Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Digital Library Collections This is a PDF of a folder from our textual collections. Collection: Reagan, Ronald: Gubernatorial Papers, 1966-74: Press Unit Folder Title: Press Releases – May 1967 [05/19/1967 – 05/30/1967] Box: P7 To see more digitized collections visit: https://reaganlibrary.gov/archives/digital-library To see all Ronald Reagan Presidential Library inventories visit: https://reaganlibrary.gov/document-collection Contact a reference archivist at: [email protected] Citation Guidelines: https://reaganlibrary.gov/citing National Archives Catalogue: https://catalog.archives.gov/ OFFICE OF THE GOV:~~1'i0R sa:ramentog California Contact: Lyn Nofziger 445-4571 5.19.67 Sacramento--Gov. Ronald Reagan today proclaimed the week of follows: WHEREAS Manpower resources comprise the most important single asset in the state of California's economy~ and WHEREAS Individual opportunity is the greatest prize which our system of economic freedom provides~ and WHEREAS Many California citizens are physically and mentally handicapped persons who cannot compete for jobs in private indus­ try due to their handicaps; and WHERiEAS Thousands of persons voluntarily seek I training and employment in works'hops for the handica.pped located throughout the state; and ViJHEREAS Workshop training rehabilitates the handicapped and helps them to'"'~rc} economic indepeadence as tax1;)ayin9 mern1.:iers of our state; a:nd WHEREAS Businesses which support the ~orkshops program by providing subcoutracts which permit employment of the handicapped contribute to the econcmic independence of the handicapped; and WHl~REAS The California L(;gislat:.. 1re has requested the Governor to proclaim the week of May 21 through May 27th, 1967, as Workshop Workers Weeki N0W THEREFOrtE, I, RONALD REAGAN, GOVERNOR OP CALIFORNIA, do heret•y p:coclaim the waek of J.llay 21 through May 27 as WORKSHOP WQI{!\ERS WEEKI' and I urge all citizens and businesses to support the workshops program. # # # JAK/270 OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR Sacramento, California Contact: Lyn Nofziger MEMO TO 445-4571 5.19.67 Schedule - May 22-28 2:00 pm Groundbreaking ceremonies, California Exposition and Fair. Rema.rks. Mrs. Reagan will attend. Tuesd.aYL__~ay 23 9:30 am Brief greetings to California Peace Officers Association1 El Dorado Hotel 10:45 am Meeting: John Shelley, Mayor of San Francisco; Governor's Office 1:30 pm Press Conference, Room 1190 3:30 pm Meeting: Representatives of the NAACP: Governor's Office CHARLES SCHULZ DAY 11:30 am Meeting and photo session: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schulz: Governor's Office 2:30 pm Meeting: Representatives of the PTA; Governor's Office Thursday, MaY..l.,!i 2:30 pm Meeting: National City Chamber of Commerce; Council Room. Accompanied by Assemblyman Deddeh 9:30 am Meeting: Senator Thomas H. Kuchel1 Governor's Office 11:30 am Meeting: Governor's Advisory Council on Ocean Resources; council Room late afternoon Depart Sacramento Airport, chartered plane; Arrive Santa Barbara Airport 5:30 pm Reception: Santa Barbara/Ventura counties Republican Central Committees; Home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Evans, 465 Hot Springs Road, Montecito Mrs. Reagan will attend. 7:00 pm Depart Reception by car overnight Los Angeles No public appointments scheduled at this time # # # OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR Sacramento, California contact: Lyn Nofziger td 445-4571 5.22.67 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Sacram.ento--Gov.·Ronald Reagan announced today the appointment of seven outstanding Californians to the Commission of the Californias Reagan also has named 18 more men and women to a.ct as special repre- sentatives to the Commission of the Californias. Lt. Gov. Robert H. Finch has been designated as Chairman of the California delegation to the commission. Established in 1964, the Commission of the Californias works for the mutual benefit of Ca.lifer- nia and Baja California in the areas of economics, education, tourism and agriculture. "California and our neighboring state of Baja California share a common coastline, a coromon cultural heritage and mutual problems and challenges," Gov. Reagan said. "The people who have consented to serve on this important Commission will make significant contributions to the future of our two great states." Ignacio Garcia Batista, Mexicali, who is general chairman of the Commission of the Californias, announced a meeting on Friday, May 26 and Sah:.:rday, May 27, in Meid::::ali. "I am confid8nt that this first meeting of the newly constituted Commission of the Californias will herald a new era of friendship and prosperity for Cal iforn.ia and Baj a California., 11 Batista said. "The determination of Gov. He<:-igan of California and Gov. Sanchez Di1~z thn.t this Commission of the califo!:'nias be a meaningful body is reflected in th:?ir great faith in Lt. Gov. Finch, for his clarity of vision ana his sound thoughts on the future of our two states. "The high caliber of the members of the Commissicn of the Californias promises a great future for the work they have undertaken,m Batista declared. Regular rner.:.be::::s of the Co:'.1rrnissio:n of the caJ.ifo:::-n!.as a..::e Finch~ Pierre Jl.llir.io, El Cerrito~ Milton E. Brooding, San Francisco~ Mrs. Robert J. Hitte oranger Herbm~t G. Klein, San Diego; Oscar Padilla., Calexico: and William A. Wilson, Los Angeles. MORE -2- Special representatives named are Judge Arthur L. Alarcon, Los Angeles1 Joseph A. Beek, Sacramento; Frank Bogert, Palm Springs; Warren Brock, El Centro; Raul R. Carrillo, Calexico; Bing Crosby, Hillsborough; Mayor Frank Curran, San Diego; Robert L. Curry, Torrance~ Charles w. Gardiner, Los Angeles. More are Ed Ja.nss, Los Angeles i Consul General John F. I<illea, Tijuana; Don Koll, Newport Beach; Cyrus McKell, Riverside; Mrs. Norman c. Roberts, San Diego; Dr. Ernest O'Byrne, San Diego; Edwin l. Power, Vacaville ; Edward w. Smith, Fullerton; and John A. Smith, rJos Angeles. Legislative representa.tives are Assemblymen Wadie P. Deddeh, Chula Vista; Patrick D. McGee, Woodland Hills~ David D. Negri, San Fernando; John R. Stull, Encini ta.s; Pete Wilson, San Diego; Sena.tors Claire w. Burgener, San Diego; James D. Mills, San Diego~ Lawrence R. Walsh, Los Angeles; Howard Way, Exeter. # # # PB/272 OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR Sacramento, California Contact: Lyn Nofziger 445-4571 MEMO TO --CORRECTION-- In Press Release 272, please note the following correction: The name of Sen. Gordon R. cologne of Indio should be added to the "Legislative representatives~ following the name of Claire w. Burgener. # # # PB OFFICE OF THE GOVERNv~ Sacramento, California Contact: Lyn Nofziger MEMO TO THE<PtiESS ....r-.J-3 ,:,, 7 . ~~ Lb:· Gov. Ronald Reagan last week signed the following bills: May 15, 1967 SB 85 - Chapter 149 Provides penalty of 15 years to life for any Deukmejian person convicted of intentionally inflic­ S: 25 ayes; 11 noes ting great bodily injury during commission A: 62 ayes; 14 noes of robbery SB 86 - Chapter 150 Provides penalty of 15 years to life for any Deukmejian person convicted of intentionally inf lic­ S: 25 ayesr 11 noes ting great bodily injury during commission A: 64 ayes; 10 noes of burglary SB 87 - Chapter 151 Provides pena.l ty of 15 years to life for any Deukmejian person convicted of intentionally inflic­ S: 25 ayes; 11 noes ting great bodily injury during commission A: 64 ayes; 10 noes of rape SB 126 - Chapter 152 Makes provisions of uniform district elec­ Cologne tion law applicable to elections held by S: Unanimous desert water agency: increases maximum A: Unanimous interest rates on agency bonds and negotiabl promissory notes1 authorizes agency to estab lish water standby and availability charges SB 314 - Chapter 153 Provides that salaries of employees of Grun sky new municiapl court shall be comparable to S: Unanimous other municiapl courts in county, or, if A: Unanimous there are none, judge shall fix salaries; if persons received salary greater than that specified, it shall continue until express provision is made by law SB 324 - Chapter 154 Technical amendment to penal code Cologne S: Unanimous A: Unanimous AB 200 - Chapter 155 Extends for two years existing privilege Thomas tax on sardines, pacific mackerel, jack S: unanimous mackeral, squid, herring or anchovies A: Unanimous AB 390 - Chapter 156 Authorizes county Clerk in county over Brm'ln 650,000 to destroy certain records if 30 S: Unanimous years have elapet::d; minute book entries, A: Unanimous dockets or judgmE::nt dockets must be micro­ f ilme::.1; Secretary of State has 60 days to reques·c transfer before records mc:y be des­ troyed. AB 391 - Chapter 157 Provides that county recorder may destroy Brown originals cf recorded docl:.ments which S: Unanimous have been uncla.imed for 10 years and are A: 74 ayes; 4 noes undeliverable by mail. ~.B 431 - Chapter 158 Requires Los Angeles County Flood Control Thomas district t:o reimburse county of Los Angeles S: Unanimous for costs incurred by county civil service A: Unanimous commission for services rendered AB 653 - Chapter 159 Provides that oaths of state civil service Milias employees and state civil defense workers S: Unanimous shall be filed as prescribed by state A: Unanimous personnel board rule -2- AB 657 - Chapter 160 Specifies that, when calculating seniority Milias scores for layoffs, points shall be allowed S: Unanimous for service in classes which have substan­ A: Unanimous tially the same or higher salaries as class of layoff; salary to be received by demoted employee shall not exceed salarv at time· of demotion - AB 728 - Chapter 161 Technical deletion from code of civil Murphy procedure S: Unanimous A: Unanimous Mav 16, 1967 SB 31 ~ Chapter 162 Exempts vehicles leased by Senate, Assembly, Burns & Collier or any committee thereof, or governor's S: Unanimous off ice for more than 30 days from vehicle A: Unanimous code provision that such lessee will be considered owner~ requires Dept.
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