, »-. 7 LAS VEGAS AGE VOLUME III LAS VEGAS, LINCOLN COUNTY, NEVADA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 1<M>7 M'MHKI- .'M celled. A small vial in the hip peaht of a promoter will keep the larynx ami Hotel Nevada Arrivals. State Bankers to Meet GREASE SPOTS articulatorv iiiecliiniism in perfect work­ RAILROAD State Bank F'.xaiiiiner .1. P. Marshall 600DSPRIN6S I I Miller im in i nn.l MmiBKcr. ing ....ler ini-.i I pamtmat htttinga, is . or responding with the hankers of j it is only n. -essary to pas« the Is.ttle two * *-*» the state in reference to the place ..I Oil and Hot Air Production of or three t__BMS U-fore the eyes without Steel Bridges for Meadow Val­ i meeting of the tirst annual sc*si>.ii ..f Mining, Home Building and Ed­ removing the cor*, ami the niov.-iiie.it the Nevatla bankers' association, which Virgin Riwr Fields again bccnine* free an simadh. If the ley Wash. i will IK- heltl Septe.nl.er L'-Y The place ucational Activity 1 cork iii re.uov.sl the velocity of articula­ nil experts ami promoters disagree on Moie than a dozen steel bridges are Of meeting has not yet IHIII decided up [ttpm ini i '•.rii-iH.ii.It-net-] tion is apt to become let illy laa. Ihe value tt the Virgin Hiver fields. said I., have U-en orderetl hy the Salt on, hut it will lie either (t..|.ltie|il or .1 l.'o-s Chirk has bonded the Bonan­ I.. f. Maxwell ami J. II. I-mlil return­ Ij.ke road for Ihe improvement of Mea­ | Ben.. za Hill lca.1 and zinc property of §-. C. ed from the scene of »|ierations this dow Valley wash where the track and Loot iind will begin work at once. week, bringing a l»ottle of oil to lubri- the right-of-way have lieen playing This I-, one of the liest properties in the , nte the enthusiasm of IJ*S Vrgaa spee- LIVE ITEMS hide itnl-go-seek during the storms of LATE NEWS camp. liiitors who have taken up land in the .lohn Ityan says the hottest ilay of the past two winters. Two good residences are being built valley. i the year at Ludlow was Tuesday, when .1 F Creel and wife, Uhyolite There i« forty miles of territory in I iiio.1 .prings and more work in this Mrs Salshtirv The verdict of the Boise jury was ren­ line w ill he Blurted -""ll. tretl l.e.nick of Khyoiite, president I the thermometer registered IU in thel 111r.•'.__• 11 the wash to he safeguarded. A C furry. Toiieka, Kan dered early Sunday morning Bcqoitting A |_-titioti for the t-talilishuient of a .il the Virgin River Oil an.l Develop­ shade of the T. .V T. railn.a.1 ..dices. Instead of driving piles and filling in, I- ll Mavnartl, Tonopah. Nev. Hay wood of the charge of complicity in public school i* being signed up l.v the ment Co, is in Boa Angeles with a bot- The terminal buildings of tlie Borax A.idro I'etrovieh the most dangerous portions will lie the murder of (i..v. Steunenherg. The people of I innd-print!*. and will he pre­ ;!, of oil in his hip pocket. He says he railroa.l will lie at Beatty. Mrs Henry - I'eshoto, Uhyolite spanned with «teel structures. All abut­ jury believed the Federation official sented at tin- next meeting oi the 4 Thos |l Kee. Lflfl Anvfeles ment* will lie of concrete. There are '..> ther* to purchase rigs to commence Kx|ierts throw il.niht mi the value of; guilty, but excused its action hy saying Miss.lelilii.-Mi-ll.iH.il, |.,,s Angeles eight construction trains at work in the Coaaty Commissioners. vork on twu additional wells. the Virgin Liver oil discoveries. Tliey M II Kern and son, Bellview. U that it was in accordance with the wssh it present. The ..re shipments from the railroad \n ex-s^rt named Watson has re|iort- may lie correct, or perhaps aumabody <i B Waterman, lioldfield technical instructions of the judge. station at .lean averages over :!ll tons II Burris, Los Angeles INSPKCTION TOl'll ,..| that the valley is of volcanic forma­ j wants to Is-ar the prices and l.uy in per day of better than f 40 ore. Add to II LBB, Mayor Taylor has appointed, with stocks cheap. tion and Ihal il is an ini|M»ssiliility for .1 C Moffatt " A -I'l-cial train carrying otticials of one exception, an entire new hoard ..f this the output of the Potosi and the oil to exist there in any quantity K. T. Why not test the oil lands on Virgin .1 W Rogers, Salt Lake the Sail Lake road on their annual tour sn|iervisors for San Francisco. Con­ Keystone and it makes a daily produc­ Maxwell is willing to liet him a million River anil Muddy River, Lincoln County. K l> Bellows, l.os Angeles of ins|iection arrived ia IJIS Vegas Sat- vict Schinitz has also appointed a new tion f"i thi- district "I over IL'.IKNI | ,-r W W (luff, jr Salt Lake .loliars he don't knowoil when he sees it. urdai t veiling, leaving for the north boafd, from the ranks of union brickbat day. This Ia hut a small fraction "f It has not yet heen settled whether Henry Willard and lady, Los Angeles what can lie produced* when we get a The same Wat-mn says l.emick's well early Sunday morning. Aboard the throwers, who threaten to storm tbe hig railroad shops for the Salt Lake will Nath Kuhn. (Ig.len ronsentratoraad a sine smelter, which 4 1" P Smith, SaiiLramisco speciit! were R, lv Wells, general man­ will not produce M Barrels a day. IK luiilt at Los Angeles or Las Neons. letty hall ami nasi Mayor Taylor's w ill come soon. lit-inick ileliaatljr shakes his Uiltle of <i (' Howard, l...s A agates ager I. If. Ilavisson, snpt. machinerv; , appointees. Over Will mining companies have W A Butter. I..,- Angeles Bobbins brothers I.HM- bonded their anti-trust oil and tillers to pay the ex- T. P Ciillen, snpt. L. A. divison; 11. ottices in l.os Angeles. It is any Won­ M B Brown Idaho assassins will now probably he- lend iiiiii Bine prop. Hy. near the famous pesses nl a .'..ininittee fnun the Chain- I rank Edwin, Chicago Ff. Van lloiisen, snpt. S. L. divison: It. Monte Cristo, to Khvolite parties, der that the moth gets into tin- flame Kin to lay their plan* to "get" Gover­ (has w Abbott, Pioche K. lin.wn, engineer maintenance way. Tlie contract on tne Tain oshanter I ,-r ..f Com meres to prove that it will nor * tootling. now an.l then. W 1-" Price, Lot Angeles S. L. ilivison; M. Barnard, representing i* finished nnd another nne is t.. he ht produce KM harrels a day without a B M Preecott, Los Angeles -'.on. Ff. M Jcssnp, engineer maintenance The jury in the (tin., luji.-ry case Bl »tniggle. C II Nccilliaui, Salt Lake Sun Francisco disagreed. The GoodspringS l*ase hall team feel There is reported to Ix- a remarkable State Fair .1 E Busch, Rhyolite way I. \. divison; W. C. Fra/.ier, gupt. a liille hurt "i course .m-i their defeat abeenca of gas ia tl.e Virgin river pro­ I ieo B Thorn peon, jr Independence, I.ri.l.i- md building, L. A. division; The LII -round g>. between Brill and nt l.n- Vegas, last Mm.las iiiit an- plan­ A stale fair will l.e held at Reno for a Kan ing for another trial with most san­ duct, hut tlie hot air it pr.aluces is ltm Mr Shanahan, snpt. bridge and build­ Nelson al San Fraiici-..n Wednesday perital of six days beginning with Sep- Frank William, (Igtlen guine hope- ..I victory. Tiny ail apeak degrees specific gravity. B (i Tuthill, Los Angeles ing, *- I. divison; F. II. I.amh, supt. night Wii- won l.v Brill, iu ..ne id the ti-inhcr llilh. well "I the treatment lliey received Maxwell says that for cooking pur­ R Wichiesen. Salt Lake Western I'nion T. It-graph Co., T. P. ! livliest scrap* ol r.-c-nl dale. while iii our neighboring city. PufBes-to the aim.unt of 18,000 w ill he R M Oeppert, Tonopah poses the Virgin oil surpasses |sirk fat, Siniili. snpt. t-.tiislructioii W. I'. given for running and trotting runs R W Campbell, Searchlight i-ottolena *'r short-o. and he expects to Tel ('., ; |. T. Dye sap*, telegraph,] and liberal rewards nnd premium arc W A Potter Los Angeles bave it mi sale at the meat market as Mrs l> Deeble, Tonopah Sah Like Railroad ('... arranged lor Ihe other features ami soon as he can frame up a Bailable IHIK-I Alice V llt-elile, The presence of the Western I'nion attractions. miller tlie I'ure F.xal law. W RClarke, Salt Lake official* is in conaection with relocating II \ Alien, (iol.Hi.-l.l _i a luhricator it is saitl to he unex­ Mining Deeds al The Age office. the line above Hood level through the DTHE BIG STORED Dudley Warner, Tokio, Japan I. ¥ Fleaatann, Silver lake, Calif Me.i.l ia Valley Wash. If I. Kraser, Crackerjack, Calil NKW Ff NCI NES The Salt Lake will receive twenty Is a Convenient Adjacent Towns and Camps Supplied new engines within two weeks while Gold Center Water twenty-three more will arrive in De­ The (told Center Water and Mills, cember.
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