NH 1i F U.S. Senate Questions#: 123456789 Judd Grqg-R' - Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y (603) 626-1212 Johr. Rauh-0 NNN-NNNNN 16031 595-9353 Larry Brady-I YYYYYYYYY 16031 641-5900 US. House of Representatives Questions#: 123456789 mrie I Bill Zeliff-R Bob Preston-0 Key: Dirtriat 2 Y -. =Yes Dick Swett-D RI =No Bill Hatch-R - =NoResponse I * Governor 3 Greas's-- actual survey response has sti 1 not ::-:been received by the Committee. However, these responses are :.+_... ...t:.=:derived from the survey he is distributing to New Hampshire ."Right to Work Supporters and is claiming to have sent to us. Candidates for Governor on back Survey Questions 1. Do you believe an employee who does not want the "services" 6. Will you suppore amendments to the Federal Election of a labor union should have the right to refuse to accept that Campaign Act to prohibit the use of compulsory union dues union as his exclusive representative, which federal law now and fees for political causes and candidzs opposed by union forces him to accept? members? 2. Will you support rep4 of the provisions in federal laws which 7. Will you oppose so-called "anti-double breasting" legislation authorize compulsory unionism? that has, as its primary goal, to forcibly unionize employees or construction companies? 3. Do you favor preservation of Section 14@) of the Taft-Hartley Act. which authorizes state Right to Work laws? 8. Will you oppose legislation to weaken or desrroy the Hatch Act, which protects federal employees from union political 4. Would you support legislation to end the special immunity coercion? union officials presently enjoy from prosecution under the federal antiextonion statute? 9. Will you oppose legislation that would punish or require the firing of employees who choose to work during a strike, and 5. Will you oppose the forced unionization of federal, state. give union officials the power to shut down businesses that county and municipal employees? refuse to force their employees to pay union dues? Note: The National Right to Work Committee, of course, endorses no candidates. We are a nonpartisan organization. But we believe that you as a Right to Work supporter are entitled to know which candidates will support the right of every American to earn a living - without having to pay union bosses for the privilege. 1 I 1. Will you support enactment of a state Right tn Work law by the New Hampshire Legislature? I i 2. Will you support the repeal of monopoly bargaining privileges union officials currently have ove:Fublic employees? 1 3. WiU you oppose so-called “agency shop” legislation h the public sector? I I , futrzP &!lPP ftl itz u Mwin Newton- R Y Y Y SteveMariU-R __- Calvin Warburton- L _-. 16 O~VCSaeer 50 phillippe cote st. P.O. Box 365 Mi&d 03055 Manchester 03101 Raymond 03077 Li& Fiteag- R -- Deborah Amesen- E) B B B MiriamLuce-L YYY P.&&ox 1233 RR 1. Box 42 I IO Landondeny Road Amherst03031 Orford 03117 Windham 03087 &d Dupont Jr.- R - Nonnan D’Amours- 0 _-_ 5 @&view Drive 135 Chase Way Rqchester.. 03867 Manchester 03104 Elikk~hHager- R - NedHelms-D NNN 5 *burn Street P.O. Box 1780 C*rd 03301 Manchester 03105 L._. .: 5 ,‘.. .. ......_.. “ .s 0C.T-22-32 THU 7 5 DIRECT M-IL B. a1 Rt. 221 P.0. Box 143 Forest, VA 24551 Phone : COVER SHEET (804) 525-0155 I Fax: (804) 525.5450 Direot Xai mmunicatbons. Xner Forest Square, PoresC, VA 24551 1(804)535-0155 Pax 1<8041525-5450 Poataga Repuast Paam Proj plgs D.Aohilles I for PORN 3600/3602 (gc/n/rI Drop D% 10/23/92 VA Cnts 0 TO1 Client ,NRTW, DMC Job# 4116 RE: Postage request for JOB ,Suzvey Target speaials- ... P3ease Suriiish Postage oheaE( in Aluount of 8Q6,797.a? ,,immediately. ::, as yex below listed PRESORT: (maKe aheck paysbla to DHC-PosCagp Aocntl .~.. .. ..~:~~YX***X*mX~V*****m~~~*****~x~~~~~~~*~~xx~~*~~~x~m~~x~~~~~~*~~~*~~~~~~~~** .._.. ''360O-PC 1st CL Begulaz Postage - Live Stamp - Group NO. nH Piacas AraC a3t Stamp Diff Paid ~~~~.T#002855D-R Basic .29OX 029956- = Q8,G87.2(r 86,889-88 $1,797.36 ..-. !.: Sub 29956 = $8.687.24 $6,889.88 $31797.36 _. - Total .,.. '3600-PC 1st: CL Regulaz Postage - Live Stamp - ... AmC 239 Diff ;Group-. KO. CO Piaoes Stamp Paid 1 L:;TBOGI30 GD R Basio .290X 046513- = 913,498.77 i%Op6Q7.9Q $2.790,78 ! - 5. Sub - Total. 46513 = 8130433.79 $10,697.99 $2r790*78 , t;.: ~~i3600-p~.- 1st CL Ragular Postage - Live Stamp - Group No. UT Pieoes amt 239 S+amp Diff Paid Tt01808 5D-R Baeia .29OX 015947, = ti;4,624.63 $3s667.81 S%96,82 Sub - Total 15947 = SUt624.63 83,667.$1 $956. a2 3600-PC lat CL Regular PoStags - Liva Stamp - Gcoup No. SC Pieces Aint; 236 SCamp DPff Pald TB00500 5D-R Baeia .29OX 016666,- = $4.833.94 93,833.18 8999.96 Sub - Total 16666 = ~~~833.111$3.a33.18 8999.96 3600-PC 1st Cfi Regular Boetaga - EiVr Stamp - GEOU~no. HV Pisces Amk 239 Stainp Diff Paid TB01356 SD-R Basio ,290X 006670, = 81,930.30 $1,534.10 $400.aO Sub - 20bl 6870 = '$1.934.30 81,534.10 ~.4OOt2r! 3600-PC 1st CL Regular Postage - Live Stamp - Group KO. NC piieoas Amt 239 Stamp Diff Paid T106555 50-R Basio .29ox 031835, = $9,232.15 w.322.05 $1,910.10 Sub - Total 31835 = 89,232.15 $7,322.05 91,910.10 3600-PC 1st CL Regular Postage - Live Stamp - Group NO. TD Pieoes Ant 234 Staiop DijEf Paid T#06028 SD-R Basio .290X 013785, a cS3,997.65 83.170.55 $827.10 Sub - Total 13785 "83,997.65 %3,'170.55 6827. IO I IRTW ACC. Rep. 1 up 1/9/92 10113 ~ I I- ! To: Reed Larson, President I National Right to Work Conunittee 8001 Braddock Road, Suite #SO0 , i;.. -I Springfield, VA 22160 , ..-.. :.i ’ , ..- Dear Reed: I have: _. ... Called the candidates. Written a personal letter or otherwise contacted the candidates. Enclosed a contribution of: $25 $50 $100 $500 Other Please make checks payable and return to: NRTWC. 7hedRiphtto Work Committee's Washmeton DC. Hadauzrters IS Iccakd at our nahon's am- &bt fml BrJddock Road b!s 500 * SDn~.&!d-&V m% TeieDhQne (800) 32 5-7892. ka&&e JRshas mumized NRTWC as tax exempt under IRC Sec 501(c)(4). which ~ermitsunliiiled lobbvln& contributions are not tax dcduchble as chantablc conlnbuhons. To: Reed Larson, President National Right t.o XOKk Conanittee 8001 Braddock Road, Suite #508 Springfield, VA 22160 Dear Reed: I have: -.- Called the candidates. -7-n-z,ren ' A. a pi.rsonal or otherwise -.- letter ccncac-ed the candicIat.es . .?nclossb a cgccriSution of: --I -. $530 -. Other Please make checks pzl :ble and return to: NRTWC. ACKGROUNDER The information below is helpful in explaining the questions on the reverse side of this form. , ~~ 1. A union, under present federal laws, is empowered to the administration of President John E Kennedy. i represene and bind all employees in a company’s bargaining unit - including employees who oppose the union and don’t 6. Labor unions are the only private. organization in the U.S. 1 want its “services.” which can legally force individuals to pay dues into their This monopoly bargaining power, generally described as Ireasuries. , “exclusive bargaining rights.” deprives employees of their right The Federal Election Campaign Act (WCA) prohibits union officials from giving any of these dues dollars directly to a i to bargain for themselves. Union oflicials fought for this power and refuse to give it up; yet they complain they are “unfairly candidate for federal office. burdened by the legal obligation” u) represent nonmembers. At the same time, FECA permits union officials to use ~ 1 Such complaints are intended to pave the way for compelling workers’ compulsory dues dollars for “in-kind” political i fmancial support from so-called “free riders” for representation spending on goods and services to elect candidates for federal 1 they do not want. offices. These “in-kind” expenditures are in addition to union PAC me f~ngof workers who refuse to pay union dues and/or contribudons; they are seldom - if ever - documented or s is explicitly sanctioned by both the National Labor reported to the Federal Election Commission. ations Act and thz National Railway Labor Act ,. No official statistics for total union “in-kind“ expenditures t:...~. Section 7 of the NLRA. for example, stipulates that .employees shall have “the right to refrain” from participating in are available. But Labor columnist Victor Rieszl estimated that ’ ~..~: union activities “except to the extent that such right may be this so-called ”soft money” amounted to 10 times more than affected by an agreement requiring membership in a labor what union PACs gave in cash contributions. Based on that organization as a condition of employment.” yardstick, union “soft nioney” in 1990 exceeded $350 million. The problem of compulsory unionism was created by 7. In recent years, legislation has been inrroduced in Congress Congress. It will not be solved until Congress repeals the to automatically impose union representation upon workers of existing federal authorizations of compulsory unionism. nonunionized companies which have even the slightest 3.1..: In 21 states, wage earners - except those covered by the economic links to unionized companies. -National Railway Labor Act - are shielded from compulsory Even though the nonunionized and the unionized companies .~.A;- - unionism by Right to Work laws. each perform separate and distinct work, the compulsory union ~ =; .
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