UTCL/ENV/MUM/2021/97 Date: 07th June, 2021 To The Director, IA.III CRZ Division The Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change Govt. of India, Indira Paryavaran Bhavan, Jorbag Road, Aliganj, New Delhi – 110 003 Sub: CRZ clearance for the Conveying System of Cement Storage Facility at Mangalore Bulk Terminal by M/s. Ultra Tech Cement Ltd. (Unit: - Mangalore Bulk Terminal) at New Mangalore Port, P.B. No. 17, Beach Road, Panambur, Mangalore (Karnataka)- Reg. relisting the project and submission of EDS reply for seeking Post Facto Clearance. Ref : 1. Application submitted to MoEFCC, New Delhi dated 28th June 2018 for seeking Post facto clearance; 2. EDS by MoEFCC, New Delhi dated 11th July 2018 for specific recommendations of concerned SCZMA; 3. Application submitted to KSCZMA dated 13th August 2018, proposal number SIA/KA/MIS/28659/2010 and revised application submitted on 24th September 2020; 4. Recommendation from KCZMA in meeting dated 4th March 2021 for Post Facto approval. Dear Sir, M/s Ultra Tech Cement Ltd. is having a Conveying System of Cement Storage Facility of 1 MTPA capacity at Mangalore Bulk Terminal. This is not a cement manufacturing facility and consists only of handling, storage and packing facility. For storage of cement there are three silos of capacity 6000 tonnes and one packer which are out of CRZ. For transportation of material, out of total length of pipeline of 600 meters only 150 meters of the closed pipeline falls under para 4 (ii) d of CRZ Notification 2011 which is a permissible activity. In this context, we would like to submit that the project was accorded Environmental Clearance by the Department of Forest, Environment and Ecology, Government of Karnataka in the year 1998. Copy of the same is enclosed. During the second renewal of the clearance, State Govt. had advised to obtain required CRZ clearance from competent authority vide letter no. FEE 42 ECO 2008 dated 04.02.2009. Accordingly, we had submitted application and the project was recommended by Karnataka State Coastal Zone Management Authority (KSCZMA), to MoEFCC, New Delhi for CRZ Clearance vide letter No. FEE 54 CRZ 2009 dated 16.07.2010. Subsequent to this, the application for CRZ Clearance for the same proposal was submitted to MoEFCC, New Delhi on 11th February 2011 (F.No. 11-78/2010-IA-III). copy enclosed. Based on the documents submitted, the propsoal was recommended by the Committee in the Minutes of the 102nd Meeting of the EAC for Coastal UltraTech Cement Limited (Manufacturing & Projects) A-Wing, Ahura Centre, 1st Floor, Mahakali Caves Road, Andheri (E) Mumbai – 400 093 Tel. 022-66917400 │ F : +91 22 2824 4970 │ W : www.ultratechcement.com Registered Office : ‘B’-Wing, Ahura Centre, 1st Floor, Mahakali Caves Road, Andheri (E) Mumbai – 400 093 T : +91 22 6691 7800 │ CIN: L26940MH2000PLC1287420 Regulation Zone, held on 23rd -24th June, 2011. MoEFFCC taking into consideration the OM dated 16.11.2010 advised to submit the Board of Resolution and the same was submitted vide letter no. UTCL/ENV/DEL/2012/28 dated 15.05.2012. However, on the submission of all required documents the file could not be processed and not received clearance. The Karnataka State Pollution Control Board has already issued the consent from time to time and latest Consent issued for the project was granted on 03.11.2016 valid up to 03.09.2021. As per Gazette Notification issued by MoEFCC, New Delhi dated 6th March 2018, we have resubmitted the application on 26.06.2018 along with duly filled Form I as per annexure IV of CRZ Notification 2011, approved CRZ map and supporting documents to MoEFCC, New Delhi for seeking Post facto clearance. Subsequently, on 11th July, 2018 an EDS was issued by the Ministry for specific recommendations of concerned SCZMA for regularization of violation. (Referring Clause 4.3 (ii) Gazette Notification issued by MOEFCC dated 6th March 2018). Application in this regard was submitted to KSCZMA on 13.08.2018, proposal number SIA/KA/MIS/28659/2010. The technical presentation was held before KSCZMA in 24th meeting on 16th-17th November 2018. The Regional Director (ENV) vide letter dated 25.01.2019 advised to submit the proposal as per para 8 (i) of CRZ notification 2019 along with the CRZ map on 1: 4000 scale from MoEF approved agency and accordingly the application was submitted on 24th September 2020. Thereafter, the matter was discussed in the KCZMA meeting dated 4th March 2021 and as per the minutes of meeting, the proposal has been recommended to the MOEFCC, New Delhi for Post Facto approval as per the Notification dated 6th March 2018. Copy of the minutes of meeting recommending the project is enclosed. Now, we are submitting the reply of the EDS issued by the Ministry on 11th July, 2018 for specific recommendations of concerned SCZMA for regularization of violation. (Referring Clause 4.3 (ii) Gazette Notification issued by MOEFCC dated 6th March 2018) along with complete application as per 4.2 of CRZ Notification 2011 and as per para 8 (i) of CRZ notification 2019. Kindly consider our application for the further and accord CRZ Clearance at the earliest. Yours faithfully For M/s. UltraTech Cement Ltd., Dr. K.V. Reddy [Sr. VP & Corporate Head-Environment] Encl: As above UltraTech Cement Limited (Manufacturing & Projects) A-Wing, Ahura Centre, 1st Floor, Mahakali Caves Road, Andheri (E) Mumbai – 400 093 Tel. 022-66917400 │ F : +91 22 2824 4970 │ W : www.ultratechcement.com Registered Office : ‘B’-Wing, Ahura Centre, 1st Floor, Mahakali Caves Road, Andheri (E) Mumbai – 400 093 T : +91 22 6691 7800 │ CIN: L26940MH2000PLC1287420 Recommendation of KCZMA in the KCZMA meeting dated 4th March 2021 APPLICATION SUBMITTED TO THE MINISTRY From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2018 7:35 PM To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Koyya Reddy <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Acknowledgement Slip for EC application CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe Acknowledgement Slip for EC application This is to acknowledge that the proposal has been successfully uploaded on the portal of the Ministry. The proposal shall be examined in the Ministry to ensure that required information has been submitted. An email will be sent seeking additional information , if any, within 20 working days. Once verified, an acceptance letter shall be issued to the propject proponent . Following should be mentioned in further correspondence 1. Proposal : IA/KA/MIS/75622/2018 No. 2. Category of : Infrastructure and Miscellaneous Projects + CRZ the Proposal CRZ Clearance for Existing Conveying System of Cement 3. Name of the : Bulk Terminal at New Mangalore Port, P.B. No. 17, Beach proposal Road, Panambur, Mangalore (Karnataka) 4. Date of Receipt of : 28/06/2018 Proposal 5. Name of the Project proponent along with contact details a) Name of the proponent : M/s. UltraTech Cement Ltd. b) State : Karnataka c) District : Dakshina Kannada d) Pincode : 400093 EC Report 1. Project Details Whether it is a violation case and application is being submitted under Notification No. S.O.804(E) dated 14.03.2017 ? : No 1. Project Details i. Proposal No. : IA/KA/MIS/75622/2018 ii. MoEFCC File No. : NIL iii.Short narrative of the project: CRZ Clearance for Existing Conveying System of Cement Bulk Terminal at New Mangalore Port, P.B. No. 17, Beach Road, Panambur, Mangalore (Karnataka) iv. Project Sector : Infrastructure and Miscellaneous Projects + CRZ v. Company/Proponent : M/s. UltraTech Cement Ltd. vi.Details of State of the project Details of State of the project S.no. State Name District Name Tehsil Name 1. Karnataka Dakshina Kannada Mangalore vii.Date of TOR Granted N/A viii.TOR letter issued by Ministry: N/A ix.Date of Submission for EC: 28 Jun 2018 x.Project Type: New 2. Uploaded Documents of EIA/EMP,Risk Assessment,Public Hearing etc. i.EIA/EMP: Annexure-EIA/EMP ii.Risk Assessment: Annexure-Risk Assessment iii.Public Hearing: Annexure-Public Hearing iv. Date of Public Hearing: 01 Jun 2018 v. Uploaded Additional Report/Study/Document as desired by Ministry/EAC: Annexure-Additional Report/Study/Document vi. Uploaded Cover Letter: Annexure-Cover Letter vii.Remarks: M/s Ultra Tech Cement Ltd. is operating a Cement Bulk Terminal of 1 MTPA capacity. This is not a manufacturing facility and consists only of handling, storage and packing facility. For storage there are three silos of capacity 6000 tonnes and one packer which are out of CRZ. For transportation of material out of total length of pipeline of 600 meters only 150 meters of the closed pipeline falls under CRZ (CRZ II) which is a permitted activity. In this context, we would like to submit that the Additional Attachments, if any S.no. Attached File Date of Submission 1. ANNEXURES 28 Jun 2018 2. ANNEXURES 28 Jun 2018 3. documents remaining anne 28 Jun 2018 3. Additional Detail Sought: NIL 4. Accredited Consultant Details i. Accreditation status : No ii. Reason for not hiring the Consultant : The Karnataka State Coastal Zone Management Authority (KSCZMA) recommended the project to MoEFCC, New Delhi for CRZ Clearance vide letter No. FEE 54 CRZ 2009 dated 16.07.2010. our project was recommended by the Committee in the Minutes of the 102nd Meeting of the EAC for Coastal Regulation Zone, held on 23rd -24th June, 2011. for regularization of the proposal as per Gazette Notification issued by MOEFCC dated 6th March 2018, we are resubmitting the application .
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