Schultz resigns. for 'good of program' By GREG LUND marking the most losses (16) ever by an in Control of Athletics to begin the task of Schultz's assistants, Dicll Kuchen and basketball coach in 1962 and associate the university. Asst. Sports Editor Iowa team. screening candidates as soon as possible. Joe Roberts, were not in Iowa City head baseball coach in 1970. Schultz was He also cited some "big wins" that stuck Dick Schultz casuaDy sat down at a table Although recent clamor for Schultz's The board will (orm a committee to make yesterday. Both were recruiting acting head baseball coach from 1963 to in his mind full of microphones and tape recorders in dismissal has been raised, the Iowa coach recommendations to the entire body . prospective athletes. 1965 before being JlImed head coach In "ne tl'72 lame with Kentucky down the Letterman's Lounge in the Field House said the pressure had no impact on his Schultz, 44 , said he had been pondering Schultz also aMounced he would have t966. His basebaU record stands at 126-108- there wa.a big one a. we lAve them their Thursday and announced he had just decision. his future for three or four weeks but had signed three or four players to Big Ten 3. biggHt los. ever al bome," be said. signed a new I(}.year contract at $50,000 not inlended to disclose any deci ion until letters or intent on March 1 but , because or Dlek ••cceeded Ralph Miller II bead "BHUag South Carotiaa when Uley were "There was no prH ure put on me by ' his indecision on the future , declined to do per year. What 's more, he said the Bump (ElUott, director of aUlleUcs) or after the season. banethU coacb in 117. followillg Iowa', raalled tlllrd .ationaUy wa big, II WII the so. He said he'D encourage the players to National ColJegiate Athletic Association anyone else." !khultz said. "The decision undefeated Big Ten Ie8IOD and an ap­ second MIaDHOla game Iasl Ie8IOD. Ttle had granted UCLA star Bill Walton "I got my elf trapped by a qUHtlon." be wait until a new coach iJ named before was mIne and I'm doing what Is 1n the best pearanee In the NCAA MId·Ea t feltonal Purdue game Ulree weeks ag. wa. tJIe another year of eligibility and he planned said. "Sinee thaI time lome overwbelmlng making up their minds about signing with inlerest 01 mYletr and my family." tOlimameDI. wildes!." to enroll at Iowa. Ihings have bappened to me . I've received any school. Elliott agreed with Schultz's comments. many pbone calls and JtoUers askIng me to Schultz's best finlsh in basketball was Schultz added he had no thoughts 01 last season when the Hawks won 13 games quitting as the season began and did not It was in this manner that Schultz bowed "The decision was Dick's," Elliott said. lay on. These things meul a lot to me." Dick expressed his belief that the Iowa out as basketball coach at the University "I 've appreciated the opportunity to work Schultz told his ballclub of his planned job is one of the best in the country but and l06t 11 . blame Iowa's tough schedule {or causing of Iowa. Schultz, the 17th mentor in Iowa with such a great person. I think he's a resignation at Wednesday night'. practice declined to announce any recom­ Schultz said he was undecided as to his his losing record. great man ." and was again overwhelmed by the mendalions for the poet. future plans but did say he had spoken with " We didn 't ducll competition." Schultz history, will coach his last game for the said. "I my own Hawkeyes Saturday against Minnesota in players' reaction . another Big Ten school about the made scbedules." . For the second time this school year SchuUz came to Iowa as the Hawkeye possibility of a job in athletic ad· Schultz also added that the welfare or the Minneapolis but will keep working until a "After I told them they tried to talk me new man is hired. Elliott is faced with hiring a new coach. freshman basketball coach in 1960 after ministration. Elliott said no Iowa post had basketball program came into play when Frank Lauterbur was relieved from his into staying," Schultz continUed. "One of coaching baseball and basketball at been offered Schultz at the present time. he pondered whether to resign, saying he With the one game left on the schedule footbaU coaching duties in November. the tougher players started to cry and Humboldt High School for 10 years. He also Schultz explained he did not quit because thought a fresh, new approach was needed. Schultz's four·year mark allowa stands at No coach has contacted Elliott about the today individual players came in to talk to served as athletic director there. he "couldn't get the job done" and went on "I just want this program to succeed so 40 victories and 55 defeats with this season coaching position and he expects the Board me about reconsidering." He was elevated to varsity assistant to say he did have some opportunities with badly," he said. e FridIIy Mareb I, 11'74 lowl City, Iowa 5zut Vol. 1", No. 1.1 10( ~ Ellsberg case Jury indicts Ehrlichman again WASHINGTON (API - John The White House special in· If convicted on all counts in have to get together and decide Barker and Martinez pleaded D. Ehrlichman. already vestigations unit. nicknamed the Watergate cover· up and how this will be handled ... guilty to breaking into the Wa­ charged with conspiring in the ElIsberg case indictments. Eh· tergate ofrice building quarters the Plumbers. had been put in California statutes are that a Watergate cover·up. was indic· his charge by President Nixon: rllchman would be liable for a of the Democratic National ted again Thursday-thls lime SS-year prison term. He also is person once tried elsewhere for The conspiracy charge. car­ Committee. Martinez was re­ for allegedly sending White scheduled for trial April 15 on specific activities should not be leased on parole hours before House agents to rifle a rying a maximum 10 years in conspiracy, burglary and per· tried for the same actIvities prison and a $10.000 fine . named Thursday's indictment. Barker psychiatrist's office and lying jury charges in Los Angeles. again in the state. , is free on appeal. about it later. Ehrlichman. Colson, G. Gordon Liddy. Bernard L. Barker. Colson, facing his second In· G. Gordon Liddy, the stoic The federal grand jury Deputy District Atty. Stephen dictment in six days, restated mastermind of the Watergate charRed Ehrlichman. along Felipe DeDi ego and Eugenio R. Martinez. Trott, the prosecutor of the his innocence and said "there Is break·in and a leam leader in with former White House aide state case, said he will fly to much the public has not been the Ellsberg foray . was charged Charles W. Colson and four men Additionally Ehrlichman Washington with Dist. Atty. J(}o told about circumstances sur· also in a separate Indictment tied to the Watergate burglary. alone was charged in one count seph Busch Monday for a con· rounding this matter. A greal Thursday with two counts o( with conspiring to violate the of lying to the FBI and three oC ference with special Watergate deal more may be revealed in refusing to testify or produce rights of Dr. Lewis J. Fielding lying to the grand jury. Each prosecutor Leon Jaworski. the course of this proceeding." papers when he was called of Los Angeles . carries a maximum five·year "We've done a lot of ground· Colson (ormerly was special before a House committee last The felony indictment said prison term and a SIO.OOO fine . work. " he said, "but now we counsel to Nhcon. Julv. the intent was .. to search Cor confidential information con· cerning Daniel Ellsberg" in the September 1971 break·in. At the time. Ellsberg was un· der indictment for unauthorized WASHINGTON (API - The House oCfered to give the committee everything tain other infonnation the committee has possession of classified mate· Judiciary Committee today found already turned over to the Watergate requested. rials-held responsible for leak· President Nixon 's offer of evidence for its grand jury. Rodino . noting that Nixon 's offer will ing the Pentagon Papers. a impeachment inquiry unsatisfactory. but St. Clair's letter added that Nixon produce more than 700 documents, said study of the development of the decided against issuing a subpoena at this "believes that the materials ... are more that material should be examined before Vietnam war. time. than su(ficient to afford the Judiciary the committee asserts Its subpoena power. Ehrlichman. who resigned as Chairman Peter W. Rodino. D-N .J., Committee with the entire Watergate and Orinan reluctantly withdrew his mo- President Nixon's top domestic urged withdrawal of a motion for a sub· story. " tioo . ! adviser last April 30. had denied poena until the committee has had a chan· Committee members charged the White Nearly every committee member, in­ knowing in advance about the ce to examine the material Nixon has House with attempting to restrict the im· cluding the Republicans, expressed sup- promised to deliver. Peachment inquiry to Watergate, and Rep. port for resorting to subpoena power at a Dick Schultz Fielding break-in but said \ national security could justify The President. through a letter sent by Robert F. Drinan, D-Mass" moved for the later date if any material it needs for its Dick Schul~z Innounces his resIgnation as VI head bnketball coach at a Thursday new it.
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