SAMPLE circumference fall 2020 us $12 can $14 CIRCUMFERENCE MAGAZINE SAMPLE Contents poetry poetry (continued) 4 Четыре Стихотворения из 5 Four Poems from 50 51 Housework russian chinese 家務 Воронежских Тетрадей The Voronezh Notebooks chung kwok keung may huang osip mandelstam john high & matvei yankelevich 58 The Ruin 59 The Ruin old english anonymous gnaomi siemens 16 (No Sapņu grāmatas) 17 (from a dream diary) latvian baiba bičole bitite vinklers 62 [Enterre-moi vite] 63 [Bury me quick] 64 [Tout gouvernail sera 65 [Each rudder will be french [Infrared Camera mon sabre d’aurore] my saber of dawn 18 ِمادون قرمز 19 23 22 Sealed Doors khal torabully nancy naomi carlson ابهام قفل ها persian garous abdolmalekian ahmad nadalizadeh & idra novey 66 POÉSIE ÉLÉMENTAIRE 67 ELEMENTARY POETRY 68 DROIT DE REGARD 69 IDEA INSPECTION 26 የሀገሬ ባሎች 27 Husbands of My Dear Country SUR LES IDÉES amharic mihret kebede eric ellingsen, jorga mesfin 84 GUILLOTINÉES EN 85 GUILLOTINED french & uljana wolf TÊTE À TÊTE HEAD TO HEAD ghérasim luca austin carder 28 አቃጅ 29 The Planner amharic mihret kebede uljana wolf 86 Ποίηση μες στην ποίηση 87 Poetry Within Poetry greek antonis fostieris george fragopoulos 30 Два вірші зі збірки 31 Two Poems from ukrainian Новий правопис 96 36 Sekund 97 36 Seconds A New Orthography slovenian serhiy zhadan john hennessy aleš šteger brian henry & ostap kin 102 epílogo 103 epilogue 38 Mi abuelo Klaus Kinski 39 My Grandfather Klaus Kinski 108 uma carta 109 a letter 40 Tres lombrices en la pileta 41 Three Worms in the (Rio, 24 de dezembro de 1981) (Rio, December 24, 1981) hacen en el fondo un Bottom of the Pool Make 110 uma carta (sem data) 111 a letter (undated) cuadro abstracto an Abstract Painting 112 Vacilo da vocação 113 Vacillation of Vocation portuguese ana cristina cesar (ana c.) elisa wouk almino 42 Notas para un fado 43 Notes for a Fado spanish silvina lópez medin jasmine v. bailey 116 71 117 71 spanish 46 MENT ASKÓ LAKR AKKR 47 KIDS INHI GHSC HOOL magdalena chocano jacqui cornetta 48 RÓMA NTÍS KUST ALDA 49 THEB ELLE STEP OQUE icelandic kári tuliniusSAMPLElarissa kyzer prose 118 Herder and the Possibility of Translation william eck 126 Desiccated Mermaids cristina rivera garza translated from spanish by sarah booker art 2, 129 Spilled Milk, 2019 14, 45 Disappeared, 2018 25, 56 Like a Glove, 2018 94, 132 The Thinker, 2019 98, 115 Tiptoeing, 2019 99, 114 Hemline, 2019 henni alftan circumference SAMPLEfall 2020 circumference issue 8, fall 2020 editor advising editors Elina Alter Michael Barron Daniel Lefferts art director Sam Ross Justin Moore Samuel Rutter Daniel Tovrov Elizabeth Clark Wessel advisory board Susan Bernofsky Jennifer Grotz readers Mark Krotov Alex Braslavsky Brett Fletcher Lauer Maria Eliades Idra Novey Tjaša Ferme Eliot Weinberger Iverson Long Jeffrey Yang Sarah Milner-Barry Justin Moore Lida Nosrati founding editors Kaija Straumanis Stefania Heim Kristin Svava Jennifer Kronovet Jay Zhang Circumference is a journal of poetry in translation and international culture that is published two times a year. Information on how to purchase issues or submit materials can be found on our website, circumferencemag.com. For advertising, publicity, and all other inquiries, email [email protected] Support for Circumference has been generously provided by public funds from the New York Foundation for the Arts and the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew M.SAMPLE Cuomo. isbn-13: 978-0-578-74528-2 CIRCUMFERENCE MAGAZINE Влез бесенок в мокрой шерстке — Up the devil clambers, his wool coat soaked— Ну, куда ему, куды? — Where’s he going, where to now? В подкопытные наперстки, Into hoof-imprinted thimbles, В торопливые следы; Into hasty, rushing tracks: По копейкам воздух версткий On his way to fleece the farmlands, Обирает с слободы. Cent by cent, of typeset air. Брызжет в зеркальцах дорога — The road spatters out tiny mirrors. ИЗ Утомленные следы Fatigued, the rutted tracks ТЕТРАДЕЙ ВОРОНЕЖСКИХ Постоят еще немного Will hold out a little longer Без покрова, без слюды... Without cover, without mica… Колесо брюзжит отлого — Wheels grousing in the slope— Улеглось — и полбеды! Stuck. Only half the trouble! the voronezh notebooks Скучно мне: мое прямое I’m bored: My straight-and-narrow from Дело тараторит вкось — Work is chattering off course— По нему прошлось другое, Another trampled over it, Надсмеялось, сбило ось. Snickered, kicked the axle out. [8–12 января 1937] [January 8–12, 1937] SAMPLE 10 OСИП MАНДЕЛЬШТАМ (osip mandelstam) tr: john high & matvei yankelevich 11 CIRCUMFERENCE MAGAZINE የሀገሬ ባሎች Husbands of My Dear Country እስኪ ሀገሬ …..ልግጠምልሽ Let me have a polite conversation with my country የኔ መግጠም….. ከጠቀመሽ፤ Let me write a poem to benefit my country እንደ ባለቅኔ …. ባልገጥምልሽ እንኳን even if I’m not able to write a poem for my country like the wise poets write እንደ’ክት ባሎችሽ …. ባልሆንልሽ እንኳን even if I’m not the legal husband of my country or a leader ያልራሰውን መሬት…… በላቤ እንዳለማ let me still water the dry land with planted sweat ባ’ጥር እየሾለኩ….. ልሁንሽ ውሽማ፤ let me slip in by the fence as a lover እንጂ በርሽማ የላይ የላዩማ By the front by the top by the upper upper door ላይገጥምሽ ተዘግቶ they closed the gate open but the gate never fits ላይሆንሽ ተጣብቶ……ማንን አስገብቶ? it never fitted you, probably it never properly ቢሆንም ቢሆንም ….. ላግባሽ ባልልሽም fit the bowl እስኪ ሀገሬ ልግጠምልሽ የኔ መግጠም ከጠቀመሽ ፤ either way either way… መች ይቀራል…. መግጠሜማ ሰባስቤ ….የቃል ማማ I don’t want to ask you to marry… Instead let me write you a poem የሀገሬ ባሎች የህዝብ ግጥም…. የህዝብ ዜማ፤ Let me fit a poem… to benefit my country ግና እኔ ደርሼ …..ቶሎ እስክገጥምልሽ My writing of poetry will never stop… my writing of poetry will never cease husbands of my dear country husbands ሀረግ ጠማጥሜ ….ቤት እስክመታልሽ collecting the hill of words ቀለበት አጥልቄ …. የሁሉ እስካደርግሽ ሰምሽ እዜህ ማዶ….ወርቅሽ እዚያ ማዶ The poetry of the people… is the melody of the people ህብረ-ቃልሽ ሁሉ…. ከባዕድ ተሰዶ until I grow vines I will… fit you with my poetry የድስትሽ ክዳኑ…. ሳይገጥም ተንከርፍፎ until I twist lines here I will… build a rhyming house here for you በኔ እገጥም ……በኔ እገጥም…. ገላሽ ብርድ አትርፎ ወጥሽ እኮ አለቀ ….. ተጨልፎ ተጨልፎ :: Because the lid doesn’t fit and the leaders don’t fit and they always leave the door open and they always leave the lid of the pot open SAMPLEso people can scoop things out and scoop things out and scoop things out… 26 ምህረት ከበደ (mihret kebede) tr: eric ellingsen, jorga mesfin & uljana wolf 27 CIRCUMFERENCE MAGAZINE አቃጅ The planner ቢሆን ባይሆን ብሎ …..ማቀድ ለምንድነው? Why do we even make plans? ሰው መሆን በራሱ …..ያቃጁ እቅድ ነው Being human is like being the plan የታቀደ ደግሞ…. ከማቀድ ውጭ ነው of another planner/planet, አቀጁ ካለበት…. እቅዱን እስኪያጸድቅ so that in some way you are always አልያም ተጸጽቶ ….. ዶሴውን እስኪቀድ a plant in some-one else’s plan እንደ ጅረት ውሀ ዝ….ም ብሎ መፍሰስ ነው አፈሳሰስ ደግሞ….. ፍቺው ለየቅል ነው and so until the planner decides to አንድም ቋጥኝ መዝለል….. መ ፈ ነ ጣ ጠ ር ነው change the plan አልያም ጎዳና ላይ ….. ድንጋይ ስር መቅረት ነው :: or unless the planner decides to dismiss the plan you are beautifully sitting there, plain plan man. Like the flow of the river, determined the planner አቃጅ by the shape of the land in any situation. But how to flow is a very different question. You can either carefully step on the rocks or you can simply decide to flow under the rocks and be forgotten forever. Two rocks, still out there— to shape your flow and course. SAMPLE 28 ምህረት ከበደ (mihret kebede) tr: uljana wolf 29 CIRCUMFERENCE MAGAZINE Mi abuelo Klaus Kinski My Grandfather Klaus Kinski foto: sonrisas penden de un hilo picture: smiles hang from a thread se corta en Klaus, gigante de cabeza inclinada that ends with Klaus, his huge head half-tilted sin anteojos elige ver mal without glasses he has chosen to see poorly borrado, una mancha oscura en el brazo izquierdo erased, a dark stain on his left arm como un insecto muerto o no sé like a dead bug or I’m not sure what no se ve bien it’s hard to see no flota una mariposa entre los dedos de Klaus no butterfly floats between Klaus’s fingers marchan patas en punta, aguijones marching on tiptoe, stingers ready ya de niño even as a child kinski klaus mi abuelo ocultaba manzanas en armarios, escribía: he hid apples in closets, wrote: comer poco para no crecer eating little so as not to grow y crecía igual, como todos and grew anyway, as we all do es verano en la foto it’s summer in the picture my grandfather klaus kinski klaus my grandfather una mano intenta tapar el brazo herido one hand tries to cover the hurt arm la otra a punto de secar, suspensa the other about to blot a glittering gota que brilla en la frente drop suspended from his forehead como una lágrima corrida de lugar like a tear that’s gone off script. SAMPLE 38 silvina lópez medin tr: jasmine v. bailey 39 CIRCUMFERENCE MAGAZINE Tres lombrices en la pileta hacen Three Worms in the Bottom of the en el fondo un cuadro abstracto Pool Make an Abstract Painting Esa vez que intenté romper That time I tried to break el domingo en dos Sunday in two y en la mitad and in the middle abstracto hacen en el fondo un cuadro en la pileta tres lombrices del peor temporal of the worst gale bajo la flecha que parte la noche, agita beneath the arrow that parts the night, its creatures sus criaturas, trembling, quise pisar la tormenta, I tried to walk over the storm, los pies desnudos en el pasto feet naked in grass el cuerpo a la espera de agua ajena body given to the wait for distant water hasta recordar until I remembered lo que sale a flote: what invariably floats: lombrices earthworms que tras el diluvio los pájaros that, once the storm has passed, birds bajan a devorar, will descend to devour, levanté un pie lifting a foot volví a los saltitos I hopped back hacia la zona de confort to safety bajo las tejas beneath the tiles three worms in the bottom of the pool make an abstract painting three worms in the bottom llovía, llovía en serio it rained, rained like it meant it la lluvia no era fílmico not like the rain that falls in films anuncio de otra cosa.
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