Comment or other suggestions for names (add Proposed not Date your initial or name and Scientific name in Checklist English Name British Source acceptedwhy suggested comments here) Date proposed uid Geoff Dann - Clustered Mushroom LH - Clustered Liz for use in a book about Mushroom already taken by Agaricus bohusii Medusa mushroom Holden edible fungi by Geoff Dann Agaricus capellianus (2003) 13/01/2016 1 LH - comtulus translates as 'adorned' - I prefer ornamental to adorned or ornamented MS ornamental refers to the entire object. Adorned means it has Liz ornament, so ornamented Agaricus comtulus ornamented mushroom Holden Informal suggestion would be correct. LH OK 25/02/2016 2 Liz Agaricus cupreobrunneus copper mushrooom Holden Informal suggestion 25/02/2016 3 LH - wanting to avoid the proper name 'Devon'. there are many meanings given for the word 'Devon' some best avoided! This species does Liz seem to like coastal sandy Agaricus devoniensis sandy mushroom Holden Informal suggestion spots 25/02/2016 4 Geoff Dann - is the only member of that genus described by Phillips as "delicious". There is no obvious common name for it, but it has ended up in the book next to The Prince, which is so-called because it is both rather handsome and the most highly prized of the well-known Agaricus species. A. lanipes is half its size, but visually similar and one of the few members of the genus that's as tasty as The Prince. So why not "The Princess"? LH - Or even possibly 'The Princeling' - maybe not base a name on the idea that the female is smaller - can feel the pc police bristling?! Against the latter is the fact that they are not too closely related being in different sections in Agaricus and on balance prefer 'The Princess'. 'Lanipes' translates roughly as 'wooly foot '- could be a ref to the rhizomorphs that are sometimes at the bottom of Geoff for use in a book about the stipe? MS - Lanipes Agaricus lanipes the princess Dann edible fungi by Geoff Dann means Woolly Column Foot 06/01/2016 5 LH - Another species that likes coastal grassland. Not Liz exclusively but 'litoralis' refers Agaricus litoralis coastal mushoom Holden Informal suggestion to the coast or shore. 25/02/2016 6 LH - for the cystidia MS Liz rubber gloves field cap LH I Agrocybe arvalis digitate fieldcap Holden Informal suggestion still think I prefer digitate 25/02/2016 7 Liz Agrocybe paludosa marsh fieldcap Holden Informal suggestion LH - plalustri = marsh 25/02/2016 8 LH - going for 'Disco' for this genus for the shape of the young fruit body. Rose for the most frequent substrate in the UK MS rose sounds like the colour - particularly confusing when latin name is aurantius. Liz Briar disco is much better! LH Aleurodiscus aurantius briar disco Holden Informal suggestion - absolutely agree 25/02/2016 9 Liz Amanita argentea silvery amanita Holden Informal suggestion LH - argent = silver 25/02/2016 10 Liz LH - for the band of Amanita battarrae banded amanita Holden Informal suggestion contrasting colour on the cap. 25/02/2016 11 Liz Amanita inopinata unexpected amanita Holden Informal suggestion LH - inopinata = unexpected 25/02/2016 12 Liz Amanita verna spring amanita Holden Informal suggestion LH - vernal = spring 25/02/2016 13 LH - amphi - both sides, nemato = thread (3 language list botanical names). Sticking with duster (see Coniophora) Liz and cratered for distinct Amphinema byssoides cratered duster Holden Informal suggestion 'craters' in the hymenium. 25/02/2016 14 Liz LH - Chaillet - a mycologist. Amylostereum chailletii powdered duster Holden Informal suggestion Pileus finely tomentose. 25/02/2016 15 LH - laevigata = made smooth Liz (Rea). Often on old Amylostereum laevigatum yew duster Holden Informal suggestion churchyard yew trees 25/02/2016 16 LH - possibly connected with antro = cave or cavern - for Liz the pores? Seriale - in series Antrodia serialis serried crust Holden Informal suggestion (Rea) 25/02/2016 17 Liz Antrodia xantha yellow crust Holden Informal suggestion LH - xantha = yellow 25/02/2016 18 Liz Armillaria borealis northern honey fungus Holden Informal suggestion LH - boreal = northern 25/02/2016 19 LH - oniscus = wood louse Liz (Rea). Slater = wood louse - Arrhenia onisca slater navel Holden Informal suggestion given for dark grey colour. 25/02/2016 20 LH - philonotis = wet loving (Rea). already got bog navel. Liz MS mire navel; (drop the "d") Arrhenia philonotis mire navel Holden Informal suggestion LH OK 25/02/2016 21 Liz LH - spathula = broad blade Arrhenia spathulata spatulate oysterling Holden Informal suggestion (Rea) MS or spatulate LH OK 22 Liz LH - sphagnicola = I live in Arrhenia sphagnicola sphagnum navel Holden Informal suggestion sphagnum (Rea) 25/02/2016 23 LH - cervicolor = deer colour (Rea). Couldn't think of a deer Liz word that went well with Asterostroma cervicolor brown starweb Holden Informal suggestion starweb though 25/02/2016 24 LH - laxa = loose (Rea) astero = star. Starweb seems to sum up the structure to me - needs to be something special given Liz the wow factor down the Asterostroma laxum loose starweb Holden Informal suggestion scope... 25/02/2016 25 LH - See Coniophora. Really liking the word 'duster' for these guys. arachnoid = spiders web (Rea). Athelia - hmm, Cof NE use atheliod to Liz mean with a detachable Athelia arachnoidea cobweb duster Holden Informal suggestion pellicle. 25/02/2016 26 LH - basidia arranged in candleabra form is a feature of Athelia. Since A. epiphylla is likely to be an aggregate of species, this overarching Liz image is rather nice - I Athelia epiphylla candleabra duster Holden Informal suggestion think...! 25/02/2016 27 MS - Returning to mascara – I see it’s sold in different colours, including white. Perhaps useful for one of the ciliate discos, Belonidium sulphureum perhaps. Yellow- mascara disco. tml/p1/p108643.php of course it could equally apply to Belonidium mollisimum so perhaps we’d need a MS name that emphasised their different seasons. Belonidium Belonidium sulphureum yellow mascara disco Malcolm Storey informal suggestion could be “mascara-discos”. 02/07/2014 28 LH - cisalpinus = on southern side of the Alps i.e. this side of the Alps - if in Rome! (WordReference - on line). Liz Gone for colour in stem base Boletus cisalpinus bluefoot bolete Holden Informal suggestion where cut. 25/02/2016 29 Liz LH - for scientific species Boletus ferrugineus rusty bolete Holden Informal suggestion name - iron or rust colour. 21/01/2016 30 Geoff Dann - Boletus legaliae was named after French mycologist called Le Gal - so "Le Gal's Bolete". LH - Hmm, in our guidelines we wanted to avoid using personal names as a rule - that makes things more difficult of course. This is one of the few boletes that is thought to be toxic - how about something like 'Bilious Bolete'? The current scientific name for this is Rubroboletus legaliae see Index Fungorum http://www.speciesfungorum.o rg/names/GSDSpecies.asp?R ecordID=551285 GD - Regarding its latin name, I did speak to Martyn Ainsworth at Kew about the taxonomic disruption in Boletus, and eventually decided to call everything Boletus and supply the latest of the new genus names as a synonym. The problem is that the names are changing so fast, and sometimes changing more than once, that it is hard to know what the taxonomic Liz for use in a book about landscape will look like when Boletus legaliae bilious bolete Holden edible fungi by Geoff Dann the dust settles. 06/01/2016 31 Liz Boletus ripariellus riverine bolete Holden Informal suggestion LH - for the habitat 25/02/2016 32 Liz LH - aestivalis - pertaining to Bovista aestivalis summer puffball Holden Informal suggestion summer (Rea) 25/02/2016 33 LH - bulbillosus = with a little bulb (Rea). Farinaceous = mealy (Rea). This is a waxy corticioid when fresh so gone with crust. Couldn't think of anything snappy to include the Aegerita stage other than floury. MS The granules are larger than flour. Semolina Liz crust? LH - like your thinking - Bulbillomyces farinosus couscous crust Holden Informal suggestion maybe couscous crust? 25/02/2016 34 Liz Calocera furcata forked stagshorn Holden Informal suggestion LH - furcate = forked (Rea) 25/01/2016 35 LH - calyptra = woman's veil (Rea). Old name Cyphella = hollow of ear (Rea). hoodie is Liz modern word for hooded Calyptella campanula bell hoodie Holden Informal suggestion garment. 25/02/2016 36 Liz LH - capula = small bowl with Calyptella capula bowl hoodie Holden Informal suggestion handle (Rea) 25/02/2016 37 Liz Cantharellus amethysteus amethyst chanterelle Holden Informal suggestion 25/02/2016 38 LH - candidum/s = shining Liz white (Rea). cheimo = winter Cheimonophyllum candidissimum snowy oysterling Holden Informal suggestion (3 language botanical names 25/02/2016 39 LH I'm inclined to think that Brown Parasol would be fine here - it reflects the scientific name and pretty sure that brunneum refers to the colour rather than anything else. Geoff Kibby has illustrated his concept of this species in Field Mycology 12.3 and shows what he calls 'a relatively simple' ring with a smooth, brown underside. The cap is also reddish brown all over but only when it is unexpanded. The ring can Liz for use in a book about also be white beneath and Chlorophyllum brunneum brown p+D44arasol Holden edible fungi by Geoff Dann become increasingly brown. 08/01/2016 40 Geoff Dann - is one of three species that all inherited the common name “Shaggy Parasol” from what was until recently known as Macrolepiota rhacodes. The specific epithet presumably refers to its darker cap colours than the other two, “Olive Shaggy Parasol” being the obvious common name. MS doesn’t that refer to somebody called Oliver rather than the fruit or colour? Not sure.
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