CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY THIS BOOK IS ONE OF A COLLECTION MADE BY BENNO LOEWY 1854-1919 AND BEQUEATHED TO CORNELL UNIVERSITY Cornell University Library HS825 .B97 3 1924 030 318 806 olln,anx Cornell University Library The original of tliis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924030318806 EGYPTIAN MASONIC HISTORY OF THE ORIGINAL AND UNABRIDGED ANCIENT AND NINETY-SIX (96°) DEGHEE RITE OF MEMPHIS. FOR THE INSTRUCTION AND GOVERNMENT OF ~ THE CRAFT. Fnblislied, edited, translated, and compiled by Cai,tin C. Burt, 9I>° A. U. P. 0. E. T., 32° m tlie A. and A. Bite, and Grand MastSr General Ad Yitem of the E.'. M.'. B.'. of M.., Egyptian year or true light, 000,000,000, Tork Masonic date, A. L. S879, and Era Vulgate 1R79. UTIOA, N. T. WHITE & FLOYD, PEINTBES, COB. BEOAD AND JOHN STKKETS. 5879. Entered according to Actt of CongreeB,Congreea, in tnethe yearye»rl879,1 by OALTnf C. BuBt, n the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at WasMngton, and this Copy- right claims and covers the Title and the following, viz: The Masonic History of the Original and Unabridged Ancient Ninety-Six Degree, (96°) Kite of Memphis; for the instruction and governmenl of the craft for the entire civilized Cosmos, wherever the refulgent and beneficent rays of Masonic intelligence and benevolence is dispersed and the mystic art is tolerated Together with a history of tliis Ancient Order from its origin, through the dark ages of the world, to its recognition in Fiance and promulgation in Europe, and its final translation, establishment and enuncia- tion in America, history of the formation of bodies, and record of the present Grand Body (or Sovereign Sanctuary) in 1867, with copies of charters and other correspondence of this Ancient and Primitive Eite, viz: the Egyptian ilfa«onic Kite of Memphis: together with its Masonic Calendar and translation of the non-esoteric work. > With the refusal of the Craft to accept of any reduction of degrees to thirty-three (33°,) and the consequent abrogationof the higher degrees above the 33° by the Seymour body, and the continuation of the old work, and formation of a new and original contribution of this Ancient and Egyptian Masonic Kite of Memphis, of Ninety-six degrees, a/nd no less number^ with full history of the matter and documentary correspondence on this subject. Issued and promulgated by this Sovereign Sanctuary, and only Grand Body in this Kite of the original 96 degrees in the world, from the 1st to the 96°, with a history of its present status and eminent membership, being the only true and original source of all mystic ceremonies and Masonic degrees, from which all other Kites, Societies and Associations have copied to a greater or less extent, and from which all other Masonic work are mere scintillations of the true light. : ; EGYPTIAN MASONIC RITE OF MEMPHIS. City of Chicago, State of Illinois. ' June 17, A. D. 1867. By reason of a notice tor a Convention of Masons belonging to the Rite of Memphis, issued May 4th, 1867, the brethren of the Order, representing one Grand Council, 90°; two Senates, 45°; ten Rose Croix Chapters, 18°, and about fifty ninety degree (unaiEliated) members assembled together this day in the Masonic Temple, in Apollo Commandery Hall or K. T. Room, to organize a Grand Body, and form a Constitution. On motion. 111. Bro. B. F. Patrick was called to the Chair, and Bro. Samuel H. Underbill was chosen Secretary. Bro. Patrick stated the object of the meeting. The following preamble and resolution were ofifered by Bro. Blake, 95° Whereas, when we received the degrees of the Memphis Rite, we were taught that the Rite con- tained 96 degrees, and as such, received our degrees, and the several bodies in this Rite were formed in this State, and represented here this day, as well as each, all and every member of this Rite heretofore, was so- instructed and obligated ; all of whom have been made and the bodies formed by H. J. Seymour, 96°, Grand Master, and Calvin C. Burt, 96°, Deputy Grand Master and Grand Representative General at large, as a Rite of ninety-six degrees and no less And whereas, we have now been notified by the aforesaid Grand Master, that the Grand Orient of ; ; France has reduced the degrees to 33, and changed the names of some of them, and as we believe unlaw- fully interfered with the original and ancient work, thereof; greatly in our opinion injuring its beauty usefulness, and antiquity And whereas, we are informed that our worthy and andfIllustrious Brother and Deputy Grand Master, Calvin C. Burt, 96°, has not accepted of the change, and does not believe that such power exists in the Rite, and that the adoption of such a reduction will be attended with bad results And whereas, our former Grand Master, H'. J. Seymour, 96°, has abjured, renounced and abro- gated the Rite of Memphis, containing 96 degrees, for, and adopted the 33° Rite, and that there is, not now, either in this country or in France, any persons working the 96° Rite; And whereas, we are members of the 96° Rite, and have, by an authority of 96° Rite, issued by the Grand Heirophant, 97°, of France, countersigned, ac- knowledged, vised, and recognized by all the great and grand jurisdictions of Europe, and all other nations of the world where the work is known ; And whereas, we, as Masons, of our own free will and accord, became so, so we intend to remain, and we do as the entire representatives and representa- tion of the Rite of Memphis in America, in conven- tion assembled, solemnly and firmly Resolve, That we will not acknowledge or sub- scribe to any such reduction of degrees, believing as we do, that the Orient of France, nor any other Masonic body in this Rite, can lawfully require us to do so; therefore we conscientiously refuse, and do henceforth, and 'forever declare ourselves a sovereign grand body for this continent of the Rite of Memphis, of 96 degrees, and do hereby absolve and withdraw from all other bodies of Memphis Masons of less than 96 degrees, and hereby offer this as a proper beginning of a new body in the old Rite. On motion of Bro. Leonard, the resolution was unanimously adopted. : ;: Whereupon, Bro. Allen offered the following, viz That we do declare Bro. Calvin C. Burt, 96°, our Sovereign Grand Master, and that we proceed to place him in the Orient, with a request that he ap- point temporary officers, in order that we may pro- ceed to the business of a permanent organization of a grand body. Which was unanimously adopted, and a committee consisting of Bros. Allen, Patrick, Brierlee, appointed to escort the M. W. Grand Master to the Chair, where he was so placed and declared Grand Master ad Vitem, and so saluted by the whole body. Whereupon he took the gave], appointed the offi- cers of the Sovereign Sanctury, and opened the body in due form, which was announced and declared the Sovereign Sanctuary for America, sitting in the val- ley of Chicago, duly organized by the representatives of one Council, two Senates, and ten Rose Croix Chapters, and the whole 96° representatives in ~ America, in convention assembled. A record was opened and the foregoing and follow- ing record made and entered in due Masonic form, when the following entry on motion was ordered entered, viz : on motion of Bro. Starrett, a committee of three brothers were appointed to submit the names of proper persons to fill the several offices in this grand body, viz. Brothers Gurney, Storey, and Dyche, who retired to consult and report. The com- mittee on nomination and permanent organization reported as follows, viz Calvin C. Burt, A. M., 96°, Grand Master, Coun- selor at Law, Knight Templar, and 32° Scotch Rite J. Adams Allen, A. B., M. D., A. M., LL.D., 96°, Deputy Grand Master, Professor in Rush Medical College, Chicago, Past Grand Commander, and Past Grand Master of Michigan; Benjamin F. Patrick, 95°, Grand Representative, Gen. Pass. Agent C. & N. ; 6 W. R W., Past Master, Past E. Com. Apollo Com- maadery, and 33° Scotch Rite ; H. N. Hurlburt, M. D., Grand Orator, Past High Priest. Master of Home Lodge, Chicago, and 32° Scotch Rite ; T. T. Gurney, 95°, Grand Prelate, Member of Apollo Commandery, Master of Cleveland Lodge, Chicago, and 32° Scotch Rite; H. W. Bigelow, 95°, Grand Senior Warden, Member of Apollo Commandery, and 32° Scotch Rite ; George McElwain, 95°, Grand Junior Warden, Member of 32° Scotch Rite, Apollo Commandery Samuel E. Underbill, 95°, Grand Secretary, Recorder of Apollo Commandery, and 32° Scotch Rite ; D. R. Dyche, M. D., 95°, Grand Treasurer, Member of Apollo Commandery ; Robert E. Storey, 95°, Grand Conductor, Member of Apollo Commandery ; Ira S. Younglove, 95°, Grand Senior Master of Ceremonies, Master of Wm. B. Warren Lodge, Chicago, Member of Apollo Commandery, and 32° Scotch Rite ; J. H. Blake, 95°, Grand Organist ; Charles E. Leonard, 95°, Grand Junior Master of Ceremonies, Member of Apollo Commadery, and 32° Scotch Rite ; Charles H. Brower, 95°, Grand Captain of the Guard, Member of Apollo Commandery, and 32° Scotch Rite ; Francis H. Nichols, 95°, Grand Guard of the Tower, Member of Apollo Commandery, and 32° Scotch Rite; L. K. Osborn, 95°, Grand Sentinel, Member of Apollo Com- mandery, and 32°. Scotch Rite. The report of this committee was on motion re- ceived and entered on the minutes, and the commit- tee discharged.
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