M-V, ■'.' ■ . 1 • ■* : >.’ •; (V■■ ■ J 7"'-’,v 7 : ,■■ ■ ' '- t ' I , i*- % '>■'■ '^v'- '. -'. .. , ■V '.%• V'.: / ' -iv ■ f ' ■ . i*' - ■ . : 1, . /•■' '• > r.f’RIDAY, APRIL 26, 1 9 5 1 P A G E TWENTY ATertRc l^ ily lyet Press Run I. ■ Th* S?*R ^«r Westhar N n m ■:- , r il|aurlj]f0tpr Ewpning JlJralb For the WMk Ended Parabast ot V. 8. April 29, 1957 / d —* vibe Salvation Army Band will thrir Veqneat had been lejected. Sunday partly doudy,. Wnm, "1 letve on Sftnday morning at 8 a.m. Boainls td ^tudy Judge John J. Wallett. Savings and ’ thMMoe ei fihGweffv HUg^ di About Town ddyllght laviitgjime, for the State 12,579 ...... 0 Prison', Wetherslleld. The speaker . Policy on ^1^ 8 Loan Director, pointed -out that Member of the Audit High near 90. The Conkmianon claiae* will WUl be Col. David Coy. Mr*, o y - there arg other aigns in the area. Bateau of drculmtion / . piok meet-tomorrow at 10 a.m. at Zion BANK M Manchester-— City^^f Village Cknrm and. Mr*. John Pickup.-will accom­ With Robert J. Boyce, executive Lutheran Chtrrch. Saturday at 8 pany hfm. ' ■ Town policy on enotldh of ai^M vice-president, he stressed thift the p.nv.. the young pebpla of the D U T C H ^ at the entrapees to Manchester, type of sign proposed, Welcoming (Cltaaifled Advertistaig on Pago 10) PRICE FIVE CENTS walther L ea^e will have a Ireae- of Miss Marie and enforcsrfnent of zoning regula­ visitors to Manchiester, would pot- VOL. LXXVl, NO. 177 (TWELVE PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, AfRIL 27, 195'?’ ul»e hunt at Rethany Church, Weat The wedding SATURDAYS V Buckley and william Lang rill will tions, will be discussed at a speOlal be "detrimental to the ■attractiVe- Hartford. Sunday at 2:30, the neas of the area.” , OI_ADIOI_US take - place tomorrow morning at meeting between the Zoning Board quarterly voter* meeting will be 11 o’clock In St. James*~ Church. Steuek told the association offl- all aum m #r longl held at Zion Church. of Appeal* (ZBA) and the Town ciala that the policy of the, present a i ^n444i Go-. The annual dinner for future banning Commission. (TPC). \ Mis* Alyee Salisbury, Home Board has been to keep the en­ 693 MAIN SIBIEI om) ■■ 5 NOBIH WAIN SIBHI • MANCHtSTtB CONN Honduras, nurses sponsored'by the Manches­ The meetirtig was suggested by trance* (o the town "as. attractive Ptant a variaty of m hnportad^ilad- Service Director of. the Hartford ter Student Nurse Scholarship r aaS\jCo., will be dinner- hosteaa to (ZBA) Chairman Wiliam -A. as jKMaible.''' The present mem­ Mut atw ... and haw a prooatskm of Committee will be held in the hos­ Stuck. He made the suggestion bers ere not responsible for what, 9 A. M. to 12 NOON the mennbera of the Sorqptlmid pital dining rpuih on Monday at changinf, colorfal blooms a awnmer Club, at'-the company'a auditorium. while the Board was diacusalng a' was done befdbe they took oMce, Nicai 6:30 p.m. Among the gqeats will request from the Manchester Sav­ Stiiek said. hm|. Wt^re j«ist racaind a haia aip- 283- PearK St, Hartford, Monday be 24 High'School seniors and 3 evening. The group will leave ings and Loan Assn., Inc. to erect Action on the new request was F.S. If yau’ra jn a hurry Saturday mamlii9 s. fflont from Holland. ^ Student nurses. who,were awarded a sign on the south side of W, from the Red , Cross ofHce at the scholarship* by_ the committee. postponed until the Board can Near Center at 5:4’6. 'The dinner will be Middle Tpke. near its Intersection meet wUh the TPC for a general ! I yau will find It lass erawdod JsatwMn 9 HOUSEWARE^ with Center St. served at 6:30. ' - The public is invited to hear Dr. discussion of policy. Members of J Lower Street Floor Le%'et Albert E. Burke present the last Officials of the association re­ . the Commission will Im asked to ' and 10:30i: j u aa.m. .m . Tegucigalpa, Honduras, The confirmation class' will In the series of YWCA sponsored turned to present) further argu­ . meet with the Board at their •ear- I meet tomorrow at 10 a.m. In St. ments to Board members after llest convenience." • April 27 (/P)—Ruffled diplo­ lectures on "The Nature of Preju­ L_ matic feelings and charges of of Reds, John's Church. Sunday at 1 p.m., dice” tonight at 8 o'clock In the Jumbo Sze . ^ the Drst rehearsal of the Mothers auditorium of Whiton ■ Memorial. border violations have soured G L A D IO L I Day Program will take piece: It Atfamtic, Oeik Ebeahower, Spo^cht, Vanguard. relations between Honduras will be presented the third :^Sun- ...Buses taking members of Man­ and neighboring Nicaragua. day in May. chester Grange to Collinavllle to­ Honduras recalled Its ambas­ G L A D IO L I Jumbo Size night wjll leave from Orange . Hall sador from . Nicaragua yester­ Sheiks Air Miss Marilyn E. Joyce, 18 Vic­ at 6:45. day, in what was at tin t' described Reds sieen Red, Kona, TeDow, Violet, MaJiogany. toria Rd., and Julio D. Aramini A TOMORROW SIS a step toward breaking diplo­ will be married tomorrow at 10 The Chaminade Chorus wlU re- ■ matic relation*. Rot later Foreign t o Double Pearl a.m. in St. Ann's Church. Avon, hearae Monday night at 7:45 in' Minister JOrge FliJel Duron said Disturbed T U B E R ^ E S " Top Size with reception from 1 4 P-m. at the choir room at the High School. , he just brought the envoy home llie American Legion HpmS, this for "consulatioh.” Informants'here 2 town. HadassaHifriembera are urged to IS THE LAST DAY OF doubted the situation wouifl' get LILIES attend the' meeting tonight at 8:15 any worse, • On Jorda Regal Tlgar.^Bpeolal Robrum. in Temple Beth Sholom, celebrat­ ‘The ill feeling reportedly''Kfo*e ing the 4«th anniversary, of the as much from Hondursg’, charge* By TOM MASTERSOH founding of Hadassah. Various that Nicaraguan National Guards­ By ROY B8SOYAN Amman, Jordan, April 27 DAHLIAS TONIGHT AT 8 . n.emhera will participate In the men invaded a long disputed bor­ Moscow, April 27 (/P)—rThe' program. der area. ^ (;P)-TJordan’8 new govern­ Red/WUte, Purple/Whlte.. MASONIC TEMPLite Kremlin is acting^Ysuth re­ K*jy?- The border squabtle is in an straint toward the situation ment set up military courtg The Cliurch oT tfid Natarene will j area that both countries claim, but in Jordan. The chances are today to try (ases stemming CALLALILIEi FASHION SHOW hold ita church school and morning which is admjnlstered aa part of from the Arab nation’s re­ worship services on Standard Time ' the newly created Honduran prov­ tills is part -of Moscow’s cur­ 7 Doldea Tellow.. - Sponsored by rather than Daylight Saving Time | cent political turmoil. '' R'AINBOW o m i^ ince of Oraicaa a Dios. Honduras rent campaign of peaceful co­ on Sunday. Tlie evening service; piutested Thursday that a Nicara­ existence with the West. King Hussein’s Arab LegiM) con- ‘ Clothe* by , will be on Daylight Saving Time. | guan detachment seized a school at tinued a roundup of Communiata, TUBEROUS BEGONIAS . c There it little doubt that the Left Wing leaders and extreme'Na­ 59 LAND O' CCiWON Mocoron in the provirtce April 12 Soviet leadership is disturbed and Doable CMuella. Red, Pink, White, Gold, Mixed. Sunday will be cleanup day a t ' and Invaded th e’town bf Umuru< tionalists in an attempt to wipe out Tickets at the Door the Manchester Rod and Gun Cliib unhappy about the turn of events the Red Influence contributing to ' DONA'nON 75« - in Coventry. Work will atart 'early April 22. In Jordan in the last couple of Jordan’s ferment. The country re­ 'Entertainment—Priie*. Repeats Charge , ' weeks, especially after the' gains- C A L A D IU M »,,.. 39c hr the morning. Dinner will ht Nicaragua denied ita ti^ p a had ❖ * 0 ■ mained outwardly calm, with the served to the workers. pro-SoViet elements appeared to streets of mdjor citiea 'virtually Fancy Leaved, hilxed. Color*. -Invaded either town. /Then last be making there. .'-Hv / night Fidel Duron repeated the Moscow has stepped into aimllar deserted, in the-third day of martial charge, but talked--fnainly of the ! tuations in the past with decla- law proclaimed by the young FOR GARDENS • Children's monarch. Mocoron in cid en t' • | k.tlona. propositions and - ultima­ (This dispatch, passed through LAWNS, SHRUBS The Foreign banister said about i tums. In the past it has not FERTILIZERS 60 Nlcai-agutin , National Guards- j been hesitant “to suggest that So- censorahip. hut did not specify MILITARY NOW !! met! entered ,,;[(([ocoron, an Indian i 'vlet "Volunteers" might want to whether these extremist elements DIUCONURE ....................... .. 50 lbs. $2.95 TIME FOR THE AFTER-EASTER SALE yplage of SOTUt 1^000 which is 22 rally against imperialists, as it did were to be brought before the mili­ The complete otganlc, food for lawn* and gardfna LAUNDRY milea inside., Honduras, occupied a during the' Suez crisis last fall. A Jordan military radio car slts putside sandbagged entrance to general poet office in Aihman aa tary courts. It was reported In WHIST YOU’VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR! ■dibol .looted shops, stole livestock But thus far in the Jordan cri­ telephone service wai disrupted’ aftbr martial law curbs were installed during country’s current po­ other Arab^^pitala that several hundred-Tifiraons were arrested In S-IJO-S Bo m M«^ri^vor$pMR Food- ■VormlcoHto and got dnink.
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