Vattenfall Wind Power Ltd EIA Evidence Plan Report – Document Ref: 8.5 7 Appendix III – Meeting Minutes and Documents 7.1 Minutes 7-45 MEETING AGENDA MEETING VATTENFALL WIND POWER LTD ORGANISER: ATTENDEES: HELEN JAMESON (VATTENFALL) HJ GORAN LOMAN (VATTENFALL) GL (TELECON) JULIE DREW-MURPHY (RCG) JDM TOM CARPEN (PINS) TC RICHARD KENT (PINS) RK HARRI MORRALL (NATURAL ENGLAND) HM PAUL KIRK (MMO) PK CAROLYN MCKENZIE (KENT COUNTY COUNCIL) CM CHRIS PATER (HISTORIC ENGLAND) CP APPOLOGIES: SARAH PARKER (THANET DISTRICT COUNCIL) SP KJ JOHANSSON (PINS) KJJ PURPOSE OF EVIDENCE PLAN STEERING GROUP KICK OFF MEETING TO DISCUSS THE TERMS OF REFERENCE AND THE MEETING: EVIDENCE PLAN PROCESS DATE & TIME FRIDAY 21ST OCTOBER 2016 1030-1430. & LOCATION: VATTENFALL UK, 1 TUDOR STREET, LONDON. EC4 Y0AH. LILLGRUND MEETING ROOM. LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED Agenda item Topic for discussion 1 Welcome and Introduction 2 Overview of the process – purpose and aims Evidence plan Terms of Reference (ToR) document discussion • Document structure 3 • Roles and responsibilities • Logistics plan – number and timings of meetings • Consultation log 4 The process going forward 5 AOB Notes & Notes Action Actions TC provided chair role for the meeting. Round table 1 introductions were made HJ provided an update on the project including an update on the following key points • No Agreement For Lease (AFL) in place but discussions are ongoing; Page 1 of 7 • Site characterisation surveys offshore have all commended or are about to commence; • Onshore surveys to commence early 2017; • Currently preparing for scoping, due to go out mid- December following an internal governance decision; • Grid connection offer due before end October; • Will have more certainty during November; and • High level programme dates • PEI July 2017 • Submission Jan 2018. HJ provided a high level overview of the design aspects of the development as follows • Extension encompasses original site; • 34 x 8MW WTG as base case; • Monopiles preferred but included jackets with pin piles or suction caissons; and • 66kV inter array and export cables (excludes from OFTO) but inclusion of 132 kV and substation as option. CP queried why 66kV would exclude from OFTO regime and how this impacts the structure of the DCO HJ clarified that the current OFTO regime only covers voltages of 132kV or greater. There will be one consent for the Development in its entirety which will be wholly owned by Vattenfall. It is likely that the DCO will be split between the transmission and generation assets in case they have to divest part of the project in the future. RK asked whether HVDC or HVAC was being considered HJ clarified that only HVAC would be consented, that there was no need for HVDC due the short cable route distances involved. HJ provided the following as being anticipated to be the key sensitivities for the Project • Landscape and visual due to the proximity to the coast; • Shipping; • Coastal designations – speak to NE and MMO; • Fishing – had close contact with the fishing community since start of the year and working with them to develop survey techniques and assessment for collection of additional data to ensure they have confidence in the assessment; and • Archaeology – plentiful shipwrecks CP agreed that the area was interesting from an archaeological perspective with the area known to contain 1000’s of shipwrecks from over the years and the older the wreck the more invisible to modern survey techniques they may be. CP is keen for impacts to Coastal and Terrestrial setting to be included within the assessments. HJ provided an overview of the 2 cable route options currently being considered; the northern route to Pegwell Bay and the southern route into Sandwich Bay. Options have been maintained for scoping and a decision will be made following feedback from scoping prior to PEI. Page 2 of 7 Onshore sensitivities with some of the local communities, more space will be required for 66kV as there are more cables. The space required for the substation would be similar for either 66kV or 132kV. TC asked for comments from around the table on any perceived key issues. RC enquired how much could be learned from work already carried out for the original wind farm and the cable route in particular, with respect to Archaeology? CP stated that if the same cable route was used then the Thanet offshore wind farm data would be relevant for characterisation but any new areas would need survey data. CP also noted that the seabed is dynamic and therefore things may be apparent now that were not before. HJ confirmed that the whole of the area is being covered by the geophysical survey campaign and that an archaeologist had confirmed that the survey data would be suitable for archaeological assessment. RK questioned whether overseas fishermen had been considered? HJ stated that currently only consultation with Thanet fishermen had been undertaken but they were aware that Dutch fishermen do fish in the area. PK stated that the impacts would be the same regardless of who was carrying out the fishing. JDM agreed that this is true from an environmental perspective but from a commercial fisheries assessment point of view the impact to Dutch catches would need considering. RK stated that consideration should be given to the Regulation 24 process on considering transboundary impacts. TC stated that the EP process is a really useful process to follow and a very positive process, but there should not be an undue pressure to get to the point of agreement for everything as any areas not agreed will be carried forward into the examination. HJ outlined Vattenfall’s desire to get as many issues ID’d as possible and get to the point of agreement if possible. JDM then provided an overview of the EP process including the purpose and the aims. It is essentially a collaborative process between Vattenfall and the stakeholders to establish robust data on which the HRA will be based. JDM highlighted that this EP process is seeking to agree the data and assessments for EIA 2 also as much of the data required for HRA will be relevant to EIA. The consultation undertaken as part of this process will be used to agree SoCG and ultimately this process seeks to streamline the application leaving only those items still to be agreed as a focus for the examination. CM enquired as to whether there had been good involvement of LPAs for their other projects that had followed this process. TC responded that it varies and some LPAs prefer to liaise outside the EP process. Resourcing is the main issue affecting participation. Some difficulty has been that attendees are Page 3 of 7 responding at Officer level and other members of the Council may not take the same stance. CM acknowledged this and stated she would need to confer with colleagues in other departments. Dover District Council are interested in being involved with the process, as much of the southern cable route option falls within their jurisdiction, they are currently requesting that a PPA be put in place before they will engage. HJ stressed that the constraints of the Council were understood and if it’s not possible to get all the required people together when required that separate meetings could be arranged. RK enquired if the intention would be for Dover District Council to drop out if the southern route was not progressed. This would really be for the Council to advise. JDM stated they would still be a neighbouring authority for the purposes of the examination so it would be at their discretion if they wanted to remain involved or not. The process should be totally transparent with sharing of minutes of ETG minutes prior to Steering Group meetings. JDM then ran through the document providing an overview of its structure and content. Including an overview of the different work streams and the Export Topic Groups (ETG). One of the key challenges for the process and this Evidence Plan (EP) ToR document are for it to remain as a working document. RK stated in light of potential future revisions to remove any sections scoped out, at what point are they removed and how would this be agreed? A discussion and consensus was then reached that once the ToR was agreed any amendments should be made as an addendum Once ToR finalised to the main document, thereby ensuring that an audit trail of all amendments to revisions would be maintained. be made in PINs will not normally attend the Expert Topic Group meetings addendum to the but would appreciate an overview of what’s been raised. main document ETG are designed to build on data and discussions previously held, they are not intended to start from scratch. JDM highlighted that ETGs will be run as workshops covering all 3 topics within a day, and that topics have been grouped as its understood that there will be overlap in attendance for the Participants to different topics. provide comments JDM invited comments on the structure and content. HJ stated that there will be an early ornithology discussion before Christmas with NE and RSPB about how to best use the data previously collected and how to combine the boat based and aerial data. RK stated that there is an outstanding action on PINs to provide PINs to provide some broad advice on the principle of submission with an advice on risk of incomplete data set and the risk of non-acceptance or that the non acceptance application would not pass the ES test. HJ stated that this advice was required, if there is a high risk of non-acceptance this will determine how the application proceeds.
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