Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-67070-9 - Britain in Medieval French Literature 1100–1500 P. Rickard Index More information INDEX Aberdeen, 116 , 117 Arthur, King , 5 7 n . 1 , 67-8 , 7i-89 » Acopart, 138 , 16 6 90, 92-3 , 10 0 ff , 107 , 199 , 19 9 Agincourt, 16 , 20 0 n. 1 , 200, 23 9 aithed, 9 1 Arthur o f Brittany , 6 Alan of Galloway, 113 , 113 n. 3 Arundel, 137 , 141 Alcuin, 1 , 3, 31, 35, 49 n . 1 assassins, 150-1 Alexander II , Kin g o f Scotland , 21 , Athelstan, 52- 3 206, 21 9 Augustine, St , 88 , 16 5 Alexander III , Pope, 14 3 Augustinians, 32 , 112 Alexander o f Hales , 2 9 Avalon, 68 , 86 , 87 , 102- 4 Alfonso VII I of Castile , 8 Avignon, 29 , 31 , 36, 22 8 Alfred th e Great , 64- 5 Alice, Queen , 132 , 134, 24 6 Bacon, Roger , 2 9 Ambroise, 147 , 190, 24 3 Balthild, 1 Ambrosius, see Merli n 'Bataille de s Trente', 118-19 , 186- 7 Amis et Amiles, 5 5 Bataille des vins, 169 , 171, 247 anachronism, 51 , 6 9 Baudouin de Sebourc, 221 , 226-7 Andre* de Coutances , 38 , 4 1 Bayonne, 8- 9 Andre d e l a Vigne, 213-1 4 Beaujeu, Monseigneu r de , 227- 8 Andrew, St , 218, 218 n. 3 Beaumanoir, Philippe, 124-5,170,240 Angers, 98-10 0 Bee, Abbe y of , 8 4 Anglo-Burgundian alliance, 44,183-4, Becket, Thomas, 118,139,142-6 , 24 3 190 Bede, 35 , 119, 241, 241 n . 1 , 24 8 Anglo-Flemish alliance , 19 0 Bedford, Duk e of , 17 , 184 , 18 4 n . 6 Anglo-French j argon, 17 1 -8 Bedivere, 9 2 Anglo-Norman Voyage of St Brendan, Bel Inconnu, 10 4 n . 5 , 10 5 225, 22 5 n . 4 Belle Helaine, 131 , 24 0 Anglo-Normans, 89 , 167 , 170-1 Benedeit, 225 , 225 n . 4 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 65 , 112 , 241 Benedict o f S t Andrea , 5 0 Anguselus, Scot s king , 10 5 Benedictines, 32 , 10 0 Anjou, 5-6 , 7 , 9 , 1 8 Benoit d e Saint e More , 35 , 190 , 222 , Annales Cambriae, 7 4 242 Annales Xantenses, 48-9 , 5 1 'Beranger l e Galois' , 53 , 138, 24 6 Ansei's de Carthage, 5 4 Bernart d e Ventadorn , 24 3 Antoine d e l a Sale , 24 4 Bernat d e So , 19 1 Apollonius o f Tyre, 111 Beroul, 95 , 96 , 100 , 10 0 n. 3 , 120,21 8 Aquitaine, 6 , 7 , 8 , 9-10, 11 , 24, 41-2, Berry, herald , 192 , 19 7 n . 1 , 217 , 188 236-7 Arbre de batailles, 194- 7 Bertran d e Born, 11 3 n. 1 , 146- 7 Armagnacs, 16-17 , 1 8 Berwick, 130-1 , 206 , 22 7 Armorica, 4 , 81 ; see also Brittan y Besant de Dieu, 16 8 Arras, treat y of , 1 8 Bevis o f Hampton, 136-41 , 240 , 24 6 T 273 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-67070-9 - Britain in Medieval French Literature 1100–1500 P. Rickard Index More information Index Blacas d'Aulps , 17 8 Canus, 246 ; see also Cnu t Black Book of Carmarthen, 7 4 Cardigan, 100-2 , 113 Black Prince , 41 , 117, 157-9, 233-4 , Carduel, see Carlisl e 243 Carlion, see Caerleo n 'Blanche Lande' , 9 6 Carlisle, 100-1 , 10 1 n. 6 , 113 Blondel, 19 3 Catherine, wif e o f Henry V , 1 6 Blondel d e Nesle , 15 0 Cave of Benn £tair, 9 1 Bonet, Honore d 194- 7 Ceawfin, 61- 2 Boniface, Kin g o f England , 12 4 Celtic folklore , 71-89 , 9 1 ff . Bordeaux, 8-9 , 41 , 197, 20 1 Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles, 211-12,246 , Boulogne, Coun t of , 7 , 135 247 Bourbon, Duk e of , 41 , 192 Cerdig, 6 2 'Bourgeois d e Paris' , 184 , 18 4 n. 6 Cerne Abbey , 8 8 'Bourgeois de Valenciennes', 187,19 0 Chandos, 157 , 192 Brambroc, 18 6 Chanson d'Aspremont, 52 , 6 5 Bran Mac Febail , 22 3 Chanson de Guillaume, 64.-6, 7 0 Branche desroyaux lignages, 150-1,168 , Chanson de Roland, 37 , 45~5i » 56-7 . 179 64 n . 1 , 68, 70 , 8 9 n . 2 'breladi', 176- 7 Chanson de Vivien (?) , 6 4 'brelare', 176- 7 Chardry, 167- 8 Bremon, Pierre , 178- 9 Charibert I , 1 Brendan, St , 34 , 223-7, 24 0 Charlemagne, 1 , 3, 30 , 37 , 45, 48-50 , Brendan o f Birr , 22 4 68, 69 , 75 , 75 n. 5 , 76, 85 , 8 9 n. 2 , Breri, 7 9 n . 2 200, 201 , 20 4 Bretagne, see Britanni a Charles IV (l e Bel), 15 6 Bretigny, Treat y of , 13 , 14, 2 2 Charles V, 15 , 22, 18 4 Bretons, 21 , 38, 7 8 ff , 81 , 82 , 83 , 86 , Charles VI, 15 , 16, 22, 44 , 159 , 193 89, 97 , 23 9 Charles VII , 18 , 198 , 20 1 'Britannia' (Bretagne) , interpretatio n Charles VIII , 21, 213 of, 48-9 , 106- 7 Charles d e Blois , 1 4 Britons, 4 , 72 , 88 , 9 3 Charles d'Orleans , 183 , 197 n. 2 , 24 4 Brittany, 14 , 19, 25, 54 , 81 , 97. 24 2 Charles d e Valois , 1 2 Bruce, Robert , 201 , 22 0 Charroi de Nimes, 66, 6 9 Brut (Wace) , 58 , 83 , 8 3 n . 2 , 105 , 119 Chartes de la paix aux Anglais, 17 2 Brut (Munich) , 83- 4 Char tier, Alain , 181 , 185 Brutus, 200 , 202-3 , 21 9 Chastellain, Georges , 213 Bueve de Hantone, 166 , 221-2 Chaucer, 192 , 24 4 Burgundy, 15 , 16, 17, 19 Chester, 229 , 23 2 Duke of , 16 , 2 0 Chevalier du Papegau, 7 7 n. 3 Bury S t Edmunds, 112 , 209 , 24 1 Childe Horn, 12 2 n. 1 , 24 0 chivalry, 43 , 77 , 7 7 n . 2 , 152 , 158 Caerleon, 100- 1 Chretien d e Troyes , 85-6 , 104 , 10 4 Cahoer, King , 52 , 5 2 n. 3 n. 9 , 107-12 , 11 3 n. 1 , 120 , 139, Calais, 14 , 19, 21, 26, 15 5 241 Cambridge, 31 , 20 2 Christede, Henry , 23 0 Camelot, 100- 2 Christine d e Pisan , 119 , 180-1, 184 , Canterbury, 29 , 36 , 66 , 69 , 104 , 122, 241, 24 5 123, 139 , 142, 14 4 Chronica major a, 13 0 274 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-67070-9 - Britain in Medieval French Literature 1100–1500 P. Rickard Index More information Index Chronicle of Pseudo-Turpin, 5 1 n. i Danes, 52-3 , 64-5, 6 9 Chronicque de la traison et mort de Daurel et Beton, 14 1 Richard II, roi d'Engleterre, 162 , David, Kin g o f Scotland , 22 0 235-6 David, St , of Wales, 109 , 10 9 n . 2 Chronique d''Arthur de Richemont, Debat des h&rauts d'armes de France et 193 n . 1 d'Angleterre, 5 1 n. 2,197-205,236 Chronique des dues de Normandie, 222, Debat du laboureur, du prestre et du 242 gendarme, 19 3 Chronique normande, 23 7 Der mot, 116 , 22 1 Chronique des quatre premiers Valois, Deschamps, Eustache , 119 , 159, 163, 227-8, 24 5 169, 176 , 181, 191, 192, 193, 24 4 Chronique de Richard II (i377~i399) , Description de la ville de Paris, 5 6 162 Desmond, see Corma c Chronique rimee, 51 , 5 8 Diarmaid, 9 1 Chroniques de la ville de Metz, 5 5 n. 1 0 Dit de la rebellion d'Angleterre et de Church, 27-8 , 37 , 39 , 7 0 Flandres, 18 0 Cirencester, 58 , 61-3, 6 9 Domesday Book , 5 6 Cistercians, 3 3 Doon de Mayence, 16 4 Clement, arriva l a t Charlemagne' s Dorchester, 88 , 16 5 court, 3 Dorylaeum, battl e of , 4 8 12 Clermont, Counci l of , 4 8 Dover, 36,52,69,122-3, 6,131,229 cliches, 67-8 , 8 2 n . 3 Drogheda, 23 1 Cliges, 110-1 1 drunkenness, 167-70; see also' Yvrece ' Clothaire III , 1 Drust, 9 0 Cnut, 47 , 53-4 , 69 , 21 9 Drustanus, 9 4 Cochon, Pierre , 23 7 Dublin, 63 , 10 5 n . 7 , 116 , 229, 230 , Colchester, 52 , 5 2 n. 2 , 138 , 14 0 232 College de s Dix-huit, 2 8 Dunfermline, 11 4 Columban o f Bangor, 3 Dunottar Castle , 114 , 114 n. 3 Commynes, 182 , 183 n. 2 , 192 , 24 8 Duns Scotus , John, 29 , 31-2 Conchobar u a Briain , 23 2 Durmars li Galois, 103 , 115-16 , 22 1 Conomor, 9 3 Conquete de Jerusalem, 5 5 n. 1 0 Edinburgh, 11 4 Constantinople, 5 0 Edmund, sain t an d king, 30 , 11 2 n. 5 Cormac o f Desmond, 23 2 Edward, Princ e o f Wales , see Blac k Cornwall, 4 , 72 , 82 , 91 , 93-8 , 116 , Prince 130, 20 2 Edward I , 10 , 11, 40, 17 2 Couci, Sieu r de , 2 1 Edward II , 11, 12, 26, 4 0 courtoisie, 71 , 77 Edward III , 12,13,14, 26,154~7 , 243 , Crecy, battl e of , 14 , 200, 22 0 246 Creton, Jean, 11 8 n. 8 , 160-2 , 234- 6 Edward IV , 19-20 , 27, 24 3 cross-bow, 149 , 151 , 20 2 Edward th e Confessor , 2 , 5 Crusades, 38 , 61, 159 , 20 0 Egginhard, 49 , 51 , 6 0 First, 47 , 48 , 51 , 55 n . 10 , 124 , 151 Egyptians, 21 9 Third, 147- 9 Eleanor o f Aquitaine , 5-6 , 84 , 24 2 Cumberland, 72 , 8 2 Elopement of Grdinne daughter of Cunomorus, 9 4 Cormac with Diarmaid grandson of Guvelier, 19 2 Duibne, 9 1 275 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-67070-9 - Britain in Medieval French Literature 1100–1500 P.
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