THE NINETY-NINES, Inc. INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF WOMEN PILOTS N ew s L etter International Headquarters — P. 0. Box 1444 — Oklahoma City, Oklahoma AIR TERMINAL BUILDING — WILL ROGERS FIELD ---------------- NOVEMBER, 1958 President's Column 29 YEARS YOUNG Novem ber 1, 1958 Everyone who participated in the S.M.A.L.L. Race saw Michigan in its full Autumn dress—a beautiful riot of color! All activities were so very well planned, there was wonderful coopera­ tion from the contestants and all per­ sons who assisted in any way. It was a successful and enjoyable event, with which to finish our Ninety-Nine racing activities for the season. In attending the Michigan Chapter meeting after the finish of the race, I learned of their aim for this year. It was so inspirational that I feel sure all of you should know about it, so here it is: “ To expand through the addition of valuable new members. To make tangible contribution to avia­ tion and to the community around us. To be a genuine asset to the Ninety- Nines, Inc. To be worthy of recogni­ tion by qualifying our existance as an organized group.” Haven’t they put into words, so nicely, the actual aim of every Chapter? The Amelia Earhart Scholarship ap­ plication forms will be sent to your Chapter Chairman soon, and they must be in by January 15. This $350 MELBA BEARD, JIMMYE LOU SHELTON AND RUTH REINHOLD stand- scholarship is worth competing for, so ing under the wing of M elba’s Kinner Bird, w7hich is a Bird biplane powered do get those applications in before the with a 160 hp Kinner R-55 engine, converted from the original OX-5 engine deadline date. You will receive your new Roster it was manufactured with. The plane is 29 years old and I flew it home from early in December. It is our 30th anni­ Fayetteville, N. C., this summer in 29 flying hours (five days flying plus a versary edition, and you will note that lay-over in Tulsa where Birdie won two lovely trophies in a static display of it contains much information for quick reference. I would like to urge all who antique aircraft). The plane carries 45 gallons of gas and burns 8-10 an hour are not familiar with the Constitution plus 2 quarts of oil and cruises at 80 mph, but lands at a slow 35 miles and and By-Laws, to take the time to read them. You will find the answers there­ takes off in 3 lengths. There is no radio and the only modernization features in to the many questions that arise are hydraulic brakes, tail wheel and shock mounted instrument panel. It is from time to time. beautifully restored and carries standard license N88K. Melba later flew the We are pleased to welcome the new Houston, Texas Chapter, and wish bird to the OX-5 Convention in California, which means this sturdy old plane them much success. successfully spanned the continent this summer. There will be no December News Letter, so I want to take this oppor­ Melba enjoys flying this open cockpit biplane more than any plane now tunity to wish Ninety-Nines every­ made, but then she flies “ just for the fun of it.” One of her greatest difficulties where, a most WONDERFUL HOLI­ DAY SEASON! was getting an appropriate yet attractive flying outfit. She uses western style “ frontier” pants and shirt, and either a wool or cotton flying suit from a Sincerely, surplus store for actual flying, borrowed helmet and surplus store goggles. With 110 degrees on the ground, wool is needed at 8000 feet in an open cockpit, Broneta Davis Evans and she wears a chute at all times, shoulder type. 1957-58 A Sprained Neck Is Better Than A Broken INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS- President For those of you who do not receive AOPA Bulletins, don’t read BRONETA DAVIS EVANS FLYING, or the various Government publications, or just need a memory Minco, Oklahoma jog— the new VFR and IFR cruising altitudes between 3000’ and 29,000’ Vice President are: EUGENIA R. HEISE 5019 N. Cumberland Blvd. Milwaukee, Wisconsin Secretary LOUISE SMITH 421 Edgedale Dr. High Pointy North Carolina Treasurer BARBARA J. EVANS 40 Stuart Place Manhasset, New York Executive Committee RUTH DEERMAN 405 Camino Real El Paso, Texas BARBARA KIERNAN The above rules apply to all airspace, on or off airways, over The West Knoll Road United States and its Territories. Andover, Massachusets A good rule is “ A Sprained Neck is Better Than a Broken One.” So LOIS CASSIDY keep looking — where you’ve been, are and will be. It’s wonderful that 5125 W. Division St. so many more people are flying and traffic is getting heavy; but don’t Chicago 51, Illinois let the airways inherit the reputation of the freeways! Flying Activities Chairman Deadline For News Peggy Borek, The 25th Of Each Month PUBLIC RELATIONS Do you watch the Aviation Calen­ plan their programs from the list of To A dars in aviation periodicals for news speakers made available by the Fed­ of aviation meetings in your area? eration, it might be worthwhile to be­ News Letter Reporters If such a meeting is scheduled, write long in order to be put on the list of to the secretary or president of the speakers available, so that you will D EADLINE—In editor’s office by organization extending your best have an opportunity to speak before the 25th of each month. Wynema wishes for a successful meeting and many of these groups. This is espe­ Do not Masonhall, Minco Okla. offering the cooperation of your local cially desirable when public support send News Letter reports to head­ chapter. Often assistance in handling on bond issues for further develop­ quarters. registration and transportation is ment of aviation facilities is needed. HEADING—Please head each re­ gratefully received. Making arrange­ And the general public is generally port as to Section, Chapter and ments for taking the wives on shopping woefully uninformed on the needs of name of reporter. or sight-seeing trips is also appre­ aviation. CONTENTS—Type double spaced, ciated. And it is surprising how much Congratulations are always wel­ full width of regular size typing fun your members can have meeting comed. Has a local CAA man received paper, if report exceeds more than aviation personalities from other parts a promotion? Has any aviation per­ one page, number paragraphs in of the country. Frequently these meet­ sonality received some special award order of importance. ings have outstanding aviation leaders or performed some out-standing ser­ PICTURES—Do not write on backs, in attendance or as guest speakers and vice in your community? Send him a but attach names and occasion to the girls will enjoy meeting and hear­ note or wire of congratulations. the bottom of the picture by means ing them. (Continued on Page 3) of Scotch Tape, for removal during And it is especially nice to know that printing. Plan for your best and the delegates to these meetings will most noteworthy pictures. go home with a pleasant memory of Pilots Briefing BE SURE your Chapter is repre­ the hospitality extended to them by sented in the News Letter with a the Ninety-Nines. There will be no news Letter in report from you each month. Not And don’t forget also to do the same December, instead the 1959 Roster only does the report tell of the thing for any state or national meet­ will be mailed. The next News activities of your Chapter, but ing of women’s groups. It is an oppor­ Letter deadline will be December keeps us in closer touch with our tunity to acquaint the non-flying wo­ 25. many friends scattered throughout men with the high type of women who Send in dates and places for the the 99’s. May I also take this oppor­ fly. Many people have greatly dis­ Spring Sectionals as soon as pos­ tunity to thank each and every torted ideas of women pilots. sible for the Coming Events Sec­ reporter for the fine work you are In this connection, you might like tion. doing and for the wonderful co­ to check into membership in the local Read Elsie Ferich’s delightful operation you have given me. Federated Women’s C’ub, as an asso­ write-up on the S.M.A.L.L. Race Your Editor ciate member if such is available. under the Michigan Chapter report. Since many women’s organizations PUBLIC RELATIONS (Continued from Page 2) Application Blanks For Scholarship Award Are Now Available Have you sent a wire to General Application blanks for the 1959 or snapshot for reproduction, and Quesada congratulating him on his Amelia Earhart Memorial Scholar­ with letter of recommendation on appointment as head of the newly ship award are now in the hands of the back, giving the qualifications established F A A and extending your all Chapter Chairmen. If you are and aims of the applicant and signed desirous of applying for the ward best wishes and cooperation? Are you by your Chapter Chairman and of $350 now is the time to apply to Secretary, must be in the hands of well acquainted with the Chairman your Chapter for consideration. Each your Section Scholarship Chairman of the Aviation Committee of your Chapter may name ONE applicant no later than JANU AR Y 15, 1959. local Chamber of Commerce? Director as its choice to apply for the award The end of the year will soon be of Aeronautics at municipal and state from among its members.
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