Newlands Property Developments LLP Basingstoke Gateway Breeding Bird Survey Report June 2020 Land at Oakdown Farm, Basingstoke - Breeding Bird Survey Report fpcr FPCR Environment and Design Ltd Registered Office: Lockington Hall, Lockington, Derby DE74 2RH Company No. 07128076. [T] 01509 672772 [F] 01509 674565 [E] [email protected] [W] www.fpcr.co.uk This report is the property of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd and is issued on the condition it is not reproduced, retained or disclosed to any unauthorised person, either wholly or in part without the written consent of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd. Ordnance Survey material is used with permission of The Controller of HMSO, Crown copyright 100018896. Rev Issue Status Prepared / Date Approved/Date - Draft PJP / 18 .0 6.20 MEL / 29.07.2020 1 Breeding Bird Survey Report – Land at Oakdown Farm, Basingstoke fpcr CONTENTS 1.0 NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY ............................................................................................. 3 2.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 4 3.0 LEGISLATION AND GUIDANCE .......................................................................................... 5 4.0 METHODOLOGY .................................................................................................................. 6 5.0 RESULTS.............................................................................................................................. 8 6.0 DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................................................... 13 7.0 MITIGATION, ENHANCEMENTS AND RESIDUAL EFFECTS ......................................... 17 TABLES Table 1: Breeding Bird Survey Dates and Weather Conditions Table 2: Evaluation Criteria Table 3: NERC and/or BoCC Red- and Amber-Listed Bird Species Recorded at Land at Oakdown Farm, Basingstoke, during Breeding Bird Surveys 2020 and Their Recent Status in Hampshire Table 4: The Conservation Value of Each Bird Species Recorded within the Site Boundary Table 5: Habitat Requirements, Species Accounts, Nature Conservation Value, and Impact Assessment of BoCC Red/Amber-listed and S41 NERC Act Priority Species Recorded during Breeding Bird Surveys in 2020, Land at Oakdown Farm, Basingstoke FIGURES Figure 1: Bird Consultation Plan Figure 2: Breeding Bird Survey Results - Locations of Notable Species APPENDICES Appendix A: Land at Oakdown Farm, Basingstoke – 2020, Breeding Bird Survey Results and EOAC Criteria for Categorisation of Breeding Status 2 KI\\9300\9312\ECO\BBS/9312 BBS Report PJP Breeding Bird Survey Report – Land at Oakdown Farm, Basingstoke fpcr 1.0 NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY Construction of up to 271,000sq m of commercial and industrial floorspace, with associated landscaping and highways infrastructure, is proposed on a site located on land at Oakdown Farm, Basingstoke. A series of breeding bird surveys were completed in 2020, between April and June inclusive. This report assesses the bird assemblage recorded on site, providing mitigation, compensation, and enhancement measures where relevant. During breeding bird surveys, 30 species were recorded on-site, including nine notable species of medium to high conservation concern, with the remaining 21 species green-listed under the Birds of Conservation Concern (BoCC). The majority of these species are fairly common, widespread, or abundant birds in both Hampshire and the UK. The application site is assessed as being of no more than local conservation value for the majority of the assemblage, with no species found in numbers considered significant at a county, regional or national level. No statutory sites of international or national nature conservation importance, designated specifically for their breeding bird assemblages, were identified within 15km and 2km of the Application Site, respectively. Consequently, there are no ‘notable’ bird species associated with nearby statutory sites that may be a constraint to the proposals. Impacts of development were considered for the seven most vulnerable species recorded on-site. Mitigation for loss of breeding habitat for farmland birds such as skylark and yellowhammer will include creation of new hedgerows and grassland to the southwest, the enhancement of existing linear features (hedgerows and scrub belts), and the provision of species-specific nest boxes targeted towards similarly valued species, which will result in a negligible to minor-positive residual impact for the breeding bird assemblage. Other than in the short-term, i.e. during the construction phase, the proposals for green infrastructure and the suggested compensation methods (including installation of nest boxes), if implemented, are expected to have a minor-positive residual impact for the majority of notable species currently using the site during the breeding season, particularly generalist species such as song thrush, and dunnock, as well as several common species including blackbird, blue tit and goldfinch. The proposed GI, as detailed in the current framework plan, aims to retain some of existing hedgerows and scrub around the boundaries of the site, and will buffer existing areas of woodland immediately adjacent to the site. Native species planting will enhance these habitats and new habitat in the form of woodland, tussock-forming grassland, and wetland areas for sustainable drainage will be created to the southwest on the opposite side of the M3. The retention of existing vegetation and the creation of new habitats, along with the additional new resources provided to birds by the GI and nest boxes, will provide mitigation and compensation for the loss of suitable breeding and foraging habitats for many of the species recorded on-site. The proposed GI will maintain a degree of usable habitat around the site for a number of hedgerow and woodland species, providing green corridors for movement and dispersal into habitats present in the wider area. 3 KI\\9300\9312\ECO\BBS/9312 BBS Report PJP Breeding Bird Survey Report – Land at Oakdown Farm, Basingstoke fpcr 2.0 INTRODUCTION The following Breeding Bird Survey Report has been prepared by FPCR Environment and Design Ltd., on behalf of Newlands Property Developments, for land either side of the M3 at Junction 7, Basingstoke, Hampshire (central OS Grid Reference SU 583 468), hereafter referred to as the ‘Application Site’ or ‘Site’. It provides results of breeding bird surveys undertaken during April, May, and June 2020. The objectives of these surveys were to identify the breeding bird assemblage present within the Site and to identify any notable species of conservation importance that many pose potential ecological constraints to future development. The results will then be used to inform opportunities for ecological mitigation and enhancements within any future development design, with regard specifically to breeding bird species. Site Context The site comprises approximately 47.4ha of arable fields, woodland, and buildings with associated hardstanding bordered by hedgerows. Further parts of the site include those that will be subject to highways works and include section of woodland, road verges and hedges, and another area to the south of the M3 which will be used to create a bund made from material excavated from the development plot. One small garden pond was identified on-site, and one other was located within 250m of the application boundary after inspection of OS maps and aerial images. The development site is situated on the south-western side of Basingstoke, to the north of the M3. The A30 forms the site’s northern boundary, although an area of hedgerows, arable fields, and woodland to the north of this road is also within the site’s red line as there are highway improvements proposed to facilitate development. The site’s eastern boundary is formed by Winchester Road which is the road interchange with Junction 7 of the M3. Beyond this is an area of woodland and Basingstoke Golf Course. The western boundary is formed by Up Street, with farm buildings and arable fields and pasture beyond. Development Proposals The proposals are for construction of up to 271,000sq m of commercial and industrial floorspace, specifically B8 uses supported by ancillary B1 uses. Access will be via the A30, where highways works are proposed to ensure safe entry into the development. A number of mature trees, woodland and hedgerows within the site will be lost, as will the buildings and pond, but the majority of the boundary features will be retained and enhanced, with provision of green space, including balancing facilities, being envisaged in the north-eastern and south-western corners of the site. 4 KI\\9300\9312\ECO\BBS/9312 BBS Report PJP Breeding Bird Survey Report – Land at Oakdown Farm, Basingstoke fpcr 3.0 LEGISLATION AND GUIDANCE The Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended)1 is the principal legislation affording protection to UK wild birds. Under this legislation all birds, their nests and eggs are protected by law and it is an offence, with certain exceptions, to recklessly or intentionally: • Kill, injure, or take any wild bird • Take, damage, or destroy the nest of any wild bird, while in use or being built; and • Take or destroy the egg of any wild bird. Species listed on Schedule 1 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) are specially protected at all times. Natural Environment and Rural Communities (NERC) Act 2006 Several birds
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