The electronic version of this file/report should have the file name: Type of document.Spill Number.Year-Month.File Year-Year or Report name.pdf letter. .File spillfile .pdf report- hQ956)49 . l909 - 08-01. F,#166 31 .pdf i RIV EST)6817 0 fO Project Site numbers will be proceeded by the following: Municipal Brownfields - b Superfund - hw Spills - sp ERP-e VCP-v BCP-c non-releasable - put .nf.pdf Example: letter.sp9875693.1998-01.Filespillfile.nf.pdf 1 .'- i 4150461 ND-2900 01748 1 ENGINEERING INVESTIGATIONS AT INACTIVE HAZARDOUS WASTE SITES PHASE I INVESTIGATION 1 SNYDER TANKC6MP., SITE NUMBER: 915049 TOWN OF HAMBURG, ERIE COUNTY August 1989 tel <1 1 Prepared for: New York State Department of Environnpental Conservation 50 Wolf Road, Albany, New York 12233 1 Thomas C. Jorling, Commissioner 1 Division of Hazardouq Waste Remediation Michael J. O'Toole, Jr., P.E., Director 1 Prepared by: Ecology and Environment Engineering, P.C. NO·2900 01748 ENGINEERING INVESTIGATIONS AT INACTIVE HAZARDOUS WASTE SITES PHASE I INVESTIGATION SNYDER TANK CORP., SITE NUMBER: 915049 TOWN OF HAMBURG, ERIE COUNTY August 1989 1 ROFESSIONAL 1 1 Prepared for: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation 50 Wolf Road, Albany, New York 12233 Thomas C. Jorling, Commissioner Division of Hazardous Waste Remediation Michael J. O'Toole, Jr., P.E., Director Prepared by: 1h ecology and environment Ei engineering, p.c. BUFFALO368 PLEASANTVIEW CORPORATE DRIVE, LANCASTER,CENTER NEW YORK 14086, TEL. 716/684-8060 recycled paper 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Section P age 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .. 1-1 1.1 SITE BACKGROUND ............. 1-1 1.2 PHASE I EFFORTS ............ 1-1 1 1.3 ASSESSMENT 1-4 1.4 HAZARD RANKING SYSTEM SCORE 1-5 2 PURPOSE 2-1 3 SCOPE OF WORK 3-1 4 SITE ASSESSMENT .. 4-1 4.1 SITE HISTORY 4-1 4.2 SITE TOPOGRAPHY .............. ........... 4-2 4.2.1 Soils 4-3 4.2.2 Wetlands 4-3 4.2.3 Surface Waters .......... .... 4-4 1 4.2.4 Land Use ......................... 4-4 4.3 SITE HYDROLOGY 4-5 4.3.1 Regional Geology and Hydrology 4-5 4.3.2 Site Hydrogeology 4-8 4.3.3 Hydraulic Connections ............ 4-9 4.4 SITE CONTAMINATION ................... 4-9 1 5 PRELIMINARY APPLICATION OF THE HRS 5-1 5.1 NARRATIVE SUMMARY ........... 5-1 1 iii recycled paper eci,logy Bnd envininmem 11 J Table of Contents (Cont.) 1 1 Section Paae 5.2 LOCATION ....................../ 5-2 5.3 .. 5-3 HRS SCORE SHEET ®............/o... ....... 5.4 DOCUMENTATION RECORDS HRS ..... 5-10 5.5 POTENTIAL HAZARDOUS WASTE SITE INSPECTION REPORT ................. 5- 6 ASSESSMENT OF DATA ADEQUACY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ...... 6-1 1 7 REFERENCES ...- 7-1 ..........o..../....o Appendix A PHOTOGRAPHIC RECORD o........... ................. A-1 8 UPDATED NYSDEC INACTIVE HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL REGISTRY FORM 8-1 ........................o•/•............ C PHOTOCOPIED REFERENCES C-1 1 i V 1 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Page 1 1-1 Location Map .... 1-2 1-2 Site Map ................................ 1-3 4-1 Bedrock Units of the Erie-Niagara Basin 4-6 5-1 Location Map ...... 5-3 LIST OF TABLES Table Page 3-1 Sources Contacted for the NYSDEC Phase I Investigation at the Snyder Tank Corporation Site ................... 3-2 1 1 1 V recycled paper ercili,gy find environment 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 SITE BACKGROUND The Snyder Tank Corporation site has been used by Snyder Tank for the past disposal of automobile fuel tank manufacturing process wastes. The property occupies approximately 10 acres located on Lake Shore and Hoover roads, on the eastern shore of Lake Erie in the Town of Hamburg, Erie County, New York (see Figure 1-1). The site consists 1 of an office, production buildings, gravel parking and loading areas, and a 100-foot-wide beach area. The disposal areas of concern at.the site include the gravel parking and loading areas and the westerly adj acent beach. The plant property grades gently toward the west and the beach, and serves as a route for surficial and storm-drain runoff. The beach serves as the discharge location for the plant's permitted State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPOES), which drains directly into Lake Erie (see Figure 1-2). Aside from this discharge, all other wastes are reportedly put into containers and disposed of off site. 1.2 PHASE I EFFORTS On July 29, 1987, Ecology and Environment, Inc. (E & E) conducted a site inspection in support of this investigation. Prior to the inspection, available federal, state, county, and municipal files were reviewed. The site inspection consisted of a visual survey of the property that included: 1-1 recycled paper recilogy iand envirtinmelit 781'10" 2.1 ilylli D R SF Woodlawn Bi Sch <1171--11111111/- 11 11 11 11 MiLLER Sewage osar 0 14 1 j . SNYDER L_/ 8 Dis¢ TANK CO. SITE 1 : /X , J 71 0 urt f 630 595 6 1, ii il[ ; heater . -61 AthGI'Springs,s«.: e ROAU'\ 0 o Radio Towers '680 (WK#W) e 0 rontier - 5.. 700: OWA 0 ///100 SOURCE: U.S.G.S. 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic) Quadrangle, Buffalo SEE. N.Y.. 1965. SCALE 0 1 MILE 0 1 KILOMETER Figure 1-1 LOCATION MAP 1-2 1 - 1 . 1 1 DRAINAGE r ts:: '-i': :' ':. CHANNELS MAIN DRAIN 1 (DISCHARGE PIPE) \\\c I.- I 0 \ 'R WINDMILL 1 ".' - Hle H GRAVEL\ :: AREArn AND GATE ]COBBLES SEWER b- LINE POND DRAIN \0 e/It 1 PIPE e GATE OFFICE DEAD VEG. 11>56* 1, 1 -P-4 60 . ·r St SCRAP 0060 #'+Z> 4 MANUF.00000000 PLANT TANKS 0 SCRAP % No. 2 982 1 METAL %:00000 00 06- PRODUCT STORAGE AREA BLDG. FO,3 RED G#Ble /tfj DEPOSITS 1 r400 PLANT NO. 1 1 SEWER LINE '0 --- -- OIL SEWER DRAINAGE AREA STAIN 1 LINE ABANDONED 1 GAS STATION 1 SOURCE Ecology and Environment, Inc , 1987 NOT TO SCALE Figure 1-2 SITE MAP - SNYDER TAN K 1 recycled paper 1-3 cr4,! nml enumnmelit o Overall site conditions; 1 o Description of vegetation and a survey for stressed vegeta- tion; o Presence of structures on the site; o Distance to nearest residence; o Location of nearest agricultural land; o Location of nearest surface water and wells, and type of use; 0 -Visual delineation of waste dis0osal areas; o Air quality survey using an HNu photoionizer; and o Photodocumentation of the site. All observations were.recorded in a field logbook and reported in the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Site Inspection Report form. 1 1.3 ASSESSMENT 1 The walk=over inspection of the site and adjacent areas revealed that maintenance practices at the site have improved relative to past reports. No leaking tanks, improperly drummed waste, or staininq of the beach were observed. No readings above background were noted on the photoionization detector while on site. The site inspection team identified some points of concern, including stressed vegetation on the .northwest side of Plant No. 2, between the building and the fence. Additionally, the gravelled lot on the southwest side of Plant No. 2 'is presently beina used for 1 outdoor storage of various scrap metals, racks, and tanks. Other concerns noted included a 7-foot x 3-foot oily stain adjacent to the south side of Plant No. 1, and the presence of rust-colored sediments between the eastern wall of Plant No. 1 and Route 5 (New Lake Shore 1 1-4 1 Road). An above-ground sulfuric acid storage tank (approximately 1,000-gallon), which is apoarently no longer in use, was also observed east of Plant No. 1. This tank is visible from Route 5. Three effluent discharges were observed at the property beach. 1 The northernmost discharge is the site-permitted SPDES location. This conduit transports spent manufacturing cooling water with Route 5 and Hoover Road storm sewer drainage to the beach area. The other two drainage pipes are considerably smaller and are thought to be used for surficial drainage of gravelled areas to the southwest of Plants Nos. 1 and 2. 1.4 HRS SCORE A preliminary application of the Hazard Ranking System (HRS) has 1 been made to quantify the risk associated with this site. As the Phase I investigation is limited in scope, not all the information . needed to fully evaluate the site is available. An HRS score was com- pleted on the ba5is of the available data. Absence of necessary data may result in an unrealistically low HRS score. Under the HRS, three numerical scores are computed to express the site's relative risk or damage to the population and the environment. The three scores are: 1 o SM reflects the potential for harm to humans or the environ- ment from migration of a hazardous substance away from the facility by routes involving groundwater, surface water, or air. It is a composite of separate scores for each of the three routes (SGW = groundwater route score, SSW = surface water route score, and SA = air route score). o SFE reflects th@ potential for harm from substances that can explode or cause fires. 1 o SDC reflects the potential for harm from direct contact with hazardous substances at the facility (i.e., no migration need be involved). 1 1-5 recycled paper croli,gy and envircinment The preliminary score was: 1 SM 14.73 (SGW = 23.59; Ssw = 9.65; SA = 0) SFE Not scored SDC 37.50 1 1 'flb 1 1 1-6 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2.
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