE I.T. COMMUNITY I ITWorldCanada.com May 2011 How virtualization efforts Volume 27, Number 5 $2.50/COPY can get out of control, RIM TEAMS wiTH ONX and what you can do TO DELIVER PLAYBooK to stop it TO ENTErpriSE The enterprise solutions provider PAGE 18 might be the key to reaching a market. Plus, the tablet ships with a native app from the NFB PAGE 6 RADIAN6 BUY AN ‘inSTANT LEG UP’ For SALESForcE.com Bundling rudimentary CRM with SPRAWL Radian6’s social interaction technology could yield a competitive product PAGE 10 or STALL How TO HonE YOUR JOB-HUNTinG SKILLS An executive search consultant offer tips for improving your chances. Plus, making social media work for your job hunt PAGE 22 ELectiOn PAGE 16 CLOUD SinS PAGE 17 IN A RUt PAGE 23 POrtfOLIO PAGE 24 @itworld.ca http://myi.tw/uu http://myi.tw/uv ComputerWorldCanada.ca PM 40063800 Scan the QR code on your smartphone to access the MobiBiz website. Get the free mobile app at www.i-nigma.mobi JUNE 21, 2011 TORONTO BOARD OF TRADE PRESENTED BY Register for your FREE attendence today http://mobibizcanada.ca PRACTICAL ANSWERS TO PROBING MOBILITY QUESTIONS MobiBiz is a free interactive one-day forum USE THE EXPERTISE OF CANADA’S HOTTEST MOBILITY FIRMS TO BUILD YOUR MOBILE that explores strategic questions about STRATEGY. challenges and opportunities in mobile ENTERPRISE: • What security measures does my organization need to put marketing, channels and enterprise mobility. in place with increasing mobile tech and app usage? • How do I select an appropriate mobile application devel- opment strategy? Attendees will gain tangible insights and • How does cloud computing impact mobility (and vice practical action items to execute in their own versa)? organizations from Canada’s most innovative CUSTOMERS: • How can I reach new customers/new markets through mobile solutions companies. mobile? • What different types and vendors of mobile devices Mobility in the enterprise is growing radically, expanding through should my organization be considering supporting as we mobile devices, with an avalanche of new applications designed to use mobile as a marketing channel? • How do I measure the success or ROI of mobile tech/app maximize the utility and accelerate their adoption. deployments? Enterprises are playing catch-up to create mobile policies, extend EXPLORE MOBILE INITIATIVES. business applications, establish remote work policies and provide • Wireless Network Outlook: From HSPA to LTE and Beyond training to users. • Mobile Payments in Canada: What are the prospects? • Serving Customers Better with Mobile Choices Organizations are exploring how to utilize marketing and channels • Mobile Advertising – Reaching the Growing Mobile to create new opportunities. Customer Base • Mobile OS in the Enterprise: Canadian IT Manager Prefer- Enterprises are also seeking ways to securely integrate mobile ences & Outlook • Media Tablets in Canadian Business platforms within their IT infrastructure and business processes with • Mobile Enterprise Application Adoption: Status and signifi cant fl exibility, speed, and measured results. Outlook • Canadian Mobile Worker Forecast Network with Canada’s mobile thought leaders. Learn practical insight on how to build your mobile strategy, minimize challenges and capture the new opportunities. Register to attend MobiBiz today! http://mobibizcanada.ca PLATINUM SPONSORS GOLD SPONSORS SILVER SPONSOR N ews GOVERNMENT Ontario will be more open to cloud, says head CIO By Howard Solomon consultants, system integrators to cloud providers for privacy n FedeRAL and PRovinciaL and equipment-makers. and security reasons, he said: Typically, software-as- governments in this country have “But we could do more to Anything that touches the a-service providers don’t been shy about embracing cloud embrace technologies like cloud personal data, which would cover create applications tailored computing. computing environments to information held by the minis- for governments, he said. But shortly after the Province provide access to shared services tries of health, attorney general, That said, “if we could find of Ontario said it will try to cut like enterprise e-mail.” solicitor general and the Ontario a drivers [licence] system the size of its government, the The province has some 67,000 Provincial Police. that was software as a ser- province’s corporate chief infor- public servants. He suggested that the most vice, we’d absolutely look mation officer told IT suppliers it In an interview, Nicholl said likely cloud uses from external at it,” if it had adequate is willing to take a closer a look at other “commodity-type” cloud suppliers would be for infrastruc- security, he said. infrastructure- and software-as- applications would also be looked ture-as-a-service (IaaS) offerings, As for private, or a-service offerings in both public at. The province already uses where compute services can be internal, clouds, Nicholl and private clouds. Salesforce.com, he added. turned on and off as needed. said Ontario wants to learn “We do a good job” managing On the other hand, he said, “We’re quite interested in look- from the private sector how to computing could be good news to Ontario’s custom and proprietary deciding on whether to accept ing at cloud opportunities when leverage the technology to config- the biggest service suppliers that applications, David Nicholl told public cloud applications would we’re looking at quick turnaround ure it hardware platforms quicker were in the audience. a meeting of the Information be subject to their privacy and for short-term for [application] and offer computer services more The province spent hundreds Technology Association of security controls. development projects or testing ap- efficiently to its departments. of millions of dollars a year on IT Canada (ITAC), which represents Certain areas are off-limits plications,” he said in the interview. Nicholls’ words on cloud hardware, software and services. However, that spending has dropped from 6.6 per cent to aging businesses to adopt and 6 per cent of overall provincial Digital trade walls could impact IT leverage digital technologies. expenditures. “I predict a CMO for Canada In his address to the audience, By Rafael Ruffolo recently become internationally The ability for enterprises to do will be adopted,” he said, probably Nicholl went out of his way n Without A Revamped tradable. Goldfarb said the ability to this will be restricted if the country within the next 12 months. to send the message that the digitaL trade strategy, Canadian send information instantly around does not improve broadband con- A major role for a CMO would province is still a good partner. enterprises will find it difficult to the world has made it much easier to nectivity, lift restrictions on foreign be to advocate the importance of In times of “fiscal constraint” compete in the global economy, ac- coordinate regional and global value investment in communications broadband adoption and network- governments need to focus harder cording to a new Conference Board of chains. technologies and digital content, and ing infrastructure in Canadian cit- on delivering high quality public Canada paper. “Businesses can break down jobs scrap “buy local” requirements. The ies from coast to coast. Each city services, he said. “Our continued The board’s report, authored by into more finely grained tasks, which paper also advises the next Canadian can build to its strengths and the collaboration with the IT sector is Danielle Goldfarb, the associate wasn’t really the case in the past,” government to put a priority on CMO can amplify those strengths, essential to moving forward” on director with the International Trade she said. This means that IT depart- investing in digital infrastructure and Reid said. that goal. and Investment Centre, argues that ments can break down their supply tech-related education programs. For example, widespread and “Working with you we want to the digitization of information has chain into smaller tasks and perform John Reid, president and CEO of affordable access to high-speed develop the most innovative and become crucial to international trade each in a location that can provide it the Canadian Advanced Technology Internet will allow small and large competitively priced solutions to and investment. For government most efficiently, Goldfarb added. Alliance (CATA Alliance), said the key businesses to create their R&D meet the needs of our customers.” leaders, this means looking beyond “In the digital world, when you to ensuring Canadian businesses can teams by linking experts around the In a few months, he added, the traditional tariffs and policies that stop the information flow, you’re lim- better compete in the global digital globe together through telepres- province will release a request restrict data flow and services. iting the potential for business,” she economy is all about branding. He ence technologies. for information to find out the The paper cites trade in global said, adding that Canada should also said CATAAlliance will be pressuring “Just as other countries have capabilities of suppliers for IT services, which grew 150 per be working closely with its trading the federal government to create copied our SR&ED tax credit system, unified communications and cent between 2000 and 2009, as partners to better facilitate the free a Chief Marketing Officer position, we’re going to have to embrace what collaboration services. He didn’t an example of services that have flow of information. which will be tasked with encour- others are doing,” Reid said. offer any more details. How TO ConTACT CompUTERWorLD PUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT NO. 40063800 Telephone: (416) 290-0240 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES Fax: (416) 290-0238 TO CIRCULATION DEPT — IT WORLD CANADA INC.
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