1 Bibliography 1. Chadwick, R. J. Marriage Prohibitions, Preferences and Transactions in the Niugini Highlands [B.A. (Hons.) Thesis]. Perth: University of Western Australia; 1973. iii, 157 pp. Note: [from lit: S Fore, Daribi, Manga, Siane, Melpa, Telefomin, Maring, Mendi, Benabena, Kuma]. 2. Chakravarti, Prithvindra. The Ogre-Killing Child: A Major Theme of Papua New Guinea Folklore. Gigibori. 1974; 1(1): 12-20. Note: [Mekeo]. 3. Chalmers, James. Adventures in New Guinea. London: The Religious Tract Society; 1886. 192 pp. + Frontispiece + 5 Plates. Note: [mission 1877-1881: Port Moresby, Tupuselei, Kerepunu, Teste I, Basilaki I, South Cape, Heath I, Toulon I, Cloudy Bay, Dufaure I, Aroma, Vakinumu, Kenimumu, Munikahila, Meroka, Kerianumu, Makapili, Epakari, Delena, Motumotu, Boera]. 4. Chalmers, James. Anthropometrical Observations on Some Natives of the Papuan Gulf. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. 1898; 27: 335-342. Note: [mission: Samari, Saguame, Ipisia, Kiwai, Maipua, Orokolo, Toaripi]. 5. Chalmers, James. Explorations in South-Eastern New Guinea. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society, N.S.. 1887; 9: 71- 86 + Map. Note: [mission explor 1878-1885: Southeast Papua]. 6. Chalmers, James. History and Description of the Pottery Trade: A Papuan Enoch Arden. In: Lindt, J. W. Picturesque New Guinea: With an Historical Introduction and Supplementary Chapters on the Manners and Customs of the Papuans; Accompanied with Fifty Full-page Autotype Illustrations from Negatives of Portraits from Life and Groups and Landscapes from Nature. London: Longmans, Green, and Co.; 1887: 118-125. Note: [mission: Hanuabada, Motu, Koitapu]. 7. Chalmers, James. History and Description of the Pottery Trade: A Papuan Enoch Arden. In: Lindt, J. W. Picturesque New Guinea: With an Historical Introduction and Supplementary Chapters on the Manners and Customs of the Papuans; Accompanied with Fifty Full-page Autotype Illustrations from Negatives of Portraits from Life and Groups and Landscapes from Nature. Facsimile edition ed. Port Moresby: Gordon and Gotch (P.N.G.) Pty. Ltd.; 1980: 118-125. Note: [mission: Hanuabada, Motu, Koitapu]. 8. Chalmers, James. New Guinea -- Past, Present and Future. Proceedings of the Royal Colonial Institute. 1887; 18: 88-122. Note: [mission: south coast British NG]. 9. Chalmers, James. Notes on the Bugilai, British New Guinea. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. 1903; 33: 108- 110. Note: [mission: Bugilai]. 10. Chalmers, James. Notes on the Natives of Kiwai Island, Fly River, British New Guinea. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. 1903; 33: 117-124. Note: [mission: Kiwai I]. 11. Chalmers, James. On the Manners and Customs of Some of the Tribes of New Guinea. Proceedings of the Philosophical Society of Glasgow. 1887; 18: 57-69. Note: [mission: Koitapu, Hula, Kabadi, Koiari, Elema, Kerepunu, Kalo, Babaga, Kamali, Dahuni, Kaile, Kapakapa, Namau, Taroa, Manukolu]. 12. Chalmers, James. Pioneering in New Guinea. London: The Religious Tract Society; n.d. vi, [i], 312 pp. + 2 Frontispiece + 6 Plates. Note: [mission 1878-1893: September 1883: Hanuabada, Koitapu; October 1883: Hall Sound, Maiva, Iokea, Motumotu, Keaura (Cupola), Vailala, Kovara, Maipua, Orokolo; January 1884: Annie R, Maclatchie Point; 1880-1881: Doura, Manumanu, Kabadi; February 1882: Boera, Keveo, Kaukana, Lealea, Manumanu, Toutu; December 1884 (with F. Lawes); Larogi R, Korohomuni, Goldie R, Varagadi, Maruvari, Gubele; November 1884 (with Commodore Erskine): Hall Sound, Motumotu, Freshwater Bay, Kerepunu, Toulon, Dufaure I, Suau, Dinner I, South Cape; December 1884 - January 1885 (on Raven): Dinner I, Killerton I, East Cape, Porlock Bay, Deaf Adder Bay, Traitor's Bay, Dyke Acland Bay, Goodenough Bay, Rawden Bay, Fergusson I, D'Entrecasteaux Is; January 1885 (with Capt. Bridge on Dart): Rook I, Cape Cretin; August 1885 (with Forbes): Redscar Bay, Kabadi, Kaile, Kapakapa, Hula, Kalo, Kerepunu, Dinner I, Moresby I, Slade I, Teste I, South Cape; May 1884: Tupuselei, Kapakapa, Rigo, Motumotu, Moveave, Maiva, Kivori, Delena, Naara, Namoa, Boera, Manumanu, Kabadi; July 1885: Tupuselei, Kapakapa, Hula, Kalo, Aroma, Kerepunu, Belerupu, Parimata; August-September 1879: Astrolabe Range, Keninumu, Chokinumu, Makapili, Taburi; June 1893: Toaripi, Motumotu, Vailala, Orokolo, Aivei, Apope, Maipua, Panaroa R, Arai R, Kailiu, Koropanairu, Kuerave, Kaiburave, Kove; January-February 1892: Darnley I, Dauan, Bampton I, Saguane, Orokolo, Vailala, Kerema, Karama, Lese, Yokea, Maiva, Naara, Delena, PM, Tupuselei, Oiapu; Pisirame, Tagota, Baisasarana, Jauna, Kamkamura, Baramura]. 13. Chalmers, James. Toaripi. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. 1898; 27: 326-334. Note: [mission: Toaripi]. 14. Chalmers, James. Two New Guinea Stories. In: Lindt, J. W. Picturesque New Guinea: With an Historical Introduction and Supplementary Chapters on the Manners and Customs of the Papuans; Accompanied with Fifty Full-page Autotype Illustrations from Negatives of Portraits from Life and Groups and Landscapes from Nature. London: Longmans, Green, and Co.; 1887: 106-117. Note: [mission: Maiva, Koitapu]. 15. Chalmers, James. Vocabularies of the Bugilai and Tagota Dialects, British New Guinea. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. 1898; 27: 139-141. Note: [mission: Bugilai, Tagota]. 16. Chalmers, James. A Vocabulary of the Bugi Language, British New Guinea. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. 1903; 33: 111-116. Note: [mission: Bugilai]. 17. Chalmers, James; Gill, W. Wyatt. Work and Adventure in New Guinea 1877 to 1885. London: The Religious Tract Society; 1885. 342 pp. + Frontispiece + 20 Plates + Foldout Map. Note: [mission: October 1877 - January 1878: Darnley I, Boera, PM, Laroki R, Tupuselei, Kaile, Kapakapa, Hula, Kerepunu, Teste I, Moresby I (Basilaki), Killerton I, South Cape; May 1878: South Cape, Naroopoo, Fyfe Bay, Meikle Bay, Silo, Orangerie Bay, Daunai, Bootu, Port Glasgow, Toulon I, Amazon Bay, Cloudy Bay, Dedele, Domara, Keakaro, Aroma, Mailu; April 1879: Dufaure I, Kuragori; July-September 1879: PM, Laroki R, Moumiri Koiari, Munikahila, Keninuma, Vakinumu, Kenakagara, Marivaeanumu, Nameanumu Sogeri, Orofedabe Favele, Meroka, Keinumu, Gimenumu, Vaiako Makipili, Chokinumu, Janara, Tupuselei, Karikatana, Bootless Inlet, Epakari, Umiakurape, Keninumu; November 1879: Boera, Maiva, Oiapu, Jokea, Lese, Motumotu, Freshwater Bay, Karama, Namai, Silo, Vailala, Annie R, Orokolo, Alele R, Jare, Muro, Aivei R, Maipua, Panaroa R, Urita R, Kailu, Arai R, Ukerave; July 1880: PM, Boera, Manumanu, Kabadi, Ukauana, Keveo, Ravereva, Iduna; October-December 1880: Manumanu, Tobokau, Naara, Veipuri, Lealea, Kevani, Tabunari, Fasili, Boera, Delena, Maiva, Keveri, Mekeo; January-Febraury 1881: PM, Boera, Namoa, Maiva, Delena, Keveri, Oiapu, Jokea, Lese, Motumotu; March 1881: PM, Aroma, Kerepunu, Hula; May-June 1881: PM, Delena, Annie R, Haru, Maipua, Kaipurau, Orokolo, Vailala, Herau; 1878, 1882: East Cape; (Gill) February-March 1884: PM, Maiva, Yule I, Pari, Tupuselei, Kaili, Hula, Kalo, Kerepunu, Parimata Aroma, Boera, Laroki R, Baruni Koitapu, Tatana, Dinner I, South Cape]. 18. Chaloupka, George. The Painted Sea Cliffs of Bomberai. In: Muller, Kal. New Guinea: Journey into the Stone Age. Loncolnwood, IL: Passport Books; 1993: 106-108. (Passport's Regional Guides of Indonesia). 3 Note: [Bomberai Peninsula, Berau Gulf, Kaimana, Lake Sentani]. 19. Chaloupka, George. Rock Art and Crystal Clear Bays. In: Muller, Kal. New Guinea: Journey into the Stone Age. Loncolnwood, IL: Passport Books; 1993: 103-105. (Passport's Regional Guides of Indonesia). Note: [Bomberai Peninsula]. 20. Champion, H. W. Annual Report 1939-1940. In: Commonwealth of Australia. Territory of Papua: Annual Report for the Year 1939- 1940. Canberra: Government Printer; 1939: 5-17. Note: [admin 1939-1940: Papua, Lake Kutubu, Kabuni, Yule I]. 21. Champion, Ivan F. Across New Guinea from the Fly to the Sepik. London: Constable & Co Ltd; 1932. xix, 267 pp. + Frontispiece + Plates + Foldout Map. Note: [admin explor 1926, 1927: Fly R, Strickland R, Bolivip, Telefomin, Sepik]. 22. Champion, Ivan F. Across New Guinea from the Fly to the Sepik. Melbourne: Lansdowne Press; 1966. [v], 225 pp. + Plates + Foldout Map. Note: [admin explor 1926, 1927, 1948: Fly R, Strickland R, Bolivip, Telefomin, Sepik]. 23. Champion, Ivan. The Bamu-Purari Patrol, 1936. Geographical Journal. 1940; 96: 190-206, 243-257 + Plates + Map. Note: [admin explor April-December 1936: Wawoi R, Bosavi, Gigio R, Lake Kutubu, Wasemi I, Mubi R, Wage V, Mendi V, Kagole V, Poru Plateau, Karimui Plateau]. 24. Champion, Ivan. Lake Kutubu. Pacific Islands Monthly. 1937; 7(11): 33-34. Note: [admin: Lake Kutubu]. 25. Champion, Ivan. More Controversy on the Route of Torres and de Prado in 1606. Journal of the Polynesian Society. 1982; 91: 453-454. Note: [south coast Papua]. 26. Champion, Ivan. North-West Patrol. Report of Sub-Patrol. In: Commonwealth of Australia, Parliament. Territory of Papua: Annual Report for the Year 1926-27. Melbourne: Government Printer; 1928: Appendix B, pp. 102-117 + 2 Sketches. Note: [admin explor 1926-1927: Upper Fly]. 27. Champion, Ivan. Territory of Papua -- Lake Kutubu Police Camp. Report of Patrol Made by Ivan Champion, Assistant Resident Magistrate, and A.T. Timperley, Patrol Officer, to the Mubi, Erave, Iaro, Kagua, Akuru, Nembi and Wage Valleys -- 17th May to 6th July 1939. In: Commonwealth of Australia. Territory of Papua: Annual Report for the Year 1939-1940. Canberra: Government Printer; 1939:
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