.....a::-. ----- -- - . -. ._.- 1-- ." - .,.... ----- ,-- ~._ ,..... ~ .• _,_,.,_.__..... _ ••• J •• .,:- ... --' MONDAY APRIL 26 :=J 4:~o I 5~~G I 7i~io I 9~~s 111 KSTW I13:g:a 122KTZZ 128~~TC 12vancouve MORNING ~ Good Today This Mornng Bamev DuckTales Stunt Dawgs JEN Morning J£~ c-UJ .-rV:-C ~ Morning " " Lamb Chop Tom &Jerry Melodies Work n News ,. ~ America " Shining Tme DuckTales Tom &Jerry Paid Sesame ,. ~:.& Jv" _ C<'cbt_ .+c 8:30 " " Rogers Camp Candy Flintstones Programming Street ~ Re~s & Days 01 Our Simon & Sesame Uttle House Family Feud The 700 Club Srt &Be Fit Earth .. cC. ~,l \\..l L1Dl'l'-LcQ\L / 9:30 Kathie Lee LNes Simon Street on Prairie " Wild America Peasant ~ Home Jerry Springer The Price Is Instructional Golden Girls Vicki! Paid Painting Fred Penner t~-.L ~ e J{L;\-v1<,_Q.t.) 10:30 " Riaht TV Designing " Programming Inspiration Mr Dressup ,. 11:00 Family Feud Fam. Secrets Young and People Court Ba1anza: The Sandiego Sesame 11:30 Loving Concentration Restless People Court Savage " Reading Street ~ All My News News In the Heat Matlock The Infatuation Sesame All My ., ,12:30 Children Evening Mag. of the Night Fisherman The Judge Street Children ., One We to Another As the World t.\(Me: Movie: Perry Mason Ghostwriter One Life to ~ ., World Turns Holel 'Big Shots' Newton Live 1:30 LNe 'The ----- " Jeannie Heron Cove Midday ,----=..:....:..2·00 General Scrabble GUiding Ugh1 Garden New 2:30 Hospital Scatteraories " Sesame Hampshire' " Bewitched " ~ Northwest Maury Povich Sally Jessy ~! Gadget Chip 'N Dale Heathcliff Art of Sewing Coronation ,. Dennis Tale Spin Art!Alexander Taxi 3:30 AfternOOfl Raphael Readina ~-- ,. ~ Geraldo Oprah Donahue Square One Tom &Jerry Darkwing Jetsons 'Sandiego WKRP 4:30 WlIlfrev Sandieao Saved/Bell Goof Troop Dastardly Square One NHL Hockey: a lot of money. (1 tlf"'/,,-C30 ,,' 3:00 • 0 Northwest -Afternoon: "Jurors Maury Povlch: People who eat wl:ile Tell Their Stories" Jury duty changes lives. ~sleeping. (CC) (1 hr.) 23626 (1 hL) 3664 )('U Sally Jessy Raphael: Comma~dos o Maury Povlch: Divorces. (CC) (1 hr.1 rescue kidnapped children. (1 hr.) 18794 98190 (DSC) Mother Nature: ''The Waterfowl Art U Sally Jeaay F\,Jpheel: A man who is of Maynard Reece" Artist Maynard Reece friends with the man he knows is his wife's paints waterfowl in marshes and swamps. lover. (1 hr.) 23886 ' (30 mins.) (lBS) Happy Days: "Richie Moves Out" 3:30 - (DSC) Wildlife Chronicles: "Fire Richie moves into brother Chuck's apart­ Demons" Birds nest in New Zealand's ment. (30 mins.) , rvolcanoes. 630 mins.). • , . (ME) Rockford F1",: "Coulter City 4:00 - 0 Geraldo: Natural parents battle Wildcat" Rocky's wins an oil-rights lottery, then he is assaulted and ordered to sign over the parcel of land he won. (CC) (1 adoptive parents for their children. (1 hr.) hr.) , A065 ~.. (DSe) Mother Nature: "Hawks" Film­ Oprah Winfrey: Women who dale makers record hawk species near Lake their daughters' boyfriends. (CC) (1 hr.) Erie. (30 mins.) 45143 3:30 - 0 Reading RaInbow: see 11 :30 ..., U Donahue: Towns videotape prosti­ a.m. (CC) (30 mins.) ~72.!l1 "'" tutes. (Stereo) (CC) (1 hr.) .•. (TBS) Andy Griffith: "Opia's Hobo Friend" A hobo (Buddy EbBen) leads his TUESDAY APR1L. .' ~ friend Opie astray. (30 mins.) ~. (DSC) Wildlife Chronicles: "long­ and was never tried -- assassinate'a .Martin U Doneh...: Beauty contest for female legged Marching Eagle" Tha secretary Luther King Jr. (Stereo) (CC) (3 hrs.) senior citizens. ($t,.-eo) (CC) {11)r,l ! 573Z bird of Africa. (30 mins.) 543244 ~C!\ a.....eu 1illnh1lH~. 1lTJ.,;,..-' -~"';"'~_I~- (DIS) Adventures in WoncterIMd: "Wel­ (DIS) Celebrating the Earth Under the come Back Hatter" According to the mall, Umbrella Tree: Marie Blackbird tells the Mad Hatter has won a castle. (CC) (30 gang an Indian creation story. (30 mins.) 2:00 • 0 Welcome to MY. stUiIICJ: ~lJrIed mins.) 3:00 • 0 Northwest Afternoon: "Deadly Flowers" Helen demonstrates background 4:00 - 0 Geraldo: Teachers who have Compassion: The Death of Ann Hum­ : and tone. (Part 1 of 2) (Stereo) (30 mins.) • affairs with students. (1 hr.) 2799 phrey" Ann Humphrey's suicide and her . (TBS) Saved by the Bell: "Snow Wh~e .!It iii Oprah Winfrey: Money-saving tips belief in euthanasia. (1 hr.) 3602 and the Sewn Darks" lack and Jessie f from frugal viewers. (CC) (1 hr.) 17225 U Sally Jeaay Raphael: Women who practice kissing for 8 sch09f play. (Stereo) (lBS) Beverly Hlllbl....: "Jelhro's Mili­ led troubled lives. (1 hr.) 96602 (CC) (30 rnins.) " . tary Career" Jethro practices to be a Navy (TBS) Happy Days: "Dreams Can Come (ESPNl ~'~:~ Super­ frogman. (30 mins.) true" lori Beth needs money to join cross Series, from San Jose, C8Iit: ('f hr.) @ Where in the World Is Carmen faraway fiance Richie. (30 mins.) (R) 766732 Sandlego?: "Boosting the Belt or Radi­ (ME) Rockford FIles: "Drought at Indian­ (A6E) Mra. Columbo: "Ladies of the ation Rip-Off' Patty Larceny steals the Van head River" Angel's sudden luck in real Afternoon" The murder of a housewife- Allen radiation belt. (CC) (30 mlns.) estate makes him the target of mob --,_._-~~._-_._--'-~----------~---_.- ---- -_..._-~ . (A&E) In Search Of .: "Immortal Sharks­ assassins. With Robert loggia, Vincent Iprostitute leads Kate to an extortion ring l IMissing link" Some say sharks are Baggetta. (CC) (1 hr.) preying on surburban women. Guest: T~ct. immortal; evolution vs. creation. (1 hr.) (DSC) Mother Nature: "Hummingbirds" Danson. (1 hr.) .·i" (DSe) World of the Jungle Book: "Bird High-speed film captures each wing beat (NICK) Dennis the Menace: "Dennis'! Winter in India" India's Bharatpur bird of 8 hummingbird. (30 mins.) Paper Drive" Dennis collects newspapers ~' ! sanctuary. (1 hr.) 3:30 • 0 Reading Rainbow: See 11 30 for charity. (30 mins.) ,! (AMC) Movie: *** "Flying Down to Rio" 8.m. (CC) (30 mins.) (1933) Dolores Del Rio, Gena Raymond. A 2:15 - (AMC) "Arise, My love" Griffith: "Mayberry GORS MovIe: *** I (TBS) Andy (1940) Claudette Colbert, Ray Milland. A. bandleader woos a Latin lIame, bathing Bankrupt" A man facing eviction tries :0 U.S. newswoman frees a jailed rebel in beauties dance on planes, and Fred redeem an old bond. (30 mins.) civil-war-torn Spain; they escape by plane Astaire and Ginger Rogers do the carioca. (USC) Wildlife Chronicles: "Deep So":,, to France. Directed by Mitcheilleisen. (1 (1 hr. 30 mins.) 152515 Weddell seals give birth on:,." Seal" hr. 45 mins.) 24604246 4:30 - 00 NHl Hockey: Quebec Nordiquetl Antarctic ice pack. (30 mins.) at Montreal Canadiens. Adams Division (DIS) Adventures In Wonderland. 2:30 • (TBS) Three's Company: "Home semifinal, game 6. (If necessary) (3 hrs.) ''Noses Off' A rubber nose enrages thi" Movies" A new boyfriend leads Chrissy to 131138 queen. (CC) (30 mins.) try filmmaking. (30 mins.) . o Where in the World .. Clirmen 4:00 • 0 Geraldo: Gary Coleman. (1 iii) (NICK) flipper: "The Most ExpenSive I" Sandlego?: See 4 p.m. (Stereo) (CC) (30 2737 Sardine in the World" A woman accuses mins.) , • Oprah Winfrey: People who dis,.p Flipper of swallowing h6r diamonds. (Ste­ (TBS) Sanford & Son: "Coffins for Sale" prove of their divorced mothers' r:ew reo) (30 mins.) When Lamont bUyS two coffins, Fred is lifestyles. (CC) (1 hr.) 20669 unnerved. (30 mins.) (ESPN) NHl Hockey: Adams or Patrick Division semifinal, Game 6 (If necessary). (3 hrs.) 719848 • ),,(i/!'( , -! / ~ ~ClV,=, Cl~llIIolQ.;lIt01. \~ ,ub., v..,"'.... \. ,I I I r . 2:00 - U Art of William Alexander &' nfs.} -+U'::::UI L Robert Warren: "Veiled Waters" Bill 2:00 • (AMC) Movie: .* 'Bugsy Malone" paints a landscape. (30 mins.) (1976) Scott 3aio, Jodie ,"oster. Fat Sam, lB> Race to Save the Planet: "In the Bugsyand fallulah are '<ids playing adults Name of Progress" Even well-intentioned in Roaring20s r>.Jew fork. Directed oy • economic development sometimes leads Alan Parker. (2 nrs.) '564030 V) to environmental disaster. (Part 4 of 10) (1 3:00 . 0 Northwest Afternoon: 'GOSSIp hr.) With Janet Charlton" An insider view of (A&E) City of Angels: "The November Hollywood. (1 hr) 2382 JPlan" Fearing she knows too mUCh. o Maury Povich: Estranged friends. conspirators target Mary (Meredith Baxter (CG) (1 hr.) 47672 ~irney). Guest: Dorothy Malone. (Part 2 of X0 Sally Jessy Raphael: Victims who 3) (1 hr.) want to confront their abusers. (1 hr.) (AMC) Movie: ** "Flight to Tangier" 32740 (1953) Joan Fontaine. Jack Palance. Two (A&E) Rockford Flies: "Rattlers' Class of women and a man seek $3 million being '63" Best-man Rockford discovers Angel's flo~':l in from a communist country. wedding is part of a real estate swindle. OnglnaJ!z' 3-0. (1 hr. 30 mins.) 667964 Guests: Avery Schreiber, James Wain­ 3:00 - U Northwest Afternoon: "Plain wright. (CC) (1 hr.) Jane Makeovers" Plain Janes become (DSC) Mother Nature: "Animals With beauties. (1 hr.) 6146 Antlers" Deer, elk, caribou and moose o Maury Povlch: Convicted rapist grow new antlers each year. (30 mins.) claims he has reformed. (CC) (1 hr.) 36436 4:00 - 0 Geraldo: Twins with unusual o Sally Jessy Raphael: Parents of a .stories. (1 Ill.j 8189 teen confront his 43-year-old lover. (1 hr.) yo Oprah Winfrey: Couples who eloped 21504 !'iace t>",r families' wrath. (CG) (1 hr.) (A&E) Rockford Rles: "So Help Me God" 3479 Rockford is jailed for contempt of court o Donahue: Man has an affair with his a~r being called before the grand jury in ~daughter's boyfriend. (Stereo) (CC) (1 hr.) a kidnapping case. Guest: William Daniels. 28547 (CC) (1 hr.) (A&E) In Search Of ... : "Swamp Mon­ (DSC) Mother Nature: "Polar Bear" Natu­ ster/Abominable Snowman" People re­ ralists show the polar bear's life cycle.
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