Nuclear Power Plants – Design and Safe Operation - August 2018 - Dr.- Ing. L. Mohrbach Contents . Nuclear Energy and Climate . Generation I – III . Evolutionary: European Pressurized Water Reactor (EPR) . Revolutionary: Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor (AP-1000) . Generation IV . Liquid Metal Cooled Reactors (LMR) . High-Temperature Reactor (HTR) . Advanced Concepts . Small Modular Reactors (SMR) . Nuclear Energy in the World . Switzerland, Canada, USA, Japan, Finland, China, India VGB PowerTech e.V.| Version 1.0 | 8/16/2012 | FOLIE/SLIDE 2 Breakdown of Primary Energy Sources Worldwide Oil % 30 Coal 20 Gas 10 Hydro 4% Nuclear Renewables 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2016 www.bp.com/.../energy...2017/bp-statistical-review-of-world-energy-2017-full-re... VGB PowerTech e.V.| Version 1.0 | 8/16/2012 | FOLIE/SLIDE 3 Power Generation Worldwide: Climate Agreement of Paris in 2017 4 – 5 K TWh / a Global Warming 45,000 40,000 2K + 2.3 % p. a. + 1.5 % p. a. 30,000 8% Wind, Biomass, Solar 20,000 Hydro 12% 12% Nuclear Energy Fossil Energies 10,000 18% 0 2014 2040 VGB PowerTech e.V.| Version 1.0 | 8/16/2012 | FOLIE/SLIDE 4 Nuclear Energy Effectively Reduces CO2 Emissions • 450 nuclear power plants provide about 12% of the worldwide electric energy supply. • They save around 2 Gt CO2 emissions p. a. • This corresponds to approx. 6% of all anthropogenic CO2 emissions VGB PowerTech e.V.| Version 1.0 | 8/16/2012 | FOLIE/SLIDE 5 450 Nuclear Power Plants in 31 Countries (4/2018) USA 98 -6 + 2 + 17 France 58 -2 + 1 + 2 Japan 7 (+35) -2 + 2 Russia 36 + 9 + 29 6 + Czech Republic United Kingdom 15 + 2 + 12 4 + 42 + 1 Finland Canada 19 + 7 4 + 2 Hungar Germany 7 -7 39 + 40 + 228 yChina South 24 + 5 3 + 2 + 2 Argentina Korea 4 +6 UAE 2 Sudan India 24 + 8 + 634 Thailand 3 Kenya 2 + 1 + 4 Brazil UkraineKorea 15 + 2 + 6 4 Poland 2 Belarus + 1 Lithuani Sweden 2 Morocco 1 The Philippines auen 8 -2 + 3 1 Libya 2+2 Bangladesh 2 + 3 Mexico Spain 7 1 Algeria 1 Croatia 5 + 3 + 3 Pakista Belgium 7 8 Egypt 1 Mongolia 2 + 6 Southn 7 Indonesia 2 Malaysia Taiwan 6 -2 + 2 2 Kazakhstan 4 Chile 1 -1 + 1 AfricaArmenia Bulgaria 2 + 1 4 Jordan 4+8 Turkey The Netherlands 1 Cambodia 16 Saudi Arabia 1 + 2 Slovaki 4 + 2 + 2 1 North Korea 4 Nigeria 2 + 2 + 2 Rumania Switzerlana 5 -1 2 Bolivia 1 Ghana 1 + 1 Slovenia 1 Sri Lanka 1 Thailand d 1 + 1 + 7 IranIran Decommissioning Planned: 21 Under Construction: 89 (IAEA: 57) Projects: 414 + 90 VGB PowerTech e.V.| Version 1.0 | 8/16/2012 | FOLIE/SLIDE 6 Household VGB PowerTech VGB 7 FOLIE/SLIDE | 8/16/2012 | 1.0 Version e.V.| 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 Source: €ct/kWh Eurostat, EU 28 EU 19 (Euro) Electricity(2nd Half) in Europe2015 Prices Denmark EdP Germany Ireland Italy Spain Belgium Portugal UK Austria Sweden Cyprus Netherlands Generation Taxes and Duties (VAT VAT Greece Luxembourg France Latvia Slovenia and Distribution Finland Slovakia Poland Romania excl.) Croatia Czech Rep. Estonia Malta Lithuania Hungary Bulgaria Liechtenstein Norway Iceland Turkey Montenegro Moldova FYROM Bosnia‐Herzeg. Albania Serbia Kosovo CO2 Emissions from Combustion plus Cement Production Gt CO2 /a 12 China China <2015 10 „Carbon Leakage?“ USA 8 EU 28 India 6 Russia Japan 4 2 0 1990 1994 1998 2002 2006 2010 2014 VGB PowerTech e.V.| Version 1.0 | 8/16/2012 | FOLIE/SLIDE 8 Greenhouse Gas Emissions (CO2 Equivalents) Mio t/a „Wall Fall Profit“ Financial Crisis 1,200 CH4, 17 N2O, Kyoto Budget 1,000 FCKW 917 NPPs … ? 800 750 600 Target: 400 CO2 - 40% 200 0 1990 2000 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2016 2020 Source: Umweltbundesamt Emissionssituation 2016, Energie-Infodienst 2017 VGB PowerTech e.V.| Version 1.0 | 8/16/2012 | FOLIE/SLIDE 9 Contents . Nuclear Energy and Climate . Generation I – III . Evolutionary: European Pressurized Water Reactor (EPR) . Revolutionary: Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor (AP-1000) . Generation IV . Liquid Metal Cooled Reactors (LMR) . High-Temperature Reactor (HTR) . Advanced Concepts . Small Modular Reactors (SMR) . Nuclear Energy in the World . Switzerland, Canada, USA, Japan, Finland, China, India VGB PowerTech e.V.| Version 1.0 | 8/16/2012 | FOLIE/SLIDE 10 Classification of Advanced Developments Siemens-KWU Pre- Convoy INVAP (Arg) CAREM Westinghouse Framatome 4-Loop EPR 1965 1995 2010 2030 Generation I Generation II Generation III Generation III+ Generation IV Improvement of Further efficiency, Commercial Early Evolutionary Increase of safety, Power Reactors Prototypes Plants Efficiency waste economics (600 – (~100 MW) (<1300 MW) (1150 – Breeders, 1200 MW) PWR, 1650 MW) High-Temperature Reactors, CANDU, BWR, Liquid Fuel Reactors, AGR, Magnox Steam Superheating RBMK Small Modular Reactors („SMR“) VGB PowerTech e.V.| Version 1.0 | 8/16/2012 | FOLIE/SLIDE 11 Reactors for the World Market in 2018 (Predecessor Types) Name MWel Developer In Oper. U. Con. Planned EPR 1650 Framatome/ EdF - 6 10 Atmea 1 1150 Framatome/ Mitsubishi - - 4 AP-1000 1100 Brookfield (CAN)/ Westinghouse - 2 - CAP-1000 1100 CNNC (China)/ Westinghouse - 8 18 CAP-1400 1300 CNNC - - 2 ACPR-1000 1000 China GN/ CNPC 24 6 - PWR Hualong- 1 1150 China GN/ CNNC - 6 4 WWER- 1000 1000 Atomenergoprojekt, OKB Gidropress 36 5 - MIR- 1200 1200 Atomenergoprojekt, OKB Gidropress 2 13 13 TOI 1300 1300 Atomenergoprojekt, OKB Gidropress - 2 - APR 1400 Korea Electric 1 9 3 ABWR 1380 General Electric, Hitachi (Toshiba) 5 2 4 BWR ESBWR 1600 General Electric - - 2 E-CANDU-6 600 SNC Lavalin/ China GN 2 - 1 CANDU IPHWR-700 700 Nuclear Power India - 6 8 HTR-PM200 200 China NEC - 2 2 GEN IV CFR-600 600 TerraPower/ CNNC - - 2 CAREM 27-100 CNEA (Arg.)/ INVAP - 1 1 SMR KLT-40 35 Atomenergoprojekt - 1x2 4 Linglong 1 100 CNNC-CNEC New Energy/ NPIC - - 2 VGB PowerTech e.V.| Version 1.0 | 8/16/2012 | FOLIE/SLIDE 12 Summary: World Market for Nuclear Power Plants 8 Pressurised Water Reactors (5 Manufacturers) 2 Boiled Water Reactors (1 Manufacturer) 2 Heavy Water Reactors (2 Manufacturers) GENERATION- IV- Programme GIF (US Ministry of Energy 2002) Six advanced reactor types with improved - safety, - efficiency, - risk of proliferation Small Modular Reactors: About 20 pressurised water reactors About 5 light water reactors with supercritical steam parameters About 10 high-temperature reactors About 10 liquid metal cooled (fast) reactors (incl. breeders) About 10 molten salt reactors VGB PowerTech e.V.| Version 1.0 | 8/16/2012 | FOLIE/SLIDE 13 Nuclear Power Plant Projects in Europe Commissioned Under Construction Planned „Nuclear“ Country „Newcomer“ VGB PowerTech e.V.| Version 1.0 | 8/16/2012 | FOLIE/SLIDE 14 Nuclear Power Worldwide 1. AREVA EPR DWR • 1.650 MW DWR • 950 MW DWR • 1.117 MW VGB PowerTech e.V.| Version 1.0 | 8/16/2012 | FOLIE/SLIDE 15 Hinkley Point C (EdF Energy) 2 x 1650 MWe AREVA- EPR (4th-of-a-Kind) First privately financed nuclear project in UK 2012: EPR Design Certification („GDA“) 2012: „Contract for Difference“: • Strike Price: 92.50 £/MWh (35a) (less expensive than gas, wind, coal...) • ( -3 £/MWh if Sizewell C follows ) • Inflation-indexed • Incl. fuel, disposal, demolition • Plant lifetime 60a + • Costs of construction 16 G£ (in 2016) •Calculatedpayback time (24 TWh/a): 7.2 a • Investors: EdF (66.5%) + CGN China General Nuclear (33.5%) • 900 permanent jobs, + 5,600 during construction (57% UK) Oct. 2014: Approval by European Commission (today: Brexit?) Oct. 2015: Site licence 28 July 2016: EdF decision for investment (delayed by French worker councils, start of construction) 15 Sept. 2016: Re- evaluation by new government Theresa May („Brain Drain to China?“) 2023 - 25: In Operation (7% of UK´s power generation) 10 in Planning: 2 APR Moorside, 2 EPR Sizewell, 4 ABWR Wylfa+Oldbury, 2 Hualong Bradwell VGB PowerTech e.V.| Version 1.0 | 8/16/2012 | FOLIE/SLIDE 16 Gen III+: EPR . Evolutionary development of a German convoy and the French N4 construction line . Design philosophy: . Further improvement of failure avoidance . Incident rates for meltdowns <1·10-7/a . Designed for severe, extremely improbable incidents. Limitation of impacts on the plant itself . Economically competitive VGB PowerTech e.V.| Version 1.0 | 8/16/2012 | FOLIE/SLIDE 17 Gen III+: EPR . Core catcher concept . Transfer of corium into a safe condition . Multilayer spreading area . Long-term cooling from below and . flooding from above from the IRWST. VGB PowerTech e.V.| Version 1.0 | 8/16/2012 | FOLIE/SLIDE 18 Unit 2: Control Rod Drive Mechanism Room (below the reactor) in 2017 Finely fragmented corium (failure of the reactor pressure vessel under overpressure?) 2 Crashed floor grating VGB PowerTech e.V.| Version 1.0 | 8/16/2012 | FOLIE/SLIDE 19 Source: Asahi Shimbun VGB PowerTech e.V.| Version 1.0 | 8/16/2012 | FOLIE/SLIDE 20 Unit 2: Control Rod Drive Mechanism Room (floor) in 2018 Undamaged fuel assembly head VGB PowerTech e.V.| Version 1.0 | 8/16/2012 | FOLIE/SLIDE 21 Results of Probabilistic Safety Analyses Probability for a Mega Tsunami (higher than 10 m) in Fukushima Daiichi KC B Insufficient Design against a known Site- specific Risk DRS-A KC IAEA Recommendation for existing B KWB- A Units DRS-B IAEA Standard for new DWR KC Units (Konvoi) B KWB- A EPR AP100 0 German KEREN “Residual Units A Core Melt Frequency per Year Risk” IAEA: International Atomic Energy Agency Sources: IAEA, VGB VGB PowerTech e.V.| Version 1.0 | 8/16/2012 | FOLIE/SLIDE 22 Gen III+: Light Water- (PWR) Concepts: AP-600/ AP-1000 . Westinghouse: Manufacturer of about ¾ of all PWRs worldwide. Evolutionary . Consequent simplification .
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