LINER NOTES NEW TENNIS COACH LIBRARY COMPUTERS STOLEN NEWS, Page 2 Festival Miami's gala opening Rodney Harmon (pictured) is already- night featured top-notch performers hard at work as the new UM men's ten­ from around the world. nis team coach. AIRPORT SERVICE IS LOUSY ACCENT, Page 6 SPORTS, Page 4 PERSPECTIVES, Page 8 . " OF Mj^mn THE MIAMI HumcANE^ TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1995 UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI • CORAL GABLES, FLA. VOLUME 73, NUMBER 7 NEWS Burgess acquitted 'TIME TO READ' LITERACY TRAINING TO BE HELD, SPONSORED BY TIME INC. Linebacker will return against Virginia Tech The Florida Student Literacy Network (FSLN) is holding Time By LIAM FITZGERALD another patron. She attempted to step in to Jones recalled Reitmann was unsure if Reitmann would have arrested Burgess to Read Training from 9 a.m. to and DEREK HARPER quell the situation, and said Burgess bumped Burgess bumped, shoved, or struck her out­ immediately, instead of waiting until dis­ noon on Saturday, Sept. 23 in the Of the staff her and caused her to fall to the ground. side the club that morning. cussing the situation with another officer. Eaton Classroom 148. When the verdicts came down from the Burgess, who took the stand to clear his Reitmann's testimony regarding the ripping The other officer on the scene, Edward Time to Read is a literacy educa­ foreperson acquitting James Burgess of two • name, repeated his of Burgess' shirt also wavered, according to Sherman, was a topic of heated debate him­ tion program sponsored by Time misdemeanor charges, the University of _^/j^^^ innocence and said he Jones. self. Burgess said Sherman spoke wilh him Warner, Inc. The program uses Miami linebacker breathed a well-deserved JP A never touched her and Reitmann said she grabbed Burgess' shirt after Reitmann had said she just wanted to magazines from the Time corpora­ sigh of relief. followed her order to as he took off and heard "a ripping sound." A talk to Burgess, not arrest him. tion, such as Sports Illustrated, "I feel like I won a national championship," flH • leave the premises. day earlier, Reitmann said she heard the shirt Said Burgess of Sherman: "He said, "You Time, Money and People, and Burgess said after the decision. "rip." A dramatic display came Saturday black UM football players are always getting music videos from Warner Music The 6-foot, 223-pound junior had been "Common sense tells when Jones attempted to rip the shirt in front into trouble. If I had arrested you I would Group, lo promote and improve lit­ charged with battery on an officer and resist­ you that if someone is of ihe jury but could not. Jones also chal­ have charged you with so much stuff you eracy. ing arrest without violence following a chaot­ pushing you, you are lenged the jury to find a tear in the shirt, never would have played football again'." "If a person is interested in pro­ ic free-for-all outside the Lime Key Club in going to tell them to which Burgess had not washed since the inci­ Jones insinuated that Sherman then went moting literacy and helping the Kendall June 19. 'stop, don't do it any- dent. back to Reitmann, a rookie who had been on community, it's a good thing to mBURGESS more," foreperson the streets a mere 10 months, and persuaded do," said FSLN's president, Magali Twice, Burgess had rejected offers by the Sandra Dawsey said. Assistant State Attorney DeWayne Terry to arrest Burgess because of his high stand­ Brignoni. prosecution to resolve the charges with 25 "That's the battery. If attempted to sway the jury, finding a slight ing. Time lo Read Training is open to hours of community service. he might have brushed up against her, it tear near the collar. However, the jury everyone. Refreshments and What may have been the turning point in wasn't nothing. She didn't complain about it appeared disinterested in this feeble, last- Whatever the turning point may have been, breakfast will be provided, as will the trial was the testimony of Melissa and if she was going to arrest him she would ditch effort by the state. the jury of six women returned Burgess' free T-shirts. Reitmann, the police officer Burgess alleged­ have done it there." The overriding evidence seemed to be pure clean record lo him on Saturday. Coming to training makes a stu­ ly bumped and later resisted her attempts to Defense attorney Donald Jones jumped all common sense. Jones repeatedly harped on "I think justice occurred and that's good." dent part of FSLN. The organiza­ arrest him. over Reitmann's testimony, saying she the fact that Reitmann is a mere 5-foot-6, 135 Jones said. "I'm happy that this is an individ­ tion will use the training to help Reitmann said she encountered Burgess changed her story three or four times over the pounds while Burgess is a hefty 6 feet, 223 ual who stood by what he said from day one. members of the community, includ­ while he was in a heated argument with course of two appearances on the stand. pounds. If a battery had occurred, Jones said, It's a moving thing." ing UM employees, improve litera­ cy skills. For more information about Time to Read or the Florida Student USA! USA! U-S-A! Registration begins Literacy Network, contact Magali Brignoni at 689-6487. for SG fall elections BLUE PLANET LECTURE SERIES: HURRICANES BY DOLLY HERNANDEZ SG ELECTIONS Hurricanes play a major role in Staff Writer the lives of South Floridians, but Anyone interested in filing for candrfac^ Here are some important Hates most people do not realize the vital in the upcoming SG Fall elections should regarding SC Fall '95 elections: role that hurricanes play in the life pass by UC 236 to pick up a registration Sept. 25 Referendum writing workshop of the planet. Hurricanes transfer packet. Sept. 29 Filing for candidacy ends Monica Aquino, SG presideni. said thai heat and moisture from the tropics Oct. 16-18 Elections to other regions, and they also pro­ students who care about the general well- vide rain to locations that are other­ being of the campus and its students should For more information, call Andrew Paul wise dry. file for candidacy. at 284-3082. "Hurricanes: Their Role in the Mindy Young, speaker of the Senate, said Earth's Climate" will be presented that a student who wants to make a differ­ "Things cannot be changed unless a stu­ at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, ence should file for candidacy. dent tries to change them," Ell said. "The September 21, in the Rosenstiel Any interested students should attend the way students can do that is by running for an School Auditorium, 4600 meetings on Wednesdays from 4 to 5 p.m. in office and voting." Rickenbacker Causeway. A recep­ Flamingo Ballroom B. Students can vote from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in tion will follow at 6:15 p.m. The "I encourage everyone interested to come the UC Breezeway, residential college com­ lecture, presented by meteorologist to our meetings and see for yourself what the puter labs, and from home if they have a Dean Churchill, will cover how senate is all about," Young said. "We bring modem, said Ell. hurricanes are formed, why they faculty administrators and other esteemed Andrew Paul, Elections Commission chair­ occur, and the impact that science guests in and discuss the problems facing man, said a main concern of SG is to work can have. UM today and possible solutions to these toward improving student life. Lectures in the Blue Planet concerns either by town meetings, bills, or "If you have specific concerns then this is Series are designed for the non-sci­ advisory boards." one forum that will address these concerns," entific community. They inform Issues on campus can only be addressed if Paul said. "The benefits [of filing for candi­ about the research being conducted students get involved and that filing for can­ dacy] are that you will be a part of a team by the University of Miami's didacy is one way to gel involved, said Karen that is working toward improving student Rosenstiel School of Marine and Ell, chief justice of the SG Supreme Court. life." Atmospheric Science. See related story on Page 2. Resumes Frost letters 'MIKE AND MATY' TO FILM IN MIAMI FOR A DAY The Mike and Maty Show, an needed for donated to ABC daytime talk show, is coming to the Universily of Miami in early career fairs UM library October. Associate Producer George Sylak By LOUIS FLORES By AMIE PARNES could nol confirm a date as of press Associate News Editor Staff Writer time, but is planning to highlight If students want to be included in an She had a 22-year personal relationship various aspects of UM. electronic resume book being distributed to with Robert Frost, and now the University Co-host Maty Mumford is a UM several employers participating in this of Miami Otto G. Richter Library is mak­ alumna of the School of semesters' two career fairs, they need to ing her correspondence with the deceased Communications. register with the Patricia and Harold poet public. The Hurricane will inform read­ Toppel Career Helen Muir, 84, a "distinguished Florida ers of how they can get involved as Planning and historian," who has been wri'ing aboul the information becomes available. Placement Center by 5 South Florida for over 40 years has donat­ FINANCIAL SERVICES pm Friday.
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