Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85330-9 - Fundamental Planetary Science: Physics, Chemistry and Habitability Jack J. Lissauer and Imke de Pater Index More information INDEX a´a´ lava, 161, 161 f See also winds planetary rings; Solar asteroids, 310–347 ablation, 104 f , 177, 247, aerodynamic drag, 57, 294 System: formation of; See also Chicxulub 293–94, 336, 425 aerogel, 340, 341 f specific planets impact; K-T absolute magnitude, 72 f , 312 age of mammals, 485–86 angular momentum event/boundary; absorption bands/lines, albedo(s) distribution, 415, 422, near-Earth objects; 97–100, 97 f –98f , See also specific Solar 445 Tunguska impact 117–18, 210 f , 213 f , System objects Aniakchak Caldera, 163, event 220 f , 270, 326–28, of blackbodies, 385 f , 164 f binary/multiple systems 326t, 331, 387 f , 400 f 392 Annefrank (5535 Annefrank). of, 320–22, 521t See also spectra Bond albedo, 89, 106, 130, See asteroids captured, 321–22 absorption coefficients, 97, 386, 522t (individual) colliding, 56, 318–321, 102, 104–5 in climate change, antapex (hemispheric), 282 325, 344, 443 abundances (atmospheric), 130–32, 130 f anthropic principle, 473 composition/taxonomic 116, 523t of exoplanets, 459–460 anthropogenic climate classes of, 443 accretion, 135, 297–98, geometric albedo, 90, 326, change, 486 composition/types of, 302–3, 304 f , 360, 362, 331, 334, 516t, 522t anticyclones, 122, 122 f 320 f , 324, 326–332, 371–73, 416, 429, measurement of, 13–14 anti-greenhouse effect, 104, 326t, 327 f , 331 f , 434–35, 440–46 monochromatic albedo, 115, 486 334, 344, 438 See also planetary 89, 106 antineutrinos, 77 condensation sequences accretion and planet/moon surfaces, Antiope (90 Antiope). See of, 438 achondrites, 286, 288–291, 142 asteroids (individual) defined, 7, 310 290 f –91f , 301–4, 305, single scattering, 101–2 antipodes, 176 differentiation in, 331 of transiting planets, 392 apex (hemispheric), 260, 282, 288–290, 416, 438 See also chondrites Alfven´ field-draping model, 294 discovery of, 285 acid rain, 470 197 f Apollo missions, 18, 146 f , Earth-crossing, 38, 179, acronyms used in text, 505–7 ALH (Allen Hills) meteorites. 168 f , 178–79, 290–91, 314 adenosine triphosphate See meteorites 229–231, 291, 529t impact craters on, 321, (ATP), 456–57, 457 f (classes/types) apparent magnitude, 9, 312 327–333, adiabatic phenomena, 79–80, Amalthea, 6 f , 269, 269 f , Archaea, 476, 477 f , 481–82, 329 f –330 f , 332 f , 93–94, 106, 113–14, 356 f , 517t, 519t 490 f 335, 344 118 f , 119, 126, 148, amino acids, 457–58, Archimedean spiral, 193–94, information provided by, 148 f , 171, 178, 214 f , 473–74, 481 194 f 325, 328 246 angle of repose, 155 Archimedes principle, 153 Jupiter’s effects on, 38, See also lapse rates angular momentum. See Ariel, 6 f , 277, 279 f , 518t, 312–13, 313 f , 319, Adrastea, 269, 269 f , 517 f , Kepler’s laws of 520t 439 519t planetary motion; orbital Aristotle, 453 and the Kozai mechanism, aeolian processes, 165, 250, elements of Solar artificial intelligence, 455, 37–38 293 f System objects; 493 libration of, 34 561 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85330-9 - Fundamental Planetary Science: Physics, Chemistry and Habitability Jack J. Lissauer and Imke de Pater Index More information Index 562 asteroids (cont.) 324 Bamberga, 310 atmosphere. See planetary biospheres, 134, 456, 459, lightcurves of, 14 433 Eros, 7 f , 328, 330, atmospheres 462, 465, 493 main belt asteroids 330 f , 471t, 521t, atmospheric escape, 127–29, black holes, 73–74, 81 (MBAs), 56, 312–13, 531t 134, 328 black smokers, 475, 475 f 319 f , 321, 324, 511 Davida, 520t atmospheric tides, 52 blackbodies 324 f , 330–33 617 Patroclus, 521t AU (astronomical unit) curves of, 87, 113, 123, metamorphic, 438 624 Hektor, 314 defined, 5 264 f and meteorites, 285, 287, 703 Interamnia, 520t aurora, 16, 113, 196, defined, 87 289 f , 290–91, 305, 951Gaspra, 7 f , 531t 198–203, 201 f –2f , radiation from, 16, 77, 79, 326 2867 Steins, 7 f , 531t 205, 216, 216 f , 219, 87–88, 88 f , 100, nomenclature of, 310–11 5261 Eureka, 34 261, 265 f 105, 106, 261 orbits of, 39 f , 312 f , 319, 5535 Annefrank, 7 f , Australopithecus, 484–85 temperatures of, 90–91, 319 f –320 f , 343, 531t Avogadro’s number, 67, 93 102, 105 414, 438–39 6489 Golevka, 56 axial tilt. See obliquity blanketing effect, 432 Palomar-Leiden survey 9969 Braille, 7 f , 531t blue shift, 100, 106 asteroids, 39 f 25143 Itokawa, 7 f , bacteria, 454, 465, 472, See also Doppler shifts physical properties of, 328–330, 329 f , 521t, 476–482, 477 f , 480 f , blueberries (martian), 8–9, 143, 323–25, 531t 490, 490 f 252–53, 253 f 521t Dactyl, 7 f , 321, 321 f , Balmer, Paschen and Brackett Bohr radius/semiclassical and planetesimals, 325, 331, 531t series, 95 theory, 95 328, 343, 438–39 2002 AA29, 314 Bamberga (324 Bamberga). bolides, 167, 214 f , 285, 295, planets perturbed by, 42 asteroids (taxonomic classes) See asteroids 319 f , 467, 467 f , 469 radioactive decay in, 154 C-type (carbonaceous), (individual) See also meteors rotation rates of, 323–25, 275, 321 f , 326–28, banded iron formations Boltzmann’s constant, 67, 79, 324 f 326t, 327 f , 331, (BIFs), 133–34, 134 f , 86, 88–89, 105, 106, sedimentation on, 147 331 f , 344 480 f 510t space weathering of, 326 D-type, 326, 326t, 327 f Baptistina family (NEOs), Boltzmann’s postulate, 81 spacecraft exploration of, M-type (metal), 326t, 327, 319 bombardment eras, 134, 178, 3, 7, 531t 327 f , 331, 344 barometric law, 68–71, 70 f , 229, 233, 249, 480 f spectra of, 310, 323–334, P-type, 326, 326t, 327 f 111, 124, 126 Borrelly. See comets 329, 438 S-type (stony), 326–331, basalts (individual) tectonic activity on, 142 326t, 327 f , 329–331, lunar, 145, 229, 231 f , bow shock, 177–78, 196 f , temporal evolution of, 344 235, 255 198–99, 255 343–44 V-type (vestoid), 326t, molten, 146 f , 149–150, Brahe, Tycho, 25, 336 tidal forces on, 321, 325 327, 331–32 161, 161 f , 175, 229 Braille (9969 Braille). See water-formed minerals in, W-type, 326t, 327 oceanic, 151, 158, 464 asteroids (individual) 489 asteroid belt planetary, 233, 235, branching ratio, 300 asteroids (individual) depletion in, 438–39 238–240, 250–52, breccias, 143, 146 f , 147, 1 Ceres, 10, 43, 310, 319, Kirkwood gaps in, 37, 59, 252 f 177, 291, 291 f 331, 471t, 520t, 521t, 312 types of, 144 f , 145, 157, brightness temperature, 90, 531t location of, 43, 311–12, 157 f 90–91 2 Pallas, 310, 324, 520t, 312 f , 344 on Vesta, 326–27, 331 brown dwarf desert, 401, 521t and mass extinctions, 463 β Pictoris, 399 f , 419–420, 435 4 Vesta, 43, 290, 298, 310, mass of, 310, 415 421 f brown dwarfs 324, 326t, 327, as meteorite source, β-decay, 80–82 defined, 11 331–32, 332 f , 471t, 287–291 Biela. See comets deuterium fusion in, 83 520t, 531t, minor planets/NEOs in, (individual) and exoplanets, 381, 544 f –47f 43, 311–14, 319 f , big bang, 65, 77–79, 83 383–84, 386, 389, 10 Hygiea, 310, 520t, 521t 328, 415 binary/multiple star systems, 398, 420, 460 21 Lutetia, 7 f , 330 f , 331, and planetary 373, 383, 386–87, formation of, 434 531t atmospheres, 446 387 f , 389, 399–400, and free-floating giant 52 Europa, 520t resonances in, 38, 56, 343 419, 443, 444 planets, 385 87 Sylvia, 520t, 521t Yarkovsky effect in, 56 binding energy (nuclear), gravitational contraction 90 Antiope, 321 f , 521t asthenosphere, 151, 151 f , 76–77, 77 f in, 73, 75 f , 79, 83 243 Ida, 7 f , 321, 321 f , 159 f , 263 biogeochemical cycles, spectra of, 386, 387 f 331, 521t, 531t astronomical unit (AU), 463–65 bulk composition, 18, 221, 253 Mathilde, 7 f , 331, defined, 5 biological evolution, 461, 227, 286, 303, 325–27, 331 f , 521t, 531t Atlas, 275, 277 f , 369, 517t, 476 f , 493 329, 396, 441, 445 279 Thule, 38, 312 f , 314 519t biosignatures, 488 butterfly pattern, 190, 192 f © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85330-9 - Fundamental Planetary Science: Physics, Chemistry and Habitability Jack J. Lissauer and Imke de Pater Index More information Index 563 CAI (calcium-aluminum centrifugal forces, 15, 30, 50, petrographic types of, cosmic rays’ effects on, inclusions), 287 f , 57, 95, 122, 151–52, 146 f , 287, 288 f , 329–330, 335–36, 297–98 201–2, 352–53, 419, 291 f , 297–98, 303 339 calderas, 162 f , 163, 164 f , 421 refractory inclusions in, deceased, 310–11 260–61, 272, 280 centrifugal potential energy, 415, 445–46 defined, 7, 310 Callisto 32, 152 on Vesta, 327 depletion of, 344 atmosphere of, 136 centrifugal radius, 419 volatile elements in, 304 f , dust in, 13, 335, 335 f , composition of, 267–69 centripetal force, 30, 47 445–46 337–340, 340 f , ice on, 267, 267 f Ceres (1 Ceres). See asteroids chondrules, 143, 286–87, 341–44 impact craters on, 175, (individual) 287 f –88f , 297–98, dynamically new comets, 180, 261 f , 267–68, Cernan, Eugene A., 141 302–4, 305, 415, 446 310 267 f chaos, 38–43, 39 f , 43, 59, chromophores, 209, 211 Earth-crossing, 179 magnetic field of, 17, 268 275, 278, 313–16, 315, chromosphere, 190, 190 f , ecliptic comets (ECs), oceans/water within, 17, 343, 481 193 310 269, 489 chaotic terrain, 264 circumplanetary disks, 372, field-draping model of, orbit of, 517t Chapman reactions, 124 441 197 f rotation of, 519t charge exchange, 125, 128, circumsolar disks, 19 heliocentric distances of, size of, 6 f , 259, 519t 203, 215, 338, 340 circumstellar disks, 2, 12, 337–39, 342, 343 f visual magnitude of, 517t charged particle precipitation, 385, 414, 419–420, ice in, 7, 337–38, 445 Calypso, 275, 277 f , 517t, 17, 113, 188,
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