The Royal Engineers Journal. Mechanicalization of the Army . Captain H. P. W. Hutson 1 The Influence of Intelligence upon the Tannenburg Campaign Brevet-Major B. C. Dening 35 The 20th (Field) Company, Royal Bombay Sappers and Miners, 1914-18 Major H. W. R. Hamilton 41 Divisional Engineers of the Future-their Duties and Equipment Major-General G. Walker 63 The Disembarkation at Alhucemas Bay Lieut.-Colonel R. E. M. Russsell 68 Waziri Ways . Brigadier-General H. H. Austin 75 Battle Honours of Royal Engineer Units . .. 87 An Unofficial History of the Signal Service with the British Salonika Force, 1915.18 . Captain C. C. S. White 97 M. G. O. E.. Colonel D. M. F. Hoysted 109 The Coal Problem and Low Temperature Distillation Captain G. MacLeod Ross 117 The Stereoscopic Examination of Air Photographs . Lieut. M. Hotine 125 "Ilex" in the Ocean Race . By one of the Crew 145 Memoir. Major-General Beresford Lovett . 155 Books. Magazines. Correspondence . .157 VOL. XLI. No. 1. MARCH 1927. CHATHAM: THE INSTITUTION OF ROYAL ENGINEERS. TELEPHONE: CIIATHAM, 669. INSTITUTION OF RE OFFICE COPY All CorrD ENT MAN DO NOT REMOVE THE ONLY ACCUMULATOR IN THE WORLD WITH PLATE-GRIDS MADE OF PURE LEAD with the Plate Grids Die Cast and Pasted entirely by machinery. Without Wood Separators or Celluloid, eliminating internal resistance and heat which shortens the life of other makes of plates, and creating constant trouble. T_NGSTONE LureLeadGrid ROBUST Machine-made Plates permit charge and Discharge at Continuous High Rates with Safety. No possibilities of the Plates Buckling or short-circuiting in service. No Fire or Explosion Risks when Charging above Normal Rates. A Tungstone Battery is not fully charged unleas the Acid shows fully 1300 Sp.G. Tungstone Robust Machine Made Plates are in best condition when always kept fully charged. VERY IMPORTANT ADVICE TO MOTORISTS. Arrange for Car Dynamo output to be permanently increased so that at a car speed of 20 miles per hour the continuous charging rate is as follows, viz.: 40 a.h. Battery minimum charging rate is 8 amps. 50 a.h. ,. 10 amps. 75 a.h .. .. , 15 amps. Tungatone Machine Made and Pasted Plates are Heavier and Stronges than any other make of Plate, and therefore can be continuously charged at these higher rates than any other make of battery. Tungstone Plate Grids being made of Pure Lead. and the Paste of Pure Lead Oxides. ensures exceptional storage capacity and quick discharges, therefore provision is made to give continuous, ample and generous power for Self-starting without cranking. Follow these instructions and you permanently get the full benefits of the originality of Tungstcne Design and Manufacture of a Pure Lead Plate and Grid giving exceptional Strength. Storage. Dependability. Reliability, Security. and Safety. CHARGING HIGH TENSION AT 12-16 VOLTS POTENTIAL. All H.T. Tungstone Accumula:ors are fitted with a Pa.ent Equipment whereby each series of 12 Volts can be coupled in oarallel so that these H.T. Batteries of whatever voltage can be charged at local Garages and Charging Stations on a 12-16 Volt Low Tension Charging Plant. Charging Terminals are provided on the front of the Cabinet arranged in two rows, the top row being Positive and the bottom row Negative. When in use these charging terminals are connected in pairs so that all cells are in series. |y Apply for copy, sent post free, Illustrated Booklet- "Photography tel:s the Story of the Tungs one Accumalator." Please address all commtnications to the Distributors' Offices and Showrooms: TUNGSTONE ACCUMULATOR CO., LTD., 3, ST. BRIDE'S HOUSE, SALISBURY SQ., FLEET ST., LONDON, E.C.4 Telegrams: "Typify, Fleet, London." Telephone: Central 8157 (4 lines). SOLD BY ALL DEALERS. T.24 Seri¢e of Patent DOsigns and Trade Mark Issued or Applied for in the Chief Countries of the World. Z V- lc;-I 0a.:-,. 0:<. What Victaulic Flexibility Means. An emeccrgency line laid in a street to cope with flood-water in a colliery. VICTAULIC flexibility permits rapid pipe-laying; pipes do not need careful alignment and, further, the joints can be fitted in a few minutes'each. Victaulic lines are flexible under pressure and prevent straining, which, with flange-joints often causes leakage. Special Victaulic fittings-additional to the range of ordinary fittings- simplify the building-up of pipe-systems, however complicated. Special closer joints are made, which permit rapid closing of lines, without the delay which is inevitable with flanged or screwed and socketed joints, or plain tubes can be prepared to take Victaulic joints by the Victaulic hand- operated grooving tool, as supplied to the War Department. Victaulic Joints have been accepted by the War Department. THE V;CTAUULT COMPANY, LIMITED " KING'S BUILDINGS DEAN STANLEY ST. WESTMINSTER, S.W . J 1) VE,1111, I SE.' Al E-X TS. 2 .j - ,«, The Balkan Cigarettes are supplied to Embassies, Legations, - 's - . i Consulates, Regimental Messes, London Clubs, University Turkish experts. i-5 - 4 u t^ . * Colleges, etc.. and are tested by the finest . t( a . .*- ' Offer them to your friends. who will immediately detect the ,\ - \. -', difference in the quality, favour and aroma between these cigarettes and the many other- Turkish cigarettes on the rh m l k ·' ' . \ i l"t li e o/ the Bat ai Cigarette Co. is a gsartnlee of \ , TURKISH. Medium-100s. 14/-: 50s. 7/3 25s. 3,8 Super choice Yenidie. Soft and Smooth. Equisite flavour. '-"', ' The above are chosen of connoisseurs, and are guaranteed. | . '5- =--- ' BALKAN BAYARD-100 9,'9 s. 50 : 5'- s. 25s. 2,6 ' - \ Mild Yedidie of delicate flavour. \ '-- : BALKAN KHREMONA-10s 8,'- M\AHRANEE-100s. 6,6; 50s. 3,6; 25s. 1 9 Special Mild Turkish. \ \ - - - ' To prevent substituotio specialttention is drav.n to the \ . -- .- name THE BALKAN CIGARETTE CO.. LTD.. AND . BRIDGE DESIGN " which appeac on every bo. 1 __ :--Theowners of 11e Companv are BRITISII IORA. anl 'i ~ - Ft rc!y so!fel o the q.uality of their goods. \ - c * INSIST ont goods manlfactured by The Balkan Cigardett Co., Ltd., and avoid beDin oflcrcd inferior subslztitcs. Supplied by lihe leading Toiacconists, or direct front THE BALKAN CIGARETTE CO., LTD., (BRITISH OWNED) EDWARD HOUSE. REPHIDIM STREET. LONDON. S.E. I LONDON PIPELESS HEATING lleatiiC l td l'¢(' iiltiiflg l'Ilintclrs. LTD., 164, Chandos House, Buckingham Gate, London, S.W.1. Telephone :-Victoria 3762. Directors:-Brig.-Gen. W. BAKER BROWN, C.B., M.I.E.E., ELYOT S. HAWKINS. A.M.I.Mech.E. ==77L==- · = - - --- PIPELESS HEATING is a system of heating applicable to all kinds of buildings, Dwvelling houses, Churches, Halls, Shops, etc. One fire heats the whole house. Our " Up-to-date" Heater contains all the latest improvements, and is of lEnglish ilamnitzactlure throughout. The system combines Comfortable Heating --- with Perfect Ventilation. - ll'rite for illlsltrated booklet. Estimiates free. - ==Tr- = == = 1 -2- :- _--=- - Brig. General Baker Brown offers 'to give advice to any R.E. Officers or Other Ranks who want to improve the heating of their houses. L -1 1) ./ 7't SI- . IL A I.\S. EXPAMEt EXPANDED METAL Specialities. "EXPAMET" STEEL SHEET REINFORCEMENT FOR CONCRETE. "EXPAMET" and "BB" LATHINGS FOR PLASTERWORK. " EXMET " REINFORCEMENT FOR BRICKWORK. " EXPAMET " STEEL SHEETS, for Fencing, Openwork Partitions, Machinery Guards, Switchboard Enclosures, Etc. "RIBMET" FOR CONCRETE AND PLASTERWORK. MILD STEEL WALL-TIES. WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED LITERATURE. THE EXPANDED METAL Co., Ltd. Patentees and Manufacturers of Expanded Metal. Engineers for all forms of Reinforced Concrete Work. York Mansion, Petty France, London, S.W. 1. Works: West Hartlepool. Established over 30 Years. A' D I'EITlIStl3I ENTS. THE R.E. CHARITABLE FUND. Chairman and Honorary Treasurer: Major-General H. W. DUPERIER, Colonel Commandant, R.E. Honorary Secretary: Colonel M. A. BOYD, C.B.E. (late R.E.). All communications should be addressed to:- THE HONORARY SECRETARY, Royal Engineers Charitable Fund, 1, Central Buildings, Westminster, S.W. 1. Y R.E. OLD COMRADS' ASSOCIATION. Patron: H.M. THE KING. President: Lieut.-General Sir AYLMER HUNTER-WESTON, K.C.B., D.S.O., M.P., Colonel Commandant, R.E. Hon. Treasurer: Colonel R. J. DONE, D.S.O. Secretary: Mr. J. McB. ROBBINS. Address: 6, OLD QUEEN STREET, WESTMINSTER, S.W. 1. The Association was formed in 1912. Its principal Objects are to foster esprit td corps amongst all ranks, past and present, of the Royal Engineers, to assist in cases of acute distress (in conjunction with the R.E. Charitable Fund); and to help deserving members on leaving, or who have left the Corps, to obtain employment. All Officers and other ranks who are serving, or have served, in the Royal Engineers-Regulars (old and new Armies), Special Reserve, and Territorial Force- are eligible for membership. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. £5. Other ranks, £1 10s. Life Membership:-Officers, 2 Other subscriptions :-Officers, 5s. per year. Other ranks, s. per year. For flurther pa)ticulars (appf!1 to the Secrettary asanbovc. .1) 1) I' ISI.IL£7.VS. A FEW FACTS 1. Baker's can save you expense. 2. Baker's have over 60 years' experience. 3. Baker's have the largest organisation of their kind, which is at your disposal. 4. Baker's are very grateful forthe opportunity to quote competitively for any of your requirements. WHAT OTHERS SAY AHMEDNAGAR... 21/1/25... LUCKNOW ... 16/2/26 ... "I "Everything I had from Baker wish, on behalf of theStewards, has been most satisfactory- to express our complete particularly the Gun, which is satisfaction with the Cups most excellent." supplied." 28/7/26..."
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