© Norwegian Journal of Entomology. June 2014 Sawflies (Hymenoptera, Symphyta) newly recorded from Norway ERIK HEIBO, OLE JØRGEN LØNNVE, TROND ELLING BARSTAD, STEPHAN MARTIN BLANK, ANDREW LISTON, MARKO PROUS & ANDREAS TAEGER Heibo, E., Lønnve, O.J., Barstad, T.E., Blank, S.M., Liston, A., Prous, M., & Taeger, A. 2014. Sawflies (Hymenoptera, Symphyta) newly recorded from Norway. Norwegian Journal of Entomology 61, 15– 26. 22 species are newly recorded in Norway: Cladardis hartigi Liston, 1995; Cladius rufipes Serville, 1823; Dineura stilata (Klug, 1816); Dolerus (Poodolerus) varispinus Hartig, 1837; Empria basalis Lindqvist, 1968; Empria camtschatica Forsius, 1928; Empria excisa (Thomson, 1871); Empria minuta Lindqvist, 1968; Eutomostethus punctatus (Konow, 1887); Fenusella wuestneii (Konow, 1895); Gilpinia virens (Klug, 1812); Phylloecus linearis (Schrank, 1781); Heterarthrus nemoratus (Fallén, 1808); Hoplocampa crataegi (Klug, 1816); Hoplocampa flava (Linné, 1760); Metallus albipes (Cameron, 1875); Nematinus steini Blank, 1998; Nematus cadderensis Cameron, 1875; Pamphilius marginatus (Serville, 1823); Pseudodineura enslini (Hering, 1923); Pseudodineura fuscula (Klug, 1816); Tenthredo semicolon Mol, 2013. Comments are made on the European distribution. Hostplants of the presented sawflies are remarked upon in the light of the distribution of the plants in Norway. Key words: Cephidae, Pamphiliidae, Diprionidae, Tenthredinidae, new records. * Erik Heibo, Ento Consulting, Rypeveien 34A, NO-3420 Lierskogen, Norway. E-mail: [email protected] Ole J. Lønnve, BioFokus, Gaustadalèen 21, NO-0349 Oslo, Norway. E-mail: [email protected] Trond Elling Barstad, Department of Natural Sciences, Tromsø University Museum, NO-9037, Tromsø, Norway. E-mail: [email protected] Stephan M. Blank, Andrew Liston, Marko Prous & Andreas Taeger, Senckenberg Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Eberswalder Str. 90, DE-15374 Müncheberg, Germany. E-mails: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] * Corresponding author Introduction 2005, Nuorteva et al. 2005, Lønnve 2006, Lønnve 2007, Heibo et al. 2008, and Lønnve 2009. Siebke (1880), Strand (1898) and Kiær (1898) All sawfly larvae are herbivorous (Wagner & published important works on the Symphyta Raffa 1993, Liston 1995, Viitassari 2002), except of Norway, with smaller additions by Strand for those of the Orussidae, which are ecto- and (1900, 1901, 1903). Since then, sawfly research endoparasitic on Buprestidae, Cerambycidae and in Norway has not been continuously performed Siricidae (Kraus 1998). Among the plant feeding and until the last decade, few articles containing sawflies both monophagy and oligophagy are new records were published (e.g. Heibo & Lönnve common, while polyphagy is probably not that 15 Heibo et al.: Sawflies newly recorded from Norway frequent. Groups of related sawfly species also same locality 1♂, 30 May 2011, leg. O.J. Lønnve, seem to feed on related host plants. For instance, det. O.J. Lønnve (COLN). BØ, Hole: Søhol (EIS species of Empria Lepeletier & Serville, 1828 36), N60.073951° E10.209734°, 1♀, 2−28 June are (mostly) monophagous or oligophagous on 2010 (Malaise trap), leg. F. Ødegaard, det. O.J. representatives of the plant families Betulaceae, Lønnve (COLN). VE, Nøtterøy: Østre Bolærene Rosaceae, and Salicaceae (Prous 2012). Many (EIS 19), N59.2° E10.59°, 1♂, 1 June 2007, leg. host plants are still unknown, and this is a huge E. Heibo, det. E. Heibo (CEHL). challenge for conservation biology. The main aim Remarks. Phylloecus linearis (formerly of this study was to report new records of sawfly Hartigia linearis, see Liston & Prous 2014) has a species from Norway. In addition, we comment on wide distribution in Europe (Taeger et al. 2006). the host plants of these sawflies in Norway. The host plant is A. eupatoria L. (Kontuniemi 1960). Agrimonia eupatoria is found north to Trøndelag in dry places in woods and along Material and methods roads (Lid & Lid 2005), but so far, records of P. linearis are only found in coastl areas of southeast The specimens listed below are deposited in Norway. Phylloecus linearis is very similar to the following collections: Zoological Museum, Phylloecus xanthostoma (Eversmann, 1847) and University of Bergen, Norway (ZMUB); Natural correct identification can be challenging. The History Museum, Oslo, Norway (NHMO); characters (relative length of antennomeres and Tromsø University Museum, Norway (TUMN); shape of the sawsheath) (Jansen 1998) used to Senckenberg Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, distinguish P. linearis from P. xanthostoma do Müncheberg, Germany (SDEI); collection of not fit the Norwegian specimens, but fall into an Erik Heibo, Norway (CEHL), collection of Ole overlap zone between those species. However, the J. Lønnve, Norway (COLN), and collection localities where these specimens were collected of BioFokus, Oslo, Norway (CBFO). In the strongly indicate that they are P. linearis. At collections studied at the natural history museums both localities, A. eupatoria was present, and at of Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim and Tromsø, no Lilleaker one male specimen was swept from A. further specimens of these species were found. eupatoria. The hostplant of P. xanthostoma is Regional abbreviations are given in accordance Filipendula ulmaria (L.). At Lilleaker, F. ulmaria to Økland (1981). The coordinates are given in was not present. decimal degrees (Grid: Lat/Lon hddd.dddd°). Nomenclature follows Taeger et al. (2010) and PAMPHILIIDAE Liston & Prous (2014), while plant names are according to Lid & Lid (2005). A review of the Pamphilius marginatus (Serville, 1823) nematine genera is soon to be published which Material. AK, Bærum: Kolsås (EIS 28), will affect some names used in this paper (Prous N59.91737° E10.52158°, 1♀, 6 May 2012, leg. S. et al. in press). Olberg, det. O.J. Lønnve (COLN). Remarks. According to Stritt (1937) the host plants are Corylus avellana L. and Carpinus Comments on species betulus L. Collecting data from Greece also indicate Ostrya carpinifolia Scop. as a potential CEPHIDAE larval host, another representative of Corylaceae (Shinohara & Blank 2003). Carpinus betulus is Phylloecus linearis (Schrank, 1781) found in gardens, but occasionally also naturalised Material. AK, Oslo: Lilleaker, Mustad (EIS (Lid & Lid 2005). Corylus avellana is distributed 28), N59.920489° E10.631367°, 1♂1♀, 25 in Norway north to Nordland (Lid & Lid 2005). May−19 June 2011 (Malaise trap), leg. S. Olberg Pamphilius marginatus has a wide distribution in & Ø. Gammelmo, det. O.J. Lønnve, (COLN); Europe (Taeger et al. 2006). 16 Norwegian Journal of Entomology 61, 15–26 (2014) DIPRIONIDAE E9.03520°, 1♀, 6 June 2013, leg. O.J. Lønnve, det. M. Prous (COLN). Spjeldset (the distance Gilpinia virens (Klug, 1812) Spjeldset-Nystul) (EIS 27), N59.9526° E9.0372°, Material. Ø, Hvaler: Prestegårdskog (EIS 12), 1♀, 6 June 2013, leg. O.J. Lønnve, det. M. Prous N59.02396° E11.02628°, 1♀, 1−20 August 2010 (COLN). HOI, Eidfjord: Fossli (Alpine meadow (Malaise trap), leg. T.J. Olsen, det. O.J. Lønnve with Dryas octopetala L.) (EIS 42), N60.46996° (COLN). BØ, Hole: Søhol (EIS 36), N60.073951° E7.33475°, 1126m.a.s.l., 1♀, 22 June 2009, leg. E10.209734°, 1♀, 8 May−2 June 2010 (Malaise E. Heibo, det. E. Heibo, ver. M. Prous (CEHL). trap), leg. F. Ødegaard, det. O.J. Lønnve (COLN). NNØ, Narvik: Vassdal (EIS 146), N68.55452° Remarks. The only recorded host plant E17.73161°, 1♂, 17 June–10 September 2005, of G. virens in northern and central Europe is Malaise trap, leg. E. Heibo, det. E. Heibo, ver. Pinus sylvestris L. Pinus sylvestris is common in M. Prous (CEHL). SFI, Aurland: Aurlandsvegen Norway north to Porsanger (Lid & Lid 2005). It is (Nedre Kaldeklettane Lok 2.) (EIS 51), 61.02073° unknown why there are few records of G. virens in 7.33157°, 1112m.a.s.l., 1♂2♀, 3 July 2010, leg. E. Norway, although its host plant is very common. Heibo, det. E. Heibo, ver. M. Prous (CEHL); same Gilpinia virens has a wide distribution in Europe locality, 2♂2♀, 26 June 2011, leg. E. Heibo, det. (Taeger et al. 2006). E. Heibo, ver. M. Prous (CEHL); Stemmerdalen (Brubotnvotni)(EIS 42), E60.75287° N7.57169°, TENTHREDINIDAE 1108m.a.s.l., 1♀, 26 June 2011, leg. E. Heibo, Allantinae det. E. Heibo, ver. M. Prous (CEHL). NSI, Rana: Sandheia (EIS 123), N66.39396° E14.26634°, Empria basalis Lindqvist, 1968 1♀, 31 May−29 June 2002, Malaise trap, leg. Material. Ø, Fredrikstad: Ramseklovene E. Heibo & O. Lønnve, det. E. Heibo (CEHL); (EIS 20), N59.19698° E 10.79632°, 1♀, 18 Saltdal: Junkerdalen (EIS 127), N66.82501° May 2002, leg. E. Heibo & O.J. Lønnve, det. E15.50645°, 9♂, 17 May−31 May 2002, Malaise O. J. Lønne (COLN). AK, Bærum: Kjaglidalen trap, leg. E. Heibo & O.J. Lønnve, det. E. Heibo (EIS 28), N59.95340° E10.41417°, 1♂, 21 June (CEHL); Junkerdalen (Skiferbrukhammaren) (EIS 2001, leg. O.J. Lønnve, det. E. Heibo (CEHL). 127), N66.78426° E15.69337°, 1♂, 12 May−31 OS, Lunner: Grindvoll (EIS 36), 60.29663° August 2004, Malaise trap, leg. E. Heibo, det. E. 10.49242°,1♂, 8 June 2003, leg. O.J. Lønnve, Heibo (CEHL); Rognan (EIS 127), N67.084056° det. E. Heibo (CEHL). BØ, Lier: Lierskogen E15.361400°, 1♂, 31 May−29 June 2002, Yellow (Elveroa) (EIS 28), N59.82222° E10.33358°, pan trap, leg. E. Heibo & O. Lønnve, det. E. 1♂, 3 June 2007, leg. E. Heibo, det. E. Heibo Heibo (CEHL). FI, Alta: Trangdalen (EIS 165), (CEHL); same locality, N59.82459° E10.33479°, N69.76399° E23.33476°, 260m.a.s.l., 2♂1♀, 216m.a.s.l., 1♂, 8 May 2011, leg. E. Heibo, det. E. 21 June−12 September 2005, Malaise trap, leg. Heibo (CEHL); Lierskogen (South of Liertoppen/ E. Heibo, det. E. Heibo, ver. M. Prous (CEHL); Modulbygg) (EIS 28), N59.80506° E10.29814°, Kautokeino: Masi (EIS 165), N69.40755° 244m.a.s.l., 1♂, 14 May 2011, leg. E. Heibo, E23.61439°, 1♂1♀, 21 June−12 September 2005, det. E. Heibo (CEHL); same locality, 1♀, 4 Malaise trap, leg. E. Heibo, det. E. Heibo, ver. M.
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