ZOBODAT - www.zobodat.at Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt Jahr/Year: 1993 Band/Volume: 136 Autor(en)/Author(s): Siblik M. Artikel/Article: Lower Liassic Brachiopods from the Steinplatte-Kammerköhralm Area near Waidring (Northern Calcareous Alps, Salzburg) 965-982 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at Gedenkband zum 100. Todestag von Dionys Stur Redaktion: Harald Lobitzer & Albert Daurer Jb. Geol. B.-A. ISSN 0016-7800 Band 136 Heft 4 S.965-982 Wien, Dezember 1993 Lower Liassic Brachiopods from the Steinplatte-Kammerköhralm Area near Waidring (Northern Calcareous Alps, Salzburg) By MilOS SIBLiK*) With 10 Text-Figures and 2 Plates Salzburg Nördliche Kalkalpen Steinplalle Lias Osterreichische Kartei: 50.000 Brachiopoden Bläller 91,92 Taxonomie Contents Zusammenfassung 965 Abstract. .. 965 1. Introduction 965 2. Descriptions 966 Acknowledgements 977 References . .. 982 Brachiopoden aus dem Unterlias des Gebietes Steinplatte - Kammerköhralm bei Waidring (Nördliche Kalkalpen, Salzburg) Zusammenfassung 19 Brachiopoden-Taxa aus dem Unterlias (Marmorea-Zone) werden von drei Lokalitäten der Steinplatte beschrieben. Abstract The Lower Liassic (Marmorea Zone) of the Steinplatte area has yielded 19 brachiopod taxa that are studied in the present paper. 1. Introduction The present paper deals with the Lower Liassic brachio- a Locality ST-1 pod fauna coming from the Kammerköhralpe, NE of Stein- leilleria pertorata (PIETIE). platte (1896 m) near Waidring, Salzburg. The study is a Locality ST-2 based on my own collection made in 1991 and completed Calcirhynchia (?) plicatissima (QUENST.), Cirpa planitrans (OR- by several specimens found there by Dr. H. LOBITZERand MaS), Prionorhynchia (?) polyptycha (OPPEL), Furcirhynchia Dr. M. RAKUSin 1990. emmrichi (OPPEL), Cuneirhynchia retusitrons (OPPEL), "Rhyn- The Liassic of the Steinplatte area was studied in detail choella" traasi OPPEL, "Rh." aft. prana OPPEL, Liospiriterina al- by HAHN (1910) who mentioned 3 brachiopod species pina (OPPEL), L. obtusa (OPPEL), Liospiriferina sp., Lobothyris from the Lower Liassic variegated limestone ("Bunte ovatissimaetormis (BÖCKH), Linguithyris aspasia (MENEGH.), Ammonitenkalke") of Kammerköhralpe: Rhynchonella cf. leilleria pertorata (PIETIE), Z. mutabilis (OPPEL), Z. alpina traasi OPPEL, Rhynchonella plicatissima QUENSTEDTand Pygope (GEYER),Z. stapia (OPPEL), Z. aft. apenninica (ZITI.). nimbata OPPEL. a Locality ST-3 The new material described in the present paper comes Calcirhynchia (?) plicatissima (QUENST.), "Rhynchonella" aft. from 3 localities (for the localities see Text-Fig. 1), where paolii CAN., "Rhynchonella" sp., Linguithyris aspasia (ME- the following species were found: NEGH.). *) Author's address: Dr. MILOSSIBLIK, Geologicallnstitute, Czech Academy of Science, Rozvojova 135, (;Z-16500 Praha 6, Czech Republic. 965 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at / I ) The accompanying ammonite fauna determined by M. 1943 Rhynchonella plicatissima Qu. - VIGH, p. 339, PI. 26, RAKUS(1993, this volume) indicates the Marmorea Zone. The Figs.11-16. 7 1957 Rhynchonella plicatissima QUENSTEDT - MAHEL, p. 182, preservation of brachiopods is relatively good, some spe- PI. 8, Figs. 13-14. cimens are fragmentary or unsuitable for sectioning due to 1970 "Rhynchonella" plicatissima (QUENSTEDT)- GAETANI, p. 381, the recrystallization of the inner parts of shell. If compared Text-Fig. 9. to the younger Hierlatz brachiopods, the Steinplatte bra- non 1954 Rhynchonella plicatissima QUENSTEDT- CONTI, p. 197, PI. 9, chiopod fauna seems to be slightly different, lacking in Fig. 12 (= Calcirhynchia rectemarginata (VECCHIA) fide GAE- numerous Terebratulidae and strongly ribbed rhynchonel- TANI, 1970). Mat e ria I: 11 specimens preserved as partly decorti- lids of the "alberti" and "guembeli" types. cated and fragmentary internal moulds. The dimensions All figured specimens are deposited in the collection of (in mm) of the better preserved specimens are as fol- the Geologische Bundesanstalt (Museum) in Vienna. lows: Length Width Thickness 15.2 17.3 10.8 714.5 716.0 10.2 2. Descriptions 14.0 16.5 9.0 sectioned 713.8 16.0 7.8 PI. 1, Fig. 4 13.7 14.9 9.3 Order: Rhynchonellida KUHN, 1949 12.7 7 8.1 Superfamily: Rhynchonellacea GRAY, 1848 11.0 13.6 7.0 sectioned Family: Wellerellidae lIKHAREv In t ern a Ich a r act e r s: Lateral umbonal cavities sub- in RZHONSNITSKAYA, 1956 trigonal in cross-section. Dental lamellae strong and Genus: Calcirhynchia BUCKMAN, 1917 long, slightly divergent dorsally and anteriorly. Pedicle collar distinguished in 1 specimen sectioned. Double deltidial plates ascertainable. Hinge teeth expanded Calcirhynchia (?) plicatissima (QUENSTEDT, 1852) dorsally, crenulated and inserted into large, crenulated (PI. 1, Fig. 4; Text-Fig. 2) sockets. Squat denticula situated laterally. Hinge pla- 1852 Terebratulaplicatissima- QUENSTEDT,p. 451, PI. 36, Fig. 3. tes subhorizontal, at the distal ends with dorsally deve- 1889 Rhynchonella plicatissima QUENST. - GEYER, p. 57, PI. 6, loped crural bases. Neither true median septum nor Figs. 33-36, PI. 7, Figs. 1-7 (cum syn.). septalium observed. Crura prefalciform, extending 71889 Rhynchonella latifrons STUR m.s. - GEYER, p. 54, PI. 6, Fig. 29 slightly into pedicle valve. only. Rem ark s: This species and its allies belong undoubted- 1893 Rhynchonella plicatissima, QUENST. - FUCINI, p. 295, PI. 4, Figs.1-2. ly to the most difficult of all rhynchonellids which occur 1909 Rhynchonella plicatissima QUENST.sp. - TRAUTH, p. 64, PI. 2, in the Lower Liassic. There exists a series of small to Fig. 1. medium-sized, highly variable forms for which a great 1926 Rhynchonella plicatissima, Qu. - PETERHANS, p. 363, PI. 2, number of available names was used. Moreover, indi- Figs.5-8. stinct figures and insufficient original descriptions ren- 1932 Rhynchonella plicatissima QUENSTEDT - RENZ, p. 55 (cum syn.). der the taxonomy rather difficult. Our specimens agree 1936 Rhynchonella plicatissima FA QUENSTEDT- JOLY, p. 151 (cum very well externally with those figured and described in syn.). detail by GEYER(1889). The only difference in external 1937 Rhynchonella plicatissima QUENST.- ORMOS, p. 32. features is that the Hierlatz forms have, on the average, 966 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at ... ~ 0.3 0.5 0.6 \ 0.75 \ 2 mm, 0.9 1.1 1.2 » 4 2.7 f ~ 2.8 f ~ 3.2 ( "\ 3.7 ( ) 3.95 I 4.1 Text-Fig. 2. Calcirhynchia (?) plicalissima (QuENSTEDT). Serial transverse sections through the posterior part of shell. Originallength of specimen 14.0 mm. ST 2. Magnified. slightly more convex pedicle valves. The species is un- Genus: Cirpa 01 GREGORIO, 1930 doubtedly very close to "Rhynchonella" latifrons GEYER, 1889 that was distinguished chiefly by the more promin- Cirpa planifrons (ORMOS, 1937) ent beak and by the elliptic outline in anterior view. ÄGER (PI. 1, Figs.1-3; Text-Fig. 3) (1962, p. 86) with doubt referred "plicatissima" to Calcir- hynchia and mentioned close relation of serial sections of 1937 Rhynchonella planifrons nov.sp. - aRMOS, p. 35, 41, PI. 1, Calcirhynchia to those of Cirpa. GAETANI'Ssections (1970, Fig.19. ? 1964 Rhynchonella rimala OPP. - SACCHI VIALL!, p. 13, PI. 2, Fig. 7. Text-Fig. 9) of a topotypical specimen of "plicatissima" from Ofterdingen in Germany that revealed long dorsal Mat e ria I: 5 internal moulds with fragments of shell. The septum throw doubt on the attribution of "plicatissima" to figured specimens have the following dimensions: 13.7 Calcirhynchia. In the present paper, the question mark is x 15.6 x 9.9 mm (PI. 1, Fig. 1), ?11.5 x 13.0 x 8.8 mm used in connection with the generic name Calcirhynchia as (PI. 1, Fig. 2) and 11.4 x 12.4 x 8.8 mm (PI. 1, Fig. 3). the status of Calcirhynchia has still not been resolved sa- In tern a Ich a ra c t e rs: Could not be completely ascer- tisfactorily and there have not been gained more recent tained owing to the partial recrystallization of both spe- data on the internal structures of "plicatissima" and other cimens sectioned, but serial sections revealed the in- allocated species. ternal characters typical of Cirpa: pedicle collar, double Dis tri but ion: Stein platte - loc. 2 and 3 (Hierlatz, Bar- deltidial plates, short dental lamellae, fused hinge barastollen in Hinterholz, Viis, Germany, Switzerland, plates subhorizontally situated, neither septalium nor Belgium, Italy, Greece, CSFR, Hungary). median septum developed, and raduliform crura. Upper Hettangian to Upper Sinemurian-Lotharingian Rem ark s : The specimens display externally the charac- (according to ÄLMERAS, 1964). ?Middle Liassic of teristic features of Cirpa: rectangular outline of shell in Greece. anterior view and flattening of its anterior end. Number 967 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at Text-Fig.3. Cirpa planifrons (ORMOS). Three transverse sections show- ing subparallel hinge plates and absent median septum. Original length of specimen c: 11.0 mm. ST 2. Magnified. ( J of the ribs confined to the fold is 4 (in 1 specimen) or 5 (in 4 specimens). I This species is unoubt- I edly very close to Cirpa {ronlo (QUENSTEDT, 1871) which can be distinguished by its stronger ribs and by dorsally divergent dentallamellae. Lateral umbonal ca- producing common cynocephalous variants. vities subtrigonal in cross-section. Pedicle collar not Dis tri but ion: ORMOS (1937) recorded her new species ascertained.
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