WHEREIN ARE PRESENTED THE LIKENESSES OF THREE WHO HAVE DRUNK FROM THE FOAMING FOUNT OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANT PATHOLOGY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA AND WHO GUIDED THE SPOUTINGS OF OTHERS IN THESE PAGES FROM THE ORIGINAL ERUPTION ON THE FIRST DAY OF AUGUST IN THE YEAR 1924 ' THROUGH THE MONTH OF JULY IN 1926 Helen Hart A. W. Henry, Chairman H. A. Rodenhiser Caught in a moment of recollection, rumination, or raspiration on the occasion of the reunion of Old Timers at Ithaca in September of 1952, these three wei-e the mycelium, the stipe, and the pileus of the original editorial committee of this illustrious journal! In Tribute to Them LETTHE FOUNT FOAM AND NEVER RUN DRY LET THE SPOUT SQUIRT AND NEVER LOSE POWER - - 28, No. 2 AURORA SPOUALIS Oc tober-December, 1552 OLD TLlvIERS C6RISTl;lAS is gone, but it was not for- Dr. IJoman Krog, Niagara Chemical llivi- gotten by Old Tiners. JOYEUX NWL et sion, niddleport, N. Ye, writes that -0.JNE ANiEE came by ship and plane to he and his family are the owners of a Phytobrickhaus erectus "and particu- beautiful home with five upstairs bed- larly to survivors of P. trenuloidestf rooas, surr~undzdby about 10 acres of from Pakistan, Palestine, Hziti, Porto fruit tr~es. Sounds like a dream come Rico, and Surina~;frcm New Lealand, true for the Krogs.Also--the Thursday !::npland, and Canada; from India, U.S.A., night seminar always welcomes the op- Colonbia, Peru, Losta Rico,and Mexico. portunityb judge the qualihy of fruit, We thank you all, and to each of you a especially that grown by Old Tiqers. GSLUNKIG *VIEVJJAAR Seven pounds of 30Y was born Novernbe-5 at ilvansville, ~Viinnesota, to J~YIand Recollections from Lyle W, R. Jackson, Norma (former Secretary) EAIAII. of ktliens, Goor6,ia: ttReaember how Jonas (~hristo nost of us) used to sing '1 Not satisfied to be in the northerly dont t want to go honet while he was region of -dinonton, Alberta, dr. ti. B. ch~sin~;iielminth. spores? Dr. Freemant s S~i(3'OiiD--once a ~"iinncsotapot~to boy-- corn cob pipes? diss Dosdall and those drove to the Yukon Territory this fall, musty herberium specimens! Does Stak- to visit the new sub-station 100 miles man still strui~clewith those calabash west of N~itehorse. Also visited Fair- pipes. HemenSer the big black cigars bznks and Skagway. he brought into Serninar?...Also remem- ber the inter camgus rattler on those Yot since he left biinnesota for Sgypt mornings when it was 20 below zero." in darcb had we heard fr0.n 3r. Isnail kli IBRAHI.4, known to his playnates in Tobacoo-man Tonny ~~~4 of Florence, Plant Path as Ish-mish, In the Faculty South Carolina, has been delving after of Agriculture at Shatby, Alexandria, neqatodes while in Washington recently. he wrote in November, "1 miss every one Any con~ectionwith those strings that of the gang and I miss the seminars e.iierre from our ciqarettes every now very much." and then? rioTt COHEN movcdin November fron River.- Paul and Llencncia SISG 1;iS are ncw at side, CaXornia, to Lake Alfred, Pla., hoqe at Tula 108, Colonia Las ~~iitras, to w~rkon quick decline of citrus for Aonterrey, ~4exico. Sags hk: "1 have ;he rlnnt Protection Board--so our in- retired fron writing squibs." former stated. Since confirned by Ur. Cohen hiriself! dd A Jlj, ,hS, of liast Lansing, Plichi~an, senta thesis; ar.d his wife sent gre-t- The Uarleys at Riverside, California, inr:s . celebratedin November tilcir third year in one house, which they state is a The how address of new (33 Ti~er14erle record for then. I.IIcJA ,LSOW is 8 West urive, Colu.nbia, l~issouri, He says, "We have enjoyed "Mqyour winter be mild and your pleas- our brief introductory acquaintance urss many. Should either not be so, with rlissouri. cone t,o Ohio whcre the slow of intel- lectual enlightenqent brightens the Su~arcane smut and have oc- darkest day, and dulls the sharpest cupied the time of disa HLRSCSI~OR;~, wind, rendering all things balmy. 'I of ~?stelar,Argentina. "We have here --Pat (iulrs. C. C. )ALLISON lately the visit of ur. aorlaug and other people...and you can! imagine th& Former Secretary Shirlee E'reeberg has there is no come together without re- become lYrs, Thompson, now living in aembering ivlinn. P1, Path, " Stanchfield, Minnesota. Most recent Old-Tiner secretary is ~qrs. Although fJero may have made rnusic in Robert (~eva)SPIER, who has returned Rome, c\ld timer Glen HLv~JRICK swears to Colunbia, L'4issoi~ri,and is now Ex- thst he was p& to work in-nediately upon ecutive Secretary of the Camp Fire arrival there. Living now on one of Girls. the historic seven has, the Hernericks hsve shopped intensively for a house F'roa the Instkut9 A~ropecuarioNaciond with a view, the latter, according to in Suatenala, nsw Old 'liner iS,arco F1,ORES tne Ronans, being more iaportant than requested on Ncvenber 23, I1Please do glumb in&. not for::,& to send ae Aurora, because the one we hsve here is &ferent.tf We The newly formed University of Karachi, ~dnitours of necessity must be cn a Pakistan, boasCs two ~~linnesotaOld lower plane! Timers: Ur. S. J. hasanain as Reader (Associate ~rofessor)and Dr. A.d.Anwc Erox Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee,dla- Lecturer. Dr. S. F. Hassan (hr~war's bama (Box sol), Lavaniel L. h6N3,-,1cSOi( altar ego) and Dr. Bbdul Kausar are in tookkne from hb teaching and research the PlantProtcction Ucpartrnent as ?re- to send a Happy New Year and to pay viously. tribute to old tilners Girn Lyle and Dick Davidson for literature they have pro- B. kirriarr VUiGCE, of Dayton, Ohio, has vided. been :nade &&or-in-Chief of -The Ameri- -can Biologx T~acher. He heard -ti?&Big riore recently, the s&Te Uavidsqn "has Chi'cf: spout to bicilogy teachors asse:n&d joined the zdxinistrative steff of Bat- at the AAAS xeetings in St. Louis. telle Instjtuti to coordinate relations betwL-,en Battelle and its sponsors of Clairn eo membership in the Yroud Order agricultural ar,a biological research. 'I of Grandparentis comes from 14onica and --Science Dec. 12 D. f Olaf AAMODT, of Idashington, C., who state their grandson is 7 months o1.d. If you are hun~ry,read "Can we nake the elrth fed us all?'! in the Satur- Clyde SHU~iffi~ilXof rine City, ~linnesota, day .,vening Yost d Oct~ksrl8 and 12arn adrnitted whcn he was in St. raul re- wh& Old Tirners Dutch 3hiZRAR and Norxm cently th& he also hed cr~dtrr~tialsen- BORUITG art: doing in 1'4exico r.9 help titlinc hi^ to rnembtrship. If we re- answdr the quest ion aff irnetively. .nernbr;.r correctly, it w?s breerr,ar: Wciss who thot tit w;!s First Old-Tiner 3rand- In rcsponsetc letters fro% the Seminar papi,whersas ye Editors clai~~edit was to several rid tilners, we ,;ot (1) ad- Paul riterson. Xno else wants to join mir2tion of ow letterhead from A, W. this honarable order of the rocking KHXIPLC)W, (2) insults to the Gopher chair l footballtem from L.S. Chuckie HOLTON, and (3) a beautiful (2nd Ke nope good) As the presses begin to roll, we proud& check for 910.09 from Cogt WILSON. present tomorrow's news todzy: At the cereaonies narkine the dedicetion of Lt. Gol. kf. W. CHRISTCrlIER, whose move the Agricult~urdLibrary on January 114, to Triplcr Arxy Hospital in Honolulil the Univr;r&y of dinnesota win. presbnt ~asa~nouncad in cur last issue, finds Atstanding Bchkveacnt Awards to three hi~sdfl'wandering; around gazing zt the @ant pathology postgr&duates: meny pieces of a~paratus in amazeaent H. A. 3odenhiser and wonder. " iTLs address (and we ought Ralph ill, Lindgren to char~e hin for space) is 3256 j. G. Harrar A.U.S.C. 30x 276, Tri&r Amy Hospi- tal, P.PO 328 c/o PPI, Stin E'rancisco! "The hospkal is the lergcst, newest and .nost completely equipped one in the amed sLrvices," and our old ti.ner is Chief of the Clinical LaSoratory. RZORGANIZATiOW OF T3E D5PARTL~I.iNT OF From a frequency standpoint, rust ASRICULTU RF: headed thelist of papers given. Rust- experts S. Goto, cave S,nith, and 0. The Deprtment of Agriculture has Sosa, fortified by the epxbrt opinions been reorganized and rencmed, It is of A.C.S., astounded the neophytes and now tile Institute of d~;riculture, The anazed the Lnossbacks with tiieir dis- new dean is Harold ;lacy as dean B3iley coveries and discussions. Late-blight retired Dccenber 31, 195'2. aaas seoond in frequency distribution, with Ollnsted and Thurston presenting The D-an of the Institut~has five papers on spraying and epidemiology. aajor assistants:-- 1. The Uirocbr of the Agricultural Leon Wood told the seminar pinat is 5kp:;rinent Station, Dr. H. J. Slo~ne. being done to protect that priceless 2, The director of ~~esidentIn- precursor of the golden brew (barley) struction, which includes the College from tht: ravages of disease. Bob Skiles of Acriculture, Forestry and Hone Cco- (recently of Lolonbia, S. ~merica)sm- nomics and the Officeof Short Courses, rnarized his work on viruses of straw- Dr, A. A. Dowell. Xenry Sckritz, for- b~rries;Chuck Logsdon t& of the dif- merly Dean, is now President of the ficulties of correlating plant in^ date University of bJ2snin:ton. wit'; potato ring rot savcrity; and Bob 3.
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